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Innovation in the Public Sector in the Start-up Nation:Challenges of Technology,Bureaucracy,and Digital Divide
作者 Yaron Katz 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2023年第2期51-59,共9页
Innovation provides opportunities to all countries,as advancement in technology and globalization of economic markets encourage global competition and increase the role of governments in gaining a strategic competitiv... Innovation provides opportunities to all countries,as advancement in technology and globalization of economic markets encourage global competition and increase the role of governments in gaining a strategic competitive advantage while boosting economic growth and productivity.According to the OECD,innovation can make a difference in addressing developmental challenges and providing catalyst for countries to accelerate business processes and practices that improve public service efficiency.The public sector plays a significant role in modern economies and innovation is a necessary condition for improving government services to the public and creating a competitive economy.Israel is known as the“start-up nation”,but innovation policies and strategies relating to the public sector are less developed than those of business innovation due to lack of innovation culture,digital divide,and bureaucracy.The research examines innovation in the public sector in Israel compared to other OECD countries.It is argued that despite the enormous influence of high-tech and start-ups on the economy and gross of national product,the flourishing technology sector has not contributed to other sectors of the economy and the performance of the public service lags behind the private sector in terms of innovation and efficiency.The research concludes that implementing Israel’s success in business innovation into the public sector requires long-run strategic investments and public policies to increase the supply and quality of human capital and infrastructure.The goal should be to narrow digital divide with other developed countries and advance the technological capabilities and productivity of the public service. 展开更多
关键词 INNOVATION TECHNOLOGY bureaucracy digital divide Israel
作者 余治平 《四川大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2024年第2期108-114,213,214,共9页
为建构儒家崇拜谱系,《荀子·儒效》在历代先王中寻找资源,塑造“大儒”偶像,以曾经的圣君为最好的取法对象,以礼义为儒者最高的学术追求。其对战国时期儒之流品“雅儒”“俗儒”基本现状的记载,反衬出“大儒”的超越性——真正能... 为建构儒家崇拜谱系,《荀子·儒效》在历代先王中寻找资源,塑造“大儒”偶像,以曾经的圣君为最好的取法对象,以礼义为儒者最高的学术追求。其对战国时期儒之流品“雅儒”“俗儒”基本现状的记载,反衬出“大儒”的超越性——真正能够践行仁道理想的,唯有“大儒”。大儒“法后王”,既遵从后王之道,又效法先王之功,“以今持古”;既立足当下,又敢于对现实加以改造。如此“大儒之效”显然难以达到,“非圣人莫之能为”。即便是孔子,因为其只有立言、立德而无立功,就被排除在事功大儒的崇拜系统之外。而把天子、三公归为“大儒”,则有利于为儒家培养后备力量,推进儒家队伍官僚化、官僚队伍儒家化,在理论上为后世官学一体、道统涵摄政统奠基。 展开更多
关键词 《儒效》 大儒 荀子 先王 法后王 官学一体
作者 徐国荣 杨晓岚 《暨南学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2024年第3期34-49,共16页
白居易从小就体现出早衰多病的短寿迹象,有很多关于这类题材的诗歌,他的身体书写值得我们注意。因为体弱而关注己身,产生短寿的忧虑,顺而采取慵懒的人生态度,这是白居易“中隐”思想形成的基本理路。白居易对于“慵”的书写是其身体书... 白居易从小就体现出早衰多病的短寿迹象,有很多关于这类题材的诗歌,他的身体书写值得我们注意。因为体弱而关注己身,产生短寿的忧虑,顺而采取慵懒的人生态度,这是白居易“中隐”思想形成的基本理路。白居易对于“慵”的书写是其身体书写中的重要内容,包括咏“慵”、咏“懒”在内的诗歌约有120多首,心安体适、身心慵懒既是“中隐”生活对他身心的滋养与改善,也是“中隐”思想的一种体现。同时,在“中隐”思想的影响下,白居易不仅积极接受了年老的事实,而且还超越了对于生老病死的忧虑,完成了身体观念的转变与超越。 展开更多
关键词 白居易 身体书写 “中隐”思想 “嵇康懒”典故 吏隐
System-Level Modeling and Simulation of Force-Balance MEMS Accelerometers 被引量:1
作者 张宇峰 刘晓为 陈伟平 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期917-922,共6页
This paper presents two approaches for system-level simulation of force-balance accelerometers. The derivation of the system-level model is elaborated and simulation results are obtained from the implementation of tho... This paper presents two approaches for system-level simulation of force-balance accelerometers. The derivation of the system-level model is elaborated and simulation results are obtained from the implementation of those strategies on the fabricated silicon force-balance MEMS accelerometer. The mathematical model presented is implemented in VHDL- AMS and SIMULINK TM,respectively. The simulation results from the two approaches are compared and show a slight difference. Using VHDL-AMS is flexible,reusable,and more accurate. But there is not a mature solver developed for the language and this approach takes more time, while the simulation model can be easily built and quickly evaluated using SIMULINK. 展开更多
关键词 MEMS force-balance accelerometers system-level simulation mathematical model
作者 张翔 卢红飚 林林 《厦门大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2024年第3期1-10,共10页
在国家理论的基础上,马克思主义对资本主义官僚制进行了深刻的批判。这种批判旨在建立一个替代资本主义官僚制的公共行政制度。马克思与恩格斯通过对公社制的探索,完成了对官僚制的原初式批判,但也面临着公社难以适应大规模组织团体的悖... 在国家理论的基础上,马克思主义对资本主义官僚制进行了深刻的批判。这种批判旨在建立一个替代资本主义官僚制的公共行政制度。马克思与恩格斯通过对公社制的探索,完成了对官僚制的原初式批判,但也面临着公社难以适应大规模组织团体的悖论;列宁主义通过政党干部制,探索出适应超大国家的苏维埃制,却又与西方资本主义官僚制一样深陷于自我封闭的“官僚化”的吊诡之中。为了解决这一问题,西方资产阶级国家通过新公共管理运动对资本主义官僚制进行自我修复,而中国共产党则在“从严治党”的过程中,进一步完善了干部制,为克服干部官僚化提供了“中国经验”。干部官僚化依然是马克思主义行政学说需要警惕的关键难题,也是新时代中国特色社会主义反对官僚主义的方向与焦点。 展开更多
关键词 马克思主义 公社制 官僚制 干部制 中国经验
重访科层制:对议事协调机制的类型学探究 被引量:2
作者 王心怡 孟天广 《西安交通大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2024年第1期74-86,共13页
议事协调机制长期被视为破解科层制协同困境的制度设计,但现有研究对议事协调机制的类型学缺乏系统考察。基于对W市应急管理工作的参与式观察发现,领导小组在调度中出现“小组失灵”,而工作组与工作专班表现出更强的议事协调能力。以行... 议事协调机制长期被视为破解科层制协同困境的制度设计,但现有研究对议事协调机制的类型学缺乏系统考察。基于对W市应急管理工作的参与式观察发现,领导小组在调度中出现“小组失灵”,而工作组与工作专班表现出更强的议事协调能力。以行政知识和政治权威的正式与非正式形式为框架,研究分析三种议事协调机制的类型与适用情境:领导小组是权力导向型,适用于改革性、开创性情境;工作组是事务导向型,适用于任务性、统筹性情境;工作专班是资源导向型,适用于攻坚性、焦点性情境。科层制作为理解现代政府的理论基础,伴随着行政改革的浪潮历经衰落与回归,其与议事协调机制的关系尚未在理论层面得到充分讨论。重访科层制有助于在常规政治生活的视野内锚定议事协调机制的类型与功能,呈现新时代整体性政府建设的组织调适。 展开更多
关键词 科层制 议事协调机制 应急管理 工作组 工作专班 领导小组 隐性知识
党建引领下的社区自治何以可能?——一个多重逻辑的分析框架 被引量:1
作者 温雪梅 吴炫菲 《长白学刊》 2024年第2期14-28,共15页
党建引领是新时代社区治理的基本制度安排。通过构建一个多重逻辑的分析框架,以西南农村地区G社区为例,系统剖析党建引领如何促进社区自治的实现。研究发现:政党通过一系列政治机制破解“条块”矛盾、划分治理边界,以此实现社会性整合... 党建引领是新时代社区治理的基本制度安排。通过构建一个多重逻辑的分析框架,以西南农村地区G社区为例,系统剖析党建引领如何促进社区自治的实现。研究发现:政党通过一系列政治机制破解“条块”矛盾、划分治理边界,以此实现社会性整合的目的;同时,政府组织中的考核目标制、人事制度等为执政党意图实现提供了有效科层手段;最终通过公共空间营造和社会组织培育重塑社区治理结构、激发社区治理活力。因此,党建引领社区自治的实质就是主体行为从孤立到良性互动、关系结构从“原子化”到有机联结、制度逻辑从离散到共演转变的过程。 展开更多
关键词 党建引领 社区自治 社会整合 科层制
科层压力、变通执行与基层减负——基于中山市T镇的调研分析 被引量:1
作者 张国磊 《地方治理研究》 2024年第2期2-14,M0002,共14页
在不断加强基层治理体制机制创新的情境下,社会治理重心不断下移,不仅使基层部门所承担的工作量远超制度文本所规定的任务要求,也导致中央为基层减负的政令执行面临诸多挑战。在科层制体系中,上级政府通过权威推动,以强化问责的方式施... 在不断加强基层治理体制机制创新的情境下,社会治理重心不断下移,不仅使基层部门所承担的工作量远超制度文本所规定的任务要求,也导致中央为基层减负的政令执行面临诸多挑战。在科层制体系中,上级政府通过权威推动,以强化问责的方式施加执行压力;基层部门不断自我加码,以拔高考核指标来预留弹性空间;对基层干部实行动态考核,以不定期督查的方法监控全过程,由此形成了自上而下的科层压力链条。为了缓解考核任务的压力及规避被问责的风险,上级政府与基层部门签订责任状分级避责,纵向部门通过讨价还价来减少自身工作量,横向部门采取合谋应对模糊执行的变通策略。这种选择性执行方式不仅弱化了中央政令的权威性,也导致为基层减负的政策在执行中偏离了制度设计的初衷。 展开更多
关键词 政府治理 科层制 科层压力 变通执行 基层减负
Type 2 Diabetes—Hard to Select a Healthy Choice
作者 Stefan Backe 《Health》 2024年第1期1-8,共8页
Introduction: The use of foods containing high levels of sugar is increasing all the time. This is a risk factor for increased incidence of type 2 diabetes. There are few studies that have investigated the availabilit... Introduction: The use of foods containing high levels of sugar is increasing all the time. This is a risk factor for increased incidence of type 2 diabetes. There are few studies that have investigated the availability of low-sugar müsli products in grocery stores. Purpose: The study aims to identify which types of müsli contain high respectively low levels of sugar, and which brands are involved. Methods: The material consists of both qualitative interviews and observations from five grocery stores: City Gross, Hemköp, Ica Maxi, Stora Coop and Willy’s in Helsingborg, Sweden. The qualitative interviews had a semi-structured character and were recorded. The interviews took approx. 20 minutes and a textual analysis was conducted of the results. Data from observation was analyzed based on brand, nutritional composition and flavors, and also, where low sugar products were placed on store shelves. Results: The grocery stores provided together brands from AXA, Coop, Finax, Frebaco, Garant, ICA, Risenta, Saltå Kvarn och Urtekram, in total 24 müsli products. Of these products, 19 were high in sugar. The observation reveals that müsli products with high sugar content (17 - 29 g per 100 g müsli) are more prominently displayed than those with low sugar content. From the interviews with the store managers, it became clear that it would be valuable to highlight healthy müsli products on the shelves. However, central bureaucracy puts obstacles to such measures. Discussion: The study emphasizes the need for increased visibility of low-sugar products and proposes solutions such as negotiating with responsible person at the head office in Stockholm. Several reviews have shown that if the grocery store raises the prices of unhealthy food, the consumer is willing to purchase healthier müsli and other products. Conclusion: This study shows the need for grocery stores to upgrade healthy müsli products along with advertising to be able to influence customer’s shopping habits. Also, further research is needed how type 2 diabetes is affected by high intakes of food products with high sugar content. 展开更多
关键词 Type 2 Diabetes High Sugar Content in Müsli Difficulty Making Healthy Choices Central Food bureaucracy
赋能学校科层制对教师职业倦怠的影响:有调节的中介模型 被引量:1
作者 白卉 王光强 曾国权 《现代教育科学》 2024年第2期74-82,共9页
为探究赋能学校科层制与教师职业倦怠的关系,研究采用赋能学校科层制量表、教师职业倦怠量表和工作意义量表对1 120名教师进行问卷调查。结果表明:赋能学校科层制、教师工作意义感与教师职业倦怠呈显著负相关,赋能学校科层制与教师工作... 为探究赋能学校科层制与教师职业倦怠的关系,研究采用赋能学校科层制量表、教师职业倦怠量表和工作意义量表对1 120名教师进行问卷调查。结果表明:赋能学校科层制、教师工作意义感与教师职业倦怠呈显著负相关,赋能学校科层制与教师工作意义感呈显著正相关;教师工作意义感在赋能学校科层制与教师职业倦怠之间具有部分中介作用;教龄在以教师工作意义感为中介的赋能学校科层制与教师职业倦怠的关系中具有调节作用,调节中介模型的前半路径,即随着教龄增加,赋能学校科层制对教师工作意义感的正向预测作用呈降低趋势。研究结论为建立健全赋能学校科层制,有效缓解教师职业倦怠具有参考意义。 展开更多
关键词 赋能学校科层制 教师职业倦怠 工作意义感 教龄 内部机制
作者 王春业 《浙江社会科学》 北大核心 2024年第4期45-54,156,共11页
数字法治政府建设不应全盘否定科层制。数字法治政府并未脱离科层制架构,甚至依托科层制的专业化、多层等级优势,在科层制的组织架构下运行,具有科层制的逻辑基础。与此同时,通过先进数字技术的运用,数字法治政府又在科层制基础上,实现... 数字法治政府建设不应全盘否定科层制。数字法治政府并未脱离科层制架构,甚至依托科层制的专业化、多层等级优势,在科层制的组织架构下运行,具有科层制的逻辑基础。与此同时,通过先进数字技术的运用,数字法治政府又在科层制基础上,实现科层内部专业部门的协同,也使得层级间信息传播更快,是对科层制继承式的发展。未来在数字法治政府建设上,要加强政府整体性建设,将政府的内部协作和运行过程内隐化,对外则以整体性政府形象为社会公众提供服务;要加强政务客户办事端建设,使得公众可以通过各种方式便捷地获取公共服务;要加强与数字化相适应的法律规范建设,为数字法治政府提供更多法律依据。 展开更多
关键词 科层制 专业化部门 信息孤岛 数字法治政府
作者 梁智迪 《河北农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第3期47-54,共8页
农垦改革后,国有农场作为新型农业经营主体发展自营产业助力乡村振兴,但有些却出现始终亏损的情况。为探讨国有农场自营产业亏损的原因,选取国有农场G自营产业为个案,通过案例分析和实践研究,还原国有农场G自营产业的过程始末,剖析其中... 农垦改革后,国有农场作为新型农业经营主体发展自营产业助力乡村振兴,但有些却出现始终亏损的情况。为探讨国有农场自营产业亏损的原因,选取国有农场G自营产业为个案,通过案例分析和实践研究,还原国有农场G自营产业的过程始末,剖析其中各行动主体的行动考量和策略,呈现自营产业运行的细节。研究发现:自营产业运行内嵌于科层体系中,产业任务经历从选择性试点到多重性任务的下沉过程,并被资源和目标差异化、例行化运作等特征所消解,弥补自营产业亏损以完成“整体性”任务指标是农场内部共同“经营”的结果。据此,建议国有农场注重顶层设计,统一内部思想,协调与周边农村的关系,促进产业发展。 展开更多
关键词 国有农场 产业亏损 科层化
作者 曹国涛 忻怿 《情报杂志》 北大核心 2024年第9期32-39,共8页
[研究目的]作为新型战略情报获取及综合评估机制,美国净评估情报分析机制显著增强美国国家安全战略及情报产品的竞争性特质,成为美国冷战致胜的智力保障。理解该机制创设的背景、对传统情报分析模式的超越及其冷战历史影响,具有学术价... [研究目的]作为新型战略情报获取及综合评估机制,美国净评估情报分析机制显著增强美国国家安全战略及情报产品的竞争性特质,成为美国冷战致胜的智力保障。理解该机制创设的背景、对传统情报分析模式的超越及其冷战历史影响,具有学术价值和现实参考。[研究方法]基于官僚政治学、组织行为学框架,解读解密档案及当事人著述,论析净评估机制出炉及其特质效能。[研究结论]净评估在组织层面获得顶层便利、专注长时段和战略性分析并避免镜像化理解对手,重视激发中长期对敌比较优势,得以解决传统情报分析之弊。净评估机制妥善协调了短期情报活动与长期战略评估,是美国赢取对苏长期战略竞争的关键智力创新。 展开更多
关键词 情报分析 情报分析机制 净评估 净评估机制 竞争性官僚体系 詹姆斯·施莱辛格
作者 孙冲 《浙江万里学院学报》 2024年第2期41-47,共7页
县域“一站式”纠纷化解是以“不动体制动机制,不变机构变组合”的方式对多元纠纷化解体系进行组织再造。组织再造以资源集约化、管理扁平化、党建引领为思路,实现对多元主体解纷功能的空间整合,对信息技术平台的再造,以及对组织内部领... 县域“一站式”纠纷化解是以“不动体制动机制,不变机构变组合”的方式对多元纠纷化解体系进行组织再造。组织再造以资源集约化、管理扁平化、党建引领为思路,实现对多元主体解纷功能的空间整合,对信息技术平台的再造,以及对组织内部领导关系的再造。组织再造有利于兼顾官僚体系稳定与纠纷解决效率,降低解纷成本与塑造解纷习惯,提高风险预防与治理能力。对于组织再造面临的资源内卷化、社会动员不足与法律责任不清的问题需要在未来的建设中加以完善。 展开更多
关键词 “一站式”纠纷化解 组织再造 党建引领 官僚制
作者 梁伟 《地方治理研究》 2024年第3期27-37,M0003,共12页
通过乡镇治理结构调适提高基层政府的适应能力,已经成为基层治理现代化的重要内容。以山东省菏泽市成武县W镇的管区制度为例,探讨乡镇政府治理结构调适的实践过程与内在逻辑。研究发现,乡镇政府通过管区制度再造科层组织结构,实现了基... 通过乡镇治理结构调适提高基层政府的适应能力,已经成为基层治理现代化的重要内容。以山东省菏泽市成武县W镇的管区制度为例,探讨乡镇政府治理结构调适的实践过程与内在逻辑。研究发现,乡镇政府通过管区制度再造科层组织结构,实现了基层治理资源的合理配置与有效统合。在此基础上,乡镇政府借助管区制度推动任务执行,形成统筹包干制的治理策略,充分调动了乡镇干部的治理积极性。治理结构的双重调适体现了乡镇政府的多重实践逻辑,即党政体制对组织结构的调适、基层治理对一线治理的适应以及治理成本与有效治理的平衡。治理结构调适说明乡镇具有一定的自主性,这种自主性源于基层党政体制的弹性与制度空间。 展开更多
关键词 乡镇治理 治理结构 党政体制 统筹包干制 乡镇自主性 基层治理 管区制度 科层组织
The Research of the Equation Model on the System-level Fault Diagnosis 被引量:5
作者 Hengnong Xuan1, Dafang Zhang2, Yue Wu3, Minwei He4 (1,4: Dept. of Computer, Wuyi University, Jiangmen, Guangdong, 529020, China (2: Dept. of Computer, Hunan University, Changsha, 410082, China ) (3: Institute of Computer Science and Engineering, Univers 《湖南大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 2000年第S2期148-157,共10页
In this paper we propose an equation model of system-level fault diagnoses, and construct corresponding theory and algorithms. People can turn any PMC model on ex-test into an equivalent equation (or a system of equat... In this paper we propose an equation model of system-level fault diagnoses, and construct corresponding theory and algorithms. People can turn any PMC model on ex-test into an equivalent equation (or a system of equations), and find all consistent fault patterns based on the equation model. We can also find all fault patterns, in which the fault node numbers are less than or equal to t without supposing t-diagnosable. It is not impossible for all graphic models. 展开更多
关键词 PMC MODEL EQUATION MODEL ex-test system-level FAULT diagnosis DIAGNOSTIC algorithm
Random testing for system-level functional verification of system-on-chip 被引量:4
作者 Ma Qinsheng Cao Yang +1 位作者 Yang Jun Wang Min 《Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics》 SCIE EI CSCD 2009年第6期1378-1383,共6页
In order to deal with the limitations during the register transfer level verification, a new functional verification method based on the random testing for the system-level of system-on-chip is proposed.The validity o... In order to deal with the limitations during the register transfer level verification, a new functional verification method based on the random testing for the system-level of system-on-chip is proposed.The validity of this method is proven theoretically.Specifically, testcases are generated according to many approaches of randomization.Moreover, the testbench for the system-level verification according to the proposed method is designed by using advanced modeling language.Therefore, under the circumstances that the testbench generates testcases quickly, the hardware/software co-simulation and co-verification can be implemented and the hardware/software partitioning planning can be evaluated easily.The comparison method is put to use in the evaluation approach of the testing validity.The evaluation result indicates that the efficiency of the partition testing is better than that of the random testing only when one or more subdomains are covered over with the area of errors, although the efficiency of the random testing is generally better than that of the partition testing.The experimental result indicates that this method has a good performance in the functional coverage and the cost of testing and can discover the functional errors as soon as possible. 展开更多
关键词 VLSI circuit VERIFICATION random process FUNCTION TESTING SYSTEM-ON-CHIP system-level.
System-Level EMC Assessment for Military Vehicular Communication Systems Based on a Modified Four-Level Assessment Model 被引量:5
作者 Ping Zhou Yinghua Lv +1 位作者 Zhihong Chen Hongping Xu 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第8期39-53,共15页
With the development of EMC technology, EMC assessment has become increasingly important in EMC design. Although numerous EMC assessment models are available today, few of them can provide a tradeoff between efficienc... With the development of EMC technology, EMC assessment has become increasingly important in EMC design. Although numerous EMC assessment models are available today, few of them can provide a tradeoff between efficiency and accuracy for the specific case of military vehicular communication systems. Face to this situation, a modified four-level assessment model is proposed in the paper. First, the development of EMC assessment technology is briefly reviewed, and the theoretical mechanism of EMI environment is introduced. Then, the architecture of the proposed model is outlined, and the assessment methods are explored. To demonstrate the application of it, an example involving a communication system in a military vehicle is presented. From the physical layer to the signal layer, a hierarchical assessment on the entire system is successfully performed based on the proposed model, and we can make a qualitative EMC assessment on the EMC performance of the system. Based on a comparison with the traditional model, we conclude that the proposed model is more accurate, more efficient and less time-consuming, which is suitable for the EMC assessment on militaryvehicular communication systems. We hope that the proposed model will serve as a useful reference for system-level EMC assessments for other systems. 展开更多
关键词 military vehicular communication system system-level electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) assessment four-level assessment model
Quick System-Level DDR3 Signal Integrity Simulation Research 被引量:2
作者 Run-Jing Zhou Yuan-Yuan Hao Jin-Song Hu 《Journal of Electronic Science and Technology》 CAS 2013年第3期286-290,共5页
---Double data rate synchronous dynamic random access memory (DDR3) has become one of the most mainstream applications in current server and computer systems. In order to quickly set up a system-level signal integri... ---Double data rate synchronous dynamic random access memory (DDR3) has become one of the most mainstream applications in current server and computer systems. In order to quickly set up a system-level signal integrity (SI) simulation flow for the DDR3 interface, two system-level SI simulation methodologies, which are board-level S-parameter extraction in the frequency-domain and system-level simulation assumptions in the time domain, are introduced in this paper. By comparing the flow of Speed2000 and PowerSI/Hspice, PowerSI is chosen for the printed circuit board (PCB) board-level S-parameter extraction, while Tektronix oscilloscope (TDS7404) is used for the DDR3 waveform measurement. The lab measurement shows good agreement between simulation and measurement. The study shows that the combination of PowerSI and Hspice is recommended for quick system-level DDR3 SI simulation. 展开更多
关键词 Index Terms--Double data rate synchronousdynamic random access memory HSPICE PowerSI signal integrity system-level signal integrity simulation.
System-Level Performance Evaluation of Very High Complexity Media Applications : A H264/AVC Encoder Case Study 被引量:1
作者 Hajer Krichene Zrida Abderrazek Jemai +1 位作者 Ahmed C Ammari Mohamed Abid 《International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences》 2011年第7期436-446,共11页
Given the substantially increasing complexity of embedded systems, the use of relatively detailed clock cycle-accurate simulators for the design-space exploration is impractical in the early design stages. Raising the... Given the substantially increasing complexity of embedded systems, the use of relatively detailed clock cycle-accurate simulators for the design-space exploration is impractical in the early design stages. Raising the abstraction level is nowadays widely seen as a solution to bridge the gap between the increasing system complexity and the low design productivity. For this, several system-level design tools and methodologies have been introduced to efficiently explore the design space of heterogeneous signal processing systems. In this paper, we demonstrate the effectiveness and the flexibility of the Sesame/Artemis system-level modeling and simulation methodology for efficient peformance evaluation and rapid architectural exploration of the increasing complexity heterogeneous embedded media systems. For this purpose, we have selected a system level design of a very high complexity media application;a H.264/AVC (Advanced Video Codec) video encoder. The encoding performances will be evaluated using system-level simulations targeting multiple heterogeneous multiprocessors platforms. 展开更多
关键词 system-level Performance Evaluation Embedded Systems DESIGN Space Exploration Tools the Sesame/Artemis DESIGN Tool a Parallel H.264/AVC Video ENCODER
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