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作者 张慧玲 孙慧媛 刘超 《科技创新与生产力》 2024年第9期76-81,共6页
本文采用SWOT-PEST分析法,评估了山西红色文旅现状PEST的优势、劣势、机遇和挑战的可能性,并构建出了山西红色文旅发展矩阵;提出了融合创新发展“红色+”旅游模式、数字化助推红色“沉浸式”旅游、IP时代打造山西特色红色文创产品、加... 本文采用SWOT-PEST分析法,评估了山西红色文旅现状PEST的优势、劣势、机遇和挑战的可能性,并构建出了山西红色文旅发展矩阵;提出了融合创新发展“红色+”旅游模式、数字化助推红色“沉浸式”旅游、IP时代打造山西特色红色文创产品、加大红色文旅宣传、完善相关制度体系及培养和引进相关人才等,同时探讨了适合山西红色文旅资源开发的发展路径,以实现其社会价值与经济价值双赢。 展开更多
关键词 红色文旅 swot-pest分析法 山西
作者 桑培东 信双双 《工程造价管理》 2024年第4期40-44,共5页
PPP模式是公共基础设施的一种项目运作模式,其蓬勃发展为各行业带来了全新的发展机会,工程咨询业也不例外。文章研究PPP模式运行对工程造价咨询行业的影响,并对造价咨询企业参与PPP模式项目提出建议。首先,阐述了PPP项目咨询的概念及造... PPP模式是公共基础设施的一种项目运作模式,其蓬勃发展为各行业带来了全新的发展机会,工程咨询业也不例外。文章研究PPP模式运行对工程造价咨询行业的影响,并对造价咨询企业参与PPP模式项目提出建议。首先,阐述了PPP项目咨询的概念及造价咨询行业的变化;然后,对SWOT-PEST理论方法进行概述,借助SWOT-PEST方法从政治、经济、社会、技术四个方面分析造价咨询单位参与PPP项目的优势、劣势、机会和威胁,形成工程造价咨询业当下面临的发展环境矩阵;随后,得出结论,在PPP模式下,工程造价咨询行业面临着复杂的发展环境,应积极把握机遇同时迎接挑战;最后,在分析结果的基础上为工程造价咨询单位如何更好地参与PPP模式项目提出建议,包括提升业务能力、增加业务内容、建立多方合作关系、重视质量四个方面。 展开更多
关键词 工程造价咨询 PPP swot-pest
作者 刘瑶 谭天林 +2 位作者 王婷 袁菱梅 陈玉琼 《中国医院管理》 北大核心 2024年第5期85-88,93,共5页
通过文献研究法和专家咨询进行数据收集,结合SWOT-PEST模型,梳理当前县域医共体急救体系在政治、经济、社会和科技因素所面临的优势与劣势、机遇与威胁,提出县域医共体急救体系建设要坚持目标引领、问题导向和创新驱动,系统谋划加快体... 通过文献研究法和专家咨询进行数据收集,结合SWOT-PEST模型,梳理当前县域医共体急救体系在政治、经济、社会和科技因素所面临的优势与劣势、机遇与威胁,提出县域医共体急救体系建设要坚持目标引领、问题导向和创新驱动,系统谋划加快体系建设,精准施策补齐短板弱项,科技赋能助推高质量发展。 展开更多
关键词 县域医共体 急救体系 swot-pest分析
基于Doehlert Matrix的全贯流泵装置定转子进出流间隙优化设计
作者 刘健峰 奚望 +2 位作者 陆伟刚 陆雯 杨晨霞 《农业机械学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第8期170-180,共11页
全贯流泵是一种新型的机电-水泵一体式贯流泵,然而其在运行时存在定转子间隙回流,扰乱了叶轮内的流场分布,导致泵装置产生能量损失、压力波动和噪声等问题,影响泵站的正常运行。通过数值模拟和模型试验研究全贯流泵装置定转子间隙流的... 全贯流泵是一种新型的机电-水泵一体式贯流泵,然而其在运行时存在定转子间隙回流,扰乱了叶轮内的流场分布,导致泵装置产生能量损失、压力波动和噪声等问题,影响泵站的正常运行。通过数值模拟和模型试验研究全贯流泵装置定转子间隙流的水力特性,结合Doehlert Matrix设计-响应面优化法对其定转子进、出流间隙结构进行优化设计,揭示全贯流泵装置定转子进、出流间隙结构对泵装置性能的影响机理,并得到最终优化的折角式定转子进、出流间隙结构方案为:外侧延伸段长度t1为4.921r,外侧收缩段长度x1为0.624r,内侧延伸段长度t2为3.655r,内侧收缩段长度x2为1.6r(r为定转子间隙宽度),使得全贯流泵装置扬程和效率分别提升约10.3%和5.2%。 展开更多
关键词 全贯流泵 定转子间隙流 Doehlert matrix设计
作者 沈慧煌 刘伟光 +5 位作者 赵静 章赛春 赵亚茹 杜莎莎 汪小君 莫林烽 《现代医院》 2024年第9期1324-1328,共5页
文章通过运用SWOT-PEST模型,分析三级公立儿科专科医院内部优势和劣势、外部、机会和挑战;基于利益相关者理论,通过文献查阅法、政策分析法,结合工作实际,并概况其主要角色和诉求。提出三级公立儿科专科医院发展策略。通过对三级公立儿... 文章通过运用SWOT-PEST模型,分析三级公立儿科专科医院内部优势和劣势、外部、机会和挑战;基于利益相关者理论,通过文献查阅法、政策分析法,结合工作实际,并概况其主要角色和诉求。提出三级公立儿科专科医院发展策略。通过对三级公立儿科专科医院各利益相关者的利益诉求分析,认为当前整体发展较好,仍存在急需解决的问题。从内外部利益相关者出发,提出了涉及多层次、多角度、多主体优化策略,以推动三级公立儿科专科医院的全面发展。 展开更多
关键词 利益相关者理论 三级医院 儿科医院 swot-pest
基于SWOT-PEST分析的某公立医院分院区发展策略探讨 被引量:1
作者 韩朝鲁门 王小艺 +4 位作者 韩熙瑞 朱小语 许卓茗 杜海燕 王青山 《中国卫生质量管理》 2024年第1期75-79,共5页
目的 分析某公立医院分院区优势与劣势,提出发展策略。方法 以北京市某三甲医院直属分院区为例,通过文献查阅法、专家会议法,结合工作实际,运用SWOT-PEST模型,分析公立医院分院区内部优势和劣势、外部机会和挑战,提出公立医院分院区发... 目的 分析某公立医院分院区优势与劣势,提出发展策略。方法 以北京市某三甲医院直属分院区为例,通过文献查阅法、专家会议法,结合工作实际,运用SWOT-PEST模型,分析公立医院分院区内部优势和劣势、外部机会和挑战,提出公立医院分院区发展策略。结论 提出强化专科优势,突出服务特色的增长型战略;信息化促进同质化,提升人员能力的扭转型战略;完善学科设置,改善医疗服务的多元化战略;提高管理效能,提升资源效率的防御型战略。同时建议因时制宜、因地制宜,动态调整公立医院分院区发展策略。 展开更多
关键词 公立医院 分院区 swot-pest 发展策略
作者 赵冀校 孔国书 李瑞锋 《卫生软科学》 2024年第7期27-31,共5页
通过SWOT-PEST整合模型、文献分析法和定性访谈法系统分析了取消中药饮片加成对中医药行业以及相关产业链的影响。从政治、经济、社会、技术4个方面分析了取消中药饮片加成的优势(①支持取消药品加成政策不断完善;具备试点经验。②报销... 通过SWOT-PEST整合模型、文献分析法和定性访谈法系统分析了取消中药饮片加成对中医药行业以及相关产业链的影响。从政治、经济、社会、技术4个方面分析了取消中药饮片加成的优势(①支持取消药品加成政策不断完善;具备试点经验。②报销中药饮片比例增加;中药种养殖成本降低,补贴力度增加。③中药饮片价格降低符合社会期待。④新技术革新有助于降低成本。)、劣势(①中药饮片因其自身属性的复杂性,相关经验不能完全适用。②政府补偿机制不健全,经费缺口增大,医院运营成本增加,降低医院饮片使用的积极性。③利润降低可能导致于中药产业链恶性发展。④种养殖优势技术未能全面推广;物联网建设不够完备。)、机会(①国家层面提出研究取消中药饮片加成相关工作。②药品集中带量采购,“带量采购、量价挂钩、招采合一”,价格趋向合理。③人们对于中医的认可度不断提高,中药需求量增加。④中药种养殖业加速现代化转型;中医药国际化拓展市场空间。)与挑战(①推广试点城市经验的工作开展存在较大阻力,时机不成熟。②政府对于医院的财政补贴不足;因利益可能滋生新型行业腐败。③极大程度削弱执业药师的工作积极性;其余零售终端被迫转型。④各地区受多因素影响,其“道地药材”产量受限。),提出了进一步完善补偿机制、建立中药饮片科学合理支付体系和制定规范的薪酬制度、扩大群众对于使用接受中医药的意识基础等建议。 展开更多
关键词 取消中药饮片加成 swot-pest模型 政策分析
作者 云蔚 李炜婷 《职业教育研究》 2024年第2期5-11,共7页
工程实践创新项目(EPIP)教学模式“乘着”鲁班工坊“出海”,成为与合作国分享先进职业教育成果的重要载体,并展现出探索更加广阔的国际化道路的巨大潜力。通过应用SWOT-PEST模型分析,EPIP教学模式应紧抓“一带一路”倡议、金砖国家扩员... 工程实践创新项目(EPIP)教学模式“乘着”鲁班工坊“出海”,成为与合作国分享先进职业教育成果的重要载体,并展现出探索更加广阔的国际化道路的巨大潜力。通过应用SWOT-PEST模型分析,EPIP教学模式应紧抓“一带一路”倡议、金砖国家扩员、教育强国、教育数字化等重大机遇,发挥鲁班工坊国际品牌的特有优势,积极应对复杂的国际环境和激烈竞争,用高质量的“走出去”助力中国职业教育的高质量发展。 展开更多
关键词 工程实践创新项目 EPIP 职业教育国际化 鲁班工坊 swot-pest
作者 武止戈 黄紫霓 吴睿雅 《高教学刊》 2024年第24期1-7,共7页
创办中外合作办学机构,实施本科、研究生层次中西方深度融合的高等学历学位教育,已逐步成为近年来地方高校引进海外优质教育资源、提升国际国内办学影响力的重要途径。该文基于SWOT-PEST矩阵模型分别从政治、经济、社会和技术四方面对... 创办中外合作办学机构,实施本科、研究生层次中西方深度融合的高等学历学位教育,已逐步成为近年来地方高校引进海外优质教育资源、提升国际国内办学影响力的重要途径。该文基于SWOT-PEST矩阵模型分别从政治、经济、社会和技术四方面对地方高校中外合作办学机构发展过程中所面临的外部宏观环境机遇与威胁,以及存在的内部微观优劣势因素进行系统性分析,并据此提出对策建议,以促进地方高校中外合作机构提升办学实力,服务教育对外开放和本土经济社会发展。 展开更多
关键词 swot-pest矩阵模型 地方高校 中外合作办学机构 外部宏观环境 内部微观优劣势
High quality repair of osteochondral defects in rats using the extracellular matrix of antler stem cells 被引量:1
作者 Yu-Su Wang Wen-Hui Chu +4 位作者 Jing-Jie Zhai Wen-Ying Wang Zhong-Mei He Quan-Min Zhao Chun-Yi Li 《World Journal of Stem Cells》 SCIE 2024年第2期176-190,共15页
BACKGROUND Cartilage defects are some of the most common causes of arthritis.Cartilage lesions caused by inflammation,trauma or degenerative disease normally result in osteochondral defects.Previous studies have shown... BACKGROUND Cartilage defects are some of the most common causes of arthritis.Cartilage lesions caused by inflammation,trauma or degenerative disease normally result in osteochondral defects.Previous studies have shown that decellularized extracellular matrix(ECM)derived from autologous,allogenic,or xenogeneic mesenchymal stromal cells(MSCs)can effectively restore osteochondral integrity.AIM To determine whether the decellularized ECM of antler reserve mesenchymal cells(RMCs),a xenogeneic material from antler stem cells,is superior to the currently available treatments for osteochondral defects.METHODS We isolated the RMCs from a 60-d-old sika deer antler and cultured them in vitro to 70%confluence;50 mg/mL L-ascorbic acid was then added to the medium to stimulate ECM deposition.Decellularized sheets of adipocyte-derived MSCs(aMSCs)and antlerogenic periosteal cells(another type of antler stem cells)were used as the controls.Three weeks after ascorbic acid stimulation,the ECM sheets were harvested and applied to the osteochondral defects in rat knee joints.RESULTS The defects were successfully repaired by applying the ECM-sheets.The highest quality of repair was achieved in the RMC-ECM group both in vitro(including cell attachment and proliferation),and in vivo(including the simultaneous regeneration of well-vascularized subchondral bone and avascular articular hyaline cartilage integrated with surrounding native tissues).Notably,the antler-stem-cell-derived ECM(xenogeneic)performed better than the aMSC-ECM(allogenic),while the ECM of the active antler stem cells was superior to that of the quiescent antler stem cells.CONCLUSION Decellularized xenogeneic ECM derived from the antler stem cell,particularly the active form(RMC-ECM),can achieve high quality repair/reconstruction of osteochondral defects,suggesting that selection of decellularized ECM for such repair should be focused more on bioactivity rather than kinship. 展开更多
关键词 Osteochondral defect repair Mesenchymal stem cells Extracellular matrix DECELLULARIZATION Antler stem cells Reserve mesenchymal cells Xenogeneic
作者 何振业 宋挺浩 黄立洪 《种子科技》 2024年第2期28-31,共4页
通过概述福建省建宁县杂交水稻种子产业园发展成效,运用SWOT-PEST综合分析法,结合建宁县杂交水稻种子产业发展现状,从政治、经济、社会、技术4个层面对建宁县杂交水稻种子产业园的优势、劣势、机遇与威胁进行分析,并针对产业园存在的问... 通过概述福建省建宁县杂交水稻种子产业园发展成效,运用SWOT-PEST综合分析法,结合建宁县杂交水稻种子产业发展现状,从政治、经济、社会、技术4个层面对建宁县杂交水稻种子产业园的优势、劣势、机遇与威胁进行分析,并针对产业园存在的问题,提出了相关发展策略,以期更好地促进建宁县杂交水稻种子产业园的发展。 展开更多
关键词 杂交水稻 产业发展 swot-pest分析
作者 吴致辉 陈晓光 《文体用品与科技》 2024年第18期40-42,共3页
本文采用SWOT-PEST模式,对宁夏休闲体育产业的发展现状进行深入调查分析,对产业内部优势、劣势以及外部机会、威胁的评估,以及政治、经济、社会、技术等方面的影响因素进行分析,提出了对应性的改进对策并得出结论。研究发现,宁夏休闲体... 本文采用SWOT-PEST模式,对宁夏休闲体育产业的发展现状进行深入调查分析,对产业内部优势、劣势以及外部机会、威胁的评估,以及政治、经济、社会、技术等方面的影响因素进行分析,提出了对应性的改进对策并得出结论。研究发现,宁夏休闲体育产业在文化资源丰富、政府支持力度大等方面具有一定优势,但同时也存在产业基础薄弱、市场竞争加剧等问题。针对这些问题,本文提出了加强基础设施建设,特色项目创新,人才培养、拓展市场渠道、完善产业升级转型等对策建议,旨在为宁夏休闲体育产业的可持续发展提供参考和指导。 展开更多
关键词 swot-pest模式 休闲体育产业 发展现状 对策研究
作者 樊有利 蒋敏建 《甘肃科技》 2024年第4期1-5,共5页
柳州是广西地区乃至我国西南地区铁路枢纽,研究柳州高铁产业链有助于推动柳州经济结构的创新发展,提升柳州在全国乃至国际舞台上的竞争实力,并带动其周边地区的经济繁荣和文化交流。作者运用SWOT-PEST矩阵模型,结合对柳州市10余家高铁... 柳州是广西地区乃至我国西南地区铁路枢纽,研究柳州高铁产业链有助于推动柳州经济结构的创新发展,提升柳州在全国乃至国际舞台上的竞争实力,并带动其周边地区的经济繁荣和文化交流。作者运用SWOT-PEST矩阵模型,结合对柳州市10余家高铁服务企业的调研资料,全面分析了柳州市高铁产业链在政治、经济、社会和技术等环境影响下的优势、劣势、机遇和威胁等因素,并针对SWOT-PEST分析出的柳州市高铁产业链发展的短板,从推动高铁基建施工技术水平提升、提升高铁设备制造与技术研发能力、加强高铁设备安装与调试能力、助力高铁出行衍生服务创新和推动智能化在高铁产业中的应用等5个方面提出了构建卓越的高铁产业生态系统策略。 展开更多
关键词 高铁产业链 区域经济发展 产业转型升级 swot-pest
Neurocircuit regeneration by extracellular matrix reprogramming
作者 Shengzhang Su Ian N.Levasseur Kimberly M.Alonge 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS 2025年第8期2300-2301,共2页
The brain's extracellular matrix(ECM),which is comprised of protein and glycosaminoglycan(GAG)scaffolds,constitutes 20%-40% of the human brain and is considered one of the largest influencers on brain cell functio... The brain's extracellular matrix(ECM),which is comprised of protein and glycosaminoglycan(GAG)scaffolds,constitutes 20%-40% of the human brain and is considered one of the largest influencers on brain cell functioning(Soles et al.,2023).Synthesized by neural and glial cells,the brain's ECM regulates a myriad of homeostatic cellular processes,including neuronal plasticity and firing(Miyata et al.,2012),cation buffering(Moraws ki et al.,2015),and glia-neuron interactions(Anderson et al.,2016).Considering the diversity of functions,dynamic remodeling of the brain's ECM indicates that this understudied medium is an active participant in both normal physiology and neurological diseases. 展开更多
关键词 matrix PROGRAMMING
Matrix Riccati Equations in Optimal Control
作者 Malick Ndiaye 《Applied Mathematics》 2024年第3期199-213,共15页
In this paper, the matrix Riccati equation is considered. There is no general way for solving the matrix Riccati equation despite the many fields to which it applies. While scalar Riccati equation has been studied tho... In this paper, the matrix Riccati equation is considered. There is no general way for solving the matrix Riccati equation despite the many fields to which it applies. While scalar Riccati equation has been studied thoroughly, matrix Riccati equation of which scalar Riccati equations is a particular case, is much less investigated. This article proposes a change of variable that allows to find explicit solution of the Matrix Riccati equation. We then apply this solution to Optimal Control. 展开更多
关键词 Optimal Control matrix Riccati Equation Change of Variable
Efficient Clustering Network Based on Matrix Factorization
作者 Jieren Cheng Jimei Li +2 位作者 Faqiang Zeng Zhicong Tao and Yue Yang 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2024年第7期281-298,共18页
Contrastive learning is a significant research direction in the field of deep learning.However,existing data augmentation methods often lead to issues such as semantic drift in generated views while the complexity of ... Contrastive learning is a significant research direction in the field of deep learning.However,existing data augmentation methods often lead to issues such as semantic drift in generated views while the complexity of model pre-training limits further improvement in the performance of existing methods.To address these challenges,we propose the Efficient Clustering Network based on Matrix Factorization(ECN-MF).Specifically,we design a batched low-rank Singular Value Decomposition(SVD)algorithm for data augmentation to eliminate redundant information and uncover major patterns of variation and key information in the data.Additionally,we design a Mutual Information-Enhanced Clustering Module(MI-ECM)to accelerate the training process by leveraging a simple architecture to bring samples from the same cluster closer while pushing samples from other clusters apart.Extensive experiments on six datasets demonstrate that ECN-MF exhibits more effective performance compared to state-of-the-art algorithms. 展开更多
关键词 Contrastive learning CLUSTERING matrix factorization
Factors influencing Frey syndrome after parotidectomy with acellular dermal matrix
作者 Xian-Da Chai Huan Jiang +2 位作者 Ling-Ling Tang Jing Zhang Long-Fei Yue 《World Journal of Clinical Cases》 SCIE 2024年第9期1578-1584,共7页
BACKGROUND Frey syndrome,also known as ototemporal nerve syndrome or gustatory sweating syndrome,is one of the most common complications of parotid gland surgery.This condition is characterized by abnormal sensations ... BACKGROUND Frey syndrome,also known as ototemporal nerve syndrome or gustatory sweating syndrome,is one of the most common complications of parotid gland surgery.This condition is characterized by abnormal sensations in the facial skin accompanied by episodes of flushing and sweating triggered by cognitive processes,visual stimuli,or eating.AIM To investigate the preventive effect of acellular dermal matrix(ADM)on Frey syndrome after parotid tumor resection and analyzed the effects of Frey syndrome across various surgical methods and other factors involved in parotid tumor resection.METHODS Retrospective data from 82 patients were analyzed to assess the correlation between sex,age,resection sample size,operation time,operation mode,ADM usage,and occurrence of postoperative Frey syndrome.RESULTS Among the 82 patients,the incidence of Frey syndrome was 56.1%.There were no significant differences in sex,age,or operation time between the two groups(P>0.05).However,there was a significant difference between ADM implantation and occurrence of Frey syndrome(P<0.05).ADM application could reduce the variation in the incidence of Frey syndrome across different operation modes.CONCLUSION ADM can effectively prevent Frey syndrome and delay its onset. 展开更多
关键词 Parotid gland tumor Frey syndrome Acellular dermal matrix Acellular allogenic dermal matrix
Biofabrication of nanocomposite-based scaffolds containing human bone extracellularmatrix for the differentiation of skeletal stem and progenitor cells
作者 Yang-Hee Kim Janos M.Kanczler +6 位作者 Stuart Lanham Andrew Rawlings Marta Roldo Gianluca Tozzi Jonathan I.Dawson Gianluca Cidonio Richard O.C.Oreffo 《Bio-Design and Manufacturing》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第2期121-136,共16页
Autograft or metal implants are routinely used in skeletal repair.However,they fail to provide long-term clinical resolution,necessitating a functional biomimetic tissue engineering alternative.The use of native human... Autograft or metal implants are routinely used in skeletal repair.However,they fail to provide long-term clinical resolution,necessitating a functional biomimetic tissue engineering alternative.The use of native human bone tissue for synthesizing a biomimeticmaterial inkfor three-dimensional(3D)bioprintingof skeletal tissueis anattractivestrategyfor tissueregeneration.Thus,human bone extracellular matrix(bone-ECM)offers an exciting potential for the development of an appropriate microenvironment for human bone marrow stromal cells(HBMSCs)to proliferate and differentiate along the osteogenic lineage.In this study,we engineered a novel material ink(LAB)by blending human bone-ECM(B)with nanoclay(L,Laponite®)and alginate(A)polymers using extrusion-based deposition.The inclusion of the nanofiller and polymeric material increased the rheology,printability,and drug retention properties and,critically,the preservation of HBMSCs viability upon printing.The composite of human bone-ECM-based 3D constructs containing vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF)enhanced vascularization after implantation in an ex vivo chick chorioallantoic membrane(CAM)model.The inclusion of bone morphogenetic protein-2(BMP-2)with the HBMSCs further enhanced vascularization and mineralization after only seven days.This study demonstrates the synergistic combination of nanoclay with biomimetic materials(alginate and bone-ECM)to support the formation of osteogenic tissue both in vitro and ex vivo and offers a promising novel 3D bioprinting approach to personalized skeletal tissue repair. 展开更多
关键词 Extracellular matrix NANOCLAY Bone 3D bioprinting
Reinforced tissue matrix to strengthen the abdominal wall following reversal of temporary ostomies or to treat incisional hernias
作者 Spencer P Lake Corey R Deeken Amit K Agarwal 《World Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery》 SCIE 2024年第3期823-832,共10页
BACKGROUND Abdominal wall deficiencies or weakness are a common complication of tem-porary ostomies,and incisional hernias frequently develop after colostomy or ileostomy takedown.The use of synthetic meshes to reinfo... BACKGROUND Abdominal wall deficiencies or weakness are a common complication of tem-porary ostomies,and incisional hernias frequently develop after colostomy or ileostomy takedown.The use of synthetic meshes to reinforce the abdominal wall has reduced hernia occurrence.Biologic meshes have also been used to enhance healing,particularly in contaminated conditions.Reinforced tissue matrices(R-TMs),which include a biologic scaffold of native extracellular matrix and a syn-thetic component for added strength/durability,are designed to take advantage of aspects of both synthetic and biologic materials.To date,RTMs have not been reported to reinforce the abdominal wall following stoma reversal.METHODS Twenty-eight patients were selected with a parastomal and/or incisional hernia who had received a temporary ileostomy or colostomy for fecal diversion after rectal cancer treatment or trauma.Following hernia repair and proximal stoma closure,RTM(OviTex®1S permanent or OviTex®LPR)was placed to reinforce the abdominal wall using a laparoscopic,robotic,or open surgical approach.Post-operative follow-up was performed at 1 month and 1 year.Hernia recurrence was determined by physical examination and,when necessary,via computed tomo-graphy scan.Secondary endpoints included length of hospital stay,time to return to work,and hospital readmissions.Evaluated complications of the wound/repair site included presence of surgical site infection,seroma,hematoma,wound dehiscence,or fistula formation.RESULTS The observational study cohort included 16 male and 12 female patients with average age of 58.5 years±16.3 years and average body mass index of 26.2 kg/m^(2)±4.1 kg/m^(2).Patients presented with a parastomal hernia(75.0%),in-cisional hernia(14.3%),or combined parastomal/incisional hernia(10.7%).Using a laparoscopic(53.6%),robotic(35.7%),or open(10.7%)technique,RTMs(OviTex®LPR:82.1%,OviTex®1S:17.9%)were placed using sublay(82.1%)or intraperitoneal onlay(IPOM;17.9%)mesh positioning.At 1-month and 1-year follow-ups,there were no hernia recurrences(0%).Average hospital stays were 2.1 d±1.2 d and return to work occurred at 8.3 post-operative days±3.0 post-operative days.Three patients(10.7%)were readmitted before the 1-month follow up due to mesh infection and/or gastrointestinal issues.Fistula and mesh infection were observed in two patients each(7.1%),leading to partial mesh removal in one patient(3.6%).There were no complications between 1 month and 1 year(0%).CONCLUSION RTMs were used successfully to treat parastomal and incisional hernias at ileostomy reversal,with no hernia recurrences and favorable outcomes after 1-month and 1-year. 展开更多
关键词 Reinforced tissue matrix Reinforced forestomach matrix ILEOSTOMY COLOSTOMY Ostomy takedown Incisional hernia Abdominal wall
An approximate analytical model for unconventional reservoir considering variable matrix blocks and simultaneous matrix depletion
作者 Kai-Xuan Qiu Jia Li +2 位作者 Dong Feng Shi-Ming Wei Gang Lei 《Petroleum Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第1期352-365,共14页
In regard to unconventional oil reservoirs,the transient dual-porosity and triple-porosity models have been adopted to describe the fluid flow in the complex fracture network.It has been proven to cause inaccurate pro... In regard to unconventional oil reservoirs,the transient dual-porosity and triple-porosity models have been adopted to describe the fluid flow in the complex fracture network.It has been proven to cause inaccurate production evaluations because of the absence of matrix-macrofracture communication.In addition,most of the existing models are solved analytically based on Laplace transform and numerical inversion.Hence,an approximate analytical solution is derived directly in real-time space considering variable matrix blocks and simultaneous matrix depletion.To simplify the derivation,the simultaneous matrix depletion is divided into two parts:one part feeding the macrofractures and the other part feeding the microfractures.Then,a series of partial differential equations(PDEs)describing the transient flow and boundary conditions are constructed and solved analytically by integration.Finally,a relationship between oil rate and production time in real-time space is obtained.The new model is verified against classical analytical models.When the microfracture system and matrix-macrofracture communication is neglected,the result of the new model agrees with those obtained with the dual-porosity and triple-porosity model,respectively.Certainly,the new model also has an excellent agreement with the numerical model.The model is then applied to two actual tight oil wells completed in western Canada sedimentary basin.After identifying the flow regime,the solution suitably matches the field production data,and the model parameters are determined.Through these output parameters,we can accurately forecast the production and even estimate the petrophysical properties. 展开更多
关键词 Analytical solution Unconventional reservoir Variable matrix Simultaneous flow
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