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4种植物源性成分多重real-time PCR检测方法的建立及其在食用淀粉中的应用 被引量:2
作者 范维 高晓月 +4 位作者 董雨馨 刘虹宇 李贺楠 赵文涛 郭文萍 《食品科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期210-216,共7页
建立一种可同时快速检测红薯、木薯、马铃薯、玉米源性成分的多重实时聚合酶链式反应(real-time polymerase chain reaction,real-time PCR)方法。分别以红薯g3pdh基因、木薯g3pdh基因、马铃薯UGPase基因、玉米zSSIIb基因为靶基因设计... 建立一种可同时快速检测红薯、木薯、马铃薯、玉米源性成分的多重实时聚合酶链式反应(real-time polymerase chain reaction,real-time PCR)方法。分别以红薯g3pdh基因、木薯g3pdh基因、马铃薯UGPase基因、玉米zSSIIb基因为靶基因设计特异性引物和TaqMan探针,以18S rRNA基因为内参基因,建立多重real-time PCR方法,开展方法学验证,并对不同掺入比例模拟样品和实际淀粉样品进行检测。结果显示,该方法具有高通量、特异性强、灵敏度高等优点。与15种非目标源性均无交叉反应;对目标DNA的检测灵敏度可达到3×10^(-3) ng/μL,且具有良好的线性关系和扩增效率;对淀粉样品的检出限可达0.1%,对50份实际样品进行检测,结果与参比方法一致,说明建立的多重real-time PCR法可用于食用淀粉种类掺假鉴别检测。 展开更多
关键词 多重实时聚合酶链式反应 食用淀粉 木薯 红薯 马铃薯 玉米
作者 牟宵 闫召爱 +4 位作者 程旋 陈志芳 杨钧烽 胡雄 潘蔚琳 《空间科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期794-805,共12页
ICON卫星为临近空间环境特性研究、建模和预报提供了新数据.通过对ICON/MIGHTI与TIMED/SABER在90~105 km高度探测温度数据的比较,计算两者的年平均温度偏差和均方根误差,同时分析月平均温度偏差在不同月份中随高度和纬度的分布情况,为MI... ICON卫星为临近空间环境特性研究、建模和预报提供了新数据.通过对ICON/MIGHTI与TIMED/SABER在90~105 km高度探测温度数据的比较,计算两者的年平均温度偏差和均方根误差,同时分析月平均温度偏差在不同月份中随高度和纬度的分布情况,为MIGHTI和SABER温度探测数据在临近空间大气建模和预报应用提供参考依据.结果表明,MIGHTI和SABER的温度垂直廓线变化趋势基本吻合,数值上有所差异.在12°S-42°N范围内,MIGHTI探测温度与SABER相比,在90~93 km时偏低,偏差最大值约2.5 K,在93~105 km偏高,偏差的绝对值最大约10 K.在不同季节,白天的温度偏差通常高于夜晚.SABER和MIGHTI的月平均温度偏差随季节和纬度的变化显著,夏季时的月平均温度偏差最大,且温度的均方根误差最大. 展开更多
关键词 大气温度 临近空间 数据比较 ICON/MIGHTI timeD/SABER
作者 马愈昭 张宇航 王凌飞 《安全与环境学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第7期2517-2527,共11页
能见度的预测对机场的业务决策、保障飞机的安全起降具有重要的意义。针对现有能见度预测模型预测时间较短的问题,提出一种基于TimeGAN Informer(Time Generative Adversarial Network-Informer)的机场能见度预测方法。利用2018—2022... 能见度的预测对机场的业务决策、保障飞机的安全起降具有重要的意义。针对现有能见度预测模型预测时间较短的问题,提出一种基于TimeGAN Informer(Time Generative Adversarial Network-Informer)的机场能见度预测方法。利用2018—2022年气象和污染物数据,通过相关系数法和递归特征消除法提取出能见度的主要影响因素,使用TimeGAN时间序列生成对抗网络对数据进行扩充,并将Informer长时间序列预测模型应用于能见度预测。结果显示:当预测步长为1 d、2 d、3 d时,TimeGAN Informer的绝对误差(Mean Absolute Error,MAE)分别为2.42、3.13、3.57,比Informer分别降低了0.29、0.27、0.28,比长短时记忆网络(Long Short-Term Memory,LSTM)分别降低了0.28、0.49、0.63;均方根误差(Root Mean Square Error,RMSE)分别为3.03、3.7、4.09,比Informer分别降低了0.38、0.22、0.24,比长短时记忆网络(LSTM)分别降低了0.3、0.5、1.04;百分误差小于30%的分别占测试样本集的78.07%、70.68%、63.84%。尽管随着步长的增加预测效果变差,但在预测步长为3 d时,多数样本的预测误差仍小于30%,实现了对机场区域较为准确的长时能见度预测。 展开更多
关键词 安全工程 能见度预报 数据扩充 INFORMER 时间序列
作者 杨磊 何鹏举 丑幸幸 《浙江大学学报(工学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第9期1768-1780,共13页
针对传统基于重构的故障分类方法在故障样本稀疏或失衡情况下效果不佳、故障子空间区分能力弱的问题,提出基于TimeGAN数据增强的复杂过程故障分类方法.针对小子样故障,使用TimeGAN对历史故障数据进行数据增强,生成与历史数据分布相似的... 针对传统基于重构的故障分类方法在故障样本稀疏或失衡情况下效果不佳、故障子空间区分能力弱的问题,提出基于TimeGAN数据增强的复杂过程故障分类方法.针对小子样故障,使用TimeGAN对历史故障数据进行数据增强,生成与历史数据分布相似的虚拟故障样本;采用马氏距离评估虚拟样本的质量,剔除不可信样本,构造平衡的故障样本集.将故障样本映射到高维核空间,并在核空间中提取故障子空间.设计故障分类策略并定义4种故障分类性能评估指标以定量衡量算法的分类性能.Tennessee Eastman应用结果表明,所提数据增强方法可以有效扩充故障样本,进而提高故障重构率.与WGAN-GP和SMOTE方法进行对比,发现基于TimeGAN数据增强的故障分类方法具有更好的分类性能. 展开更多
关键词 故障分类 样本不平衡 数据增强 故障子空间 时间序列生成对抗网络
Brain Time Stack图像融合技术在CT中的应用
作者 史佩佩 张磊 +1 位作者 王芬 吴婷 《中外医学研究》 2024年第17期61-66,共6页
目的:分析Brain Time Stack图像融合技术在CT中的应用。方法:选取2021年3月—2022年9月衡水市第四人民医院收治的50例CT检查患者作为研究对象。所有患者进行CT检查并进行Brain Time Stack后处理。比较四组不同部位CT值、标准差(SD)、信... 目的:分析Brain Time Stack图像融合技术在CT中的应用。方法:选取2021年3月—2022年9月衡水市第四人民医院收治的50例CT检查患者作为研究对象。所有患者进行CT检查并进行Brain Time Stack后处理。比较四组不同部位CT值、标准差(SD)、信噪比(SNR)。比较四组图像主观质量评分。分析不同部位CT值、SD、SNR与图像主观质量评分的相关性。结果:B组的延髓、额叶灰质、额叶白质、小脑内侧、小脑外侧、颞肌肌肉CT值明显低于A组;C组的延髓、脑室、额叶白质、小脑内侧、小脑外侧、颞肌肌肉CT值高于A组;D组延髓、额叶灰质、颞肌肌肉CT值明显低于A组,脑室、额叶白质、小脑外侧CT值明显高于A组;C组延髓、额叶灰质、额叶白质、小脑内侧、小脑外侧、颞肌肌肉CT值明显高于B组;D组延髓、脑室、额叶白质、小脑内侧、小脑外侧、颞肌肌肉CT值明显高于B组;D组延髓、额叶灰质、额叶白质、小脑内侧、小脑外侧、颞肌肌肉CT值明显低于C组;D组脑室CT值明显高于C组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。B组、C组、D组延髓、脑室、额叶灰质、额叶白质、小脑内侧、小脑外侧、颞肌肌肉SD值明显低于A组;C组延髓、脑室、额叶白质、小脑内侧、小脑外侧、颞肌肌肉SD值均明显高于B组;C组额叶灰质SD明显低于B组;D组延髓、脑室、额叶灰质、额叶白质、小脑内侧、小脑外侧、肌肉SD均明显低于B组、C组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。B组、C组、D组延髓、脑室、额叶灰质、额叶白质、小脑内侧、小脑外侧、颞肌肌肉SNR均明显高于A组;C组、D组延髓、额叶灰质、额叶白质、小脑内侧、小脑外侧、颞肌肌肉SNR值明显高于B组;C组、D组脑室SNR明显低于B组;D组延髓、脑室、额叶灰质、额叶白质、小脑内侧、小脑外侧、颞肌肌肉SNR明显高于C组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。D组图像主观质量评分最高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。延髓、脑室、额叶灰质、额叶白质、小脑内侧、小脑外侧及颞肌肌肉SD与主观质量评分呈明显负相关,SNR与主观质量评分间呈明显正相关,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:利用Brain Time Stack图像融合技术对头部CT扫描检查图像处理,动脉期结合前一期及后一期的图像数据在处理后具有更好的质量和更少的噪音。 展开更多
关键词 Brain time Stack 图像融合 头部CT 检查 扫描质量
Association of daily sitting time and leisure-time physical activity with body fat among U.S.adults 被引量:1
作者 Jingwen Liao Min Hu +4 位作者 Kellie Imm Clifton J.Holmes Jie Zhu Chao Cao Lin Yang 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第2期195-203,共9页
Background:Prolonged sitting and reduced physical activity lead to low energy expenditures.However,little is known about the joint impact of daily sitting time and physical activity on body fat distribution.We investi... Background:Prolonged sitting and reduced physical activity lead to low energy expenditures.However,little is known about the joint impact of daily sitting time and physical activity on body fat distribution.We investigated the independent and joint associations of daily sitting time and physical activity with body fat among adults.Methods:This was a cross-sectional analysis of U.S.nationally representative data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey2011-2018 among adults aged 20 years or older.Daily sitting time and leisure-time physical activity(LTPA)were self-reported using the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire.Body fat(total and trunk fat percentage)was determined via dual X-ray absorptiometry.Results:Among 10,808 adults,about 54.6%spent 6 h/day or more sitting;more than one-half reported no LTPA(inactive)or less than 150 min/week LTPA(insufficiently active)with only 43.3%reported 150 min/week or more LTPA(active)in the past week.After fully adjusting for sociodemographic data,lifestyle behaviors,and chronic conditions,prolonged sitting time and low levels of LTPA were associated with higher total and trunk fat percentages in both sexes.When stratifying by LTPA,the association between daily sitting time and body fat appeared to be stronger in those who were inactive/insuufficiently active.In the joint analyses,inactive/insuufficiently active adults who reported sitting more than 8 h/day had the highest total(female:3.99%(95%confidence interval(95%CI):3.09%-4.88%);male:3.79%(95%CI:2.75%-4.82%))and trunk body fat percentages(female:4.21%(95%CI:3.09%-5.32%);male:4.07%(95%CI:2.95%-5.19%))when compared with those who were active and sitting less than 4 h/day.Conclusion:Prolonged daily sitting time was associated with increased body fat among U.S.adults.The higher body fat associated with 6 h/day sitting may not be offset by achieving recommended levels of physical activity. 展开更多
关键词 ADULTS Body fat distribution Physical activity Sitting time
Time series prediction of reservoir bank landslide failure probability considering the spatial variability of soil properties 被引量:2
作者 Luqi Wang Lin Wang +3 位作者 Wengang Zhang Xuanyu Meng Songlin Liu Chun Zhu 《Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第10期3951-3960,共10页
Historically,landslides have been the primary type of geological disaster worldwide.Generally,the stability of reservoir banks is primarily affected by rainfall and reservoir water level fluctuations.Moreover,the stab... Historically,landslides have been the primary type of geological disaster worldwide.Generally,the stability of reservoir banks is primarily affected by rainfall and reservoir water level fluctuations.Moreover,the stability of reservoir banks changes with the long-term dynamics of external disastercausing factors.Thus,assessing the time-varying reliability of reservoir landslides remains a challenge.In this paper,a machine learning(ML)based approach is proposed to analyze the long-term reliability of reservoir bank landslides in spatially variable soils through time series prediction.This study systematically investigated the prediction performances of three ML algorithms,i.e.multilayer perceptron(MLP),convolutional neural network(CNN),and long short-term memory(LSTM).Additionally,the effects of the data quantity and data ratio on the predictive power of deep learning models are considered.The results show that all three ML models can accurately depict the changes in the time-varying failure probability of reservoir landslides.The CNN model outperforms both the MLP and LSTM models in predicting the failure probability.Furthermore,selecting the right data ratio can improve the prediction accuracy of the failure probability obtained by ML models. 展开更多
关键词 Machine learning(ML) Reservoir bank landslide Spatial variability time series prediction Failure probability
Prescribed Performance Tracking Control of Time-Delay Nonlinear Systems With Output Constraints 被引量:1
作者 Jin-Xi Zhang Kai-Di Xu Qing-Guo Wang 《IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica》 SCIE EI CSCD 2024年第7期1557-1565,共9页
The problem of prescribed performance tracking control for unknown time-delay nonlinear systems subject to output constraints is dealt with in this paper. In contrast with related works, only the most fundamental requ... The problem of prescribed performance tracking control for unknown time-delay nonlinear systems subject to output constraints is dealt with in this paper. In contrast with related works, only the most fundamental requirements, i.e., boundedness and the local Lipschitz condition, are assumed for the allowable time delays. Moreover, we focus on the case where the reference is unknown beforehand, which renders the standard prescribed performance control designs under output constraints infeasible. To conquer these challenges, a novel robust prescribed performance control approach is put forward in this paper.Herein, a reverse tuning function is skillfully constructed and automatically generates a performance envelop for the tracking error. In addition, a unified performance analysis framework based on proof by contradiction and the barrier function is established to reveal the inherent robustness of the control system against the time delays. It turns out that the system output tracks the reference with a preassigned settling time and good accuracy,without constraint violations. A comparative simulation on a two-stage chemical reactor is carried out to illustrate the above theoretical findings. 展开更多
关键词 Nonlinear systems output constraints prescribed performance reference tracking time delays
Defect Detection Model Using Time Series Data Augmentation and Transformation 被引量:1
作者 Gyu-Il Kim Hyun Yoo +1 位作者 Han-Jin Cho Kyungyong Chung 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2024年第2期1713-1730,共18页
Time-series data provide important information in many fields,and their processing and analysis have been the focus of much research.However,detecting anomalies is very difficult due to data imbalance,temporal depende... Time-series data provide important information in many fields,and their processing and analysis have been the focus of much research.However,detecting anomalies is very difficult due to data imbalance,temporal dependence,and noise.Therefore,methodologies for data augmentation and conversion of time series data into images for analysis have been studied.This paper proposes a fault detection model that uses time series data augmentation and transformation to address the problems of data imbalance,temporal dependence,and robustness to noise.The method of data augmentation is set as the addition of noise.It involves adding Gaussian noise,with the noise level set to 0.002,to maximize the generalization performance of the model.In addition,we use the Markov Transition Field(MTF)method to effectively visualize the dynamic transitions of the data while converting the time series data into images.It enables the identification of patterns in time series data and assists in capturing the sequential dependencies of the data.For anomaly detection,the PatchCore model is applied to show excellent performance,and the detected anomaly areas are represented as heat maps.It allows for the detection of anomalies,and by applying an anomaly map to the original image,it is possible to capture the areas where anomalies occur.The performance evaluation shows that both F1-score and Accuracy are high when time series data is converted to images.Additionally,when processed as images rather than as time series data,there was a significant reduction in both the size of the data and the training time.The proposed method can provide an important springboard for research in the field of anomaly detection using time series data.Besides,it helps solve problems such as analyzing complex patterns in data lightweight. 展开更多
关键词 Defect detection time series deep learning data augmentation data transformation
Real-time Rescue Target Detection Based on UAV Imagery for Flood Emergency Response 被引量:1
作者 ZHAO Bofei SUI Haigang +2 位作者 ZHU Yihao LIU Chang WANG Wentao 《Journal of Geodesy and Geoinformation Science》 CSCD 2024年第1期74-89,共16页
Timely acquisition of rescue target information is critical for emergency response after a flood disaster.Unmanned Aerial Vehicles(UAVs)equipped with remote sensing capabilities offer distinct advantages,including hig... Timely acquisition of rescue target information is critical for emergency response after a flood disaster.Unmanned Aerial Vehicles(UAVs)equipped with remote sensing capabilities offer distinct advantages,including high-resolution imagery and exceptional mobility,making them well suited for monitoring flood extent and identifying rescue targets during floods.However,there are some challenges in interpreting rescue information in real time from flood images captured by UAVs,such as the complexity of the scenarios of UAV images,the lack of flood rescue target detection datasets and the limited real-time processing capabilities of the airborne on-board platform.Thus,we propose a real-time rescue target detection method for UAVs that is capable of efficiently delineating flood extent and identifying rescue targets(i.e.,pedestrians and vehicles trapped by floods).The proposed method achieves real-time rescue information extraction for UAV platforms by lightweight processing and fusion of flood extent extraction model and target detection model.The flood inundation range is extracted by the proposed method in real time and detects targets such as people and vehicles to be rescued based on this layer.Our experimental results demonstrate that the Intersection over Union(IoU)for flood water extraction reaches an impressive 80%,and the IoU for real-time flood water extraction stands at a commendable 76.4%.The information on flood stricken targets extracted by this method in real time can be used for flood emergency rescue. 展开更多
关键词 UAV flood extraction target rescue detection real time
Cross-Dimension Attentive Feature Fusion Network for Unsupervised Time-Series Anomaly Detection 被引量:1
作者 Rui Wang Yao Zhou +2 位作者 Guangchun Luo Peng Chen Dezhong Peng 《Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences》 SCIE EI 2024年第6期3011-3027,共17页
Time series anomaly detection is crucial in various industrial applications to identify unusual behaviors within the time series data.Due to the challenges associated with annotating anomaly events,time series reconst... Time series anomaly detection is crucial in various industrial applications to identify unusual behaviors within the time series data.Due to the challenges associated with annotating anomaly events,time series reconstruction has become a prevalent approach for unsupervised anomaly detection.However,effectively learning representations and achieving accurate detection results remain challenging due to the intricate temporal patterns and dependencies in real-world time series.In this paper,we propose a cross-dimension attentive feature fusion network for time series anomaly detection,referred to as CAFFN.Specifically,a series and feature mixing block is introduced to learn representations in 1D space.Additionally,a fast Fourier transform is employed to convert the time series into 2D space,providing the capability for 2D feature extraction.Finally,a cross-dimension attentive feature fusion mechanism is designed that adaptively integrates features across different dimensions for anomaly detection.Experimental results on real-world time series datasets demonstrate that CAFFN performs better than other competing methods in time series anomaly detection. 展开更多
关键词 time series anomaly detection unsupervised feature learning feature fusion
Hybrid model for BOF oxygen blowing time prediction based on oxygen balance mechanism and deep neural network 被引量:1
作者 Xin Shao Qing Liu +3 位作者 Zicheng Xin Jiangshan Zhang Tao Zhou Shaoshuai Li 《International Journal of Minerals,Metallurgy and Materials》 SCIE EI CSCD 2024年第1期106-117,共12页
The amount of oxygen blown into the converter is one of the key parameters for the control of the converter blowing process,which directly affects the tap-to-tap time of converter. In this study, a hybrid model based ... The amount of oxygen blown into the converter is one of the key parameters for the control of the converter blowing process,which directly affects the tap-to-tap time of converter. In this study, a hybrid model based on oxygen balance mechanism (OBM) and deep neural network (DNN) was established for predicting oxygen blowing time in converter. A three-step method was utilized in the hybrid model. First, the oxygen consumption volume was predicted by the OBM model and DNN model, respectively. Second, a more accurate oxygen consumption volume was obtained by integrating the OBM model and DNN model. Finally, the converter oxygen blowing time was calculated according to the oxygen consumption volume and the oxygen supply intensity of each heat. The proposed hybrid model was verified using the actual data collected from an integrated steel plant in China, and compared with multiple linear regression model, OBM model, and neural network model including extreme learning machine, back propagation neural network, and DNN. The test results indicate that the hybrid model with a network structure of 3 hidden layer layers, 32-16-8 neurons per hidden layer, and 0.1 learning rate has the best prediction accuracy and stronger generalization ability compared with other models. The predicted hit ratio of oxygen consumption volume within the error±300 m^(3)is 96.67%;determination coefficient (R^(2)) and root mean square error (RMSE) are0.6984 and 150.03 m^(3), respectively. The oxygen blow time prediction hit ratio within the error±0.6 min is 89.50%;R2and RMSE are0.9486 and 0.3592 min, respectively. As a result, the proposed model can effectively predict the oxygen consumption volume and oxygen blowing time in the converter. 展开更多
关键词 basic oxygen furnace oxygen consumption oxygen blowing time oxygen balance mechanism deep neural network hybrid model
Attosecond ionization time delays in strong-field physics
作者 马永哲 倪宏程 吴健 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第1期102-121,共20页
Electronic processes within atoms and molecules reside on the timescale of attoseconds. Recent advances in the laserbased pump-probe interrogation techniques have made possible the temporal resolution of ultrafast ele... Electronic processes within atoms and molecules reside on the timescale of attoseconds. Recent advances in the laserbased pump-probe interrogation techniques have made possible the temporal resolution of ultrafast electronic processes on the attosecond timescale, including photoionization and tunneling ionization. These interrogation techniques include the attosecond streak camera, the reconstruction of attosecond beating by interference of two-photon transitions, and the attoclock. While the former two are usually employed to study photoionization processes, the latter is typically used to investigate tunneling ionization. In this review, we briefly overview these timing techniques towards an attosecond temporal resolution of ionization processes in atoms and molecules under intense laser fields. In particular, we review the backpropagation method, which is a novel hybrid quantum-classical approach towards the full characterization of tunneling ionization dynamics. Continued advances in the interrogation techniques promise to pave the pathway towards the exploration of ever faster dynamical processes on an ever shorter timescale. 展开更多
关键词 strong-field ionization ATTOSECOND time delay photoionization time delay tunneling time delay attosecond streak camera reconstruction of attosecond beating by interference of two-photon transitions(RABBITT) attoclock backpropagation
The joint Laplace transforms for killed diffusion occupation times
作者 LI Ying-qiu CHEN Ye 《Applied Mathematics(A Journal of Chinese Universities)》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第3期398-415,共18页
The approach of Li and Zhou(2014)is adopted to find the Laplace transform of occupation time over interval(0,a)and joint occupation times over semi-infinite intervals(-∞,a)and(b,∞)for a time-homogeneous diffusion pr... The approach of Li and Zhou(2014)is adopted to find the Laplace transform of occupation time over interval(0,a)and joint occupation times over semi-infinite intervals(-∞,a)and(b,∞)for a time-homogeneous diffusion process up to an independent exponential time e_(q)for 0<a<b.The results are expressed in terms of solutions to the differential equations associated with the diffusion generator.Applying these results,we obtain explicit expressions on the Laplace transform of occupation time and joint occupation time for Brownian motion with drift. 展开更多
关键词 time-homogeneous diffusion process occupation time joint occupation time Laplace transform Brownian motion with drift
Unsupervised Time Series Segmentation: A Survey on Recent Advances
作者 Chengyu Wang Xionglve Li +1 位作者 Tongqing Zhou Zhiping Cai 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2024年第8期2657-2673,共17页
Time series segmentation has attracted more interests in recent years,which aims to segment time series into different segments,each reflects a state of the monitored objects.Although there have been many surveys on t... Time series segmentation has attracted more interests in recent years,which aims to segment time series into different segments,each reflects a state of the monitored objects.Although there have been many surveys on time series segmentation,most of them focus more on change point detection(CPD)methods and overlook the advances in boundary detection(BD)and state detection(SD)methods.In this paper,we categorize time series segmentation methods into CPD,BD,and SD methods,with a specific focus on recent advances in BD and SD methods.Within the scope of BD and SD,we subdivide the methods based on their underlying models/techniques and focus on the milestones that have shaped the development trajectory of each category.As a conclusion,we found that:(1)Existing methods failed to provide sufficient support for online working,with only a few methods supporting online deployment;(2)Most existing methods require the specification of parameters,which hinders their ability to work adaptively;(3)Existing SD methods do not attach importance to accurate detection of boundary points in evaluation,which may lead to limitations in boundary point detection.We highlight the ability to working online and adaptively as important attributes of segmentation methods,the boundary detection accuracy as a neglected metrics for SD methods. 展开更多
关键词 time series segmentation time series state detection boundary detection change point detection
Dispersion Relations in Diffraction in Time
作者 Salvador Godoy Karen Villa 《Applied Mathematics》 2024年第7期464-468,共5页
In agreement with Titchmarsh’s theorem, we prove that dispersion relations are just the Fourier-transform of the identity, g(x′)=±Sgn(x′)g(x′), which defines the property of being a truncated functions at the... In agreement with Titchmarsh’s theorem, we prove that dispersion relations are just the Fourier-transform of the identity, g(x′)=±Sgn(x′)g(x′), which defines the property of being a truncated functions at the origin. On the other hand, we prove that the wave-function of a generalized diffraction in time problem is just the Fourier-transform of a truncated function. Consequently, the existence of dispersion relations for the diffraction in time wave-function follows. We derive these explicit dispersion relations. 展开更多
关键词 Diffraction in time Dispersion Relations Hilbert Transforms
J-family genes redundantly regulate flowering time and increase yield in soybean
作者 Haiyang Li Zheng Chen +10 位作者 Fan Wang Hongli Xiang Shuangrong Liu Chuanjie Gou Chao Fang Liyu Chen Tiantian Bu Fanjiang Kong Xiaohui Zhao Baohui Liu Xiaoya Lin 《The Crop Journal》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第3期944-949,共6页
Soybean(Glycine max)is a short-day crop whose flowering time is regulated by photoperiod.The longjuvenile trait extends its vegetative phase and increases yield under short-day conditions.Natural variation in J,the ma... Soybean(Glycine max)is a short-day crop whose flowering time is regulated by photoperiod.The longjuvenile trait extends its vegetative phase and increases yield under short-day conditions.Natural variation in J,the major locus controlling this trait,modulates flowering time.We report that the three J-family genes influence soybean flowering time,with the triple mutant Guangzhou Mammoth-2 flowering late under short days by inhibiting transcription of E1-family genes.J-family genes offer promising allelic combinations for breeding. 展开更多
关键词 SOYBEAN Flowering time YIELD J-family genes
A Time Series Intrusion Detection Method Based on SSAE,TCN and Bi-LSTM
作者 Zhenxiang He Xunxi Wang Chunwei Li 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2024年第1期845-871,共27页
In the fast-evolving landscape of digital networks,the incidence of network intrusions has escalated alarmingly.Simultaneously,the crucial role of time series data in intrusion detection remains largely underappreciat... In the fast-evolving landscape of digital networks,the incidence of network intrusions has escalated alarmingly.Simultaneously,the crucial role of time series data in intrusion detection remains largely underappreciated,with most systems failing to capture the time-bound nuances of network traffic.This leads to compromised detection accuracy and overlooked temporal patterns.Addressing this gap,we introduce a novel SSAE-TCN-BiLSTM(STL)model that integrates time series analysis,significantly enhancing detection capabilities.Our approach reduces feature dimensionalitywith a Stacked Sparse Autoencoder(SSAE)and extracts temporally relevant features through a Temporal Convolutional Network(TCN)and Bidirectional Long Short-term Memory Network(Bi-LSTM).By meticulously adjusting time steps,we underscore the significance of temporal data in bolstering detection accuracy.On the UNSW-NB15 dataset,ourmodel achieved an F1-score of 99.49%,Accuracy of 99.43%,Precision of 99.38%,Recall of 99.60%,and an inference time of 4.24 s.For the CICDS2017 dataset,we recorded an F1-score of 99.53%,Accuracy of 99.62%,Precision of 99.27%,Recall of 99.79%,and an inference time of 5.72 s.These findings not only confirm the STL model’s superior performance but also its operational efficiency,underpinning its significance in real-world cybersecurity scenarios where rapid response is paramount.Our contribution represents a significant advance in cybersecurity,proposing a model that excels in accuracy and adaptability to the dynamic nature of network traffic,setting a new benchmark for intrusion detection systems. 展开更多
关键词 Network intrusion detection bidirectional long short-term memory network time series stacked sparse autoencoder temporal convolutional network time steps
Defining the association between the prolonged operative time and 90-day complications in patients undergoing radical cystectomy
作者 Peter Hanna Joseph Zabell +1 位作者 Badrinath Konety Christopher Warlick 《Asian Journal of Urology》 CSCD 2024年第3期429-436,共8页
Objective:Radical cystectomy is a complex lengthy procedure associated with postoperative morbidity.We aimed to assess the operative time(OT)in patients undergoing radical cystectomy and its impact on 90-day postopera... Objective:Radical cystectomy is a complex lengthy procedure associated with postoperative morbidity.We aimed to assess the operative time(OT)in patients undergoing radical cystectomy and its impact on 90-day postoperative complications and readmission rates.Methods:The retrospective cohort study included 296 patients undergoing radical cystectomy and urinary diversion from May 2010 to December 2018 in our institution.The OT of 369 min was set as a cutoff value between short and long OT groups.The primary outcome was 90-day postoperative complication rates.Secondary outcomes were gastrointestinal recovery time,length of hospital stay,and 90-day readmission rates.Results:The overall incidence of 90-day postoperative complications was 79.7%where 43.2%representing low-grade complications according to the ClavieneDindo classification(Grade 1 and Grade 2),and 36.5%representing high-grade complications(Grade3).Gastrointestinal tract and infectious complications are the most common complications in our data set(45.9%and 45.6%,respectively).On multivariable analysis,prolonged OT was significantly associated with odds of high-grade complications(odds ratio 2.340,95%confidence interval 1.288e4.250,p=0.005).After propensity score-matched analysis,a higher incidence of major complications was identified in the long OT group 55(51.4%)compared to 35(32.7%)in the short OT group(p=0.006).A shorter gastrointestinal tract recovery time was noticed in the short OT group(p=0.009).Prolonged OT was associated with a higher 90-day readmission rate on univariate and multivariate analyses(p<0.001,p=0.001,respectively). 展开更多
关键词 Radical cystectomy Operative time COMPLICATION READMISSION
A New Perspective on Time and Gravity
作者 Ittipat Roopkom Wirote Jongchanachavawat +4 位作者 Chermdhong Prattanaruk Kwanchai Nanan Pichet Wisartpong Thawatchai Mayteevarunyoo Paramote Wardkein 《Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology》 CAS 2024年第1期346-362,共17页
This paper presents a hypothesis regarding the existence of time fused in spacetime, assuming that time possesses the properties of both a particle and a field. This duality is referred to as the field-particle of tim... This paper presents a hypothesis regarding the existence of time fused in spacetime, assuming that time possesses the properties of both a particle and a field. This duality is referred to as the field-particle of time (FPT). The analysis shows that when the FPT moves through matter, it causes time dilation. The FPT is also a significant element that appears in relativistic kinetic energy (KE = (γ - 1) · mc<sup>2</sup>). Accelerating matter to near the speed of light requires relativistic energy approaching infinity, which corresponds to the relativistic kinetic energy. Meanwhile, the potential energy (PE = mc<sup>2</sup>) from the rest mass remains constant. Then, the mass-energy equation can be rearranged in terms of PE and KE, as shown in E = (1 + (γ - 1)) · mc<sup>2</sup>. The relativistic energy of the FPT also directly affects the gravitational attraction of matter. It transfers energy to each other through spacetime. The analysis demonstrates that the gravitational force is inversely proportional to the distance squared, following Newton’s law of gravity, and it varies with the relative velocity of matter. The relationship equation between relative time and the gravitational constant indicates that a higher intensity of the gravitational field leads to a slower reference time for matter, in accordance with the general theory of relativity. A thought experiment presents a comparison of two atomic clocks placed in different locations. The first one is placed in a room temperature, around 25°C, on the surface of the Earth, and the second one is placed in high-density areas. The analysis, considering the presence of the FPT, shows that the reference time slows down in high-density areas. Therefore, the second clock must be noticeably slower than the first one, indicating the existence of the FPT passing through both atomic clocks at different speeds. 展开更多
关键词 Field-Particle of time (FPT) Reference time Relativistic Mass and Energy of FPT GRAVITY
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