In order to give a more reliable shallow crust model for the Chinese mainland, the present study collected many short-period surface wave data which are better sensitive to shallow earth structures. Different from tra...In order to give a more reliable shallow crust model for the Chinese mainland, the present study collected many short-period surface wave data which are better sensitive to shallow earth structures. Different from traditional two-step surface wave tomography, we developed a new linearized surface wave dispersion inversion method to directly get a 3D S-wave velocity model in the second step instead of inverting for 1D S-velocity profile cell by cell. We convert all the regionalized dispersions into linear constraints for a 3D S-velocity model. Checkerboard tests show that this method can give reasonable results. The distribution of the middle- and upper-crust shear-wave velocity of the Chinese mainland in our model is strongly heterogeneous and related to different geotectonic terrains. Low-velocity anomalies delineated very well most of the major sedimentary basins of China. And the variation of velocities at different depths gives an indication of basement depth of the basins. The western Tethyan tectonic domain (on the west of the 95°E longitude) is characterized by low velocity, while the eastern Tethyan domain does not show obvious low velocity. Since petroleum resources often distribute in sedimentary basins where low-velocity anomaly appears, the low velocity anomalies in the western Tethyan domain may indicate a better petroleum prospect than in its eastern counterpart. Besides, low velocity anomaly in the western Tethyan domain and around the Xing'an orogenic belt may be partly caused by high crustal temperature. The weak low-velocity belt along -105°E longitude corresponds to the N-S strong seismic belt of central China.展开更多
The Shanxi rift zone is one of the largest and active Cenozoic grabens in the world, studying the velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle in this region may help us to understand the mechanisms of rift proces...The Shanxi rift zone is one of the largest and active Cenozoic grabens in the world, studying the velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle in this region may help us to understand the mechanisms of rift processes and the seismogenic environment of active seismicity in continental rifts. In this work, using the broadband seismic data of Shanxi, Hebei, Henan, Shaanxi provinces, and the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region from February 2009 to November 2011, we have picked out 350 high-quality phase velocity dispersion curves of fundamental mode Rayleigh waves at periods from 8 to 75 s, and Rayleigh wave phase velocity maps have been constructed from 8 to 75 s period with horizontal resolution ranging from 40 to 50 km by two-station surface-wave tomography. Then, using a genetic algorithm, a 3D shear-wave speed model of the crust and uppermost mantle have been derived from these maps with a spatial resolution of 0.4° × 0.4°. Four characteristics can be outlined from the results: (1) Except in the Datong volcanic zone, in the depth range of 11-30 km, the location of a transition zone between the highand low-velocity regions is in agreement with the seismicity pattern in the study region, and the earthquakes are mostly concentrated near this transition zone; (2) In the depth range of 31-40 km, shear-wave velocities are higher to the south of the Taiyuan Basin and lower to the north, which is similar to the distribution pattern of Moho depth variations in the Shanxi region; (3) The shear-wave velocity pattern of higher velocities to the south of 38×N and lower velocities to the north is found to be consistent with that from the upper crustal levels to depth of 70 km. At the deeper depths, the spatial scale of the low-velocity anomalies zone in the north is gradually shrinking with depth increasing, the low-velocity anomalies are gradually disappearing beneath the Datong volcanic zone at the depth of 151-200 km. We proposed that the root of the Datong volcano may reach to a depth around 150 km; (4) Along the N-S vertical profile at 112.8°E, the 38°N latitude is the boundary between high and low velocities, arguing the tectonic difference between the Shanxi rift zone and its flanks, in the rift zone the seismic velocity is dominated by low-velocity anomalies while in the flanks it is high.展开更多
According to the results of cyclic triaxial tests, a linear correlation is presented between liquefaction resistance and elastic shear modulus, which shows the relation of Gmax (kPa) with (σd/2)1/2(kPa)1/2. When appl...According to the results of cyclic triaxial tests, a linear correlation is presented between liquefaction resistance and elastic shear modulus, which shows the relation of Gmax (kPa) with (σd/2)1/2(kPa)1/2. When applied to soils from different sites, the correlation can be normalized in reference to its minimum void ratio (emin). Accordingly, an improved method is established to evaluate the liquefaction potential with shear-wave velocity. The critical shear-wave velocity of liquefaction is in linear relation with 1/4 power of depth and the maximum acceleration during earthquakes, which can be used to explain the phenomenon that the possibility of liquefaction decreases with the increment of the depth. Compared with previous methods this method turns out simple and effective, which is also verified by the results of cyclic triaxial tests.展开更多
This study presents a machine learning-based method for predicting fragment velocity distribution in warhead fragmentation under explosive loading condition.The fragment resultant velocities are correlated with key de...This study presents a machine learning-based method for predicting fragment velocity distribution in warhead fragmentation under explosive loading condition.The fragment resultant velocities are correlated with key design parameters including casing dimensions and detonation positions.The paper details the finite element analysis for fragmentation,the characterizations of the dynamic hardening and fracture models,the generation of comprehensive datasets,and the training of the ANN model.The results show the influence of casing dimensions on fragment velocity distributions,with the tendencies indicating increased resultant velocity with reduced thickness,increased length and diameter.The model's predictive capability is demonstrated through the accurate predictions for both training and testing datasets,showing its potential for the real-time prediction of fragmentation performance.展开更多
As the two largest cratonic basins in China,the Ordos Basin and the Sichuan Basin are of key importance for understanding the evolutionary history of the Chinese continent.In this study,the shear-wave velocity(V_(S))s...As the two largest cratonic basins in China,the Ordos Basin and the Sichuan Basin are of key importance for understanding the evolutionary history of the Chinese continent.In this study,the shear-wave velocity(V_(S))structures of the shallow crust(depth up to 10 km)beneath the two basins are imaged based on the frequency-dependence of direct P-wave amplitudes in receiver functions.The teleseismic data used in the study came from 160 broadband seismic stations,including permanent and temporary stations.The results show that the V_(S) and the thickness of the sediments in the Ordos Basin and the Sichuan Basin are respectively lower and thicker in the west than in the east.In the Ordos Basin,the shallow crustal V_(S) increases gradually from 2.10 km s^(−1)in the northwest to 2.65 km s^(−1)in the southeast and the thickest sediments are 7–8 km in the northwest and 5 km in the east.In the Sichuan Basin,the shallow crustal V_(S) increases from 2.4 km s^(−1) in the west to 2.7 km s^(−1)in the east and the thickness of the sediments decreases from>7 km in the west to 6 km in the east.The east-west difference of the shallow crustal structures of the two basins may have been controlled by the Cenozoic India-Eurasia collision.The western parts of the basins near the collision have a higher deposition rate,while in the parts inside the basins far from the collision,the V_(S) slowly increases with depth,indicating that these areas have experienced a more uniform deposition process.In addition,both basins are characterized by velocity structures that are higher along the edges and lower inside of the basins.The edges of the basins suffered strong denudation due to the uplifting and deformation influenced by tectonic evolution.The downward gradient of the shear-wave velocity beneath the Ordos Basin is twice that of the Sichuan Basin,which may be caused by the different deposition and denudation rates of the two basins resulting from differences in structural evolution and thermal events.In addition,the northern Ordos Basin exhibits a strong structural horizontal stratification,while the southern part shows obvious lateral variations in the V_(S) structure,both of which may have been affected by the Qilian orogenic event,the collision and assembly of the South China and the North China block,and the lateral extrusion of the Tibetan Plateau.展开更多
Estimation of good velocity models under complex near-surface conditions remains a topic of ongoing research.We propose to predict near-surface velocity profiles from surface-waves transformed to phase velocity-freque...Estimation of good velocity models under complex near-surface conditions remains a topic of ongoing research.We propose to predict near-surface velocity profiles from surface-waves transformed to phase velocity-frequency panels in a data-driven manner using deep neural networks.This is a different approach from many recent works that attempt to estimate velocity from directly reflected body waves or guided waves.A secondary objective is to analyze the influence on the prediction accuracy of various commonly employed deep learning practices,such as transfer learning and data augmentations.Through numerical experiments on synthetic data as well as a real geophysical example,we demonstrate that transfer learning as well as data augmentations are helpful when using deep learning for velocity estimation.A third and final objective is to study lack of generalization of deep learning models for out-of-distribution(OOD)data in the context of our problem,and present a novel approach to tackle it.We propose a domain adaptation network for training deep learning models that uses a priori knowledge on the range of velocity values in order to constrain mapping of the output.The final comparison on field data,which was not part of the training data,show the deep neural network predictions compare favorably with a conventional velocity model estimation obtained with a dispersion curve inversion workflow.展开更多
Hamilton Monte Carlo (HMC)方法是一种常用的快速抽样方法.在对哈密顿方程进行抽样时,HMC方法使用Leapfrog积分器,这可能造成方程的位置及动量的迭代值在时间上不同步,其产生的误差会降低抽样效率及抽样结果的稳定性.为此,本文提出了IH...Hamilton Monte Carlo (HMC)方法是一种常用的快速抽样方法.在对哈密顿方程进行抽样时,HMC方法使用Leapfrog积分器,这可能造成方程的位置及动量的迭代值在时间上不同步,其产生的误差会降低抽样效率及抽样结果的稳定性.为此,本文提出了IHMC(Improved HMC)方法,该方法用Velocity Verlet积分器替代Leapfrog积分器,每次迭代时都计算两变量在同一时刻的值.为验证方法的效果,本文进行了两个实验,一个是将该方法应用于非对称随机波动率模型(RASV模型)的参数估计,另一个是将方法应用于方差伽马分布的抽样,结果显示:IHMC方法比HMC方法的效率更高、结果更稳定.展开更多
In this study,the shear-wave splitting parameters of local seismic events from the source regions of the 2023 Türkiye MW7.7 and MW7.6 doublet earthquakes(event 1 and event 2,respectively)were measured from June 1...In this study,the shear-wave splitting parameters of local seismic events from the source regions of the 2023 Türkiye MW7.7 and MW7.6 doublet earthquakes(event 1 and event 2,respectively)were measured from June 1,2022,to April 25,2023,and their spatiotemporal characteristics were analyzed.The results revealed clear spatial and temporal differences.Spatially,the dominant fast-wave polarization direction at each station shows a strong correlation with the direction of the maximum horizontal principal compressive stress,as characterized by focal mechanism solutions of seismic events(MW≥3.5)near the station.The dominant fast-wave polarization direction and the regional stress field also showed a strong correlation with the intermovement of the Arabian Plate,African Plate,and Anatolian Block.Along the Nurdagi-Pazarcik fault zone,the seismic fault of event 1,stations closer to the middle of the fault where the mainshock occurred exhibited notably greater delay times than stations located towards the ends of the fault and far from the mainshock.In addition,the stations located to the east of the Nurdagi-Pazarcik fault and to the north of the Sürgüfault also exhibited large delay times.The spatial distribution of shear-wave splitting parameters obtained from each station indicates that the upper-crust anisotropy in the source area is mainly controlled by the regional stress field,which is closely related to the state of the block motion.During the seismogenic process of the MW7.7 earthquake,more stress accumulated in the middle of the Nurdagi-Pazarcik fault than at either end of the fault.Under the influence of the MW7.7 and MW7.6 events,the stress that accumulated during the seismogenic process of the earthquake doublet may have migrated towards some areas outside the aftershock intensive area after the earthquakes,and the crustal stress and its adjustment range near the outer stations increased significantly.With the exception of two stations with few effective events,all stations showed a consistent change in shear-wave splitting parameters over time.In particular,each station showed a decreasing trend in delay times after the doublet earthquakes,reflecting the obvious intensification of crustal stress adjustment in the seismogenic zone after the doublet earthquakes.With the occurrence of the earthquake doublet and a large number of aftershocks,the stress accumulated during the seismogenic process of the doublet earthquakes is gradually released,and then the adjustment range of crustal stress is also gradually reduced.展开更多
The scarcity of in-situ ocean observations poses a challenge for real-time information acquisition in the ocean.Among the crucial hydroacoustic environmental parameters,ocean sound velocity exhibits significant spatia...The scarcity of in-situ ocean observations poses a challenge for real-time information acquisition in the ocean.Among the crucial hydroacoustic environmental parameters,ocean sound velocity exhibits significant spatial and temporal variability and it is highly relevant to oceanic research.In this study,we propose a new data-driven approach,leveraging deep learning techniques,for the prediction of sound velocity fields(SVFs).Our novel spatiotemporal prediction model,STLSTM-SA,combines Spatiotemporal Long Short-Term Memory(ST-LSTM) with a self-attention mechanism to enable accurate and real-time prediction of SVFs.To circumvent the limited amount of observational data,we employ transfer learning by first training the model using reanalysis datasets,followed by fine-tuning it using in-situ analysis data to obtain the final prediction model.By utilizing the historical 12-month SVFs as input,our model predicts the SVFs for the subsequent three months.We compare the performance of five models:Artificial Neural Networks(ANN),Long ShortTerm Memory(LSTM),Convolutional LSTM(ConvLSTM),ST-LSTM,and our proposed ST-LSTM-SA model in a test experiment spanning 2019 to 2022.Our results demonstrate that the ST-LSTM-SA model significantly improves the prediction accuracy and stability of sound velocity in both temporal and spatial dimensions.The ST-LSTM-SA model not only accurately predicts the ocean sound velocity field(SVF),but also provides valuable insights for spatiotemporal prediction of other oceanic environmental variables.展开更多
This paper deals with the collision of sphere shape grenades with sand media.The central issue of the article is the establishing of an empirical velocity equation of the grenade while impacting on sand that is used t...This paper deals with the collision of sphere shape grenades with sand media.The central issue of the article is the establishing of an empirical velocity equation of the grenade while impacting on sand that is used to solve motion equations of the mechanical mechanism inside the impact grenade fuze.The paper focuses on impact velocities that are lower than 5 m s^(-1).An experiment was conducted to study the velocity of the grenade while impacting on dry sand.A high-speed camera video was used to capture the grenade positions.The grenade velocity in the impact process was generated from these video data.Some types of fitting curves are used to regress the velocity equation of the grenade while interacting with the sand media and the best-fitting model is chosen.The result shows the regression curve has a high correlation with the experiment data for grenade velocities below 5 m s^(-1).The received regression equation is useful for analyzing the working ability of the inertial mechanism inside the impact grenade or analyzing and choosing the appropriate parameters of each part in the inertial mechanism to meet the required characteristics of the mechanism.展开更多
Measurement of bloodflow velocity is key to understanding physiology and pathology in vivo.While most measurements are performed at the middle of the blood vessel,little research has been done on characterizing the in...Measurement of bloodflow velocity is key to understanding physiology and pathology in vivo.While most measurements are performed at the middle of the blood vessel,little research has been done on characterizing the instantaneous bloodflow velocity distribution.This is mainly due to the lack of measurement technology with high spatial and temporal resolution.Here,we tackle this problem with our recently developed dual-wavelength line-scan third-harmonic generation(THG)imaging technology.Simultaneous acquisition of dual-wavelength THG line-scanning signals enables measurement of bloodflow velocities at two radially symmetric positions in both venules and arterioles in mouse brain in vivo.Our results clearly show that the instantaneous bloodflow velocity is not symmetric under general conditions.展开更多
Floods are one of the most serious natural disasters that can cause huge societal and economic losses.Extensive research has been conducted on topics like flood monitoring,prediction,and loss estimation.In these resea...Floods are one of the most serious natural disasters that can cause huge societal and economic losses.Extensive research has been conducted on topics like flood monitoring,prediction,and loss estimation.In these research fields,flood velocity plays a crucial role and is an important factor that influences the reliability of the outcomes.Traditional methods rely on physical models for flood simulation and prediction and could generate accurate results but often take a long time.Deep learning technology has recently shown significant potential in the same field,especially in terms of efficiency,helping to overcome the time-consuming associated with traditional methods.This study explores the potential of deep learning models in predicting flood velocity.More specifically,we use a Multi-Layer Perceptron(MLP)model,a specific type of Artificial Neural Networks(ANNs),to predict the velocity in the test area of the Lundesokna River in Norway with diverse terrain conditions.Geographic data and flood velocity simulated based on the physical hydraulic model are used in the study for the pre-training,optimization,and testing of the MLP model.Our experiment indicates that the MLP model has the potential to predict flood velocity in diverse terrain conditions of the river with acceptable accuracy against simulated velocity results but with a significant decrease in training time and testing time.Meanwhile,we discuss the limitations for the improvement in future work.展开更多
BACKGROUND Direct-acting antiviral agents(DAAs)are highly effective treatment for chronic hepatitis C(CHC)with a significant rate of sustained virologic response(SVR).The achievement of SVR is crucial to prevent addit...BACKGROUND Direct-acting antiviral agents(DAAs)are highly effective treatment for chronic hepatitis C(CHC)with a significant rate of sustained virologic response(SVR).The achievement of SVR is crucial to prevent additional liver damage and slow down fibrosis progression.The assessment of fibrosis degree can be performed with transient elastography,magnetic resonance elastography or shear-wave elastography(SWE).Liver elastography could function as a predictor for hepato-cellular carcinoma(HCC)in CHC patients treated with DAAs.AIM To explore the predictive value of SWE for HCC development after complete clearance of hepatitis C virus(HCV).METHODS A comprehensive literature search of clinical studies was performed to identify the ability of SWE to predict HCC occurrence after HCV clearance.In accordance with the study protocol,a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the evidence was planned.RESULTS At baseline and after 12 wk of follow-up,a trend was shown towards greater liver stiffness(LS)in those who go on to develop HCC compared to those who do not[baseline LS standardized mean difference(SMD):1.15,95%confidence interval(95%CI):020-2.50;LS SMD after 12 wk:0.83,95%CI:0.33-1.98].The absence of a statistically significant difference between the mean LS in those who developed HCC or not may be related to the inability to correct for confounding factors and the absence of raw source data.There was a statist-ically significant LS SMD at 24 wk of follow-up between patients who developed HCC vs not(0.64;95%CI:0.04-1.24).CONCLUSION SWE could be a promising tool for prediction of HCC occurrence in patients treated with DAAs.Further studies with larger cohorts and standardized timing of elastographic evaluation are needed to confirm these data.展开更多
Kinesin-1 motor protein is a homodimer containing two identical motor domains connected by a common long coiledcoil stalk via two flexible neck linkers. The motor can step on a microtubule with a velocity of about 1 ...Kinesin-1 motor protein is a homodimer containing two identical motor domains connected by a common long coiledcoil stalk via two flexible neck linkers. The motor can step on a microtubule with a velocity of about 1 μm·s-1and an attachment duration of about 1 s under physiological conditions. The available experimental data indicate a tradeoff between velocity and attachment duration under various experimental conditions, such as variation of the solution temperature,variation of the strain between the two motor domains, and so on. However, the underlying mechanism of the tradeoff is unknown. Here, the mechanism is explained by a theoretical study of the dynamics of the motor under various experimental conditions, reproducing quantitatively the available experimental data and providing additional predictions. How the various experimental conditions lead to different decreasing rates of attachment duration versus velocity is also explained.展开更多
We present radial velocity(RV)curve templates of RR Lyrae first-overtone(RRc)stars constructed with the Mg I b triplet and Hαlines using time-domain Medium-Resolution Survey spectra of seven RRc stars from Large Sky ...We present radial velocity(RV)curve templates of RR Lyrae first-overtone(RRc)stars constructed with the Mg I b triplet and Hαlines using time-domain Medium-Resolution Survey spectra of seven RRc stars from Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope(LAMOST)Data Release 9.Additionally,we derive the relation between the stellar RV curve amplitudes and g-band light curve amplitudes from Zwicky Transient Facility(ZTF)public survey.For those RRc stars without ZTF g-band light curves,we provide the conversions from the light curve amplitudes in ZTF r-and i-bands,Gaia G-band,and V-band from the All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae to those in ZTF g-band.We validate our RV curve templates using the RRc star SV Scl and find the uncertainties of systemic RV are less than 2.11 km s~(-1)and 6.08 km s~(-1)based on the Mg I b triplet and Hαlines,respectively.We calculate the systemic RVs of 30 RRc stars using the RV curve templates constructed with the Mg I b triplet and Hαlines and find the systemic RVs are comparable with each other.This RV curve template will be particularly useful for obtaining the systemic RV of RRc using the LAMOST spectroscopy.展开更多
Picking velocities from semblances manually is laborious and necessitates experience. Although various methods for automatic velocity picking have been developed, there remains a challenge in efficiently incorporating...Picking velocities from semblances manually is laborious and necessitates experience. Although various methods for automatic velocity picking have been developed, there remains a challenge in efficiently incorporating information from nearby gathers to ensure picked velocity aligns with seismic horizons while also improving picking accuracy. The conventional method of velocity picking from a semblance volume is computationally demanding, highlighting a need for a more efficient strategy. In this study, we introduce a novel method for automatic velocity picking based on multi-object tracking. This dynamic tracking process across different semblance panels can integrate information from nearby gathers effectively while maintaining computational efficiency. First, we employ accelerated density clustering on the velocity spectrum to discern cluster centers without the requirement for prior knowledge regarding the number of clusters. These cluster centers embody the maximum likelihood velocities of the main subsurface structures. Second, our proposed method tracks key points within the semblance volume. Kalman filter is adopted to adjust the tracking process, followed by interpolation on these tracked points to construct the final velocity model. Our synthetic data example demonstrates that our proposed algorithm can effectively rectify the picking errors of the clustering algorithm. We further compare the performances of the clustering method(CM), the proposed tracking method(TM), and the variational method(VM) on a field dataset from the Gulf of Mexico. The results attest that our method offers superior accuracy than CM, achieves comparable accuracy with VM, and benefits from a reduced computational cost.展开更多
The three-dimensional lattice Boltzmann method(LBM)is used to simulate the motion of a spherical squirmer in a square tube,and the steady motion velocity of a squirmer with different Reynolds numbers(Re,ranging from 0...The three-dimensional lattice Boltzmann method(LBM)is used to simulate the motion of a spherical squirmer in a square tube,and the steady motion velocity of a squirmer with different Reynolds numbers(Re,ranging from 0.1 to 2)and swimming types is investigated and analyzed to better understand the swimming characteristics of microorganisms in different environments.First,as the Reynolds number increases,the effect of the inertial forces becomes significant,disrupting the squirmer's ability to maintain its theoretical velocity.Specifically,as the Reynolds number increases,the structure of the flow field around the squirmer changes,affecting its velocity of motion.Notably,the swimming velocity of the squirmer exhibits a quadratic relationship with the type of swimming and the Reynolds number.Second,the narrow tube exerts a significant inhibitory effect on the squirmer motion.In addition,although chirality does not directly affect the swimming velocity of the squirmer,it can indirectly affect the velocity by changing its motion mode.展开更多
Existing lithospheric velocity models exhibit similar structures typically associated with the first-order tectonic features,with dissimilarities due to different data and methods used in model generation.The quantifi...Existing lithospheric velocity models exhibit similar structures typically associated with the first-order tectonic features,with dissimilarities due to different data and methods used in model generation.The quantification of model structural similarity can help in interpreting the geophysical properties of Earth's interior and establishing unified models crucial in natural hazard assessment and resource exploration.Here we employ the complex wavelet structural similarity index measure(CW-SSIM)active in computer image processing to analyze the structural similarity of four lithospheric velocity models of Chinese mainland published in the past decade.We take advantage of this method in its multiscale definition and insensitivity to slight geometrical distortion like translation and scaling,which is particularly crucial in the structural similarity analysis of velocity models accounting for uncertainty and resolution.Our results show that the CW-SSIM values vary in different model pairs,horizontal locations,and depths.While variations in the inter-model CW-SSIM are partly owing to different databases in the model generation,the difference of tomography methods may significantly impact the similar structural features of models,such as the low similarities between the full-wave based FWEA18 and other three models in northeastern China.We finally suggest potential solutions for the next generation of tomographic modeling in different areas according to corresponding structural similarities of existing models.展开更多
Internal polyhedral structures of a granular system can be investigated using the Voronoi tessellations.This technique has gained increasing recognition in research of kinetic properties of granular flows.For systems ...Internal polyhedral structures of a granular system can be investigated using the Voronoi tessellations.This technique has gained increasing recognition in research of kinetic properties of granular flows.For systems with mono-sized spherical particles,Voronoi tessellations can be utilized,while radial Voronoi tessellations are necessary for analyzing systems with multi-sized spherical particles.However,research about polyhedral structures of non-spherical particle systems is limited.We utilize the discrete element method to simulate a system of ellipsoidal particles,defined by the equation(x/a)^(2)+(y/1)^(2)+(z/1/a)^(2)=1,where a ranges from 1.1 to 2.0.The system is then dissected by using tangent planes at the contact points,and the geometric quantities of the resulting polyhedra in different shaped systems,such as surface area,volume,number of vertices,number of edges,and number of faces,are calculated.Meanwhile,the longitudinal and transverse wave velocities within the system are calculated with the time-of-flight method.The results demonstrate a strong correlation between the sound velocity of the system and the geometry of the dissected polyhedra.The sound velocity of the system increases with the increase in a,peaking at a=1.3,and then decreases as a continues to increase.The average volume,surface area,number of vertices,number of edges,and number of faces of the polyhedra decrease with the increase in sound velocity.That is,these quantities initially decrease with the increase in a,reaching minima at a=1.3,and then increase with further increase of a.The relationship between sound velocity and the geometric quantities of the dissected polyhedra can serve as a reference for acoustic material design.展开更多
In most practical engineering applications,the translating belt wraps around two fixed wheels.The boundary conditions of the dynamic model are typically specified as simply supported or fixed boundaries.In this paper,...In most practical engineering applications,the translating belt wraps around two fixed wheels.The boundary conditions of the dynamic model are typically specified as simply supported or fixed boundaries.In this paper,non-homogeneous boundaries are introduced by the support wheels.Utilizing the translating belt as the mechanical prototype,the vibration characteristics of translating Timoshenko beam models with nonhomogeneous boundaries are investigated for the first time.The governing equations of Timoshenko beam are deduced by employing the generalized Hamilton's principle.The effects of parameters such as the radius of wheel and the length of belt on vibration characteristics including the equilibrium deformations,critical velocities,natural frequencies,and modes,are numerically calculated and analyzed.The numerical results indicate that the beam experiences deformation characterized by varying curvatures near the wheels.The radii of the wheels play a pivotal role in determining the change in trend of the relative difference between two beam models.Comparing the results unearths that the relative difference in equilibrium deformations between the two beam models is more pronounced with smaller-sized wheels.When the two wheels are of equal size,the critical velocities of both beam models reach their respective minima.In addition,the relative difference in natural frequencies between the two beam models exhibits nonlinear variation and can easily exceed 50%.Furthermore,as the axial velocities increase,the impact of non-homogeneous boundaries on modal shape of translating beam becomes more significant.Although dealing with non-homogeneous boundaries is challenging,beam models with non-homogeneous boundaries are more sensitive to parameters,and the differences between the two types of beams undergo some interesting variations under the influence of non-homogeneous boundaries.展开更多
基金National Natural Science Foundation of China (40504011, 40674058)State Special Project of Oil-Gas of the Minis-try of Land and Resources (XQ-2004-01)
文摘In order to give a more reliable shallow crust model for the Chinese mainland, the present study collected many short-period surface wave data which are better sensitive to shallow earth structures. Different from traditional two-step surface wave tomography, we developed a new linearized surface wave dispersion inversion method to directly get a 3D S-wave velocity model in the second step instead of inverting for 1D S-velocity profile cell by cell. We convert all the regionalized dispersions into linear constraints for a 3D S-velocity model. Checkerboard tests show that this method can give reasonable results. The distribution of the middle- and upper-crust shear-wave velocity of the Chinese mainland in our model is strongly heterogeneous and related to different geotectonic terrains. Low-velocity anomalies delineated very well most of the major sedimentary basins of China. And the variation of velocities at different depths gives an indication of basement depth of the basins. The western Tethyan tectonic domain (on the west of the 95°E longitude) is characterized by low velocity, while the eastern Tethyan domain does not show obvious low velocity. Since petroleum resources often distribute in sedimentary basins where low-velocity anomaly appears, the low velocity anomalies in the western Tethyan domain may indicate a better petroleum prospect than in its eastern counterpart. Besides, low velocity anomaly in the western Tethyan domain and around the Xing'an orogenic belt may be partly caused by high crustal temperature. The weak low-velocity belt along -105°E longitude corresponds to the N-S strong seismic belt of central China.
基金supported by Open Grant from State key Laboratory of Geodesy and Earth’s Dynamics (Grant No. SKLGED2014-4-4-E)Office of Science and Technology in Shanxi province based on research Projects (2012011029)+1 种基金Scientific and Technological Research Projects in Shanxi province (20100311129-2, 20090311084)the China Earthquake Administration spark Project (XH15007)
文摘The Shanxi rift zone is one of the largest and active Cenozoic grabens in the world, studying the velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle in this region may help us to understand the mechanisms of rift processes and the seismogenic environment of active seismicity in continental rifts. In this work, using the broadband seismic data of Shanxi, Hebei, Henan, Shaanxi provinces, and the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region from February 2009 to November 2011, we have picked out 350 high-quality phase velocity dispersion curves of fundamental mode Rayleigh waves at periods from 8 to 75 s, and Rayleigh wave phase velocity maps have been constructed from 8 to 75 s period with horizontal resolution ranging from 40 to 50 km by two-station surface-wave tomography. Then, using a genetic algorithm, a 3D shear-wave speed model of the crust and uppermost mantle have been derived from these maps with a spatial resolution of 0.4° × 0.4°. Four characteristics can be outlined from the results: (1) Except in the Datong volcanic zone, in the depth range of 11-30 km, the location of a transition zone between the highand low-velocity regions is in agreement with the seismicity pattern in the study region, and the earthquakes are mostly concentrated near this transition zone; (2) In the depth range of 31-40 km, shear-wave velocities are higher to the south of the Taiyuan Basin and lower to the north, which is similar to the distribution pattern of Moho depth variations in the Shanxi region; (3) The shear-wave velocity pattern of higher velocities to the south of 38×N and lower velocities to the north is found to be consistent with that from the upper crustal levels to depth of 70 km. At the deeper depths, the spatial scale of the low-velocity anomalies zone in the north is gradually shrinking with depth increasing, the low-velocity anomalies are gradually disappearing beneath the Datong volcanic zone at the depth of 151-200 km. We proposed that the root of the Datong volcano may reach to a depth around 150 km; (4) Along the N-S vertical profile at 112.8°E, the 38°N latitude is the boundary between high and low velocities, arguing the tectonic difference between the Shanxi rift zone and its flanks, in the rift zone the seismic velocity is dominated by low-velocity anomalies while in the flanks it is high.
基金State Natural Science Foundation(59678020) Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province(RC9609).
文摘According to the results of cyclic triaxial tests, a linear correlation is presented between liquefaction resistance and elastic shear modulus, which shows the relation of Gmax (kPa) with (σd/2)1/2(kPa)1/2. When applied to soils from different sites, the correlation can be normalized in reference to its minimum void ratio (emin). Accordingly, an improved method is established to evaluate the liquefaction potential with shear-wave velocity. The critical shear-wave velocity of liquefaction is in linear relation with 1/4 power of depth and the maximum acceleration during earthquakes, which can be used to explain the phenomenon that the possibility of liquefaction decreases with the increment of the depth. Compared with previous methods this method turns out simple and effective, which is also verified by the results of cyclic triaxial tests.
基金supported by Poongsan-KAIST Future Research Center Projectthe fund support provided by the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF)grant funded by the Korea government(MSIT)(Grant No.2023R1A2C2005661)。
文摘This study presents a machine learning-based method for predicting fragment velocity distribution in warhead fragmentation under explosive loading condition.The fragment resultant velocities are correlated with key design parameters including casing dimensions and detonation positions.The paper details the finite element analysis for fragmentation,the characterizations of the dynamic hardening and fracture models,the generation of comprehensive datasets,and the training of the ANN model.The results show the influence of casing dimensions on fragment velocity distributions,with the tendencies indicating increased resultant velocity with reduced thickness,increased length and diameter.The model's predictive capability is demonstrated through the accurate predictions for both training and testing datasets,showing its potential for the real-time prediction of fragmentation performance.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 41688103 and 42004041)
文摘As the two largest cratonic basins in China,the Ordos Basin and the Sichuan Basin are of key importance for understanding the evolutionary history of the Chinese continent.In this study,the shear-wave velocity(V_(S))structures of the shallow crust(depth up to 10 km)beneath the two basins are imaged based on the frequency-dependence of direct P-wave amplitudes in receiver functions.The teleseismic data used in the study came from 160 broadband seismic stations,including permanent and temporary stations.The results show that the V_(S) and the thickness of the sediments in the Ordos Basin and the Sichuan Basin are respectively lower and thicker in the west than in the east.In the Ordos Basin,the shallow crustal V_(S) increases gradually from 2.10 km s^(−1)in the northwest to 2.65 km s^(−1)in the southeast and the thickest sediments are 7–8 km in the northwest and 5 km in the east.In the Sichuan Basin,the shallow crustal V_(S) increases from 2.4 km s^(−1) in the west to 2.7 km s^(−1)in the east and the thickness of the sediments decreases from>7 km in the west to 6 km in the east.The east-west difference of the shallow crustal structures of the two basins may have been controlled by the Cenozoic India-Eurasia collision.The western parts of the basins near the collision have a higher deposition rate,while in the parts inside the basins far from the collision,the V_(S) slowly increases with depth,indicating that these areas have experienced a more uniform deposition process.In addition,both basins are characterized by velocity structures that are higher along the edges and lower inside of the basins.The edges of the basins suffered strong denudation due to the uplifting and deformation influenced by tectonic evolution.The downward gradient of the shear-wave velocity beneath the Ordos Basin is twice that of the Sichuan Basin,which may be caused by the different deposition and denudation rates of the two basins resulting from differences in structural evolution and thermal events.In addition,the northern Ordos Basin exhibits a strong structural horizontal stratification,while the southern part shows obvious lateral variations in the V_(S) structure,both of which may have been affected by the Qilian orogenic event,the collision and assembly of the South China and the North China block,and the lateral extrusion of the Tibetan Plateau.
文摘Estimation of good velocity models under complex near-surface conditions remains a topic of ongoing research.We propose to predict near-surface velocity profiles from surface-waves transformed to phase velocity-frequency panels in a data-driven manner using deep neural networks.This is a different approach from many recent works that attempt to estimate velocity from directly reflected body waves or guided waves.A secondary objective is to analyze the influence on the prediction accuracy of various commonly employed deep learning practices,such as transfer learning and data augmentations.Through numerical experiments on synthetic data as well as a real geophysical example,we demonstrate that transfer learning as well as data augmentations are helpful when using deep learning for velocity estimation.A third and final objective is to study lack of generalization of deep learning models for out-of-distribution(OOD)data in the context of our problem,and present a novel approach to tackle it.We propose a domain adaptation network for training deep learning models that uses a priori knowledge on the range of velocity values in order to constrain mapping of the output.The final comparison on field data,which was not part of the training data,show the deep neural network predictions compare favorably with a conventional velocity model estimation obtained with a dispersion curve inversion workflow.
文摘Hamilton Monte Carlo (HMC)方法是一种常用的快速抽样方法.在对哈密顿方程进行抽样时,HMC方法使用Leapfrog积分器,这可能造成方程的位置及动量的迭代值在时间上不同步,其产生的误差会降低抽样效率及抽样结果的稳定性.为此,本文提出了IHMC(Improved HMC)方法,该方法用Velocity Verlet积分器替代Leapfrog积分器,每次迭代时都计算两变量在同一时刻的值.为验证方法的效果,本文进行了两个实验,一个是将该方法应用于非对称随机波动率模型(RASV模型)的参数估计,另一个是将方法应用于方差伽马分布的抽样,结果显示:IHMC方法比HMC方法的效率更高、结果更稳定.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.42074053 and 42374079)the Fundamental Research Funds from the Institute of Geophysics,China Earthquake Administration(Nos.DQJB19B30 and JY2022Z02).
文摘In this study,the shear-wave splitting parameters of local seismic events from the source regions of the 2023 Türkiye MW7.7 and MW7.6 doublet earthquakes(event 1 and event 2,respectively)were measured from June 1,2022,to April 25,2023,and their spatiotemporal characteristics were analyzed.The results revealed clear spatial and temporal differences.Spatially,the dominant fast-wave polarization direction at each station shows a strong correlation with the direction of the maximum horizontal principal compressive stress,as characterized by focal mechanism solutions of seismic events(MW≥3.5)near the station.The dominant fast-wave polarization direction and the regional stress field also showed a strong correlation with the intermovement of the Arabian Plate,African Plate,and Anatolian Block.Along the Nurdagi-Pazarcik fault zone,the seismic fault of event 1,stations closer to the middle of the fault where the mainshock occurred exhibited notably greater delay times than stations located towards the ends of the fault and far from the mainshock.In addition,the stations located to the east of the Nurdagi-Pazarcik fault and to the north of the Sürgüfault also exhibited large delay times.The spatial distribution of shear-wave splitting parameters obtained from each station indicates that the upper-crust anisotropy in the source area is mainly controlled by the regional stress field,which is closely related to the state of the block motion.During the seismogenic process of the MW7.7 earthquake,more stress accumulated in the middle of the Nurdagi-Pazarcik fault than at either end of the fault.Under the influence of the MW7.7 and MW7.6 events,the stress that accumulated during the seismogenic process of the earthquake doublet may have migrated towards some areas outside the aftershock intensive area after the earthquakes,and the crustal stress and its adjustment range near the outer stations increased significantly.With the exception of two stations with few effective events,all stations showed a consistent change in shear-wave splitting parameters over time.In particular,each station showed a decreasing trend in delay times after the doublet earthquakes,reflecting the obvious intensification of crustal stress adjustment in the seismogenic zone after the doublet earthquakes.With the occurrence of the earthquake doublet and a large number of aftershocks,the stress accumulated during the seismogenic process of the doublet earthquakes is gradually released,and then the adjustment range of crustal stress is also gradually reduced.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.42004030)Basic Scientific Fund for National Public Research Institutes of China(Grant No.2022S03)+1 种基金Science and Technology Innovation Project(LSKJ202205102)funded by Laoshan Laboratory,and the National Key Research and Development Program of China(2020YFB0505805).
文摘The scarcity of in-situ ocean observations poses a challenge for real-time information acquisition in the ocean.Among the crucial hydroacoustic environmental parameters,ocean sound velocity exhibits significant spatial and temporal variability and it is highly relevant to oceanic research.In this study,we propose a new data-driven approach,leveraging deep learning techniques,for the prediction of sound velocity fields(SVFs).Our novel spatiotemporal prediction model,STLSTM-SA,combines Spatiotemporal Long Short-Term Memory(ST-LSTM) with a self-attention mechanism to enable accurate and real-time prediction of SVFs.To circumvent the limited amount of observational data,we employ transfer learning by first training the model using reanalysis datasets,followed by fine-tuning it using in-situ analysis data to obtain the final prediction model.By utilizing the historical 12-month SVFs as input,our model predicts the SVFs for the subsequent three months.We compare the performance of five models:Artificial Neural Networks(ANN),Long ShortTerm Memory(LSTM),Convolutional LSTM(ConvLSTM),ST-LSTM,and our proposed ST-LSTM-SA model in a test experiment spanning 2019 to 2022.Our results demonstrate that the ST-LSTM-SA model significantly improves the prediction accuracy and stability of sound velocity in both temporal and spatial dimensions.The ST-LSTM-SA model not only accurately predicts the ocean sound velocity field(SVF),but also provides valuable insights for spatiotemporal prediction of other oceanic environmental variables.
基金supported by the research project of the University of Defence in Brno DZRO-FVT22-VAROPS。
文摘This paper deals with the collision of sphere shape grenades with sand media.The central issue of the article is the establishing of an empirical velocity equation of the grenade while impacting on sand that is used to solve motion equations of the mechanical mechanism inside the impact grenade fuze.The paper focuses on impact velocities that are lower than 5 m s^(-1).An experiment was conducted to study the velocity of the grenade while impacting on dry sand.A high-speed camera video was used to capture the grenade positions.The grenade velocity in the impact process was generated from these video data.Some types of fitting curves are used to regress the velocity equation of the grenade while interacting with the sand media and the best-fitting model is chosen.The result shows the regression curve has a high correlation with the experiment data for grenade velocities below 5 m s^(-1).The received regression equation is useful for analyzing the working ability of the inertial mechanism inside the impact grenade or analyzing and choosing the appropriate parameters of each part in the inertial mechanism to meet the required characteristics of the mechanism.
基金funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant/Award Numbers 62075135 and 61975126)the Science and Technology Innovation Commission of Shenzhen(Grant/Award Numbers JCYJ20190808174819083 and JCYJ20190808175201640)Shenzhen Science and Technology Planning Project(ZDSYS 20210623092006020).
文摘Measurement of bloodflow velocity is key to understanding physiology and pathology in vivo.While most measurements are performed at the middle of the blood vessel,little research has been done on characterizing the instantaneous bloodflow velocity distribution.This is mainly due to the lack of measurement technology with high spatial and temporal resolution.Here,we tackle this problem with our recently developed dual-wavelength line-scan third-harmonic generation(THG)imaging technology.Simultaneous acquisition of dual-wavelength THG line-scanning signals enables measurement of bloodflow velocities at two radially symmetric positions in both venules and arterioles in mouse brain in vivo.Our results clearly show that the instantaneous bloodflow velocity is not symmetric under general conditions.
文摘Floods are one of the most serious natural disasters that can cause huge societal and economic losses.Extensive research has been conducted on topics like flood monitoring,prediction,and loss estimation.In these research fields,flood velocity plays a crucial role and is an important factor that influences the reliability of the outcomes.Traditional methods rely on physical models for flood simulation and prediction and could generate accurate results but often take a long time.Deep learning technology has recently shown significant potential in the same field,especially in terms of efficiency,helping to overcome the time-consuming associated with traditional methods.This study explores the potential of deep learning models in predicting flood velocity.More specifically,we use a Multi-Layer Perceptron(MLP)model,a specific type of Artificial Neural Networks(ANNs),to predict the velocity in the test area of the Lundesokna River in Norway with diverse terrain conditions.Geographic data and flood velocity simulated based on the physical hydraulic model are used in the study for the pre-training,optimization,and testing of the MLP model.Our experiment indicates that the MLP model has the potential to predict flood velocity in diverse terrain conditions of the river with acceptable accuracy against simulated velocity results but with a significant decrease in training time and testing time.Meanwhile,we discuss the limitations for the improvement in future work.
文摘BACKGROUND Direct-acting antiviral agents(DAAs)are highly effective treatment for chronic hepatitis C(CHC)with a significant rate of sustained virologic response(SVR).The achievement of SVR is crucial to prevent additional liver damage and slow down fibrosis progression.The assessment of fibrosis degree can be performed with transient elastography,magnetic resonance elastography or shear-wave elastography(SWE).Liver elastography could function as a predictor for hepato-cellular carcinoma(HCC)in CHC patients treated with DAAs.AIM To explore the predictive value of SWE for HCC development after complete clearance of hepatitis C virus(HCV).METHODS A comprehensive literature search of clinical studies was performed to identify the ability of SWE to predict HCC occurrence after HCV clearance.In accordance with the study protocol,a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the evidence was planned.RESULTS At baseline and after 12 wk of follow-up,a trend was shown towards greater liver stiffness(LS)in those who go on to develop HCC compared to those who do not[baseline LS standardized mean difference(SMD):1.15,95%confidence interval(95%CI):020-2.50;LS SMD after 12 wk:0.83,95%CI:0.33-1.98].The absence of a statistically significant difference between the mean LS in those who developed HCC or not may be related to the inability to correct for confounding factors and the absence of raw source data.There was a statist-ically significant LS SMD at 24 wk of follow-up between patients who developed HCC vs not(0.64;95%CI:0.04-1.24).CONCLUSION SWE could be a promising tool for prediction of HCC occurrence in patients treated with DAAs.Further studies with larger cohorts and standardized timing of elastographic evaluation are needed to confirm these data.
文摘Kinesin-1 motor protein is a homodimer containing two identical motor domains connected by a common long coiledcoil stalk via two flexible neck linkers. The motor can step on a microtubule with a velocity of about 1 μm·s-1and an attachment duration of about 1 s under physiological conditions. The available experimental data indicate a tradeoff between velocity and attachment duration under various experimental conditions, such as variation of the solution temperature,variation of the strain between the two motor domains, and so on. However, the underlying mechanism of the tradeoff is unknown. Here, the mechanism is explained by a theoretical study of the dynamics of the motor under various experimental conditions, reproducing quantitatively the available experimental data and providing additional predictions. How the various experimental conditions lead to different decreasing rates of attachment duration versus velocity is also explained.
基金supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China(2023YFA1608100)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC,grant Nos.12090044,11833006 and 12303023)+3 种基金the science research grants from the China Manned Space Project including the CSST Milky Way and Nearby Galaxies Survey on Dust and Extinction Project CMS-CSST-2021-A09 and No.CMS-CSST-2021-A08.G.C.LHubei Provincial Natural Science Foundation with grant No.2023AFB577the Key Laboratory Fund of Ministry of Education under grant No.QLPL2022P01National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC,Grant No.U1731108)。
文摘We present radial velocity(RV)curve templates of RR Lyrae first-overtone(RRc)stars constructed with the Mg I b triplet and Hαlines using time-domain Medium-Resolution Survey spectra of seven RRc stars from Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope(LAMOST)Data Release 9.Additionally,we derive the relation between the stellar RV curve amplitudes and g-band light curve amplitudes from Zwicky Transient Facility(ZTF)public survey.For those RRc stars without ZTF g-band light curves,we provide the conversions from the light curve amplitudes in ZTF r-and i-bands,Gaia G-band,and V-band from the All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae to those in ZTF g-band.We validate our RV curve templates using the RRc star SV Scl and find the uncertainties of systemic RV are less than 2.11 km s~(-1)and 6.08 km s~(-1)based on the Mg I b triplet and Hαlines,respectively.We calculate the systemic RVs of 30 RRc stars using the RV curve templates constructed with the Mg I b triplet and Hαlines and find the systemic RVs are comparable with each other.This RV curve template will be particularly useful for obtaining the systemic RV of RRc using the LAMOST spectroscopy.
基金supported in part by the National Key Research and Development Program of China under Grant 2018YFA0702501in part by NSFC under Grant 41974126,41674116 and 42004101。
文摘Picking velocities from semblances manually is laborious and necessitates experience. Although various methods for automatic velocity picking have been developed, there remains a challenge in efficiently incorporating information from nearby gathers to ensure picked velocity aligns with seismic horizons while also improving picking accuracy. The conventional method of velocity picking from a semblance volume is computationally demanding, highlighting a need for a more efficient strategy. In this study, we introduce a novel method for automatic velocity picking based on multi-object tracking. This dynamic tracking process across different semblance panels can integrate information from nearby gathers effectively while maintaining computational efficiency. First, we employ accelerated density clustering on the velocity spectrum to discern cluster centers without the requirement for prior knowledge regarding the number of clusters. These cluster centers embody the maximum likelihood velocities of the main subsurface structures. Second, our proposed method tracks key points within the semblance volume. Kalman filter is adopted to adjust the tracking process, followed by interpolation on these tracked points to construct the final velocity model. Our synthetic data example demonstrates that our proposed algorithm can effectively rectify the picking errors of the clustering algorithm. We further compare the performances of the clustering method(CM), the proposed tracking method(TM), and the variational method(VM) on a field dataset from the Gulf of Mexico. The results attest that our method offers superior accuracy than CM, achieves comparable accuracy with VM, and benefits from a reduced computational cost.
基金Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.12132015 and 12372251)the Fundamental Research Funds for the Provincial Universities of Zhejiang of China(No.2023YW69)。
文摘The three-dimensional lattice Boltzmann method(LBM)is used to simulate the motion of a spherical squirmer in a square tube,and the steady motion velocity of a squirmer with different Reynolds numbers(Re,ranging from 0.1 to 2)and swimming types is investigated and analyzed to better understand the swimming characteristics of microorganisms in different environments.First,as the Reynolds number increases,the effect of the inertial forces becomes significant,disrupting the squirmer's ability to maintain its theoretical velocity.Specifically,as the Reynolds number increases,the structure of the flow field around the squirmer changes,affecting its velocity of motion.Notably,the swimming velocity of the squirmer exhibits a quadratic relationship with the type of swimming and the Reynolds number.Second,the narrow tube exerts a significant inhibitory effect on the squirmer motion.In addition,although chirality does not directly affect the swimming velocity of the squirmer,it can indirectly affect the velocity by changing its motion mode.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.42174063,92155307,41976046)Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Geophysical High-resolution Imaging Technology under(No.2022B1212010002)Project for introduced Talents Team of Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong(Guangzhou)(No.GML2019ZD0203)。
文摘Existing lithospheric velocity models exhibit similar structures typically associated with the first-order tectonic features,with dissimilarities due to different data and methods used in model generation.The quantification of model structural similarity can help in interpreting the geophysical properties of Earth's interior and establishing unified models crucial in natural hazard assessment and resource exploration.Here we employ the complex wavelet structural similarity index measure(CW-SSIM)active in computer image processing to analyze the structural similarity of four lithospheric velocity models of Chinese mainland published in the past decade.We take advantage of this method in its multiscale definition and insensitivity to slight geometrical distortion like translation and scaling,which is particularly crucial in the structural similarity analysis of velocity models accounting for uncertainty and resolution.Our results show that the CW-SSIM values vary in different model pairs,horizontal locations,and depths.While variations in the inter-model CW-SSIM are partly owing to different databases in the model generation,the difference of tomography methods may significantly impact the similar structural features of models,such as the low similarities between the full-wave based FWEA18 and other three models in northeastern China.We finally suggest potential solutions for the next generation of tomographic modeling in different areas according to corresponding structural similarities of existing models.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.12262005,11962003,and 11602062)the Postgraduate Education Reform and Quality Improvement Project of Henan Province(Grant No.YJS2024AL138)the Graduate Education Reform Project of Henan Province(Grant No.2023SJGLX096Y).
文摘Internal polyhedral structures of a granular system can be investigated using the Voronoi tessellations.This technique has gained increasing recognition in research of kinetic properties of granular flows.For systems with mono-sized spherical particles,Voronoi tessellations can be utilized,while radial Voronoi tessellations are necessary for analyzing systems with multi-sized spherical particles.However,research about polyhedral structures of non-spherical particle systems is limited.We utilize the discrete element method to simulate a system of ellipsoidal particles,defined by the equation(x/a)^(2)+(y/1)^(2)+(z/1/a)^(2)=1,where a ranges from 1.1 to 2.0.The system is then dissected by using tangent planes at the contact points,and the geometric quantities of the resulting polyhedra in different shaped systems,such as surface area,volume,number of vertices,number of edges,and number of faces,are calculated.Meanwhile,the longitudinal and transverse wave velocities within the system are calculated with the time-of-flight method.The results demonstrate a strong correlation between the sound velocity of the system and the geometry of the dissected polyhedra.The sound velocity of the system increases with the increase in a,peaking at a=1.3,and then decreases as a continues to increase.The average volume,surface area,number of vertices,number of edges,and number of faces of the polyhedra decrease with the increase in sound velocity.That is,these quantities initially decrease with the increase in a,reaching minima at a=1.3,and then increase with further increase of a.The relationship between sound velocity and the geometric quantities of the dissected polyhedra can serve as a reference for acoustic material design.
基金Project supported by the YEQISUN Joint Funds of the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.U2341231)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.12172186)。
文摘In most practical engineering applications,the translating belt wraps around two fixed wheels.The boundary conditions of the dynamic model are typically specified as simply supported or fixed boundaries.In this paper,non-homogeneous boundaries are introduced by the support wheels.Utilizing the translating belt as the mechanical prototype,the vibration characteristics of translating Timoshenko beam models with nonhomogeneous boundaries are investigated for the first time.The governing equations of Timoshenko beam are deduced by employing the generalized Hamilton's principle.The effects of parameters such as the radius of wheel and the length of belt on vibration characteristics including the equilibrium deformations,critical velocities,natural frequencies,and modes,are numerically calculated and analyzed.The numerical results indicate that the beam experiences deformation characterized by varying curvatures near the wheels.The radii of the wheels play a pivotal role in determining the change in trend of the relative difference between two beam models.Comparing the results unearths that the relative difference in equilibrium deformations between the two beam models is more pronounced with smaller-sized wheels.When the two wheels are of equal size,the critical velocities of both beam models reach their respective minima.In addition,the relative difference in natural frequencies between the two beam models exhibits nonlinear variation and can easily exceed 50%.Furthermore,as the axial velocities increase,the impact of non-homogeneous boundaries on modal shape of translating beam becomes more significant.Although dealing with non-homogeneous boundaries is challenging,beam models with non-homogeneous boundaries are more sensitive to parameters,and the differences between the two types of beams undergo some interesting variations under the influence of non-homogeneous boundaries.