Characterization of rock masses and evaluation of their mechanical properties are important and challenging tasks in rock mechanics and rock engineering. Since in many cases rock quality designation (RQD) is the onl...Characterization of rock masses and evaluation of their mechanical properties are important and challenging tasks in rock mechanics and rock engineering. Since in many cases rock quality designation (RQD) is the only rock mass classification index available, this paper outlines the key aspects on determination of RQD and evaluates the empirical methods based on RQD for determining the deformation modulus and unconfined compressive strength of rock masses. First, various methods for determining RQD are presented and the effects of different factors on determination of RQD are highlighted. Then, the empirical methods based on RQD for determining the deformation modulus and unconfined compressive strength of rock masses are briefly reviewed. Finally, the empirical methods based on RQD are used to determine the deformation modulus and unconfined compressive strength of rock masses at five different sites including 13 cases, and the results are compared with those obtained by other empirical methods based on rock mass classification indices such as rock mass rating (RMR), Q-system (Q) and geological strength index (GSI). It is shown that the empirical methods based on RQD tend to give deformation modulus values close to the lower bound (conservative) and unconfined compressive strength values in the middle of the corresponding values from different empirical methods based on RMR, Q and GSI. The empirical methods based on RQD provide a convenient way for estimating the mechanical properties of rock masses but, whenever possible, they should be used together with other empirical methods based on RMR, Qand GSI.展开更多
In th is study, a n e w m odel w as p re se n te d for com p u tin g stre n g th o f rock m asses based u p o n in -situo bservations o f RQD p o pularly kno w n as rock quality d esignation. This m odel links u p th ...In th is study, a n e w m odel w as p re se n te d for com p u tin g stre n g th o f rock m asses based u p o n in -situo bservations o f RQD p o pularly kno w n as rock quality d esignation. This m odel links u p th e rock m assp aram eters from in -situ investigations w ith th e stre n g th p a ram eters o f jo in ted rocks obtain ed fromlaboratory scale ex p erim en tal observations. Using th e co n stitu tiv e relation, th e a u th o r derived a p ressu reand d am age sensitive plastic p a ra m e te r to d ete rm in e stre n g th o f rock m asses for varied ex te n ts ofd isco n tin u ity an d p ressu re induced dam age. The te s t results show th a t plasticity characterized byhard en in g an d softening inclusive o f dam ag e invariably d e p en d s u p o n m ean p ressu re an d e x te n t ofdefo rm atio n s alread y experien ced by rock m asses. The p re se n t w ork explores th e te s t d a ta th a t revealth e d ep en d en c e o f in -situ stren g th on increm ental jo in t p ara m e te rs o b tain ed from th e jo in t num ber,jo in t orien tatio n , jo in t roughness, gouge p a ram eters an d w a te r pressure. S ubstituting th e relationshipb e tw e e n th e RQD and m odified jo in t factor w ith th a t b e tw e e n m odulus ratio an d stren g th ratio, th em odel show s successfully th a t using d am age inclusive plastic p a ra m e te r an d RQD provides a relationshipfor estim atin g th e stre n g th o f rock m asses. One o f th e m ain objectives o f this w ork is to illustrate th a t th ep re se n t m odel is sensitive to p la s tic ity a n d dam ag e to g e th e r in estim atin g in -situ stre n g th o f rock m assesin foundations, u n d e rg ro u n d excavation an d tunnels.展开更多
The assessment of in situ permeability of rock mass is challenging for large-scale projects such as reservoirs created by dams,where water tightness issues are of prime importance.The in situ permeability is strongly ...The assessment of in situ permeability of rock mass is challenging for large-scale projects such as reservoirs created by dams,where water tightness issues are of prime importance.The in situ permeability is strongly related to the frequency and distribution of discontinuities in the rock mass and quantified by rock quality designation(RQD).This paper analyzes the data of hydraulic conductivity and discontinuities sampled at different depths during the borehole investigations in the limestone and sandstone formations for the construction of hydraulic structures in Oman.Cores recovered from boreholes provide RQD data,and in situ Lugeon tests elucidate the permeability.A modern technique of multivariate adaptive regression splines(MARS)assisted in correlating permeability and RQD along with the depth.In situ permeability shows a declining trend with increasing RQD,and the depth of investigation is within 50 m.This type of relationship can be developed based on detailed initial investigations at the site where the hydraulic conductivity of discontinuous rocks is required to be delineated.The relationship can approximate the permeability by only measuring the RQD in later investigations on the same site,thus saving the time and cost of the site investigations.The applicability of the relationship developed in this study to another location requires a lithological similarity of the rock mass that can be verified through preliminary investigation at the site.展开更多
文摘Characterization of rock masses and evaluation of their mechanical properties are important and challenging tasks in rock mechanics and rock engineering. Since in many cases rock quality designation (RQD) is the only rock mass classification index available, this paper outlines the key aspects on determination of RQD and evaluates the empirical methods based on RQD for determining the deformation modulus and unconfined compressive strength of rock masses. First, various methods for determining RQD are presented and the effects of different factors on determination of RQD are highlighted. Then, the empirical methods based on RQD for determining the deformation modulus and unconfined compressive strength of rock masses are briefly reviewed. Finally, the empirical methods based on RQD are used to determine the deformation modulus and unconfined compressive strength of rock masses at five different sites including 13 cases, and the results are compared with those obtained by other empirical methods based on rock mass classification indices such as rock mass rating (RMR), Q-system (Q) and geological strength index (GSI). It is shown that the empirical methods based on RQD tend to give deformation modulus values close to the lower bound (conservative) and unconfined compressive strength values in the middle of the corresponding values from different empirical methods based on RMR, Q and GSI. The empirical methods based on RQD provide a convenient way for estimating the mechanical properties of rock masses but, whenever possible, they should be used together with other empirical methods based on RMR, Qand GSI.
文摘In th is study, a n e w m odel w as p re se n te d for com p u tin g stre n g th o f rock m asses based u p o n in -situo bservations o f RQD p o pularly kno w n as rock quality d esignation. This m odel links u p th e rock m assp aram eters from in -situ investigations w ith th e stre n g th p a ram eters o f jo in ted rocks obtain ed fromlaboratory scale ex p erim en tal observations. Using th e co n stitu tiv e relation, th e a u th o r derived a p ressu reand d am age sensitive plastic p a ra m e te r to d ete rm in e stre n g th o f rock m asses for varied ex te n ts ofd isco n tin u ity an d p ressu re induced dam age. The te s t results show th a t plasticity characterized byhard en in g an d softening inclusive o f dam ag e invariably d e p en d s u p o n m ean p ressu re an d e x te n t ofdefo rm atio n s alread y experien ced by rock m asses. The p re se n t w ork explores th e te s t d a ta th a t revealth e d ep en d en c e o f in -situ stren g th on increm ental jo in t p ara m e te rs o b tain ed from th e jo in t num ber,jo in t orien tatio n , jo in t roughness, gouge p a ram eters an d w a te r pressure. S ubstituting th e relationshipb e tw e e n th e RQD and m odified jo in t factor w ith th a t b e tw e e n m odulus ratio an d stren g th ratio, th em odel show s successfully th a t using d am age inclusive plastic p a ra m e te r an d RQD provides a relationshipfor estim atin g th e stre n g th o f rock m asses. One o f th e m ain objectives o f this w ork is to illustrate th a t th ep re se n t m odel is sensitive to p la s tic ity a n d dam ag e to g e th e r in estim atin g in -situ stre n g th o f rock m assesin foundations, u n d e rg ro u n d excavation an d tunnels.
基金indebted to the Sohar University and the University of Buraimi, Oman, to support this study
文摘The assessment of in situ permeability of rock mass is challenging for large-scale projects such as reservoirs created by dams,where water tightness issues are of prime importance.The in situ permeability is strongly related to the frequency and distribution of discontinuities in the rock mass and quantified by rock quality designation(RQD).This paper analyzes the data of hydraulic conductivity and discontinuities sampled at different depths during the borehole investigations in the limestone and sandstone formations for the construction of hydraulic structures in Oman.Cores recovered from boreholes provide RQD data,and in situ Lugeon tests elucidate the permeability.A modern technique of multivariate adaptive regression splines(MARS)assisted in correlating permeability and RQD along with the depth.In situ permeability shows a declining trend with increasing RQD,and the depth of investigation is within 50 m.This type of relationship can be developed based on detailed initial investigations at the site where the hydraulic conductivity of discontinuous rocks is required to be delineated.The relationship can approximate the permeability by only measuring the RQD in later investigations on the same site,thus saving the time and cost of the site investigations.The applicability of the relationship developed in this study to another location requires a lithological similarity of the rock mass that can be verified through preliminary investigation at the site.