In this paper we discuss the smoothness of inertial manifolds under time discretization. By the fibre contract principle, see Section 4, we obtain a sufficient condition for C-k(k greater than or equal to 1) inertial ...In this paper we discuss the smoothness of inertial manifolds under time discretization. By the fibre contract principle, see Section 4, we obtain a sufficient condition for C-k(k greater than or equal to 1) inertial manifolds. In view of the numerical computation for dissipative nonlinear evolution equations, it is more important to consider the discretized case than continuous case([3]).展开更多
We construct optimal k-step, 5- to 10-stage, explicit, strong-stability-preserving Hermite-Birkhoff (SSP HB) methods of order 12 with nonnegative coefficients by combining linear k-step methods of order 9 with 5- to 1...We construct optimal k-step, 5- to 10-stage, explicit, strong-stability-preserving Hermite-Birkhoff (SSP HB) methods of order 12 with nonnegative coefficients by combining linear k-step methods of order 9 with 5- to 10-stage Runge-Kutta (RK) methods of order 4. Since these methods maintain the monotonicity property, they are well suited for solving hyperbolic PDEs by the method of lines after a spatial discretization. It is seen that the 8-step 7-stage HB methods have largest effective SSP coefficient among the HB methods of order 12 on hand. On Burgers’ equations, some of the new HB methods have larger maximum effective CFL numbers than Huang’s 7-step hybrid method of order 7, thus allowing larger step size.展开更多
We’ll consider the model of two-phase compressible miscible displacement in porous media which includes molecular diffusion and dispersion in one dimensional space. Time-discretization procedure is established and an...We’ll consider the model of two-phase compressible miscible displacement in porous media which includes molecular diffusion and dispersion in one dimensional space. Time-discretization procedure is established and analysed. The optimal error estimate in L2 norm is proved by introducing a new interpolation operator R.展开更多
A high-order full-discretization method (FDM) using Hermite interpolation (HFDM) is proposed and implemented for periodic systems with time delay. Both Lagrange interpolation and Hermite interpolation are used to ...A high-order full-discretization method (FDM) using Hermite interpolation (HFDM) is proposed and implemented for periodic systems with time delay. Both Lagrange interpolation and Hermite interpolation are used to approximate state values and delayed state values in each discretization step. The transition matrix over a single period is determined and used for stability analysis. The proposed method increases the approximation order of the semidiscretization method and the FDM without increasing the computational time. The convergence, precision, and efficiency of the proposed method are investigated using several Mathieu equations and a complex turning model as examples. Comparison shows that the proposed HFDM converges faster and uses less computational time than existing methods.展开更多
This paper considers pricing European options under the well-known of SVJ model of Bates and related computational methods. According to the no-arbitrage principle, we first derive a partial differential equation that...This paper considers pricing European options under the well-known of SVJ model of Bates and related computational methods. According to the no-arbitrage principle, we first derive a partial differential equation that the value of any European contingent claim should satisfy, where the asset price obeys the SVJ model. This equation is numerically solved by using the implicit- explicit backward difference method and time semi-discretization. In order to explain the validity of our method, the stability of time semi-discretization scheme is also proved. Finally, we use a simulation example to illustrate the efficiency of the method.展开更多
We propose a symplectic partitioned Runge-Kutta (SPRK) method with eighth-order spatial accuracy based on the extended Hamiltonian system of the acoustic waveequation. Known as the eighth-order NSPRK method, this te...We propose a symplectic partitioned Runge-Kutta (SPRK) method with eighth-order spatial accuracy based on the extended Hamiltonian system of the acoustic waveequation. Known as the eighth-order NSPRK method, this technique uses an eighth-orderaccurate nearly analytic discrete (NAD) operator to discretize high-order spatial differentialoperators and employs a second-order SPRK method to discretize temporal derivatives.The stability criteria and numerical dispersion relations of the eighth-order NSPRK methodare given by a semi-analytical method and are tested by numerical experiments. We alsoshow the differences of the numerical dispersions between the eighth-order NSPRK methodand conventional numerical methods such as the fourth-order NSPRK method, the eighth-order Lax-Wendroff correction (LWC) method and the eighth-order staggered-grid (SG)method. The result shows that the ability of the eighth-order NSPRK method to suppress thenumerical dispersion is obviously superior to that of the conventional numerical methods. Inthe same computational environment, to eliminate visible numerical dispersions, the eighth-order NSPRK is approximately 2.5 times faster than the fourth-order NSPRK and 3.4 timesfaster than the fourth-order SPRK, and the memory requirement is only approximately47.17% of the fourth-order NSPRK method and 49.41% of the fourth-order SPRK method,which indicates the highest computational efficiency. Modeling examples for the two-layermodels such as the heterogeneous and Marmousi models show that the wavefields generatedby the eighth-order NSPRK method are very clear with no visible numerical dispersion.These numerical experiments illustrate that the eighth-order NSPRK method can effectivelysuppress numerical dispersion when coarse grids are adopted. Therefore, this methodcan greatly decrease computer memory requirement and accelerate the forward modelingproductivity. In general, the eighth-order NSPRK method has tremendous potential value forseismic exploration and seismology research.展开更多
In this paper, we discuss a discrete time repairable queuing system with Markovian arrival process, where lifetime of server, service time and repair time of server are all discrete phase type random variables. Using...In this paper, we discuss a discrete time repairable queuing system with Markovian arrival process, where lifetime of server, service time and repair time of server are all discrete phase type random variables. Using the theory of matrix geometric solution, we give the steady state distribution of queue length and waiting time. In addition, the stable availability of the system is also provided.展开更多
A discrete time stochastic traffic assignment model is proposed. The model provides a discrete time description of the variations of flows on a road network during a day or a peak period. The congestion effect at li...A discrete time stochastic traffic assignment model is proposed. The model provides a discrete time description of the variations of flows on a road network during a day or a peak period. The congestion effect at links and link junctions are taken into account. The first in first out principle is enforced on all links at all periods of the day. A stochastic user equilibrium assignment is achieved when the tripmaker is unable to find better travel alternatives. A computational procedure is also presented.展开更多
The robust stability analysis of discrete time systems with fast time varying uncertainties is considered in this paper. The necessary and sufficient conditions for quadratic stability are presented. Moreover, the s...The robust stability analysis of discrete time systems with fast time varying uncertainties is considered in this paper. The necessary and sufficient conditions for quadratic stability are presented. Moreover, the stability robustness index is introduced as the measurement of the stability robustness. For the systems with given uncertain parameter bounds, checking the necessary and sufficient conditions and calculating the stability robust index are converted to solving minimax problems. It is shown that the maximization can be reduced to comparisons between the functional values of the corners when the parameter region is bounded by hyperpolydredon, and any local minimum value in the minimization is exactly the global minimum.展开更多
In this paper, by defining new state vectors and developing new transfer matrices of various elements mov- ing in space, the discrete time transfer matrix method of multi-rigid-flexible-body system is expanded to stud...In this paper, by defining new state vectors and developing new transfer matrices of various elements mov- ing in space, the discrete time transfer matrix method of multi-rigid-flexible-body system is expanded to study the dynamics of multibody system with flexible beams moving in space. Formulations and numerical example of a rigid- flexible-body three pendulums system moving in space are given to validate the method. Using the new method to study the dynamics of multi-rigid-flexible-body system mov- ing in space, the global dynamics equations of system are not needed, the orders of involved matrices of the system are very low and the computational speed is high, irrespec- tive of the size of the system. The new method is simple, straightforward, practical, and provides a powerful tool for multi-rigid-flexible-body system dynamics.展开更多
Wi-Fi devices have limited battery life because of which conserving battery life is imperative. The 802.11 Wi-Fi standard provides power management feature that allows stations(STAs) to enter into sleep state to prese...Wi-Fi devices have limited battery life because of which conserving battery life is imperative. The 802.11 Wi-Fi standard provides power management feature that allows stations(STAs) to enter into sleep state to preserve energy without any frame losses. After the STA wakes up, it sends a null data or PS-Poll frame to retrieve frame(s) buffered by the access point(AP), if any during its sleep period. An attacker can launch a power save denial of service(PS-DoS) attack on the sleeping STA(s) by transmitting a spoofed null data or PS-Poll frame(s) to retrieve the buffered frame(s) of the sleeping STA(s) from the AP causing frame losses for the targeted STA(s). Current approaches to prevent or detect the PS-DoS attack require encryption,change in protocol or installation of proprietary hardware. These solutions suffer from expensive setup, maintenance, scalability and deployment issues. The PS-DoS attack does not differ in semantics or statistics under normal and attack circumstances.So signature and anomaly based intrusion detection system(IDS) are unfit to detect the PS-DoS attack. In this paper we propose a timed IDS based on real time discrete event system(RTDES) for detecting PS-DoS attack. The proposed DES based IDS overcomes the drawbacks of existing systems and detects the PS-DoS attack with high accuracy and detection rate. The correctness of the RTDES based IDS is proved by experimenting all possible attack scenarios.展开更多
Bulking characteristics of gangue are of great significance for the stability of goafs in mining overburden in the caving zones.In this paper,a particle discrete element method with clusters to represent gangue was ad...Bulking characteristics of gangue are of great significance for the stability of goafs in mining overburden in the caving zones.In this paper,a particle discrete element method with clusters to represent gangue was adopted to explore the bulking coefficient time effect of the broken rock in the caving zone under three-dimensional triaxial compression condition.The phenomena of stress corrosion,deformation,and failure of rock blocks were simulated in the numerical model.Meanwhile,a new criterion of rock fragments damage was put forward.It was found that the broken rock has obvious viscoelastic properties.A new equation based on the Burgers creep model was proposed to predict the bulking coefficient of broken rock.A deformation characteristic parameter of the prediction equation was analyzed,which can be set as a fixed value in the mid-and long-term prediction of the bulking coefficient.There are quadratic function relationships between the deformation characteristic parameter value and Talbot gradation index,axial pressure and confining pressure.展开更多
In this paper, H ∞ state feedback control with delay information for discrete systems with multi-time-delay is discussed. Making use of linear matrix inequality (LMI) approach, a time-delay-dependent criterion for a ...In this paper, H ∞ state feedback control with delay information for discrete systems with multi-time-delay is discussed. Making use of linear matrix inequality (LMI) approach, a time-delay-dependent criterion for a discrete system with multi-time-delay to satisfy H ∞ performance indices is induced, and then a strategy for H ∞ state feedback control with delay values for plant with multi-time-delay is obtained. By solving corresponding LMI, a delay-dependent state feedback controller satisfying H ∞ performance indices is designed. Finally, a simulation example demonstrates the validity of the proposed approach. Keywords Multi-time-delay - discrete time system - LMI - delay-dependent - H ∞ control Bai-Da Qu received B. S. degree in electrical automation from Fuxin Mining Institute, China in 1982, M. Eng. degree from Hefei University of Polytechnology in 1990, and Ph.D from Northerneastern University in 1999. He was an electro-mechanical engineer at Erdaohezi Mine, Heilongjiang, China from 1982 to 1990, a Lecturer, Senior Engineer, Associate Professor and Professor in Shenyang Institue of Technology from 1990 to 2002. He is currently a professor in Communication and Control Engineering School, Southern Yangtze University. His research interests include control theory and applications (robust control, H ∞ control, time-delay systems, complex systems), system engineering (modeling, analysis and simulation, MIS,CMIS), power-electronics and electrical driving, signal detecting and process, industrial automation.展开更多
A discrete event system is a dynamical system whose state evolves in time by the occurrence of events at possibly irregular time intervals. Timed Petri nets are a graphical and mathematical modeling tool applicable to...A discrete event system is a dynamical system whose state evolves in time by the occurrence of events at possibly irregular time intervals. Timed Petri nets are a graphical and mathematical modeling tool applicable to discrete event systems in order to represent its states evolution where the timing at which the state changes is taken into consideration. One of the most important performance issues to be considered in a discrete event system is its stability. Lyapunov theory provides the required tools needed to aboard the stability and stabilization problems for discrete event systems modeled with timed Petri nets whose mathematical model is given in terms of difference equations. By proving stability one guarantees a bound on the discrete event systems state dynamics. When the system is unstable, a sufficient condition to stabilize the system is given. It is shown that it is possible to restrict the discrete event systems state space in such a way that boundedness is achieved. However, the restriction is not numerically precisely known. This inconvenience is overcome by considering a specific recurrence equation, in the max-plus algebra, which is assigned to the timed Petri net graphical model.展开更多
This paper presents an H∞ controller design method for piecewise discrete time linear systems based on a piecewise quadratic Lyapunov function. It is shown that the resulting closed loop system is globally stable wit...This paper presents an H∞ controller design method for piecewise discrete time linear systems based on a piecewise quadratic Lyapunov function. It is shown that the resulting closed loop system is globally stable with guaranteed H∞ performance and the controller can be obtained by solving a set of bilinear matrix inequalities. It has been shown that piecewise quadratic Lyapunov functions are less conservative than the global quadratic Lyapunov functions. A simulation example is also given to illustrate the advantage of the proposed approach.展开更多
For packet-based transmission of data over a network, or temporary sensor failure, etc., data samples may be missing in the measured signals. This paper deals with the problem of H∞ filter design for linear discrete-...For packet-based transmission of data over a network, or temporary sensor failure, etc., data samples may be missing in the measured signals. This paper deals with the problem of H∞ filter design for linear discrete-time systems with missing measurements. The missing measurements will happen at any sample time, and the probability of the occurrence of missing data is assumed to be known. The main purpose is to obtain both full-and reduced-order filters such that the filter error systems are exponentially mean-square stable and guarantee a prescribed H∞ performance in terms of linear matrix inequality (LMI). A numerical example is provided to demonstrate the validity of the proposed design approach.展开更多
Stability analysis and stabilization for discrete-time singular delay systems are addressed,respectively.Firstly,a sufficient condition for regularity,causality and stability for discrete-time singular delay systems i...Stability analysis and stabilization for discrete-time singular delay systems are addressed,respectively.Firstly,a sufficient condition for regularity,causality and stability for discrete-time singular delay systems is derived.Then,by applying the skill of matrix theory,the state feedback controller is designed to guarantee the closed-loop discrete-time singular delay systems to be regular,casual and stable.Finally,numerical examples are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.展开更多
To diagnose the fault of attitude sensors in satellites, this paper proposes a novel approach based on the Kalman filter of the discrete-time descriptor system. By regarding the sensor fault term as the auxiliary stat...To diagnose the fault of attitude sensors in satellites, this paper proposes a novel approach based on the Kalman filter of the discrete-time descriptor system. By regarding the sensor fault term as the auxiliary state vector, the attitude measurement system subjected to the attitude sensor fault is modeled by the discrete-time descriptor system. The condition of estimability of such systems is given. And then a Kalman filter of the discrete-time descriptor system is established based on the methodology of the maximum likelihood estimation. With the descriptor Kalman filter, the state vector of the original system and sensor fault can be estimated simultaneously. The proposed method is able to esti-mate an abrupt sensor fault as well as the incipient one. Moreover, it is also effective in the multiple faults scenario. Simulations are conducted to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed method.展开更多
文摘In this paper we discuss the smoothness of inertial manifolds under time discretization. By the fibre contract principle, see Section 4, we obtain a sufficient condition for C-k(k greater than or equal to 1) inertial manifolds. In view of the numerical computation for dissipative nonlinear evolution equations, it is more important to consider the discretized case than continuous case([3]).
文摘We construct optimal k-step, 5- to 10-stage, explicit, strong-stability-preserving Hermite-Birkhoff (SSP HB) methods of order 12 with nonnegative coefficients by combining linear k-step methods of order 9 with 5- to 10-stage Runge-Kutta (RK) methods of order 4. Since these methods maintain the monotonicity property, they are well suited for solving hyperbolic PDEs by the method of lines after a spatial discretization. It is seen that the 8-step 7-stage HB methods have largest effective SSP coefficient among the HB methods of order 12 on hand. On Burgers’ equations, some of the new HB methods have larger maximum effective CFL numbers than Huang’s 7-step hybrid method of order 7, thus allowing larger step size.
基金This work was supported by National Science Foundation and China State Major Key Project for Basic Research
文摘We’ll consider the model of two-phase compressible miscible displacement in porous media which includes molecular diffusion and dispersion in one dimensional space. Time-discretization procedure is established and analysed. The optimal error estimate in L2 norm is proved by introducing a new interpolation operator R.
基金partially supported by a scholarship from the China Scholarship Councilthe German Research Foundation (DFG) for financial support within the Cluster of Excellence in Simulation Technology (EXC 310) at the University of Stuttgart
文摘A high-order full-discretization method (FDM) using Hermite interpolation (HFDM) is proposed and implemented for periodic systems with time delay. Both Lagrange interpolation and Hermite interpolation are used to approximate state values and delayed state values in each discretization step. The transition matrix over a single period is determined and used for stability analysis. The proposed method increases the approximation order of the semidiscretization method and the FDM without increasing the computational time. The convergence, precision, and efficiency of the proposed method are investigated using several Mathieu equations and a complex turning model as examples. Comparison shows that the proposed HFDM converges faster and uses less computational time than existing methods.
文摘This paper considers pricing European options under the well-known of SVJ model of Bates and related computational methods. According to the no-arbitrage principle, we first derive a partial differential equation that the value of any European contingent claim should satisfy, where the asset price obeys the SVJ model. This equation is numerically solved by using the implicit- explicit backward difference method and time semi-discretization. In order to explain the validity of our method, the stability of time semi-discretization scheme is also proved. Finally, we use a simulation example to illustrate the efficiency of the method.
基金This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 41230210 and 41204074), the Science Foundation of the Education Department of Yunnan Province (No. 2013Z152), and Statoil Company (Contract No. 4502502663).
文摘We propose a symplectic partitioned Runge-Kutta (SPRK) method with eighth-order spatial accuracy based on the extended Hamiltonian system of the acoustic waveequation. Known as the eighth-order NSPRK method, this technique uses an eighth-orderaccurate nearly analytic discrete (NAD) operator to discretize high-order spatial differentialoperators and employs a second-order SPRK method to discretize temporal derivatives.The stability criteria and numerical dispersion relations of the eighth-order NSPRK methodare given by a semi-analytical method and are tested by numerical experiments. We alsoshow the differences of the numerical dispersions between the eighth-order NSPRK methodand conventional numerical methods such as the fourth-order NSPRK method, the eighth-order Lax-Wendroff correction (LWC) method and the eighth-order staggered-grid (SG)method. The result shows that the ability of the eighth-order NSPRK method to suppress thenumerical dispersion is obviously superior to that of the conventional numerical methods. Inthe same computational environment, to eliminate visible numerical dispersions, the eighth-order NSPRK is approximately 2.5 times faster than the fourth-order NSPRK and 3.4 timesfaster than the fourth-order SPRK, and the memory requirement is only approximately47.17% of the fourth-order NSPRK method and 49.41% of the fourth-order SPRK method,which indicates the highest computational efficiency. Modeling examples for the two-layermodels such as the heterogeneous and Marmousi models show that the wavefields generatedby the eighth-order NSPRK method are very clear with no visible numerical dispersion.These numerical experiments illustrate that the eighth-order NSPRK method can effectivelysuppress numerical dispersion when coarse grids are adopted. Therefore, this methodcan greatly decrease computer memory requirement and accelerate the forward modelingproductivity. In general, the eighth-order NSPRK method has tremendous potential value forseismic exploration and seismology research.
文摘In this paper, we discuss a discrete time repairable queuing system with Markovian arrival process, where lifetime of server, service time and repair time of server are all discrete phase type random variables. Using the theory of matrix geometric solution, we give the steady state distribution of queue length and waiting time. In addition, the stable availability of the system is also provided.
文摘A discrete time stochastic traffic assignment model is proposed. The model provides a discrete time description of the variations of flows on a road network during a day or a peak period. The congestion effect at links and link junctions are taken into account. The first in first out principle is enforced on all links at all periods of the day. A stochastic user equilibrium assignment is achieved when the tripmaker is unable to find better travel alternatives. A computational procedure is also presented.
文摘The robust stability analysis of discrete time systems with fast time varying uncertainties is considered in this paper. The necessary and sufficient conditions for quadratic stability are presented. Moreover, the stability robustness index is introduced as the measurement of the stability robustness. For the systems with given uncertain parameter bounds, checking the necessary and sufficient conditions and calculating the stability robust index are converted to solving minimax problems. It is shown that the maximization can be reduced to comparisons between the functional values of the corners when the parameter region is bounded by hyperpolydredon, and any local minimum value in the minimization is exactly the global minimum.
基金supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China Government (10902051)the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (BK2008046)the German Science Foundation
文摘In this paper, by defining new state vectors and developing new transfer matrices of various elements mov- ing in space, the discrete time transfer matrix method of multi-rigid-flexible-body system is expanded to study the dynamics of multibody system with flexible beams moving in space. Formulations and numerical example of a rigid- flexible-body three pendulums system moving in space are given to validate the method. Using the new method to study the dynamics of multi-rigid-flexible-body system mov- ing in space, the global dynamics equations of system are not needed, the orders of involved matrices of the system are very low and the computational speed is high, irrespec- tive of the size of the system. The new method is simple, straightforward, practical, and provides a powerful tool for multi-rigid-flexible-body system dynamics.
基金supported by TATA Consultancy Servies(TCS)Research Fellowship Program,India
文摘Wi-Fi devices have limited battery life because of which conserving battery life is imperative. The 802.11 Wi-Fi standard provides power management feature that allows stations(STAs) to enter into sleep state to preserve energy without any frame losses. After the STA wakes up, it sends a null data or PS-Poll frame to retrieve frame(s) buffered by the access point(AP), if any during its sleep period. An attacker can launch a power save denial of service(PS-DoS) attack on the sleeping STA(s) by transmitting a spoofed null data or PS-Poll frame(s) to retrieve the buffered frame(s) of the sleeping STA(s) from the AP causing frame losses for the targeted STA(s). Current approaches to prevent or detect the PS-DoS attack require encryption,change in protocol or installation of proprietary hardware. These solutions suffer from expensive setup, maintenance, scalability and deployment issues. The PS-DoS attack does not differ in semantics or statistics under normal and attack circumstances.So signature and anomaly based intrusion detection system(IDS) are unfit to detect the PS-DoS attack. In this paper we propose a timed IDS based on real time discrete event system(RTDES) for detecting PS-DoS attack. The proposed DES based IDS overcomes the drawbacks of existing systems and detects the PS-DoS attack with high accuracy and detection rate. The correctness of the RTDES based IDS is proved by experimenting all possible attack scenarios.
基金This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China,NSFC(Nos.U1803118 and 51974296)and the China Scholarship Council(CSC)(award to Fanfei Meng for PhD period at Kyushu University).
文摘Bulking characteristics of gangue are of great significance for the stability of goafs in mining overburden in the caving zones.In this paper,a particle discrete element method with clusters to represent gangue was adopted to explore the bulking coefficient time effect of the broken rock in the caving zone under three-dimensional triaxial compression condition.The phenomena of stress corrosion,deformation,and failure of rock blocks were simulated in the numerical model.Meanwhile,a new criterion of rock fragments damage was put forward.It was found that the broken rock has obvious viscoelastic properties.A new equation based on the Burgers creep model was proposed to predict the bulking coefficient of broken rock.A deformation characteristic parameter of the prediction equation was analyzed,which can be set as a fixed value in the mid-and long-term prediction of the bulking coefficient.There are quadratic function relationships between the deformation characteristic parameter value and Talbot gradation index,axial pressure and confining pressure.
文摘In this paper, H ∞ state feedback control with delay information for discrete systems with multi-time-delay is discussed. Making use of linear matrix inequality (LMI) approach, a time-delay-dependent criterion for a discrete system with multi-time-delay to satisfy H ∞ performance indices is induced, and then a strategy for H ∞ state feedback control with delay values for plant with multi-time-delay is obtained. By solving corresponding LMI, a delay-dependent state feedback controller satisfying H ∞ performance indices is designed. Finally, a simulation example demonstrates the validity of the proposed approach. Keywords Multi-time-delay - discrete time system - LMI - delay-dependent - H ∞ control Bai-Da Qu received B. S. degree in electrical automation from Fuxin Mining Institute, China in 1982, M. Eng. degree from Hefei University of Polytechnology in 1990, and Ph.D from Northerneastern University in 1999. He was an electro-mechanical engineer at Erdaohezi Mine, Heilongjiang, China from 1982 to 1990, a Lecturer, Senior Engineer, Associate Professor and Professor in Shenyang Institue of Technology from 1990 to 2002. He is currently a professor in Communication and Control Engineering School, Southern Yangtze University. His research interests include control theory and applications (robust control, H ∞ control, time-delay systems, complex systems), system engineering (modeling, analysis and simulation, MIS,CMIS), power-electronics and electrical driving, signal detecting and process, industrial automation.
文摘A discrete event system is a dynamical system whose state evolves in time by the occurrence of events at possibly irregular time intervals. Timed Petri nets are a graphical and mathematical modeling tool applicable to discrete event systems in order to represent its states evolution where the timing at which the state changes is taken into consideration. One of the most important performance issues to be considered in a discrete event system is its stability. Lyapunov theory provides the required tools needed to aboard the stability and stabilization problems for discrete event systems modeled with timed Petri nets whose mathematical model is given in terms of difference equations. By proving stability one guarantees a bound on the discrete event systems state dynamics. When the system is unstable, a sufficient condition to stabilize the system is given. It is shown that it is possible to restrict the discrete event systems state space in such a way that boundedness is achieved. However, the restriction is not numerically precisely known. This inconvenience is overcome by considering a specific recurrence equation, in the max-plus algebra, which is assigned to the timed Petri net graphical model.
文摘This paper presents an H∞ controller design method for piecewise discrete time linear systems based on a piecewise quadratic Lyapunov function. It is shown that the resulting closed loop system is globally stable with guaranteed H∞ performance and the controller can be obtained by solving a set of bilinear matrix inequalities. It has been shown that piecewise quadratic Lyapunov functions are less conservative than the global quadratic Lyapunov functions. A simulation example is also given to illustrate the advantage of the proposed approach.
基金Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of P.R.China (60474049)the Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province of P. R. China (A0410012, A0510009)
文摘For packet-based transmission of data over a network, or temporary sensor failure, etc., data samples may be missing in the measured signals. This paper deals with the problem of H∞ filter design for linear discrete-time systems with missing measurements. The missing measurements will happen at any sample time, and the probability of the occurrence of missing data is assumed to be known. The main purpose is to obtain both full-and reduced-order filters such that the filter error systems are exponentially mean-square stable and guarantee a prescribed H∞ performance in terms of linear matrix inequality (LMI). A numerical example is provided to demonstrate the validity of the proposed design approach.
基金Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (60974148), Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University (NCET-10-0097), Sichuan Youth Science and Technology Fund (2011JQ0011), Southwest University for Nationalities Construction Projects for Graduate Degree Programs (2011XWD-S0805), and Southwest University for Nationalities Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (12NZYTH01)
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (6090400960974004)
文摘Stability analysis and stabilization for discrete-time singular delay systems are addressed,respectively.Firstly,a sufficient condition for regularity,causality and stability for discrete-time singular delay systems is derived.Then,by applying the skill of matrix theory,the state feedback controller is designed to guarantee the closed-loop discrete-time singular delay systems to be regular,casual and stable.Finally,numerical examples are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (60874054)
文摘To diagnose the fault of attitude sensors in satellites, this paper proposes a novel approach based on the Kalman filter of the discrete-time descriptor system. By regarding the sensor fault term as the auxiliary state vector, the attitude measurement system subjected to the attitude sensor fault is modeled by the discrete-time descriptor system. The condition of estimability of such systems is given. And then a Kalman filter of the discrete-time descriptor system is established based on the methodology of the maximum likelihood estimation. With the descriptor Kalman filter, the state vector of the original system and sensor fault can be estimated simultaneously. The proposed method is able to esti-mate an abrupt sensor fault as well as the incipient one. Moreover, it is also effective in the multiple faults scenario. Simulations are conducted to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed method.