The main purpose of this paper is to establish the existence of multiple solutions for singular elliptic system involving the critical Sobolev-Hardy exponents and concave-convex nonlinearities. It is shown, by means o...The main purpose of this paper is to establish the existence of multiple solutions for singular elliptic system involving the critical Sobolev-Hardy exponents and concave-convex nonlinearities. It is shown, by means of variational methods, that under certain conditions, the system has at least two positive solutions.展开更多
In this article,we study the following critical problem involving the fractional Laplacian:{(−Δ)^α/2u−γu/|x|^α=λ|u|^q−2/|x|^s+|u|^2^∗α^(t)−2u/|x|^t in Ω,u=0 in R^N∖Ω,whereΩ⊂R^N(N>α)is a bounded smooth dom...In this article,we study the following critical problem involving the fractional Laplacian:{(−Δ)^α/2u−γu/|x|^α=λ|u|^q−2/|x|^s+|u|^2^∗α^(t)−2u/|x|^t in Ω,u=0 in R^N∖Ω,whereΩ⊂R^N(N>α)is a bounded smooth domain containing the origin,α∈(0,2),0≤s,t<α,1≤q<2,λ>0,2α^*(t)=2(N-t)/N-αis the fractional critical Sobolev-Hardy exponent,0≤γ<γH,and γH is the sharp constant of the Sobolev-Hardy inequality.We deal with the existence of multiple solutions for the above problem by means of variational methods and analytic techniques.展开更多
In this article, we study the existence of multiple solutions for the singular semilinear elliptic equation involving critical Sobolev-Hardy exponents -△μ-μ|x|^2^-μ=α|x|^s^-|μ|^2*(s)-2u+βα(x)|u|^...In this article, we study the existence of multiple solutions for the singular semilinear elliptic equation involving critical Sobolev-Hardy exponents -△μ-μ|x|^2^-μ=α|x|^s^-|μ|^2*(s)-2u+βα(x)|u|^r-2u,x∈R^n. By means of the concentration-compactness principle and minimax methods, we obtain infinitely many solutions which tend to zero for suitable positive parameters α,β.展开更多
In this paper,we consider a singular elliptic system with both concave non-linearities and critical Sobolev-Hardy growth terms in bounded domains.By means of variational methods,the multiplicity of positive solutions ...In this paper,we consider a singular elliptic system with both concave non-linearities and critical Sobolev-Hardy growth terms in bounded domains.By means of variational methods,the multiplicity of positive solutions to this problem is obtained.展开更多
For the following elliptic problem {-△u-μu/|x|^2=|u|^2^*(s)-2u/|x|^s+h(x), on R^N u∈D^1,2(R^N), N≥3, 0≤μ〈μ^-=(N-2)^2/4, 0≤s〈2, where 2^*(s)=2(N-s)/N-2 is the critical Sobolev-Hardy expon...For the following elliptic problem {-△u-μu/|x|^2=|u|^2^*(s)-2u/|x|^s+h(x), on R^N u∈D^1,2(R^N), N≥3, 0≤μ〈μ^-=(N-2)^2/4, 0≤s〈2, where 2^*(s)=2(N-s)/N-2 is the critical Sobolev-Hardy exponent, h(x) ∈ (D^1,2(R^N))^*, the dual space of (D^1,2(R^N)), with h(x)≥(≠)0. By Ekeland's variational principle, subsuper solutions and a Mountain Pass theorem, the authors prove that the above problem has at least two distinct solutions if ||h||*〈CN,sAs^N-s/4-2s(1-μ/μ)^1/2, CN,s=4-2s/N-2(N-2/N+2-2s)^N+2-2s/4-2s and As = inf u∈D^1,2(R^N)/{0}∫R^N(|△↓u|^2-μu^2/|x|^2)dx/(∫R^N|u|^2^*(s)/|x|^sdx)^2/2^*(s).展开更多
In this article, the authors prove the existence and the nonexistence of nontrivial solutions for a semilinear biharmonic equation involving critical exponent by virtue of Mountain Pass Lemma and Sobolev-Hardy inequal...In this article, the authors prove the existence and the nonexistence of nontrivial solutions for a semilinear biharmonic equation involving critical exponent by virtue of Mountain Pass Lemma and Sobolev-Hardy inequality.展开更多
For an n-dimensional chaotic system, we extend the definition of the nonlinear local Lyapunov exponent (NLLE) from one- to n-dimensional spectra, and present a method for computing the NLLE spectrum. The method is t...For an n-dimensional chaotic system, we extend the definition of the nonlinear local Lyapunov exponent (NLLE) from one- to n-dimensional spectra, and present a method for computing the NLLE spectrum. The method is tested on three chaotic systems with different complexity. The results indicate that the NLLE spectrum realistically characterizes the growth rates of initial error vectors along different directions from the linear to nonlinear phases of error growth. This represents an improvement over the traditional Lyapunov exponent spectrum, which only characterizes the error growth rates during the linear phase of error growth. In addition, because the NLLE spectrum can effectively separate the slowly and rapidly growing perturbations, it is shown to be more suitable for estimating the predictability of chaotic systems, as compared to the traditional Lyapunov exponent spectrum.展开更多
Multiphase flows are ubiquitous in our daily life and engineering applications. It is important to investigate the flow structures to predict their dynamical behaviors ef- fectively. Lagrangian coherent structures (...Multiphase flows are ubiquitous in our daily life and engineering applications. It is important to investigate the flow structures to predict their dynamical behaviors ef- fectively. Lagrangian coherent structures (LCS) defined by the ridges of the finite-time Lyapunov exponent (FTLE) is utilized in this study to elucidate the multiphase interactions in gaseous jets injected into water and time-dependent turbu- lent cavitation under the framework of Navier-Stokes flow computations. For the gaseous jets injected into water, the highlighted phenomena of the jet transportation can be observed by the LCS method, including expansion, bulge, necking/breaking, and back-attack. Besides, the observation of the LCS reveals that the back-attack phenomenon arises from the fact that the injected gas has difficulties to move toward downstream re- gion after the necking/breaking. For the turbulent cavitating flow, the ridge of the FTLE field can form a LCS to capture the front and boundary of the re-entraint jet when the ad- verse pressure gradient is strong enough. It represents a bar- rier between particles trapped inside the circulation region and those moving downstream. The results indicate that the FFLE field has the potential to identify the structures of mul- tiphase flows, and the LCS can capture the interface/barrier or the vortex/circulation region.展开更多
In this article, we study the quasilinear elliptic problem involving critical Hardy Sobolev exponents and Hardy terms. By variational methods and analytic techniques, we obtain the existence of sign-changing solutions...In this article, we study the quasilinear elliptic problem involving critical Hardy Sobolev exponents and Hardy terms. By variational methods and analytic techniques, we obtain the existence of sign-changing solutions to the problem.展开更多
Precipitation sequence is a typical nonlinear and chaotic observational series, and studies on precipitation forecasts are restricted to the use of traditional linear statistical methods, especially when analysing the...Precipitation sequence is a typical nonlinear and chaotic observational series, and studies on precipitation forecasts are restricted to the use of traditional linear statistical methods, especially when analysing the regional characteristics of precipitation. In the context of 20 stations' daily precipitation series (from 1956 to 2000) in South China (SC) and North China (NC), we divide each precipitation series into many self-stationary segments by using the heuristic segmentation algorithm (briefly BG algorithm). For each station's precipitation series, we calculate the exponent of power-law tall (EPT) of the cumulative probability distribution of segments with a length larger than l for precipitation and temperature series. Our results show that the power-law decay of the cumulative probability distribution of stationary segments might be a common attribution for precipitation and other nonstationary time series; the EPT somewhat indicates the precipitation duration and its spatial distribution that might be different from area to area. The EPT in NC is larger than in SC; Meanwhile, EPT might be another effective way to study the abrupt changes in nonlinear and nonstationary time series.展开更多
This paper is concerned with the evolutionary p-Laplacian with interior and boundary sources.The critical exponents for the nonlinear sources are determined.
This paper deals with the Neumann problem for a class of semilinear elliptic equations -△u + u =|u|2*-2u+ μ|u|q-2u in Ω, au/ar= |u|(?)*-2u on aΩ, where 2 = 2N/N-2, s=2(N-1)/N-2, 1 <q<2,N(?)3,μ>γ denotes...This paper deals with the Neumann problem for a class of semilinear elliptic equations -△u + u =|u|2*-2u+ μ|u|q-2u in Ω, au/ar= |u|(?)*-2u on aΩ, where 2 = 2N/N-2, s=2(N-1)/N-2, 1 <q<2,N(?)3,μ>γ denotes the unit outward normal to boundary aΩ. By vaxiational method and dual fountain theorem, the existence of infinitely many solutions with negative energy is proved.展开更多
In this paper, we deal with the following problem:By variational method, we prove the existenceof a nontrivial weak solution whenand the existence of a cylindricalweak solution when
Multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis (MF-DFA) is a relatively new method of multifractal analysis. It is extended from detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA), which was developed for detecting the long-range ...Multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis (MF-DFA) is a relatively new method of multifractal analysis. It is extended from detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA), which was developed for detecting the long-range correlation and the fractal properties in stationary and non-stationary time series. Although MF-DFA has become a widely used method, some relationships among the exponents established in the original paper seem to be incorrect under the general situation. In this paper, we theoretically and experimentally demonstrate the invalidity of the expression r(q) = qh(q) - 1 stipulating the relationship between the multifractal exponent T(q) and the generalized Hurst exponent h(q). As a replacement, a general relationship is established on the basis of the universal multifractal formalism for the stationary series as .t-(q) = qh(q) - qH - 1, where H is the nonconservation parameter in the universal multifractal formalism. The singular spectra, a and f(a), are also derived according to this new relationship.展开更多
Relationships between diameter at breast height(dbh) versus stand density, and tree height versus dbh(height curve) were explored with the aim to find if there were functional links between correspondent parameters of...Relationships between diameter at breast height(dbh) versus stand density, and tree height versus dbh(height curve) were explored with the aim to find if there were functional links between correspondent parameters of the relationships, exponents and intercepts of their power functions. A geometric model of a forest stand using a conic approximation suggested that there should be interrelations between correspondent exponents and intercepts of the relationships. It is equivalent to a type of ‘relationship between relationships’ that might exist in a forest stand undergoing self-thinning, and means that parameters of one relationship may be predicted from parameters of another. The predictions of the model were tested with data on forest stand structure from published databases that involved a number of trees species and site quality levels. It was found that the correspondent exponents and intercepts may be directly recalculated from one another for the simplest case when the total stem surface area was independent of stand density. For cases where total stem surface area changes with the drop of density, it is possible to develop a generalization of the model in which the interrelationships between correspondent parameters(exponents and intercepts) may be still established.展开更多
In this paper, we will prove the boundedness of Hardy type operators Hβ(x) and Hβ^*(x) of variable order β(x) on Herz spaces Kp(·)^α(·)q and Kp(·)^α(·)q′,where α(·) an...In this paper, we will prove the boundedness of Hardy type operators Hβ(x) and Hβ^*(x) of variable order β(x) on Herz spaces Kp(·)^α(·)q and Kp(·)^α(·)q′,where α(·) and p(·)are both variable.展开更多
According to the chaotic and non-linear characters of power load data,the time series matrix is established with the theory of phase-space reconstruction,and then Lyapunov exponents with chaotic time series are comput...According to the chaotic and non-linear characters of power load data,the time series matrix is established with the theory of phase-space reconstruction,and then Lyapunov exponents with chaotic time series are computed to determine the time delay and the embedding dimension.Due to different features of the data,data mining algorithm is conducted to classify the data into different groups.Redundant information is eliminated by the advantage of data mining technology,and the historical loads that have highly similar features with the forecasting day are searched by the system.As a result,the training data can be decreased and the computing speed can also be improved when constructing support vector machine(SVM) model.Then,SVM algorithm is used to predict power load with parameters that get in pretreatment.In order to prove the effectiveness of the new model,the calculation with data mining SVM algorithm is compared with that of single SVM and back propagation network.It can be seen that the new DSVM algorithm effectively improves the forecast accuracy by 0.75%,1.10% and 1.73% compared with SVM for two random dimensions of 11-dimension,14-dimension and BP network,respectively.This indicates that the DSVM gains perfect improvement effect in the short-term power load forecasting.展开更多
In this paper,by an approximating argument,we obtain two disjoint and infinite sets of solutions for the following elliptic equation with critical Hardy-Sobolev exponents■whereΩis a smooth bounded domain in RN with ...In this paper,by an approximating argument,we obtain two disjoint and infinite sets of solutions for the following elliptic equation with critical Hardy-Sobolev exponents■whereΩis a smooth bounded domain in RN with 0∈?Ωand all the principle curvatures of?Ωat 0 are negative,a∈C1(Ω,R*+),μ>0,0<s<2,1<q<2 and N>2(q+1)/(q-1).By2*:=2N/(N-2)and 2*(s):(2(N-s))/(N-2)we denote the critical Sobolev exponent and Hardy-Sobolev exponent,respectively.展开更多
This paper is concerned with the quasi-linear equation with critical Sobolev-Hardy exponent whereΩ(?)RN(N(?)3)is a smooth bounded domain,0∈Ω,0(?)s<p,1<p<N,p(s):=p(N-s)/N-p is the critical Sobolev-Hardy exp...This paper is concerned with the quasi-linear equation with critical Sobolev-Hardy exponent whereΩ(?)RN(N(?)3)is a smooth bounded domain,0∈Ω,0(?)s<p,1<p<N,p(s):=p(N-s)/N-p is the critical Sobolev-Hardy exponent,λ>0,p(?)r<p,p:=Np/N-p is the critical Sobolev exponent,μ>,0(?)t<p,p(?)q<p(t)=p(N-t)/N-p.The existence of a positive solution is proved by Sobolev-Hardy inequality and variational method.展开更多
We consider the semilinear subelliptic Laplace equation -Δ Hn u=u p+f(x,u) in Ω,u>0 in Ω,u=0 on Ω . Under suitable assumptions on f and p ,some existence and nonexistence results are obtained.
基金supported by NSFC(10771085)Key Lab of Symbolic Computation and Knowledge Engineering of Ministry of Educationthe 985 Program of Jilin University
文摘The main purpose of this paper is to establish the existence of multiple solutions for singular elliptic system involving the critical Sobolev-Hardy exponents and concave-convex nonlinearities. It is shown, by means of variational methods, that under certain conditions, the system has at least two positive solutions.
文摘In this article,we study the following critical problem involving the fractional Laplacian:{(−Δ)^α/2u−γu/|x|^α=λ|u|^q−2/|x|^s+|u|^2^∗α^(t)−2u/|x|^t in Ω,u=0 in R^N∖Ω,whereΩ⊂R^N(N>α)is a bounded smooth domain containing the origin,α∈(0,2),0≤s,t<α,1≤q<2,λ>0,2α^*(t)=2(N-t)/N-αis the fractional critical Sobolev-Hardy exponent,0≤γ<γH,and γH is the sharp constant of the Sobolev-Hardy inequality.We deal with the existence of multiple solutions for the above problem by means of variational methods and analytic techniques.
文摘In this article, we study the existence of multiple solutions for the singular semilinear elliptic equation involving critical Sobolev-Hardy exponents -△μ-μ|x|^2^-μ=α|x|^s^-|μ|^2*(s)-2u+βα(x)|u|^r-2u,x∈R^n. By means of the concentration-compactness principle and minimax methods, we obtain infinitely many solutions which tend to zero for suitable positive parameters α,β.
文摘In this paper,we consider a singular elliptic system with both concave non-linearities and critical Sobolev-Hardy growth terms in bounded domains.By means of variational methods,the multiplicity of positive solutions to this problem is obtained.
文摘For the following elliptic problem {-△u-μu/|x|^2=|u|^2^*(s)-2u/|x|^s+h(x), on R^N u∈D^1,2(R^N), N≥3, 0≤μ〈μ^-=(N-2)^2/4, 0≤s〈2, where 2^*(s)=2(N-s)/N-2 is the critical Sobolev-Hardy exponent, h(x) ∈ (D^1,2(R^N))^*, the dual space of (D^1,2(R^N)), with h(x)≥(≠)0. By Ekeland's variational principle, subsuper solutions and a Mountain Pass theorem, the authors prove that the above problem has at least two distinct solutions if ||h||*〈CN,sAs^N-s/4-2s(1-μ/μ)^1/2, CN,s=4-2s/N-2(N-2/N+2-2s)^N+2-2s/4-2s and As = inf u∈D^1,2(R^N)/{0}∫R^N(|△↓u|^2-μu^2/|x|^2)dx/(∫R^N|u|^2^*(s)/|x|^sdx)^2/2^*(s).
基金Supported by NSFC(10471047)NSF Guangdong Province(05300159).
文摘In this article, the authors prove the existence and the nonexistence of nontrivial solutions for a semilinear biharmonic equation involving critical exponent by virtue of Mountain Pass Lemma and Sobolev-Hardy inequality.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China for Excellent Young Scholars (Grant No. 41522502)the National Program on Global Change and Air–Sea Interaction (Grant No. GASI-IPOVAI06)the National Key Technology Research and Development Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (Grant No. 2015BAC03B07)
文摘For an n-dimensional chaotic system, we extend the definition of the nonlinear local Lyapunov exponent (NLLE) from one- to n-dimensional spectra, and present a method for computing the NLLE spectrum. The method is tested on three chaotic systems with different complexity. The results indicate that the NLLE spectrum realistically characterizes the growth rates of initial error vectors along different directions from the linear to nonlinear phases of error growth. This represents an improvement over the traditional Lyapunov exponent spectrum, which only characterizes the error growth rates during the linear phase of error growth. In addition, because the NLLE spectrum can effectively separate the slowly and rapidly growing perturbations, it is shown to be more suitable for estimating the predictability of chaotic systems, as compared to the traditional Lyapunov exponent spectrum.
文摘Multiphase flows are ubiquitous in our daily life and engineering applications. It is important to investigate the flow structures to predict their dynamical behaviors ef- fectively. Lagrangian coherent structures (LCS) defined by the ridges of the finite-time Lyapunov exponent (FTLE) is utilized in this study to elucidate the multiphase interactions in gaseous jets injected into water and time-dependent turbu- lent cavitation under the framework of Navier-Stokes flow computations. For the gaseous jets injected into water, the highlighted phenomena of the jet transportation can be observed by the LCS method, including expansion, bulge, necking/breaking, and back-attack. Besides, the observation of the LCS reveals that the back-attack phenomenon arises from the fact that the injected gas has difficulties to move toward downstream re- gion after the necking/breaking. For the turbulent cavitating flow, the ridge of the FTLE field can form a LCS to capture the front and boundary of the re-entraint jet when the ad- verse pressure gradient is strong enough. It represents a bar- rier between particles trapped inside the circulation region and those moving downstream. The results indicate that the FFLE field has the potential to identify the structures of mul- tiphase flows, and the LCS can capture the interface/barrier or the vortex/circulation region.
基金supported partly by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (10771219)
文摘In this article, we study the quasilinear elliptic problem involving critical Hardy Sobolev exponents and Hardy terms. By variational methods and analytic techniques, we obtain the existence of sign-changing solutions to the problem.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No 40675044)the State Key development program for Basic Research (Grant No 2006CB400503)
文摘Precipitation sequence is a typical nonlinear and chaotic observational series, and studies on precipitation forecasts are restricted to the use of traditional linear statistical methods, especially when analysing the regional characteristics of precipitation. In the context of 20 stations' daily precipitation series (from 1956 to 2000) in South China (SC) and North China (NC), we divide each precipitation series into many self-stationary segments by using the heuristic segmentation algorithm (briefly BG algorithm). For each station's precipitation series, we calculate the exponent of power-law tall (EPT) of the cumulative probability distribution of segments with a length larger than l for precipitation and temperature series. Our results show that the power-law decay of the cumulative probability distribution of stationary segments might be a common attribution for precipitation and other nonstationary time series; the EPT somewhat indicates the precipitation duration and its spatial distribution that might be different from area to area. The EPT in NC is larger than in SC; Meanwhile, EPT might be another effective way to study the abrupt changes in nonlinear and nonstationary time series.
基金supported by NSFCResearch Fundfor the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China,Fundamental Research Project of Jilin University(200903284)Graduate Innovation Fund of Jilin University(20101045)
文摘This paper is concerned with the evolutionary p-Laplacian with interior and boundary sources.The critical exponents for the nonlinear sources are determined.
文摘This paper deals with the Neumann problem for a class of semilinear elliptic equations -△u + u =|u|2*-2u+ μ|u|q-2u in Ω, au/ar= |u|(?)*-2u on aΩ, where 2 = 2N/N-2, s=2(N-1)/N-2, 1 <q<2,N(?)3,μ>γ denotes the unit outward normal to boundary aΩ. By vaxiational method and dual fountain theorem, the existence of infinitely many solutions with negative energy is proved.
基金Supported by the National Science Foundation of China(11071245 and 11101418)
文摘In this paper, we deal with the following problem:By variational method, we prove the existenceof a nontrivial weak solution whenand the existence of a cylindricalweak solution when
基金Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.11071282)the Chinese Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University (Grant No.NCET-08-06867)
文摘Multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis (MF-DFA) is a relatively new method of multifractal analysis. It is extended from detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA), which was developed for detecting the long-range correlation and the fractal properties in stationary and non-stationary time series. Although MF-DFA has become a widely used method, some relationships among the exponents established in the original paper seem to be incorrect under the general situation. In this paper, we theoretically and experimentally demonstrate the invalidity of the expression r(q) = qh(q) - 1 stipulating the relationship between the multifractal exponent T(q) and the generalized Hurst exponent h(q). As a replacement, a general relationship is established on the basis of the universal multifractal formalism for the stationary series as .t-(q) = qh(q) - qH - 1, where H is the nonconservation parameter in the universal multifractal formalism. The singular spectra, a and f(a), are also derived according to this new relationship.
基金in part supported by a research grant from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research ‘Impact of climate change on productivity of forest landscapes of Central Siberia:reconstruction of landscape dynamics in holocene and prognosis of tendencies of substance turnover in the landscapes’
文摘Relationships between diameter at breast height(dbh) versus stand density, and tree height versus dbh(height curve) were explored with the aim to find if there were functional links between correspondent parameters of the relationships, exponents and intercepts of their power functions. A geometric model of a forest stand using a conic approximation suggested that there should be interrelations between correspondent exponents and intercepts of the relationships. It is equivalent to a type of ‘relationship between relationships’ that might exist in a forest stand undergoing self-thinning, and means that parameters of one relationship may be predicted from parameters of another. The predictions of the model were tested with data on forest stand structure from published databases that involved a number of trees species and site quality levels. It was found that the correspondent exponents and intercepts may be directly recalculated from one another for the simplest case when the total stem surface area was independent of stand density. For cases where total stem surface area changes with the drop of density, it is possible to develop a generalization of the model in which the interrelationships between correspondent parameters(exponents and intercepts) may be still established.
基金supported by NSFC (No. 11201003)Education Committee of Anhui Province (No. KJ2012A133)
文摘In this paper, we will prove the boundedness of Hardy type operators Hβ(x) and Hβ^*(x) of variable order β(x) on Herz spaces Kp(·)^α(·)q and Kp(·)^α(·)q′,where α(·) and p(·)are both variable.
基金Project(70671039) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
文摘According to the chaotic and non-linear characters of power load data,the time series matrix is established with the theory of phase-space reconstruction,and then Lyapunov exponents with chaotic time series are computed to determine the time delay and the embedding dimension.Due to different features of the data,data mining algorithm is conducted to classify the data into different groups.Redundant information is eliminated by the advantage of data mining technology,and the historical loads that have highly similar features with the forecasting day are searched by the system.As a result,the training data can be decreased and the computing speed can also be improved when constructing support vector machine(SVM) model.Then,SVM algorithm is used to predict power load with parameters that get in pretreatment.In order to prove the effectiveness of the new model,the calculation with data mining SVM algorithm is compared with that of single SVM and back propagation network.It can be seen that the new DSVM algorithm effectively improves the forecast accuracy by 0.75%,1.10% and 1.73% compared with SVM for two random dimensions of 11-dimension,14-dimension and BP network,respectively.This indicates that the DSVM gains perfect improvement effect in the short-term power load forecasting.
文摘In this paper,by an approximating argument,we obtain two disjoint and infinite sets of solutions for the following elliptic equation with critical Hardy-Sobolev exponents■whereΩis a smooth bounded domain in RN with 0∈?Ωand all the principle curvatures of?Ωat 0 are negative,a∈C1(Ω,R*+),μ>0,0<s<2,1<q<2 and N>2(q+1)/(q-1).By2*:=2N/(N-2)and 2*(s):(2(N-s))/(N-2)we denote the critical Sobolev exponent and Hardy-Sobolev exponent,respectively.
基金This research is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(l0171036) and the Natural Science Foundation of South-Central University For Nationalities(YZZ03001).
文摘This paper is concerned with the quasi-linear equation with critical Sobolev-Hardy exponent whereΩ(?)RN(N(?)3)is a smooth bounded domain,0∈Ω,0(?)s<p,1<p<N,p(s):=p(N-s)/N-p is the critical Sobolev-Hardy exponent,λ>0,p(?)r<p,p:=Np/N-p is the critical Sobolev exponent,μ>,0(?)t<p,p(?)q<p(t)=p(N-t)/N-p.The existence of a positive solution is proved by Sobolev-Hardy inequality and variational method.
文摘We consider the semilinear subelliptic Laplace equation -Δ Hn u=u p+f(x,u) in Ω,u>0 in Ω,u=0 on Ω . Under suitable assumptions on f and p ,some existence and nonexistence results are obtained.