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A wealth distribution model with a non-Maxwellian collision kernel
作者 孟俊 周霞 赖绍永 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第7期224-231,共8页
A non-Maxwellian collision kernel is employed to study the evolution of wealth distribution in a multi-agent society.The collision kernel divides agents into two different groups under certain conditions. Applying the... A non-Maxwellian collision kernel is employed to study the evolution of wealth distribution in a multi-agent society.The collision kernel divides agents into two different groups under certain conditions. Applying the kinetic theory of rarefied gases, we construct a two-group kinetic model for the evolution of wealth distribution. Under the continuous trading limit, the Fokker–Planck equation is derived and its steady-state solution is obtained. For the non-Maxwellian collision kernel, we find a suitable redistribution operator to match the taxation. Our results illustrate that taxation and redistribution have the property to change the Pareto index. 展开更多
关键词 kinetic theory non-Maxwellian collision kernel wealth distribution Pareto index
作者 柳建文 徐铭辰 《内蒙古社会科学》 北大核心 2025年第1期48-56,共9页
城市群是推动国家现代化的重要空间载体,在平衡人口流动和优化产业布局、协调区域公共服务资源和促进共同富裕、提高资源利用效率和区域生态环境保护、扩大民主参与和集体协商等方面卓有成效。基于中国式现代化具有人口规模巨大、全体... 城市群是推动国家现代化的重要空间载体,在平衡人口流动和优化产业布局、协调区域公共服务资源和促进共同富裕、提高资源利用效率和区域生态环境保护、扩大民主参与和集体协商等方面卓有成效。基于中国式现代化具有人口规模巨大、全体人民共同富裕、物质文明和精神文明相协调、人与自然和谐共生等内涵特征,具有实现高质量发展、推动全过程人民民主等本质要求,未来城市群治理需要重点统筹人口流动、产业布局和公共服务,促进三者之间的动态平衡;加强城市群内部不同层次、不同领域和不同主体之间的多重利益关系调节;注重城市群文化集丛建设,满足居民日益增长的精神文化需要;以绿色发展为导向,积极建设“生态城市群”;加强培育城市群社会组织和居民的城市群意识,完善城市群民主治理机制。 展开更多
关键词 中国式现代化 城市群 共同富裕 利益调节 民主协商
作者 夏莹 《河北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2025年第1期63-73,共11页
马克思在《资本论》及其手稿的准备阶段以劳动为诠释资本逻辑的核心要素,提出“机器体系”的概念,作为资本生产三要素之一的劳动工具。该概念彰显出被资本主义生产关系所左右的机器,在其自动化的迭代中转变为可以左右人的活劳动形式的... 马克思在《资本论》及其手稿的准备阶段以劳动为诠释资本逻辑的核心要素,提出“机器体系”的概念,作为资本生产三要素之一的劳动工具。该概念彰显出被资本主义生产关系所左右的机器,在其自动化的迭代中转变为可以左右人的活劳动形式的“体系”。劳动者,一方面沦为站在机器体系旁边的智能器官,另一方面却也作为推进资本增殖的酵母而左右着机器体系可能迭代的速度与方向,机器体系本质上仍然是人的产物。由此决定了机器体系的诞生固然依赖于资本主义生产方式,但却因作为人的产物,具有了逃离资本的可能性方式。马克思在《1857—1858年经济手稿》中,借助于机器体系的生产对人类社会财富之本质规定的变革,提出机器体系为人的解放所提供的自由时间的增加,以及对劳动价值论的瓦解,从而瓦解资本逻辑的全部可能性,为今天处于激进迭代的技术批判提供了一种基于资本逻辑所特有的批判视角。 展开更多
关键词 机器体系 资本逻辑 劳动 财富
作者 龚顺 《北京工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2025年第1期14-24,共11页
社会阶层结构的现代化是实现中国式现代化的重要基础。基于中国社会状况综合调查数据,围绕社会阶层结构变迁这一分析视角,重点探讨了2013—2023年中国的社会阶层结构变迁及其与收入和财富不平等的关系。研究发现:(1)随着中国经济社会的... 社会阶层结构的现代化是实现中国式现代化的重要基础。基于中国社会状况综合调查数据,围绕社会阶层结构变迁这一分析视角,重点探讨了2013—2023年中国的社会阶层结构变迁及其与收入和财富不平等的关系。研究发现:(1)随着中国经济社会的快速发展及产业结构转型等多重因素的推动,2013—2023年中国的社会阶层结构深刻变化,农民和产业工人的比例快速下降;(2)当前,中国的劳动群体的内部构成发生了变化,从以产业工人为主转向以服务业工人为主;(3)受产业结构现代化转型和高等教育普及等因素的影响,专业技术人员的比例有所上升;(4)社会阶层结构的变迁伴随着居民的收入和财富分配格局的变化,突出表现为不同社会阶层居民的财富分化程度不断提高。提出需要构建更为稳定、公平的就业环境,加强灵活就业工人的权益保障,还应注意规范收入分配与财富积累机制。 展开更多
关键词 中国式现代化 社会阶层结构 社会变迁 收入 财富
作者 李礼 《重庆工商大学学报(社会科学版)》 2025年第1期141-153,共13页
在扎实推进共同富裕的战略背景下,财富管理行业高质量发展对于多渠道增加城乡居民财产性收入意义重大。总体而言,证券公司数字化转型能够显著促进财富管理行业的规模扩张以及结构优化,进而实现高质量发展。在服务场景层面,数字技术有助... 在扎实推进共同富裕的战略背景下,财富管理行业高质量发展对于多渠道增加城乡居民财产性收入意义重大。总体而言,证券公司数字化转型能够显著促进财富管理行业的规模扩张以及结构优化,进而实现高质量发展。在服务场景层面,数字技术有助于活跃客户的证券交易行为,提升理财产品的销售成功率,并在一定程度上为客户提供更加优质的投资咨询服务。在传导路径层面,数字技术通过提升证券交易规模以及金融产品销售规模,赋能财富管理行业规模扩张;通过提升证券交易业务收入占总营收的比重,赋能财富管理行业结构优化。在跨境展业层面,境外设立证券经营分支机构是财富管理行业数字化转型的重要突破路径。 展开更多
关键词 数字技术 财富管理 证券公司 高质量发展
作者 杨戏戏 赵飞燕 《边疆经济与文化》 2025年第2期44-50,共7页
共同富裕既是社会主义的本质特征,也是中国共产党的奋斗方向。共同富裕的实现离不开生产力的发展与社会财富的创造,数字经济作为新的经济形态,为促进经济增长、缩小城乡区域差距、实现公共服务均等化注入了新动力,在推进共同富裕方面发... 共同富裕既是社会主义的本质特征,也是中国共产党的奋斗方向。共同富裕的实现离不开生产力的发展与社会财富的创造,数字经济作为新的经济形态,为促进经济增长、缩小城乡区域差距、实现公共服务均等化注入了新动力,在推进共同富裕方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。在数字经济发展的过程中,也出现了一系列的问题,给共同富裕的实现带来了挑战。因此必须加强数字基础设施的建设,弥合数字鸿沟,完善数字经济相关法律法规,使其为推动共同富裕赋能。 展开更多
关键词 数字经济 共同富裕 经济高质量发展 公平正义
作者 罗葵 王光明 胡亦钧 《Acta Mathematica Scientia》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第2期483-490,共8页
In this article, the authors consider the optimal portfolio on tracking the expected wealth process with liquidity constraints. The constrained optimal portfolio is first formulated as minimizing the cumulate variance... In this article, the authors consider the optimal portfolio on tracking the expected wealth process with liquidity constraints. The constrained optimal portfolio is first formulated as minimizing the cumulate variance between the wealth process and the expected wealth process. Then, the dynamic programming methodology is applied to reduce the whole problem to solving the Hamilton-Jacobi--Bellman equation coupled with the liquidity constraint, and the method of Lagrange multiplier is applied to handle the constraint. Finally, a numerical method is proposed to solve the constrained HJB equation and the constrained optimal strategy. Especially, the explicit solution to this optimal problem is derived when there is no liquidity constraint. 展开更多
关键词 Portfolio selection wealth tracking liquidity constraints HJB equation Lagrange multiplier
Optimal Portfolio Rules with Habit Formation and Preference for Wealth 被引量:1
作者 XiaoZheng-yan XuXu-song 《Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences》 CAS 2003年第04A期1057-1060,共4页
This paper describes a model in which a representative investor's preference depends on both the consumption history consumption and his wealth. Thus, the investor accumulates wealth not only for the sake of consu... This paper describes a model in which a representative investor's preference depends on both the consumption history consumption and his wealth. Thus, the investor accumulates wealth not only for the sake of consumption history but also for wealth. We examine the implication for consumption, portfolio choice. We solve the consumption portfolio choice problem and provide the optimal policy. The optimal solution to the problem shows that the preference for wealth and consumption formation will affect the investor's optimal portfolio policy. For the purpose of further research, we also calculate the steady-state distribution of habit-consumption ratio. 展开更多
关键词 preference for wealth habit formation consumption-portfolio model
At the Origin of the Art of Money-Making (Conversation With Aristotle About Wealth and the Good Life)
作者 Arianna Fermani 《Chinese Business Review》 2012年第12期1242-1249,共8页
This paper aims, first of all, to examine the two fundamental treatments of the complex and very broad notion of chrematistikd (money-making) and its links with the notion of oikonomia (economics), outlining a fun... This paper aims, first of all, to examine the two fundamental treatments of the complex and very broad notion of chrematistikd (money-making) and its links with the notion of oikonomia (economics), outlining a fundamental division between natural and unnatural art of money-making. The two different arts of money-making are based on two very different psychological attitudes: in the first case, desire is channeled, managed, and organized by practical wisdom with a view to a further end; in the second case, desire is an end unto itself, insatiable, boundless and contrary to the commands of practical wisdom. Only in the first case there is a "true wealth", that is a wealth oriented toward a good life that constitutes the end (telos) and the limit (peras) of the wealth itself. The conclusion is that, for the Stagirite, wealth is not an evil, nor, in itself, is the pursuit of wealth, that is, the art of money-making, because if it is rightly organized and oriented in function of the end, it constitutes the conditio sine qua non of a life that is good, ordered and happy for the individual and for the city 展开更多
关键词 money-making ECONOMICS wealth practical wisdom limit good life
Wealth of Nations and Intellectual Capitals:Adam Smith Approach
作者 Gürhan Uysal 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2019年第8期411-414,共4页
Adam Smith has two principles: laissez faire and absolute advantage theory. This study has 3rd dimension forwealth of nations. It is intellectual capital. Because intellectual capitals increase GDP of nations, and cre... Adam Smith has two principles: laissez faire and absolute advantage theory. This study has 3rd dimension forwealth of nations. It is intellectual capital. Because intellectual capitals increase GDP of nations, and create wealthfor nations. ICs have accumulated knowledge, and ICs make innovations for company via this knowledge. Forexample, American economy has full of ICs, corporate CEOs. CEOs make country rich. CEOs are intellectualcapital. For example, Steve Jobs created smart phone, and Apple becomes no.1 in markets. Therefore, ICs(corporate CEOs) make a country richer. Intellectual capital is related with human resource management. Therefore,a country make investment to human resource management to create wealth of nations and intellectual capitals. 展开更多
Extensions to the Controlling Stockholder's Governance Model
作者 Renfan Liu 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2006年第2期48-53,共6页
Under the assumptions that investment return increases with the increase of the cash-flow rights held by the controlling stockholder, and the increase of investment return decreases the marginal profit-diverting cost.... Under the assumptions that investment return increases with the increase of the cash-flow rights held by the controlling stockholder, and the increase of investment return decreases the marginal profit-diverting cost. This paper designs a model to show that: below a threshold level, with the increase of the cash-flow rights held by the controlling stockholder, the profit-diverting shares will probably go up, and the Tobin's Q of a listed company maybe go down; Only after that threshold point, does the profit-diverting share become a decreasing function of the cash-flow rights held by the controlling stockholder, and hence does Tobin's Q become an increasing function of the cash-flow rights held by the controlling stockholder. 展开更多
关键词 controlling stockholder cash-flow rights profit-diverting
Wealth Expectations Among Lebanese Youth: The Case for Lebanese Higher Education Students
作者 Pierre Al-Khoury Ragy Darwish 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2013年第11期1543-1553,共11页
This research provides a survey of literature that contextualizes the research's aim of examining factors impacting students' aspirations and wealth expectations in Lebanon. To highlight Lebanese higher education st... This research provides a survey of literature that contextualizes the research's aim of examining factors impacting students' aspirations and wealth expectations in Lebanon. To highlight Lebanese higher education students' youth's expectations of their future wealth, one should understand the four main factors that affect youth's hopes and aspirations: social, financial, cultural, and educational. Questionnaires are used to identify and assess how young individuals perceive their future wealth expectations. The developed surveys provide useful and reliable data to analyze the effects of many factors on wealth expectations and outcomes for youth. The collected information is of particular importance for identifying and assessing how factors shape wealth expectations and outcomes for youth. The samples used in this research analysis are restricted to college students only. The research findings shed light on the most crucial variables/factors that should be studied and analyzed. Once these factors are pinpointed and explained, a clear idea about higher education students' wealth expectations is formed. Short- and long-term expectations are taken into consideration and evaluated to formulate a basic idea about Lebanese youth. 展开更多
关键词 wealth social FINANCIAL cultural EDUCATIONAL
Hyper-Sullenness: The Public Mood, Wealth Defense, and Political Science as Kitsch
作者 Patrick McGovern 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第3期203-213,共11页
We find ourselves at the end of a national election season, one cycling through a particularly depressed economic situation, but Americans, a generally hopeful, forward looking lot have become accustomed to growing in... We find ourselves at the end of a national election season, one cycling through a particularly depressed economic situation, but Americans, a generally hopeful, forward looking lot have become accustomed to growing incivility and resentment in their politics. This resentment stems from what Albert Borgmann defines as the character of our late modern age--we are both sullen and hyper in our daily lives. This situation comes at the intersection of long developing modern elements stemming from the control of nature via a universal scientific method at the behest of our own aggressive pursuit of individuality. The nature of our lives are in turn reinforced and reproduced by our frenetic militarized mobilization to recapture political and economic leadership at an international level. This goal, spurred on by an elite oligarchical vanguard, is reinforced by a "wealth defense industry," developed in the late 20th century, designed to protect the wealth of our own elite class. This industry has stripped traditional cultural and academic sites of their ability or interest in interrogating the present status quo, and has rendered them fiat, uninspiring, and indolent in the face of growing income inequities and injustice. American political science has essentially become, in the vein of Marita Sturken's work, kitschified--facile, glib, and easily reproduced so as to act as a balm to our bruised, sullen egos, longing for an age of innocence-a smooth and glassy yet opaque history that eases our consciences and forgives the growing antidemocratic practices of our civil oligarchy. 展开更多
关键词 modernity DEMOCRACY political science wealth defense KITSCH
Factor Price Distortion and Conseq uential A dverse Wealth Transfers in China
作者 张曙光 程炼 《China Economist》 2011年第5期42-61,共20页
As critical piece of China's gradualist economic transition, domestic price reform still faces major challenges. In particular, factor price, which is still tightlycontrolled and not market-based, is lower than marke... As critical piece of China's gradualist economic transition, domestic price reform still faces major challenges. In particular, factor price, which is still tightlycontrolled and not market-based, is lower than market equilibrium price. Factor price distortion not only reduces market efficiency but also affects wealth distribution. Subsequent wealth transfer has, over the past ten to fifieen years, created a powerful vested interests and spawned social resentment, both of which may constitute major hazards in China's future reform and development. Keeping in mind that China will have to address factor price distortion in its next step of reform, this paper takes stock of China's journey toward price rejorm; examines the relationship among factor price distortion, previous economic growth, and policy; and estimates' the size of resulting wealth transfer. 展开更多
关键词 factor price economic growth wealth transfer
Peak Metals, Minerals, Energy, Wealth, Food and Population: Urgent Policy Considerations for a Sustainable Society
作者 Harald Ulrik Sverdrup Deniz Koca Kristln Vala Ragnarsdottir 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2013年第4期189-222,共34页
Several strategic metals, elements and energy resources are about to run into scarcity in the near future under the present paradigm of use. A global systems model has been developed (WORLD) to assess the issue of s... Several strategic metals, elements and energy resources are about to run into scarcity in the near future under the present paradigm of use. A global systems model has been developed (WORLD) to assess the issue of scarcity and its implications for society. We show that scarcity may lead to "peak wealth", "peak population", "peak waste" and "peak civilization", unless urgent counter-measures are systematically undertaken. Materials that underpin modern society may become unavailable for global mass production of goods. The material volumes that can be supplied from fossil reserves will be reduced with respect to today and resources will go up in price. The future resource supply is unsustainable without comprehensive recycling. The creation of wealth from conversion of resources and work, as well as the current extensive borrowing from the future, cause concerns that peaking energy and materials production may lead to "peak wealth" and the end of the golden age we live in. Our policy recommendations are that governments must take this issue seriously and must immediately start preparing legislations to close material cycles, optimize energy use and minimize irreversible material losses. Research efforts need to be based on systems thinking and a concerted effort is needed. 展开更多
关键词 Sustainability SCARCITY integrated modelling burn-off time peak resources peak phosphorus peak wealth.
Prospective of Indian Tropical Tasar Silkworm, Antheraea Mylitta Drury (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) as Feasible Forest Wealth
作者 Rangareddygari Manohar Reddy Pathapalli Muneerappa Muniswamy Reddy +4 位作者 Gangadharaiah Lokesh Reddivari Dayananda Reddy Cheluri Siva Reddy Andanur Manjula Vankadara Sivaprasad 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2011年第10期850-855,共6页
Commercially important polyphagous tropical tasar silk insect, Antheraea mylitta Drury is distributed along central India (12-31 ° N latitude, 72-96° E longitude), which on adaptation formed in to forty fo... Commercially important polyphagous tropical tasar silk insect, Antheraea mylitta Drury is distributed along central India (12-31 ° N latitude, 72-96° E longitude), which on adaptation formed in to forty four ecoraces of varied phenotypes. Its wild ecoraces like Raily, Modal, Jata, Sarihan, Laria, Bhandara and Andhra, besides domesticated Daba and Sukinda are contributing for livelihood of forest based aboriginals. However, the deforestation and extensive collection of nature grown cocoons led to declination of wild population and even have endangered few ecoraces. The government and Non Government Organizations (NGOs), although promote ecorace conservation, it could upkeep the insect wildlife only to limited extent. But the forest department with associated self help societies has advantage in conserving tasar insect as prospective forest wealth, with better knowledge and access to its habitats. The co-ordinate efforts from forest, sericulture departments to participate native aboriginals of such societies can facilitate conserving tasar-biodiversity as most feasible forest associated resource. 展开更多
关键词 Antheraea mylitta conservation ecoraces forest wealth tasar biodiversity.
The Nature, Philosophy, and Sustaining Factors of the Theology of Wealth in Africa: Theological Reflections
作者 Daniel Dei Robert Osei-Bonsu 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2014年第6期391-402,共12页
This paper is a theological reflection on the theology of wealth in Africa--its nature, philosophy, and sustaining factors. Through the methodology of theological reflections, the paper finds out that the theology of ... This paper is a theological reflection on the theology of wealth in Africa--its nature, philosophy, and sustaining factors. Through the methodology of theological reflections, the paper finds out that the theology of wealth, though difficult to describe, is sustained on the African continent by economic hardship, the influence of some preachers of the theology of wealth, and the availability of improved facilities for disseminating the content of the theology of wealth. It also finds out that the entire philosophy of the theology of wealth is biblically, theologically, and ethically deficient. Biblically, it adapts parts of scripture to suit its teachings. Theologically, it puts forth viewpoints that are foreign to theological thought. Ethically, it is a means of exploiting congregants. The paper concludes with a recommendation that the content and nature of the theology of wealth must be highlighted and thoroughly explained to both clergy and membership of different denominations so that all will be safeguarded against the impact of this false gospel on their lives. 展开更多
关键词 AFRICA CHRISTIANITY wealth flamboyance THEOLOGY economic success MATERIALISM penteco-charismatic
The Effect of Wealth Increase on Education and Entertainment Consumption in China
作者 LIU Rui 《Psychology Research》 2022年第1期35-43,共9页
Entertainment and education consumption partly reflects people’s living standards.In order to study the influential factors of entertainment and education consumption of Chinese people in the second decade of the 21s... Entertainment and education consumption partly reflects people’s living standards.In order to study the influential factors of entertainment and education consumption of Chinese people in the second decade of the 21st century,this paper uses the data from 2010 to 2018 in China Family Panel Studies(CFPS)and the multiple linear regression analysis in econometrics to evaluate the impact of the increase of total household assets on the consumption of entertainment and education in China through Stata software.The results show that the increase in household assets promotes entertainment and education consumption.However,the promoting effect gradually decreased from 2010 to 2018.In addition,high housing price took in a large amount of family income and impeded the consumption of entertainment and education.The decline in people’s preference for entertainment and education consumption in recent years,to some extent,means a rise in living pressure and a decline in the quality of life in China. 展开更多
关键词 entertainment and education consumption wealth household assets living condition
Great Event for Venturer,“Wealth Forum”for the Sector
《China's Foreign Trade》 2001年第5期10-10,共1页
关键词 for the Sector Great Event for Venturer wealth Forum
A Study into the Wealth of Successful Technology Entrepreneurs in the UK
作者 Brychan Thomas Alun Thomas 《Journal of Management Science & Engineering Research》 2020年第1期28-35,共8页
This paper describes an academic study into the wealth of successful technology entrepreneurs in the United Kingdom.Here we are concerned with the dimensions of wealth in terms of its measurement.The methodology used ... This paper describes an academic study into the wealth of successful technology entrepreneurs in the United Kingdom.Here we are concerned with the dimensions of wealth in terms of its measurement.The methodology used involved three stages to determine the nature of the wealth involved.Initial sources(predominantly literature)and further sources(mainly business information)were considered in stage one to understand the measurement of the wealth of successful technology entrepreneurs.Analysis and synthesis of data undertaken in stage two determined the net wealth for technology entrepreneurs in different areas of activity.The nature and importance of the measurement of the wealth of technology entrepreneurs were examined in stage three to formulate conclusions.The research question investigated“what is the average net wealth of successful technology entrepreneurs in the United Kingdom?”The contribution of the study is to bring together findings of the research in terms of the measurement of the wealth of successful technology entrepreneurs. 展开更多
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