Background Potassium(K)is an essential nutrient for plant growth and development.However,plant fertilization ignoring the soil K level is very likely to cause excessive fertilizer use,and further arouse a series of si...Background Potassium(K)is an essential nutrient for plant growth and development.However,plant fertilization ignoring the soil K level is very likely to cause excessive fertilizer use,and further arouse a series of side effects.This study investigated the response of cotton growth to different soil K levels and the uptake of major nutrients,aiming to evaluate the appropriate K supply level for cotton growth.Using a random block design with 6 soil K levels,we conducted 18 micro-zones field experiments over two continuous years.The soil available K concentration of each treatment was K1(99.77-100.90 mg·kg^(-1)),K2(110.90-111.26 mg·kg^(-1)),K3(123.48-128.88 mg·kg^(-1)),K4(140.13-145.10 mg·kg^(-1)),K5(154.43-155.38 mg·kg^(-1)),and K6(165.77-168.75 mg·kg^(-1)).Cotton nutrient contents,soil nutrient contents,accumulation and distribution of dry matter in cotton were determined,and the relationships between K content in soil and plants and dry matter accumulation were analyzed.Results The soil K content had a significantly positive relationship with dry matter and K accumulation in cotton plants.There were significant differences in dry matter accumulation,single-plant seed cotton yield,mineral nutrient uptake and the proportion of K accumulation in reproductive organs among different soil K levels.The results showed that there was significant difference between K4 and lower K level treatments(K1 and K2),but no significant difference between K4 and higher K level treatments(K5 and K6)in dry matter,single-plant seed cotton yield,or accumulation,distribution and seed cotton production efficiency of N,P and K.Conclusion The soil K level of K4 was able to provide sufficient K for cotton growth in our experiment.Therefore,when the soil K level reached 140.13 mg·kg^(-1),further increasing the soil K concentration no longer had a significant positive effect on cotton growth.展开更多
The soil potassium (K) test methodology is under increased evaluation due to the soil sample drying effect, temporal variations of test results and inconsistent crop response to applied K fertilizers. Ten on-farm tria...The soil potassium (K) test methodology is under increased evaluation due to the soil sample drying effect, temporal variations of test results and inconsistent crop response to applied K fertilizers. Ten on-farm trials were conducted in 2014 in eastern North Dakota to determine the corn response to different K-fertilizer rates and to assess the variation of soil K test levels between air-dried (KDry) and field moist (KMoist) soil samples during the corn growing season. Significant differences were observed between KDry and KMoist soil K test results. The ratio of KDry/KMoist showed high correlation with cation exchange capacity (r = 0.63, p < 0.10), Organic matter (r = 0.61, p < 0.10) and (Ca + Mg)/K ratio (r = 0.64, p < 0.10) from the 1 M ammonium acetate extractant, while pH, electrical conductivity, clay (%), and soil moisture showed non-significant correlation. On average, KDry resulted in higher soil K test levels than KMoist and pattern of deviation was different for surface and sub-surface soil samples. Soil K analysis of samples collected during the fall and spring showed large enough variations to affect the soil test interpretation category which was used to make fertilizer recommendations. Corn yield increased significantly with applied K fertilizer at only three out of 8 sites with beginning K levels below the current critical level of 150 ppm, and one response was at a site with K level above the critical level. Therefore, use of either the KDry or KMoist method alone may not be adequate to predict K response in some North Dakota soils.展开更多
The total potassium (K) content of soils in Heilongjiang was relatively high in general and the available potassium content in soils was quite different for different soil types. The results of electro - ultra- filtra...The total potassium (K) content of soils in Heilongjiang was relatively high in general and the available potassium content in soils was quite different for different soil types. The results of electro - ultra- filtration (EUF) analysis showed that the dark brown forest soils and the black soils in the northern part contained relatively high EUF-K, ranged from 12.5 to 15.7 mg per 100 g soil. In the black soils in the southern part, the EUF-K ranged from 8 to 9 mg per 100 g soil. The albic and aeolian sandy soils contained low EUF-K, ranged from 3.2 to 4.8 mg per 100 g soil. Field experiment in 1982 indicated that potassium fertilizer in soils with medium or low EUF-K, increased soybean yield by 17%-34%, and obviously prevented the epidemic of meadow moth and soybean mosaic virus. Application of potassium fertilizer increased the protein and total sugar content of the plants, promoted transportation of nutrients, speeded up the growth of the plants, improved the resistance of crops to adverse conditions. Application of potassium fertilizer resulted in early maturity of crops (4 - 7 days earlier than control), which had great significance for preventing crops from early frost damage. Hence, in order to keep nutrients balance in the soil and to increase soil fertility, potassium fertilizer or materials containing potassium must be applied to soils with medium and low EUF- K, such as black soils in the south part, ablic soils and aeolian sandy soils in Heilongjiang province.展开更多
Four testing methods using canon exchange membrane (CEM), ammonium acetate, ASI (0.25 mol L-1 NaHCO3+0.01 mol L-1 EDTA +0.01 mol L-1 NH4P) and 1.0 mol L-1 boiling nitric acid, respectively, were used to evaluate soil ...Four testing methods using canon exchange membrane (CEM), ammonium acetate, ASI (0.25 mol L-1 NaHCO3+0.01 mol L-1 EDTA +0.01 mol L-1 NH4P) and 1.0 mol L-1 boiling nitric acid, respectively, were used to evaluate soil available K. The soil K tested by CEM was significantly correlated with that by the other (conventional) methods (r2=0.43**~0.95***). The soil K tested by CEM saturated with NH4HCO3 (15 min extraction) was most closely correlated with that by the other methods (2 =0. 60***~0.95***). Potassium availability, as predicted by soil test, was comparable to actual K uptake by canola and wheat grown on the soils in growth chamber. Regression analyses showed that plant K uptake was more closely correlated with K extracted by CEM (r2=0.56***~0.81***) than that by the conventional methods (r2=0.46***~;0.81***), most closely correlsted with that by NH4HCO3-saturated CEM for 15 min (r2=0.81***), and worst correlated with that by HNO3 (r2=0.45**~0.72***).展开更多
Increasing K+ adsorption can be an effective alternative in building an available K pool in soils to optimize crop recovery and minimize losses into the environment. We hypothesized that long-term fertilization might...Increasing K+ adsorption can be an effective alternative in building an available K pool in soils to optimize crop recovery and minimize losses into the environment. We hypothesized that long-term fertilization might change K+ adsorption because of changes in the chemical and mineralogical properties of a rice (Oryza sativa L.). The aims of this study were (i) to determine clay minerals in paddy soil clay size fractions using X-ray diffraction methods and a numerical diagramdecomposition method; (ii) to measure K+ adsorption isotherms before and after H202 oxidation of organic matter, and (iii) to investigate whether K+ adsorption is correlated with changes in soil chemical and mineral properties. The 30-yr longterm fertilization treatments caused little change in soil organic C (SOC) but a large variation in soil mineral composition. The whole-clay fraction (〈5 Jam) corresponded more to the fertilization treatment than the fine-clay fraction (〈1 gin) in terms of percentage of illite peak area. The total percentage of vermiculite-chlorite peak area was significantly negatively correlated with the total percentage ofillite peak area in the 〈5 lam soil particles (R=-0.946, P〈0.0006). Different fertilization treatments gave significantly different results in K+ adsorption. The SOC oxidation test showed positive effects of SOC on K+ adsorption at lower K+ concentration (≤120 mg L-0 and negative effects at higher K+ concentration (240 mg L-l). The K+ adsorption by soil clay minerals after SOC oxidization accounted for 60-158% of that by unoxidized soils, suggesting a more important role of soil minerals than SOC on K+ adsorption. The K+ adsorption potential was significantly correlated to the amount of poorly crystallized illite present (R--0.879, P=0.012). The availability of adsorbed K+ for plant growth needs further study.展开更多
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of potassium (K) fertilization rate (0, 27.9, 56.4, 84.7, 112.9, and 141.1 kg K/ha) and cotton (Gossypium hirsutumn L.) cultivars of slightly differing maturity o...The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of potassium (K) fertilization rate (0, 27.9, 56.4, 84.7, 112.9, and 141.1 kg K/ha) and cotton (Gossypium hirsutumn L.) cultivars of slightly differing maturity on seedcotton yield and Mehlich-3 soil-test K concentrations. The cotton cultivars “Stoneville 4892” and “Stoneville 5599” represented long-season cultivars while “Paymaster 1218” and “Deltapine 444” represented early-season cultivars. The same K fertilizer treatments were applied to the same plots during the three years of the study. Higher order interactions of cropping year, cotton cultivar and K-fertilization rates were not significant (P ≥ 0.50), indicating the two cultivars of slightly different maturity respond similarly to K-fertilization. Cropping year and K-fertilizer application rates significantly affected seedcotton yield (P P ≤ 0.0074), as well as 3-year average, and total seedcotton yields (P ≤ 0.0006). Seedcotton yields ranged from 3418 to 4127 kg·ha-1 and 2980 to 3487 kg·ha-1 in the second and third year respectively while 3-year average and total seedcotton yields were 2943 to 3443 and 8832 to 10,330 kg·ha-1. The relation between annual, 3-year average, and total K application rates and seedcotton yield was linear (R2 ≥ 0.82, P ≤ 0.0125). Potassium fertilization significantly increased post-harvest (fall) Mehlich-3 extractable soil K in all three years (P ≤ 0.0002). This study indicated that, in a representative Mississippi River Delta silt loam soil, when Mehlich-3 extractable K was -1, K fertilization was needed to increase seedcotton yield and prevent soil K depletion. This supports the current University of Arkansas fertilizer recommendations for irrigated cotton production, where application of 56 kg of K ha-1 is recommended to optimize seedcotton yield and prevent soil K reserve depletion when Mehlich-3 extractable soil test K is medium (91 - 130 mg/kg).展开更多
In this study, soil column was used to study the new nitrification inhibitor 3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate (DMPP) on nitrate (NO3^-- N) and potassium (K) leaching in the sandy loam soil and clay loam soil. The ...In this study, soil column was used to study the new nitrification inhibitor 3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate (DMPP) on nitrate (NO3^-- N) and potassium (K) leaching in the sandy loam soil and clay loam soil. The results showed that DMPP with ammonium sulphate nitrate (ASN) ((NH4)2SO4 and NHaNO3) or urea could reduce NO3^--N leaching significantly, whereas ammonium (NH4^+-N) leaching increased slightly. In case of total N (NO3^--N+NH4^+-N), losses by leaching during the experimental period (40 d) were 37.93 mg (urea), 31.61 mg (urea+DMPP), 108.10 mg (ASN), 60.70 mg (ASN+DMPP) in the sandy loam soil, and 30.54 mg (urea), 21.05 mg (urea+DMPP), 37.86 mg (ASN), 31.09 mg (ASN+DMPP) in the clay loam soil, respectively. DMPP-amended soil led to the maintenance of relatively high levels of NH4^+ -N and low levels of NO3^--N in soil, and nitrification was slower. DMPP supplementation also resulted in less potassium leached, but the difference was not significant except the treatment of ASN and ASN+DMPP in the sandy loam soil. Above results indicate that DMPP is a good nitrification inhibitor, the efficiency of DMPP seems better in the sandy loam soil than in the clay loam soil and lasts longer.展开更多
The paper reports the study on validity, absorbing and using in potassium of wine-grapes grown on aeolian sandy soil in Ningxia. The result shows that the content of slow release potassium and available potassium is l...The paper reports the study on validity, absorbing and using in potassium of wine-grapes grown on aeolian sandy soil in Ningxia. The result shows that the content of slow release potassium and available potassium is low. The amount of available potassium and fixed potassium increases with raising amount of applied potash. Slow release potassium can be quickly replenished when available potassium is depleted, but slow release potassium is exhausted too, and the buffering capacity of supplying potassium is low. The content of potassium in grains and plants increases with the increasing amount of applied K in different treatments. The sequence of potassium recovery rate in different soil is as follows: sand-loam>fine-sand>coarse-sand. The capacity of supplying potassium in high-fertility soil is better than that in low-fertility soil, and rate of potassium recovery is high. Potassium nutrient affects growth and quality of wine-grapes.展开更多
Because potassium(K)is a rock-derived essential element that can be depleted in highly-weathered tropical soils,K availability may limit some portion of soil microbial activity in tropical forest ecosystems.In this pa...Because potassium(K)is a rock-derived essential element that can be depleted in highly-weathered tropical soils,K availability may limit some portion of soil microbial activity in tropical forest ecosystems.In this paper we tested if K limits microbial activity in the condition of sufficient labile C supply.An incubation experiment was performed using surface soil samples(0–10 cm depth)obtained from four permanent ecological research plots in a natural sub-tropical forest in southern China.Soil samples were taken in September 2016.Heterotrophic soil respiration rates and microbial biomass were measured after the addition of glucose(both D and L)with and without K(potassium chloride).We did not observe any effects of K addition on soil microbial respiration,suggesting that K does not limit the microbial activity in the condition of sufficient labile C supply.The lack of microbial response to added K can be attributed to the high mobility of K in forest ecosystems,which may have provided sufficient K to microbes in our soil samples(already provided at the beginning of the incubation).However,at the present stage,we cannot conclude that K is not a limiting factor of soil microbial activity in other tropical forest ecosystems because of the heterogeneity of tropical forest ecosystems and few observations.The hypothesis needs to be tested in larger numbers of tropical forests.展开更多
Potassium(K) is known as one of the essential nutrients for the growth of plant species. The relationship between K and clay minerals can be used to understand the K cycling, and assess the plant uptake and potentia...Potassium(K) is known as one of the essential nutrients for the growth of plant species. The relationship between K and clay minerals can be used to understand the K cycling, and assess the plant uptake and potential of soil K fertility. This study was conducted to analyze the K forms(soluble, exchangeable, non-exchangeable and structural) and the relationship of K forms with clay minerals of calcareous soils in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad Province, Southwest Iran. The climate is hotter and drier in the west and south of the province than in the east and north of the province. A total of 54 pedons were dug in the study area and 32 representative pedons were selected. The studied pedons were mostly located on calcareous deposits. The soils in the study area can be classified into 5 orders including Entisols, Inceptisols, Mollisols, Alfisols and Vertisols. The main soil clay minerals in the west and south of the study area were illite, chlorite and palygorskite, whereas they were smectite, vermiculite and illite in the north and east of the province. Due to large amount of smectite and high content of organic carbon in soil surface, the exchangeable K in surface soils was higher than that in subsurface soils. It seems that organic matter plays a more important role than smectite mineral in retaining exchangeable K in the studied soils. Non-exchangeable K exhibited close relationships with clay content, illite, vermiculite and smectite. Although the amount of illite was the same in almost all pedons, amounts of structural and non-exchangeable K were higher in humid regions than in arid and semi-arid regions. This difference may be related to the poor reservoir of K~+ minerals like palygorskite and chlorite together with illite in arid and semi-arid regions. In humid areas, illite was accompanied by vermiculite and smectite as the K~+ reservoir. Moreover, the mean cumulative non-exchangeable K released by CaCl_2 was higher than that released by oxalic acid, which may be due to the high buffering capacity resulting from high carbonates in soils.展开更多
Nitrogen and potassium are important nutrientelements for rice.Besides supplied by the or- ganic manure,potassium nutrition of ricecomes dominantly from purple soils in Sichuanbasin.Potassium exists abundantly in mine...Nitrogen and potassium are important nutrientelements for rice.Besides supplied by the or- ganic manure,potassium nutrition of ricecomes dominantly from purple soils in Sichuanbasin.Potassium exists abundantly in mineralforms in the purple soils.Availability of soilpotassium for crop depends on the potassiumforms,the uptake ability of crops,and fertiliz-er practices.A pot culture experiment wasconducted to study the kinetics of potassiumuptake in the purple soil(total N 22.64g·kg,total K 24.36g·kg,available N 102.6mg·kg,available K 140.6mg·kg,acidsoluble K 936.0mg·kg,and pH 6.8).Ma-terials used were three Fhybrid rices,Eryou展开更多
In order to generate scientifically-based comparative information to improve fertilization efficiency and reduce nutrient loss, 610 samples of 122 soil profiles were collected at the 0–60 cm depth to compare soil nut...In order to generate scientifically-based comparative information to improve fertilization efficiency and reduce nutrient loss, 610 samples of 122 soil profiles were collected at the 0–60 cm depth to compare soil nutrient contents including soil organic matter(SOM), total nitrogen(TN), total phosphorus(TP), available phosphorus(AP), and available potassium(AK) among different slope positions in a Mollisol farmland area of Northeast China. The contents of SOM and TN typically decreased with increased soil depth at back and bottom slope. Soil loss and deposition tended to decrease SOM and TN at the 0–20 cm soil depth on both the back slope and the slope bottom. The TP firstly decreased from 0–20 cm to 30–40 cm, and then not constantly increased at the back slope and the bottom slope. Due to the characteristics of soil nutrients and crop absorption, the contents of both AP and AK were typically the highest at the summit, followed by the slope bottom and the back slope in the 0–20 cm layer. Generally, in order to sustain the high soil productivity and protect the environment, attention should be paid to soil conservation on back slope; in addition, additional N and P fertilizer is necessary on the back slope.展开更多
The potassium-releasing characteristics of a bacterium from different minerals were studied through pure culture and soil column experiments. The results showed that the strain NBT of tested strains had the highest po...The potassium-releasing characteristics of a bacterium from different minerals were studied through pure culture and soil column experiments. The results showed that the strain NBT of tested strains had the highest potassium-releasing capacity. It released 35.2 mg/L after 7days of pure culture incubation at 28@, 31.8% - 1203.7% more than other tested strains. Potassium released from the minerals was obviously affected by pH, aerobic condition, soil and mineral properties. The strain NBT had a much higher potential to release potassium in the pH 6.5-8.0 than other pHs. Living cell inoculation resulted in an increase of 84.8% -127.9% compared with that of the dead cell inoculation. More aerobic condition produced more K than a less aerobic one. The potassium-releasing order was as follows: illite>feldspar>muscovite. Soil column experiment showed that the bacterial number increased from (2.6 - 3.0) × 106/g to (6.8 - 7.4) × 107/g. Soil available potassium content increased by 31.2 - 33.6mg/kg in yellow-brown soil and 21.7mg/kg in paddy soil, when inoculated with the strain NBT, 290.6% and 185.5% increment of the dead cell inoculation soils respectively.展开更多
A novel method to prepare soil nutrient amendment by calcining a mixture of white mud and potassium feldspar and its environmental assessment were investigated.Under the optimal conditions of a blending mass ratio of ...A novel method to prepare soil nutrient amendment by calcining a mixture of white mud and potassium feldspar and its environmental assessment were investigated.Under the optimal conditions of a blending mass ratio of 70-30 for white mud to potassium feldspar,a calcination temperature of 1 000℃,a calcination time of 1.5 h and spherulitic diameter of 2.0 cm,the calcined product,as a soil nutrient amendment,could be prepared with the following nutrient composition(mass fraction):K2O 4.16%,CaO 23.43%,MgO 5.04%,SiO2 22.92%,SO4 2-3.71%,and Cl -3.87%in 0.1 mol/L citric acid solution.The concentrations of heavy metals in the calcined product and the emission concentrations of harmful gases from a mixture of white mud and potassium feldspar during calcination process could qualify the National Standards without causing secondary environmental pollution.展开更多
The accurate assessment of the spatiotemporal changes in soil nutrients influenced by agricultural production provides the basis for development of management strategies to maintain soil fertility and balance soil nut...The accurate assessment of the spatiotemporal changes in soil nutrients influenced by agricultural production provides the basis for development of management strategies to maintain soil fertility and balance soil nutrients. In this paper, we combined spatial measurements from 2 157 soil samples and geostatistical analysis to assess the spatiotemporal changes in soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN), available phosphorus (AP) and available potassium content (AK) from the first soil survey (in the 1980s) to the second soil survey (in the 2000s) in the Taihu region of Jiangsu Province in China. The results showed that average soil nutrients in three soil types all exhibited the increased levels in the 2000s (except for AK in the yellow brown soil). The standard deviation of soil nutrient contents increased (except for TN in the paddy soil). Agricultural production in the 20 years led to increases in SOC, TN, AP and AK by 74, 82, 89 and 65%, respectively, of the Taihu areas analyzed. From the 1980s to 2000s all the nugget/sill ratios of soil nutrients indices were between 25 and 75% (except for AK in the yellow brown soil in the 2000s), indicating moderate spatial dependence. The ratio of AP in the yellow brown soil in the 2000s was 88.74%, showing weak spatial dependence. The spatial correlation range values for SOC, TN, AP and AK in the 2000s all decreased. The main areas showing declines in SOC, TN and AP were in the northwest. For AK, the main region with declining levels was in the east and middle of western areas. Apparently, the increase in soil nutrients in the Taihu region can be mainly attributed to the large increase in fertilizer inputs, change in crop systems and enhanced residues management since the 1980s. Future emphasis should be placed on avoiding excess fertilizer inputs and balancing the effects of the fertilizers in soils.展开更多
One of the technical bottlenecks of traditional laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy(LIBS) is the difficulty in quantitative detection caused by the matrix effect. To troubleshoot this problem,this paper investigated ...One of the technical bottlenecks of traditional laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy(LIBS) is the difficulty in quantitative detection caused by the matrix effect. To troubleshoot this problem,this paper investigated a combination of time-resolved LIBS and convolutional neural networks(CNNs) to improve K determination in soil. The time-resolved LIBS contained the information of both wavelength and time dimension. The spectra of wavelength dimension showed the characteristic emission lines of elements, and those of time dimension presented the plasma decay trend. The one-dimensional data of LIBS intensity from the emission line at 766.49 nm were extracted and correlated with the K concentration, showing a poor correlation of R_c^2?=?0.0967, which is caused by the matrix effect of heterogeneous soil. For the wavelength dimension, the two-dimensional data of traditional integrated LIBS were extracted and analyzed by an artificial neural network(ANN), showing R_v^2?=?0.6318 and the root mean square error of validation(RMSEV)?=?0.6234. For the time dimension, the two-dimensional data of time-decay LIBS were extracted and analyzed by ANN, showing R_v^2?=?0.7366 and RMSEV?=?0.7855.These higher determination coefficients reveal that both the non-K emission lines of wavelength dimension and the spectral decay of time dimension could assist in quantitative detection of K.However, due to limited calibration samples, the two-dimensional models presented over-fitting.The three-dimensional data of time-resolved LIBS were analyzed by CNNs, which extracted and integrated the information of both the wavelength and time dimension, showing the R_v^2?=?0.9968 and RMSEV?=?0.0785. CNN analysis of time-resolved LIBS is capable of improving the determination of K in soil.展开更多
The K+ adsorption kinetics of fluvo-aquic soil and cinnamon soil under different temperatureswere studied. The results showed: 1) The first order equations were the most suitable forfitting the adsorption under variou...The K+ adsorption kinetics of fluvo-aquic soil and cinnamon soil under different temperatureswere studied. The results showed: 1) The first order equations were the most suitable forfitting the adsorption under various temperature levels with constant K+ concentration indisplacing fluid. With temperature increasing, the fitness of Elovich equation increased,while those of power equation and parabolic diffusion equation decreased; 2)the apparentadsorption rate constant ka and the product of ka multiplied by the apparent equilibriumadsorption qincreased when temperature increased, while the apparent equilibrium adsorptionqreduced; 3)temperature influenced hardly the reaction order, the order of concentrationand adsorpton site were always 1 under various temperatures, if they were taken intoaccount simultaneously, the adsorption should be a two-order reaction process; 4)theGibbs free energy change △G of potassium adsorption were negative, ranged from -4444.56to -2450.63Jmol-1,and increased with temperature increasing, while enthalpy change △H,entropy change △S, apparent adsorption activation Ea, adsorption activation energy E1and desorption activation energy E2 were temperature-independent; 5)the adsorption wasspontaneous process with heat releasing and entropy dropping, fluvo-aquic soil releasedmore heat than cinnamon soil.展开更多
基金supported by Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Program of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciencesthe earmarked fund of China Agricultural Research System of China(CARS-15-11).
文摘Background Potassium(K)is an essential nutrient for plant growth and development.However,plant fertilization ignoring the soil K level is very likely to cause excessive fertilizer use,and further arouse a series of side effects.This study investigated the response of cotton growth to different soil K levels and the uptake of major nutrients,aiming to evaluate the appropriate K supply level for cotton growth.Using a random block design with 6 soil K levels,we conducted 18 micro-zones field experiments over two continuous years.The soil available K concentration of each treatment was K1(99.77-100.90 mg·kg^(-1)),K2(110.90-111.26 mg·kg^(-1)),K3(123.48-128.88 mg·kg^(-1)),K4(140.13-145.10 mg·kg^(-1)),K5(154.43-155.38 mg·kg^(-1)),and K6(165.77-168.75 mg·kg^(-1)).Cotton nutrient contents,soil nutrient contents,accumulation and distribution of dry matter in cotton were determined,and the relationships between K content in soil and plants and dry matter accumulation were analyzed.Results The soil K content had a significantly positive relationship with dry matter and K accumulation in cotton plants.There were significant differences in dry matter accumulation,single-plant seed cotton yield,mineral nutrient uptake and the proportion of K accumulation in reproductive organs among different soil K levels.The results showed that there was significant difference between K4 and lower K level treatments(K1 and K2),but no significant difference between K4 and higher K level treatments(K5 and K6)in dry matter,single-plant seed cotton yield,or accumulation,distribution and seed cotton production efficiency of N,P and K.Conclusion The soil K level of K4 was able to provide sufficient K for cotton growth in our experiment.Therefore,when the soil K level reached 140.13 mg·kg^(-1),further increasing the soil K concentration no longer had a significant positive effect on cotton growth.
文摘The soil potassium (K) test methodology is under increased evaluation due to the soil sample drying effect, temporal variations of test results and inconsistent crop response to applied K fertilizers. Ten on-farm trials were conducted in 2014 in eastern North Dakota to determine the corn response to different K-fertilizer rates and to assess the variation of soil K test levels between air-dried (KDry) and field moist (KMoist) soil samples during the corn growing season. Significant differences were observed between KDry and KMoist soil K test results. The ratio of KDry/KMoist showed high correlation with cation exchange capacity (r = 0.63, p < 0.10), Organic matter (r = 0.61, p < 0.10) and (Ca + Mg)/K ratio (r = 0.64, p < 0.10) from the 1 M ammonium acetate extractant, while pH, electrical conductivity, clay (%), and soil moisture showed non-significant correlation. On average, KDry resulted in higher soil K test levels than KMoist and pattern of deviation was different for surface and sub-surface soil samples. Soil K analysis of samples collected during the fall and spring showed large enough variations to affect the soil test interpretation category which was used to make fertilizer recommendations. Corn yield increased significantly with applied K fertilizer at only three out of 8 sites with beginning K levels below the current critical level of 150 ppm, and one response was at a site with K level above the critical level. Therefore, use of either the KDry or KMoist method alone may not be adequate to predict K response in some North Dakota soils.
文摘The total potassium (K) content of soils in Heilongjiang was relatively high in general and the available potassium content in soils was quite different for different soil types. The results of electro - ultra- filtration (EUF) analysis showed that the dark brown forest soils and the black soils in the northern part contained relatively high EUF-K, ranged from 12.5 to 15.7 mg per 100 g soil. In the black soils in the southern part, the EUF-K ranged from 8 to 9 mg per 100 g soil. The albic and aeolian sandy soils contained low EUF-K, ranged from 3.2 to 4.8 mg per 100 g soil. Field experiment in 1982 indicated that potassium fertilizer in soils with medium or low EUF-K, increased soybean yield by 17%-34%, and obviously prevented the epidemic of meadow moth and soybean mosaic virus. Application of potassium fertilizer increased the protein and total sugar content of the plants, promoted transportation of nutrients, speeded up the growth of the plants, improved the resistance of crops to adverse conditions. Application of potassium fertilizer resulted in early maturity of crops (4 - 7 days earlier than control), which had great significance for preventing crops from early frost damage. Hence, in order to keep nutrients balance in the soil and to increase soil fertility, potassium fertilizer or materials containing potassium must be applied to soils with medium and low EUF- K, such as black soils in the south part, ablic soils and aeolian sandy soils in Heilongjiang province.
文摘Four testing methods using canon exchange membrane (CEM), ammonium acetate, ASI (0.25 mol L-1 NaHCO3+0.01 mol L-1 EDTA +0.01 mol L-1 NH4P) and 1.0 mol L-1 boiling nitric acid, respectively, were used to evaluate soil available K. The soil K tested by CEM was significantly correlated with that by the other (conventional) methods (r2=0.43**~0.95***). The soil K tested by CEM saturated with NH4HCO3 (15 min extraction) was most closely correlated with that by the other methods (2 =0. 60***~0.95***). Potassium availability, as predicted by soil test, was comparable to actual K uptake by canola and wheat grown on the soils in growth chamber. Regression analyses showed that plant K uptake was more closely correlated with K extracted by CEM (r2=0.56***~0.81***) than that by the conventional methods (r2=0.46***~;0.81***), most closely correlsted with that by NH4HCO3-saturated CEM for 15 min (r2=0.81***), and worst correlated with that by HNO3 (r2=0.45**~0.72***).
基金funded by the the Public Service Sectors (Agriculture) Research Special Funds, China(201203013-06)supported in partial by the International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI ChinaProgram: Hunan-16)the Key Technologies R&D Program of China during the 12th Five-Year-Plan period(2012BAD05B05-3)
文摘Increasing K+ adsorption can be an effective alternative in building an available K pool in soils to optimize crop recovery and minimize losses into the environment. We hypothesized that long-term fertilization might change K+ adsorption because of changes in the chemical and mineralogical properties of a rice (Oryza sativa L.). The aims of this study were (i) to determine clay minerals in paddy soil clay size fractions using X-ray diffraction methods and a numerical diagramdecomposition method; (ii) to measure K+ adsorption isotherms before and after H202 oxidation of organic matter, and (iii) to investigate whether K+ adsorption is correlated with changes in soil chemical and mineral properties. The 30-yr longterm fertilization treatments caused little change in soil organic C (SOC) but a large variation in soil mineral composition. The whole-clay fraction (〈5 Jam) corresponded more to the fertilization treatment than the fine-clay fraction (〈1 gin) in terms of percentage of illite peak area. The total percentage of vermiculite-chlorite peak area was significantly negatively correlated with the total percentage ofillite peak area in the 〈5 lam soil particles (R=-0.946, P〈0.0006). Different fertilization treatments gave significantly different results in K+ adsorption. The SOC oxidation test showed positive effects of SOC on K+ adsorption at lower K+ concentration (≤120 mg L-0 and negative effects at higher K+ concentration (240 mg L-l). The K+ adsorption by soil clay minerals after SOC oxidization accounted for 60-158% of that by unoxidized soils, suggesting a more important role of soil minerals than SOC on K+ adsorption. The K+ adsorption potential was significantly correlated to the amount of poorly crystallized illite present (R--0.879, P=0.012). The availability of adsorbed K+ for plant growth needs further study.
文摘The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of potassium (K) fertilization rate (0, 27.9, 56.4, 84.7, 112.9, and 141.1 kg K/ha) and cotton (Gossypium hirsutumn L.) cultivars of slightly differing maturity on seedcotton yield and Mehlich-3 soil-test K concentrations. The cotton cultivars “Stoneville 4892” and “Stoneville 5599” represented long-season cultivars while “Paymaster 1218” and “Deltapine 444” represented early-season cultivars. The same K fertilizer treatments were applied to the same plots during the three years of the study. Higher order interactions of cropping year, cotton cultivar and K-fertilization rates were not significant (P ≥ 0.50), indicating the two cultivars of slightly different maturity respond similarly to K-fertilization. Cropping year and K-fertilizer application rates significantly affected seedcotton yield (P P ≤ 0.0074), as well as 3-year average, and total seedcotton yields (P ≤ 0.0006). Seedcotton yields ranged from 3418 to 4127 kg·ha-1 and 2980 to 3487 kg·ha-1 in the second and third year respectively while 3-year average and total seedcotton yields were 2943 to 3443 and 8832 to 10,330 kg·ha-1. The relation between annual, 3-year average, and total K application rates and seedcotton yield was linear (R2 ≥ 0.82, P ≤ 0.0125). Potassium fertilization significantly increased post-harvest (fall) Mehlich-3 extractable soil K in all three years (P ≤ 0.0002). This study indicated that, in a representative Mississippi River Delta silt loam soil, when Mehlich-3 extractable K was -1, K fertilization was needed to increase seedcotton yield and prevent soil K depletion. This supports the current University of Arkansas fertilizer recommendations for irrigated cotton production, where application of 56 kg of K ha-1 is recommended to optimize seedcotton yield and prevent soil K reserve depletion when Mehlich-3 extractable soil test K is medium (91 - 130 mg/kg).
基金Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No. 30571082)the Science and Technology Committee of ZhejiangProvince (No. 021102084)the Agriculture Department of ZhejiangProvince (No. SN 200404) and BASF Company of Germany.
文摘In this study, soil column was used to study the new nitrification inhibitor 3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate (DMPP) on nitrate (NO3^-- N) and potassium (K) leaching in the sandy loam soil and clay loam soil. The results showed that DMPP with ammonium sulphate nitrate (ASN) ((NH4)2SO4 and NHaNO3) or urea could reduce NO3^--N leaching significantly, whereas ammonium (NH4^+-N) leaching increased slightly. In case of total N (NO3^--N+NH4^+-N), losses by leaching during the experimental period (40 d) were 37.93 mg (urea), 31.61 mg (urea+DMPP), 108.10 mg (ASN), 60.70 mg (ASN+DMPP) in the sandy loam soil, and 30.54 mg (urea), 21.05 mg (urea+DMPP), 37.86 mg (ASN), 31.09 mg (ASN+DMPP) in the clay loam soil, respectively. DMPP-amended soil led to the maintenance of relatively high levels of NH4^+ -N and low levels of NO3^--N in soil, and nitrification was slower. DMPP supplementation also resulted in less potassium leached, but the difference was not significant except the treatment of ASN and ASN+DMPP in the sandy loam soil. Above results indicate that DMPP is a good nitrification inhibitor, the efficiency of DMPP seems better in the sandy loam soil than in the clay loam soil and lasts longer.
文摘The paper reports the study on validity, absorbing and using in potassium of wine-grapes grown on aeolian sandy soil in Ningxia. The result shows that the content of slow release potassium and available potassium is low. The amount of available potassium and fixed potassium increases with raising amount of applied potash. Slow release potassium can be quickly replenished when available potassium is depleted, but slow release potassium is exhausted too, and the buffering capacity of supplying potassium is low. The content of potassium in grains and plants increases with the increasing amount of applied K in different treatments. The sequence of potassium recovery rate in different soil is as follows: sand-loam>fine-sand>coarse-sand. The capacity of supplying potassium in high-fertility soil is better than that in low-fertility soil, and rate of potassium recovery is high. Potassium nutrient affects growth and quality of wine-grapes.
基金financially supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(NO.41731176,41650110484,)Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowships for Research Abroad(28 601)the Youth Innovation Promotion Association,CAS(No.2015287)
文摘Because potassium(K)is a rock-derived essential element that can be depleted in highly-weathered tropical soils,K availability may limit some portion of soil microbial activity in tropical forest ecosystems.In this paper we tested if K limits microbial activity in the condition of sufficient labile C supply.An incubation experiment was performed using surface soil samples(0–10 cm depth)obtained from four permanent ecological research plots in a natural sub-tropical forest in southern China.Soil samples were taken in September 2016.Heterotrophic soil respiration rates and microbial biomass were measured after the addition of glucose(both D and L)with and without K(potassium chloride).We did not observe any effects of K addition on soil microbial respiration,suggesting that K does not limit the microbial activity in the condition of sufficient labile C supply.The lack of microbial response to added K can be attributed to the high mobility of K in forest ecosystems,which may have provided sufficient K to microbes in our soil samples(already provided at the beginning of the incubation).However,at the present stage,we cannot conclude that K is not a limiting factor of soil microbial activity in other tropical forest ecosystems because of the heterogeneity of tropical forest ecosystems and few observations.The hypothesis needs to be tested in larger numbers of tropical forests.
文摘Potassium(K) is known as one of the essential nutrients for the growth of plant species. The relationship between K and clay minerals can be used to understand the K cycling, and assess the plant uptake and potential of soil K fertility. This study was conducted to analyze the K forms(soluble, exchangeable, non-exchangeable and structural) and the relationship of K forms with clay minerals of calcareous soils in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad Province, Southwest Iran. The climate is hotter and drier in the west and south of the province than in the east and north of the province. A total of 54 pedons were dug in the study area and 32 representative pedons were selected. The studied pedons were mostly located on calcareous deposits. The soils in the study area can be classified into 5 orders including Entisols, Inceptisols, Mollisols, Alfisols and Vertisols. The main soil clay minerals in the west and south of the study area were illite, chlorite and palygorskite, whereas they were smectite, vermiculite and illite in the north and east of the province. Due to large amount of smectite and high content of organic carbon in soil surface, the exchangeable K in surface soils was higher than that in subsurface soils. It seems that organic matter plays a more important role than smectite mineral in retaining exchangeable K in the studied soils. Non-exchangeable K exhibited close relationships with clay content, illite, vermiculite and smectite. Although the amount of illite was the same in almost all pedons, amounts of structural and non-exchangeable K were higher in humid regions than in arid and semi-arid regions. This difference may be related to the poor reservoir of K~+ minerals like palygorskite and chlorite together with illite in arid and semi-arid regions. In humid areas, illite was accompanied by vermiculite and smectite as the K~+ reservoir. Moreover, the mean cumulative non-exchangeable K released by CaCl_2 was higher than that released by oxalic acid, which may be due to the high buffering capacity resulting from high carbonates in soils.
文摘Nitrogen and potassium are important nutrientelements for rice.Besides supplied by the or- ganic manure,potassium nutrition of ricecomes dominantly from purple soils in Sichuanbasin.Potassium exists abundantly in mineralforms in the purple soils.Availability of soilpotassium for crop depends on the potassiumforms,the uptake ability of crops,and fertiliz-er practices.A pot culture experiment wasconducted to study the kinetics of potassiumuptake in the purple soil(total N 22.64g·kg,total K 24.36g·kg,available N 102.6mg·kg,available K 140.6mg·kg,acidsoluble K 936.0mg·kg,and pH 6.8).Ma-terials used were three Fhybrid rices,Eryou
基金Under the auspices of Science and Technology Research Projects of Education Department of Heilongjiang Province,China(No.12521010)
文摘In order to generate scientifically-based comparative information to improve fertilization efficiency and reduce nutrient loss, 610 samples of 122 soil profiles were collected at the 0–60 cm depth to compare soil nutrient contents including soil organic matter(SOM), total nitrogen(TN), total phosphorus(TP), available phosphorus(AP), and available potassium(AK) among different slope positions in a Mollisol farmland area of Northeast China. The contents of SOM and TN typically decreased with increased soil depth at back and bottom slope. Soil loss and deposition tended to decrease SOM and TN at the 0–20 cm soil depth on both the back slope and the slope bottom. The TP firstly decreased from 0–20 cm to 30–40 cm, and then not constantly increased at the back slope and the bottom slope. Due to the characteristics of soil nutrients and crop absorption, the contents of both AP and AK were typically the highest at the summit, followed by the slope bottom and the back slope in the 0–20 cm layer. Generally, in order to sustain the high soil productivity and protect the environment, attention should be paid to soil conservation on back slope; in addition, additional N and P fertilizer is necessary on the back slope.
文摘The potassium-releasing characteristics of a bacterium from different minerals were studied through pure culture and soil column experiments. The results showed that the strain NBT of tested strains had the highest potassium-releasing capacity. It released 35.2 mg/L after 7days of pure culture incubation at 28@, 31.8% - 1203.7% more than other tested strains. Potassium released from the minerals was obviously affected by pH, aerobic condition, soil and mineral properties. The strain NBT had a much higher potential to release potassium in the pH 6.5-8.0 than other pHs. Living cell inoculation resulted in an increase of 84.8% -127.9% compared with that of the dead cell inoculation. More aerobic condition produced more K than a less aerobic one. The potassium-releasing order was as follows: illite>feldspar>muscovite. Soil column experiment showed that the bacterial number increased from (2.6 - 3.0) × 106/g to (6.8 - 7.4) × 107/g. Soil available potassium content increased by 31.2 - 33.6mg/kg in yellow-brown soil and 21.7mg/kg in paddy soil, when inoculated with the strain NBT, 290.6% and 185.5% increment of the dead cell inoculation soils respectively.
基金Project(20877026)supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
文摘A novel method to prepare soil nutrient amendment by calcining a mixture of white mud and potassium feldspar and its environmental assessment were investigated.Under the optimal conditions of a blending mass ratio of 70-30 for white mud to potassium feldspar,a calcination temperature of 1 000℃,a calcination time of 1.5 h and spherulitic diameter of 2.0 cm,the calcined product,as a soil nutrient amendment,could be prepared with the following nutrient composition(mass fraction):K2O 4.16%,CaO 23.43%,MgO 5.04%,SiO2 22.92%,SO4 2-3.71%,and Cl -3.87%in 0.1 mol/L citric acid solution.The concentrations of heavy metals in the calcined product and the emission concentrations of harmful gases from a mixture of white mud and potassium feldspar during calcination process could qualify the National Standards without causing secondary environmental pollution.
基金the funding support from the New Century Exceptional Talent Program of China(NCET-08-0797)the National High-Tech Research and Development Program of China(2013AA100404)+2 种基金the National Basic Research Program of China(2009CB118608)the CSIRO-Chinese Ministry of Education(MOE)PhD Research Fellowship Programthe Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions,China
文摘The accurate assessment of the spatiotemporal changes in soil nutrients influenced by agricultural production provides the basis for development of management strategies to maintain soil fertility and balance soil nutrients. In this paper, we combined spatial measurements from 2 157 soil samples and geostatistical analysis to assess the spatiotemporal changes in soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN), available phosphorus (AP) and available potassium content (AK) from the first soil survey (in the 1980s) to the second soil survey (in the 2000s) in the Taihu region of Jiangsu Province in China. The results showed that average soil nutrients in three soil types all exhibited the increased levels in the 2000s (except for AK in the yellow brown soil). The standard deviation of soil nutrient contents increased (except for TN in the paddy soil). Agricultural production in the 20 years led to increases in SOC, TN, AP and AK by 74, 82, 89 and 65%, respectively, of the Taihu areas analyzed. From the 1980s to 2000s all the nugget/sill ratios of soil nutrients indices were between 25 and 75% (except for AK in the yellow brown soil in the 2000s), indicating moderate spatial dependence. The ratio of AP in the yellow brown soil in the 2000s was 88.74%, showing weak spatial dependence. The spatial correlation range values for SOC, TN, AP and AK in the 2000s all decreased. The main areas showing declines in SOC, TN and AP were in the northwest. For AK, the main region with declining levels was in the east and middle of western areas. Apparently, the increase in soil nutrients in the Taihu region can be mainly attributed to the large increase in fertilizer inputs, change in crop systems and enhanced residues management since the 1980s. Future emphasis should be placed on avoiding excess fertilizer inputs and balancing the effects of the fertilizers in soils.
基金supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61505253)National Key Research and Development Plan of China (Project No. 2016YFD0200601)
文摘One of the technical bottlenecks of traditional laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy(LIBS) is the difficulty in quantitative detection caused by the matrix effect. To troubleshoot this problem,this paper investigated a combination of time-resolved LIBS and convolutional neural networks(CNNs) to improve K determination in soil. The time-resolved LIBS contained the information of both wavelength and time dimension. The spectra of wavelength dimension showed the characteristic emission lines of elements, and those of time dimension presented the plasma decay trend. The one-dimensional data of LIBS intensity from the emission line at 766.49 nm were extracted and correlated with the K concentration, showing a poor correlation of R_c^2?=?0.0967, which is caused by the matrix effect of heterogeneous soil. For the wavelength dimension, the two-dimensional data of traditional integrated LIBS were extracted and analyzed by an artificial neural network(ANN), showing R_v^2?=?0.6318 and the root mean square error of validation(RMSEV)?=?0.6234. For the time dimension, the two-dimensional data of time-decay LIBS were extracted and analyzed by ANN, showing R_v^2?=?0.7366 and RMSEV?=?0.7855.These higher determination coefficients reveal that both the non-K emission lines of wavelength dimension and the spectral decay of time dimension could assist in quantitative detection of K.However, due to limited calibration samples, the two-dimensional models presented over-fitting.The three-dimensional data of time-resolved LIBS were analyzed by CNNs, which extracted and integrated the information of both the wavelength and time dimension, showing the R_v^2?=?0.9968 and RMSEV?=?0.0785. CNN analysis of time-resolved LIBS is capable of improving the determination of K in soil.
基金supported by the National Science Foundation of China(49391600)the Society Commonweal Fund(2001DIA20024).
文摘The K+ adsorption kinetics of fluvo-aquic soil and cinnamon soil under different temperatureswere studied. The results showed: 1) The first order equations were the most suitable forfitting the adsorption under various temperature levels with constant K+ concentration indisplacing fluid. With temperature increasing, the fitness of Elovich equation increased,while those of power equation and parabolic diffusion equation decreased; 2)the apparentadsorption rate constant ka and the product of ka multiplied by the apparent equilibriumadsorption qincreased when temperature increased, while the apparent equilibrium adsorptionqreduced; 3)temperature influenced hardly the reaction order, the order of concentrationand adsorpton site were always 1 under various temperatures, if they were taken intoaccount simultaneously, the adsorption should be a two-order reaction process; 4)theGibbs free energy change △G of potassium adsorption were negative, ranged from -4444.56to -2450.63Jmol-1,and increased with temperature increasing, while enthalpy change △H,entropy change △S, apparent adsorption activation Ea, adsorption activation energy E1and desorption activation energy E2 were temperature-independent; 5)the adsorption wasspontaneous process with heat releasing and entropy dropping, fluvo-aquic soil releasedmore heat than cinnamon soil.