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A Discussion on the Policy of R&D Stock for China’s Energy Technology
作者 Tao Ye Su Shiwei Qi Zhongying 《Petroleum Science》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第4期70-73,共4页
The constraints of energy supply have been a long-term threat to the sustainable development of China. Technological progress and innovation are essential to helping solve this problem. Research and development (R&D... The constraints of energy supply have been a long-term threat to the sustainable development of China. Technological progress and innovation are essential to helping solve this problem. Research and development (R&D) stock plays a key role in technological progress and innovation. Through comparisons with some other countries, it is found that China has fallen behind in the R&D stock for energy technology. The R&D stock can be improved by two means: one is putting capital and human resources in those strategically key fields; the other is taking advantage of the R&D resources from abroad. The strategically key fields include energy saving techniques, energy materials, the manufacture of key equipment and new energy resources. 展开更多
关键词 ENErGY technological progress and innovation rd stock
Perspective in development of environmental technology in China
作者 Lu Yong\|long, Wang Gui\|lian, Shi Ya\|juan Sino\|Canadian High\|Tech Center of Resources and Environment, Research Center for Eco\|Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, P.O. Box 2871, Beijing 100085, China 《Journal of Environmental Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 1999年第3期303-308,共6页
Environmental technology (ET) refers to the processes and techniques for environmental prevention, reduction, recycling, reuse and rehabilitation. Since 1978, China has launched a series of R&D programs in promoti... Environmental technology (ET) refers to the processes and techniques for environmental prevention, reduction, recycling, reuse and rehabilitation. Since 1978, China has launched a series of R&D programs in promoting environmental science and technology development. Uneven spatial distribution and sectoral structure give us a profile of the present status of ET in China. Both opportunities and constraints are analyzed for the development of ET, and strategies for its future development are presented in this paper. 展开更多
关键词 environmental technology r&d technology development China.
Framework to Design Type-based Transfer Processes Between Technology and Product Development
作者 Guenther Schuh Katharina Apfel 《Management Studies》 2014年第6期357-372,共16页
To stay globally competitive, manufacturing companies are increasingly under pressure to bring new products and applications to market, improve existing products, and discover new technologies to produce them at a low... To stay globally competitive, manufacturing companies are increasingly under pressure to bring new products and applications to market, improve existing products, and discover new technologies to produce them at a lower price. New technological findings can enable companies to overcome these challenges. In practice, technology development associated with a long time horizon is often given a lower priority compared with short-term focused product development thus being stronger restricted by everyday business. More and more companies separate their technology development department from product development to promote technological innovations. Due to this additional interface in the R&D organization new problems arise, resulting in technologies not being implemented in products. The reasons for these problems amongst others concern wrong timing for the transfer or inadequate definition of responsibilities. In this paper of ongoing research, authors introduce a framework to design the transfer processes between technology development and product development. Although there are a number of options for designing the operative transfer, there is no regulatory framework specifying which configuration options are at this particular interface. The approach is to develop a model, which is able to design different company-specific transfer processes taking into account the object being transferred at this interface. Thus, for different objects to be transferred, different transfer processes are designed. The model's aim is to enable responsibility of the R&D management to design their company-specific transfer processes to enable more technologies being implemented into products, thus giving the whole company the possibility to act more innovatively. 展开更多
关键词 technology development product development interface management rd management
R & D Strategy of High Technology Industry
作者 Lu Jia\|hua 1,2 , Wang Yan 3 1. Wuhan University Journals Press,Wuhan 430072, Hubei, China 2. School of Computer,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072,Hubei,China 3. School of Mathematics and Statistics, Wuhan University , Wuhan 430072, Hubei, China 《Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences》 CAS 2003年第03A期775-778,共4页
In a symmetrical static game model, this paper is mainly concerned with the research and development (R&D) strategy of the High Technology (HT) industry and the society's optimal R&D level given the inves... In a symmetrical static game model, this paper is mainly concerned with the research and development (R&D) strategy of the High Technology (HT) industry and the society's optimal R&D level given the investment revenue. We obtain different investment decision with different amount of firms engaging in the R&D and each firm's expected profit respectively. When the risk (the probability each firm succeed) is not random, it's socially desirable to have more firm engaging in R&D if and only if the relationship among the invest cost, the probability and the prize satisfies some condition, that is, Eπ s(n)≥Eπ s(n-1)I≤α(1-α) n-1 V . When the R&D cost I is certain, more prizes or higher probability will make more firms engage in the R&D and higher prize makes it's socially desirable to have more firm invest in R&D. 展开更多
关键词 high technology r&d EQUILIBrIUM social welfare expected profit
Resource Allocation of Agricultural Science and Technology R&D
作者 BAI Li,ZHANG Li-ming,LI Xian-song College of Economics and Trade,Agricultural University of Hebei,Baoding 071001,China 《Asian Agricultural Research》 2011年第3期61-64,69,共5页
The status quo of resource allocation of agricultural science and technology R&D(research and development)both at home and abroad,including the amount and function of agricultural science and technology research f... The status quo of resource allocation of agricultural science and technology R&D(research and development)both at home and abroad,including the amount and function of agricultural science and technology research funds,human resources in the resources of agricultural science and technology R&D,the efficiency of resource allocation of agricultural science and technology R&D,the management system of agricultural scientific innovation and the operation status of scientific funds,is analyzed.The problems in the current resource allocation of agricultural science and technology R&D are put forward,including unreasonable resource allocation;low efficiency,and low efficiency of the transformation of agricultural scientific achievements.The highly effective resource allocation of agricultural science and technology R&D is analyzed from the aspects of resource allocation structure,environment,channel,spatial layout and industrial chain. 展开更多
关键词 rESOUrCE of AGrICULTUrAL SCIENCE and technology r&
作者 臧传琴 《山东商业职业技术学院学报》 2024年第4期1-8,共8页
政府R&D补贴既可以通过提供公共服务的方式直接作用于技术创新,也可以通过对社会资本的引导作用间接影响技术创新,其总效应取决于两种影响的方向与大小。基于2009—2021年中国的经验数据,建立了由技术创新方程和引致方程共同组成的... 政府R&D补贴既可以通过提供公共服务的方式直接作用于技术创新,也可以通过对社会资本的引导作用间接影响技术创新,其总效应取决于两种影响的方向与大小。基于2009—2021年中国的经验数据,建立了由技术创新方程和引致方程共同组成的动态模型,对政府R&D补贴的技术创新效应进行了实证分析。结果发现:持续增加的政府R&D补贴带来了国内专利授权数量的稳定增加,技术创新效应较为显著;政府R&D补贴不仅对技术创新产生了积极的直接影响,也通过引导社会资本投资于研发领域而对技术创新产生了积极的间接影响;政府R&D补贴的技术创新效应存在区域差异,中东部地区为正,而西部地区为负。提高资金使用效率、积极引导社会资本投资技术研发、努力改善欠发达地区的研发环境,无疑是提高政府R&D补贴技术创新效应的必要选择。 展开更多
关键词 r&d补贴 技术创新 直接效应 间接效应
Economic Implications of CO2 Emission Reduction in Japan Applying a Dynamic CGE Model with Endogenous Technological Change: Use of Emission Permit Revenue 被引量:1
作者 Ken'ichi Matsumoto 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2012年第8期945-956,共12页
This study analyzes the economic and environmental impacts of a climate change measure in Japan using a single-country dynamic computable general equilibrium model with technological change as an endogenous variable. ... This study analyzes the economic and environmental impacts of a climate change measure in Japan using a single-country dynamic computable general equilibrium model with technological change as an endogenous variable. In this way, a comprehensive analysis of the relationships between climate change and its measures, technology, and economy has been done. The model uses technological change as the accumulation of knowledge capital that is derived from research and development investment. The study investigates the impacts of a climate change measure considering the use of emission permit revenue and technological change induced by the policy implementation in the Japanese economy. Simulation results show that there is compatibility between CO2 emission reduction and positive effects on GDP that depends on the ways of the revenue use and technological change induced by emission reduction. However, it is not possible to find the ways to realize positive effects on both GDP and welfare simultaneously in the study. The sensitivity analysis for the elasticity of substitution between knowledge capital and other inputs also confirms the obtained results. 展开更多
关键词 dynamic CGE model endogenous technological change rd investment climate change policy revenue recycling.
作者 魏杰 《城市学刊》 2024年第4期49-55,共7页
如何促进城市经济高质量发展是目前社会各界关注的重要议题,R&D投入和科技创新一直是经济发展需要考虑的两个重要影响因素。利用2017—2019年280个地级及以上城市的相关数据,实证分析R&D投入对经济发展质量的影响。研究发现,R&a... 如何促进城市经济高质量发展是目前社会各界关注的重要议题,R&D投入和科技创新一直是经济发展需要考虑的两个重要影响因素。利用2017—2019年280个地级及以上城市的相关数据,实证分析R&D投入对经济发展质量的影响。研究发现,R&D投入和经济发展质量之间存在倒“U”型关系,即一定数量的R&D投入可以促进经济发展质量的提升;但R&D投入超过一定阈值后,更多数量的R&D投入则会给经济发展质量带来负面影响;科技创新是R&D投入影响经济发展质量的一个重要传导渠道;在大中城市中,科技创新在R&D投入和经济发展质量之间的中介作用会更加明显;在小城市中,R&D投入和经济发展质量之间的倒“U”型关系更加显著。因此,通过加大R&D投入来提升科技创新水平进而提升经济发展质量是一条切实可行的路径,但R&D投入并不是越多越好,而是只有将R&D投入有效地转化为科技创新产出,才能更好地实现经济高质量发展。 展开更多
关键词 r&d投入 科技创新 经济发展质量 地级城市
作者 梅丁丁 王金凤 +1 位作者 童金杰 卢婷 《科技广场》 2024年第2期68-74,共7页
本文分析近年来江西省R&D经费投入的特征及问题,研究表明:江西省R&D经费投入总量和强度均保持较快增长,但还存在投入总量规模不大、结构不优、财政资金投入相对较少等问题,并从强化企业创新主体地位、加大财政资金支持力度、提... 本文分析近年来江西省R&D经费投入的特征及问题,研究表明:江西省R&D经费投入总量和强度均保持较快增长,但还存在投入总量规模不大、结构不优、财政资金投入相对较少等问题,并从强化企业创新主体地位、加大财政资金支持力度、提升科技金融支持研发创新以及提升科技统计质量等方面提出了对策建议,为江西省提升全社会研发投入水平,加快创新型省份建设提供了决策参考。 展开更多
关键词 科技统计 r&d投入 创新型省份
Climate technology promotion in the Republic of Korea
作者 JUNG Tae Yong 《Advances in Climate Change Research》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第3期229-233,共5页
The implementation of climate technologies and their commercialization ultimately depends on the success of their research and development(R&D) projects. In the Republic of Korea(ROK), twenty-seven climate technol... The implementation of climate technologies and their commercialization ultimately depends on the success of their research and development(R&D) projects. In the Republic of Korea(ROK), twenty-seven climate technologies were selected to boost the greening of existing industries and to develop new green industries to promote a sustainable climate technology development strategy. Rechargeable battery technology, carbon capture and storage(CCS) technology, smart grids, and sewage treatment are all research areas expected to have tangible outcomes in the forthcoming years. As such, they were included in a comprehensive R&D plan for climate technology advancement, which places an emphasis on climate technology development and commercialization strategy. In this study, the R&D plan of the ROK is reviewed by examining its six core climate technology programs: solar cells, fuel cells, bioenergy, rechargeable battery technology, information technology(IT) applications for the power sector, and CCS technology in detail. The climate policy in the ROK aims to find new economic growth engines and to develop new business opportunities while actively participating in international efforts to combat climate change. 展开更多
关键词 rd plan and strategy Climate technology The republic of Korea
Technological Gap, Innovation Environment and Enterprises' Independent R&D Intensity
作者 傅晓霞 吴利学 《China Economist》 2013年第2期56-69,共14页
By introducing a knowledge production function which combines both foreign technology imports and domestic research and development (R&D) expenditure into an endogenous technological progress model, this paper exam... By introducing a knowledge production function which combines both foreign technology imports and domestic research and development (R&D) expenditure into an endogenous technological progress model, this paper examines the mechanism that determines enterprises' R&D intensity in developing countries, and explores how factors such as technological gap, technology absorptive capacity, innovation environment and innovation ability would impact Chinese enterprises'decision made on R&D intensity. Our results suggest that technological gap has no significant single impact on enterprises'R&D intensity, but rather influences enterprises'decision on R&D jointly with other factors such as degree of openness and human capital. A relative fall in efficiency of technology imitation recently has a negative effect on total R&D intensity but helps to promote enterprises' independent R&D. In addition, among factors related to R&D innovation environment, industrial R&D intensity has a significantly positive impact on enterprises' independent R&D intensity, while regional economies of scale, proportion of large enterprises and proportion of government R&D investment have some certain negative impacts. 展开更多
关键词 independent rd intensity technological gap rd environment innovation ability
Technology-Transfer Through International Network Formation: Revisiting the Role of Cultural Variation
作者 Ki Hyun Yoo Young Soo Yang 《Management Studies》 2015年第2期98-109,共12页
This paper studies the factors affecting the technology-transfer within international research and development (R&D) networks. Specifically, this study examines the characteristics of ties, actors, and internationa... This paper studies the factors affecting the technology-transfer within international research and development (R&D) networks. Specifically, this study examines the characteristics of ties, actors, and international network configuration to assess finn's accessibility to unique technologies. This study was conducted by research analysis in the aerospace industry. The total sample size used in this study is 125 cases of international R&D consortiums from January 1980 to December 2000. The result of this study supports the effects of "strength of tie" and "characteristic of actors" on the technology transfer explained by network theory. It also demonstrates that the international network structure that would facilitate the technology transfer is shaped by dual type of tie; the apparent type of tie is general, usual, and functional tie, and the hidden one is the national culture. 展开更多
关键词 the aerospace industry international research and development rd network strength of ties national culture technology transfer
全要素生产率、技术引进与R&D投入 被引量:33
作者 金雪军 欧朝敏 李杨 《科学学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第5期702-705,共4页
在现有文献的基础上,借助CES生产函数,依据中国改革开放以来的具体数据,运用非线性最小二乘法进行实证分析,得出以下结论:技术引进和R&D投入虽然大大增加了我国技术知识存量,但并没有有效地转化为全要素生产率的提高。技术引进和R&a... 在现有文献的基础上,借助CES生产函数,依据中国改革开放以来的具体数据,运用非线性最小二乘法进行实证分析,得出以下结论:技术引进和R&D投入虽然大大增加了我国技术知识存量,但并没有有效地转化为全要素生产率的提高。技术引进和R&D投入之间的比例不合理,表现出重引进,轻研发。我国急需要加大R&D投入,以增强经济发展的后劲。 展开更多
关键词 全要素生产率 r&d投入 技术引进 非线性最小二乘法
政府科技资助对我国大中型工业企业R&D产出的影响——基于省际面板数据的研究 被引量:16
作者 程华 赵祥 +1 位作者 杨华 肖小波 《科学学与科学技术管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第2期24-27,共4页
基于文献研究,构建了一个企业R&D投入产出的计量模型,并利用中国1999-2005年间29个省市(不包括海南、西藏)大中型工业企业的面板数据,对政府科技资助、企业R&D支出、金融机构贷款等对企业R&D产出的影响进行了实证分析。结... 基于文献研究,构建了一个企业R&D投入产出的计量模型,并利用中国1999-2005年间29个省市(不包括海南、西藏)大中型工业企业的面板数据,对政府科技资助、企业R&D支出、金融机构贷款等对企业R&D产出的影响进行了实证分析。结果表明:从全国总体来看,政府科技资助和企业R&D产出之间没有固定的线性回归关系;进一步对东、中、西部三大经济区域分别研究,发现在中部地区,政府科技资助促进企业R&D产出;在东部和西部地区,政府科技资助对企业R&D产出作用不显著;在东、中和西部的大多省份,企业自身R&D支出明显促进了R&D产出;在东、中、西部,金融机构的贷款对企业R&D产出的影响不显著。 展开更多
关键词 政府科技资助 企业自身r&d 金融机构贷款 企业r&d产出 面板数据
企业规模、经理自主权与R&D投入关系研究——来自中国上市公司的经验证据 被引量:50
作者 张长征 李怀祖 赵西萍 《科学学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第3期432-438,共7页
经理自主权是经理的自主行为空间,它反映经理与董事会权力关系的制度安排。理论分析与上市公司实证数据表明:以职位权、薪酬权与经营权测度的经理自主权随着企业规模增大而降低,呈现凹函数形态。理论分析表明,企业规模是影响R&D投... 经理自主权是经理的自主行为空间,它反映经理与董事会权力关系的制度安排。理论分析与上市公司实证数据表明:以职位权、薪酬权与经营权测度的经理自主权随着企业规模增大而降低,呈现凹函数形态。理论分析表明,企业规模是影响R&D投入强度的外生变量,其机理在于改变经理自主权的安排,从而对R&D投入强度产生正向影响,但实证数据表明,经理自主权作为中间变量,仅对企业规模与R&D经费投入强度的关系有显著影响,而对企业规模与R&D人员投入强度关系的影响不显著。 展开更多
关键词 经理自主权 r&d投入 企业规模 技术创新
政府R&D补贴、企业研发实力及其行为效果研究 被引量:18
作者 邹彩芬 刘双 +1 位作者 王丽 谢琼 《工业技术经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第10期117-125,共9页
本文基于政府补贴带来企业的额外行为效应理论,以医药上市公司为样本,研究政府补贴是否促进了企业R&D投入的增加,企业技术实力是否具有调节效应;以及政府补贴是否具有信号传递效应,能否显著提高企业债务融资水平。研究结果表明,政... 本文基于政府补贴带来企业的额外行为效应理论,以医药上市公司为样本,研究政府补贴是否促进了企业R&D投入的增加,企业技术实力是否具有调节效应;以及政府补贴是否具有信号传递效应,能否显著提高企业债务融资水平。研究结果表明,政府补贴与R&D投入显著正相关;企业技术资产与R&D投入正相关,研发人员与R&D投入强度负相关,两者均不显著;研发人员正向调节了政府补贴与R&D投入之间的关系。政府补贴发挥了积极的信号传递效应,与企业债务融资能力显著正相关。 展开更多
关键词 政府补贴 rd投入 技术实力 外部融资
基于NASH谈判模型的上下游企业R&D合作与协调机制研究 被引量:9
作者 李卫红 陈圻 王强 《管理工程学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第2期65-71,共7页
已有研究往往孤立地分析企业横向或纵向R&D合作问题,而现实中,企业有可能同时采用两种合作形式进行技术创新。针对这一现象,建立了上下游企业同时进行横向与纵向R&D合作的博弈模型,并与下游企业只选择横向R&D合作的情形进... 已有研究往往孤立地分析企业横向或纵向R&D合作问题,而现实中,企业有可能同时采用两种合作形式进行技术创新。针对这一现象,建立了上下游企业同时进行横向与纵向R&D合作的博弈模型,并与下游企业只选择横向R&D合作的情形进行了比较。研究发现:(1)与下游企业只进行横向R&D合作的情形相比,同时进行横向与纵向R&D合作将带来更高的均衡产量、R&D投入水平和行业利润;(2)当R&D成本分担比例较低(较高)时,上游企业具有(缺乏)R&D合作动机,该结果与技术溢出水平高低无关;(3)当上游企业R&D成本分担比例较高或技术溢出水平较低时,下游企业必然同时选择与上游企业R&D合作。为保持合作的稳定性,通过构建基于满意度的NASH谈判模型,设计了上下游企业R&D合作的利益协调机制。算例表明,该协调机制能避免传统R&D成本分担法引起的合作冲突。 展开更多
关键词 研究与发展 技术溢出 横向r&d合作 纵向r&d合作 NASH谈判模型
国内外R&D溢出与技术创新:对人力资本门槛的检验 被引量:34
作者 杨俊 胡玮 张宗益 《中国软科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第4期31-41,共11页
本文借鉴Hansen(1999)对非动态面板数据门槛效应的处理方法,以不同层次人力资本为门槛,分别研究了国外和国内邻近R&D溢出对本地技术创新的影响。实证结果显示外资和国内地区间购买技术的R&D溢出对本地技术创新的作用均存在不同... 本文借鉴Hansen(1999)对非动态面板数据门槛效应的处理方法,以不同层次人力资本为门槛,分别研究了国外和国内邻近R&D溢出对本地技术创新的影响。实证结果显示外资和国内地区间购买技术的R&D溢出对本地技术创新的作用均存在不同人力资本门槛。在跨越门槛之后,高层次人力资本更适合吸收国外R&D溢出技术。而同时我国大多数省份尚未跨越有效吸收国外R&D溢出的高层次人力资本门槛,区域人力资本的配置以及人力资本结构的优化与升级问题急待解决。 展开更多
关键词 r&d溢出 技术创新 人力资本 门槛效应
我国R&D投入比例偏低的成因探析 被引量:16
作者 李正卫 吴晓波 《科学学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第4期387-392,共6页
本文针对我国R&D投入 /GDP的现状 ,对有关R&D投入方面的主要理论作出述评 ,基于相关理论和作者的研究 ,建立了一个R&D投入、知识与产出之间关系的模型 (RKY模型 ) ,并利用此模型对我国的R&D投入 /GDP比例偏低的原因作... 本文针对我国R&D投入 /GDP的现状 ,对有关R&D投入方面的主要理论作出述评 ,基于相关理论和作者的研究 ,建立了一个R&D投入、知识与产出之间关系的模型 (RKY模型 ) ,并利用此模型对我国的R&D投入 /GDP比例偏低的原因作出说明。本文的主要结论有 :我国R&D投入现状说明我国经济形态尚未进入知识经济时代 ,工业化仍然是我国经济工作的重心 ,此外的原因还有较低的“R&D学习”效率和知识的贡献弹性系数、长期采用的技术引进战略及相应技术创新活动集中于“U -A模型”的过渡性和明确性阶段。本文所提出的RKY模型亦解释了“U -A模型”中明确性阶段产品创新和过程创新活动均减少这一现象。 展开更多
关键词 r&d 投入比例 成因 中国 研究与开发 技术引进
R&D投资经济效果的实证研究 被引量:52
作者 蔡虹 高杰 许晓雯 《科学学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第1期53-58,共6页
本文首先根据内生技术进步模型所认定的由于加入资本和劳动以外的第三种生产要素,使得规模报酬递增的规律,在度量研究开发投资的边际收益率和经济效果时,没有进行规模报酬不变的假设,这点使得该模型更符合现实的经济情况。其次在对技术... 本文首先根据内生技术进步模型所认定的由于加入资本和劳动以外的第三种生产要素,使得规模报酬递增的规律,在度量研究开发投资的边际收益率和经济效果时,没有进行规模报酬不变的假设,这点使得该模型更符合现实的经济情况。其次在对技术知识存量的陈腐化率和R&D时间滞后的研究基础上,对陕西省和上海市的R&D投资经济效果进行了实证研究,并提出了提高陕西省R&D投资经济效果和加快技术进步的政策建议。 展开更多
关键词 经济效果 技术知识存量 r&d时间滞后 陈腐化 生产函数
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