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Higher Variations of the Monty Hall Problem (3.0, 4.0) and Empirical Definition of the Phenomenon of Mathematics, in Boole’s Footsteps, as Something the Brain Does 被引量:1
作者 Leo Depuydt Richard D. Gill 《Advances in Pure Mathematics》 2012年第4期243-273,共31页
In Advances in Pure Mathematics (www.scirp.org/journal/apm), Vol. 1, No. 4 (July 2011), pp. 136-154, the mathematical structure of the much discussed problem of probability known as the Monty Hall problem was mapped i... In Advances in Pure Mathematics (www.scirp.org/journal/apm), Vol. 1, No. 4 (July 2011), pp. 136-154, the mathematical structure of the much discussed problem of probability known as the Monty Hall problem was mapped in detail. It is styled here as Monty Hall 1.0. The proposed analysis was then generalized to related cases involving any number of doors (d), cars (c), and opened doors (o) (Monty Hall 2.0) and 1 specific case involving more than 1 picked door (p) (Monty Hall 3.0). In cognitive terms, this analysis was interpreted in function of the presumed digital nature of rational thought and language. In the present paper, Monty Hall 1.0 and 2.0 are briefly reviewed (§§2-3). Additional generalizations of the problem are then presented in §§4-7. They concern expansions of the problem to the following items: (1) to any number of picked doors, with p denoting the number of doors initially picked and q the number of doors picked when switching doors after doors have been opened to reveal goats (Monty Hall 3.0;see §4);(3) to the precise conditions under which one’s chances increase or decrease in instances of Monty Hall 3.0 (Monty Hall 3.2;see §6);and (4) to any number of switches of doors (s) (Monty Hall 4.0;see §7). The afore-mentioned article in APM, Vol. 1, No. 4 may serve as a useful introduction to the analysis of the higher variations of the Monty Hall problem offered in the present article. The body of the article is by Leo Depuydt. An appendix by Richard D. Gill (see §8) provides additional context by building a bridge to modern probability theory in its conventional notation and by pointing to the benefits of certain interesting and relevant tools of computation now available on the Internet. The cognitive component of the earlier investigation is extended in §9 by reflections on the foundations of mathematics. It will be proposed, in the footsteps of George Boole, that the phenomenon of mathematics needs to be defined in empirical terms as something that happens to the brain or something that the brain does. It is generally assumed that mathematics is a property of nature or reality or whatever one may call it. There is not the slightest intention in this paper to falsify this assumption because it cannot be falsified, just as it cannot be empirically or positively proven. But there is no way that this assumption can be a factual observation. It can be no more than an altogether reasonable, yet fully secondary, inference derived mainly from the fact that mathematics appears to work, even if some may deem the fact of this match to constitute proof. On the deepest empirical level, mathematics can only be directly observed and therefore directly analyzed as an activity of the brain. The study of mathematics therefore becomes an essential part of the study of cognition and human intelligence. The reflections on mathematics as a phenomenon offered in the present article will serve as a prelude to planned articles on how to redefine the foundations of probability as one type of mathematics in cognitive fashion and on how exactly Boole’s theory of probability subsumes, supersedes, and completes classical probability theory. §§2-7 combined, on the one hand, and §9, on the other hand, are both self-sufficient units and can be read independently from one another. The ultimate design of the larger project of which this paper is part remains the increase of digitalization of the analysis of rational thought and language, that is, of (rational, not emotional) human intelligence. To reach out to other disciplines, an effort is made to describe the mathematics more explicitly than is usual. 展开更多
关键词 Artificial INTELLIGENCE Binary Structure BOOLEAN ALGEBRA BOOLEAN Operators Boole’s ALGEBRA Brain Science Cognition Cognitive Science DEFINITION of mathematics DEFINITION of Probability Theory Digital mathematics Electrical Engineering Foundations of mathematics Human INTELLIGENCE Linguistics Logic Monty HALL Problem Neuroscience Non-quantitative and Quantitative mathematics Probability Theory Rational thought and Language
To Comma or Not to Comma: The Mathematics of the Relative Clause, All Types, via Boole and Venn
作者 Leo Depuydt 《International Journal of Intelligence Science》 2012年第4期106-114,共9页
The present paper is part of a large scale project in Intelligence Science. The nearterm aim of this project is the increased digitalization of the analysis of human intelligence in as far as intelligence is rational.... The present paper is part of a large scale project in Intelligence Science. The nearterm aim of this project is the increased digitalization of the analysis of human intelligence in as far as intelligence is rational. The ultimate aim is to draw up a complete and definitive map of the totality of rational human intelligence or rational thought and language. As far as the mathematical component of this project is concerned, two contributions have appeared so far, the following: 1) “The Monty Hall Problem and beyond: Digital-Mathematical and Cognitive Analysis in Boole’s Algebra, Including an Extension and Generalization to Related Cases”, in Advances in Pure Mathematics (www.scirp.org/journal/apm), Vol. 1, No. 4 (July 2011), pp. 136-154;2) “Higher Variations of the Monty Hall Problem (3.0, 4.0) and Empirical Definition of the Phenomenon of Mathematics, in Boole’s Footsteps, as Something the Brain Does”, in Advances in Pure Mathematics (www.scirp.org/journal/apm), Vol. 2, No. 4 (July 2012), pp. 243-273, including an appendix by Richard D. Gill. The present paper pertains to the linguistics branch of the project. It is concerned with linguistic cognition. The focus of this paper is on a single phenomenon, the relative clause and all its possible types. The method of analyzing the structure of rational thought and language that is advanced in this paper and applied to the relative clause claims validity on the following three grounds. First, it is mathematical and digital in the strictest possible sense. Second, the empirical data to which this mathematical method is applied are fully accessible in language. After all, all that is essential to that structure must be exteriorized in sounds or written symbols for the structure to be transported from one brain to another and understood. The structure must somehow be encoded in its entirety in the airwaves or light beams that travel to a hearer’s ear or a reader’s eye. And these airwaves and light beams are accessible to observation. Third, general inspiration and encouragement can be drawn from the fact that it has already been long established that the brain teems with digital activity, including in the prefrontal cortex. In sum, there is every incentive for dissecting language in search of the digital structure of rational thought and its expression in language. The design of the present paper is to demonstrate that the structure can be found. 展开更多
关键词 BOOLEAN Algebra Brain Science Digital Structure Electrical Engineering Language LINGUISTICS Logic mathematics NEUROSCIENCE Rational thought
作者 潘璐璐 徐根玖 《高教学刊》 2024年第15期193-196,共4页
教书且育人的理念在我国有着深厚的文化基础,教师依托于课程在落实课程思政的过程中发挥着至关重要的作用。通过探讨大学数学课程实施课程思政的立足点和发力点,提出数学课程育人要依托于数学课程自身特点和专业内涵,植根于数学教师的... 教书且育人的理念在我国有着深厚的文化基础,教师依托于课程在落实课程思政的过程中发挥着至关重要的作用。通过探讨大学数学课程实施课程思政的立足点和发力点,提出数学课程育人要依托于数学课程自身特点和专业内涵,植根于数学教师的专业知识和专业素养,注重数学史特别是中国数学史的融入,以及数学不同分支知识之间的互通互融,同时也要重视教材建设。 展开更多
关键词 大学数学 课程思政 数学史 数学思想 数学教材
作者 胡乙 《北京工业职业技术学院学报》 2024年第1期107-110,共4页
为帮助学生全面深入地理解集合概念,对数学基本思想在集合教学中的运用进行了研究。数学基本思想一般包括抽象、推理与模型,教师从集合概念的抽象性、集合关系的抽象性出发,引导学生理解数学抽象思想;从集合推理运算的基础、集合恒等式... 为帮助学生全面深入地理解集合概念,对数学基本思想在集合教学中的运用进行了研究。数学基本思想一般包括抽象、推理与模型,教师从集合概念的抽象性、集合关系的抽象性出发,引导学生理解数学抽象思想;从集合推理运算的基础、集合恒等式的推理与证明出发,引导学生理解数学推理思想;从计数与概率论、数理逻辑中的集合模型出发,引导学生理解数学模型思想。 展开更多
关键词 集合 数学抽象思想 数学推理思想 数学模型思想
作者 张玲 《辽宁高职学报》 2024年第3期22-26,共5页
为培养学生的数学思想,提升学生数学能力,高职教师要用数学的思想方法,如函数思想、极限思想、化归思想、类比思想、数形结合思想、数学建模思想及整体和局部的思想,分析问题、解决问题,为高职学生更好地学习数学基础课提供良好的思维方... 为培养学生的数学思想,提升学生数学能力,高职教师要用数学的思想方法,如函数思想、极限思想、化归思想、类比思想、数形结合思想、数学建模思想及整体和局部的思想,分析问题、解决问题,为高职学生更好地学习数学基础课提供良好的思维方法,并服务于专业课的学习,为学生的终身学习打下良好的基础。 展开更多
关键词 高职教育 微积分教学课程 数学思想方法
作者 孙文鑫 《杨凌职业技术学院学报》 2024年第1期86-89,共4页
课程思政为“立德树人”教育根本任务指明了方向。当前课程思政的研究大都集中于思政素材的挖掘和融入,缺乏课程思政评价体系的构建。本文以科学家精神为思政目标,首先分析了评价体系搭建的意义;其次讨论了评价体系构建的准则;最后构建... 课程思政为“立德树人”教育根本任务指明了方向。当前课程思政的研究大都集中于思政素材的挖掘和融入,缺乏课程思政评价体系的构建。本文以科学家精神为思政目标,首先分析了评价体系搭建的意义;其次讨论了评价体系构建的准则;最后构建了基于科学家精神的高职数学课程思政评价体系;为高职数学课程思政的有效实施制定了标准。 展开更多
关键词 科学家精神 高职数学 课程思政 评价体系
作者 冯军庆 刘妮 郑芳 《高等数学研究》 2024年第4期98-99,F0003,共3页
关键词 整体与部分 辩证思想 高等数学
中学数列的数学思想及其教学启示 被引量:1
作者 欧慧谋 黄红梅 曹广福 《数学教育学报》 北大核心 2024年第1期1-7,共7页
数学思想对学生的数学学习与未来发展具有深远影响.数学教学应在强调知识的同时,充分挖掘蕴藏在知识背后的数学思想,并在教学中通过针对性问题促使学生领会.中学数列的数学思想包括函数思想、递归思想、由特殊到一般、数学归纳法、消项... 数学思想对学生的数学学习与未来发展具有深远影响.数学教学应在强调知识的同时,充分挖掘蕴藏在知识背后的数学思想,并在教学中通过针对性问题促使学生领会.中学数列的数学思想包括函数思想、递归思想、由特殊到一般、数学归纳法、消项求和思想以及极限思想等方面.基于中学数列的数学思想,提出如下教学启示:问题驱动概念教学,促进数列概念本质理解;从函数的角度审视数列,揭示两者的内在关系;重视递推公式教学,培养递归思维与发现能力;强化数学归纳法,拓展数学论证能力;诱发数列求和“好念头”,渗透消项求和思想. 展开更多
关键词 数列 数学思想 教学启示
作者 郑义富 黄甫全 《数学教育学报》 北大核心 2024年第1期59-63,共5页
“数学的眼光”是人类理性认识手段的必然选择,是科学思维的最实用的一般方法,是数学教育价值的核心体现.“数学的眼光”不仅可引导人们如何看待世界、认识世界,更重要的是能形成主体的认识取向或价值观念.中小学教学中,教师首先要深刻... “数学的眼光”是人类理性认识手段的必然选择,是科学思维的最实用的一般方法,是数学教育价值的核心体现.“数学的眼光”不仅可引导人们如何看待世界、认识世界,更重要的是能形成主体的认识取向或价值观念.中小学教学中,教师首先要深刻认识“数学抽象”的本质,并要能准确把握“数学抽象”的一般特征,还要精准掌握数学抽象的基本方法,从而有的放矢地开展思维能力的提升、抽象思想的培育,并逐步使学生形成“数学的眼光”. 展开更多
关键词 数学眼光 抽象思想 抽象方法 抽象特征 理性精神
祈通宜用:杜威实用主义教育思想与应用型本科人才培养 被引量:1
作者 刘一夫 《南阳师范学院学报》 CAS 2024年第2期68-75,共8页
基于祈通中西、择决宜用基本原则,论析杜威实用主义教育思想对我国当前应用型本科人才培养的指导作用。通过审思杜威教育经典论述的核心理念、积极影响、历史局限与当代价值,探讨我国应用型本科人才培养所指向的成长方位、主体地位、实... 基于祈通中西、择决宜用基本原则,论析杜威实用主义教育思想对我国当前应用型本科人才培养的指导作用。通过审思杜威教育经典论述的核心理念、积极影响、历史局限与当代价值,探讨我国应用型本科人才培养所指向的成长方位、主体地位、实践本位与工作岗位。结论如下:杜威实用主义教育思想宜用于我国当前应用型本科人才培养,“教育即生活”定性于成长,指向应用型本科人才“时代人”的培养维度;“儿童为中心”定格在学校,指向应用型本科人才“主体人”的培养维度;“学校即社会”定型于实践,指向应用型本科人才“社会人”的培养维度;“从做中学”定位于工作,指向应用型本科人才“职业人”的培养维度。“时代人”+“主体人”+“社会人”+“职业人”四位一体耦合培养,可造就新时代高素质一流应用型本科人才。 展开更多
关键词 杜威 实用主义教育思想 应用型本科 人才培养
作者 吴怀兵 《湖北开放职业学院学报》 2024年第9期188-189,192,共3页
随着计算机科技的飞速发展,数学已成为当今高新技术的重要组成部分,其在应用范围上拓展甚广,而且在应用深度上也不断渗透发展,数学建模逐渐成为人们解决实际问题的一种重要的方法。对于高职数学教学改革发展而言,数学建模思想无疑占据... 随着计算机科技的飞速发展,数学已成为当今高新技术的重要组成部分,其在应用范围上拓展甚广,而且在应用深度上也不断渗透发展,数学建模逐渐成为人们解决实际问题的一种重要的方法。对于高职数学教学改革发展而言,数学建模思想无疑占据重要的地位,对于学生数学思维的开发培养具有重要的实践意义。本文着重论述数学建模思想的意义,从当前高职数学教学与数学建模思想融合难的实际问题出发,积极探求二者融合的路径,以期推进高职数学教学的改革发展。 展开更多
关键词 数学建模思想 高职数学 教学实践
作者 赵旭鹰 章歆婷 蒋文锦 《首都师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024年第1期20-28,共9页
本文旨在研究一种融合数学思想与课程思政的教学模式,并应用于高校计算数学/信息与计算科学专业课程。该模式以数学思想为纽带,通过引入与之相关的数学典故,采用探究式教学,为本科和研究生阶段数学专业课教学提供了一种创新模式,促进学... 本文旨在研究一种融合数学思想与课程思政的教学模式,并应用于高校计算数学/信息与计算科学专业课程。该模式以数学思想为纽带,通过引入与之相关的数学典故,采用探究式教学,为本科和研究生阶段数学专业课教学提供了一种创新模式,促进学生对数学概念的理解和数学思想的领悟,培养学生的综合素养、道德品质和社会责任感。 展开更多
关键词 计算数学 信息与计算科学 数学思想 课程思政
作者 李娜 梁林佳 《教师教育论坛》 2024年第7期26-34,共9页
本研究借助CiteSpace工具对CNKI数据库中903篇高等教育数学课程思政相关文献进行可视化分析。分析后发现课程思政的实施由一般院校向特殊院校转变,课程类型由数学公共课向数学专业课转变;理论研究由思政元素挖掘研究向价值取向的理念研... 本研究借助CiteSpace工具对CNKI数据库中903篇高等教育数学课程思政相关文献进行可视化分析。分析后发现课程思政的实施由一般院校向特殊院校转变,课程类型由数学公共课向数学专业课转变;理论研究由思政元素挖掘研究向价值取向的理念研究转变,实践研究向全方位延伸。但是当前师范院校数学课程思政的实施还需进一步加强,要注重培养师范生对课程思政的价值认识,开发面向师范生的课程思政教学案例,形成师范院校课程思政建设的理论体系,加强师范类院校数学课程思政的建设投入。 展开更多
关键词 课程思政 数学教学 高等教育 师范院校 CITESPACE
作者 刘佳昕 《江苏工程职业技术学院学报》 2024年第1期74-79,共6页
“明体达用”作为中华优秀传统文化中的重要思想观念,弥合了“体”与“用”之间的界限,影响着我国传统思想文化的演进和社会发展的进程,为当前高校开展宣传思想文化工作提供了诸多启示。“体”是基础和根本,“用”依赖于“体”的作用和... “明体达用”作为中华优秀传统文化中的重要思想观念,弥合了“体”与“用”之间的界限,影响着我国传统思想文化的演进和社会发展的进程,为当前高校开展宣传思想文化工作提供了诸多启示。“体”是基础和根本,“用”依赖于“体”的作用和效用,“明体达用”蕴含着知与行、理论与实践的辩证统一。对新时代高校宣传思想文化工作来说,学习贯彻习近平文化思想以“明体达用”,是创新性开展工作的重要举措,具体实践策略包括:明晰党的创新理论、社会主义核心价值观、校训校风的文化内涵等“体”之所在;做好主题教育、专题教育,用好思政课程,运用全媒体宣传手段,引导师生深度“明体”,学深弄懂悟透,以笃行而“达用”,在“明体达用”的过程中凝心聚力推进中华民族伟大复兴的进程。 展开更多
关键词 习近平文化思想 “明体达用” 高校 宣传思想文化工作
作者 庄雨鑫 《教育研究前沿(中英文版)》 2024年第2期110-117,共8页
雅克·阿达玛是20世纪法国著名的数学家、数学教育家,具有丰富的数学创造性经验,对于数学发明的心理过程有着深刻的体会和独到的见解。在继承和发扬庞加莱关于数学发明心理活动过程规律的基础上,进行深入研究,完成《数学领域中的发... 雅克·阿达玛是20世纪法国著名的数学家、数学教育家,具有丰富的数学创造性经验,对于数学发明的心理过程有着深刻的体会和独到的见解。在继承和发扬庞加莱关于数学发明心理活动过程规律的基础上,进行深入研究,完成《数学领域中的发明心理学》一书并于1945年出版,创立和发展了数学发明的心理学说。本文以该书为落脚点,深入剖析以“无意识思维”为核心的数学发明心理过程,即“准备、酝酿、顿悟、整理”四个阶段,从不同角度分析直觉思维对数学发明创造发挥的重要作用,辅以名人事例证明直觉思维在发明创造过程中具有逻辑思维无法取代的作用。基于上述研究工作,分析阿达玛的数学教育思想,并总结其对当今数学教育具有的重要价值。 展开更多
关键词 雅克·阿达玛 《数学领域中的发明心理学》 发明心理 数学教育思想
作者 李东瑞 王天志 《高等数学研究》 2024年第4期74-77,共4页
朱德祥先生是我国几何学家和数学教育家,曾执教国立西南联合大学和昆明师范学院等.凭借着对教育事业的一腔热忱,几十年如一日,奋斗在祖国边疆云南教育一线.他著书立说,多本教材被列为高等师范院校的重点教材,为我国的几何学教科书做出... 朱德祥先生是我国几何学家和数学教育家,曾执教国立西南联合大学和昆明师范学院等.凭借着对教育事业的一腔热忱,几十年如一日,奋斗在祖国边疆云南教育一线.他著书立说,多本教材被列为高等师范院校的重点教材,为我国的几何学教科书做出重要贡献.怀揣着对朱德祥先生的无比崇敬与缅怀之情,谨以此文纪念曾在西南联大这片热土上辛勤耕耘的先辈们,传承与弘扬西南联大精神. 展开更多
关键词 西南联大 几何教育 数学教育思想
The Monty Hall Problem and beyond: Digital-Mathematical and Cognitive Analysis in Boole’s Algebra, Including an Extension and Generalization to Related Cases 被引量:1
作者 Leo Depuydt 《Advances in Pure Mathematics》 2011年第4期136-154,共19页
The Monty Hall problem has received its fair share of attention in mathematics. Recently, an entire monograph has been devoted to its history. There has been a multiplicity of approaches to the problem. These approach... The Monty Hall problem has received its fair share of attention in mathematics. Recently, an entire monograph has been devoted to its history. There has been a multiplicity of approaches to the problem. These approaches are not necessarily mutually exclusive. The design of the present paper is to add one more approach by analyzing the mathematical structure of the Monty Hall problem in digital terms. The structure of the problem is described as much as possible in the tradition and the spirit—and as much as possible by means of the algebraic conventions—of George Boole’s Investigation of the Laws of Thought (1854), the Magna Charta of the digital age, and of John Venn’s Symbolic Logic (second edition, 1894), which is squarely based on Boole’s Investigation and elucidates it in many ways. The focus is not only on the digital-mathematical structure itself but also on its relation to the presumed digital nature of cognition as expressed in rational thought and language. The digital approach is outlined in part 1. In part 2, the Monty Hall problem is analyzed digitally. To ensure the generality of the digital approach and demonstrate its reliability and productivity, the Monty Hall problem is extended and generalized in parts 3 and 4 to related cases in light of the axioms of probability theory. In the full mapping of the mathematical structure of the Monty Hall problem and any extensions thereof, a digital or non-quantitative skeleton is fleshed out by a quantitative component. The pertinent mathematical equations are developed and presented and illustrated by means of examples. 展开更多
关键词 Binary Structure BOOLEAN ALGEBRA BOOLEAN Operators Boole’s ALGEBRA Brain Science Cognition COGNITIVE Science Digital mathematics Electrical Engineering Linguistics Logic Non-Quantitative and QUANTITATIVE mathematics Monty HALL Problem Neuroscience Probability Theory Rational thought and Language
The Mathematical and Physical Theory of Rational Human Intelligence: Complete Empirical-Digital Properties;Full Electrochemical-Mechanical Model (Part I: Mathematical Foundations)
作者 Leo Depuydt 《Advances in Pure Mathematics》 2013年第5期491-561,共71页
The design of this paper is to present the first installment of a complete and final theory of rational human intelligence. The theory is mathematical in the strictest possible sense. The mathematics involved is stric... The design of this paper is to present the first installment of a complete and final theory of rational human intelligence. The theory is mathematical in the strictest possible sense. The mathematics involved is strictly digital—not quantitative in the manner that what is usually thought of as mathematics is quantitative. It is anticipated at this time that the exclusively digital nature of rational human intelligence exhibits four flavors of digitality, apparently no more, and that each flavor will require a lengthy study in its own right. (For more information,please refer to the PDF.) 展开更多
关键词 Artificial INTELLIGENCE Boolean ALGEBRA Boole’s ALGEBRA Black Box Theories Brain Science Cognition Cognitive Science Digital mathematics Electricity and Magnetism J.-L. Lagrange and Partial Differential Equations J. C. Maxwell’s Theory of Electromagnetism Neuroscience Non-Quantitative and Quantitative mathematics Physics RATIONAL Human INTELLIGENCE COMPLETE Theory of RATIONAL thought and Language
应用型人才培养教育思想的源流与嬗变 被引量:1
作者 方纯洁 许苗苗 《湖北科技学院学报》 2023年第4期124-129,共6页
应用型人才作为高校一种独立的培养类型,其人才培养的教育思想伴随着高等教育的产生与发展,经历了长期的演变过程。本文在明确应用型人才内涵与外延的基础上,通过对中外应用型人才培养教育思想的系统梳理,认为现代高校应用型人才培养教... 应用型人才作为高校一种独立的培养类型,其人才培养的教育思想伴随着高等教育的产生与发展,经历了长期的演变过程。本文在明确应用型人才内涵与外延的基础上,通过对中外应用型人才培养教育思想的系统梳理,认为现代高校应用型人才培养教育思想发源于英国绅士教育思想,在唯实主义、劳作教育、实用主义以及马克思综合技术教育思想的影响下得以形成和演进,在当今阶段高校应用型人才培养的实践中得以进一步丰富和发展。 展开更多
关键词 应用型 人才培养 教育思想
作者 王耀革 郭从洲 孙铭娟 《高等数学研究》 2023年第4期64-65,110,共3页
关键词 数列极限的定义 数学思想和方法 定量化思想
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