This study aims to find out the effect of the model of ODL (Open and Distance Learning) for teaching Indonesian for foreign and whether this model of ODL implements socio-cultural and psychological approaches. The s...This study aims to find out the effect of the model of ODL (Open and Distance Learning) for teaching Indonesian for foreign and whether this model of ODL implements socio-cultural and psychological approaches. The students' learning of Indonesian for foreign is in so many aspects that it must be considered from both psychological aspects of students' language and cultural aspects. The research was carried out on foreign students' studying Indonesian language. The research method used action research. ODL model developed this concerning how the students are anxious in foreign language learning and language use in accordance with Indonesian culture. The model of ODL for teaching foreign Indonesian uses the Internet facilities such as email, Skype, VolP, Google Talk, circulating document with comments, chat, forum, CD, audio-video, stream media player, and e-learning system. Based on the results of this study which is that students study the model ODL for teaching Indonesian through socio-cultural approach and psychological aspects and students of Indonesian for foreign improve their ability to use the Indonesian language, students are able to converse fluently in Indonesian in accordance with Indonesian culture展开更多
with the introduction of the different operating management between distance and correspondence course in Kurukshetra University, Devi Ahilya University and Kota University in India, the author show us that this paper...with the introduction of the different operating management between distance and correspondence course in Kurukshetra University, Devi Ahilya University and Kota University in India, the author show us that this paper will enhance our knowledge about Indian adult education in which we can use for reference.展开更多
This article was based on a Distance Education project in the Pedagogy course which, for a semester, through active methodology, reviewed the contents of the course to increase the knowledge of these students as well ...This article was based on a Distance Education project in the Pedagogy course which, for a semester, through active methodology, reviewed the contents of the course to increase the knowledge of these students as well as to carry out a pilot test of Hybrid Teaching. The research aimed to contribute to studies on the use of WhatsApp as a tool that favors the integration and motivation of students in Online and Hybrid Teaching. The project included classes before the classroom lessons, physical and online presence of tutors and teachers, communication via WhatsApp, e-mail, Facebook and the online course platform to review and raise the course fee, raising doubts and encouraging the participation and integration of each student. The object of the study was the use of WhatsApp throughout the course, due to the adhesion of students and teachers using it as a tool for integration and motivation for the graduates of the 17 poles participating in the project. It is a descriptive research with a quantitative approach and characterized by a survey. 104 students participated in the survey, which guarantees a confidence level of 93%. A questionnaire was elaborated and requested, via Google Forms, to understand aspects of integration and motivation, containing 10 questions using the five-level Likert scale. It was possible to verify that the tool presented a 77% satisfaction index with the use of WhatsApp considering its positive influence in the best use of the studies while 90% considered WhatsApp important in the integration of students with students, and teachers with students. Also corroborated that the student interacts better with the studies when there is an interpersonal relation present, in this case, through the classes of study and face-to-face held weekly and the immediate communication provided by WhatsApp group chats. Finally, there was a strong correlation (r = 0.8) between the intensity of satisfaction with the use of WhatsApp in this project and the satisfaction with the continuity of the use of WhatsApp in other courses.展开更多
There are some existing problems that TVU have on learning support service system. By analyzing the status quo of TVU learning support system, we raise problems such as current quality of personnel, teaching resources...There are some existing problems that TVU have on learning support service system. By analyzing the status quo of TVU learning support system, we raise problems such as current quality of personnel, teaching resources, part-time teacher management, teaching facilities, campus culture and other issues.展开更多
This journal article delves into the future of distance learning in Cambodia and the potential for collaboration with the Mekong-Lancang Open Education initiative. It explores how distance learning can successfully ad...This journal article delves into the future of distance learning in Cambodia and the potential for collaboration with the Mekong-Lancang Open Education initiative. It explores how distance learning can successfully address the current issues the Cambodian educational system is currently facing. The article discusses the goals and opportunities for collaboration that the Mekong-Lancang Open Education initiative presents, as well as the difficulties and potential solutions involved in implementing distance learning in Cambodia. Moreover,the article also offers insightful case studies and best practices from other countries, offering valuable insights and lessons for Cambodia. Lastly, the article concludes with policy recommendations for the future of distance learning in Cambodia. Future research and studies should concentrate on continually evaluating and improving the Mekong-Lancang Open Education Initiative to ensure that it effectively meets the educational needs of students and educators.展开更多
居高不下的辍学率一直是困扰世界各国远程开放教育的痼疾。远程开放教育中的学习者为什么会更容易辍学?辍学的原因究竟有哪些?辍学者在学习过程中哪个阶段最容易倦怠,以至于失去继续学习的动力?在竞争日趋激烈的高等教育市场,远程开放...居高不下的辍学率一直是困扰世界各国远程开放教育的痼疾。远程开放教育中的学习者为什么会更容易辍学?辍学的原因究竟有哪些?辍学者在学习过程中哪个阶段最容易倦怠,以至于失去继续学习的动力?在竞争日趋激烈的高等教育市场,远程开放教育院校有没有一些有效的措施来防止学习者辍学,或者在学习者发生辍学后,有没有一些办法能够吸引他们重新回到学习的轨道上来?对这些问题的回答不但关乎个别远程开放教育院校的效益和发展,更关乎开放大学教育公平和扩大参与的理念与实践。鉴于此,在2009年中央广播电视大学国家自然科学基金面上项目"远程开放教育辍学研究"正式获批后,全国电大系统相应成立了多个子课题组,以团队形式对远程教育辍学问题展开大规模研究。历经三年的深入研究和实践,研究团队对电大系统众多辍学者及相关人员进行了问卷调查与访谈,并开展了数据挖掘、质性分析等大量细致的研究工作,先后有一批研究成果问世。无论是撰写项目申报书时的文献研究,还是实施行动研究参考国外文献时,一个名字不断映入我们的视野,那就是英国开放大学的奥蒙德·辛普森(Ormond Simpson)教授。奥蒙德·辛普森教授是国际远程教育领域知名专家,从事远程开放教育理论研究与实践已近40年,尤其在英国开放大学做了大量的学生支持和制度研究工作。他曾任英国开放大学教学指导与学生支持服务中心主任,并在该校教育技术研究所工作多年。此外,他还曾在新西兰的麦西大学(Massey Universi-ty)、新西兰开放技术学院(Open Polytechnic of New Zealand)担任客座访问学者,并曾在中国、美国、巴西、加拿大、哥伦比亚、韩国、南非等众多国家和地区主持过学生支持服务方面的工作坊和研讨会。目前,他作为伦敦大学国际项目访问学者和英国开放大学资深顾问,仍在对远程开放教育领域的支持服务和学生辍学问题进行深入研究。辛普森教授的研究兴趣主要集中在学生支持和保持(student support&retention)、学生保持的成本-效益分析(cost-benefits of student retention)、远程教育中的伦理问题(ethical issues in distance education)、学习动机(learning motivation)、数字化学习和教师发展(e-learning and staff development)。他有两本专著《对远程学习者的支持服务》(Supporting Students in Online Open and Distance Learning)和《网络远程开放教育中的学生保持》(Student Retention in Online Open and Distance Learning),其中第一本专著于2004年在国内翻译出版,在业内影响较大。另外,他还参编过十本学术著作并发表了三十多篇学术论文。其大部分学术研究成果,可在其个人网站(上浏览和免费下载。2012年2月,北京广播电视大学赴英国开放大学学习考察团一行15人在英国开放大学进行了三周的学习考察。尽管考察计划中并没有安排辍学问题研究的内容,但是由于笔者对辛普森教授在辍学研究上远见卓识的敬仰,提出希望英方在可能的情况下能够安排笔者与辛普森教授的晤面。英方很痛快地答应了下来,但笔者当时并未抱太大幻想,因为辛普森教授虽已从英国开放大学退休,但依然非常忙碌,经常在世界各地远程开放教育会议上做报告,主持各种讲座并将大量时间和精力花在研究上。然而,让笔者喜出望外的是,英方不但通过电子邮件联系到了辛普森教授,他还答应为整个考察团做一场关于远程开放教育学生保持的专题报告。报告会安排在了考察学习的最后一天,辛普森教授用幽默的语言、翔实的数据、周密的分析把我们引领到了国外尤其是英国开放大学对辍学问题的关注和对学生保持的项目研究中。报告会后,笔者对辛普森教授又进行了单独采访,不但向他介绍了中国学者在远程开放教育辍学研究方面的进展,而且就中国学者在研究过程中遇到的一些问题与他进行交流。从英国开放大学归来后,笔者就远程开放教育辍学问题和辛普森教授通过电子邮件进行了多次沟通。本篇访谈主要从目前国外远程开放教育辍学研究的现状和趋势、辍学原因、辍学时间及规律、降低辍学率和提高保持率的措施等方面出发,诊断远程开放教育高辍学率的病因,并采取有效措施对症下药,最大限度地降低辍学率,造就更多成功的远程开放教育学习者,以期为中国开放大学的建设提供借鉴。展开更多
文摘This study aims to find out the effect of the model of ODL (Open and Distance Learning) for teaching Indonesian for foreign and whether this model of ODL implements socio-cultural and psychological approaches. The students' learning of Indonesian for foreign is in so many aspects that it must be considered from both psychological aspects of students' language and cultural aspects. The research was carried out on foreign students' studying Indonesian language. The research method used action research. ODL model developed this concerning how the students are anxious in foreign language learning and language use in accordance with Indonesian culture. The model of ODL for teaching foreign Indonesian uses the Internet facilities such as email, Skype, VolP, Google Talk, circulating document with comments, chat, forum, CD, audio-video, stream media player, and e-learning system. Based on the results of this study which is that students study the model ODL for teaching Indonesian through socio-cultural approach and psychological aspects and students of Indonesian for foreign improve their ability to use the Indonesian language, students are able to converse fluently in Indonesian in accordance with Indonesian culture
文摘with the introduction of the different operating management between distance and correspondence course in Kurukshetra University, Devi Ahilya University and Kota University in India, the author show us that this paper will enhance our knowledge about Indian adult education in which we can use for reference.
文摘This article was based on a Distance Education project in the Pedagogy course which, for a semester, through active methodology, reviewed the contents of the course to increase the knowledge of these students as well as to carry out a pilot test of Hybrid Teaching. The research aimed to contribute to studies on the use of WhatsApp as a tool that favors the integration and motivation of students in Online and Hybrid Teaching. The project included classes before the classroom lessons, physical and online presence of tutors and teachers, communication via WhatsApp, e-mail, Facebook and the online course platform to review and raise the course fee, raising doubts and encouraging the participation and integration of each student. The object of the study was the use of WhatsApp throughout the course, due to the adhesion of students and teachers using it as a tool for integration and motivation for the graduates of the 17 poles participating in the project. It is a descriptive research with a quantitative approach and characterized by a survey. 104 students participated in the survey, which guarantees a confidence level of 93%. A questionnaire was elaborated and requested, via Google Forms, to understand aspects of integration and motivation, containing 10 questions using the five-level Likert scale. It was possible to verify that the tool presented a 77% satisfaction index with the use of WhatsApp considering its positive influence in the best use of the studies while 90% considered WhatsApp important in the integration of students with students, and teachers with students. Also corroborated that the student interacts better with the studies when there is an interpersonal relation present, in this case, through the classes of study and face-to-face held weekly and the immediate communication provided by WhatsApp group chats. Finally, there was a strong correlation (r = 0.8) between the intensity of satisfaction with the use of WhatsApp in this project and the satisfaction with the continuity of the use of WhatsApp in other courses.
文摘There are some existing problems that TVU have on learning support service system. By analyzing the status quo of TVU learning support system, we raise problems such as current quality of personnel, teaching resources, part-time teacher management, teaching facilities, campus culture and other issues.
文摘This journal article delves into the future of distance learning in Cambodia and the potential for collaboration with the Mekong-Lancang Open Education initiative. It explores how distance learning can successfully address the current issues the Cambodian educational system is currently facing. The article discusses the goals and opportunities for collaboration that the Mekong-Lancang Open Education initiative presents, as well as the difficulties and potential solutions involved in implementing distance learning in Cambodia. Moreover,the article also offers insightful case studies and best practices from other countries, offering valuable insights and lessons for Cambodia. Lastly, the article concludes with policy recommendations for the future of distance learning in Cambodia. Future research and studies should concentrate on continually evaluating and improving the Mekong-Lancang Open Education Initiative to ensure that it effectively meets the educational needs of students and educators.
文摘居高不下的辍学率一直是困扰世界各国远程开放教育的痼疾。远程开放教育中的学习者为什么会更容易辍学?辍学的原因究竟有哪些?辍学者在学习过程中哪个阶段最容易倦怠,以至于失去继续学习的动力?在竞争日趋激烈的高等教育市场,远程开放教育院校有没有一些有效的措施来防止学习者辍学,或者在学习者发生辍学后,有没有一些办法能够吸引他们重新回到学习的轨道上来?对这些问题的回答不但关乎个别远程开放教育院校的效益和发展,更关乎开放大学教育公平和扩大参与的理念与实践。鉴于此,在2009年中央广播电视大学国家自然科学基金面上项目"远程开放教育辍学研究"正式获批后,全国电大系统相应成立了多个子课题组,以团队形式对远程教育辍学问题展开大规模研究。历经三年的深入研究和实践,研究团队对电大系统众多辍学者及相关人员进行了问卷调查与访谈,并开展了数据挖掘、质性分析等大量细致的研究工作,先后有一批研究成果问世。无论是撰写项目申报书时的文献研究,还是实施行动研究参考国外文献时,一个名字不断映入我们的视野,那就是英国开放大学的奥蒙德·辛普森(Ormond Simpson)教授。奥蒙德·辛普森教授是国际远程教育领域知名专家,从事远程开放教育理论研究与实践已近40年,尤其在英国开放大学做了大量的学生支持和制度研究工作。他曾任英国开放大学教学指导与学生支持服务中心主任,并在该校教育技术研究所工作多年。此外,他还曾在新西兰的麦西大学(Massey Universi-ty)、新西兰开放技术学院(Open Polytechnic of New Zealand)担任客座访问学者,并曾在中国、美国、巴西、加拿大、哥伦比亚、韩国、南非等众多国家和地区主持过学生支持服务方面的工作坊和研讨会。目前,他作为伦敦大学国际项目访问学者和英国开放大学资深顾问,仍在对远程开放教育领域的支持服务和学生辍学问题进行深入研究。辛普森教授的研究兴趣主要集中在学生支持和保持(student support&retention)、学生保持的成本-效益分析(cost-benefits of student retention)、远程教育中的伦理问题(ethical issues in distance education)、学习动机(learning motivation)、数字化学习和教师发展(e-learning and staff development)。他有两本专著《对远程学习者的支持服务》(Supporting Students in Online Open and Distance Learning)和《网络远程开放教育中的学生保持》(Student Retention in Online Open and Distance Learning),其中第一本专著于2004年在国内翻译出版,在业内影响较大。另外,他还参编过十本学术著作并发表了三十多篇学术论文。其大部分学术研究成果,可在其个人网站(上浏览和免费下载。2012年2月,北京广播电视大学赴英国开放大学学习考察团一行15人在英国开放大学进行了三周的学习考察。尽管考察计划中并没有安排辍学问题研究的内容,但是由于笔者对辛普森教授在辍学研究上远见卓识的敬仰,提出希望英方在可能的情况下能够安排笔者与辛普森教授的晤面。英方很痛快地答应了下来,但笔者当时并未抱太大幻想,因为辛普森教授虽已从英国开放大学退休,但依然非常忙碌,经常在世界各地远程开放教育会议上做报告,主持各种讲座并将大量时间和精力花在研究上。然而,让笔者喜出望外的是,英方不但通过电子邮件联系到了辛普森教授,他还答应为整个考察团做一场关于远程开放教育学生保持的专题报告。报告会安排在了考察学习的最后一天,辛普森教授用幽默的语言、翔实的数据、周密的分析把我们引领到了国外尤其是英国开放大学对辍学问题的关注和对学生保持的项目研究中。报告会后,笔者对辛普森教授又进行了单独采访,不但向他介绍了中国学者在远程开放教育辍学研究方面的进展,而且就中国学者在研究过程中遇到的一些问题与他进行交流。从英国开放大学归来后,笔者就远程开放教育辍学问题和辛普森教授通过电子邮件进行了多次沟通。本篇访谈主要从目前国外远程开放教育辍学研究的现状和趋势、辍学原因、辍学时间及规律、降低辍学率和提高保持率的措施等方面出发,诊断远程开放教育高辍学率的病因,并采取有效措施对症下药,最大限度地降低辍学率,造就更多成功的远程开放教育学习者,以期为中国开放大学的建设提供借鉴。