CH4 is one of the most important greenhouse gases, and mainly comes from soils in forest ecosystems. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of forest management practices such as understory removal a...CH4 is one of the most important greenhouse gases, and mainly comes from soils in forest ecosystems. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of forest management practices such as understory removal and N-fixing species (Cassia alata) addition, on soil CH4 fluxes in four forest plantations in southern China. Fluxes of CH4 were measured in Eucalyptus urophylla plantation (B1), Acacia crassi-carpa plantation (B2), 10-native-species-mixed plantation (B3), and 30-native-species-mixed plantation (B4) stands using the static chamber method in Southern China. Four forest management treatments, includ-ing (1) understory removal and replacement with C. alata (UR+CA); (2) understory removal only (UR); (3) C. alata addition only (CA); and (4) control without any disturbances (CK), were applied in the four forest plantations. The results showed that plantation types had a significant effect on soil CH4 fluxes. B1 and B2 tended to be CH4 consumers, while B3 and B4 inclined to be CH4 producers. UR decreased CH4 fluxes by providing a more optimal soil temperature and moisture regime for mi-croorganism community and increasing substrate mineralization. How-ever, CA enhanced CH4 fluxes in B1 and B2 for N-fixing function of C. alata while lowered CH4 fluxes in B3 and B4. Soil CH4 flux rate was significantly related to soil temperature and moisture conditions in the top 10-cm soil layer. Furthermore, the quality of substrates, such as Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) and mineral N might also be important driving factors for CH4 fluxes. This study improved our understanding on CH4 fluxes in plantations under different management practices such as UR and CA.展开更多
The United States continues to be the largest corn producer in the world. How to maximize corn yield and at the same time reduce greenhouse gas emissions, is becoming a challenging effort for growers and researchers. ...The United States continues to be the largest corn producer in the world. How to maximize corn yield and at the same time reduce greenhouse gas emissions, is becoming a challenging effort for growers and researchers. As a result, our understanding of the responses of soil CO2 and CH4 fluxes to agricultural practices in cornfields is still limited. We conducted a 3-yr cornfield experiment to study the responses of soil CO2 and CH4 fluxes to various agricultural practices in middle Tennessee. The agricultural practices included no-tillage + regular applications of urea ammonium nitrate (NT-URAN);no-tillage + regular applications of URAN + denitrification inhibitor (NT-inhi- bitor);no-tillage + regular applications of URAN + biochar (NT-biochar);no-tillage + 20% applications of URAN + chicken litter (NT-litter);no-tillage + split applications of URAN (NT-split);and conventional tillage + regular applications of URAN as a control (CT-URAN). A randomized complete block design was used with six replications. The same amount of fertilizer equivalent to 217 kg·N·ha-1 was applied to all of the experimental plots. The results showed that improved fertilizer and soil management, except the NT-biochar treatment significantly increased soil CO2 flux as compared to the conventional tillage (CT-URAN, 487.05 mg CO2 m-2·h-1). Soil CO2 flux increased exponentially with soil temperature (T 2 flux tended to be positively related to corn yield and/or soil moisture. Soil CH4 flux increased linearly with soil moisture in all treatments. Improved fertilizer and soil management did not alter soil CH4 flux, but significantly affected its moisture sensitivity. Our results indicated that agricultural practices enhancing corn yield may also result in a net increase in carbon emissions from soil, hence reducing the potential of carbon sequestration in croplands.展开更多
Global mean surface air temperature is expected to increase 1.1˚C - 6.4˚C by the end of 21st century which may affect rice productivity and methane emissions in the future climate. This experiment was conducted to inv...Global mean surface air temperature is expected to increase 1.1˚C - 6.4˚C by the end of 21st century which may affect rice productivity and methane emissions in the future climate. This experiment was conducted to investigate the response of rice cultivars to elevated air temperature (+1.5˚C higher than ambient) and soil amendments in regards to rice yield, yield scaled methane emissions and global warming potentials. The experimental findings revealed that replacement of inorganic fertilizers (20% - 40% of recommended NPKS) with Vermicompost, Azolla biofertilizer, enriched sugarcane pressmud, rice husk biochar and silicate fertilization increased rice yield 13.0% - 23.0%, and 11.0% - 19.0% during wet aman and dry boro season, respectively. However, seasonal cumulative CH4 fluxes were decreased by 9.0% - 25.0% and 5.0% - 19.0% during rainfed wet aman and irrigated dry boro rice cultivation, respectively with selected soil amendments. The maximum reduction in seasonal cumulative CH4 flux (19.0% - 25.0%) was recorded with silicate fertilization and azolla biofertilizer amendments (9.0% - 13.0%), whereas maximum grain yield increment 10.0 % - 14.0% was found with Vermicompost and Sugarcane pressmud amendments compared to chemical fertilization (100% NPKS) treated soils at ambient air temperature. However, rice grain yield decreased drastically 43.0% - 50.0% at elevated air temperature (3˚C higher than ambient air temperature), eventhough accelerated the total cumulative CH4 flux as well as GWPs in all treatments. Maximum seasonal mean GWPs were calculated at 391.0 kg CO2 eq·ha−1 in rice husk biochar followed by sugarcane pressmud (mean GWP 387.0 kg CO2 eq·ha−1), while least GWPs were calculated at 285 - 305 kg CO2 eq·ha−1 with silicate fertilizer and Azolla biofertilizer amendments. Rice cultivar BRRI dhan 87 revealed comparatively higher seasonal cumulative CH4 fluxes, yield scaled CH4 flux and GWPs than BRRI dhan 71 during wet aman rice growing season;while BRRI dhan 89 showed higher cumulative CH4 flux and GWPs than BINA dhan 10 during irrigated boro rice cultivation. Conclusively, inorganic fertilizers may be partially (20% - 40% of the recommended NPKS) replaced with Vermicompost, azolla biofertilizer, silicate fertilizer and enriched sugarcane pressmud compost for sustainable rice production and decreasing GWPs under elevated air temperature condition.展开更多
中高纬度森林地区由于气候条件变化剧烈,土壤温室气体排放量的估算存在很大的不确定性,并且不同碳氮气体通量的主控因子与耦合关系尚不明确。以长白山温带针阔混交林为研究对象,采用静态箱-气相色谱法连续4a(2005—2009年)测定土壤二氧...中高纬度森林地区由于气候条件变化剧烈,土壤温室气体排放量的估算存在很大的不确定性,并且不同碳氮气体通量的主控因子与耦合关系尚不明确。以长白山温带针阔混交林为研究对象,采用静态箱-气相色谱法连续4a(2005—2009年)测定土壤二氧化碳(CO2)、甲烷(CH4)和氧化亚氮(N2O)净交换通量以及温度、水分等相关环境因子。研究结果表明:温带针阔混交林土壤整体上表现为CO2和N2O的排放源和CH4的吸收汇。土壤CH4、CO2和N2O通量的年均值分别为-1.3 kg CH4hm-2a-1、15102.2 kg CO2hm-2a-1和6.13 kg N2O hm-2a-1。土壤CO2通量呈现明显的季节性规律,主要受土壤温度的影响,水分次之;土壤CH4通量的季节变化不明显,与土壤水分显著正相关;土壤N2O通量季节变化与土壤CO2通量相似,与土壤水分、温度显著正相关。土壤CO2通量和CH4通量不存在任何类型的耦合关系,与N2O通量也不存在耦合关系;土壤CH4和N2O通量之间表现为消长型耦合关系。这项研究显示温带针阔混交林土壤碳氮气体通量主要受环境因子驱动,不同气体通量产生与消耗之间存在复杂的耦合关系,下一步研究需要深入探讨环境变化对其耦合关系的影响以及内在的生物驱动机制。展开更多
于2008年4月~2009年10月在龙王山对林带土壤进行模拟氮沉降试验,采用静态箱-气相色谱法测定土壤N2O和CH4通量,研究氮沉降增加对土壤N2O和CH4排放(吸收)的影响.结果表明,短期内,氮沉降没改变土壤N2O和CH4通量的季节性变化规律和日变化规...于2008年4月~2009年10月在龙王山对林带土壤进行模拟氮沉降试验,采用静态箱-气相色谱法测定土壤N2O和CH4通量,研究氮沉降增加对土壤N2O和CH4排放(吸收)的影响.结果表明,短期内,氮沉降没改变土壤N2O和CH4通量的季节性变化规律和日变化规律.与对照(CK)相比,短期的低氮[50 kg N/(hm2.a),TL]、中氮[100kgN/(hm2.a),TM]和高氮[150kgN/(hm2.a),TH]处理对土壤的N2O和CH4年平均通量和日平均通量都没有显著影响.展开更多
基金This research was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China (30630015, 30771704)
文摘CH4 is one of the most important greenhouse gases, and mainly comes from soils in forest ecosystems. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of forest management practices such as understory removal and N-fixing species (Cassia alata) addition, on soil CH4 fluxes in four forest plantations in southern China. Fluxes of CH4 were measured in Eucalyptus urophylla plantation (B1), Acacia crassi-carpa plantation (B2), 10-native-species-mixed plantation (B3), and 30-native-species-mixed plantation (B4) stands using the static chamber method in Southern China. Four forest management treatments, includ-ing (1) understory removal and replacement with C. alata (UR+CA); (2) understory removal only (UR); (3) C. alata addition only (CA); and (4) control without any disturbances (CK), were applied in the four forest plantations. The results showed that plantation types had a significant effect on soil CH4 fluxes. B1 and B2 tended to be CH4 consumers, while B3 and B4 inclined to be CH4 producers. UR decreased CH4 fluxes by providing a more optimal soil temperature and moisture regime for mi-croorganism community and increasing substrate mineralization. How-ever, CA enhanced CH4 fluxes in B1 and B2 for N-fixing function of C. alata while lowered CH4 fluxes in B3 and B4. Soil CH4 flux rate was significantly related to soil temperature and moisture conditions in the top 10-cm soil layer. Furthermore, the quality of substrates, such as Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) and mineral N might also be important driving factors for CH4 fluxes. This study improved our understanding on CH4 fluxes in plantations under different management practices such as UR and CA.
文摘The United States continues to be the largest corn producer in the world. How to maximize corn yield and at the same time reduce greenhouse gas emissions, is becoming a challenging effort for growers and researchers. As a result, our understanding of the responses of soil CO2 and CH4 fluxes to agricultural practices in cornfields is still limited. We conducted a 3-yr cornfield experiment to study the responses of soil CO2 and CH4 fluxes to various agricultural practices in middle Tennessee. The agricultural practices included no-tillage + regular applications of urea ammonium nitrate (NT-URAN);no-tillage + regular applications of URAN + denitrification inhibitor (NT-inhi- bitor);no-tillage + regular applications of URAN + biochar (NT-biochar);no-tillage + 20% applications of URAN + chicken litter (NT-litter);no-tillage + split applications of URAN (NT-split);and conventional tillage + regular applications of URAN as a control (CT-URAN). A randomized complete block design was used with six replications. The same amount of fertilizer equivalent to 217 kg·N·ha-1 was applied to all of the experimental plots. The results showed that improved fertilizer and soil management, except the NT-biochar treatment significantly increased soil CO2 flux as compared to the conventional tillage (CT-URAN, 487.05 mg CO2 m-2·h-1). Soil CO2 flux increased exponentially with soil temperature (T 2 flux tended to be positively related to corn yield and/or soil moisture. Soil CH4 flux increased linearly with soil moisture in all treatments. Improved fertilizer and soil management did not alter soil CH4 flux, but significantly affected its moisture sensitivity. Our results indicated that agricultural practices enhancing corn yield may also result in a net increase in carbon emissions from soil, hence reducing the potential of carbon sequestration in croplands.
文摘Global mean surface air temperature is expected to increase 1.1˚C - 6.4˚C by the end of 21st century which may affect rice productivity and methane emissions in the future climate. This experiment was conducted to investigate the response of rice cultivars to elevated air temperature (+1.5˚C higher than ambient) and soil amendments in regards to rice yield, yield scaled methane emissions and global warming potentials. The experimental findings revealed that replacement of inorganic fertilizers (20% - 40% of recommended NPKS) with Vermicompost, Azolla biofertilizer, enriched sugarcane pressmud, rice husk biochar and silicate fertilization increased rice yield 13.0% - 23.0%, and 11.0% - 19.0% during wet aman and dry boro season, respectively. However, seasonal cumulative CH4 fluxes were decreased by 9.0% - 25.0% and 5.0% - 19.0% during rainfed wet aman and irrigated dry boro rice cultivation, respectively with selected soil amendments. The maximum reduction in seasonal cumulative CH4 flux (19.0% - 25.0%) was recorded with silicate fertilization and azolla biofertilizer amendments (9.0% - 13.0%), whereas maximum grain yield increment 10.0 % - 14.0% was found with Vermicompost and Sugarcane pressmud amendments compared to chemical fertilization (100% NPKS) treated soils at ambient air temperature. However, rice grain yield decreased drastically 43.0% - 50.0% at elevated air temperature (3˚C higher than ambient air temperature), eventhough accelerated the total cumulative CH4 flux as well as GWPs in all treatments. Maximum seasonal mean GWPs were calculated at 391.0 kg CO2 eq·ha−1 in rice husk biochar followed by sugarcane pressmud (mean GWP 387.0 kg CO2 eq·ha−1), while least GWPs were calculated at 285 - 305 kg CO2 eq·ha−1 with silicate fertilizer and Azolla biofertilizer amendments. Rice cultivar BRRI dhan 87 revealed comparatively higher seasonal cumulative CH4 fluxes, yield scaled CH4 flux and GWPs than BRRI dhan 71 during wet aman rice growing season;while BRRI dhan 89 showed higher cumulative CH4 flux and GWPs than BINA dhan 10 during irrigated boro rice cultivation. Conclusively, inorganic fertilizers may be partially (20% - 40% of the recommended NPKS) replaced with Vermicompost, azolla biofertilizer, silicate fertilizer and enriched sugarcane pressmud compost for sustainable rice production and decreasing GWPs under elevated air temperature condition.
文摘中高纬度森林地区由于气候条件变化剧烈,土壤温室气体排放量的估算存在很大的不确定性,并且不同碳氮气体通量的主控因子与耦合关系尚不明确。以长白山温带针阔混交林为研究对象,采用静态箱-气相色谱法连续4a(2005—2009年)测定土壤二氧化碳(CO2)、甲烷(CH4)和氧化亚氮(N2O)净交换通量以及温度、水分等相关环境因子。研究结果表明:温带针阔混交林土壤整体上表现为CO2和N2O的排放源和CH4的吸收汇。土壤CH4、CO2和N2O通量的年均值分别为-1.3 kg CH4hm-2a-1、15102.2 kg CO2hm-2a-1和6.13 kg N2O hm-2a-1。土壤CO2通量呈现明显的季节性规律,主要受土壤温度的影响,水分次之;土壤CH4通量的季节变化不明显,与土壤水分显著正相关;土壤N2O通量季节变化与土壤CO2通量相似,与土壤水分、温度显著正相关。土壤CO2通量和CH4通量不存在任何类型的耦合关系,与N2O通量也不存在耦合关系;土壤CH4和N2O通量之间表现为消长型耦合关系。这项研究显示温带针阔混交林土壤碳氮气体通量主要受环境因子驱动,不同气体通量产生与消耗之间存在复杂的耦合关系,下一步研究需要深入探讨环境变化对其耦合关系的影响以及内在的生物驱动机制。
文摘于2008年4月~2009年10月在龙王山对林带土壤进行模拟氮沉降试验,采用静态箱-气相色谱法测定土壤N2O和CH4通量,研究氮沉降增加对土壤N2O和CH4排放(吸收)的影响.结果表明,短期内,氮沉降没改变土壤N2O和CH4通量的季节性变化规律和日变化规律.与对照(CK)相比,短期的低氮[50 kg N/(hm2.a),TL]、中氮[100kgN/(hm2.a),TM]和高氮[150kgN/(hm2.a),TH]处理对土壤的N2O和CH4年平均通量和日平均通量都没有显著影响.