The compositions of REE in quartz and pyrite from the main stage of the Laowan gold deposit in Henan Province and that in quartz from Laowan granite were determined by inductively coupled plasma-mass-spectrometry (IC...The compositions of REE in quartz and pyrite from the main stage of the Laowan gold deposit in Henan Province and that in quartz from Laowan granite were determined by inductively coupled plasma-mass-spectrometry (ICP-MS) to trace the source of ore-forming materials. Meanwhile, the REE compositions of the deposit ore, granite and metamorphic wall rock were also considered for comparative studies in detail. The range of ∑REE of quartz and pyrite from the deposit ores is 4.18 × 10^-6- 30.91 × 10^-6, the average of ∑REE is 13.39 × 10^-6, and the average of ∑REE of quartz in the Laowan granite is 6.68 × 10^-6. There is no distinct difference of REE parameters between the deposit ore quartz and granite quartz. The quartz in gold deposit has the same REE particular parameters as quartzes from Laowan granite, such as δEu, δCe, (La/Yb)N and (La/Sm)N, partition degree of LREE to HREE, especially, the chondrite-normalized REE patterns, but no similarity to those from metamorphic wall rock, which shows that ore-forming hydrothermal fluid is mainly the fluid coming from the Laowan granite magma, rather than metamorphic fluid. Meanwhile, comparison studies on REE features between minerals from the deposit ores and related geological bodies in the deposit show that REE characteristics of minerals can serve as an indicator of ore-forming fluid properties and sources, while the REE characteristics of the bulk samples (such as deposit ores, granites and wall rocks) can not trace the source of the ore-forming materials exactly.展开更多
Based on the main characteristics of the tectonic -magmatic evolution of region and Tanlu fault zone,we have discussed ore-bearing magmatic rocks petrochemistry,strontium and lead isotope,and the source of ore-forming...Based on the main characteristics of the tectonic -magmatic evolution of region and Tanlu fault zone,we have discussed ore-bearing magmatic rocks petrochemistry,strontium and lead isotope,and the source of ore-forming materials in Yinan skarn deposit in this paper.The petrochemical features show that the ore-bearing magmatic rocks are calc-alkaline rocks of sub-alkaline series formed during展开更多
The compositions of REE in quartz and pyrite from main mineralized stage of the Laowan gold deposit in Henan province and that of quartz from Laowan granite were determined by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass-Spectrome...The compositions of REE in quartz and pyrite from main mineralized stage of the Laowan gold deposit in Henan province and that of quartz from Laowan granite were determined by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass-Spectrometry (ICP-MS). The REE of deposit ore of the Laowan gold deposit, wall-rock and Laowan granite also were studied to trace the source of metallogenic materials in Laowan gold deposit in detail. The range of ∑ REE in quartz and pyrite from gold deposit is 4.18 × 10^-6 - 30.91 × 10^-6, average of 13.39 × 10^-6, 6.68 × 10^-6 of the Laowan granite quartz, obviously lower to REE concentration of deposit, granite and wall-rock. The value of (La/ Yb)N and (La/Sm)N of ore minerals from the gold deposit is 13.23 and 4.17 respectively. The differences in REE parameters, such as δEu, δCe and diffusion degree in REE from light to heavy, among deposit ore minerals and granite mineral are weak. Especially, there are no differences between the chondrite-normalised REE curves of minerals from gold deposit and those of quartzs in Laowan granite, no similarity to wall-rock', which shows that ore-forming hydrothermal fluid mainly came from magma fluid resulting from the Laowan granite magma, metamorphic fluid in few. The results also show that REE characteristics of ore minerals in deposit are effective for disclosing oreforming fluid quality comparing with deposit ore'REE compositions.展开更多
The Zhangjiakou-Xuanhua area is a mineral resource-concentrated area for gold-silver polymetallic ore deposits. The temporal and spatial distribution and origin of mineral resources have been argued for a long time. B...The Zhangjiakou-Xuanhua area is a mineral resource-concentrated area for gold-silver polymetallic ore deposits. The temporal and spatial distribution and origin of mineral resources have been argued for a long time. Based on the comprehensive studies of geochronology and sulfur, lead, oxygen, carbon and noble gas isotopes, it is considered that the temporal and spatial distribution of mineral resources in this area is obviously controlled by the Zhangjiakou-Xuanhua mantle branch structure, as is reflected by the occurrence of gold deposits in the inner parts and of Ag-Pb-Zn polymetallic ore deposits in the outer parts. The mineralization took place mainly during the Yanshanian period. Ore-forming materials came largely from the deep interior of the Earth, and hydrothermal fluids were derived predominantly from Yanshanian magmatism.展开更多
The source of ore\|forming materials has long been a controversial focus both in metallogenic theory and in ore\|searching practice. This study deals with the helium and argon isotopic characteristics of pyrites from ...The source of ore\|forming materials has long been a controversial focus both in metallogenic theory and in ore\|searching practice. This study deals with the helium and argon isotopic characteristics of pyrites from 11 gold deposits and some country rocks in the gold mineralization\|concentrated areas within the three mantle\|branch structures in the region of North Hebei Province. It is indicated that \{\}\+3He/\+4He ratios in the gold deposits are within the range of \{0.93×10\+\{-6\}\}-\{7.3×10\+\{-6\}\}, with an average of \{3.55\} ×10\+\{-6\}; R/Ra=\{0.66\}-\{4.93\}, averaging \{2.53\}; \{\{\}\+\{40\}Ar/\+\{39\}Ar\} ratios vary between 426 and 2073, with the average value of \{\}\+\{40\}Ar being \{8.32\}; and the average of \{\}\+4He/\{\}\+\{40\}Ar ratios is 2.17. \{\}\+3He/ \{\}\+4He ratios in gneiss and granite in the periphery of the mining district are within the range of \{0.001×10\+\{-6\}\}-\{0.55×10\+\{-6\}\}, reflecting significant differences in their sources. \{\}\+3He and \{\}\+4He fall near the mantle, as is shown in the He concentration diagram. Studies have shown that the ore\|forming materials in this region should come from the deep interior of the Earth. With the multi\|stage evolution of mantle plume, ore\|forming fluids in the deep interior were moving upwards to shallow levels (crust). Under such circumstances, there would be inevitably occur crust/mantle fluid mixing, so their noble gas isotopic characteristics are intermediate between the mantle and the crust.展开更多
THE Laowangzhai superlarge gold deposit was found in 1984. Although studies on regional structure, geology of deposits and lamprophyres, which are temporally and spatially related to gold mineralization,have been carr...THE Laowangzhai superlarge gold deposit was found in 1984. Although studies on regional structure, geology of deposits and lamprophyres, which are temporally and spatially related to gold mineralization,have been carried out, the views on the source of ore-forming materials have been different. Thisnote summarized the characteristics of lead isotopic composition of the deposits, and probed further intothe source of ore-forming materials. 1 Geological setting The Laowangzhai gold deposit, located in the north of the Ailaoshan fault zone, consists of Donggualin and Laowangzhai ore block. The strata in the orefield include Paleozoic (Pz<sub>3</sub>) epimetamorphic ma-展开更多
Eastern Hebei Province is one of the important gold mineralization areas in North China, and detailed investigations have been made in this area. Different mineralization models and different ore-forming sources have ...Eastern Hebei Province is one of the important gold mineralization areas in North China, and detailed investigations have been made in this area. Different mineralization models and different ore-forming sources have been proposed for the gold deposits in this area. As more detailed work was made and more information has been accumulated, it is necessary to make a new investigation on gold metallogenesis and its source. This paper presents the data about 13 gold deposits (occurrences). It is concluded that the element gold came from the deep mantle. Different models of metallogenesis substantially describe such processes that ore-forming fluids were involved in metallogenesis in different favorable loci. Gold ore prospecting should be focused on fluid channel ways and favorable structures.展开更多
The Huize large-sized Pb-Zn deposit in Yunnan Province, China, is characterized by favorable metallogenic background and particular geological settings. This suggested that the ore-forming mechanism is relatively uniq...The Huize large-sized Pb-Zn deposit in Yunnan Province, China, is characterized by favorable metallogenic background and particular geological settings. This suggested that the ore-forming mechanism is relatively unique. On the basis of geological features such as the contents of mineralization elements, the REE concentrations of gangue calcites, the REE concentrations of calcite veins in the NE-trending tectonic zone and the Pb, Sr, C, H and O isotopic compositions of different minerals, this paper presents that the ore-forming materials and ore-forming fluids of the deposit were derived from various types of strata or rocks. This is a very significant conclusion for us to further discuss the mineralization mechanism of the deposit at depth and establish an available genetic model.展开更多
1 Introduction The Tudimiaogou-Yindongshan lead-zinc polymetallic orefield is located in the Tudimiaogou-Weimoshi lead and zinc silver polymetallic metallogenic belt.The belt is an important part of southwestern Henan...1 Introduction The Tudimiaogou-Yindongshan lead-zinc polymetallic orefield is located in the Tudimiaogou-Weimoshi lead and zinc silver polymetallic metallogenic belt.The belt is an important part of southwestern Henan lead and zinc展开更多
It has long been a controversy about the source of ore\|forming materials of Au\|Ag polymetallic deposits both in metallogenic theory and in ore\|searching practice. In terms of a large wealth of the isotopic statisti...It has long been a controversy about the source of ore\|forming materials of Au\|Ag polymetallic deposits both in metallogenic theory and in ore\|searching practice. In terms of a large wealth of the isotopic statistics data from Indosinian\|Yanshanian endogenic ore deposits in northern Hebei (generally referring to the areas along the northern part of Taihang Mountains and northern Hebei, the same below), it is considered that the ore\|forming materials came from the deep interior of the Earth, which had migrated through plumes to the Earth surface while experienced multi\|stage evolution and then emplaced progressively in favorable structural loci to form ores. Their isotope data show that 559 sulfur isotopic data from 40 ore deposits are, for the most part, within the range of -5‰- 5‰, with a high degree of homogenization, indicating that the sulfur is derived mainly from magma; 200 lead isotope data from 37 ore deposits indicate that the ore\|forming materials are principally of mantle source though some crust\|source material was involved; 96 oxygen, hydrogen and carbon isotope data from 34 ore deposits illustrate that the ore\|forming fluids are dominated by magmatic water while other sources of water would be involved. It may therefore be seen that the formation of endogenic deposits has nothing to do with the strata .展开更多
Dexing copper deposit is the biggest porphyry copper deposit in China. By researching isotopes of C,Si and Cu from the samples of Tongchang and Fujiawu ore-field, the authors found that δ13CPDB values of siderite wer...Dexing copper deposit is the biggest porphyry copper deposit in China. By researching isotopes of C,Si and Cu from the samples of Tongchang and Fujiawu ore-field, the authors found that δ13CPDB values of siderite were close to the δ13CPDB value of original magma; δ30Si values of the samples at the ore-forming stage were close to the δ30Si value range of magma, δ30Si values of partial samples were far away from it; Cu isotopic compositions of massive chalcopyrite formed at the early ore-forming stage are higher than that of veinal chalcopyrite formed at the later ore-forming stage. The results show that ore-forming materials were mainly derived from the porphyry body, and part of them were from wall rock materials.展开更多
We have measured Rb and Sr concentrations in fluid inclusions of quartz in gold deposits, southwestern Hunan. The Rb\|Sr isochron ages of 435±9Ma and 412±33Ma are respectively determined, revealing that gold...We have measured Rb and Sr concentrations in fluid inclusions of quartz in gold deposits, southwestern Hunan. The Rb\|Sr isochron ages of 435±9Ma and 412±33Ma are respectively determined, revealing that gold mineralization in this area took place in the Caledonian period rather than in the Wuling\|Xuefeng period as traditionally considered. Sr isotope geochemistry of the hydrothermal fluid indicates that the ore\|forming materials are of crust origin, derived largely from the ore\|hosting strata rather than from the basic dikes.展开更多
The research trial was to evaluate the complimentary effects of NPK 15.15.15 with different source of ash materials on the soil chemical properties,proximate content,growth and yield of sweet potato.The field trial wa...The research trial was to evaluate the complimentary effects of NPK 15.15.15 with different source of ash materials on the soil chemical properties,proximate content,growth and yield of sweet potato.The field trial was arranged using randomized complete block design(RCBD)with five(5)different treatments:NPK at 400 kg/ha,NPK at 200 kg/ha+dried mango leave ash,NPK at 200 kg/ha+rice husk dust,NPK at 200 kg/ha+wood ash,and control(no fertilization)replicated three times.The composites of soil sample of the field were collected between 0-20 cm depth,analyzed for pre-cropping soil properties,and after treatments during harvest to determine the changes in soil chemical properties due to soil amendments.The results indicated significant difference(p<0.05)among the treatments on all the parameters measured.The results showed that mineral content,dry matter,crude ash,starch,sugar,fats,crude protein and dietary fiber content were significantly improved in amended soil with ash materials when compared with sole NPK fertilization.The best performance on the growth and yield of sweet potato was significantly recorded from the plot amended with the integration of NPK plus rice husk dust of 18 t/ha while the control was the least.There were significant increases of soil organic carbon when treated with inorganic fertilizers and other ash material sources.The highest value of total nitrogen(0.17 g/kg)and lowest organic carbon(1.16 g/kg)was significantly recorded in the sole application of inorganic fertilizer whereas the highest increase in pH(5.7)and organic carbon(1.85 g/kg)were significantly recorded in the integration of NPK plus rice husk ash.It showed that sweet potato can perform optimally when there is integration of synthetic fertilizer amended with ash materials.展开更多
Abstract This paper deals with characteristics of silicon isotope compositions and siliceous cathodoluminescence of host rocks, ores and hydrothermal silicified quartz of the Carlin-type ore deposits in the Yunnan-Gui...Abstract This paper deals with characteristics of silicon isotope compositions and siliceous cathodoluminescence of host rocks, ores and hydrothermal silicified quartz of the Carlin-type ore deposits in the Yunnan-Guizhou-Guangxi triangle area. The study shows that primary silicified quartz is nonluminescent but quartz in host rocks and secondary silicified quartz are luminescent by the action of cathode rays. Correspondingly, silicon isotope compositions of host rocks, ores and hydro6thermal quartz veins are clearly distinguished. In strata from the Middle Triassic to the “Dachang” host bed, δ30Si of the host rocks ranges from 0.0% ?0.3%, while that of primary ore-forming silicified fluids from ?0.1% to ?0.4%; in the Upper Permian and Lower Carboniferous strata and Indosinian diabase host beds, δ30Si of the host rocks is from ?0.1% to ?0.2% and that of the primary silicified quartz veins from 0.3 % ?0.5 %. This pattern demonstrates the following geochemical mineralization process, primary ore-forming siliceous fluids migrated upwards quickly along the main passages of deep-seated faults from mantle to crust and entered secondary faults where gold deposits were eventually formed as a result of permeation and replacement of the siliceous ore-forming fluids into different ore-bearing strata. This gives important evidence for the fact that ore-forming fluids of this type of gold deposits were mainly derived from upper mantle differentiation and shows good prospects for deep gold deposits and geochemical background for large and superlarge gold deposits.展开更多
This study was conducted following research on metallogenesis in the Zhangjiajie-Xuanhua and East Hebei mantle branch structure zones. The Fuping mantle branch structure zone is one where Au, Cu and Ag poly-metallic o...This study was conducted following research on metallogenesis in the Zhangjiajie-Xuanhua and East Hebei mantle branch structure zones. The Fuping mantle branch structure zone is one where Au, Cu and Ag poly-metallic ore resources are concentrated in North Hebei. However, there has existed a long-standing controversy on the temporal-spatial distribution of ore resources and their ore-forming material sources. In terms of age dating and the comprehensive analysis of S, Pb, O, C and Si isotopes, it is considered that the temporal-spatial distribution of ore resources in this mantle branch structure zone is obviously controlled by the Fuping mantle branch structure. In space there is developed such a metallogenic pattern as to be Ag, Pb and Zn polymetallic ore deposits with gold appearing inside and copper appearing outside. Metallogenesis is dated mainly at Yanshanian, the ore-forming materials were derived predominantly from the deep interior of the Earth, and ore-forming fluids were derived largely from Yanshanian magmatism.展开更多
Objective The Shizishan Pb-Zn deposit is located in the southeastern margin of the Yangtze Block,and its Pb-Zn orebodies are mainly hosted in the Lower Cambrian Qingxudong Formation limestone.Previous researches have ...Objective The Shizishan Pb-Zn deposit is located in the southeastern margin of the Yangtze Block,and its Pb-Zn orebodies are mainly hosted in the Lower Cambrian Qingxudong Formation limestone.Previous researches have investigated the geological characteristics,geochemistry and fluid inclusions of this deposit.展开更多
The Dahongshan Fe-Cu(-Au)deposit is a superlarge deposit in the Kangdian metallogenic belt,southwestern China,comprising approximately 458 Mt of Fe ores(40%Fe)and 1.35 Mt Cu.Two main types of Fe-Cu(-Au)mineralization ...The Dahongshan Fe-Cu(-Au)deposit is a superlarge deposit in the Kangdian metallogenic belt,southwestern China,comprising approximately 458 Mt of Fe ores(40%Fe)and 1.35 Mt Cu.Two main types of Fe-Cu(-Au)mineralization are present in the Dahongshan deposit:(1)early submarine volcanic exhalation and sedimentary mineralization characterized by strata-bound fine-grained magnetite and banded Fe-Cu sulfide(pyrite and chalcopyrite)hosted in the Na-rich metavolcanic rocks;(2)late hydrothermal(-vein)type mineralization characterized by Fe-Cu sulfide veins in the hosted strata or massive coarse-grained magnetite orebodies controlled by faults.While previous studies have focused primarily on the early submarine volcanic and sedimentary mineralization of the deposit,data related to late hydrothermal mineralization is lacking.In order to establish the metallogenic age and ore-forming material source of the late hydrothermal(-vein)type mineralization,this paper reports the Re-Os dating of molybdenite from the late hydrothermal vein Fe-Cu orebody and H,O,S,and Pb isotopic compositions of the hydrothermal quartz-sulfide veins.The primary aim of this study was to establish the metallogenic age and ore-forming material source of the hydrothermal type orebody.Results show that the molybdenite separated from quartz-sulfide veins has a Re-Os isochron age of 831±11 Ma,indicating that the Dahongshan Fe-Cu deposit experienced hydrothermal superimposed mineralization in Neoproterozoic.The molybdenite has a Re concentration of 99.7-382.4 ppm,indicating that the Re of the hydrothermal vein ores were primarily derived from the mantle.The δ^(34)S values of sulfides from the hydrothermal ores are 2‰-8‰ showing multi-peak tower distribution,suggesting that S in the ore-forming period was primarily derived from magma and partially from calcareous sedimentary rock.Furthermore,the abundance of radioactive Pb increased significantly from ore-bearing strata to layered and hydrothermal vein ores,which may be related to the later hydrothermal transformation.The composition of H and O isotopes within the hydrothermal quartz indicates that the ore-forming fluid is a mixture of magmatic water and a small quantity of water.These results further indicate that the late hydrothermal orebodies were formed by the Neoproterozoic magmatic hydrothermal event,which might be related to the breakup of the Rodinia supercontinent.Mantle derived magmatic hydrothermal fluid extracted ore-forming materials from the metavolcanic rocks of Dahongshan Group and formed the hydrothermal(-vein)type Fe-Cu orebodies by filling and metasomatism.展开更多
Olivine LiFePO4/C composite cathode materials were synthesized by a solid state method in N2 + 5vol% H2 atmosphere. The effects of different iron sources, including Fe(OH)3 and FeC2O4·2H2O, on the performance ...Olivine LiFePO4/C composite cathode materials were synthesized by a solid state method in N2 + 5vol% H2 atmosphere. The effects of different iron sources, including Fe(OH)3 and FeC2O4·2H2O, on the performance of as-synthesized cathode materials were investigated and the causes were also analyzed. The crystal structure, the morphology, and the electrochemical performance of the prepared samples were characterized by X-ray diffractometry (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), laser particle-size distribution measurement, and other electrochemical techniques. The results demonstrate that the LiFePO4/C materials obtained from Fe(OH)3 at 800℃ and FeC2O4·2H2O at 700℃ have the similar electrochemical performances. The initial discharge capacities of LiFePO4/C synthesized from Fe(OH)3 and FeC2O4·2H2O are 134.5 mAh.g^-1 and 137.4 mAh.g^-1 at the C/5 rate, respectively. How- ever, the tap density of the LiFePO4/C materials obtained from Fe(OH)3 are higher, which is significant for the improvement of the capacity of the battery.展开更多
The granitoids of the continental crust transformation series in South China may be divided into threetypes: (1) synorogenic migmatic and magmatic type. (2) anorogenic continental crust anatexis type, and (3)syncollis...The granitoids of the continental crust transformation series in South China may be divided into threetypes: (1) synorogenic migmatic and magmatic type. (2) anorogenic continental crust anatexis type, and (3)syncollision type. Based on the results of Sr and Nd isotopic determinations, the source material compositionof the three types of granitoids is calculated with crust-mantle binary mixing simulation. The calculations indi-cate that the granitoids of the first type consist of 78.6-89.7% upper crust endmember materials and15.0-10.3% depleted mantle endmember materials, the granitoids of the second type are composed of 63.7%upper crust endmember materials and 36.3% depleted mantle endmember materials, and those of the third type100% upper crust endmember materials. Hence. the source material composition of the granitoids of all thethree types is dominated by upper crust endmembers.展开更多
The Jinshan gold deposit is located in the Northeast Jiangxi province,South China,which related to the ductile shear zone.It contains two ore types,i.e.the alteration-type ore and the goldbearing quartz vein ore.Rb-Sr...The Jinshan gold deposit is located in the Northeast Jiangxi province,South China,which related to the ductile shear zone.It contains two ore types,i.e.the alteration-type ore and the goldbearing quartz vein ore.Rb-Sr age dating is applied to both gold-bearing pyrite in the alteration-type ore and fluid inclusion in the gold-bearing quartz vein to make clear the time of the gold mineralization of the Jinshan deposit.Analytical results of this study yielded that the age of the alteration-type ore bodies is about 838±110Ma,with an initial 87Sr/86Sr value of 0.7045±0.0020.However,the age of the gold-bearing quartz vein-type ore is about 379±49Ma,and the initial 87Sr/86Sr is 0.7138±0.0011.Based on the age data from this work and many previous studies,the authors consider that the Jinshan gold deposit is a product of multi-staged mineralization,which may include the Jinninian,Caledonian,Hercynian,and Yanshanian Periods.Among them,the Jinninian Period and the Hercynian Period might be the two most important ore-forming periods for Jinshan deposit.The Jinninian Period is the main stage for the formation of alteration-type ore bodies,while the Hercynian Period is the major time for ore bodies of gold-bearing quartz vein type.The initial values of the 87Sr/86Sr from this study,as well as the previous isotope and trace element studies,indicate that the ore-forming materials mainly derived from the metamorphic wall rocks,and the ore-forming fluids mainly originated from the deep metamorphic water.展开更多
文摘The compositions of REE in quartz and pyrite from the main stage of the Laowan gold deposit in Henan Province and that in quartz from Laowan granite were determined by inductively coupled plasma-mass-spectrometry (ICP-MS) to trace the source of ore-forming materials. Meanwhile, the REE compositions of the deposit ore, granite and metamorphic wall rock were also considered for comparative studies in detail. The range of ∑REE of quartz and pyrite from the deposit ores is 4.18 × 10^-6- 30.91 × 10^-6, the average of ∑REE is 13.39 × 10^-6, and the average of ∑REE of quartz in the Laowan granite is 6.68 × 10^-6. There is no distinct difference of REE parameters between the deposit ore quartz and granite quartz. The quartz in gold deposit has the same REE particular parameters as quartzes from Laowan granite, such as δEu, δCe, (La/Yb)N and (La/Sm)N, partition degree of LREE to HREE, especially, the chondrite-normalized REE patterns, but no similarity to those from metamorphic wall rock, which shows that ore-forming hydrothermal fluid is mainly the fluid coming from the Laowan granite magma, rather than metamorphic fluid. Meanwhile, comparison studies on REE features between minerals from the deposit ores and related geological bodies in the deposit show that REE characteristics of minerals can serve as an indicator of ore-forming fluid properties and sources, while the REE characteristics of the bulk samples (such as deposit ores, granites and wall rocks) can not trace the source of the ore-forming materials exactly.
文摘Based on the main characteristics of the tectonic -magmatic evolution of region and Tanlu fault zone,we have discussed ore-bearing magmatic rocks petrochemistry,strontium and lead isotope,and the source of ore-forming materials in Yinan skarn deposit in this paper.The petrochemical features show that the ore-bearing magmatic rocks are calc-alkaline rocks of sub-alkaline series formed during
文摘The compositions of REE in quartz and pyrite from main mineralized stage of the Laowan gold deposit in Henan province and that of quartz from Laowan granite were determined by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass-Spectrometry (ICP-MS). The REE of deposit ore of the Laowan gold deposit, wall-rock and Laowan granite also were studied to trace the source of metallogenic materials in Laowan gold deposit in detail. The range of ∑ REE in quartz and pyrite from gold deposit is 4.18 × 10^-6 - 30.91 × 10^-6, average of 13.39 × 10^-6, 6.68 × 10^-6 of the Laowan granite quartz, obviously lower to REE concentration of deposit, granite and wall-rock. The value of (La/ Yb)N and (La/Sm)N of ore minerals from the gold deposit is 13.23 and 4.17 respectively. The differences in REE parameters, such as δEu, δCe and diffusion degree in REE from light to heavy, among deposit ore minerals and granite mineral are weak. Especially, there are no differences between the chondrite-normalised REE curves of minerals from gold deposit and those of quartzs in Laowan granite, no similarity to wall-rock', which shows that ore-forming hydrothermal fluid mainly came from magma fluid resulting from the Laowan granite magma, metamorphic fluid in few. The results also show that REE characteristics of ore minerals in deposit are effective for disclosing oreforming fluid quality comparing with deposit ore'REE compositions.
基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 40272088).
文摘The Zhangjiakou-Xuanhua area is a mineral resource-concentrated area for gold-silver polymetallic ore deposits. The temporal and spatial distribution and origin of mineral resources have been argued for a long time. Based on the comprehensive studies of geochronology and sulfur, lead, oxygen, carbon and noble gas isotopes, it is considered that the temporal and spatial distribution of mineral resources in this area is obviously controlled by the Zhangjiakou-Xuanhua mantle branch structure, as is reflected by the occurrence of gold deposits in the inner parts and of Ag-Pb-Zn polymetallic ore deposits in the outer parts. The mineralization took place mainly during the Yanshanian period. Ore-forming materials came largely from the deep interior of the Earth, and hydrothermal fluids were derived predominantly from Yanshanian magmatism.
文摘The source of ore\|forming materials has long been a controversial focus both in metallogenic theory and in ore\|searching practice. This study deals with the helium and argon isotopic characteristics of pyrites from 11 gold deposits and some country rocks in the gold mineralization\|concentrated areas within the three mantle\|branch structures in the region of North Hebei Province. It is indicated that \{\}\+3He/\+4He ratios in the gold deposits are within the range of \{0.93×10\+\{-6\}\}-\{7.3×10\+\{-6\}\}, with an average of \{3.55\} ×10\+\{-6\}; R/Ra=\{0.66\}-\{4.93\}, averaging \{2.53\}; \{\{\}\+\{40\}Ar/\+\{39\}Ar\} ratios vary between 426 and 2073, with the average value of \{\}\+\{40\}Ar being \{8.32\}; and the average of \{\}\+4He/\{\}\+\{40\}Ar ratios is 2.17. \{\}\+3He/ \{\}\+4He ratios in gneiss and granite in the periphery of the mining district are within the range of \{0.001×10\+\{-6\}\}-\{0.55×10\+\{-6\}\}, reflecting significant differences in their sources. \{\}\+3He and \{\}\+4He fall near the mantle, as is shown in the He concentration diagram. Studies have shown that the ore\|forming materials in this region should come from the deep interior of the Earth. With the multi\|stage evolution of mantle plume, ore\|forming fluids in the deep interior were moving upwards to shallow levels (crust). Under such circumstances, there would be inevitably occur crust/mantle fluid mixing, so their noble gas isotopic characteristics are intermediate between the mantle and the crust.
文摘THE Laowangzhai superlarge gold deposit was found in 1984. Although studies on regional structure, geology of deposits and lamprophyres, which are temporally and spatially related to gold mineralization,have been carried out, the views on the source of ore-forming materials have been different. Thisnote summarized the characteristics of lead isotopic composition of the deposits, and probed further intothe source of ore-forming materials. 1 Geological setting The Laowangzhai gold deposit, located in the north of the Ailaoshan fault zone, consists of Donggualin and Laowangzhai ore block. The strata in the orefield include Paleozoic (Pz<sub>3</sub>) epimetamorphic ma-
文摘Eastern Hebei Province is one of the important gold mineralization areas in North China, and detailed investigations have been made in this area. Different mineralization models and different ore-forming sources have been proposed for the gold deposits in this area. As more detailed work was made and more information has been accumulated, it is necessary to make a new investigation on gold metallogenesis and its source. This paper presents the data about 13 gold deposits (occurrences). It is concluded that the element gold came from the deep mantle. Different models of metallogenesis substantially describe such processes that ore-forming fluids were involved in metallogenesis in different favorable loci. Gold ore prospecting should be focused on fluid channel ways and favorable structures.
文摘The Huize large-sized Pb-Zn deposit in Yunnan Province, China, is characterized by favorable metallogenic background and particular geological settings. This suggested that the ore-forming mechanism is relatively unique. On the basis of geological features such as the contents of mineralization elements, the REE concentrations of gangue calcites, the REE concentrations of calcite veins in the NE-trending tectonic zone and the Pb, Sr, C, H and O isotopic compositions of different minerals, this paper presents that the ore-forming materials and ore-forming fluids of the deposit were derived from various types of strata or rocks. This is a very significant conclusion for us to further discuss the mineralization mechanism of the deposit at depth and establish an available genetic model.
文摘1 Introduction The Tudimiaogou-Yindongshan lead-zinc polymetallic orefield is located in the Tudimiaogou-Weimoshi lead and zinc silver polymetallic metallogenic belt.The belt is an important part of southwestern Henan lead and zinc
文摘It has long been a controversy about the source of ore\|forming materials of Au\|Ag polymetallic deposits both in metallogenic theory and in ore\|searching practice. In terms of a large wealth of the isotopic statistics data from Indosinian\|Yanshanian endogenic ore deposits in northern Hebei (generally referring to the areas along the northern part of Taihang Mountains and northern Hebei, the same below), it is considered that the ore\|forming materials came from the deep interior of the Earth, which had migrated through plumes to the Earth surface while experienced multi\|stage evolution and then emplaced progressively in favorable structural loci to form ores. Their isotope data show that 559 sulfur isotopic data from 40 ore deposits are, for the most part, within the range of -5‰- 5‰, with a high degree of homogenization, indicating that the sulfur is derived mainly from magma; 200 lead isotope data from 37 ore deposits indicate that the ore\|forming materials are principally of mantle source though some crust\|source material was involved; 96 oxygen, hydrogen and carbon isotope data from 34 ore deposits illustrate that the ore\|forming fluids are dominated by magmatic water while other sources of water would be involved. It may therefore be seen that the formation of endogenic deposits has nothing to do with the strata .
文摘Dexing copper deposit is the biggest porphyry copper deposit in China. By researching isotopes of C,Si and Cu from the samples of Tongchang and Fujiawu ore-field, the authors found that δ13CPDB values of siderite were close to the δ13CPDB value of original magma; δ30Si values of the samples at the ore-forming stage were close to the δ30Si value range of magma, δ30Si values of partial samples were far away from it; Cu isotopic compositions of massive chalcopyrite formed at the early ore-forming stage are higher than that of veinal chalcopyrite formed at the later ore-forming stage. The results show that ore-forming materials were mainly derived from the porphyry body, and part of them were from wall rock materials.
文摘We have measured Rb and Sr concentrations in fluid inclusions of quartz in gold deposits, southwestern Hunan. The Rb\|Sr isochron ages of 435±9Ma and 412±33Ma are respectively determined, revealing that gold mineralization in this area took place in the Caledonian period rather than in the Wuling\|Xuefeng period as traditionally considered. Sr isotope geochemistry of the hydrothermal fluid indicates that the ore\|forming materials are of crust origin, derived largely from the ore\|hosting strata rather than from the basic dikes.
文摘The research trial was to evaluate the complimentary effects of NPK 15.15.15 with different source of ash materials on the soil chemical properties,proximate content,growth and yield of sweet potato.The field trial was arranged using randomized complete block design(RCBD)with five(5)different treatments:NPK at 400 kg/ha,NPK at 200 kg/ha+dried mango leave ash,NPK at 200 kg/ha+rice husk dust,NPK at 200 kg/ha+wood ash,and control(no fertilization)replicated three times.The composites of soil sample of the field were collected between 0-20 cm depth,analyzed for pre-cropping soil properties,and after treatments during harvest to determine the changes in soil chemical properties due to soil amendments.The results indicated significant difference(p<0.05)among the treatments on all the parameters measured.The results showed that mineral content,dry matter,crude ash,starch,sugar,fats,crude protein and dietary fiber content were significantly improved in amended soil with ash materials when compared with sole NPK fertilization.The best performance on the growth and yield of sweet potato was significantly recorded from the plot amended with the integration of NPK plus rice husk dust of 18 t/ha while the control was the least.There were significant increases of soil organic carbon when treated with inorganic fertilizers and other ash material sources.The highest value of total nitrogen(0.17 g/kg)and lowest organic carbon(1.16 g/kg)was significantly recorded in the sole application of inorganic fertilizer whereas the highest increase in pH(5.7)and organic carbon(1.85 g/kg)were significantly recorded in the integration of NPK plus rice husk ash.It showed that sweet potato can perform optimally when there is integration of synthetic fertilizer amended with ash materials.
文摘Abstract This paper deals with characteristics of silicon isotope compositions and siliceous cathodoluminescence of host rocks, ores and hydrothermal silicified quartz of the Carlin-type ore deposits in the Yunnan-Guizhou-Guangxi triangle area. The study shows that primary silicified quartz is nonluminescent but quartz in host rocks and secondary silicified quartz are luminescent by the action of cathode rays. Correspondingly, silicon isotope compositions of host rocks, ores and hydro6thermal quartz veins are clearly distinguished. In strata from the Middle Triassic to the “Dachang” host bed, δ30Si of the host rocks ranges from 0.0% ?0.3%, while that of primary ore-forming silicified fluids from ?0.1% to ?0.4%; in the Upper Permian and Lower Carboniferous strata and Indosinian diabase host beds, δ30Si of the host rocks is from ?0.1% to ?0.2% and that of the primary silicified quartz veins from 0.3 % ?0.5 %. This pattern demonstrates the following geochemical mineralization process, primary ore-forming siliceous fluids migrated upwards quickly along the main passages of deep-seated faults from mantle to crust and entered secondary faults where gold deposits were eventually formed as a result of permeation and replacement of the siliceous ore-forming fluids into different ore-bearing strata. This gives important evidence for the fact that ore-forming fluids of this type of gold deposits were mainly derived from upper mantle differentiation and shows good prospects for deep gold deposits and geochemical background for large and superlarge gold deposits.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 40872137)Natural Science Foundation of Hebei Province (GrantNo.D2007000751)
文摘This study was conducted following research on metallogenesis in the Zhangjiajie-Xuanhua and East Hebei mantle branch structure zones. The Fuping mantle branch structure zone is one where Au, Cu and Ag poly-metallic ore resources are concentrated in North Hebei. However, there has existed a long-standing controversy on the temporal-spatial distribution of ore resources and their ore-forming material sources. In terms of age dating and the comprehensive analysis of S, Pb, O, C and Si isotopes, it is considered that the temporal-spatial distribution of ore resources in this mantle branch structure zone is obviously controlled by the Fuping mantle branch structure. In space there is developed such a metallogenic pattern as to be Ag, Pb and Zn polymetallic ore deposits with gold appearing inside and copper appearing outside. Metallogenesis is dated mainly at Yanshanian, the ore-forming materials were derived predominantly from the deep interior of the Earth, and ore-forming fluids were derived largely from Yanshanian magmatism.
基金financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(grant No.41303026)
文摘Objective The Shizishan Pb-Zn deposit is located in the southeastern margin of the Yangtze Block,and its Pb-Zn orebodies are mainly hosted in the Lower Cambrian Qingxudong Formation limestone.Previous researches have investigated the geological characteristics,geochemistry and fluid inclusions of this deposit.
基金supported by the NSFC Project(Grant Nos.42162012 and 42072094)the Open Research Project from the Key Laboratory of Sanjiang Metallogeny and Resources Exploration and Utilization,MNR(Grant No.ZRZYBSJSYS2022001)。
文摘The Dahongshan Fe-Cu(-Au)deposit is a superlarge deposit in the Kangdian metallogenic belt,southwestern China,comprising approximately 458 Mt of Fe ores(40%Fe)and 1.35 Mt Cu.Two main types of Fe-Cu(-Au)mineralization are present in the Dahongshan deposit:(1)early submarine volcanic exhalation and sedimentary mineralization characterized by strata-bound fine-grained magnetite and banded Fe-Cu sulfide(pyrite and chalcopyrite)hosted in the Na-rich metavolcanic rocks;(2)late hydrothermal(-vein)type mineralization characterized by Fe-Cu sulfide veins in the hosted strata or massive coarse-grained magnetite orebodies controlled by faults.While previous studies have focused primarily on the early submarine volcanic and sedimentary mineralization of the deposit,data related to late hydrothermal mineralization is lacking.In order to establish the metallogenic age and ore-forming material source of the late hydrothermal(-vein)type mineralization,this paper reports the Re-Os dating of molybdenite from the late hydrothermal vein Fe-Cu orebody and H,O,S,and Pb isotopic compositions of the hydrothermal quartz-sulfide veins.The primary aim of this study was to establish the metallogenic age and ore-forming material source of the hydrothermal type orebody.Results show that the molybdenite separated from quartz-sulfide veins has a Re-Os isochron age of 831±11 Ma,indicating that the Dahongshan Fe-Cu deposit experienced hydrothermal superimposed mineralization in Neoproterozoic.The molybdenite has a Re concentration of 99.7-382.4 ppm,indicating that the Re of the hydrothermal vein ores were primarily derived from the mantle.The δ^(34)S values of sulfides from the hydrothermal ores are 2‰-8‰ showing multi-peak tower distribution,suggesting that S in the ore-forming period was primarily derived from magma and partially from calcareous sedimentary rock.Furthermore,the abundance of radioactive Pb increased significantly from ore-bearing strata to layered and hydrothermal vein ores,which may be related to the later hydrothermal transformation.The composition of H and O isotopes within the hydrothermal quartz indicates that the ore-forming fluid is a mixture of magmatic water and a small quantity of water.These results further indicate that the late hydrothermal orebodies were formed by the Neoproterozoic magmatic hydrothermal event,which might be related to the breakup of the Rodinia supercontinent.Mantle derived magmatic hydrothermal fluid extracted ore-forming materials from the metavolcanic rocks of Dahongshan Group and formed the hydrothermal(-vein)type Fe-Cu orebodies by filling and metasomatism.
基金supported by the Science and Technology Research Item of Guangzhou, China (No.2007Z3-D0021)
文摘Olivine LiFePO4/C composite cathode materials were synthesized by a solid state method in N2 + 5vol% H2 atmosphere. The effects of different iron sources, including Fe(OH)3 and FeC2O4·2H2O, on the performance of as-synthesized cathode materials were investigated and the causes were also analyzed. The crystal structure, the morphology, and the electrochemical performance of the prepared samples were characterized by X-ray diffractometry (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), laser particle-size distribution measurement, and other electrochemical techniques. The results demonstrate that the LiFePO4/C materials obtained from Fe(OH)3 at 800℃ and FeC2O4·2H2O at 700℃ have the similar electrochemical performances. The initial discharge capacities of LiFePO4/C synthesized from Fe(OH)3 and FeC2O4·2H2O are 134.5 mAh.g^-1 and 137.4 mAh.g^-1 at the C/5 rate, respectively. How- ever, the tap density of the LiFePO4/C materials obtained from Fe(OH)3 are higher, which is significant for the improvement of the capacity of the battery.
文摘The granitoids of the continental crust transformation series in South China may be divided into threetypes: (1) synorogenic migmatic and magmatic type. (2) anorogenic continental crust anatexis type, and (3)syncollision type. Based on the results of Sr and Nd isotopic determinations, the source material compositionof the three types of granitoids is calculated with crust-mantle binary mixing simulation. The calculations indi-cate that the granitoids of the first type consist of 78.6-89.7% upper crust endmember materials and15.0-10.3% depleted mantle endmember materials, the granitoids of the second type are composed of 63.7%upper crust endmember materials and 36.3% depleted mantle endmember materials, and those of the third type100% upper crust endmember materials. Hence. the source material composition of the granitoids of all thethree types is dominated by upper crust endmembers.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 41202083, 40373025)the Research Award Fund for Outstanding Middle-aged and Young Scientist of Shandong Province (BS2013HZ024)
文摘The Jinshan gold deposit is located in the Northeast Jiangxi province,South China,which related to the ductile shear zone.It contains two ore types,i.e.the alteration-type ore and the goldbearing quartz vein ore.Rb-Sr age dating is applied to both gold-bearing pyrite in the alteration-type ore and fluid inclusion in the gold-bearing quartz vein to make clear the time of the gold mineralization of the Jinshan deposit.Analytical results of this study yielded that the age of the alteration-type ore bodies is about 838±110Ma,with an initial 87Sr/86Sr value of 0.7045±0.0020.However,the age of the gold-bearing quartz vein-type ore is about 379±49Ma,and the initial 87Sr/86Sr is 0.7138±0.0011.Based on the age data from this work and many previous studies,the authors consider that the Jinshan gold deposit is a product of multi-staged mineralization,which may include the Jinninian,Caledonian,Hercynian,and Yanshanian Periods.Among them,the Jinninian Period and the Hercynian Period might be the two most important ore-forming periods for Jinshan deposit.The Jinninian Period is the main stage for the formation of alteration-type ore bodies,while the Hercynian Period is the major time for ore bodies of gold-bearing quartz vein type.The initial values of the 87Sr/86Sr from this study,as well as the previous isotope and trace element studies,indicate that the ore-forming materials mainly derived from the metamorphic wall rocks,and the ore-forming fluids mainly originated from the deep metamorphic water.