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TSV阵列在温度循环下的晶格变化对电学性能影响的研究 被引量:1
作者 梁堃 王月兴 +1 位作者 何志刚 赵伟 《电子元件与材料》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第1期47-54,共8页
针对TSV(Through Silicon Via,硅通孔)热机械可靠性较差且其结构特性变化对电学性能影响情况不明的问题,基于一种TSV阵列叉指电极对样品开展了-55~125℃的温度循环试验,测试了温循后阵列电极的电学性能与边界绝缘性能变化,跟踪测试了TS... 针对TSV(Through Silicon Via,硅通孔)热机械可靠性较差且其结构特性变化对电学性能影响情况不明的问题,基于一种TSV阵列叉指电极对样品开展了-55~125℃的温度循环试验,测试了温循后阵列电极的电学性能与边界绝缘性能变化,跟踪测试了TSV铜柱的几何尺寸变化,对比分析了试验前后TSV结构的形貌和晶格特性等衍化规律。结果表明,温度循环载荷导致了TSV-Cu晶粒向上生长、铜柱体积变大、微观结构缺陷产生以及电学性能退化;此外,还定量地构建了晶格特性变化对TSV阵列电极电学性能影响的关系架构,具有一定的工程意义。 展开更多
关键词 tsv阵列 温度循环 绝缘性能 微观缺陷 晶格特性变化
作者 杨志 董春晖 +4 位作者 王敏 王敬轩 商庆杰 付兴中 张力江 《电子工艺技术》 2024年第5期36-38,共3页
以微机电系统(MEMS)工艺设计并制作了一种基于TSV技术的高压电容器。给出了电容器的结构形式,理论分析计算了电容器的容值参数,设计得到了容值为2 nF,芯片尺寸为2 mm×2 mm×0.3 mm的硅基电容器。提出一套MEMS工艺的硅基电容器... 以微机电系统(MEMS)工艺设计并制作了一种基于TSV技术的高压电容器。给出了电容器的结构形式,理论分析计算了电容器的容值参数,设计得到了容值为2 nF,芯片尺寸为2 mm×2 mm×0.3 mm的硅基电容器。提出一套MEMS工艺的硅基电容器的制作流程,实现了电容器的工艺制作及测试。测试结果表明,获得的高压电容器的容值与设计值基本一致,击穿电压可以达到280 V。硅基高压电容器具有电容密度高、一致性好、易生产的特点,适合高压电子系统的应用发展需求。 展开更多
关键词 微电子机械系统 硅基电容器 高压 tsv
作者 刘军 项晨 +1 位作者 陈田 吴玺 《微电子学与计算机》 2024年第4期132-140,共9页
对硅通孔(Through Silicon Via,TSV)进行绑定后测试可以有效地提升三维集成电路的性能和良率。现有的测试方法虽然对于开路和桥接故障的测试能力较高,但是对于泄漏故障的测试效果较差,并且所需的总测试时间较长。对此,提出了一种基于分... 对硅通孔(Through Silicon Via,TSV)进行绑定后测试可以有效地提升三维集成电路的性能和良率。现有的测试方法虽然对于开路和桥接故障的测试能力较高,但是对于泄漏故障的测试效果较差,并且所需的总测试时间较长。对此,提出了一种基于分压电路的TSV绑定后测试方法。该方法设计了一种分压电路,进行泄漏故障测试时可以形成一条无分支的电流路径,有效提高了对泄漏故障的测试能力。此外,该方法测试开路故障和泄漏故障时的电流路径不会相互干扰,可以同时测试相邻TSV的开路故障和泄漏故障。实验结果表明,该方法可以测试10 kΩ以下的弱泄漏故障,并且在工艺偏差下依然能够保持较高的测试能力。相比同类测试方法,该方法所需面积开销更小,所需总测试时间更少。 展开更多
关键词 三维集成电路 硅通孔 绑定后测试 内建自测试
作者 田苗 刘民 +3 位作者 林子涵 付学成 程秀兰 吴林晟 《半导体技术》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第4期316-322,共7页
以硅通孔(TSV)为核心的2.5D/3D封装技术可以实现芯片之间的高速、低功耗和高带宽的信号传输。常见的垂直TSV的制造工艺复杂,容易造成填充缺陷。锥形TSV的侧壁倾斜,开口较大,有利于膜层沉积和铜电镀填充,可降低工艺难度和提高填充质量。... 以硅通孔(TSV)为核心的2.5D/3D封装技术可以实现芯片之间的高速、低功耗和高带宽的信号传输。常见的垂直TSV的制造工艺复杂,容易造成填充缺陷。锥形TSV的侧壁倾斜,开口较大,有利于膜层沉积和铜电镀填充,可降低工艺难度和提高填充质量。在相对易于实现的刻蚀条件下制备了锥形TSV,并通过增加第二步刻蚀来改善锥形TSV形貌。成功制备了直径为10~40μm、孔口为喇叭形的锥形TSV。通过溅射膜层和铜电镀填充,成功实现了直径为15μm、深度为60μm的锥形TSV的连续膜层沉积和完全填充,验证了两步刻蚀工艺的可行性和锥形TSV在提高膜层质量和填充效果方面的优势。为未来高密度封装领域提供了一种新的TSV制备工艺,在降低成本的同时提高了2.5D/3D封装技术的性能。 展开更多
关键词 硅通孔(tsv) 锥形 种子层 电镀填充 薄膜沉积
作者 聂磊 于晨睿 +1 位作者 张鸣 骆仁星 《电子测量技术》 北大核心 2024年第8期1-7,共7页
在TSV三维集成领域,由于TSV内部缺陷的微小化和检测的不可接触性,寻找一个无损、灵敏且高效的内部缺陷检测方法尤为重要。针对这一挑战,提出了一种基于温度传感阵列的TSV内部缺陷检测方法。内部缺陷对TSV三维封装芯片的外部温度分布产... 在TSV三维集成领域,由于TSV内部缺陷的微小化和检测的不可接触性,寻找一个无损、灵敏且高效的内部缺陷检测方法尤为重要。针对这一挑战,提出了一种基于温度传感阵列的TSV内部缺陷检测方法。内部缺陷对TSV三维封装芯片的外部温度分布产生了影响,这些温度分布呈现出有规律的变化,每一种缺陷类型都会导致外部温度分布产生不同的偏差。利用温度传感阵列测量这些分布变化对缺陷进行有效的识别与分类。根据工作状态下的芯片产生的热信号以揭示其内部的缺陷信息,设计了基于温度传感阵列的检测系统。通过理论分析与仿真模拟,构建了模拟芯片工作状态下的温度分布和热变化的模型。实验中,以芯片样品的样本制备和测试平台搭建为基础,同时利用分类识别模型成功实现了对内部缺陷的有效分类,准确率高达99.17%。这种检测方法为高密度和微型化芯片的可靠性分析和故障诊断提供了一个经济高效的新途径。 展开更多
关键词 硅通孔 内部缺陷 传感阵列 检测技术 LSTM
作者 申菊 卢林红 +4 位作者 杜承钢 冉景杨 闵睿 杨发顺 马奎 《半导体技术》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第8期726-731,共6页
硅通孔(TSV)是实现三维集成的关键技术,在TSV侧壁制备连续和均匀的阻挡层至关重要。提出了一种磁控溅射制备TSV侧壁阻挡层的方法,将溅射基台倾斜一定角度并水平匀速旋转,使溅射离子的掉落方向与TSV侧壁不平行,靶材离子更容易溅射沉积在... 硅通孔(TSV)是实现三维集成的关键技术,在TSV侧壁制备连续和均匀的阻挡层至关重要。提出了一种磁控溅射制备TSV侧壁阻挡层的方法,将溅射基台倾斜一定角度并水平匀速旋转,使溅射离子的掉落方向与TSV侧壁不平行,靶材离子更容易溅射沉积在TSV侧壁,使得TSV侧壁都能被溅射到,更有利于制备连续和均匀的阻挡层。使用Ti靶进行直流磁控溅射,优化溅射电流和溅射气压,通过扫描电子显微镜(SEM)对TSV侧壁阻挡层的形貌进行表征分析。随着溅射电流和溅射气压的增大,阻挡层的厚度会增加,但是溅射气压的增大使得溅射钛晶粒变得细长,从而导致阻挡层的均匀性和致密性变差。 展开更多
关键词 硅通孔(tsv) 阻挡层 磁控溅射 溅射电流 溅射气压
作者 刘莹莹 刘沛 +2 位作者 付琬月 付予 张立康 《集成电路与嵌入式系统》 2024年第7期19-24,共6页
TSV作为目前公认最先进的新型高密度封装工艺之一,其结构工艺极为复杂,当前国内鲜有大规模应用及工程适用的质量与可靠性评价方法,相关统一标准尚未完全建立。本文以目前相对成熟并已形成行业共识的2.5D封装中TSV硅转接板为对象,结合其... TSV作为目前公认最先进的新型高密度封装工艺之一,其结构工艺极为复杂,当前国内鲜有大规模应用及工程适用的质量与可靠性评价方法,相关统一标准尚未完全建立。本文以目前相对成熟并已形成行业共识的2.5D封装中TSV硅转接板为对象,结合其工艺结构特点以及实际产品生产试验的一线数据,研究提出了基于保证前移TSV硅转接板质量检验及可靠性评价方法,为TSV工艺产品的工艺质量监控、检验评价、可靠性保证及相关标准规范制定提供了一套成熟的解决方案。 展开更多
关键词 tsv 硅转接板 质量检验 可靠性评价 2.5D封装
作者 于仙仙 蒋闯 张翠翠 《电镀与精饰》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第10期42-49,共8页
针对硅通孔(TSV)高深宽比微孔电镀填铜后结晶细小,后续制程经历高温过程可能导致晶界间缺陷的问题,对TSV电镀铜膜层退火后性能变化进行了研究。考察了退火温度和升温速率等退火条件对晶粒晶面取向、晶粒大小、晶界间空洞以及杂质含量等... 针对硅通孔(TSV)高深宽比微孔电镀填铜后结晶细小,后续制程经历高温过程可能导致晶界间缺陷的问题,对TSV电镀铜膜层退火后性能变化进行了研究。考察了退火温度和升温速率等退火条件对晶粒晶面取向、晶粒大小、晶界间空洞以及杂质含量等膜层性能的影响,确定了较优的退火工艺参数为升温速率10/min℃,400℃下保温2 h。结果表明:此较优的高温退火条件下,XRD显示主晶面择优取向为Cu(111);SIMS分析电镀铜膜层总杂质含量小于100 mg·kg^(–1);EBSD结果显示电镀铜平均粒径1.9μm,晶粒长大较充分,满足工业化应用需求,希望对工业化应用提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 硅通孔 电镀铜 添加剂 退火 缺陷 化学机械抛光 可靠性
基于In Silicon模拟消化的北极虾DPP-Ⅳ抑制肽活性分析
作者 刘浩思 徐春明 +3 位作者 田源 韩爱萍 刘孝飞 李振华 《中国食品添加剂》 CAS 2024年第1期127-135,共9页
北极虾具有很高的营养价值,在食品领域已引起越来越多的关注。对北极虾蛋白进行In Silicon模拟消化获得寡肽,通过PeptideRanker活性评分及理化性质分析,从中筛选出具有潜在生物活性的寡肽。使用ToxinPred分析和BIOPEP-UWM生物活性预测,... 北极虾具有很高的营养价值,在食品领域已引起越来越多的关注。对北极虾蛋白进行In Silicon模拟消化获得寡肽,通过PeptideRanker活性评分及理化性质分析,从中筛选出具有潜在生物活性的寡肽。使用ToxinPred分析和BIOPEP-UWM生物活性预测,发现部分寡肽具有二肽基肽酶-Ⅳ(dipeptidyl peptidase-Ⅳ,DPP-Ⅳ)抑制活性,最终确定WFP(一种三肽,Trp-Phe-Pro)具有最优的DPP-Ⅳ抑制活性肽。分子对接表明,WFP和DPP-Ⅳ能够形成稳定的复合物,其结合能为-6.93 kcal/mol,进一步研究表明,WFP通过与DPP-Ⅳ S1、S2、S3三个活性口袋中的9个氨基酸残基发生相互作用而抑制其活性。本研究为阐释北极虾营养价值及生物活性肽的开发提供了理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 In silicon 分子对接 DPP-Ⅳ 细胞色素C氧化酶亚基Ⅰ 寡肽
Innovative Solutions for High-Performance Silicon Anodes in Lithium-Ion Batteries:Overcoming Challenges and Real-World Applications 被引量:1
作者 Mustafa Khan Suxia Yan +6 位作者 Mujahid Ali Faisal Mahmood Yang Zheng Guochun Li Junfeng Liu Xiaohui Song Yong Wang 《Nano-Micro Letters》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第9期341-384,共44页
Silicon(Si)has emerged as a potent anode material for lithium-ion batteries(LIBs),but faces challenges like low electrical conductivity and significant volume changes during lithiation/delithiation,leading to material... Silicon(Si)has emerged as a potent anode material for lithium-ion batteries(LIBs),but faces challenges like low electrical conductivity and significant volume changes during lithiation/delithiation,leading to material pulverization and capacity degradation.Recent research on nanostructured Si aims to mitigate volume expansion and enhance electrochemical performance,yet still grapples with issues like pulverization,unstable solid electrolyte interface(SEI)growth,and interparticle resistance.This review delves into innovative strategies for optimizing Si anodes’electrochemical performance via structural engineering,focusing on the synthesis of Si/C composites,engineering multidimensional nanostructures,and applying non-carbonaceous coatings.Forming a stable SEI is vital to prevent electrolyte decomposition and enhance Li^(+)transport,thereby stabilizing the Si anode interface and boosting cycling Coulombic efficiency.We also examine groundbreaking advancements such as self-healing polymers and advanced prelithiation methods to improve initial Coulombic efficiency and combat capacity loss.Our review uniquely provides a detailed examination of these strategies in real-world applications,moving beyond theoretical discussions.It offers a critical analysis of these approaches in terms of performance enhancement,scalability,and commercial feasibility.In conclusion,this review presents a comprehensive view and a forward-looking perspective on designing robust,high-performance Si-based anodes the next generation of LIBs. 展开更多
关键词 silicon anode Energy storage NANOSTRUCTURE Prelithiation BINDER
Silicone oil as a corneal lubricant to reduce corneal edema and improve visualization during 被引量:1
作者 Dan-Yang Che Zhu-Lin Chan +1 位作者 Ji-Bo Zhou Dong-Qing Zhu 《International Journal of Ophthalmology(English edition)》 SCIE CAS 2024年第1期92-96,共5页
AIM:To evaluate the efficacy and safety of silicone oil(SO)as a corneal lubricant to improve visualization during vitrectomy.METHODS:Patients who underwent vitreoretinal surgery were divided into two groups.Group 1 wa... AIM:To evaluate the efficacy and safety of silicone oil(SO)as a corneal lubricant to improve visualization during vitrectomy.METHODS:Patients who underwent vitreoretinal surgery were divided into two groups.Group 1 was operated on with initial SO(Oxane 5700)as a corneal lubricant.Group 2 was operated on with initial lactated ringer’s solution(LRS)and then replaced with SO as required.Fundus clarity was scored during the surgery.Fluorescein staining was performed to determine the damage to corneal epithelium.RESULTS:Totally 114 eyes of 114 patients were included.Single SO use maintained a clear cornea and provided excellent visualization of surgical image.In group 1,the fundus clarity was grade 3 in 41/45 eyes and grade 2 in 4/45 eyes.In group 2,corneal edema frequently occurred after initial LRS use.The fundus clarity was grade 3 in 19/69 eyes,2 in 37/69 eyes and 1 in 13/69 eyes(P<0.05).SO was applied in 29 eyes of initial LRS use with subsequent corneal edema,which eliminated the corneal edema in 26 eyes.Corneal fluorescein staining score in group 1 was 0 in 28 eyes,1 in 11 eyes and 2 in 6 eyes,and 40,20 and 9,respectively,in group 2(all P>0.05).CONCLUSION:The use of SO as a corneal lubricant is effective and safe for preserving and improving corneal clarity and providing clear surgical field during vitrectomy. 展开更多
关键词 silicone oil corneal lubricant corneal edema VITRECTOMY
Regulation of 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline and grain quality in early-season indica fragrant rice by nitrogen and silicon fertilization under different plantation methods 被引量:1
作者 Yongjian Chen Lan Dai +7 位作者 Siren Cheng Yong Ren Huizi Deng Xinyi Wang Yuzhan Li Xiangru Tang Zaiman Wang Zhaowen Mo 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第2期511-535,共25页
Fragrant rice has a high market value,and it is a popular rice type among consumers owing to its pleasant flavor.Plantation methods,nitrogen(N)fertilizers,and silicon(Si)fertilizers can affect the grain yield and frag... Fragrant rice has a high market value,and it is a popular rice type among consumers owing to its pleasant flavor.Plantation methods,nitrogen(N)fertilizers,and silicon(Si)fertilizers can affect the grain yield and fragrance of fragrant rice.However,the core commercial rice production attributes,namely the head rice yield(HRY)and 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline(2-AP)content of fragrant rice,under various nitrogen and silicon(N-Si)fertilization levels and different plantation methods remain unknown.The field experiment in this study was performed in the early seasons of 2018 and 2019 with two popular indica fragrant rice cultivars(Yuxiangyouzhan and Xiangyaxiangzhan).They were grown under six N-Si fertilization treatments(combinations of two levels of Si fertilizer,0 kg Si ha^(−1)(Si0)and 150 kg Si ha^(−1)(Si1),and three levels of N fertilizer,0 kg N ha^(−1)(N0),150 kg N ha^(−1)(N1),and 220 kg N ha^(−1)(N2))and three plantation methods(artificial transplanting(AT),mechanical transplanting(MT),and mechanical direct-seeding(MD)).The results showed that the N-Si fertilization treatments and all the plantation methods significantly affected the HRY and 2-AP content and related parameters of the two different fragrant rice cultivars.Compared with the Si0N0 treatment,the N-Si fertilization treatments resulted in higher HRY and 2-AP contents.The rates of brown rice,milled rice,head rice,and chalky rice of the fragrant rice also improved with the N-Si fertilization treatments.The N-Si fertilization treatments increased the activities of N metabolism enzymes and the accumulation of N and Si in various parts of the fragrant rice,and affected their antioxidant response parameters.The key parameters for the HRY and 2-AP content were assessed by redundancy analysis.Furthermore,the structural equation model revealed that the Si and N accumulation levels indirectly affected the HRY by affecting the N metabolism enzyme activity,N use efficiency,and grain quality of fragrant rice.Moreover,high N and Si accumulation directly promoted the 2-AP content or affected the antioxidant response parameters and indirectly regulated 2-AP synthesis.The interactions of the MT method with the N-Si fertilization treatments varied in the fragrant rice cultivars in terms of the HRY and 2-AP content,whereas the MD method was beneficial to the 2-AP content in both fragrant rice cultivars under the N-Si fertilization treatments. 展开更多
关键词 fragrant rice 2-AP content head rice yield mechanical planting NITROGEN silicon
作者 贺鹏超 陈建忠 +2 位作者 王逸琳 边明明 张珂 《火控雷达技术》 2024年第2期84-89,共6页
TSV(Through-Silicon Via硅通孔)技术是现代集成电路设计的新型工艺。基于此工艺,针对射频通信系统小型化、高集成度的要求分别设计了工作于Ka频段的硅基多端口天线和单端口集成天线。整体结构采用CPW(Co-Planar Waveguide共面波导)和TS... TSV(Through-Silicon Via硅通孔)技术是现代集成电路设计的新型工艺。基于此工艺,针对射频通信系统小型化、高集成度的要求分别设计了工作于Ka频段的硅基多端口天线和单端口集成天线。整体结构采用CPW(Co-Planar Waveguide共面波导)和TSV结合的方式实现了对天线的馈电。在此基础上,分别设计了中心频率为35GHz的2X2四端口天线阵和中心频率为35.5GHz的单端口集成天线。仿真结果表明,天线阵列的相对带宽分别为2.88%和6.56%,增益约为4.57dBi和4.06dBi。 展开更多
关键词 tsv工艺 硅基天线 KA频段
Multilevel carbon architecture of subnanoscopic silicon for fast‐charging high‐energy‐density lithium‐ion batteries 被引量:1
作者 Meisheng Han Yongbiao Mu +2 位作者 Lei Wei Lin Zeng Tianshou Zhao 《Carbon Energy》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第4期256-268,共13页
Silicon(Si)is widely used as a lithium‐ion‐battery anode owing to its high capacity and abundant crustal reserves.However,large volume change upon cycling and poor conductivity of Si cause rapid capacity decay and p... Silicon(Si)is widely used as a lithium‐ion‐battery anode owing to its high capacity and abundant crustal reserves.However,large volume change upon cycling and poor conductivity of Si cause rapid capacity decay and poor fast‐charging capability limiting its commercial applications.Here,we propose a multilevel carbon architecture with vertical graphene sheets(VGSs)grown on surfaces of subnanoscopically and homogeneously dispersed Si–C composite nanospheres,which are subsequently embedded into a carbon matrix(C/VGSs@Si–C).Subnanoscopic C in the Si–C nanospheres,VGSs,and carbon matrix form a three‐dimensional conductive and robust network,which significantly improves the conductivity and suppresses the volume expansion of Si,thereby boosting charge transport and improving electrode stability.The VGSs with vast exposed edges considerably increase the contact area with the carbon matrix and supply directional transport channels through the entire material,which boosts charge transport.The carbon matrix encapsulates VGSs@Si–C to decrease the specific surface area and increase tap density,thus yielding high first Coulombic efficiency and electrode compaction density.Consequently,C/VGSs@Si–C delivers excellent Li‐ion storage performances under industrial electrode conditions.In particular,the full cells show high energy densities of 603.5 Wh kg^(−1)and 1685.5 Wh L^(−1)at 0.1 C and maintain 80.7%of the energy density at 3 C. 展开更多
关键词 fast charging high energy densities lithium‐ion batteries multilevel carbon architecture subnanoscopic silicon anode
TSV电镀过程中Cu生长机理的数值模拟研究进展 被引量:1
作者 许增光 李哲 +1 位作者 钟诚 刘志权 《电子与封装》 2024年第6期34-41,共8页
近年来,电子信息行业的快速发展推动了封装技术的进步,对小型化、轻薄化、高性能和多功能化的电子设备提出了更高要求。硅通孔(TSV)技术是一种重要的先进封装技术,电沉积铜是其关键步骤之一。综述了TSV电镀过程中Cu生长的机理及数值模... 近年来,电子信息行业的快速发展推动了封装技术的进步,对小型化、轻薄化、高性能和多功能化的电子设备提出了更高要求。硅通孔(TSV)技术是一种重要的先进封装技术,电沉积铜是其关键步骤之一。综述了TSV电镀过程中Cu生长的机理及数值模拟研究进展。TSV的深孔特性导致Cu生长过程中电流密度分布不均匀,从而产生不同的生长模式。有机添加剂在调节电流密度和防止缺陷填充方面发挥了关键作用。随着计算机技术的发展,数值模拟成为研究TSV电镀铜的重要手段,可降低实验成本,优化工艺参数。对TSV电镀铜的数值模拟发展进行了展望,强调了耦合影响因素的综合模拟是未来研究的重点。 展开更多
关键词 三维封装 tsv 电镀铜 数值模拟
Ultrafast dynamics of femtosecond laser-induced high spatial frequency periodic structures on silicon surfaces 被引量:3
作者 Ruozhong Han Yuchan Zhang +6 位作者 Qilin Jiang Long Chen Kaiqiang Cao Shian Zhang Donghai Feng Zhenrong Sun Tianqing Jia 《Opto-Electronic Science》 2024年第3期33-46,共14页
Femtosecond laser-induced periodic surface structures(LIPSS)have been extensively studied over the past few decades.In particular,the period and groove width of high-spatial-frequency LIPSS(HSFL)is much smaller than t... Femtosecond laser-induced periodic surface structures(LIPSS)have been extensively studied over the past few decades.In particular,the period and groove width of high-spatial-frequency LIPSS(HSFL)is much smaller than the diffraction limit,making it a useful method for efficient nanomanufacturing.However,compared with the low-spatial-frequency LIPSS(LSFL),the structure size of the HSFL is smaller,and it is more easily submerged.Therefore,the formation mechanism of HSFL is complex and has always been a research hotspot in this field.In this study,regular LSFL with a period of 760 nm was fabricated in advance on a silicon surface with two-beam interference using an 800 nm,50 fs femtosecond laser.The ultrafast dynamics of HSFL formation on the silicon surface of prefabricated LSFL under single femtosecond laser pulse irradiation were observed and analyzed for the first time using collinear pump-probe imaging method.In general,the evolution of the surface structure undergoes five sequential stages:the LSFL begins to split,becomes uniform HSFL,degenerates into an irregular LSFL,undergoes secondary splitting into a weakly uniform HSFL,and evolves into an irregular LSFL or is submerged.The results indicate that the local enhancement of the submerged nanocavity,or the nanoplasma,in the prefabricated LSFL ridge led to the splitting of the LSFL,and the thermodynamic effect drove the homogenization of the splitting LSFL,which evolved into HSFL. 展开更多
关键词 laser-induced periodic surface structures(LIPSS) local field enhancement collinear pump-probe imaging silicon high spatial frequency periodic structures
Effect of Silicon Amendment on Growth and Nitrogen Status of Common Landscaping Plants
作者 Bárbara Nogueira Souza Costa Milagros Ninoska Munoz Salas +1 位作者 Kylie Gil Amir Ali Khoddamzadeh 《American Journal of Plant Sciences》 CAS 2024年第8期603-616,共14页
Agriculture and natural vegetations in South Florida face with significant environmental threats such as heat and saltwater intrusion. This study aimed to investigate how silicon application could improve growth param... Agriculture and natural vegetations in South Florida face with significant environmental threats such as heat and saltwater intrusion. This study aimed to investigate how silicon application could improve growth parameters and plant health of landscaping plants under extreme temperatures, influenced by global climate changes. Cocoplum (Chrysobalanus icaco), cabbage palm (Sabal palmetto), satinleaf (Chrysophyllum oliviforme), and wild coffee (Psychotria nervosa) plants received an initial slow-release fertilizer of 15 g/pot with an 8N-3P-9K composition. Silicon was applied as a 1% silicic acid solution, with concentrations ranging from 0 g/pot to 6 g/pot of 7.5 L. Evaluations were carried out every 30 days, continuing until 180 days after the treatment was completed. Phenotypic traits, including leaf count and plant height, were assessed alongside measurements from handheld optical non-destructive sensors. These measurements included the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), SPAD-502, and atLEAF chlorophyll meters. Application of 4 g/pot and 6 g/pot of silicon significantly improved NDVI values (0.78). Conversely, cocoplum plants exhibited greater plant height (79.6) at 0 g/pot silicon compared to other treatments. In wild coffee samplings, the control group showed the highest plant height and SPAD readings (93.49) compared to other treatments. Interestingly, the control treatment also demonstrated a superior atLEAF value as compared to other treatments, while the tallest samplings were observed with 6 g/pot of silicon (62.82) in cabbage palm plants. The findings indicate that silicon application positively influenced plant growth, particularly evident in cabbage palms. However, cocoplum and wild coffee exhibited a negative correlation between plant height and silicon concentrations. 展开更多
关键词 silicon Application Chlorophyll Content Cocoplum Cabbage Palm Satinleaf Wild Coffee
‘Jelly to Joule’:Direct laser writing of sustainable jellyfish-based ‘graphenic silicon’ anodes for environmentally remediating high-performance lithium-ion batteries
作者 Gil Daffan Adam Cohen +3 位作者 Yuval Sharaby Roman Nudelman Shachar Richter Fernando Patolsky 《Journal of Energy Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第10期553-565,I0012,共14页
The ramifications of global climate change and resource scarcities have made it imperative to re-examine the definition of sustainable energy-storage systems.It is crucial to recognize that not all renewable resources... The ramifications of global climate change and resource scarcities have made it imperative to re-examine the definition of sustainable energy-storage systems.It is crucial to recognize that not all renewable resources are inherently sustainable,and their full impact on the environment must be assessed.With the proliferation of invasive jellyfish species wreaking havoc on marine ecosystems and economies worldwide,utilizing overabundant jellyfish as a carbon source presents an opportunity to create energy-storage systems that are both financially beneficial and environmentally remediating.Accordingly,a comprehensive approach to sustainability also requires eco-friendly solutions throughout the entire lifecycle,from material sourcing to battery production,without compromising highperformance requirements.Currently,most electrode syntheses for lithium-ion batteries(LIBs) employed are energy-intensive,multiple-steps,complex,and additive-heavy.In response,this work pioneers the straightforward use of low-energy laser irradiation of a jellyfish biomass/silicon nanoparticle blend to encapsulate the silicon nanoparticles in-situ within the as-forming conductive carbonized matrix,creating sustainable and additive-free composite anodes.The self-standing anode is directly synthesized under ambient conditions and requires no post-processing.Here,a laser-synthesized conductive threedimensional porous carbon/silicon composite anode from raw jellyfish biomass for LIBs is presented,displaying outstanding cyclic stability(>1000 cycles),excellent capacity retention(>50% retention after1000 cycles),exceptional coulombic efficiency(>99%),superb reversible gravimetric capacity(>2000 mAh/g),and high rate performance capability(>1.6 A/g),paving a new path to future sustainable energy production. 展开更多
关键词 Laser silicon Carbon JELLYFISH SUSTAINABLE LITHIUM Biomass
Enhancing silicon spectral emission in LIBS using Tesla coil discharge
作者 Shuang CUI Yang LIU +1 位作者 Anmin CHEN Mingxing JIN 《Plasma Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第12期132-139,共8页
Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy(LIBS)is a powerful technique for elemental analysis,offering rapid analysis,minimal sample preparation,wide elemental coverage,and portability.To enhance the detection sensitivity ... Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy(LIBS)is a powerful technique for elemental analysis,offering rapid analysis,minimal sample preparation,wide elemental coverage,and portability.To enhance the detection sensitivity of LIBS,increasing the spectral emission intensity is crucial.This paper explores the use of Tesla coil(TC)discharge as an alternative to spark discharge in silicon LIBS.The study examines the influence of TC discharge on both time-integrated and timeresolved spectra,with and without TC discharge;the corresponding electron temperature and density are obtained.The results show that TC discharge significantly amplifies the spectral intensity,improving signal sensitivity in LIBS analysis.Specifically,in the laser energy range from 7.4 to 24.0 mJ,TC discharge increased the average spectral line intensities of Si(II)385.60 nm and Si(I)390.55 nm by factors of 8.4 and 5.1,respectively.Additionally,the average electron temperature and density were enhanced by approximately 3.2%and 4.2%,respectively,under TC discharge.The advantages of TC discharge include higher energy deposition,extended discharge duration,reduced electrode erosion,and enhanced safety.This research contributes to advancing LIBS technology and expanding its applications in various fields. 展开更多
关键词 LIBS Tesla coil spectral enhancement silicon
The Various Complications Associated with Use of Silicone Oil in Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment (RRD) Surgery via Three-Port Vitrectomy (3PV): A Retrospective Study at the Ophthalmology Center of Abass Ndao Hospital
作者 Soda Mbaye El Hadji Malick Sy +1 位作者 Aïssatou Aw Papa Amadou Ndiaye 《Open Journal of Ophthalmology》 2024年第3期250-256,共7页
Introduction: RRD (Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment) is a separation between the neuroepithelium and the pigment epithelium due to the passage of fluid through a retinal dehiscence. It constitutes a major ophthalmolo... Introduction: RRD (Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment) is a separation between the neuroepithelium and the pigment epithelium due to the passage of fluid through a retinal dehiscence. It constitutes a major ophthalmologic emergency. Its management is primarily surgical, either through external or internal approaches, with tamponade using gas or silicone oil. The purpose of this study was to report the various complications associated with the use of silicone oil in vitreoretinal surgery. Patients et methods: We conducted a retrospective, descriptive, and analytical study from October 1, 2020, to October 31, 2023, which included all patients who underwent surgery for RRD using three-port vitrectomy (3PV) with tamponade using 1000 centistoke silicone oil (Group 1) and 5000 centistoke silicone oil (Group 2). All patients underwent a complete ophthalmologic examination and were operated on by the same surgeon. Data analysis was performed using Excel software. Results: Overall, 31 patient files representing 33 eyes were collected, with a mean age of 48.83 years and a sex ratio of 4.16. Group 1 consisted of 16 eyes (48.48%), and Group 2 consisted of 17 eyes (51.51%). The different complications observed were cataracts in all phakic subjects, accounting for 57.57%;ocular hypertonia in 69.69% (27.27% in Group 1;42.42% in Group 2);anterior chamber silicone oil migration in 24.24% (9.09% in Group 1;15.15% in Group 2);recurrence of retinal detachment in 21.21% (6.06% in Group 1;15.15% in Group 2);and silicone oil emulsification in 24.24% (15.15% in Group 1;9.09% in Group 2). Additionally, there was one case of corneal degeneration in Group 1. Conclusion: Silicone oil is an effective tamponade agent used in the treatment of retinal detachments. Close patient follow-up is necessary due to the complications associated with its use, which can occur either early or late after surgery. 展开更多
关键词 siliconE CATARACTS OHT Emulsifications
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