用焦锑酸钾沉淀法对45℃和28℃下黄瓜(新泰密刺)授粉后柱头及子房中C a2+分布进行了电镜观察,并采用酶联免疫吸附测定法(EL ISA)测定了叶片中的ABA含量及用等电聚焦聚丙烯酰胺双向电泳(IEF-SDS PAGE)方法对其蛋白合成的变化进行了研究....用焦锑酸钾沉淀法对45℃和28℃下黄瓜(新泰密刺)授粉后柱头及子房中C a2+分布进行了电镜观察,并采用酶联免疫吸附测定法(EL ISA)测定了叶片中的ABA含量及用等电聚焦聚丙烯酰胺双向电泳(IEF-SDS PAGE)方法对其蛋白合成的变化进行了研究.结果表明,28℃时柱头中的C a2+主要分布在细胞间隙中,经45℃处理后细胞间隙和胞内C a2+水平均显著升高,胞内外C a2+浓度梯度逐步丧失;45℃处理1 h后柱头和子房中内源ABA含量显著提高;高温处理后柱头和子房中产生了一些新的蛋白质,如柱头中的(MW26.0 kD,P I 5.4)、(MW90.0 kD,P I5.1)、(MW54.0 kD,P I 4.6)、(MW41.0 kD,P I 6.2),子房中的(MW90.0 kD,P I5.2)、(MW61.0 kD,P I 5.4)、(MW48.0 kD,P I 6.4)、(MW40.5 kD,P I 4.9);另有一些蛋白质与常温相比表达量大幅上调,如柱头中的(MW67.0kD,P I 5.8)、(MW56.5 kD,P I 5.8),子房中的(MW70.0 kD,P I 5.7)、(MW57.0 kD,P I 5.7).上述结果表明,C a2+和ABA信号系统均参与了授粉后黄瓜雌性器官对高温胁迫的反应调节并最终导致基因表达发生变化.展开更多
目的:探讨玉米须总皂苷对非酒精性脂肪肝(Nonal coholic Fatty Liver Disease,NAFLD)大鼠肝脏固醇调节元件结合蛋白1c(Sterol Regulatory Element Binding Protein 1c,SREBP1c)和乙酰辅酶羧化酶α(Acetyl CoA car boxyl aseα,ACCα)表...目的:探讨玉米须总皂苷对非酒精性脂肪肝(Nonal coholic Fatty Liver Disease,NAFLD)大鼠肝脏固醇调节元件结合蛋白1c(Sterol Regulatory Element Binding Protein 1c,SREBP1c)和乙酰辅酶羧化酶α(Acetyl CoA car boxyl aseα,ACCα)表达的影响。方法:将雄性SD大鼠60只随机分为正常组,模型组和治疗组,每组20只,造模成功后,治疗组给予玉米须总皂苷4 mg/(kg·d)灌胃,正常组和模型组给生理盐水灌胃,于治疗4周和8周后分别处死大鼠各半,HE染色检测肝脏病理学,普通试剂盒检测血脂,酶联免疫吸附实验(ELI SA)试剂盒检测肝功能谷草转氨酶(AST)和谷丙转氨酶(ALT),同时采用RT-PCR以及蛋白免疫印迹法(Western Blot)检测肝脏组织SREBP1c和ACCα的表达。结果:与正常组相比,模型组大鼠肝功能指标AST和ALT,血脂指标甘油三酯(TG)和游离脂肪酸(FFA)升高(P<0. 05),与模型组相比,玉米须总皂苷治疗4周后,其AST、ALT、TG以及FFA均下降(P<0. 05);治疗8周后进一步降低(P<0. 05);与正常组相比,模型组SREBP1c和ACCα表达升高(P<0. 05),与模型组相比,玉米须总皂苷治疗4周后降低,治疗8周后进一步降低(P<0. 05)。结论:玉米须总皂苷对非酒精性脂肪肝病大鼠肝功能和血脂有改善作用,这可能与其可以降低肝脏脂肪酸α氧化关键酶SREBP1c和ACCα有关。展开更多
BACKGROUND Hematidrosis is a sporadic disease,to a point where its existence is still denied up to date.It is also linked to stigmata,psychological roots,and religious beliefs,whih has strengthened clinicians'disb...BACKGROUND Hematidrosis is a sporadic disease,to a point where its existence is still denied up to date.It is also linked to stigmata,psychological roots,and religious beliefs,whih has strengthened clinicians'disbelief in hematidrosis.AIM To conduct a thorough review to classify the likelihood of hematidrosis cases.METHODS We searched PubMed,Science Direct,Medline,and Google Scholar,as well as four different preprint databases,including Medrxiv,Research Square,SSRN,and Biorxiv.We included studies from 1996 onwards,with no limitation on language.Hematidrosis was classified as"unlikely","likely",and"highly likely".RESULTS There are 74 articles with 106 hematidrosis cases.India(n=40)and China(n=11)report the most cases.Patients are mostly female(76.5%)with a median age of 13 years.The head region is the most common bleeding site(n=168/254).Headaches(26.9%)and abdominal pain(16.4%)are the most common prodromes.Beta-blockers(43%)and anxiolytic(23.2%)are the most commonly prescribed pharmacotherapy.Psychotherapy(37.5%)and counseling(32.5%)are the most utilized non-pharmacotherapy measures.Only 41.1%and 19.8%of all cases reach complete resolution and are highly likely to be hematidrosis,respectively.CONCLUSION Although hematidrosis is rare and the pathophysiology is still largely unknown,that does not mean hematidrosis does not exist.It is important to note that the most frequent trigger factors are either anxiety,fear,or excessive stress.Clinicians need to exclude other diagnoses and search for stressors to alleviate the bleeding.展开更多
文摘用焦锑酸钾沉淀法对45℃和28℃下黄瓜(新泰密刺)授粉后柱头及子房中C a2+分布进行了电镜观察,并采用酶联免疫吸附测定法(EL ISA)测定了叶片中的ABA含量及用等电聚焦聚丙烯酰胺双向电泳(IEF-SDS PAGE)方法对其蛋白合成的变化进行了研究.结果表明,28℃时柱头中的C a2+主要分布在细胞间隙中,经45℃处理后细胞间隙和胞内C a2+水平均显著升高,胞内外C a2+浓度梯度逐步丧失;45℃处理1 h后柱头和子房中内源ABA含量显著提高;高温处理后柱头和子房中产生了一些新的蛋白质,如柱头中的(MW26.0 kD,P I 5.4)、(MW90.0 kD,P I5.1)、(MW54.0 kD,P I 4.6)、(MW41.0 kD,P I 6.2),子房中的(MW90.0 kD,P I5.2)、(MW61.0 kD,P I 5.4)、(MW48.0 kD,P I 6.4)、(MW40.5 kD,P I 4.9);另有一些蛋白质与常温相比表达量大幅上调,如柱头中的(MW67.0kD,P I 5.8)、(MW56.5 kD,P I 5.8),子房中的(MW70.0 kD,P I 5.7)、(MW57.0 kD,P I 5.7).上述结果表明,C a2+和ABA信号系统均参与了授粉后黄瓜雌性器官对高温胁迫的反应调节并最终导致基因表达发生变化.
文摘BACKGROUND Hematidrosis is a sporadic disease,to a point where its existence is still denied up to date.It is also linked to stigmata,psychological roots,and religious beliefs,whih has strengthened clinicians'disbelief in hematidrosis.AIM To conduct a thorough review to classify the likelihood of hematidrosis cases.METHODS We searched PubMed,Science Direct,Medline,and Google Scholar,as well as four different preprint databases,including Medrxiv,Research Square,SSRN,and Biorxiv.We included studies from 1996 onwards,with no limitation on language.Hematidrosis was classified as"unlikely","likely",and"highly likely".RESULTS There are 74 articles with 106 hematidrosis cases.India(n=40)and China(n=11)report the most cases.Patients are mostly female(76.5%)with a median age of 13 years.The head region is the most common bleeding site(n=168/254).Headaches(26.9%)and abdominal pain(16.4%)are the most common prodromes.Beta-blockers(43%)and anxiolytic(23.2%)are the most commonly prescribed pharmacotherapy.Psychotherapy(37.5%)and counseling(32.5%)are the most utilized non-pharmacotherapy measures.Only 41.1%and 19.8%of all cases reach complete resolution and are highly likely to be hematidrosis,respectively.CONCLUSION Although hematidrosis is rare and the pathophysiology is still largely unknown,that does not mean hematidrosis does not exist.It is important to note that the most frequent trigger factors are either anxiety,fear,or excessive stress.Clinicians need to exclude other diagnoses and search for stressors to alleviate the bleeding.