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‘Reversing’the Flow of the Ancient Chinese Calendrical Subseasonal Phases Jie Qi in Australia:The Construction of a Chinese Medical & Agricultural Lunisolar Calendar ( Northern and Southern Hemispheres)(Continued) 被引量:1
作者 Rey Tiquia 《山西中医学院学报》 2008年第1期2-4,共3页
Jie qi(subseasonal phases or solar qi)constitutes the solar component of the ancient Chinese lunisolar calendar. It divides the year into twenty-four subseasonal phases i.e. li chun(beginning of spring),chun fen(sprin... Jie qi(subseasonal phases or solar qi)constitutes the solar component of the ancient Chinese lunisolar calendar. It divides the year into twenty-four subseasonal phases i.e. li chun(beginning of spring),chun fen(spring equinox),etc.From the premodern perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM),normal climate change(qi hou bian qian)moves in harmony with the temporal flow of the qi(qi yun)and is thus beneficial to human health.However,abnormal,abrupt weather or climatic changes like those weather features of being too cold or too hot,too windy,too humid,too dry or a combination of two or more of these weather/climatic features which occur out of season can lead to'seasonal diseases'(shi bing)or 'diseases brought about by external influences'(wai gan zhi bing)or by the'six excessive climatic qi etiological factors'(liu yin zhi bing 六因致病).Some examples of seasonal diseases are SARS,influenza,the common cold and heat stroke. But the temporal flow of the subseasonal qi(qi yun) in Australia is the reverse of that of the northern hemispherical regions of China,United States and Europe.This situation thus leads to a temporal desynchronisation of TCM practice and practitioners with the rhythm of the seasons.In order to address this problem,I have constructed a Chinese Medical & Agricultural Lunisolar Calendar (Northern & Southern Hemispheres),which'reverses'the flow of the subseasonal phases in the southern hemisphere.Having this calendrical tool,Chinese medicine practitioners in Australia can'reverse'their clinical activities in accordance with the natural rhythm of the seasons here. 展开更多
关键词 澳大利亚 农历 古历 中医理论 节气 辨证论治
‘Reversing’ the Flow of the Ancient Chinese Calendrical Subseasonal Phases Jie Qi in Australia:The Construction of a Chinese Medical & Agricultural Lunisolar Calendar (Northern and Southern Hemispheres) (Continued Part 1)
作者 Rey Tiquia 《山西中医学院学报》 2008年第2期11-12,共2页
1 The Cyclical Flow of the Sixty-Gan zhi Temporal Units 'Time for the Chinese is forever flowing without beginning or end',noted Thome H. Fang. And'it is customary for Chinese to use the kan-Chih(gan zhi)t... 1 The Cyclical Flow of the Sixty-Gan zhi Temporal Units 'Time for the Chinese is forever flowing without beginning or end',noted Thome H. Fang. And'it is customary for Chinese to use the kan-Chih(gan zhi)to mark the passage of time.There are ten heavenly stems(gan)and twelve earthly branches(zhi),an alternating and sequential combination of the two makes a cycle of sixty years,months,days and two-hour period shi chen(时辰)in a day'. The sixty gan zhi temporal cycle is very important in the practice of Chinese medicine.It is an important practical temporal tool in the acupuncture practice of 子午流注(zi wu liu zhu)which is a method of choosing and using acupuncture points in dealing with a specific clinical pattern in accordance with the patient's temporal clotting and flowing of his/her Qi and blood.In addition,the sixty gan-zhi temporal cyclical system is also an important tool in forecasting adverse weather/climactic conditions and the illnesses that comes with them on the basis of the ancient methodology of 'the circulating five elements/phases and the six climactic influences'五运六气.Hence,I have included this gan zhi or celestial stems and earthly branches for each of the days in the Chinese Medical and Agricultural Lunisolar Calendar for the year of Rat wu zi nian(wu is the celestial stem while zi is the earthly branch for the year 2008). 展开更多
关键词 中医学 穴位 节气 医学研究
由它簋盖铭文说清华简《周公之琴舞》“差寺王聪明”句的解读——兼申“成王作”中确有非成王语气《诗》 被引量:3
作者 宁镇疆 《出土文献》 2020年第4期53-63,156,共12页
清华简《周公之琴舞》"差寺王聪明"句,传统多读"差寺"为"佐事"或"佐持"。本文结合它簋盖铭文相近辞例,认为其中"差"当读为语词"嗟","寺"当读为"时",... 清华简《周公之琴舞》"差寺王聪明"句,传统多读"差寺"为"佐事"或"佐持"。本文结合它簋盖铭文相近辞例,认为其中"差"当读为语词"嗟","寺"当读为"时",理解为近指代词"是",故此句当断读为"嗟!寺(时)王聪明"。由此断读,可知这明显是他人称颂时王的口吻,而此句又居"成王作"之第八启中,这说明李学勤先生当初判断"成王作"组诗中也有非成王语气确有道理。由此出发,关于《周公之琴舞》组诗的结构其实还有需要重新探讨的地方。 展开更多
关键词 《周公之琴舞》 它簋 寺王 《周颂》
作者 黄华美 《闽江学院学报》 2014年第6期14-19,共6页
林则徐一生与书有关的实践活动可分为读书、藏书、用书、译书,这位近代中国历史上"开眼看世界"的第一人,少年时期的家庭环境促使其养成了坚毅向上的品德及读书爱书的情结,鳌峰书院的教育形成他经世致用的人生观和海纳百川的胸... 林则徐一生与书有关的实践活动可分为读书、藏书、用书、译书,这位近代中国历史上"开眼看世界"的第一人,少年时期的家庭环境促使其养成了坚毅向上的品德及读书爱书的情结,鳌峰书院的教育形成他经世致用的人生观和海纳百川的胸怀,并奠定了其出仕后藏书、用书的习惯。在探索西方事务过程中,林则徐成为我国近代介绍西方图书馆的第一人。 展开更多
关键词 林则徐 图书情结 《四洲志》
同而不同处有辨——《新列国志》《东周列国志》《鬼谷四友志》评点比较研究 被引量:1
作者 张丹丹 《集美大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2021年第2期74-80,共7页
选取《新列国志》《东周列国志》《鬼谷四友志》的重叠部分,对三书评点进行比较研究。从文本嬗变来看,《东周列国志》删削了《新列国志》部分诗文;《鬼谷四友志》则对《东周列国志》的语言、回目、情节均有改动。从评点来看,形式上三者... 选取《新列国志》《东周列国志》《鬼谷四友志》的重叠部分,对三书评点进行比较研究。从文本嬗变来看,《东周列国志》删削了《新列国志》部分诗文;《鬼谷四友志》则对《东周列国志》的语言、回目、情节均有改动。从评点来看,形式上三者各有不同;内容上,《新列国志》评点涉及多个方面,《东周列国志》《鬼谷四友志》评点则专注于劝诫;风格上,《新列国志》评点冷静自持,《东周列国志》评点相对严肃,《鬼谷四友志》评点则平易自然。这些差异彰显了明清时期历史演义小说发展进程中对“贵幻”理论的接纳、对英雄传奇模式的吸收以及评点者主体意识的增强。 展开更多
关键词 《新列国志》 《东周列国志》 《鬼谷四友志》 评点
作者 琚小飞 《南京师范大学文学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第3期14-23,共10页
《全蜀艺文志》是明人辑录的有关蜀地的诗文选集。清代以来,编纂者的身份颇有争议。通过寻绎明代以来至清初的文献记载,《全蜀艺文志》的作者为杨慎应属确凿。然而,自《四库全书》编纂之后,周复俊却被改为《全蜀艺文志》的作者,各阁提... 《全蜀艺文志》是明人辑录的有关蜀地的诗文选集。清代以来,编纂者的身份颇有争议。通过寻绎明代以来至清初的文献记载,《全蜀艺文志》的作者为杨慎应属确凿。然而,自《四库全书》编纂之后,周复俊却被改为《全蜀艺文志》的作者,各阁提要及《总目》均题为周复俊。四库馆臣之所以改撰作者,一方面确实存在致误的客观原因,周复俊曾重编《四川总志》,因此馆臣径将周复俊《四川总志序》误作《全蜀艺文志序》,故而顺理成章的以周复俊为作者;另一方面,通过诸提要对杨慎的评价可以发现,四库馆臣伪题《全蜀艺文志》作者,掺杂着诋毁杨慎的意图,借此树立清代考据学的权威。与此同时,四库馆臣借助官修《四库全书》的政治权威,改撰作者,在某种程度上规训了其他目录学著作的撰述方式,对后世影响极大。 展开更多
关键词 四库馆臣 《全蜀艺文志》 杨慎 周复俊
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