TiC/Ni_3Al composites have been prepared using upward infiltration method. The densification was performed by both Ni_3Al melt filling and TiC sintering during the infiltration. The dissolution of TiC in liquid Ni_3A...TiC/Ni_3Al composites have been prepared using upward infiltration method. The densification was performed by both Ni_3Al melt filling and TiC sintering during the infiltration. The dissolution of TiC in liquid Ni_3Al has been evidenced by finding Ni_3(Al,Ti)C after fast cooling in the TiC/Ni_3Al composites. The dissolution may be responsible for the infiltration and sintering. Compared with downward infiltration, the upward infiltration brought about higher strength and fracture toughness and shorter infiltration time. TiC/20 vol. pct Ni_3Al composite processed by upward infiltration had a flexural strength of 1476 MPa with a statistic Weibull modulus of 20.2 and a fracture toughness of 20.4 MPa . Better mechanical properties may be attributed to melt unidirectional movement in upward infiltration.展开更多
The thermal shock fatigue behaviors of pure hot-pressed alumina and 30 wt.% TiC/Al2O3 composites were studied. The effect of TiC and Al2O3 starting particle size on the mechanical properties of the composites was disc...The thermal shock fatigue behaviors of pure hot-pressed alumina and 30 wt.% TiC/Al2O3 composites were studied. The effect of TiC and Al2O3 starting particle size on the mechanical properties of the composites was discussed. Indentation-quench test was conducted to evaluate the effect of thermal fatigue temperature difference (ΔT) and number of thermal cycles (Ⅳ) on fatigue crack growth (Δa). The mechanical properties and thermal fatigue resistance of TiC/Al203 composites are remarkably improved by the addition of TiC. The thermal shock fatigue of monolithic alumina and TiC/Al2O3 composites is due to a "true" cycling effect (thermal fatigue). Crack deflection and bridging are the predominant reasons for the improvement of thermal shock fatigue resistance of the composites.展开更多
In this paper, turning experiments of machining particle reinforced metal matri x composites(PRMMCs) SiC p/Al with PCD tools have been carried out. The cutting force characteristics in ultrasonic vibration turning com...In this paper, turning experiments of machining particle reinforced metal matri x composites(PRMMCs) SiC p/Al with PCD tools have been carried out. The cutting force characteristics in ultrasonic vibration turning compared with that in com mon turning were studied. Through the single factor experiments and multiple fac tor orthogonal experiments, the influences of three kinds of cutting conditions such as cutting velocity, amount of feed and cutting depth on cutting force were analyzed in detail. Meanwhile, according to the experimental data, the empirica l formula of main cutting force in ultrasonic vibration turning was conclude d. According to the test results, the cutting force is direct proportion to cutt ing depth basically according to the relation between cutting force and other fa ctors, which is similar to that of common cutting, so is the feed rate, but the influence is not so big. The influence of cutting speed is larger than that of f eed rate on cutting force because the efficient cutting time increases in vibrat ion cycle with the increase of cutting speed, which causes cutting force to incr ease. The research results indicate: (1) Ultrasonic vibration turning possesses much lower main cutting force than that in common turning when adopting smaller cutting parameters. If using larger cutting parameters, the difference will inco nspicuous. (2) There are remarkable differences of cutting force-cutting veloci ty characteristics in ultrasonic vibration turning from that in common turning m ainly because built-up edge does not emerge in ultrasonic turning unlike common turning in corresponding velocity range. (3) In ultrasonic vibration cutting, t he influence of cutting velocity on cutting force is most obvious among thre e cutting parameters and the influence of feed is smallest. So adopting lower cu tting velocity and larger cutting depth not only can reduce cutting force effect ively but also can ensure cutting efficiency. (4) The conclusions are useful in precision and super precision manufacturing thin-wall pieces.展开更多
The contact reaction method was employed to prepare TiC p/2024Al composites and the semi solid extrusion was employed to manufacture composite rods. Through many experiments, suitable processing parameters were obtain...The contact reaction method was employed to prepare TiC p/2024Al composites and the semi solid extrusion was employed to manufacture composite rods. Through many experiments, suitable processing parameters were obtained, under which sound rods can be fabricated. It is found from the extrusion pressure—stroke curves of semi solid extrusion that the deformation force during semi solid extrusion is low and steady. The reason for lower extrusion pressure of semi solid extrusion was given. Some fabrication defects, such as break out and excessive extrusion force, owing to the inappropriate selection of processing parameters were also observed. The microstructures of TiCp/2024Al composites are characterized by well densified matrix, uniformly distributed TiC particles, some banded particle clusters and realignment of TiC particles along the extrusion direction, and no fracture of TiC particles. The mechanical properties of TiC p/2024Al composites are much higher than those of unreinforced alloy. In the meantime, the elongations of the composites are maintained at the level enough for practical applications.展开更多
The microstructural characteristic of 1070AI matrix composites reinforced by 0.15 祄 AI2O3 particles whose volume fraction was 40% was investigated by TEM and HREM. The results showed that the interface between the ma...The microstructural characteristic of 1070AI matrix composites reinforced by 0.15 祄 AI2O3 particles whose volume fraction was 40% was investigated by TEM and HREM. The results showed that the interface between the matrix and reinforcements was clean and bonded well, without any interfacial reaction products. There were some preferential crystallographic orientation relationships between Al matrix and AI2O3 particle because of the lattice imperfection on the surface of Al2O3 particles.展开更多
The interaction between Zn-AI eutectic alloy and Al203p/6061AI composites in the vacuum furnace was investigated. Great attention has been paid to the elements diffusion, the microstructure and formation of the interf...The interaction between Zn-AI eutectic alloy and Al203p/6061AI composites in the vacuum furnace was investigated. Great attention has been paid to the elements diffusion, the microstructure and formation of the interface between Zn-AI eutectic alloy and Al2O3p/6061AI composites. Experimental results show that Zn-AI eutectic alloy has a good wetting ability to Al2O3p/6061 Al composites and the wetting angle decreases with increasing the temperature in vacuum. After the interaction, an interaction layer forms between Zn-AI alloy and Al2O3p/6061 Al composites. The phases in the interaction layer mainly consist of α-AI(Zn), Al2O3 and CuZn5 resulted from the diffusion of elements from the Zn-AI alloy. Several porosities distribute in the region near the interface of the Zn-AI alloy/interaction layer. The amount of shrinkage voids in the interacting layer is relevant to the penetration of Zn element into Al2O3p/6061Al composites which is a function of temperature. So it is necessary to lower heating temperature in order to limit the Zn penetration.展开更多
Pressureless melt infiltration is an economic route f or preparation of high-density ceramic/melt composites. In this study, the Fe40 Al iron aluminide intermetallic, a low cost material of excellent oxidation and cor...Pressureless melt infiltration is an economic route f or preparation of high-density ceramic/melt composites. In this study, the Fe40 Al iron aluminide intermetallic, a low cost material of excellent oxidation and corrosion resistance, was used as binder for fabricating Fe40Al/TiC composites b y pressureless melt infiltration. The wetting ability of liquid Fe40Al in porous TiC pre-form was studied by in-situ monitoring the melting and infiltration p rocess. The infiltration ability was investigated by observing the distance of l iquid Fe40Al intrusion in porous TiC pre-forms at different infiltration temper atures and times by using optical microscope. Porous TiC per-forms with density of 60%~88%TD (theoretical density), prepared under pre-defined sintering temp e rature cycles, were used for fabricating Fe40Al/TiC composites in the range of 1 2%~40% metal content by volume. Almost full dense Fe40Al/TiC composites were su c cessfully fabricated by this technique. Liquid Fe40Al exhibited excellent infilt ration ability, the distance of complete intrusion of liquid Fe40Al in the TiC s intered pre-form with density of 88%TD was over 7 mm after 5 min at the inf iltration temperature of 1 450 ℃. Microstructural observation by SEM and TEM also showed that liquid Fe40Al filled the very narrow gaps among TiC particles, the interfaces of TiC particles and F e40Al plastic ligaments being metallurgical bonded. TEM revealed that high densi ty of dislocations formed in Fe40Al ligaments during solidification, which favor the mechanical properties. Ti decomposed from TiC particles and dissolved into Fe40Al during infiltration. According to the compositional analysis of TEM-EDS, the concentration of Ti in Fe40Al ranges at 1at%~4at% depending on composite f a bricating conditions and the distance from the measuring point to the closest Ti C particles. XRD analysis indicated that the composites were composed of two pha ses, the original TiC and Fe 0.4Al 0.6 intermetallic. No new phase formed during infiltration, but the lattice parameter of Fe 0.4Al 0.6 was expended due to the Ti in the solid solution.展开更多
Direct reaction synthesis(DRS), based on the principle of self-propagating hightemperature synthesis (SHS), is a new method for preparing particulate metal matrix composites (PMMCs). The effects of the temperature of ...Direct reaction synthesis(DRS), based on the principle of self-propagating hightemperature synthesis (SHS), is a new method for preparing particulate metal matrix composites (PMMCs). The effects of the temperature of the aluminum melt and the aluminum content in the preform on the phases and structure of the reacted preform have been investigated by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy.It has been shown that TiC phase is prone to be synthesized with the increasing of the temperature of the aluminum melt and the decreasing of the aluminum powder content in the preform, and that the size of TiC particle becomes fine with the increasing of the temperature and the decreasing of the aluminum powder content.展开更多
The cutting performance of particulate reinforced me tallic matrix composites(PRMMCs) SiC p/Al in ultrasonic vibration cutting and c ommon cutting with carbide tools and PCD tools was researched in the paper. Mic rost...The cutting performance of particulate reinforced me tallic matrix composites(PRMMCs) SiC p/Al in ultrasonic vibration cutting and c ommon cutting with carbide tools and PCD tools was researched in the paper. Mic rostructure of machined surface was described, the relation between cutting para meters and surface roughness was presented, and characteristic of the surface re mained stress was also presented. Furthermore, wear regularity and abrasion resi stance ability of tools in ultrasonic vibration cutting and common cutting o f PRMMCs were discussed in detail. The test results show: (1) The surface config urations are obviously different when using different tools to machine such PRMM Cs. The surface machined with carbide tools looks luminous and orderly and there are seldom surface defects on it. The reason is that the soft basal body is apt to flow during cutting, therefore a layer of Al matrix film covers machined sur face. On the contrary, the surface machined with PCD tools looks lackluster. But the profile of machined surface is very clear. Superfine grooves, pits and blac k reinforce particulates can be seen easily without obvious Al film. (2) Because of unstable cutting process in common cutting, the surface is easy to produce s ome defects such as burrs, built-up edges and so on so that the quality of surf ace becomes very poor. Vibration cutting can reduce the influence of tearing, pl astic deformation and built-up edge in cutting and can restrain flutter so as t o make cutting process more stable. Therefore, surface roughness of vibration cu tting is better than that of common cutting. (3) There is an optimum value of fe ed rate in vibration cutting of PRMMCs due to the influence of material characte ristics. Whether feed rate is more than or less than this optimum value, surface roughness will increase. (4) According to analyzing the wear rate of tools in v ibration cutting PRMMCs, it can be concluded that abrasion resistance of tools w ill be improved remarkably when vibration cutting composites have a lower pe rcentage of reinforce particulate. If the percentage of reinforce particulate is higher, the influence on abrasion resistance of carbide tool in vibration cut ting will not be obvious. The research result indicates that vibration cutting effect has a close relation with material characteristics.展开更多
Ceramic tapes, containing Al2O3-25 wt pct TiB2(B) and Al2O3-25 wt pct nano-TiC (c), have been obtained by tape casting process. Numerous tapes (about 60~80 tapes) were prepared by stacking in turn the composition (B)...Ceramic tapes, containing Al2O3-25 wt pct TiB2(B) and Al2O3-25 wt pct nano-TiC (c), have been obtained by tape casting process. Numerous tapes (about 60~80 tapes) were prepared by stacking in turn the composition (B) and (C), laminating under 10 MPa pressure, eliminating the solvent and burning out the polymer additives. The final green bodies were hot pressed at 1750℃ and 30 MPa. The composite has a bending strength of 568 MPa and a fracture toughness of 5.8 M Pa·m1/2. SEM analysis exhibits that Al2O3 particle growth was inhibited by TiC particles in C. but TiB2 particles could not hinder Al2O3 growth in B. The curves of GTA indicates that all organic additives could be removed completely above 600℃展开更多
The superplasticity of an Al203p/6061Al composite, fabricated by powder metallurgy techniques, has been investigated. Instead of any special thermomechanical processing or hot rolling, simple ...The superplasticity of an Al203p/6061Al composite, fabricated by powder metallurgy techniques, has been investigated. Instead of any special thermomechanical processing or hot rolling, simple hot extrusion has been employed to obtain a fine grained structure before superplastic testing. Superplastic tensile tests were performed at strain rates ranging from 10-2 to 10-4 s-1 and at temperatures from 833 to 893 K. A maximum elongation of 200% was achieved at a temperature of 853 K and an initial strain rate of 1.67×103 s-1. The highest value obtained for the strain rate sensitivity index (in) was 0.32. Differential scanning calorimeter was used to ascertain the possibility of any partial melting in the vicinity of optimum superplastic temperature. These results suggested that no liquid phase existed where maximum elongation was achieved and deformation took place entirely in the solid state.展开更多
An approach named direct reaction synthesis (DRS) has been developed to fabricate particulate composites with an extremely fine reinforcement size. ID situ Al matrix composites were fabri-cated by DRS. Extensive analy...An approach named direct reaction synthesis (DRS) has been developed to fabricate particulate composites with an extremely fine reinforcement size. ID situ Al matrix composites were fabri-cated by DRS. Extensive analysis of the composites microstructure using SEM and TEM identify that the reinforcement formed during the DRS process is Ti carbide (TiC) particle, generally less than 1.0 μm. The reacted, semisolid extruded samples exhibit a homogeneous distribution of fine TiC particles in Al-Cu matrix, Mechanical property evaluation of the composites has revealed a very high tensile strength relative to the matrix alloy. Fractographic analysis indicates ductile failure although the ductility and strength are limited by the presence of coarse titanium aluminides (Al3Ti).展开更多
Direct reaction synthesis (DRS), based on the principle of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS), is a new method for preparing participate metal matrix composites. TiCP/AI-4.5Cu-0.8Mg composites were fabr...Direct reaction synthesis (DRS), based on the principle of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS), is a new method for preparing participate metal matrix composites. TiCP/AI-4.5Cu-0.8Mg composites were fabricated by DRS. Participate composites were fabricated with Ti carbide (TiC) particles, generally less than 1.0μm. The reacted, thermal extruded samples exhibit a homogeneous distribution of fine TiC particles in AI-4.5Cu-0.8Mg matrix. Mechanical property evaluation of the composites has revealed a very high tensile strength relative to the matrix alloy. Fractographic analysis indicates ductile failure.展开更多
Surface properties decide the fatigue, wear and corrosion behavior of a material. Hence their performance can be improved by surface modifications. Friction Stir Processing (FSP) is a promising technique to develop su...Surface properties decide the fatigue, wear and corrosion behavior of a material. Hence their performance can be improved by surface modifications. Friction Stir Processing (FSP) is a promising technique to develop surface composite. The aim of the present study is to develop defect free surface composite of Al 5083 alloy reinforced with TiC particles and investigate the particle distribution in the matrix, mechanical properties and wear behavior of the composites. Microstructural observations were carried out by using optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The microstructural studies revealed that distribution of particles were more uniform in samples subjected to double pass than the single pass FSP. The microhardness profiles along top surface and across the cross section of the processed samples were evaluated. The average hardness along the top surface was found to increase by 27.27%, as compared to that of the base metal (88Hv). The particles were incorporated maximum average depth about 250μm in the surface composite. The slurry erosion tests revealed that the wear rate was highly reduced in case of double pass FSP samples as compared to base metal and single pass FSPed展开更多
The effects of hot extrusion and addition of Al_(2)O_(3p) on both microstructure and tribological behavior of 7075 composites were investigated via optical microscopy(OM),scanning electron microscopy(SEM),energy dispe...The effects of hot extrusion and addition of Al_(2)O_(3p) on both microstructure and tribological behavior of 7075 composites were investigated via optical microscopy(OM),scanning electron microscopy(SEM),energy dispersive spectrometry(EDS),and transmission electron microscopy(TEM).The experimental consequences reveal that the optimal addition of Al_(2)O_(3p) was 2 wt%.After hot extrusion,the Mg(Zn,Cu,Al)2 phases partially dissolve into the matrix and generate many uniformly distributed aging precipitation particles,the Al_(7)Cu_(2)Fe phases are squeezed and broken,and the Al_(2)O_(3p) become uniform distribution.The microhardness of as-extruded 2 wt%Al_(2)O_(3p)/7075 composites reaches HV 170.34,increased by 41.5%than as-cast composites.The wear rate of as-extruded 2 wt%Al_(2)O_(3p)/7075 composites is further lower than that of as-cast composites under the same condition.SEM-EDS analyses reveal that the reinforced wear resistance of composites can put down to the protective effect of the Al_(2)O_(3p) reinforced transition layer.After hot extrusion,the transition layer becomes stable,which determines the reinforced wear resistance of the as-extruded composites.展开更多
Non-interlayer liquid phase diffusion welding (China Patent) and laser welding methods for aluminum matrix composite are mainly described in this paper. In the non-interlayer liquid phase diffusion welding, the key pr...Non-interlayer liquid phase diffusion welding (China Patent) and laser welding methods for aluminum matrix composite are mainly described in this paper. In the non-interlayer liquid phase diffusion welding, the key processing parameters affecting the strength of joint is welding temperature. When temperature rises beyond solidus temperature, the bonded line vanishes. The strength of joint reaches the maximum and becomes constant when welding temperature is close to liquid phase temperature. Oxide film in the interface is no longer detected by SEM in the welded joint. With this kind of technique, particle reinforced aluminum matrix composite Al2 O3p/6061Al is welded successfully, and the joint strength is about 80% of the strength of composite (as-casted). In the laser welding, results indicate that because of the huge specific surface area of the reinforcement, the interfacial reaction between the matrix and the reinforcement is restrained intensively at certain laser power and pulsed laser beam. The laser pulse frequency directly affects the reinforcement segregation and the reinforcement distribution in the weld, so that the weldability of the composite could be improved by increasing the laser pulse frequency. The maximum strength of the weld can reach 70% of the strength of the parent.展开更多
A novel Sn-2.5Ag-2.0Ni alloy was used for soldering SiCp/Al composites substrate deposited with electroless Ni(5%P) (mass fraction)and Ni(10%P)(mass fraction)layers.It is observed that variation of P contents in the e...A novel Sn-2.5Ag-2.0Ni alloy was used for soldering SiCp/Al composites substrate deposited with electroless Ni(5%P) (mass fraction)and Ni(10%P)(mass fraction)layers.It is observed that variation of P contents in the electroless Ni(P)layer results in different types of microstructures of SnAgNi/Ni(P)solder joint.The morphology of Ni3Sn4 intermetallic compounds(IMCs)formed between the solder and Ni(10%P)layer is observed to be needle-like and this shape provides high speed diffusion channels for Ni to diffuse into solder that culminates in high growth rate of Ni3Sn4.The diffusion of Ni into solder furthermore results in the formation of Kirkendall voids at the interface of Ni(P)layer and SiCp/Al composites substrate.It is observed that solder reliability is degraded by the formation of Ni2SnP,P rich Ni layer and Kirkendall voids.The compact Ni3Sn4 IMC layer in Ni(5%P)solder joint prevents Ni element from diffusing into solder,resulting in a low growth rate of Ni3Sn4 layer.Meanwhile,the formation of Ni2SnP that significantly affects the reliability of solder joints is suppressed by the low P content Ni(5%P)layer.Thus,shear strength of Ni(5%P) solder joint is concluded to be higher than that of Ni(10%P)solder joint.Growth of Ni3Sn4 IMC layer and formation of crack are accounted to be the major sources of the failure of Ni(5%P)solder joint.展开更多
文摘TiC/Ni_3Al composites have been prepared using upward infiltration method. The densification was performed by both Ni_3Al melt filling and TiC sintering during the infiltration. The dissolution of TiC in liquid Ni_3Al has been evidenced by finding Ni_3(Al,Ti)C after fast cooling in the TiC/Ni_3Al composites. The dissolution may be responsible for the infiltration and sintering. Compared with downward infiltration, the upward infiltration brought about higher strength and fracture toughness and shorter infiltration time. TiC/20 vol. pct Ni_3Al composite processed by upward infiltration had a flexural strength of 1476 MPa with a statistic Weibull modulus of 20.2 and a fracture toughness of 20.4 MPa . Better mechanical properties may be attributed to melt unidirectional movement in upward infiltration.
文摘The thermal shock fatigue behaviors of pure hot-pressed alumina and 30 wt.% TiC/Al2O3 composites were studied. The effect of TiC and Al2O3 starting particle size on the mechanical properties of the composites was discussed. Indentation-quench test was conducted to evaluate the effect of thermal fatigue temperature difference (ΔT) and number of thermal cycles (Ⅳ) on fatigue crack growth (Δa). The mechanical properties and thermal fatigue resistance of TiC/Al203 composites are remarkably improved by the addition of TiC. The thermal shock fatigue of monolithic alumina and TiC/Al2O3 composites is due to a "true" cycling effect (thermal fatigue). Crack deflection and bridging are the predominant reasons for the improvement of thermal shock fatigue resistance of the composites.
文摘In this paper, turning experiments of machining particle reinforced metal matri x composites(PRMMCs) SiC p/Al with PCD tools have been carried out. The cutting force characteristics in ultrasonic vibration turning compared with that in com mon turning were studied. Through the single factor experiments and multiple fac tor orthogonal experiments, the influences of three kinds of cutting conditions such as cutting velocity, amount of feed and cutting depth on cutting force were analyzed in detail. Meanwhile, according to the experimental data, the empirica l formula of main cutting force in ultrasonic vibration turning was conclude d. According to the test results, the cutting force is direct proportion to cutt ing depth basically according to the relation between cutting force and other fa ctors, which is similar to that of common cutting, so is the feed rate, but the influence is not so big. The influence of cutting speed is larger than that of f eed rate on cutting force because the efficient cutting time increases in vibrat ion cycle with the increase of cutting speed, which causes cutting force to incr ease. The research results indicate: (1) Ultrasonic vibration turning possesses much lower main cutting force than that in common turning when adopting smaller cutting parameters. If using larger cutting parameters, the difference will inco nspicuous. (2) There are remarkable differences of cutting force-cutting veloci ty characteristics in ultrasonic vibration turning from that in common turning m ainly because built-up edge does not emerge in ultrasonic turning unlike common turning in corresponding velocity range. (3) In ultrasonic vibration cutting, t he influence of cutting velocity on cutting force is most obvious among thre e cutting parameters and the influence of feed is smallest. So adopting lower cu tting velocity and larger cutting depth not only can reduce cutting force effect ively but also can ensure cutting efficiency. (4) The conclusions are useful in precision and super precision manufacturing thin-wall pieces.
文摘The contact reaction method was employed to prepare TiC p/2024Al composites and the semi solid extrusion was employed to manufacture composite rods. Through many experiments, suitable processing parameters were obtained, under which sound rods can be fabricated. It is found from the extrusion pressure—stroke curves of semi solid extrusion that the deformation force during semi solid extrusion is low and steady. The reason for lower extrusion pressure of semi solid extrusion was given. Some fabrication defects, such as break out and excessive extrusion force, owing to the inappropriate selection of processing parameters were also observed. The microstructures of TiCp/2024Al composites are characterized by well densified matrix, uniformly distributed TiC particles, some banded particle clusters and realignment of TiC particles along the extrusion direction, and no fracture of TiC particles. The mechanical properties of TiC p/2024Al composites are much higher than those of unreinforced alloy. In the meantime, the elongations of the composites are maintained at the level enough for practical applications.
基金This research is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (under Grant No.59771014 and No.50071019). The help of the National Advanced Material Open Research Lab of Tsinghua University is gratefully acknowledged.
文摘The microstructural characteristic of 1070AI matrix composites reinforced by 0.15 祄 AI2O3 particles whose volume fraction was 40% was investigated by TEM and HREM. The results showed that the interface between the matrix and reinforcements was clean and bonded well, without any interfacial reaction products. There were some preferential crystallographic orientation relationships between Al matrix and AI2O3 particle because of the lattice imperfection on the surface of Al2O3 particles.
文摘The interaction between Zn-AI eutectic alloy and Al203p/6061AI composites in the vacuum furnace was investigated. Great attention has been paid to the elements diffusion, the microstructure and formation of the interface between Zn-AI eutectic alloy and Al2O3p/6061AI composites. Experimental results show that Zn-AI eutectic alloy has a good wetting ability to Al2O3p/6061 Al composites and the wetting angle decreases with increasing the temperature in vacuum. After the interaction, an interaction layer forms between Zn-AI alloy and Al2O3p/6061 Al composites. The phases in the interaction layer mainly consist of α-AI(Zn), Al2O3 and CuZn5 resulted from the diffusion of elements from the Zn-AI alloy. Several porosities distribute in the region near the interface of the Zn-AI alloy/interaction layer. The amount of shrinkage voids in the interacting layer is relevant to the penetration of Zn element into Al2O3p/6061Al composites which is a function of temperature. So it is necessary to lower heating temperature in order to limit the Zn penetration.
文摘Pressureless melt infiltration is an economic route f or preparation of high-density ceramic/melt composites. In this study, the Fe40 Al iron aluminide intermetallic, a low cost material of excellent oxidation and corrosion resistance, was used as binder for fabricating Fe40Al/TiC composites b y pressureless melt infiltration. The wetting ability of liquid Fe40Al in porous TiC pre-form was studied by in-situ monitoring the melting and infiltration p rocess. The infiltration ability was investigated by observing the distance of l iquid Fe40Al intrusion in porous TiC pre-forms at different infiltration temper atures and times by using optical microscope. Porous TiC per-forms with density of 60%~88%TD (theoretical density), prepared under pre-defined sintering temp e rature cycles, were used for fabricating Fe40Al/TiC composites in the range of 1 2%~40% metal content by volume. Almost full dense Fe40Al/TiC composites were su c cessfully fabricated by this technique. Liquid Fe40Al exhibited excellent infilt ration ability, the distance of complete intrusion of liquid Fe40Al in the TiC s intered pre-form with density of 88%TD was over 7 mm after 5 min at the inf iltration temperature of 1 450 ℃. Microstructural observation by SEM and TEM also showed that liquid Fe40Al filled the very narrow gaps among TiC particles, the interfaces of TiC particles and F e40Al plastic ligaments being metallurgical bonded. TEM revealed that high densi ty of dislocations formed in Fe40Al ligaments during solidification, which favor the mechanical properties. Ti decomposed from TiC particles and dissolved into Fe40Al during infiltration. According to the compositional analysis of TEM-EDS, the concentration of Ti in Fe40Al ranges at 1at%~4at% depending on composite f a bricating conditions and the distance from the measuring point to the closest Ti C particles. XRD analysis indicated that the composites were composed of two pha ses, the original TiC and Fe 0.4Al 0.6 intermetallic. No new phase formed during infiltration, but the lattice parameter of Fe 0.4Al 0.6 was expended due to the Ti in the solid solution.
文摘Direct reaction synthesis(DRS), based on the principle of self-propagating hightemperature synthesis (SHS), is a new method for preparing particulate metal matrix composites (PMMCs). The effects of the temperature of the aluminum melt and the aluminum content in the preform on the phases and structure of the reacted preform have been investigated by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy.It has been shown that TiC phase is prone to be synthesized with the increasing of the temperature of the aluminum melt and the decreasing of the aluminum powder content in the preform, and that the size of TiC particle becomes fine with the increasing of the temperature and the decreasing of the aluminum powder content.
文摘The cutting performance of particulate reinforced me tallic matrix composites(PRMMCs) SiC p/Al in ultrasonic vibration cutting and c ommon cutting with carbide tools and PCD tools was researched in the paper. Mic rostructure of machined surface was described, the relation between cutting para meters and surface roughness was presented, and characteristic of the surface re mained stress was also presented. Furthermore, wear regularity and abrasion resi stance ability of tools in ultrasonic vibration cutting and common cutting o f PRMMCs were discussed in detail. The test results show: (1) The surface config urations are obviously different when using different tools to machine such PRMM Cs. The surface machined with carbide tools looks luminous and orderly and there are seldom surface defects on it. The reason is that the soft basal body is apt to flow during cutting, therefore a layer of Al matrix film covers machined sur face. On the contrary, the surface machined with PCD tools looks lackluster. But the profile of machined surface is very clear. Superfine grooves, pits and blac k reinforce particulates can be seen easily without obvious Al film. (2) Because of unstable cutting process in common cutting, the surface is easy to produce s ome defects such as burrs, built-up edges and so on so that the quality of surf ace becomes very poor. Vibration cutting can reduce the influence of tearing, pl astic deformation and built-up edge in cutting and can restrain flutter so as t o make cutting process more stable. Therefore, surface roughness of vibration cu tting is better than that of common cutting. (3) There is an optimum value of fe ed rate in vibration cutting of PRMMCs due to the influence of material characte ristics. Whether feed rate is more than or less than this optimum value, surface roughness will increase. (4) According to analyzing the wear rate of tools in v ibration cutting PRMMCs, it can be concluded that abrasion resistance of tools w ill be improved remarkably when vibration cutting composites have a lower pe rcentage of reinforce particulate. If the percentage of reinforce particulate is higher, the influence on abrasion resistance of carbide tool in vibration cut ting will not be obvious. The research result indicates that vibration cutting effect has a close relation with material characteristics.
文摘Ceramic tapes, containing Al2O3-25 wt pct TiB2(B) and Al2O3-25 wt pct nano-TiC (c), have been obtained by tape casting process. Numerous tapes (about 60~80 tapes) were prepared by stacking in turn the composition (B) and (C), laminating under 10 MPa pressure, eliminating the solvent and burning out the polymer additives. The final green bodies were hot pressed at 1750℃ and 30 MPa. The composite has a bending strength of 568 MPa and a fracture toughness of 5.8 M Pa·m1/2. SEM analysis exhibits that Al2O3 particle growth was inhibited by TiC particles in C. but TiB2 particles could not hinder Al2O3 growth in B. The curves of GTA indicates that all organic additives could be removed completely above 600℃
基金This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China,under grant No.59781004.
文摘The superplasticity of an Al203p/6061Al composite, fabricated by powder metallurgy techniques, has been investigated. Instead of any special thermomechanical processing or hot rolling, simple hot extrusion has been employed to obtain a fine grained structure before superplastic testing. Superplastic tensile tests were performed at strain rates ranging from 10-2 to 10-4 s-1 and at temperatures from 833 to 893 K. A maximum elongation of 200% was achieved at a temperature of 853 K and an initial strain rate of 1.67×103 s-1. The highest value obtained for the strain rate sensitivity index (in) was 0.32. Differential scanning calorimeter was used to ascertain the possibility of any partial melting in the vicinity of optimum superplastic temperature. These results suggested that no liquid phase existed where maximum elongation was achieved and deformation took place entirely in the solid state.
文摘An approach named direct reaction synthesis (DRS) has been developed to fabricate particulate composites with an extremely fine reinforcement size. ID situ Al matrix composites were fabri-cated by DRS. Extensive analysis of the composites microstructure using SEM and TEM identify that the reinforcement formed during the DRS process is Ti carbide (TiC) particle, generally less than 1.0 μm. The reacted, semisolid extruded samples exhibit a homogeneous distribution of fine TiC particles in Al-Cu matrix, Mechanical property evaluation of the composites has revealed a very high tensile strength relative to the matrix alloy. Fractographic analysis indicates ductile failure although the ductility and strength are limited by the presence of coarse titanium aluminides (Al3Ti).
文摘Direct reaction synthesis (DRS), based on the principle of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS), is a new method for preparing participate metal matrix composites. TiCP/AI-4.5Cu-0.8Mg composites were fabricated by DRS. Participate composites were fabricated with Ti carbide (TiC) particles, generally less than 1.0μm. The reacted, thermal extruded samples exhibit a homogeneous distribution of fine TiC particles in AI-4.5Cu-0.8Mg matrix. Mechanical property evaluation of the composites has revealed a very high tensile strength relative to the matrix alloy. Fractographic analysis indicates ductile failure.
文摘Surface properties decide the fatigue, wear and corrosion behavior of a material. Hence their performance can be improved by surface modifications. Friction Stir Processing (FSP) is a promising technique to develop surface composite. The aim of the present study is to develop defect free surface composite of Al 5083 alloy reinforced with TiC particles and investigate the particle distribution in the matrix, mechanical properties and wear behavior of the composites. Microstructural observations were carried out by using optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The microstructural studies revealed that distribution of particles were more uniform in samples subjected to double pass than the single pass FSP. The microhardness profiles along top surface and across the cross section of the processed samples were evaluated. The average hardness along the top surface was found to increase by 27.27%, as compared to that of the base metal (88Hv). The particles were incorporated maximum average depth about 250μm in the surface composite. The slurry erosion tests revealed that the wear rate was highly reduced in case of double pass FSP samples as compared to base metal and single pass FSPed
基金Project(51965040)supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaProject(20181BAB206026)supported by the National Science Foundation of Jiangxi Province,China。
文摘The effects of hot extrusion and addition of Al_(2)O_(3p) on both microstructure and tribological behavior of 7075 composites were investigated via optical microscopy(OM),scanning electron microscopy(SEM),energy dispersive spectrometry(EDS),and transmission electron microscopy(TEM).The experimental consequences reveal that the optimal addition of Al_(2)O_(3p) was 2 wt%.After hot extrusion,the Mg(Zn,Cu,Al)2 phases partially dissolve into the matrix and generate many uniformly distributed aging precipitation particles,the Al_(7)Cu_(2)Fe phases are squeezed and broken,and the Al_(2)O_(3p) become uniform distribution.The microhardness of as-extruded 2 wt%Al_(2)O_(3p)/7075 composites reaches HV 170.34,increased by 41.5%than as-cast composites.The wear rate of as-extruded 2 wt%Al_(2)O_(3p)/7075 composites is further lower than that of as-cast composites under the same condition.SEM-EDS analyses reveal that the reinforced wear resistance of composites can put down to the protective effect of the Al_(2)O_(3p) reinforced transition layer.After hot extrusion,the transition layer becomes stable,which determines the reinforced wear resistance of the as-extruded composites.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.50171025)open project of foundation of National Key Laboratory of Metal Matrix Composite,Shanghai Jiaotong University
文摘Non-interlayer liquid phase diffusion welding (China Patent) and laser welding methods for aluminum matrix composite are mainly described in this paper. In the non-interlayer liquid phase diffusion welding, the key processing parameters affecting the strength of joint is welding temperature. When temperature rises beyond solidus temperature, the bonded line vanishes. The strength of joint reaches the maximum and becomes constant when welding temperature is close to liquid phase temperature. Oxide film in the interface is no longer detected by SEM in the welded joint. With this kind of technique, particle reinforced aluminum matrix composite Al2 O3p/6061Al is welded successfully, and the joint strength is about 80% of the strength of composite (as-casted). In the laser welding, results indicate that because of the huge specific surface area of the reinforcement, the interfacial reaction between the matrix and the reinforcement is restrained intensively at certain laser power and pulsed laser beam. The laser pulse frequency directly affects the reinforcement segregation and the reinforcement distribution in the weld, so that the weldability of the composite could be improved by increasing the laser pulse frequency. The maximum strength of the weld can reach 70% of the strength of the parent.
基金Projects(50274014, 50774005) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaProject(2006CB605207) supported by the National Basic Research Program of China+1 种基金Project(2006AA03Z557) supported by the National High-tech Research and Development of ChinaProject(I2P407) supported by MOE Program for Changjiang Scholars
文摘A novel Sn-2.5Ag-2.0Ni alloy was used for soldering SiCp/Al composites substrate deposited with electroless Ni(5%P) (mass fraction)and Ni(10%P)(mass fraction)layers.It is observed that variation of P contents in the electroless Ni(P)layer results in different types of microstructures of SnAgNi/Ni(P)solder joint.The morphology of Ni3Sn4 intermetallic compounds(IMCs)formed between the solder and Ni(10%P)layer is observed to be needle-like and this shape provides high speed diffusion channels for Ni to diffuse into solder that culminates in high growth rate of Ni3Sn4.The diffusion of Ni into solder furthermore results in the formation of Kirkendall voids at the interface of Ni(P)layer and SiCp/Al composites substrate.It is observed that solder reliability is degraded by the formation of Ni2SnP,P rich Ni layer and Kirkendall voids.The compact Ni3Sn4 IMC layer in Ni(5%P)solder joint prevents Ni element from diffusing into solder,resulting in a low growth rate of Ni3Sn4 layer.Meanwhile,the formation of Ni2SnP that significantly affects the reliability of solder joints is suppressed by the low P content Ni(5%P)layer.Thus,shear strength of Ni(5%P) solder joint is concluded to be higher than that of Ni(10%P)solder joint.Growth of Ni3Sn4 IMC layer and formation of crack are accounted to be the major sources of the failure of Ni(5%P)solder joint.