The short novel The Outstation written by William Somerset Maugham was created in 1931. The story revolves around theconflict between two Englishmen in a foreign country. The paper will analyze it by using Edward Said...The short novel The Outstation written by William Somerset Maugham was created in 1931. The story revolves around theconflict between two Englishmen in a foreign country. The paper will analyze it by using Edward Said's Post-colonialism theoryand reveals the underlying Oriental colonial thought.展开更多
This paper is intended to focus on the translation of fictional dialogues,and to explore the specific translation methods in the choice of emotional words to convey the speaker’s conversational implicature in the fic...This paper is intended to focus on the translation of fictional dialogues,and to explore the specific translation methods in the choice of emotional words to convey the speaker’s conversational implicature in the fiction The Outstation under the guidance of conversational implicature theory.展开更多
文摘The short novel The Outstation written by William Somerset Maugham was created in 1931. The story revolves around theconflict between two Englishmen in a foreign country. The paper will analyze it by using Edward Said's Post-colonialism theoryand reveals the underlying Oriental colonial thought.
文摘This paper is intended to focus on the translation of fictional dialogues,and to explore the specific translation methods in the choice of emotional words to convey the speaker’s conversational implicature in the fiction The Outstation under the guidance of conversational implicature theory.