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作者 刘洪霞 陈天金 +2 位作者 曲春红 计晗 谢琳 《农业科技管理》 2024年第1期49-52,56,共5页
瑞士作为我国首个创新战略伙伴关系国,与我国有着良好的农业科技合作基础。两国农业科技创新需求互补性强、利益与战略契合点多、合作领域广泛、合作空间与潜力大。加强两国不同利益相关方在农业科技领域的创新合作,将有助于共同应对区... 瑞士作为我国首个创新战略伙伴关系国,与我国有着良好的农业科技合作基础。两国农业科技创新需求互补性强、利益与战略契合点多、合作领域广泛、合作空间与潜力大。加强两国不同利益相关方在农业科技领域的创新合作,将有助于共同应对区域性或全球性重大农业挑战。文章阐述了双方在农业科技创新领域合作的必要性,分析了双方农业科技发展的特点以及双方合作发展态势,剖析了双方农业科技创新合作中存在的问题,并从项目管理机制、合作成果评价机制、项目资助机制、相关利益方参与机制等方面提出了双方在农业科技创新领域加强合作的对策建议,以期为两国未来合作机制的深入探索提供借鉴与参考。 展开更多
关键词 瑞士 农业科技创新合作 必要性 合作机制
作者 鄂甜 谢莉花 《职业教育研究》 2024年第7期69-76,共8页
推进高等职业教育与其他类型高等教育之间的协同创新,是新时代教育整体改革的关键。瑞士为缓解高层次技能人才短缺问题,着力开展高等职业教育改革,旨在将其重塑为高校教育体系中有吸引力、不可或缺、等值的组成部分。具体措施包括:设置... 推进高等职业教育与其他类型高等教育之间的协同创新,是新时代教育整体改革的关键。瑞士为缓解高层次技能人才短缺问题,着力开展高等职业教育改革,旨在将其重塑为高校教育体系中有吸引力、不可或缺、等值的组成部分。具体措施包括:设置职业学士/硕士学位,建立机构认证与名称保护制度,透明教育路径转换规则,加强与应用科学大学合作,完善法律融资制度。我国高等职业教育在职业教育、高等教育、继续教育协同创新进程中应做好以下方面:坚守职业教育的本质特征,寻求高等教育体系内的错位发展;将技师学院纳入高职序列,确立技师学院的“高等化”地位;引入职业学士/硕士学位,真正实现与普通高等教育同等重要地位;设计衔接转换和合作机制,建立科技创新与工匠培育平台;建立课程与机构认证制度,切实提升高等职业教育质量。 展开更多
关键词 瑞士 高等职业教育 教育协同 重塑改革
作者 霍宁波 隆攀 《继续教育研究》 2024年第8期47-51,共5页
在瑞士职业教育模式中,学徒制教育模式占据主体位置,瑞士有近70%的适龄青年正在接受学徒制教育。瑞士使用的学徒制职业教育模式增加了“三元制”学习模式,其对传统的“双元制”教育模式进行了继承和发扬光大。随着我国教育体系不断发展... 在瑞士职业教育模式中,学徒制教育模式占据主体位置,瑞士有近70%的适龄青年正在接受学徒制教育。瑞士使用的学徒制职业教育模式增加了“三元制”学习模式,其对传统的“双元制”教育模式进行了继承和发扬光大。随着我国教育体系不断发展,对于职业教育的重视程度不断上升,因此在现阶段展开对于瑞士现代学徒培训经验及借鉴的研究就有了十分重要的意义,尤其对新时代民航飞行员培养的“师徒制”教学模式改进与创新提供了理论指导和实践参考。 展开更多
关键词 瑞士 学徒教育 培训体系 双元制
作者 李玉刚 董凯元 庄囡 《卫生软科学》 2024年第5期89-93,共5页
文章介绍了瑞典、荷兰、瑞士等欧洲国家通过法律组合包,明确了各级政府在养老服务上的责任主体地位,规划了多元化的筹资机制,形成了准入严明、内容多元化、形式适老化的养老服务提供,并配套有服务质量监督与评估机制,建立了较为成熟的... 文章介绍了瑞典、荷兰、瑞士等欧洲国家通过法律组合包,明确了各级政府在养老服务上的责任主体地位,规划了多元化的筹资机制,形成了准入严明、内容多元化、形式适老化的养老服务提供,并配套有服务质量监督与评估机制,建立了较为成熟的养老服务体系的经验。结合我国的养老服务实践,提出充分发挥政府主导作用,优化养老服务顶层设计;以老年人服务需求为导向,开展多元化居家养老服务;重视社会力量,发挥我国基层优势;积极开发创新技术,为养老服务赋能增效等完善养老服务体系的建议。 展开更多
关键词 瑞典 荷兰 瑞士 养老服务 人口老龄化
作者 唐慧 谢莉花 《当代职业教育》 2024年第1期50-58,共9页
瑞士教育体系将提升融通性视为应对不同挑战的最佳解决方案之一,其核心原则是“没有资历是无法衔接的”,这意味教育路径是畅通且可转换的,后续学习机会是平等且开放的。瑞士希望在当下体系中有所突破和创新,实施多项重大的教育政策改革... 瑞士教育体系将提升融通性视为应对不同挑战的最佳解决方案之一,其核心原则是“没有资历是无法衔接的”,这意味教育路径是畅通且可转换的,后续学习机会是平等且开放的。瑞士希望在当下体系中有所突破和创新,实施多项重大的教育政策改革以有效提升融通性。除了保证传统、经典路径的畅通和稳定,瑞士还在积极开拓转换、补充路径的可能性,实施供给桥梁课程、引入职业性质和专业性质高校入学资格以及建立“灵活路径”等措施。融通性教育体系的构建是多方共同探索、相互促进的过程,主要包括尊重现实逻辑、建立制度保障,坚守本位功能、拓展附加可能,融解职普分野、创设洽谈空间。 展开更多
关键词 融通性 教育体系 职业教育 普通教育 瑞士 职普融通
作者 宋源源 李雨畅 +1 位作者 杜昕昱 刘远立 《中国医疗保险》 2024年第3期23-28,共6页
目的:满足人民群众优医优药的需求,为我国创新药医保准入与定价程序优化提供参考。方法:从决策机构、决策流程、决策标准三个维度系统梳理瑞士的创新药准入与定价政策,对标我国当前的政策现状,分析存在的问题与不足。结果:瑞士通过以“... 目的:满足人民群众优医优药的需求,为我国创新药医保准入与定价程序优化提供参考。方法:从决策机构、决策流程、决策标准三个维度系统梳理瑞士的创新药准入与定价政策,对标我国当前的政策现状,分析存在的问题与不足。结果:瑞士通过以“WWZ”为核心的卫生技术评估程序严格审查申请准入的药品,在定价方面也综合了内部和外部参考价格保证价格的合理性,并且为鼓励创新,创新药还可获得高于对照药品的“创新溢价”。结论:完善药品卫生技术评估制度,结合评估结果给予不同创新程度的药品差异化的价格或者报销水平,同时更加注重与多方利益相关者的沟通,促进其参与到相关的决策之中,保证评审工作的公开透明。 展开更多
关键词 瑞士 创新药 医保准入 药品定价
瑞士个性化健康网络的数据共享经验 被引量:1
作者 章颖 《中国医药导刊》 2024年第1期73-76,共4页
瑞士在个性化医疗领域享有很高的声誉。“瑞士个性化健康网络”(Swiss Personalized Health Network,SPHN)以其高效率、高私密性、高技术以及卓越的服务质量而著称,常被视为全球医疗服务的典范。本研究聚焦于SPHN对瑞士个性化医疗的重... 瑞士在个性化医疗领域享有很高的声誉。“瑞士个性化健康网络”(Swiss Personalized Health Network,SPHN)以其高效率、高私密性、高技术以及卓越的服务质量而著称,常被视为全球医疗服务的典范。本研究聚焦于SPHN对瑞士个性化医疗的重要支撑作用,调研了瑞士个性化医疗的战略动向、政策法律支撑和组织机构运营,并且认为以下3个方面是瑞士个性化医疗长期在欧洲维持创新高地的关键因素:①SPHN组织的高效运营;②患者数据共享的特别保护机制;③可操作性极强的数据共享基础设施。在自上而下和自下而上的资金支持基础上,SPHN实现了大学附属医院、大学、技术平台、患者和其他数据生产机构等多方利益主体的平衡,搭建了高度发达的数据互操作性框架,并在中央数据协调中心(DCC)负责下建设了BioMedIT等一系列重大数据共享基础设施,以便实际支撑研发计划的科研项目,适应机器学习、人工智能算法以及多组学分析技术的进一步应用。未来,瑞士还计划在个性化医疗发展的“顶层设计”中,逐步强化个性化医疗数据共享以完善全生命周期纵向数据,加强数据共享对多重慢病诊断的支持,这在一定程度上代表了欧洲个性化医疗发展的最新动向。 展开更多
关键词 瑞士 个性化健康网络 个性化医疗 患者数据共享 全生命周期纵向数据 多重慢病
作者 薛珊 《高等理科教育》 2024年第3期98-108,共11页
瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院和苏黎世大学制定清晰的发展战略,成功地引领两校的发展。为进入世界一流大学行列,两校追求学术卓越,提升育人质量;创新治理模式,提升治理能力;加强科学研究创新,服务国家创新发展;拓展多元化筹资渠道,透明化分... 瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院和苏黎世大学制定清晰的发展战略,成功地引领两校的发展。为进入世界一流大学行列,两校追求学术卓越,提升育人质量;创新治理模式,提升治理能力;加强科学研究创新,服务国家创新发展;拓展多元化筹资渠道,透明化分配资金;扩大国际合作网络,促进师生的国际化。其启示有:优化制度环境,完善战略规划;转变政府角色,促进大学自治;构建协同创新网络,加强科研与教学融合;扩大开放办学,提升合作层次。 展开更多
关键词 世界一流大学 瑞士 苏黎世联邦理工学院 苏黎世大学
作者 李雨朋 《辽宁大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2024年第2期73-80,共8页
由于拥有发达的金融产业和包容性的文化氛围,瑞士较早地确立了养老金三支柱原则:第一支柱覆盖全民,但待遇水平有限,满足最基本的生存需要;第二支柱对劳动者养老金进行补充,维持基本生活水平;第三支柱灵活多样,满足更高质量的退休生活水... 由于拥有发达的金融产业和包容性的文化氛围,瑞士较早地确立了养老金三支柱原则:第一支柱覆盖全民,但待遇水平有限,满足最基本的生存需要;第二支柱对劳动者养老金进行补充,维持基本生活水平;第三支柱灵活多样,满足更高质量的退休生活水平。在此基础上,瑞士的第三支柱个人养老金在制度设计上充分考虑了不同目标间的协同作用,既以用户为中心,从产品的销售、选择和运营等方面提升用户体验,契合了市场目标,又兼顾宏观经济目标、中观制度目标和微观家庭目标,实现了第三支柱的正向循环发展。 展开更多
关键词 瑞士 目标协同 第三支柱 个人养老金
The Barrier of the Child and Parent Expected Models for Entering the School System-A Secondary Publication
作者 Xavier Conus 《Journal of Contemporary Educational Research》 2024年第2期243-255,共13页
The recognition of the positive value of student diversity and their right to full participation are key aspects of inclusion as a means of managing heterogeneity of the school population from an equality perspective.... The recognition of the positive value of student diversity and their right to full participation are key aspects of inclusion as a means of managing heterogeneity of the school population from an equality perspective.As the school cannot welcome the diversity of children without including their families,the same logic needs to apply to the relationship between the school and parents,particularly in the current environment where the school-family partnership appears as a privileged institutional leverage in the fight against inequalities at school.Based on an ethnographical study exploring how the relationship between the school and the families builds up in a Swiss school located in a context of strong cultural diversity,this paper interrogates how the school norm can be the main limitation to the inclusion of students and parents who are unfamiliar with the school.Derived from field observations and interviews,our results show how the teachers tend to approach their relationship with new students and their parents from the standpoint of narrowly defined expected models,leading them to engage in a vain attempt to conform the students and parents when they deviate from these models.The possibility of entering the school system for students and parents unfamiliar with school is hindered by the exclusive and excluding normativity on which the models of the child and the parent expected by the teachers are grounded.Based on these observations,we discuss how an inclusive approach seems to us to require in the first place a necessary process of decentering from the school and teachers,as a condition for recognition of the actual child and parent. 展开更多
关键词 Educational inclusion and exclusion Family and education Norms and regulations Primary and elementary education switzerland
Inclusive Education in the Context of Ethnocultural Diversity: Understanding the Process of Exclusion to Act in the School - A Secondary Publication
作者 Marie-Odile Magnan Justine Gosselin-Gagné +1 位作者 Geneviève Audet Xavier Conus 《Journal of Contemporary Educational Research》 2024年第3期124-135,共12页
This paper reveals that the implementation of inclusive education is an unfinished challenge,both within the system and for individual self-improvement.This process of changing practices,by continually questioning the... This paper reveals that the implementation of inclusive education is an unfinished challenge,both within the system and for individual self-improvement.This process of changing practices,by continually questioning the school’s responsibility for the(re)production of inequalities,exclusion,and unequal social relations,is riddled with obstacles,unpredictable situations,and strong emotions.In particular,the researchers point out that many systemic mechanisms of school culture contribute to replicating and reifying hierarchical school experiences and exacerbating processes of institutional discrimination against immigrant backgrounds and/or racialized students.The empirical research presented also highlights the school staff’s deficit thinking toward immigrant students and their parents.The results show that staff tend to use linguistic and cultural gaps between students and the school system to explain academic failure.Be that as it may,the researchers as well as the school actors and students interviewed in this paper suggest multiple ways to improve inclusion in the school context,stressing the importance of giving voice to the various actors in order to move toward institutional transformation. 展开更多
关键词 Educational inclusion and exclusion CANADA switzerland
作者 朱虹 《景德镇学院学报》 2024年第1期98-103,共6页
李斯特的《奥伯曼山谷》是其《旅行岁月——瑞士游记》中的一首乐曲。整首曲子都在以一个主要的动机为中心,持续地进行着变化和发展,以作品音乐陈述的功能特征为依据,可以将其划分为“起、承、转、合”四个部分,其并不属于传统意义上的... 李斯特的《奥伯曼山谷》是其《旅行岁月——瑞士游记》中的一首乐曲。整首曲子都在以一个主要的动机为中心,持续地进行着变化和发展,以作品音乐陈述的功能特征为依据,可以将其划分为“起、承、转、合”四个部分,其并不属于传统意义上的曲式结构。李斯特通过《奥伯曼山谷》中的情感词汇和多种符号与弹奏产生联系。对创作背景进行分析和研究,将表情术语的标记作为切入点,从而掌握作品的确切含义,对乐谱中的每一个细节进行深入的思考和理解,并用演奏的方式将作品中所包含的深刻概念和含义传达出来,有利于促进创作与表演共融相通。 展开更多
关键词 李斯特 《旅行岁月——瑞士游记》 《奥伯曼山谷》 创作与表演 共融相通性
Tourist management in national parks in the Czech-German borderland:Bohemian ’Switzerland’ and Saxon‘Switzerland’ 被引量:3
作者 Krzysztof KOLODZIEJCZYK 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2020年第12期2853-2879,共27页
In the article tourist management in two national parks in the Czech-German borderland are being compared,namely Bohemian ’Switzerland’(also known as Czech ’Switzerland’) and Saxon’Switzerland’.Situated on eithe... In the article tourist management in two national parks in the Czech-German borderland are being compared,namely Bohemian ’Switzerland’(also known as Czech ’Switzerland’) and Saxon’Switzerland’.Situated on either side of the state border,they feature the same type of geographical environment.Transport accessibility,transborder links and the hiking trail network are analyzed using methodology sourced from graph theory.The result of the analyses is a classification of tourist hubs and tourist centers,as well as an indication of the main directions of tourist flow.The German national park is decidedly more accessible but with a detrimental effect on the natural environment primarily due to its fragmentation by a dense network of tourist trails.In both parks trails enter the core zone(in theory a strict protection area) but this occurs on a larger scale on the German side.In the Czech national park a greater number of positive examples of managing tourist movements can be identified.Additionally,larger areas managed for dispersion,or from which tourists are generally excluded,are located there. 展开更多
关键词 National parks Tourist management Tourist trails Bohemian’switzerland Saxon’switzerland
Risk of overweight and obesity among migrants in Switzerland 被引量:2
作者 Thomas Volken Peter Rüesch 《Health》 2012年第8期514-521,共8页
We assessed the risk of overweight and obesity for six large migrant groups in Switzerland. We used population-based survey data form the Swiss Migrant Health Survey 2010 and the Swiss Health Survey 2007. The sample c... We assessed the risk of overweight and obesity for six large migrant groups in Switzerland. We used population-based survey data form the Swiss Migrant Health Survey 2010 and the Swiss Health Survey 2007. The sample comprised permanent residents aged 17 - 64 years (n = 14,637). Multivariate logistic regressions have been used to estimate odds ratios (OR). Compared with Swiss nationals, the odds of being obese were 1.97 times higher for Turkish nationals (CI-95 1.26, 3.07), 1.73 times higher for Kosovan nationals (CI-95 1.09, 2.74) and 3.42 times higher for Serbs (CI-95 2.28, 5.12). The chance of being obese was not statistically different between Swiss nationals and those from Portugal, Italy, and Germany. The chance of being overweight or obese (BMI ≥ 25) was higher for migrants than for Swiss nationals. The respective odds were 1.54 times higher for nationals from Portugal (CI-95 1.13, 2.11), 2.05 times higher for those from Turkey (CI-95 1.50, 2.78), 2.67 times higher for those from Serbia (CI-95 1.93, 3.68), 2.68 times higher for those from Kosovo (CI-95 2.01, 3.56), and 2.16 times higher for nationals from Italy (CI-95 1.54, 3.02). We suggest that preventive initiatives should take into account the specific needs of migrants as well as the needs of persons with low education from all nationalities. 展开更多
Risk, Contract Management, and Financing of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland 被引量:1
作者 Davide Fabbri 《Engineering》 SCIE EI 2019年第3期379-383,共5页
1. Introduction With the opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel on 1 June 2016, a new world record was established: the commissioning of the longest railway tunnel in the world. Many challenges have been overcom... 1. Introduction With the opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel on 1 June 2016, a new world record was established: the commissioning of the longest railway tunnel in the world. Many challenges have been overcome and many technical innovations have been developed and considered in this project. As of 11 December 2016, the Gotthard Base Tunnel has been an integral part of the new timetable of the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB-CFF-FFS), and is in full operation. With a total length of 57 km and a cruising speed of 200 km·h^-1 for passenger trains, the Gotthard Base Tunnel reduces the journey time through the Alps by 40 min, significantly reducing the distance between the south and north of Europe. 展开更多
Enlightenment from Switzerland Tourism for Hebei Province, China 被引量:1
作者 XING Huibin WANG Lei +1 位作者 Azizan Marzuki WANG Yucheng 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2013年第3期32-34,共3页
Switzerland is one of the best tourism destinations in the world. Its development experience is valuable for Hebei, whose competitiveness is weak comparatively in spite of rich tourism resources. Specifically, the suc... Switzerland is one of the best tourism destinations in the world. Its development experience is valuable for Hebei, whose competitiveness is weak comparatively in spite of rich tourism resources. Specifically, the successful experiences of tourism development in Switzerland include environmental protection, cultural heritance, exhibition marketing, investment, brand management, hotel management, and so on. On this basis, four suggestions are recommended to upgrade tourism in Hebei Province based on its actual situations, namely regulating tourism market, pushing tourism education, attracting investments, and building tourism brand. 展开更多
FICMES's Delegation Attended WTF 2009 and Visited Bhler AG Switzerland
《China Foundry》 SCIE CAS 2009年第3期282-285,共4页
  The WFO Technical Forum 2009 (WTF),sponsored by World Foundrymen Organization,organized by Czech Foundrymens Society,was held on the 1st,2nd and 3rd June 2009,at the Hotel Voronez in Brno,Czech Republic. The 4 day...   The WFO Technical Forum 2009 (WTF),sponsored by World Foundrymen Organization,organized by Czech Foundrymens Society,was held on the 1st,2nd and 3rd June 2009,at the Hotel Voronez in Brno,Czech Republic. The 4 days included technical presentations,social events and the very important Ph.D conference. During the event there were the General Assembly bringing together the organizations members from around the world,and an exhibition,supported by 34 world's leading foundry based companies. In addition the event coincided with the Czech Foundrymens Society Foundry Days now in its 46th year.…… 展开更多
关键词 World In AG hler AG switzerland FICMES’s Delegation Attended WTF 2009 and Visited B
Health Status Inequality among Immigrants in Switzerland
作者 Thomas Volken Peter Rüesch 《Open Journal of Preventive Medicine》 2014年第6期459-469,共11页
Objective: To assess self-rated health and impairments for six large immigrant groups (Germany, Italy, Kosovo, Portugal, Serbia, Turkey) in Switzerland. Methods: We used population-based survey data from the Swiss Mig... Objective: To assess self-rated health and impairments for six large immigrant groups (Germany, Italy, Kosovo, Portugal, Serbia, Turkey) in Switzerland. Methods: We used population-based survey data from the Swiss Migrant Health Survey 2010 and the Swiss Health Survey 2007. The sample comprised permanent residents aged 17 - 64 years (n = 14,637). Multivariate logistic regressions have been used to estimate odds ratios (OR). Results: Ill health and activities of daily living (ADL) impairments were associated with older age in all groups. However, nationals from Turkey and nationals from Kosovo were substantially more likely than Swiss to report ill health (OR = 1.05;CI = 1.02 - 1.09;P = 0.001 and OR = 1.05;CI = 1.01 - 1.10;P = 0.016) and ADL impairments (OR = 1.06;CI = 1.03 - 1.09;P = 0.000 and OR = 1.04;CI = 1.01 - 1.07;P = 0.004) with increasing age. Furthermore, Portuguese women were more likely (OR = 2.65;CI = 1.40 - 5.03;P = 0.003) to report ill health than Swiss women. Conclusions: Immigrant-specific preventive and health promotion initiatives should target vulnerable immigrants from Turkey, Portugal, and Kosovo. Furthermore, groups with few economic and psychosocial resources in the general population of Switzerland should be more involved in interventions to reduce health risk. 展开更多
Linked Data Based Framework for Tourism Decision Support System: Case Study of Chinese Tourists in Switzerland
作者 Zhan Liu Anne Le Calvé +3 位作者 Fabian Cretton Nicole Glassey Balet Maria Sokhn Nicolas Délétroz 《Journal of Computer and Communications》 2015年第5期118-126,共9页
Switzerland is one of the most desirable European destinations for Chinese tourists;therefore, a better understanding of Chinese tourists is essential for successful business practices. In China, the largest and leadi... Switzerland is one of the most desirable European destinations for Chinese tourists;therefore, a better understanding of Chinese tourists is essential for successful business practices. In China, the largest and leading social media platform—Sina Weibo, a hybrid of Twitter and Facebook—has more than 600 million users. Weibo’s great market penetration suggests that tourism operators and markets need to understand how to build effective and sustainable communications on Chinese social media platforms. In order to offer a better decision support platform to tourism destination managers as well as Chinese tourists, we proposed a framework using linked data on Sina Weibo. Linked Data is a term referring to using the Internet to connect related data. We will show how it can be used and how ontology can be designed to include the users’ context (e.g., GPS locations). Our framework will provide a good theoretical foundation for further understand Chinese tourists’ expectation, experiences, behaviors and new trends in Switzerland. 展开更多
关键词 Linked Data SEMANTIC Web DECISION Support System Natural Language Processing BEHAVIORS Analysis Social Networks Chinese TOURIST switzerland New Trends SINA Weibo
基于瑞士人群体质特点应用沙棘参芪颗粒加减治疗新型冠状病毒感染恢复期临证探析 被引量:1
作者 王波 徐鑫 +2 位作者 陈艳萍 隋楠 张立德 《辽宁中医药大学学报》 CAS 2023年第1期5-8,共4页
对于新型冠状病毒感染(corona virus disease 2019,COVID-19)恢复期目前尚未有特效药物。笔者在瑞士期间应用自拟沙棘参芪颗粒治疗COVID-19恢复期患者,疗效显著。通过查阅文献以及整理回顾分析接诊的瑞士COVID-19恢复期患者临床资料,总... 对于新型冠状病毒感染(corona virus disease 2019,COVID-19)恢复期目前尚未有特效药物。笔者在瑞士期间应用自拟沙棘参芪颗粒治疗COVID-19恢复期患者,疗效显著。通过查阅文献以及整理回顾分析接诊的瑞士COVID-19恢复期患者临床资料,总结瑞士人体质特点及患病人群恢复期病证特点和原因,并列举3则以应用自拟沙棘参芪颗粒为主中医药治疗的相关案例进行分析和讨论。其中包括一则在瑞生活华人案例进行对比。瑞士人大多气阴两虚的体质基础决定了COVID-19恢复期患者患病特征及临床表现,病机以“正虚邪恋”为主,阴虚而湿邪不明显,且生活习惯导致出现“热盛伤津”证候。同时分析在瑞华人新型冠状病毒感染后恢复期病人,符合中医“湿毒疫”特征。以自拟沙棘参芪颗粒为主的中医药对瑞士COVID-19恢复期患者具有良好治疗作用,通过与在瑞华人受病对比,认为体质基础是决定疾病发生、发展的关键。 展开更多
关键词 瑞士 气阴两虚 新型冠状病毒感染 恢复期 体质 沙棘参芪颗粒
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