The e?ect of anomalous snow cover over the Tibetan Plateau upon the South Asian summer monsoon is investigated by numerical simulations using the NCAR regional climate model (RegCM2) into which gravity wave ...The e?ect of anomalous snow cover over the Tibetan Plateau upon the South Asian summer monsoon is investigated by numerical simulations using the NCAR regional climate model (RegCM2) into which gravity wave drag has been introduced. The simulations adopt relatively realistic snow mass forcings based on Scanning Multi-channel Microwave Radiometer (SMMR) pentad snow depth data. The physical mechanism and spatial structure of the sensitivity of the South Asian early summer monsoon to snow cover anomaly over the Tibetan Plateau are revealed. The main results are summarized as follows. The heavier than normal snow cover over the Plateau can obviously reduce the shortwave radiation absorbed by surface through the albedo e?ect, which is compensated by weaker upward sensible heat ?ux associated with colder surface temperature, whereas the e?ects of snow melting and evaporation are relatively smaller. The anomalies of surface heat ?uxes can last until June and become unobvious in July. The decrease of the Plateau surface temperature caused by heavier snow cover reaches its maximum value from late April to early May. The atmospheric cooling in the mid-upper troposphere over the Plateau and its surrounding areas is most obvious in May and can keep a fairly strong intensity in June. In contrast, there is warming to the south of the Plateau in the mid-lower troposphere from April to June with a maximum value in May. The heavier snow cover over the Plateau can reduce the intensity of the South Asian summer monsoon and rainfall to some extent, but this in?uence is only obvious in early summer and almost disappears in later stages.展开更多
We present geomorphological evidence for multiple glacial fluctuations during the Quaternary in the Taniantaweng Mountain, which is situated at the transition zone of the southeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the Yun...We present geomorphological evidence for multiple glacial fluctuations during the Quaternary in the Taniantaweng Mountain, which is situated at the transition zone of the southeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau. To reconstruct the history of glacial evolution during the Quaternary Glaciation, we present a ~13000 km^2 geomorphologic map(1:440,000) for the Quaternary glaciations, as well as three electron spin resonance(ESR) ages and three optically stimulated luminescence(OSL) ages from the landforms. By integrating these with ages from previous studies, four major glacial advances are identified during marine oxygen isotope stages(MIS) 6, 3, 2 and 1. This glacial chronology is in reasonable agreement with existing glacial chronologies from other parts of the Hengduan Mountains and surrounding mountains. Glaciers had extended to the Yuqu River during the glacial maximum advance(MIS 6), but became successively more restricted from MIS 3 to MIS 1. The glacial distribution show that precipitation brought by the south Asian monsoon might play a primary role in driving glacial advances during the last glacial period in the southeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.展开更多
Variation in the location of the South Asian High (SAH) in early boreal summer is strongly influenced by elevated surface heating from the Tibetan Plateau (TP) and the Iranian Plateau (IP). Based on observationa...Variation in the location of the South Asian High (SAH) in early boreal summer is strongly influenced by elevated surface heating from the Tibetan Plateau (TP) and the Iranian Plateau (IP). Based on observational and ERA-Interim data, diagnostic analyses reveal that the interannual northwestward-southeastwaxd (NW-SE) shift of the SAH in June is more closely correlated with the synergistic effect of concurrent surface thermal anomalies over the TP and IP than with each single surface thermal anomaly over either plateau from the preceding May. Concurrent surface thermal anomalies over these two plateaus in May are characterized by a negative correlation between sensible heat flux over most parts of the TP (TPSH) and IP (IPSH). This anomaly pattern can persist till June and influences the NW-SE shift of the SAH in June through the release of latent heat (LH) over northeastern India. When the IPSH is stronger (weaker) and the TPSH is weaker (stronger) than normal in May, an anomalous cyclone (anticyclone) appears over northern India at 850 hPa, which is accompanied by the ascent (descent) of air and anomalous convergence (divergence) of moisture flux in May and June. Therefore, the LH release over northeastern India is strengthened (weakened) and the vertical gradient of apparent heat source is decreased (increased) in the upper troposphere, which is responsible for the northwestward (southeastward) shift of the SAH in June.展开更多
The land-sea thermal contrast is an important driver for monsoon interannual variability and the monsoon onset.The thermal contrast between the Tibetan Plateau and the tropical Indian Ocean at the mid-upper tropospher...The land-sea thermal contrast is an important driver for monsoon interannual variability and the monsoon onset.The thermal contrast between the Tibetan Plateau and the tropical Indian Ocean at the mid-upper troposphere is proposed as a thermal contrast index(TCI)for South Asian monsoon.The authors investigate the TCI associated with South Asian summer monsoon(SASM)intensity and SASM onset.It is observed that the TCI considering the Tibetan Plateau and tropical Indian Ocean demonstrates a stronger and closer correlation with SASM intensity(0.87)than either the Tibetan Plateau(0.42)or tropical Indian Ocean(-0.60)singly.It is implied that the TCI could preferably represent the impact of land-sea thermal condition on SASM activity.Further analysis reveals that the evolution of TCI is related to the SASM onset.The TCI is almost always larger in early onset years than it is in late onset years during the period before SASM onset.In addition,the change of the pentad-by-pentad increment of TCI leads the SASM variation.The correlation coefficient between the TCI increment and SASM index reaches a maximum when the TCI increment leads by 15 pentads.The results of this study show that the TCI plays an important role in SASM activities and is a potential indicator for SASM onset forecasting.展开更多
The siliciclastic sediments of the uppermost section of 185 mcd (meters composite depth) from ODP Site 1146 on the northern continental slope of the South China Sea (SCS) were partitioned according to their source...The siliciclastic sediments of the uppermost section of 185 mcd (meters composite depth) from ODP Site 1146 on the northern continental slope of the South China Sea (SCS) were partitioned according to their sources using end-member modeling on grain-size data.The goal was to evaluate the evolution of the East Asian monsoon over the past 2 million years.The siliciclastic sediments were described as hybrids of four end-members,EM1,EM2,EM3,and EM4,with modal grain sizes of 8-22 μm,2-8 μm,31-125 μm,and 4-11 μm,respectively.EM1 and EM3 are interpreted as eolian dust and EM2 and EM4 as fluvial mud.The ratio of eolian dust to fluvial mud ((EM1+EM3)/(EM2+EM4)) is regarded as an indicator of the East Asian monsoon.The variation in this ratio not only shows periodical oscillations consistent with oxygen isotope stages,but also exhibits a phased increasing trend corresponding with the phased uplifts of the Tibetan Plateau,indicating that the evolution of the East Asian Monsoon was controlled not only by glacial-interglacial cycles,but also by the phased uplifts of the Tibetan Plateau during the Quaternary.展开更多
In this work,the influence of South Asian biomass burning emissions on O_(3) and PM_(2.5)concentrations over the Tibetan Plateau(TP)is investigated by using the regional climate chemistry transport model WRF-Chem.The ...In this work,the influence of South Asian biomass burning emissions on O_(3) and PM_(2.5)concentrations over the Tibetan Plateau(TP)is investigated by using the regional climate chemistry transport model WRF-Chem.The simulation is validated by comparing meteorological fields and pollutant concentrations against in situ observations and gridded datasets,providing a clear perspective on the spatiotemporal variations of O_(3) and PM_(2.5)concentrations across the Indian subcontinent,including the Tibetan Plateau.Further sensitivity simulations and analyses show that emissions from South Asian biomass burning mainly affect local O_(3) concentrations.For example,contribution ratios were up to 20%in the Indo-Gangetic Plain during the pre-monsoon season but below 1%over the TP throughout the year 2016.In contrast,South Asian biomass burning emissions contributed more than 60%of PM_(2.5)concentration over the TP during the pre-monsoon season via significant contribution of primary PM_(2.5)components(black carbon and organic carbon)in western India that were lofted to the TP by westerly winds.Therefore,it is suggested that cutting emissions from South Asian biomass burning is necessary to alleviate aerosol pollution over the TP,especially during the pre-monsoon season.展开更多
Making full use of modern analytical and testing techniques to explore and establish new indexes or methods for extracting paleoseawater geochemical information from sediments will help to reconstruct the sedimentary ...Making full use of modern analytical and testing techniques to explore and establish new indexes or methods for extracting paleoseawater geochemical information from sediments will help to reconstruct the sedimentary paleoenvironment in different research areas.The connection between the subsidence of the South China Sea basin and the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau has been a scientific concern in recent decades.To explore the information on the sedimentary paleoenvironment,provenance changes and uplift of Tibetan Plateau contained in core sediments(debris),we selected core samples from Well LS33 in the Qiongdongnan Basin,South China Sea,and analyzed the contents of typical elements(Al,Th,and rare earth elements)that can indicate changes in provenance and the Sr isotopic compositions,which can reveal the geochemical characteristics of the paleoseawater depending on the type of material(authigenic carbonate and terrigenous detritus).The results show the following:(1)during the late Miocene,the Red River transported a large amount of detrital sediments from the ancient continental block(South China)to the Qiongdongnan Basin.(2)The authigenic carbonates accurately record changes in the 87Sr/86Sr ratios in the South China Sea since the Oligocene.These ratios reflect the semi-closed marginal sea environment of the South China Sea(relative to the ocean)and the sedimentary paleoenvironment evolution process of the deep-water area of the Qiongdongnan Basin from continental to transitional and then to bathyal.(3)Since the Neogene,the variations in the 87Sr/86Sr ratio in the authigenic carbonates have been consistent with the variations in the uplift rate of the Tibetan Plateau and the sediment accumulation rate in the Qiongdongnan Basin.These consistent changes indicate the complex geological process of the change in the rock weathering intensity and terrigenous Sr flux caused by changes in the uplift rate of the Tibetan Plateau,which influence the Sr isotope composition of seawater.展开更多
The evident effects of the thermal anomalies over the Tibetan Plateau (TP) and its vicinities are summarized and discussed in this paper. By the singular value decomposition (SVD) technique and numerical simulations o...The evident effects of the thermal anomalies over the Tibetan Plateau (TP) and its vicinities are summarized and discussed in this paper. By the singular value decomposition (SVD) technique and numerical simulations of the effect of the snow depth anomaly over the TP, it is shown that the snow depth anomaly, especially in winter, is one of the factors innuencing precipitation in China, and the winter snow anomaly is more important than the spring one. The relations between the sensible heat anomaly over the TP and the intensity of the South China Sea summer monsoon (SCSSM) are studied, too, and two key areas of the sensible heat anomaly over the TP are found. The relationships between the South Asia High (SAH) and the precipitation in the years with typical droughts or floods in the mid to lower valleys of the Yangtze River (MLVYR) and North China are investigated in some detail. It is found that not only the intensity of the SAH over the TP, but also the 100-hPa height in a large area influences the precipitation in the above two regions. The effects of the SAH on the onsets of the tropical Asian summer monsoon (TASM) including the SCSSM and the tropical Indian summer monsoon (TISM) are studied as well. It is found that the onset times of both the SCSSM and the TISM are highly dependent upon the latitudinal position of the SAH center.展开更多
There were more expounding to north—west (west) trend fault and north\|east trend fault within Qiangtang Basin, North Part of Tibet, in the past literature. With increasing of geophysical exploration data, nearly eas...There were more expounding to north—west (west) trend fault and north\|east trend fault within Qiangtang Basin, North Part of Tibet, in the past literature. With increasing of geophysical exploration data, nearly east\|west trend structure began to be taken note to. Since the year of 1995, by a synthetic study to geophysical and geological data, that south\|north trend faulted structures are well developed. These structures should be paid much more attention to, because they have important theoretical meaning and practical significance.1 Spreading of south\|north faulted structure belt According to different geological and geophysical data, the six larger scale nearly south\|north faulted structure belt could be distinguished within the scope of east longitude 84°~96° and near Qiangtang Basin. The actual location of the six belts are nearly located in the west of the six meridian of east longitude 85°,87°,89°,91°,93°,95° or located near these meridian. The six south\|north faulted structure belts spread in the same interval with near 2° longitude interval. The more clear and much more significance of south\|north trend faulted structure belts are the two S—N trend faulted structure belts of east longitude 87° and 89°. There are S—N trend faulted structure belts in the west of east longitude 83°,81°, or near the longitudes. The structure belts spreading features,manifestation,geological function and its importance, and inter texture and structure are not exactly so same. The structure belts all different degree caused different region of geological structure or gravity field and magnetic field. There is different scale near S—N trend faulted structure belt between the belts.展开更多
Based on the concentrations of the trace elements,rare earth elements(REE),and Sr isotopic compositions in reef carbonates from the well‘Xike-1’reef core of the Xisha Islands,the constraints on sediment provenance a...Based on the concentrations of the trace elements,rare earth elements(REE),and Sr isotopic compositions in reef carbonates from the well‘Xike-1’reef core of the Xisha Islands,the constraints on sediment provenance and paleoenvironment were defined.Variations of the terrigenous input into the paleoseawater were traced in detail and the paleoenvironment and sediment provenance were further investigated.The results show that the HREE/LREE values in the reef carbonates are negatively associated with their Th and Al concentrations;however,their Al and Th concentrations show positive correlation.The lowest 87 Sr/86 Sr values in the reef carbonates generally coincide with the lowest values of Al,Th concentrations and the highest values of HREE/LREE.These data indicate that the HREE/LREE,Al concentrations,and Th concentrations of the reef carbonates are useful indexes for evaluating the influence of the terrigenous inputs on the seawater composition in the study area.From top to bottom,the changing process of the HREE/LREE values and Al,Th concentrations can be divided into 6 intervals;they are H1(0–89.30 m,about 0–0.11 Myr),L1(89.30–198.30 m,about 0.11–2.2 Myr),H2(198.30–374.95 m,about 2.2–5.3 Myr),D(374.95–758.40 m,about 5.3–13.6 Myr),L2(758.40–976.86 m,about 13.6–15.5 Myr),and H3(976.86–1200.00 m,about 15.5–21.5 Myr).Moreover,the changing trend of the HREE/LREE values coincides with that of the seawater δ^13C values recorded by benthonic foraminiferal skeletons from the drill core of ODP site 1148 in the South China Sea(SCS),but not with that of the seawaterδ18O values.The high uplifting rates of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau coincide with the high Th and Al concentrations and the low HREE/LREE values in the reef carbonates.These data indicate that the main factors controlling the changes of terrigenous flux in the SCS are the tectonic activities associated with Qinghai-Tibet Plateau uplifting and the variations of uplifting rates rather than paleoclimatic changes.展开更多
The easternmost Tian Shan lies in eastern Xinjiang, Central Asia. The South Barkol basin fault(SBF) in the northern part of the easternmost Tian Shan is a major tectonic structure in this orogenic region. The late Q...The easternmost Tian Shan lies in eastern Xinjiang, Central Asia. The South Barkol basin fault(SBF) in the northern part of the easternmost Tian Shan is a major tectonic structure in this orogenic region. The late Quaternary activity, paleoseismology, and deformation characteristics of the fault provide important clues for understanding the tectonic process of the eastern Tian Shan orogen and implementing seismic mitigation. Through interpretation of high-resolution satellite images, unmanned aerial vehicle measurements, and detailed geological and geomorphic investigations, we suggest that the fault exhibits clear left-lateral slip along its western segment. Paleoseismic trenches dug near Xiongkuer reveal evidence of six large paleoearthquakes. The four latest paleoearthquakes were dated: the oldest event occurred at 4663 BC–3839 BC. Data on the horizontal offsets along the probable 1842 Barkol earthquake coseismic rupture suggest clear multiple relationships between cumulative offsets and possible ~4 m of coseismic left-lateral slip per event. From the cumulative offsets and 14 C sample ages, we suggest an average Holocene left-lateral slip rate of 2.4–2.8 mm/a on the SBF, accounting for ~80% of lateral deformation within the entire eastern Tian Shan fault system. This result is comparable with the shortening rate of 2–4 mm/a in the whole eastern Tian Shan, indicating an equal role of strike-slip tectonics and compressional tectonics in this orogen, and that the SBF may accommodate substantial lateral tectonic deformation.展开更多
We quanti?ed the impacts of variations in meteorological parameters and emissions on decadal, interannual, and seasonal variations of atmospheric black carbon(BC) in the Tibetan Plateau for 1980-2010 using a global 3-...We quanti?ed the impacts of variations in meteorological parameters and emissions on decadal, interannual, and seasonal variations of atmospheric black carbon(BC) in the Tibetan Plateau for 1980-2010 using a global 3-dimensional chemical transport model driven by the Modern Era Retrospective-analysis for Research and Applications(MERRA) meteorological ?elds. From 1980 to 2010, simulated surface BC concentrations and all-sky direct radiative forcing at the top of the atmosphere due to atmospheric BC increased by 0.15 μg m^(-3)(63%) and by 0.23 W m^(-2)(62%), respectively, averaged over the Tibetan Plateau(75-105°E, 25-40°N). Simulated annual mean surface BC concentrations were in the range of 0.24-0.40 μg m^(-3) averaged over the plateau for 1980-2010, with the decadal trends of 0.13 μg m^(-3)per decade in the 1980 s and 0.08 in the 2000 s. The interannual variations were -5.4% to 7.0% for deviation from the mean, 0.0062 μg m^(-3) for mean absolute deviation, and 2.5% for absolute percent departure from the mean. Model sensitivity simulations indicated that the decadal trends of surface BC concentrations were mainly driven by changes in emissions, while the interannual variations were dependent on variations of both meteorological parameters and emissions. Meteorological parameters played a crucial role in driving the interannual variations of BC especially in the monsoon season.展开更多
High-Sr/Y granitic rocks,characterized by intermediate–high SiO2 contents(>56 wt.%),high La/Yb ratios(>20),and low Y(<18 ppm)and Yb(<1.9 ppm)contents,have drawn much attention from geologists in the past ...High-Sr/Y granitic rocks,characterized by intermediate–high SiO2 contents(>56 wt.%),high La/Yb ratios(>20),and low Y(<18 ppm)and Yb(<1.9 ppm)contents,have drawn much attention from geologists in the past decades.They were originally named adakites and defined as granitic magma in convergent plate margins formed by partial melting of subducted young(<25 Ma),hot,and hydrated oceanic slab.Recent studies suggest that these rocks can also be formed in a variety of non-subduction-related tectonic settings through different petrogenetic processes including partial melting of thickened lower continental crust,providing important constraints on crustal growth and evolution throughout the Earth’s history.The Tibetan plateau,generally considered as an archetype of collisional orogen,was formed by the successive accretion of different tectonic terranes to the southern margin of the Eurasia plates since the Early Paleozoic.Geologically,the Tibetan plateau comprises several W–E trending terranes(the Kunlun,North Qiangtang,South Qiangtang,and Lhasa terranes)and northernmost India(the Himalaya region).These terranes have undergone significant crustal thickening during the continental collision events.The crustal thickness of the Tibetan plateau is asymmetric,being thickest under the Lhasa terrane and thinning more gradually towards the north than to the south.From south to north,the crustal thickness increases from^50 km in the Himalaya region,to^70–80 km under the Lhasa terrane,and decreases to^65 km under the North and South Qiangtang terranes and^55 km beneath the Kunlun terrane.The present crustal thickness of the Tibetan plateau has generally been attributed to the Cenozoic collision between the Indian and Eurasian plates and the subsequent intracontinental convergences since^55 Ma.However,doubts were raised about this interpretion in the past few years.For example,recent studies indicated the crust of the Lhasa terrane had been significantly thickened during ca.140–130 Ma in response to the subduction of the Neo-Tethyan Ocean,although the Cretaceous marine strata across the Lhasa terrane demonstrates that it was thin enough to be within the reach of sea level during at least the early Late Cretacous.Whether the South Qiangtang terrane underwent crustal thickening before Cenozoic or not remains an unanswered question.In this study,new zircon U–Pb geochronologic and Hfisotopic,and whole-rock geochemical data of the Late Cretaceous high-Sr/Y granitoids from the eastern South Qiangtang terrane are presented.LA–ICP–MS zircon U–Pb dating produced ages(92.0±1.1 Ma,88.8±0.7 Ma,and 91.5±0.6 Ma)of formation for the Leiwuqi granitoids of the South Qiangtang terrane,Tibetan Plateau,indicating that they were formed during the Late Cretaceous.The granitoids have low A/CNK ratios(0.94–1.06;<1.10)and P2O5 contents(0.02–0.12 wt.%),geochemically similar to I-type granitoids.They are characterized by high Sr(350–938 ppm,most>400 ppm),low Y(5.94–9.67 ppm),with high Sr/Y(36–119,most>40)and(La/Yb)N ratios(67–394).They exhibit negative zirconεHf(t)values(–9.8 to–1.1)and low MgO(0.32–0.69 wt.%),Cr(2.07–12.17 ppm),and Ni(1.10–5.94 ppm)contents.These features suggest that the granitoids probably were derived from partial melting of thickened lower continental crust(>50 km).The crust of the South Qiangtang terrane(at least its eastern part)may have been significantly thickened before the Late Cretaceous.展开更多
基金the National Natural Science foundation of China(Grant No.40375027) opening item of the Key Laboratory for Mleteorological Disasters and Environmental Change of Nanjing Institute of Mleteorology(No.K2107).
文摘The e?ect of anomalous snow cover over the Tibetan Plateau upon the South Asian summer monsoon is investigated by numerical simulations using the NCAR regional climate model (RegCM2) into which gravity wave drag has been introduced. The simulations adopt relatively realistic snow mass forcings based on Scanning Multi-channel Microwave Radiometer (SMMR) pentad snow depth data. The physical mechanism and spatial structure of the sensitivity of the South Asian early summer monsoon to snow cover anomaly over the Tibetan Plateau are revealed. The main results are summarized as follows. The heavier than normal snow cover over the Plateau can obviously reduce the shortwave radiation absorbed by surface through the albedo e?ect, which is compensated by weaker upward sensible heat ?ux associated with colder surface temperature, whereas the e?ects of snow melting and evaporation are relatively smaller. The anomalies of surface heat ?uxes can last until June and become unobvious in July. The decrease of the Plateau surface temperature caused by heavier snow cover reaches its maximum value from late April to early May. The atmospheric cooling in the mid-upper troposphere over the Plateau and its surrounding areas is most obvious in May and can keep a fairly strong intensity in June. In contrast, there is warming to the south of the Plateau in the mid-lower troposphere from April to June with a maximum value in May. The heavier snow cover over the Plateau can reduce the intensity of the South Asian summer monsoon and rainfall to some extent, but this in?uence is only obvious in early summer and almost disappears in later stages.
基金financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.41671005,41230743 and 41501068)the Distinguished Professor Programme of the Liaoning Province
文摘We present geomorphological evidence for multiple glacial fluctuations during the Quaternary in the Taniantaweng Mountain, which is situated at the transition zone of the southeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau. To reconstruct the history of glacial evolution during the Quaternary Glaciation, we present a ~13000 km^2 geomorphologic map(1:440,000) for the Quaternary glaciations, as well as three electron spin resonance(ESR) ages and three optically stimulated luminescence(OSL) ages from the landforms. By integrating these with ages from previous studies, four major glacial advances are identified during marine oxygen isotope stages(MIS) 6, 3, 2 and 1. This glacial chronology is in reasonable agreement with existing glacial chronologies from other parts of the Hengduan Mountains and surrounding mountains. Glaciers had extended to the Yuqu River during the glacial maximum advance(MIS 6), but became successively more restricted from MIS 3 to MIS 1. The glacial distribution show that precipitation brought by the south Asian monsoon might play a primary role in driving glacial advances during the last glacial period in the southeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos.91437219,41275075 and 41175005)the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No.2013CB430203)
文摘Variation in the location of the South Asian High (SAH) in early boreal summer is strongly influenced by elevated surface heating from the Tibetan Plateau (TP) and the Iranian Plateau (IP). Based on observational and ERA-Interim data, diagnostic analyses reveal that the interannual northwestward-southeastwaxd (NW-SE) shift of the SAH in June is more closely correlated with the synergistic effect of concurrent surface thermal anomalies over the TP and IP than with each single surface thermal anomaly over either plateau from the preceding May. Concurrent surface thermal anomalies over these two plateaus in May are characterized by a negative correlation between sensible heat flux over most parts of the TP (TPSH) and IP (IPSH). This anomaly pattern can persist till June and influences the NW-SE shift of the SAH in June through the release of latent heat (LH) over northeastern India. When the IPSH is stronger (weaker) and the TPSH is weaker (stronger) than normal in May, an anomalous cyclone (anticyclone) appears over northern India at 850 hPa, which is accompanied by the ascent (descent) of air and anomalous convergence (divergence) of moisture flux in May and June. Therefore, the LH release over northeastern India is strengthened (weakened) and the vertical gradient of apparent heat source is decreased (increased) in the upper troposphere, which is responsible for the northwestward (southeastward) shift of the SAH in June.
基金supported jointly by the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences[Grant number XDA20060501]the National Natural Science Foundation of China[Grant numbers U1902209 and 91637208]。
文摘The land-sea thermal contrast is an important driver for monsoon interannual variability and the monsoon onset.The thermal contrast between the Tibetan Plateau and the tropical Indian Ocean at the mid-upper troposphere is proposed as a thermal contrast index(TCI)for South Asian monsoon.The authors investigate the TCI associated with South Asian summer monsoon(SASM)intensity and SASM onset.It is observed that the TCI considering the Tibetan Plateau and tropical Indian Ocean demonstrates a stronger and closer correlation with SASM intensity(0.87)than either the Tibetan Plateau(0.42)or tropical Indian Ocean(-0.60)singly.It is implied that the TCI could preferably represent the impact of land-sea thermal condition on SASM activity.Further analysis reveals that the evolution of TCI is related to the SASM onset.The TCI is almost always larger in early onset years than it is in late onset years during the period before SASM onset.In addition,the change of the pentad-by-pentad increment of TCI leads the SASM variation.The correlation coefficient between the TCI increment and SASM index reaches a maximum when the TCI increment leads by 15 pentads.The results of this study show that the TCI plays an important role in SASM activities and is a potential indicator for SASM onset forecasting.
基金Funding for this research was provided by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), grant number 40576034
文摘The siliciclastic sediments of the uppermost section of 185 mcd (meters composite depth) from ODP Site 1146 on the northern continental slope of the South China Sea (SCS) were partitioned according to their sources using end-member modeling on grain-size data.The goal was to evaluate the evolution of the East Asian monsoon over the past 2 million years.The siliciclastic sediments were described as hybrids of four end-members,EM1,EM2,EM3,and EM4,with modal grain sizes of 8-22 μm,2-8 μm,31-125 μm,and 4-11 μm,respectively.EM1 and EM3 are interpreted as eolian dust and EM2 and EM4 as fluvial mud.The ratio of eolian dust to fluvial mud ((EM1+EM3)/(EM2+EM4)) is regarded as an indicator of the East Asian monsoon.The variation in this ratio not only shows periodical oscillations consistent with oxygen isotope stages,but also exhibits a phased increasing trend corresponding with the phased uplifts of the Tibetan Plateau,indicating that the evolution of the East Asian Monsoon was controlled not only by glacial-interglacial cycles,but also by the phased uplifts of the Tibetan Plateau during the Quaternary.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos.42071096 and 41901071)Second Tibetan Plateau Scientific Expedition and Research Program (STEP)(Grant No. 2019QZKK0605)+3 种基金State Key Laboratory of Cryospheric Science (Grant No. SKLCSZZ-2022)Strategic Priority Research Program of Chinese Academy of Sciencesthe Open Program (Grant No. SKLCS2020-10) from State Key Laboratory of Cryospheric ScienceYouth Science Foundation of Hebei Province (Grant No.D2019106042)
文摘In this work,the influence of South Asian biomass burning emissions on O_(3) and PM_(2.5)concentrations over the Tibetan Plateau(TP)is investigated by using the regional climate chemistry transport model WRF-Chem.The simulation is validated by comparing meteorological fields and pollutant concentrations against in situ observations and gridded datasets,providing a clear perspective on the spatiotemporal variations of O_(3) and PM_(2.5)concentrations across the Indian subcontinent,including the Tibetan Plateau.Further sensitivity simulations and analyses show that emissions from South Asian biomass burning mainly affect local O_(3) concentrations.For example,contribution ratios were up to 20%in the Indo-Gangetic Plain during the pre-monsoon season but below 1%over the TP throughout the year 2016.In contrast,South Asian biomass burning emissions contributed more than 60%of PM_(2.5)concentration over the TP during the pre-monsoon season via significant contribution of primary PM_(2.5)components(black carbon and organic carbon)in western India that were lofted to the TP by westerly winds.Therefore,it is suggested that cutting emissions from South Asian biomass burning is necessary to alleviate aerosol pollution over the TP,especially during the pre-monsoon season.
基金The National Science and Technology Major Project under contract No.2011ZX05025-002-03the Project of China National Offshore Oil Corporation(CNOOC)Limited under contract No.CCL2013ZJFNO729the National Natural Science Foundation of China under contract No.41530963.
文摘Making full use of modern analytical and testing techniques to explore and establish new indexes or methods for extracting paleoseawater geochemical information from sediments will help to reconstruct the sedimentary paleoenvironment in different research areas.The connection between the subsidence of the South China Sea basin and the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau has been a scientific concern in recent decades.To explore the information on the sedimentary paleoenvironment,provenance changes and uplift of Tibetan Plateau contained in core sediments(debris),we selected core samples from Well LS33 in the Qiongdongnan Basin,South China Sea,and analyzed the contents of typical elements(Al,Th,and rare earth elements)that can indicate changes in provenance and the Sr isotopic compositions,which can reveal the geochemical characteristics of the paleoseawater depending on the type of material(authigenic carbonate and terrigenous detritus).The results show the following:(1)during the late Miocene,the Red River transported a large amount of detrital sediments from the ancient continental block(South China)to the Qiongdongnan Basin.(2)The authigenic carbonates accurately record changes in the 87Sr/86Sr ratios in the South China Sea since the Oligocene.These ratios reflect the semi-closed marginal sea environment of the South China Sea(relative to the ocean)and the sedimentary paleoenvironment evolution process of the deep-water area of the Qiongdongnan Basin from continental to transitional and then to bathyal.(3)Since the Neogene,the variations in the 87Sr/86Sr ratio in the authigenic carbonates have been consistent with the variations in the uplift rate of the Tibetan Plateau and the sediment accumulation rate in the Qiongdongnan Basin.These consistent changes indicate the complex geological process of the change in the rock weathering intensity and terrigenous Sr flux caused by changes in the uplift rate of the Tibetan Plateau,which influence the Sr isotope composition of seawater.
基金the Chinese Academy of Sciences(ZKCX2-SW-210)the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos.40175021 and 40233037.
文摘The evident effects of the thermal anomalies over the Tibetan Plateau (TP) and its vicinities are summarized and discussed in this paper. By the singular value decomposition (SVD) technique and numerical simulations of the effect of the snow depth anomaly over the TP, it is shown that the snow depth anomaly, especially in winter, is one of the factors innuencing precipitation in China, and the winter snow anomaly is more important than the spring one. The relations between the sensible heat anomaly over the TP and the intensity of the South China Sea summer monsoon (SCSSM) are studied, too, and two key areas of the sensible heat anomaly over the TP are found. The relationships between the South Asia High (SAH) and the precipitation in the years with typical droughts or floods in the mid to lower valleys of the Yangtze River (MLVYR) and North China are investigated in some detail. It is found that not only the intensity of the SAH over the TP, but also the 100-hPa height in a large area influences the precipitation in the above two regions. The effects of the SAH on the onsets of the tropical Asian summer monsoon (TASM) including the SCSSM and the tropical Indian summer monsoon (TISM) are studied as well. It is found that the onset times of both the SCSSM and the TISM are highly dependent upon the latitudinal position of the SAH center.
文摘There were more expounding to north—west (west) trend fault and north\|east trend fault within Qiangtang Basin, North Part of Tibet, in the past literature. With increasing of geophysical exploration data, nearly east\|west trend structure began to be taken note to. Since the year of 1995, by a synthetic study to geophysical and geological data, that south\|north trend faulted structures are well developed. These structures should be paid much more attention to, because they have important theoretical meaning and practical significance.1 Spreading of south\|north faulted structure belt According to different geological and geophysical data, the six larger scale nearly south\|north faulted structure belt could be distinguished within the scope of east longitude 84°~96° and near Qiangtang Basin. The actual location of the six belts are nearly located in the west of the six meridian of east longitude 85°,87°,89°,91°,93°,95° or located near these meridian. The six south\|north faulted structure belts spread in the same interval with near 2° longitude interval. The more clear and much more significance of south\|north trend faulted structure belts are the two S—N trend faulted structure belts of east longitude 87° and 89°. There are S—N trend faulted structure belts in the west of east longitude 83°,81°, or near the longitudes. The structure belts spreading features,manifestation,geological function and its importance, and inter texture and structure are not exactly so same. The structure belts all different degree caused different region of geological structure or gravity field and magnetic field. There is different scale near S—N trend faulted structure belt between the belts.
基金financially supported by the National Science and Technology Major Project (No. 2011ZX050 25-002-03)the Project of China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) Limited (No. CCL2013ZJFNO729)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 41530963)
文摘Based on the concentrations of the trace elements,rare earth elements(REE),and Sr isotopic compositions in reef carbonates from the well‘Xike-1’reef core of the Xisha Islands,the constraints on sediment provenance and paleoenvironment were defined.Variations of the terrigenous input into the paleoseawater were traced in detail and the paleoenvironment and sediment provenance were further investigated.The results show that the HREE/LREE values in the reef carbonates are negatively associated with their Th and Al concentrations;however,their Al and Th concentrations show positive correlation.The lowest 87 Sr/86 Sr values in the reef carbonates generally coincide with the lowest values of Al,Th concentrations and the highest values of HREE/LREE.These data indicate that the HREE/LREE,Al concentrations,and Th concentrations of the reef carbonates are useful indexes for evaluating the influence of the terrigenous inputs on the seawater composition in the study area.From top to bottom,the changing process of the HREE/LREE values and Al,Th concentrations can be divided into 6 intervals;they are H1(0–89.30 m,about 0–0.11 Myr),L1(89.30–198.30 m,about 0.11–2.2 Myr),H2(198.30–374.95 m,about 2.2–5.3 Myr),D(374.95–758.40 m,about 5.3–13.6 Myr),L2(758.40–976.86 m,about 13.6–15.5 Myr),and H3(976.86–1200.00 m,about 15.5–21.5 Myr).Moreover,the changing trend of the HREE/LREE values coincides with that of the seawater δ^13C values recorded by benthonic foraminiferal skeletons from the drill core of ODP site 1148 in the South China Sea(SCS),but not with that of the seawaterδ18O values.The high uplifting rates of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau coincide with the high Th and Al concentrations and the low HREE/LREE values in the reef carbonates.These data indicate that the main factors controlling the changes of terrigenous flux in the SCS are the tectonic activities associated with Qinghai-Tibet Plateau uplifting and the variations of uplifting rates rather than paleoclimatic changes.
基金funded by foundation of seismic risk assessment of active faults,China Earthquake Administration(Grant no.1521044025)
文摘The easternmost Tian Shan lies in eastern Xinjiang, Central Asia. The South Barkol basin fault(SBF) in the northern part of the easternmost Tian Shan is a major tectonic structure in this orogenic region. The late Quaternary activity, paleoseismology, and deformation characteristics of the fault provide important clues for understanding the tectonic process of the eastern Tian Shan orogen and implementing seismic mitigation. Through interpretation of high-resolution satellite images, unmanned aerial vehicle measurements, and detailed geological and geomorphic investigations, we suggest that the fault exhibits clear left-lateral slip along its western segment. Paleoseismic trenches dug near Xiongkuer reveal evidence of six large paleoearthquakes. The four latest paleoearthquakes were dated: the oldest event occurred at 4663 BC–3839 BC. Data on the horizontal offsets along the probable 1842 Barkol earthquake coseismic rupture suggest clear multiple relationships between cumulative offsets and possible ~4 m of coseismic left-lateral slip per event. From the cumulative offsets and 14 C sample ages, we suggest an average Holocene left-lateral slip rate of 2.4–2.8 mm/a on the SBF, accounting for ~80% of lateral deformation within the entire eastern Tian Shan fault system. This result is comparable with the shortening rate of 2–4 mm/a in the whole eastern Tian Shan, indicating an equal role of strike-slip tectonics and compressional tectonics in this orogen, and that the SBF may accommodate substantial lateral tectonic deformation.
基金supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (973 program, Grant 2014CB441202)the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Strategic Priority Research Program (Grant No. XDA05100503)the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grants 91544219, 41475137, and 41321064
文摘We quanti?ed the impacts of variations in meteorological parameters and emissions on decadal, interannual, and seasonal variations of atmospheric black carbon(BC) in the Tibetan Plateau for 1980-2010 using a global 3-dimensional chemical transport model driven by the Modern Era Retrospective-analysis for Research and Applications(MERRA) meteorological ?elds. From 1980 to 2010, simulated surface BC concentrations and all-sky direct radiative forcing at the top of the atmosphere due to atmospheric BC increased by 0.15 μg m^(-3)(63%) and by 0.23 W m^(-2)(62%), respectively, averaged over the Tibetan Plateau(75-105°E, 25-40°N). Simulated annual mean surface BC concentrations were in the range of 0.24-0.40 μg m^(-3) averaged over the plateau for 1980-2010, with the decadal trends of 0.13 μg m^(-3)per decade in the 1980 s and 0.08 in the 2000 s. The interannual variations were -5.4% to 7.0% for deviation from the mean, 0.0062 μg m^(-3) for mean absolute deviation, and 2.5% for absolute percent departure from the mean. Model sensitivity simulations indicated that the decadal trends of surface BC concentrations were mainly driven by changes in emissions, while the interannual variations were dependent on variations of both meteorological parameters and emissions. Meteorological parameters played a crucial role in driving the interannual variations of BC especially in the monsoon season.
基金supported by the National Science Foundation of China(Grant No.41872240 and 91755103)Ministry of Science and Technology of China(Grant No.2016YFC0600304)the Chinese Geological Survey Project(Grant No.DD20190060 and DD20190370)
文摘High-Sr/Y granitic rocks,characterized by intermediate–high SiO2 contents(>56 wt.%),high La/Yb ratios(>20),and low Y(<18 ppm)and Yb(<1.9 ppm)contents,have drawn much attention from geologists in the past decades.They were originally named adakites and defined as granitic magma in convergent plate margins formed by partial melting of subducted young(<25 Ma),hot,and hydrated oceanic slab.Recent studies suggest that these rocks can also be formed in a variety of non-subduction-related tectonic settings through different petrogenetic processes including partial melting of thickened lower continental crust,providing important constraints on crustal growth and evolution throughout the Earth’s history.The Tibetan plateau,generally considered as an archetype of collisional orogen,was formed by the successive accretion of different tectonic terranes to the southern margin of the Eurasia plates since the Early Paleozoic.Geologically,the Tibetan plateau comprises several W–E trending terranes(the Kunlun,North Qiangtang,South Qiangtang,and Lhasa terranes)and northernmost India(the Himalaya region).These terranes have undergone significant crustal thickening during the continental collision events.The crustal thickness of the Tibetan plateau is asymmetric,being thickest under the Lhasa terrane and thinning more gradually towards the north than to the south.From south to north,the crustal thickness increases from^50 km in the Himalaya region,to^70–80 km under the Lhasa terrane,and decreases to^65 km under the North and South Qiangtang terranes and^55 km beneath the Kunlun terrane.The present crustal thickness of the Tibetan plateau has generally been attributed to the Cenozoic collision between the Indian and Eurasian plates and the subsequent intracontinental convergences since^55 Ma.However,doubts were raised about this interpretion in the past few years.For example,recent studies indicated the crust of the Lhasa terrane had been significantly thickened during ca.140–130 Ma in response to the subduction of the Neo-Tethyan Ocean,although the Cretaceous marine strata across the Lhasa terrane demonstrates that it was thin enough to be within the reach of sea level during at least the early Late Cretacous.Whether the South Qiangtang terrane underwent crustal thickening before Cenozoic or not remains an unanswered question.In this study,new zircon U–Pb geochronologic and Hfisotopic,and whole-rock geochemical data of the Late Cretaceous high-Sr/Y granitoids from the eastern South Qiangtang terrane are presented.LA–ICP–MS zircon U–Pb dating produced ages(92.0±1.1 Ma,88.8±0.7 Ma,and 91.5±0.6 Ma)of formation for the Leiwuqi granitoids of the South Qiangtang terrane,Tibetan Plateau,indicating that they were formed during the Late Cretaceous.The granitoids have low A/CNK ratios(0.94–1.06;<1.10)and P2O5 contents(0.02–0.12 wt.%),geochemically similar to I-type granitoids.They are characterized by high Sr(350–938 ppm,most>400 ppm),low Y(5.94–9.67 ppm),with high Sr/Y(36–119,most>40)and(La/Yb)N ratios(67–394).They exhibit negative zirconεHf(t)values(–9.8 to–1.1)and low MgO(0.32–0.69 wt.%),Cr(2.07–12.17 ppm),and Ni(1.10–5.94 ppm)contents.These features suggest that the granitoids probably were derived from partial melting of thickened lower continental crust(>50 km).The crust of the South Qiangtang terrane(at least its eastern part)may have been significantly thickened before the Late Cretaceous.