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作者 韩卫萍 盖磊 《水处理技术》 CAS 北大核心 2025年第1期114-119,共6页
针对农村低C/N污水污染物和营养盐去除率差的问题,以倒置A^(2)/O耦联膜生物反应器(MBR)组合工艺为探究对象,通过控制进水污染物浓度,在中温条件下考察了有机负荷(OLR)对倒置A^(2)/O耦联MBR组合工艺处理农村低C/N污水的影响。结果表明,OL... 针对农村低C/N污水污染物和营养盐去除率差的问题,以倒置A^(2)/O耦联膜生物反应器(MBR)组合工艺为探究对象,通过控制进水污染物浓度,在中温条件下考察了有机负荷(OLR)对倒置A^(2)/O耦联MBR组合工艺处理农村低C/N污水的影响。结果表明,OLR由150 mg/L提高至450 mg/L时,总氮(TN)和溶解性磷酸盐(SOP)去除率分别由67.6%和86.6%提高至72.4%和94.3%,进一步提高OLR降低了组合工艺对污染物和营养盐的去除。此外,OLR能影响新工艺内污泥特征,提高OLR促进了胞外聚合物(EPS)分泌,尤其在OLR为600 mg/L组别内,EPS含量提高至139.6 mg/g。进水OLR对缺氧池内EPS的影响要大于其对厌氧池内EPS的影响。OLR能影响新工艺内污染物和营养盐去除相关关键酶的活性,当OLR为450 mg/L时,污染物和营养盐去除相关关键活性酶最强。研究结果为农村低C/N污水的高效处理提供了理论依据和数据支撑。 展开更多
关键词 农村低c/n污水 倒置A^(2)/O MBR 胞外聚合物 关键酶
作者 陈铭 胡盎 +1 位作者 韩磊 王建军 《湖泊科学》 EI CAS 北大核心 2025年第1期97-111,共15页
溶解有机质(DOM)是水生生态系统的重要能量和营养源,其N/C等元素化学计量学能够反映湖泊沉积物营养物质来源,相关研究有助于揭示全球变暖和水体富营养化的影响机制。本研究聚焦高分辨率质谱技术所获DOM的N/C比值,通过Meta分析从宏观角... 溶解有机质(DOM)是水生生态系统的重要能量和营养源,其N/C等元素化学计量学能够反映湖泊沉积物营养物质来源,相关研究有助于揭示全球变暖和水体富营养化的影响机制。本研究聚焦高分辨率质谱技术所获DOM的N/C比值,通过Meta分析从宏观角度考察全球湖泊、河流、海洋和泥炭地等多生境N/C比值的全球分布情况。结果表明,河流水体、沉积物和污水等生境的N/C均值(分别为0.050±0.062、0.050±0.014和0.083±0.084)均显著高于泥炭地(0.026±0.037);水体N/C比值主要受海拔(即温度)、pH、氨氮和溶解有机碳等显著影响,而泥炭地等陆地N/C比值主要受pH、总溶解有机氮和溶解有机碳的影响。进一步,依托云南老君山海拔梯度开展模拟温度变化和营养富集的微宇宙实验定量解析其影响机制,并根据沉积物DOM分子转换数将总分子划分为高活性和低活性两类,探究总分子及其两类组分的N/C比值对温度和营养富集的响应规律。溶解有机质N/C均值为0.112±0.020,其中高活性分子(0.119±0.017)显著高于低活性分子(0.109±0.034)。总分子N/C比值主要受亚硝酸盐和硝酸盐等营养盐的影响,相对总贡献率为63.43%;高活性分子N/C比值主要受营养盐和能量供应(比如溶解有机碳、总有机碳和叶绿素a等)的影响,而低活性分子N/C比值主要受营养盐的影响。结构方程模型分析表明,营养富集对总分子N/C比值的影响高于温度,主要通过能量供应和营养盐的间接作用而产生影响;对于高活性分子,营养盐主要通过能量供应的间接作用影响N/C比值;而对于低活性分子,主要通过营养盐发挥直接作用。本研究结果首次探讨了全球不同生境N/C比值的分布格局,揭示了沉积物溶解有机质N/C比值对全球变暖和营养富集的响应规律和机制,为更好理解和预测未来全球变化背景下溶解有机碳稳定性提供科学参考。 展开更多
关键词 溶解有机质 氮碳比 湖泊 沉积物 全球变暖 富营养化
作者 邱潇 董玉斌 +1 位作者 罗英媚 阚晓婧 《中西医结合心脑血管病杂志》 2025年第2期278-281,共4页
目的:分析血清乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)、C反应蛋白(CRP)及N末端脑钠肽前体(NT-proBNP)水平与危重先天性心脏病(CCHD)新生儿术后心功能的相关性。方法:选取在周口市中心医院确诊并接受手术治疗的65例CCHD新生儿为研究组,同期在本院出生体检健康... 目的:分析血清乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)、C反应蛋白(CRP)及N末端脑钠肽前体(NT-proBNP)水平与危重先天性心脏病(CCHD)新生儿术后心功能的相关性。方法:选取在周口市中心医院确诊并接受手术治疗的65例CCHD新生儿为研究组,同期在本院出生体检健康的新生儿65名作为对照组。收集研究对象临床资料,采用酶联免疫吸附法检测血清CRP、NT-proBNP水平;酶偶联法检测血清LDH水平;彩色超声仪测量患儿左室短轴缩短率(LVFS)、左室射血分数(LVEF)评估CCHD患儿术后心功能。比较术后不同心功能分级患儿血清LDH、CRP、NT-proBNP水平;分析术前血清LDH、CRP、NT-proBNP水平与患儿术后心功能的相关性。结果:研究组血清LDH、CRP、NT-proBNP水平高于对照组(P<0.001)。Ⅰ级组、Ⅱ级组、Ⅲ级组患儿血清LDH、CRP、NT-proBNP水平逐渐升高,LVFS、LVEF逐渐降低(P<0.05)。Pearson相关性分析显示,CCHD患儿血清LDH、CRP、NT-proBNP水平与LVFS、LVEF呈负相关(P<0.05)。心功能Ⅲ级组和心功能Ⅰ级或Ⅱ级组患儿疾病类型、入院体重比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。进一步多因素Logistic回归分析显示,血清LDH、NT-proBNP水平是CCHD患儿术后心功能Ⅲ级的影响因素(P<0.05)。结论:CCHD患儿血清LDH、CRP、NT-proBNP水平呈高表达,与心功能呈负相关,LDH、NT-proBNP是心功能Ⅲ级发生的影响因素,可作为临床预测CCHD患儿术后心功能的潜在指标。 展开更多
关键词 先天性心脏病 n末端脑钠肽前体 心功能 乳酸脱氢酶 c反应蛋白 相关性
作者 叶岳松 赵东平 +1 位作者 王万祯 肖林峰 《哈尔滨工业大学学报》 EI CAS 北大核心 2025年第1期149-160,共12页
为考察加强构造对N型节点失效机理和承载力的影响规律,对加强节点和基本节点进行了主管轴压静力加载试验,试验结果表明:基本节点的破坏模式为主管上翼缘受拉鼓曲开裂,加强节点破坏模式为加劲板屈曲和覆板焊缝受拉开裂;加强节点的承载力... 为考察加强构造对N型节点失效机理和承载力的影响规律,对加强节点和基本节点进行了主管轴压静力加载试验,试验结果表明:基本节点的破坏模式为主管上翼缘受拉鼓曲开裂,加强节点破坏模式为加劲板屈曲和覆板焊缝受拉开裂;加强节点的承载力较基本节点提高了9.4%~36.5%;增加覆板厚度,可明显提高节点承载力。采用ABAQUS软件对覆板和加劲板加强的Q460C方钢管间隙N型节点进行了有限元参数研究,考察了主管宽厚比γ、主支管厚度比η、主支管宽度比β、受拉支管与主管夹角θ、支管间距与主管宽度比ξ对节点破坏模式、应力分布、主管荷载-位移曲线和覆板焊缝断裂指数I f的影响规律。根据试验和数值模拟结果,提出了覆板和加劲板加强的Q460C方钢管间隙N型节点承载力计算式和构造设计建议。 展开更多
关键词 Q460c方钢管 n型节点 有限元模拟 承载力计算式
作者 赵璇 刘涛 +1 位作者 杨蒙 乔森 《工业水处理》 北大核心 2025年第1期32-40,共9页
构建了悬浮生物载体生物膜-活性污泥组合工艺(IFFAS)耦合电化学强化序批式膜生物反应器(ESMBR)的一体式新型复合工艺(IFFAS-ESMBR),借助生物电化学系统和膜过滤作用,实现了对低C/N石化废水的高效处理。结果表明,对于低C/N实际石化废水(C... 构建了悬浮生物载体生物膜-活性污泥组合工艺(IFFAS)耦合电化学强化序批式膜生物反应器(ESMBR)的一体式新型复合工艺(IFFAS-ESMBR),借助生物电化学系统和膜过滤作用,实现了对低C/N石化废水的高效处理。结果表明,对于低C/N实际石化废水(COD/TN=4.3∶1,COD 1969 mg/L,TN 460 mg/L)的处理,该复合工艺在稳定运行阶段对COD、NH_(4)^(+)-N、TN的平均去除率可分别达到98.1%、91.3%和89.1%。在-1.2 V的外加电压下,CNT-PVDF复合中空纤维膜的跨膜压差(TMP)平均增长速率最高仅为2.5 kPa/d,且膜表面污泥的PN/PS呈逐渐下降趋势,表明其不可逆膜污染程度较轻。16S rRNA高通量测序结果表明,悬浮污泥、膜表面污泥和载体表面污泥中富集了大量的Rhodobacterales、Verrucomicrobiales、Anaerolineales、Xanthomonadales等除碳和脱氮功能菌,对于反应器有机物和氨氮的降解具有显著作用。此外,载体表面富集了大量的Nitrosomonadales、Burkholderiales等硝化和反硝化细菌,进一步印证了反应器良好的TN去除效果。以上研究结果可为C/N石化废水强化生物处理工艺提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 低碳氮比废水 悬浮生物载体生物膜-活性污泥组合工艺 电化学系统 同步硝化反硝化
Serum cystatin C,monocyte/high-density lipoprotein-C ratio,and uric acid for the diagnosis of coronary heart disease and heart failure 被引量:1
作者 Ming Li Da-Hao Yuan +2 位作者 Zhi Yang Teng-Xiang Luw Xiao-Biao Zou 《World Journal of Clinical Cases》 SCIE 2024年第18期3461-3467,共7页
BACKGROUND Coronary heart disease(CHD)and heart failure(HF)are the major causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide.Early and accurate diagnoses of CHD and HF are essential for optimal management and prognosis.Howeve... BACKGROUND Coronary heart disease(CHD)and heart failure(HF)are the major causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide.Early and accurate diagnoses of CHD and HF are essential for optimal management and prognosis.However,conventional diagnostic methods such as electrocardiography,echocardiography,and cardiac biomarkers have certain limitations,such as low sensitivity,specificity,availability,and cost-effectiveness.Therefore,there is a need for simple,noninvasive,and reliable biomarkers to diagnose CHD and HF.AIM To investigate serum cystatin C(Cys-C),monocyte/high-density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio(MHR),and uric acid(UA)diagnostic values for CHD and HF.METHODS We enrolled 80 patients with suspected CHD or HF who were admitted to our hospital between July 2022 and July 2023.The patients were divided into CHD(n=20),HF(n=20),CHD+HF(n=20),and control groups(n=20).The serum levels of Cys-C,MHR,and UA were measured using immunonephelometry and an enzymatic method,respectively,and the diagnostic values for CHD and HF were evaluated using receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve analysis.RESULTS Serum levels of Cys-C,MHR,and UA were significantly higher in the CHD,HF,and CHD+HF groups than those in the control group.The serum levels of Cys-C,MHR,and UA were significantly higher in the CHD+HF group than those in the CHD or HF group.The ROC curve analysis showed that serum Cys-C,MHR,and UA had good diagnostic performance for CHD and HF,with areas under the curve ranging from 0.78 to 0.93.The optimal cutoff values of serum Cys-C,MHR,and UA for diagnosing CHD,HF,and CHD+HF were 1.2 mg/L,0.9×10^(9),and 389μmol/L;1.4 mg/L,1.0×10^(9),and 449μmol/L;and 1.6 mg/L,1.1×10^(9),and 508μmol/L,respectively.CONCLUSION Serum Cys-C,MHR,and UA are useful biomarkers for diagnosing CHD and HF,and CHD+HF.These can provide information for decision-making and risk stratification in patients with CHD and HF. 展开更多
关键词 Serum cystatin c Monocyte/high-density lipoprotein-c ratio Uric acid coronary heart disease Heart failure Risk stratification
作者 王月书 彭海燕 郑永玲 《北华大学学报(自然科学版)》 2025年第2期215-220,共6页
目的探讨外周血B型脑钠肽(BNP)、中性粒细胞与淋巴细胞比值(NLR)联合超敏C反应蛋白与白蛋白比值(hsCRP/ALB)检测对急性冠脉综合征(ACS)患者行经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(PCI)术后预后的预测价值。方法回顾性分析126例行PCI治疗的ACS患者资料... 目的探讨外周血B型脑钠肽(BNP)、中性粒细胞与淋巴细胞比值(NLR)联合超敏C反应蛋白与白蛋白比值(hsCRP/ALB)检测对急性冠脉综合征(ACS)患者行经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(PCI)术后预后的预测价值。方法回顾性分析126例行PCI治疗的ACS患者资料,于入院后24 h内采集患者空腹静脉血测定外周血BNP、NLR、hsCRP/ALB水平,比较不同心功能的ACS患者外周血BNP、NLR及hsCRP/ALB水平,术后随访1 a,根据是否发生主要心脏不良事件(MACE)将患者分为预后良好组(n=93)和预后不良组(n=33),比较两组患者临床资料、外周血BNP、NLR及hsCRP/ALB水平,采用Cox回归分析影响ACS患者PCI术后预后的相关因素,采用受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线分析外周血BNP、NLR及hsCRP/ALB对ACS患者PCI术后预后的预测价值。结果Killip分级Ⅰ级患者外周血BNP、NLR及hsCRP/ALB水平显著低于Ⅱ级、Ⅲ级患者(P<0.5),Ⅱ级患者外周血BNP、NLR及hsCRP/ALB水平显著低于Ⅲ级患者(P<0.05);预后不良组患者年龄,BMI,Killip分级Ⅲ~Ⅳ级占比,Gensini积分,多个支架置入占比,血清LDL-C、Fib、hs-CRP、CTnI、NEU水平显著高于预后良好组(P<0.05,P<0.01),LVEF、LYM、血清ALB水平显著低于预后良好组(P<0.001);预后不良组患者外周血BNP、NLR及hsCRP/ALB显著高于预后良好组(P<0.001);多因素Cox回归分析显示,年龄,Killip分级,Gensini积分,外周血BNP、NLR及hsCRP/ALB是影响ACS患者PCI术后预后不良的危险因素(P<0.05,P<0.01);ROC曲线分析显示,外周血BNP、NLR及hsCRP/ALB单独及联合预测对ACS患者PCI术后预后的敏感度分别为75.76%、78.79%、81.82%、90.91%,特异度为72.04%、70.97%、69.89%、64.52%,AUC为0.753、0.797、0.835、0.935,联合检测价值更高。结论外周血BNP、NLR联合hsCRP/ALB检测对患者PCI术后预后具有较高的评估价值。 展开更多
关键词 B型脑钠肽 中性粒细胞与淋巴细胞比值 超敏c反应蛋白与白蛋白比值 急性冠脉综合征 经皮冠状动脉介入治疗 预后 预测价值
Important role of lymphovascular and perineural invasion in prognosis of colorectal cancer patients with N1c disease
作者 Zhi-Gang Sun Shao-Xuan Chen +10 位作者 Bai-Long Sun Da-Kui Zhang Hong-Liang Sun Huang Chen Yu-Wan Hu Tong-Yin Zhang Zi-Han Han Wen-Xiao Wu Zhi-Yong Hou Li Yao Jian-Zheng Jie 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 2025年第5期57-67,共11页
BACKGROUND Lymphovascular invasion(LVI)and perineural invasion(PNI)are associated with decreased survival in colorectal cancer(CRC),but its significance in N1c stage remains to be clearly defined.AIM We retrospectivel... BACKGROUND Lymphovascular invasion(LVI)and perineural invasion(PNI)are associated with decreased survival in colorectal cancer(CRC),but its significance in N1c stage remains to be clearly defined.AIM We retrospectively identified 107 consecutive patients who had CRC with N1c disease radically resected at our hospital.Tumors were reviewed for LVI and PNI by one pathologist blinded to the patients’outcomes.Disease-free survival(DFS),overall survival(OS)and cancer-specific survival(CSS)were determined using the Kaplan-Meier method,with LVI and PNI prognosis differences determined by multivariate analysis using the Cox multiple hazards model.Results were compared using log-rank test.The receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve was used to evaluate the prognostic predictive ability.RESULTS The median follow-up time was 63.17(45.33-81.37)months for DFS,with 33.64%(36/107)of patients experiencing recurrence;21.5%of tumors were found to be LVI positive and 44.9%PNI positive.The 5-year DFS rate was greater for patients with LVI-negative tumors compared with LVI-positive tumors(74.0%vs 35.6%),and PNI was similar(82.5%vs 45.1%).On multivariate analysis,LVI[hazard ratio(HR)=3.368,95%confidence interval(CI):1.628-6.966,P=0.001]and PNI(HR=3.055,95%CI:1.478-6.313,P=0.002)were independent prognostic factors for DFS.All patients could be divided into three groups of patients with different prognosis according to LVI and PNI.The 5-year ROC curve for LVI,PNI and their combination prediction of DFS was 0.646,0.709 and 0.759,respectively.Similar results were seen for OS and CSS.CONCLUSION LVI and PNI could serve as independent prognostic factors of outcomes in N1c CRC patients.Patients with LVI or PNI should be given more attention during treatment. 展开更多
关键词 colorectal cancer n1c Lymphovascular invasion Perineural invasion PROGnOSIS
作者 苏柳 梁志超 李三破 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)自然科学》 2025年第1期117-120,共4页
低C/N污水处理过程中,有机碳源的特性和转化机制直接影响到脱氮效率与系统稳定性。本文系统分析了低C/N污水中有机碳源的组成与类型,探讨了不同碳源在处理过程中的分布与浓度变化,并深入解析了低C/N条件下碳源对微生物活性、代谢路径和... 低C/N污水处理过程中,有机碳源的特性和转化机制直接影响到脱氮效率与系统稳定性。本文系统分析了低C/N污水中有机碳源的组成与类型,探讨了不同碳源在处理过程中的分布与浓度变化,并深入解析了低C/N条件下碳源对微生物活性、代谢路径和氮素去除的促进作用。此外,从外加碳源的选择、投加量的优化等角度提出了提升策略,以期在低C/N环境中有效增强处理效果和系统稳定性。 展开更多
关键词 c/n污水 有机碳源 微生物活性 碳源转化 脱氮效率
Effects of Vegetation Restoration Age on Soil C:N:P Stoichiometry in Yellow River Delta Coastal Wetland of China
作者 CAO Qixue WANG Xiaojie +7 位作者 CHU Xiaojing ZHAO Mingliang WANG Lianjing SONG Weimin LI Peiguang ZHANG Xiaoshuai XU Shendong HAN Guangxuan 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第6期1045-1059,共15页
Vegetation restoration can alter carbon(C),nitrogen(N),and phosphorus(P)cycles in coastal wetlands affecting C:N:P stoichiometry.However,the effects of restoration age on soil C:N:P stoichiometry are unclear.In this s... Vegetation restoration can alter carbon(C),nitrogen(N),and phosphorus(P)cycles in coastal wetlands affecting C:N:P stoichiometry.However,the effects of restoration age on soil C:N:P stoichiometry are unclear.In this study,we examined the re-sponses of soil C,N,and P contents and their stoichiometric ratios to vegetation restoration age,focusing on below-ground processes and their relationships to aboveground vegetation community characteristics.We conducted an analysis of temporal gradients based on the'space for time'method to synthesize the effects of restoration age on soil C:N:P stoichiometry in the Yellow River Delta wetland of China.The findings suggest that the combined effects of restoration age and soil depth create complex patterns of shifting soil C:N:P stoichiometry.Specifically,restoration age significantly increased all topsoil C:N:P stoichiometries,except for soil total phosphorus(TP)and the C:N ratio,and slightly affected subsoil C:N:P stoichiometry.The effects of restoration age on the soil C:N ratio was well constrained owing to the coupled relationship between soil organic carbon(SOC)and total nitrogen(TN)contents,while soil TP con-tent was closely related to changes in plant species diversity.Importantly,we found that the topsoil C:N:P stoichiometry was signific-antly affected by plant species diversity,whereas the subsoil C:N:P stoichiometry was more easily regulated by pH and electric con-ductivity(EC).Overall,this study shows that vegetation restoration age elevated SOC and N contents and alleviated N limitation,which is useful for further assessing soil C:N:P stoichiometry in coastal restoration wetlands. 展开更多
关键词 coastal wetland restoration age soil c:n:P stoichiometry soil properties plant species diversity Yellow River Delta of china
Cost-Effective Monitoring of the Fuel Air Equivalence-Ratio with a Lambda Sensor and a Microcontroller in a Downdraft Biomass Gasifier
作者 Jean Fidele Nzihou Salou Hamidou +2 位作者 Ousmane Zoundi Frederic Ouattara Bila Gerard Segda 《Open Journal of Applied Sciences》 2024年第2期545-560,共16页
The operation of biomass treatment devices such as gasifiers is based on the control of key parameters that play an important role in product formation. These include: temperature, excess oxygen, relative humidity and... The operation of biomass treatment devices such as gasifiers is based on the control of key parameters that play an important role in product formation. These include: temperature, excess oxygen, relative humidity and biomass composition. This work focuses on excess oxygen and temperature. Unfortunately, flue gas oxygen analyzers are expensive and not accessible to small industries. However, the equivalence ratio is linked to excess oxygen and has the advantage of not depending on biomass composition. This study therefore focuses on the design and development of a device for controlling this equivalence ratio by measuring oxygen concentration using a self-propelled Lambda probe, and a system for monitoring this equivalence ratio using an Arduino Uno 3 microcontroller. The temperature is recorded with an accuracy of ±1.5°C. For a heating time of 10 minutes, the response time to temperature change is around 3 seconds, which is sufficient for the device to function properly. This simple device is an efficient and cost-effective means of checking the equivalence ratio. 展开更多
关键词 Equivalence ratio Biomass GASIFIcATIOn Lambda Sensor MIcROcOnTROLLER c++
Humic Acid Effects on Reducing Corn Leaf Burn Caused by Foliar Spray of Urea-Ammonium Nitrate at Different Humic Acid/Urea-Ammonium Nitrate Ratios
作者 Xinhua Yin 《Open Journal of Soil Science》 2024年第3期180-189,共10页
Technologies for reducing corn leaf burn caused by foliar spray of urea-ammonium nitrate (UAN) during the early growing season are limited. A field experiment was carried out to evaluate the effects of humic acid on c... Technologies for reducing corn leaf burn caused by foliar spray of urea-ammonium nitrate (UAN) during the early growing season are limited. A field experiment was carried out to evaluate the effects of humic acid on corn leaf burn caused by foliar spray of undiluted UAN solution on corn canopy at Jackson, TN in 2018. Thirteen treatments of the mixtures of UAN and humic acid were evaluated at V6 of corn with different UAN application rates and different UAN/humic acid ratios. Leaf burn during 1 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 14 days after UAN foliar spray significantly differed between with or without humic acid addition. The addition of humic acid to UAN significantly reduced leaf burn at each UAN application rate (15, 25, and 35 gal/acre). The reduction of leaf burn was enhanced as the humic acid/UAN ratio went up from 10% to 30%. Leaf burn due to foliar application of UAN became severer with higher UAN rates. The linear regression of leaf burn 14 days after application with humic acid/UAN ratio was highly significant and negative. However, the linear regression of leaf burn 14 days after application with the UAN application rate was highly significant and positive. In conclusion, adding humic acid to foliar-applied UAN is beneficial for reducing corn leaf burn during the early growing season. 展开更多
关键词 Humic Acid Urea-Ammonium nitrate cORn Leaf Burn n rate ratio
Role of lymphocyte-to-monocyte ratio as a predictive marker for diabetic coronary artery disease: A cross-sectional study
作者 Pradeep Kumar Dabla Dharmsheel Shrivastav +1 位作者 Pratishtha Mehra Vimal Mehta 《World Journal of Methodology》 2024年第3期48-54,共7页
BACKGROUND The lymphocyte to monocyte ratio(LMR)is considered a marker of systemic inflammation in cardiovascular disease and acts as predictor of mortality in coronary artery disease.AIM To investigate the predictive... BACKGROUND The lymphocyte to monocyte ratio(LMR)is considered a marker of systemic inflammation in cardiovascular disease and acts as predictor of mortality in coronary artery disease.AIM To investigate the predictive role of LMR in diabetic coronary artery disease patients.METHODS This cross-sectional study was conducted at tertiary care super-specialty hospital at New Delhi,India.A total of 200 angiography-proven coronary artery disease(CAD)patients were enrolled and grouped into two categories:Group I[CAD patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus(T2DM)and glycated hemoglobin(HbA1c)levels≥6.5%],and Group II(CAD patients without T2DM and HbA1c levels<6.5%).Serum lipoproteins,HbA1c,and complete blood count of enrolled patients were analyzed using fully automatic analyzers.RESULTS The logistic regression analysis showed an odds ratio of 1.48(95%CI:1.28-1.72,P<0.05)for diabetic coronary artery disease patients(Group I)in unadjusted model.After adjusting for age,gender,diet,smoking,and hypertension history,the odds ratio increased to 1.49(95%CI:1.29-1.74,P<0.01)in close association with LMR.Further adjustment for high cholesterol and triglycerides yielded the same odds ratio of 1.49(95%CI:1.27-1.75,P<0.01).Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis revealed 74%sensitivity,64%specificity,and 0.74 area under the curve(95%CI:0.67-0.80,P<0.001),suggesting moderate predictive accuracy for diabetic CAD patients.CONCLUSION LMR showed positive association with diabetic coronary artery disease,with moderate predictive accuracy.These findings have implications for improving CAD management in diabetics,necessitating further research and targeted interventions. 展开更多
关键词 coronary artery disease Type 2 diabetes mellitus HBA1c Lymphocyte to monocyte ratio Lymphocyte to monocyte ratio
作者 张媛媛 赵志杰 +2 位作者 刘青 李鹏飞 苑文娟 《检验医学与临床》 2025年第1期107-111,118,共6页
目的 探讨血清N末端脑钠肽前体(NT-pro-BNP)、胰岛素样生长因子结合蛋白-7(IGFBP-7)和C1q肿瘤坏死因子相关蛋白12(CTRP12)水平在慢性心力衰竭(CHF)患者中的水平及意义。方法 选择2019年10月至2021年3月在该院进行治疗的116例CHF患者作为... 目的 探讨血清N末端脑钠肽前体(NT-pro-BNP)、胰岛素样生长因子结合蛋白-7(IGFBP-7)和C1q肿瘤坏死因子相关蛋白12(CTRP12)水平在慢性心力衰竭(CHF)患者中的水平及意义。方法 选择2019年10月至2021年3月在该院进行治疗的116例CHF患者作为CHF组,患者按美国纽约心脏病协会(NYHA)心功能分级分为Ⅱ级(47例)、Ⅲ级(41例)、Ⅳ级(28例)。选择同期在该院体检的64例体检健康者作为对照组。检测CHF组和对照组左室舒张末期内径(LVEDD)、左室射血分数(LVEF)及血清NT-pro-BNP、IGFBP-7、CTRP12水平并进行比较分析。根据CHF患者出院后1年内主要心血管不良事件(MACE)发生情况分为MACE组、非MACE组,比较分析MACE组和非MACE组患者临床资料,采用多因素Logistic回归分析CHF患者发生MACE的影响因素,绘制受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线分析血清NT-pro-BNP、IGFBP-7、CTRP12对预测CHF患者发生MACE的效能。结果 与对照组比较,CHF组患者LVEF及血清CTRP12水平均降低,LVEDD增大,血清NT-pro-BNP、IGFBP-7、Hcy、hs-CRP水平均升高,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。在不同分级CHF患者中,血清NT-pro-BNP、IGFBP-7、Hcy、hs-CRP水平及LVEDD均为Ⅱ级患者<Ⅲ级患者<Ⅳ级患者,血清CTRP12水平及LVEF均为Ⅱ级患者>Ⅲ级患者>Ⅳ级患者,且任意两个级别间比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。与非MACE组相比,MACE组LVEF和血清CTRP12水平均降低,LVEDD增大,血清Hcy、hs-CRP、NT-pro-BNP和IGFBP-7水平升高,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。多因素Logistic回归分析结果显示,血清NT-pro-BNP、IGFBP-7和CTRP12水平均为CHF患者发生MACE的影响因素(P<0.05)。ROC曲线分析结果显示,血清NT-pro-BNP、IGFBP-7、CTRP12单项及3项联合预测CHF患者发生MACE的曲线下面积(AUC)分别为0.862(95%CI:0.786~0.919)、0.805(95%CI:0.721~0.872)、0.860(95%CI:0.784~0.918)和0.961(95%CI:0.908~0.988)。3项联合预测的AUC明显大于NT-pro-BNP、IGFBP-7、CTRP12单独预测的AUC(Z=3.050、3.883、3.218,均P<0.05)。结论 CHF患者血清NT-pro-BNP、IGFBP-7水平升高,CTRP12水平降低,且NT-pro-BNP、IGFBP-7、CTRP12水平随心功能分级变化而变化,3项联合检测对预测CHF患者发生MACE具有更好的效能。 展开更多
关键词 慢性心力衰竭 n末端脑钠肽前体 胰岛素样生长因子结合蛋白-7 c1q肿瘤坏死因子相关蛋白12 主要心血管不良事件
莫来石-Ti(C,N)复合材料的制备及其力学性能研究 被引量:3
作者 陈博 董博 +7 位作者 邓承继 邹起良 丁军 朱万政 王前 张雍 祝洪喜 余超 《陶瓷学报》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第1期133-138,共6页
以TiO_(2)粉、石墨粉、Al/Si/Al_(2)O_(3)复合粉体为原料,在氮气气氛下经1400℃~1600℃保温2 h,采用碳热还原氮化法制备得到莫来石-Ti(C,N)复合材料,研究了烧成温度对复合材料物相组成、微观结构与力学性能的影响。结果表明:经1400℃热... 以TiO_(2)粉、石墨粉、Al/Si/Al_(2)O_(3)复合粉体为原料,在氮气气氛下经1400℃~1600℃保温2 h,采用碳热还原氮化法制备得到莫来石-Ti(C,N)复合材料,研究了烧成温度对复合材料物相组成、微观结构与力学性能的影响。结果表明:经1400℃热处理后,试样的物相组成为Ti(C,N)、SiO_(2)和硅线石。随热处理温度升高至1450℃~1600℃,硅线石消失的同时,试样出现了短柱状莫来石,并与无定形SiO_(2)紧密连接,形成有效的化学结合。当烧成温度为1500℃时,大量开口气孔随颗粒重排、界面移动而消失,材料颗粒间结合较为紧密,气孔数量明显减少,该烧成温度下试样具有最佳综合性能,其体积密度、弹性模量、抗折强度和维氏硬度分别为(3.48±0.02) g·cm-3、(138.5±0.1) GPa、(158.0±0.03) MPa和(21.01±0.01) GPa。 展开更多
关键词 TI(c n) 碳热还原氮化 莫来石 微观结构 力学性能
天红2号苹果花芽分化期枝条和叶片碳水化合物含量和C/N变化 被引量:1
作者 王金鑫 贾林光 +2 位作者 邵建柱 孙建设 彭建营 《河南农业科学》 北大核心 2024年第7期124-132,共9页
以天红2号苹果为试材,研究不同砧木短枝和中枝在花芽分化期间叶片和枝条中碳水化合物含量和C/N变化情况。结果表明,稳产期天红2号苹果成花率不受砧木影响。整个花芽分化期,无论嫁接在SH40中间砧还是八棱海棠乔砧上,在同一枝类中,天红2... 以天红2号苹果为试材,研究不同砧木短枝和中枝在花芽分化期间叶片和枝条中碳水化合物含量和C/N变化情况。结果表明,稳产期天红2号苹果成花率不受砧木影响。整个花芽分化期,无论嫁接在SH40中间砧还是八棱海棠乔砧上,在同一枝类中,天红2号苹果叶片可溶性糖、蔗糖、果糖和氮含量高于枝条,淀粉含量和C/N低于枝条。嫁接在SH40中间砧上的天红2号苹果成花率高的短枝叶片淀粉和果糖含量低于成花率低的中枝叶片,可溶性糖、蔗糖含量和C/N于花芽分化初期至花瓣原基分化期高于中枝叶片,短枝枝条可溶性糖、果糖含量和C/N低于中枝枝条,短枝枝条淀粉含量于花瓣原基分化期前高于中枝枝条;嫁接在八棱海棠乔砧上的天红2号苹果成花率高的短枝叶片可溶性糖、淀粉、果糖含量和C/N低于成花率低的中枝叶片,短枝枝条可溶性糖、果糖含量和C/N低于中枝枝条,短枝枝条淀粉含量于转化期低于中枝枝条。说明碳水化合物含量和C/N的高低对苹果成花不起决定性作用。在整个花芽分化期,叶片中可溶性糖含量呈上升趋势,枝条中淀粉含量和C/N呈波动性上升趋势,说明天红2号苹果花芽形态分化需要碳水化合物和C/N的积累。 展开更多
关键词 苹果 花芽分化 碳水化合物 c/n 叶片 枝条
Effects of Regulation of C/N Ratio Wheat Straw Application on Nitrogen,Phosphorus and Potassium Uptake in Tobacco 被引量:13
作者 段宗颜 王瑞宝 +3 位作者 鲁耀 殷寿安 胡万里 陈拾华 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第5期77-81,共5页
[Objective]The aim was to study the effects of regulation of C/N ratio wheat straw application on tobacco nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium uptake. [Method]Effects of regulation C/N ratio wheat straw application on th... [Objective]The aim was to study the effects of regulation of C/N ratio wheat straw application on tobacco nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium uptake. [Method]Effects of regulation C/N ratio wheat straw application on the flue-cured tobacco yield,output value,nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium content and cumulative uptake of the upper,middle and bottom leaf were studied by using the field plot experiments at Banqiao town,Qujing city,Yunnan Province during the 2008-2009 summer growing seasons. [Result]The results showed that the application of wheat straw alone or after C/N regulation,could significantly increase tobacco production,potassium content,the potassium and nitrogen accumulation amount of leaf,and was more conducive to the potassium uptake of tobacco leaf with wheat straw application after C/N regulation. Compared with non-straw application,the yield of tobacco increased by 6.59%,3.58%,5.98%,8.80% with application of wheat straw alone,wheat straw and vetch,wheat straw and oilseed cake,wheat straw and urea nitrogen,the potassium content in tobacco leaf increased by 3.85%,7.76%,8.82%,11.21%,respectively,the total potassium cumulative amount of leaf increased by 10.71%,11.62%,15.32% ,21.01% and the total nitrogen cumulative amount increased by 9.76%,1.22%,8.14%,14.00%. However,the differences of tobacco leaf nitrogen content among the different treatments were not significant,the phosphorus uptake of tobacco leaf decreased. [Conclusion]application of high C/N ratio wheat straw in flue-cured tobacco production,which should be concerned not only to adjust C/N ratio by adding nitrogen,but also considering additional phosphorus application. 展开更多
关键词 Wheat straw c/n ratio regulation Flue-cured tobacco n P K uptake
指数有界双连续n阶α次积分C半群的扰动 被引量:1
作者 赵华新 贺凯丽 刘娟娟 《沈阳大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2024年第1期86-90,共5页
利用经典算子半群理论中的研究方法,在指数有界双连续α次积分C半群的基础上,讨论了指数有界双连续n阶α次积分C半群的扰动定理。设A为次生成元的指数有界双连续n阶α次积分C半群{T(t)}_(t≥0),B为界线性算子,A、B、C可交换,则在一定条... 利用经典算子半群理论中的研究方法,在指数有界双连续α次积分C半群的基础上,讨论了指数有界双连续n阶α次积分C半群的扰动定理。设A为次生成元的指数有界双连续n阶α次积分C半群{T(t)}_(t≥0),B为界线性算子,A、B、C可交换,则在一定条件下,C^(-1)(A+B)C_(B)生成双连续n阶α次积分C半群{T_(B)(t)}_(t≥0),并给出T_(B)(t)的表达式,从而推广了n阶α次积分C半群相关的扰动定理。 展开更多
关键词 双连续 n阶α次积分c半群 扰动 指数有界 生成元
作者 曲继松 霍银亮 +1 位作者 张丽娟 朱倩楠 《西北农业学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第12期2365-2376,共12页
为探讨C/N对枸杞枝条粉园艺基质化腐熟发酵过程中堆体理化性状及微生物群落多样性的影响,以宁夏枸杞枝条粉为研究材料,以尿素为氮源,分别设置C/N为15(W1)、20(W2)、25(W3)、30(W4)、35(W5)、43.75(W6)。结果表明:整个发酵过程中各处理... 为探讨C/N对枸杞枝条粉园艺基质化腐熟发酵过程中堆体理化性状及微生物群落多样性的影响,以宁夏枸杞枝条粉为研究材料,以尿素为氮源,分别设置C/N为15(W1)、20(W2)、25(W3)、30(W4)、35(W5)、43.75(W6)。结果表明:整个发酵过程中各处理的pH和电导率均呈现逐渐降低趋势,总氮含量逐渐升高,铵态氮含量呈现先增加后降低的总体变化规律,硝态氮含量各时期变化规律较为一致,均呈现出先增加、后降低、再升高的折线变化规律。在整个发酵过程中纤维素酶活性差异较大,C/N为20~35处理W2、W3、W4、W5在发酵过程中呈现出持续上升趋势,C/N过低(15)或过高(43.75)表现为发酵前期(0~15 d)呈小幅度上升趋势,在15~105 d时间内呈现缓慢下降趋势。发酵堆体中脲酶变化规律为先增加、后降低、再增加的变化规律。C/N为20时,纤维素、半纤维素降解率值最大,而木质素增加值最大。在属水平上草酸降解菌(Pandoraea)、亚硝基单胞菌(Nitrosomonas)、亚硝基螺旋体(Nitrosospira)、假单胞菌(Pseudomonas)、双球菌(Paracoccus)、陶厄氏菌(Thauera)、嗜酸盐杆菌(Acidihalobacter)、绵羊属(Ovis)、马赛菌属(Massilia)、硝化细菌(Nitrobacter)、游动放线菌属(Actinoplanes)、硫磺菌属(Sulfuritortus)均为优势菌群。C/N较高时(C/N≥25),枸杞枝条发酵堆体微生物群落物种数量、物种多样性、丰富度、物种均匀度均显著增加,基于PCA分析得出C/N值25为氨化作用和硝化作用临界值、C/N值35为反硝化作用临界值。因此,为加速枸杞枝条粉发酵过程并减少氮素流失,建议发酵堆体初始C/N保持在20~25之间。 展开更多
关键词 枸杞枝条粉 发酵 c/n 理化性状 氮素转化 微生物群落
Concentrations of foliar and surface soil in nutrients Pinus spp. plantations in relation to species and stand age in Zhanggutai sandy land, northeast China 被引量:5
作者 陈广生 曾德慧 陈伏生 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第1期11-18,J001,共9页
The concentrations of the foliar and surface soil nutrients and the variation with species and stand age were studied inPinus spp. plantations in Zhanggutai area, northeast China. The results showed that the total N, ... The concentrations of the foliar and surface soil nutrients and the variation with species and stand age were studied inPinus spp. plantations in Zhanggutai area, northeast China. The results showed that the total N, total P and C: N ratio of the soil inP. sylvestris var.mongolica stands were significantly higher in comparison with those inP. tabulaeformis andP. densiflora stands. ForP. sylvestris var.mongolica, the foliar P concentration appeared to decrease with age, and the foliar N and K concentrations did not show a consistent change with age. As for the different tree species of the similar age, the foliar N and P concentrations were significantly different (p<0.05), being withP. sylvestris var.mongolica>P. densiflora>P. tabulaeformis. The foliar N: P ratio ofP. densiflora significantly was higher thanP. sylvestris var.mongolica andP. tabulaeformis, while the foliar K was no obvious difference between the three tree species. There were significant correlation (p<0.05) between soil total N and P, soil organic matter and total P, foliar N and P, but it did not show significant correlations between soil and foliar nutrient concentrations, which might attribute to the excessive litter raking, overgrazing and low soil moisture in this area. Based on the foliar N: P ratio, we introduced a combination threshold index of N: P ratio with their absolute foliar nutrient concentrations to determine the possible limiting nutrient. According to the critical N: P ratio and their absolute foliar N, P concentrations, theP. sylvestris var.mongolica stands showed a decreased N limitation degree with age, theP. densiflora stands showed unlimited by N and P in the whole, and theP. tabulaeformis stands showed co-limited by N and P. No significant difference in soil nutrient concentrations of the surface soils was found between 45, 29, 20-yr-oldPinus sylvestris var.mongolica plantation stands. Keywords coniferous trees - foliar nutrient concentration - limiting nutrients - N - P ratio - Zhanggutai sandy land CLC number S718.55 Document code A Article ID 1007-662X(2004)01-0011-08 Foundation item: This research was supported by Key Knowledge Innovation Project (KZCX3-SW-418) of Chinese Academy of Sciences.Biography: CHEN Guang-sheng (1978-), male, master candidate in Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016, P. R. ChinaResponsible editor: Song Funan 展开更多
关键词 coniferous trees foliar nutrient concentration limiting nutrients n P ratio Zhanggutai sandy land
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