BACKGROUND During the perianesthesia period,emergency situations threatening the life and safety of patients can occur at any time.When dealing with some emergencies,occasional confusion is inevitable.CASE SUMMARY Thi...BACKGROUND During the perianesthesia period,emergency situations threatening the life and safety of patients can occur at any time.When dealing with some emergencies,occasional confusion is inevitable.CASE SUMMARY This case report describes the rare situation wherein a surgeon inadvertently detached the inflatable tube of an endotracheal tube during a tonsillectomy,and positive pressure ventilation could not be provided.While reintubation may increase the risk of respiratory tract infection and aspiration,patients with a difficult airway might die due to apnea.The best treatment method is to optimize the damaged tracheal tube junction to avoid secondary intubation and ensure patient safety.An intravenous needle and cannula were used to repair the damaged gap in the current case.Following the repair,the anesthesia machine showed no indication of low tidal volume,and there was no deflation of the endotracheal tube cuff.Subsequently,the patient was transferred to the postanesthesia recovery room,and the tracheal tube was removed with satisfactory results.CONCLUSION Using an intravenous needle to repair a break in the inflatable tube surrounding an endotracheal tube is safe and reliable.展开更多
Background: Accurate determination of the optimal insertion depth of a pediatric endotracheal tube (ETT) is quite important. The aim of this study was to create an easily available formula that can be used to determin...Background: Accurate determination of the optimal insertion depth of a pediatric endotracheal tube (ETT) is quite important. The aim of this study was to create an easily available formula that can be used to determine the optimal insertion depth for a cuffed ETT even without depth marking with clear definitions of the upper and lower limits for the tip of ETT in the trachea in clinical practice. Methods: Eighty children under 12 years of age were enrolled. The depth marking of the cuffed ETT was placed at the vocal cords and both lungs were then auscultated using a stethoscope. The upper limit was radiographically defined as the position of the tip of the cuffed ETT being between the clavicles. The lower limit was defined as a distance of 5 mm above the carina. The relationship between the insertion depth and patient characteristics was analyzed to create a formula for optimal ETT insertion depth. Results: Sixty-nine ETTs were optimally placed in the trachea. There were good correlations between the optimal insertion depth of ETTs and patients characteristics (height (R = 0.92);BSA (R = 0.92);weight (R = 0.91);age (R = 0.88)). Using these patient characteristics, we created the following three formulas for calculation of the optimal insertion depth for pediatric cuffed ETTs: insertion depth (cm) = height (cm)/11 + 5.5, weight (kg)/3 + 9.5 or 11 + 3/4 × age (years). The rates of appropriate tube placement of both pediatric cuffed ETTs were 87.5% (Hi-Contour) and 85.0% (Microcuff). Conclusions: Our formula and graphs may be easy to determine the optimal insertion depth of cuffed ETT even without depth marking in clinical practice.展开更多
Background: Surveys of pediatric endotracheal tube (ETT) management previously reported that specialists in pediatric anesthesia and intensive care medicine preferred to use uncuffed ETTs for children younger than 8 t...Background: Surveys of pediatric endotracheal tube (ETT) management previously reported that specialists in pediatric anesthesia and intensive care medicine preferred to use uncuffed ETTs for children younger than 8 to 10 years of age. The aim of this study was to reveal the most recent attitudes and clinical practices of pediatric ETT management in Japan. Methods: The attitudes and clinical practices of pediatric ETT management were investigated using the data sheets of each institution and each patient. The data sheets contained information on patient characteristics and type of hospital, surgical procedures, devices used for intubation, and ETT information including types, size, depth, intracuff pressure (ICP), interval of ICP measurement, laryngeal packing, ETT exchange, airway complications, and reintubations. Results: The response rate of this survey was 66.7%. More than half of children older than 2 years of age were intubated with cuffed ETTs;83.5% of cuffed ETTs were used with the cuffs inflated, and ICP was measured in 80.7% of cuffed ETTs. More than half of ICP measurements were only taken at the time of intubation. Post-extubation stridor was rarely observed in cuffed (0.4%) or uncuffed ETTs (1.2%). The pediatric ETT management questionnaire revealed age-based size selection, differences in pressure of air leakage between cuffed (15 - 20 cmH2O) and uncuffed ETTs (20 - 30 cmH2O) of different sizes, the depthmarking method of insertion length. Continuous measurement of ICP was not common. Conclusion: This study revealed widespread use of cuffed ETTs in children older than 2 years of age, rarely occurrence of post-extubation stridor, inflation of cuffs, and practice of ICP measurement.展开更多
Background: Maintenance of optimal Endotracheal Tube cuff Pressure (ETTcP) in anaesthetic practice reduces cuff pressure complications. Aneroid manometers for measurement of ETTcP are not widely available in Ghana, he...Background: Maintenance of optimal Endotracheal Tube cuff Pressure (ETTcP) in anaesthetic practice reduces cuff pressure complications. Aneroid manometers for measurement of ETTcP are not widely available in Ghana, hence anaesthesia providers estimate ETTcP according to their experience. The study assessed ETTcP obtained from estimation techniques between anaesthesia providers at Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital (KBTH). It also evaluated the Volume of Air Required (VAR) to obtain an acceptable cuff inflation pressure for sizes 7.0 and 8.0 mm adult endotracheal tubes used at the hospital, and the effect of patient’s age, weight and height on this volume. Methods: Eighty-one patients who underwent general anaesthesia were recruited. ETTcP was measured using an aneroid manometer via a three-way tap. After full cuff deflation, the cuff was refilled with air until an ETTcP of 20 cm H2O was obtained. Independent t-test was used to measure the statistical variations in the ETTcP using estimation techniques in relation to recommended levels as well as the significant difference of mean VAR to obtain a cuff pressure of 20 cm H2O. Grouped t-test was used to determine significant differences in ETTcP between anaesthesia providers using estimation techniques. Results: Mean ETTcP obtained from estimation techniques was (61.87, 73.79) cm H2O. The mean ETTcP measured for Physician and Nurse Anaesthetists were 65.36 cm H20 and 69.52 cm H2O respectively. The mean VAR to achieve an ETTcP of 20 cm H2O for endotracheal tube sizes 7.0 mm and 8.0 mm were 3.90 ± 1.13 mls and 4.55 ± 0.95 mls respectively. Age and weight significantly influenced the VAR to achieve a cuff pressure of 20 cm H2O, however, height did not. Conclusions: This study demonstrated that cuff pressures obtained by estimation techniques were generally higher than the recommended average with no significant difference between anaesthesia providers. However, in the absence of an aneroid manometer, ETTcP of tube sizes 7.0 mm and 8.0 mm can be safely approximated to the recommended levels with predetermined inflation volumes.展开更多
<b>Background:</b> Displacement of endotracheal tube (ETT) can result in endobronchial intubation and accidental extubation that severely threatens safety of surgical patients. However, few surveys have in...<b>Background:</b> Displacement of endotracheal tube (ETT) can result in endobronchial intubation and accidental extubation that severely threatens safety of surgical patients. However, few surveys have investigated intraoperative ETT displacement experienced by anesthesiologists. The objective of these surveys was to investigate ETT fixation method and ETT displacement during general anesthesia experienced by anesthesiologists in China in 2014 and 2020. <b>Methods:</b> A questionnaire was designed with twenty questions and randomly distributed to anesthesiologists in two survey methods. In 2014, we collected responses from anesthesiologists who participated in the 22nd annual meeting of the Chinese Society of Anesthesiology in a face-to-face setting;in 2020, anesthesiologists from twenty-eight provinces completed the questionnaire through an online questionnaire survey platform. Differences in the responses from the anesthesiologists in 2014 and 2020 were assessed with a chi-square test. <b>Results:</b> In total, 568 questionnaires were collected, of which 541 questionnaires were valid (valid response rate 95.2%). A majority of the respondents (65.6%) had experienced ETT displacement, and 4.3% of respondents had experienced serious complications due to ETT displacement. Three hundred and twenty-nine respondents (60.8%) fixed the ETT with adhesive tape in the shape of the letter X. A majority of respondents considered the influence of surgical site, body position (97.8% of all respondents), and age (77.1% of all respondents) on fixing the ETT. Adhesive tape was the most commonly used material to fix the ETT (90.4% of the respondents). <b>Conclusion:</b> During clinical anesthesia, a majority of anesthesiologists experienced ETT displacement that can result in serious consequences. Therefore, the management of ETT should be a priority during the operation.展开更多
Introduction: With the traction on the trachea and intrathoracic manipulation during cardiac surgery, the position of the endotracheal tube (ETT) might be changed as compared to before surgery. Migration of the ETT du...Introduction: With the traction on the trachea and intrathoracic manipulation during cardiac surgery, the position of the endotracheal tube (ETT) might be changed as compared to before surgery. Migration of the ETT during pediatric cardiac surgery is particularly problematic in infants. Methods: In this retrospective cohort study, chest X-rays were taken in the operating room just before and after surgery. The position of the ETT among all infants under 1 year of age who underwent cardiac surgery between December 2017 to December 2019 was evaluated. The displacement of the ETT position was examined by measuring the position of the tube tip from the tracheal bifurcation on a chest X-ray, and the relationship between surgery-related factors (age, height, weight, sex, surgery time, cardiopulmonary bypass, tube size, use of tube cuff) was analyzed. Results: Eighty-eight of the 141 patients were enrolled. There was a significant proximal displacement of the ETT tip during cardiac surgery. The distance from the carina to the tube tip after surgery was long, on average 2.5 mm, compared to that before surgery (P = 0.013). Cephalad displacement of the ETT either ≥5 mm or ≥2.5 mm was found in 28 and in 38 out of 88 infants after surgery, respectively. After performing multivariate analysis, the use of un-cuffed ETT was the sole exploratory variable predictive of tube tip displacement (OR 0.34, 95% CI 0.10 - 0.93 if ≥5 mm;and OR 0.24, 95% CI 0.08 - 0.75 if ≥2.5 mm displacement;P = 0.04 and 0.01, respectively). Conclusion: Proximal displacement of the ETT during cardiac surgery occurs more frequently in infants with un-cuffed ETT.展开更多
<strong>Background: </strong>Adhesive tape is the common method for endotracheal tube (ETT) secured to prevent tube displacement and unplanned extubation in an anesthesia setting. However, it is unclear wh...<strong>Background: </strong>Adhesive tape is the common method for endotracheal tube (ETT) secured to prevent tube displacement and unplanned extubation in an anesthesia setting. However, it is unclear which tape is superior for ETT fixation among the various tapes used in clinical practice. This study examines the force required to move 2 cm ETT and extubate ETT from an intubation manikin with five different adhesive tapes. <strong>Methods:</strong> We orally intubated an adult intubation manikin with an inner-diameter 7.5 mm ETT, inflated the cuff to 20 cm H<sub>2</sub>O. Then we secured ETT with five different adhesive tapes (Transpore tape<sup>TM</sup>, Urgosyval tape<span style="white-space:nowrap;"><sup>®</sup></span>, Transpore<sup>TM </sup>White tape, Multipore tape, Durapore<sup>TM</sup> tape) in a conventional fixation method. A digital force gauge was connected to the ETT and pulled in a direction erected to the oral cavity. We measured the force required to move 2 cm ETT and extubate ETT (defined as 5 cm ETT displacement) from the manikin. Data were analyzed with one-way analysis of variance, with <em>P</em> < 0.05. <strong>Results:</strong> Durapore<sup>TM</sup> tape had the largest average force of 2 cm displacement (58.9 ± 5.7N) (<em>P</em> < 0.05). The extubation force of Durapore<sup>TM</sup> tape (59.7 ± 4.9N) was larger than Urgosyval<span style="font-size:10px;"><sup>®</sup></span> tape (40.4 ± 2.9N) (<em>P</em> < 0.05), Transpore<sup>TM</sup> tape (48.7 ± 5.1N) (<em>P</em> < 0.05), Transpore White<sup>TM</sup> tape (48.7 ± 5.1N) (<em>P</em> < 0.05).<strong> Conclusion: </strong>Durapore<sup>TM</sup> tape was superior to the other four tapes (Transpore<sup>TM</sup> tape, Urgosyval<span style="font-size:10px;"><sup>®</sup></span> tape, Transpore<sup>TM</sup> white tape, Multipore tape) in holding the ETT in place in the manikin.展开更多
Background: Comparison of the tracheal tube depth over the same body height of men and women based upon intubation depth markings. Methods: Kashan University of Medical Sciences ethics committee approved the study and...Background: Comparison of the tracheal tube depth over the same body height of men and women based upon intubation depth markings. Methods: Kashan University of Medical Sciences ethics committee approved the study and written informed consent was taken for each patient. Patients undergoing surgery requiring general anesthesia with oro-tracheal intubation were included in a prospective observational study. After induction of general anesthesia, the endotracheal tube was secured at the point at which the cuff was just below the vocal cord on laryngoscopy. Results: In a statistical study of 682 intubated patients which consisted of 499 women and 183 men, 28 cases of laryngoscopic view grade III and IV were excluded from the study. The measurement markings on the ETT at the level of right corner of the mouth were 20.65 ± 0.13 and 18.52 ± 0.08 for men and women respectively (CI 95%). Patient’s height has a meaningful correlation with the measurement of the fixation point of the ETT. Pearson correlation coefficient between the securing point of the tube and height was 0.2 and 0.357 for men and women respectively. In most cases of men and women of the same height, Mann-Whitney U test rejected the hypothesis that the tube can be fixed in the particular point. Conclusions: In general, men are taller than women. Comparing the fixation depth of the tube, even when man and woman have the same body height, the endotracheal tube might be placed in a deeper level for men rather than women.展开更多
Massive hemoptysis is a frightening and life-threatening event in children. Prompt, aggressive evaluation and management are necessary. The most common cause of hemoptysis in a pediatric patient is infectious, but oth...Massive hemoptysis is a frightening and life-threatening event in children. Prompt, aggressive evaluation and management are necessary. The most common cause of hemoptysis in a pediatric patient is infectious, but other various etiologies including tracheotomy related problems, cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis, congenital anomalies of the cardiopulmonary vasculature and suction trauma must be considered as well. Presented is a report of a case of acute, massive endotracheal hemorrhage with multiple methods of management including balloon tamponade, highly selective embolization, and mainstem occlusion. This case is an addition to our previously reported case series of nine pediatric patients with massive pulmonary hemorrhage. Various diagnostic and management techniques of hemoptyis in pediatric patients are discussed with an extensive review of the literature.展开更多
Objective:To compare the effects of a pain management program and routine suctioning methods on the level of pain presence and agitation in Chinese adults admitted to the intensive care unit.To disseminate the results...Objective:To compare the effects of a pain management program and routine suctioning methods on the level of pain presence and agitation in Chinese adults admitted to the intensive care unit.To disseminate the results from the implementation of the evidence-informed pain management interventions for reducing pain presence and agitation during endotracheal tube suctioning(ETS)and translate the key finding to clinical nursing practice.Methods:A quasi-experimental study of a two-group post-test design was conducted in adults admitted after surgery to a surgical intensive care unit(SICU)of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University,Yunnan,China in 2018.Fifty-two adults who met the study eligibility were included after consent,26 in each group.Patients in the control group received usual care while patients in the intervention group received interventions to reduce agitation and pain-related ETS.The impacts of the intervention on the level of pain presence and agitation were measured at 5 measuring time points using the Chinese versions of Critical-Care Pain Observation Tool(CPOT)and Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale(RASS).Results:The level of pain presence in the intervention group statistically significantly decreased during,immediately after,and 5 min after suctioning.The level of agitation in the intervention group significantly decreased during and immediately after suctioning.Conclusions:The findings provide support for the positive pain-relieving effects of the evidence-informed pain-related ETS management interventions when compared with the usual ETS practice.The study interventions were sufficiently effective and safe to maintain patent airway clean and patent as standardized suctioning and helps pain relief.So,evidence-based pain-related ETS management intervention is worthy of recommending to utilize in SICU patients as well as other patients who required suctioning.It is worth noting that integrating pre-emptive analgesia prescription and administration with non-pharmacological intervention plays a critical role in achieving pain relief.展开更多
The nasogastric tube(NGT) has become a frequently used device to alleviate gastrointestinal symptoms. Nasogastric tube syndrome(NTS) is an uncommon but potentially life-threatening complication of an indwelling NGT. N...The nasogastric tube(NGT) has become a frequently used device to alleviate gastrointestinal symptoms. Nasogastric tube syndrome(NTS) is an uncommon but potentially life-threatening complication of an indwelling NGT. NTS is characterized by acute upper airway obstruction due to bilateral vocal cord paralysis. We report a case of a 76-year-old man with NTS, induced by an indwelling long intestinal tube. He was admitted to our hospital for treatment of sigmoid colon cancer. He underwent sigmoidectomy to release a bowel obstruction, and had a long intestinal tube inserted to decompress the intestinal tract. He presented acute dyspnea following prolonged intestinal intubation, and bronchoscopy showed bilateral vocal cord paralysis. The NGT was removed immediately, and tracheotomy was performed. The patient was finally discharged in a fully recovered state. NTS be considered in patients complaining of acute upper airway obstruction, not only with a NGT inserted but also with a long intestinal tube.展开更多
We agree with the editorial published by Feng et al concerning the insufficient routine monitoring of tracheal tube cuff pressure(TTCP) by anesthesiologists, and propose an improvised technique that can facilitate and...We agree with the editorial published by Feng et al concerning the insufficient routine monitoring of tracheal tube cuff pressure(TTCP) by anesthesiologists, and propose an improvised technique that can facilitate and promote such routine monitoring by intensive care staff who attend to patients receiving mechanical ventilation. Insufficient monitoring of tracheal cuff pressure has also been documented for intensive care unit nurses. Measurements of cuff pressure are beneficial when used in management of air leakage around an endotracheal tube, and can be easily obtained with the aid of a personalized and simple technique performed using materials that are readily available in all hospitals. Other investigators have previously demonstrated the usefulness of employing an improvised technique. We considered that possible disadvantages are similar to those encountered when using standardized equipment. With our improvised technique, we seek to promote among the nursing staff the determination of the TTCP in intubated patients to reduce the risk of related medical complications.展开更多
Introduction: Endotracheal suction plays a crucial role in the management of mechanically ventilated patients. This study aims to evaluate the clinical effectiveness and safety of suction tubes with markings in mechan...Introduction: Endotracheal suction plays a crucial role in the management of mechanically ventilated patients. This study aims to evaluate the clinical effectiveness and safety of suction tubes with markings in mechanically ventilated pediatric patients. Materials and Methods: A randomized assignment was carried out on a cohort of 52 pediatric patients who underwent mechanical ventilation in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at the Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, covering the period from January 2022 to December 2022. These patients were divided into two groups: an improved group (n = 26) utilizing marked suction tubes, and a regular group (n = 26) employing conventional suction tubes. The objective of our study was to evaluate the clinical effectiveness of marked suction tubes. Results: The effects of the improved group on the vital signs of children undergoing mechanical ventilation were small and statistically significant compared with the regular group (p < 0.05). Additionally, the improved group exhibited a reduced frequency of sputum suction, shorter mechanical ventilation duration, and fewer days of hospitalization in the PICU compared to the regular group during the ventilation period. Notably, the difference in the duration of PICU hospitalization was statistically significant (p < 0.05). Moreover, the incidence of adverse reactions in the improved group was notably lower, with statistically significant differences observed in airway mucous membrane damage and irritating cough when compared to the regular group (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The utilization of marked suction tubes provides clinical nurses with clear guidance for performing suctioning with ease, efficiency and safety. Consequently, advocating for the widespread implementation of marked suction tubes in clinical practice is a commendable pursuit.展开更多
文摘BACKGROUND During the perianesthesia period,emergency situations threatening the life and safety of patients can occur at any time.When dealing with some emergencies,occasional confusion is inevitable.CASE SUMMARY This case report describes the rare situation wherein a surgeon inadvertently detached the inflatable tube of an endotracheal tube during a tonsillectomy,and positive pressure ventilation could not be provided.While reintubation may increase the risk of respiratory tract infection and aspiration,patients with a difficult airway might die due to apnea.The best treatment method is to optimize the damaged tracheal tube junction to avoid secondary intubation and ensure patient safety.An intravenous needle and cannula were used to repair the damaged gap in the current case.Following the repair,the anesthesia machine showed no indication of low tidal volume,and there was no deflation of the endotracheal tube cuff.Subsequently,the patient was transferred to the postanesthesia recovery room,and the tracheal tube was removed with satisfactory results.CONCLUSION Using an intravenous needle to repair a break in the inflatable tube surrounding an endotracheal tube is safe and reliable.
文摘Background: Accurate determination of the optimal insertion depth of a pediatric endotracheal tube (ETT) is quite important. The aim of this study was to create an easily available formula that can be used to determine the optimal insertion depth for a cuffed ETT even without depth marking with clear definitions of the upper and lower limits for the tip of ETT in the trachea in clinical practice. Methods: Eighty children under 12 years of age were enrolled. The depth marking of the cuffed ETT was placed at the vocal cords and both lungs were then auscultated using a stethoscope. The upper limit was radiographically defined as the position of the tip of the cuffed ETT being between the clavicles. The lower limit was defined as a distance of 5 mm above the carina. The relationship between the insertion depth and patient characteristics was analyzed to create a formula for optimal ETT insertion depth. Results: Sixty-nine ETTs were optimally placed in the trachea. There were good correlations between the optimal insertion depth of ETTs and patients characteristics (height (R = 0.92);BSA (R = 0.92);weight (R = 0.91);age (R = 0.88)). Using these patient characteristics, we created the following three formulas for calculation of the optimal insertion depth for pediatric cuffed ETTs: insertion depth (cm) = height (cm)/11 + 5.5, weight (kg)/3 + 9.5 or 11 + 3/4 × age (years). The rates of appropriate tube placement of both pediatric cuffed ETTs were 87.5% (Hi-Contour) and 85.0% (Microcuff). Conclusions: Our formula and graphs may be easy to determine the optimal insertion depth of cuffed ETT even without depth marking in clinical practice.
文摘Background: Surveys of pediatric endotracheal tube (ETT) management previously reported that specialists in pediatric anesthesia and intensive care medicine preferred to use uncuffed ETTs for children younger than 8 to 10 years of age. The aim of this study was to reveal the most recent attitudes and clinical practices of pediatric ETT management in Japan. Methods: The attitudes and clinical practices of pediatric ETT management were investigated using the data sheets of each institution and each patient. The data sheets contained information on patient characteristics and type of hospital, surgical procedures, devices used for intubation, and ETT information including types, size, depth, intracuff pressure (ICP), interval of ICP measurement, laryngeal packing, ETT exchange, airway complications, and reintubations. Results: The response rate of this survey was 66.7%. More than half of children older than 2 years of age were intubated with cuffed ETTs;83.5% of cuffed ETTs were used with the cuffs inflated, and ICP was measured in 80.7% of cuffed ETTs. More than half of ICP measurements were only taken at the time of intubation. Post-extubation stridor was rarely observed in cuffed (0.4%) or uncuffed ETTs (1.2%). The pediatric ETT management questionnaire revealed age-based size selection, differences in pressure of air leakage between cuffed (15 - 20 cmH2O) and uncuffed ETTs (20 - 30 cmH2O) of different sizes, the depthmarking method of insertion length. Continuous measurement of ICP was not common. Conclusion: This study revealed widespread use of cuffed ETTs in children older than 2 years of age, rarely occurrence of post-extubation stridor, inflation of cuffs, and practice of ICP measurement.
文摘Background: Maintenance of optimal Endotracheal Tube cuff Pressure (ETTcP) in anaesthetic practice reduces cuff pressure complications. Aneroid manometers for measurement of ETTcP are not widely available in Ghana, hence anaesthesia providers estimate ETTcP according to their experience. The study assessed ETTcP obtained from estimation techniques between anaesthesia providers at Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital (KBTH). It also evaluated the Volume of Air Required (VAR) to obtain an acceptable cuff inflation pressure for sizes 7.0 and 8.0 mm adult endotracheal tubes used at the hospital, and the effect of patient’s age, weight and height on this volume. Methods: Eighty-one patients who underwent general anaesthesia were recruited. ETTcP was measured using an aneroid manometer via a three-way tap. After full cuff deflation, the cuff was refilled with air until an ETTcP of 20 cm H2O was obtained. Independent t-test was used to measure the statistical variations in the ETTcP using estimation techniques in relation to recommended levels as well as the significant difference of mean VAR to obtain a cuff pressure of 20 cm H2O. Grouped t-test was used to determine significant differences in ETTcP between anaesthesia providers using estimation techniques. Results: Mean ETTcP obtained from estimation techniques was (61.87, 73.79) cm H2O. The mean ETTcP measured for Physician and Nurse Anaesthetists were 65.36 cm H20 and 69.52 cm H2O respectively. The mean VAR to achieve an ETTcP of 20 cm H2O for endotracheal tube sizes 7.0 mm and 8.0 mm were 3.90 ± 1.13 mls and 4.55 ± 0.95 mls respectively. Age and weight significantly influenced the VAR to achieve a cuff pressure of 20 cm H2O, however, height did not. Conclusions: This study demonstrated that cuff pressures obtained by estimation techniques were generally higher than the recommended average with no significant difference between anaesthesia providers. However, in the absence of an aneroid manometer, ETTcP of tube sizes 7.0 mm and 8.0 mm can be safely approximated to the recommended levels with predetermined inflation volumes.
文摘<b>Background:</b> Displacement of endotracheal tube (ETT) can result in endobronchial intubation and accidental extubation that severely threatens safety of surgical patients. However, few surveys have investigated intraoperative ETT displacement experienced by anesthesiologists. The objective of these surveys was to investigate ETT fixation method and ETT displacement during general anesthesia experienced by anesthesiologists in China in 2014 and 2020. <b>Methods:</b> A questionnaire was designed with twenty questions and randomly distributed to anesthesiologists in two survey methods. In 2014, we collected responses from anesthesiologists who participated in the 22nd annual meeting of the Chinese Society of Anesthesiology in a face-to-face setting;in 2020, anesthesiologists from twenty-eight provinces completed the questionnaire through an online questionnaire survey platform. Differences in the responses from the anesthesiologists in 2014 and 2020 were assessed with a chi-square test. <b>Results:</b> In total, 568 questionnaires were collected, of which 541 questionnaires were valid (valid response rate 95.2%). A majority of the respondents (65.6%) had experienced ETT displacement, and 4.3% of respondents had experienced serious complications due to ETT displacement. Three hundred and twenty-nine respondents (60.8%) fixed the ETT with adhesive tape in the shape of the letter X. A majority of respondents considered the influence of surgical site, body position (97.8% of all respondents), and age (77.1% of all respondents) on fixing the ETT. Adhesive tape was the most commonly used material to fix the ETT (90.4% of the respondents). <b>Conclusion:</b> During clinical anesthesia, a majority of anesthesiologists experienced ETT displacement that can result in serious consequences. Therefore, the management of ETT should be a priority during the operation.
文摘Introduction: With the traction on the trachea and intrathoracic manipulation during cardiac surgery, the position of the endotracheal tube (ETT) might be changed as compared to before surgery. Migration of the ETT during pediatric cardiac surgery is particularly problematic in infants. Methods: In this retrospective cohort study, chest X-rays were taken in the operating room just before and after surgery. The position of the ETT among all infants under 1 year of age who underwent cardiac surgery between December 2017 to December 2019 was evaluated. The displacement of the ETT position was examined by measuring the position of the tube tip from the tracheal bifurcation on a chest X-ray, and the relationship between surgery-related factors (age, height, weight, sex, surgery time, cardiopulmonary bypass, tube size, use of tube cuff) was analyzed. Results: Eighty-eight of the 141 patients were enrolled. There was a significant proximal displacement of the ETT tip during cardiac surgery. The distance from the carina to the tube tip after surgery was long, on average 2.5 mm, compared to that before surgery (P = 0.013). Cephalad displacement of the ETT either ≥5 mm or ≥2.5 mm was found in 28 and in 38 out of 88 infants after surgery, respectively. After performing multivariate analysis, the use of un-cuffed ETT was the sole exploratory variable predictive of tube tip displacement (OR 0.34, 95% CI 0.10 - 0.93 if ≥5 mm;and OR 0.24, 95% CI 0.08 - 0.75 if ≥2.5 mm displacement;P = 0.04 and 0.01, respectively). Conclusion: Proximal displacement of the ETT during cardiac surgery occurs more frequently in infants with un-cuffed ETT.
文摘<strong>Background: </strong>Adhesive tape is the common method for endotracheal tube (ETT) secured to prevent tube displacement and unplanned extubation in an anesthesia setting. However, it is unclear which tape is superior for ETT fixation among the various tapes used in clinical practice. This study examines the force required to move 2 cm ETT and extubate ETT from an intubation manikin with five different adhesive tapes. <strong>Methods:</strong> We orally intubated an adult intubation manikin with an inner-diameter 7.5 mm ETT, inflated the cuff to 20 cm H<sub>2</sub>O. Then we secured ETT with five different adhesive tapes (Transpore tape<sup>TM</sup>, Urgosyval tape<span style="white-space:nowrap;"><sup>®</sup></span>, Transpore<sup>TM </sup>White tape, Multipore tape, Durapore<sup>TM</sup> tape) in a conventional fixation method. A digital force gauge was connected to the ETT and pulled in a direction erected to the oral cavity. We measured the force required to move 2 cm ETT and extubate ETT (defined as 5 cm ETT displacement) from the manikin. Data were analyzed with one-way analysis of variance, with <em>P</em> < 0.05. <strong>Results:</strong> Durapore<sup>TM</sup> tape had the largest average force of 2 cm displacement (58.9 ± 5.7N) (<em>P</em> < 0.05). The extubation force of Durapore<sup>TM</sup> tape (59.7 ± 4.9N) was larger than Urgosyval<span style="font-size:10px;"><sup>®</sup></span> tape (40.4 ± 2.9N) (<em>P</em> < 0.05), Transpore<sup>TM</sup> tape (48.7 ± 5.1N) (<em>P</em> < 0.05), Transpore White<sup>TM</sup> tape (48.7 ± 5.1N) (<em>P</em> < 0.05).<strong> Conclusion: </strong>Durapore<sup>TM</sup> tape was superior to the other four tapes (Transpore<sup>TM</sup> tape, Urgosyval<span style="font-size:10px;"><sup>®</sup></span> tape, Transpore<sup>TM</sup> white tape, Multipore tape) in holding the ETT in place in the manikin.
文摘Background: Comparison of the tracheal tube depth over the same body height of men and women based upon intubation depth markings. Methods: Kashan University of Medical Sciences ethics committee approved the study and written informed consent was taken for each patient. Patients undergoing surgery requiring general anesthesia with oro-tracheal intubation were included in a prospective observational study. After induction of general anesthesia, the endotracheal tube was secured at the point at which the cuff was just below the vocal cord on laryngoscopy. Results: In a statistical study of 682 intubated patients which consisted of 499 women and 183 men, 28 cases of laryngoscopic view grade III and IV were excluded from the study. The measurement markings on the ETT at the level of right corner of the mouth were 20.65 ± 0.13 and 18.52 ± 0.08 for men and women respectively (CI 95%). Patient’s height has a meaningful correlation with the measurement of the fixation point of the ETT. Pearson correlation coefficient between the securing point of the tube and height was 0.2 and 0.357 for men and women respectively. In most cases of men and women of the same height, Mann-Whitney U test rejected the hypothesis that the tube can be fixed in the particular point. Conclusions: In general, men are taller than women. Comparing the fixation depth of the tube, even when man and woman have the same body height, the endotracheal tube might be placed in a deeper level for men rather than women.
文摘Massive hemoptysis is a frightening and life-threatening event in children. Prompt, aggressive evaluation and management are necessary. The most common cause of hemoptysis in a pediatric patient is infectious, but other various etiologies including tracheotomy related problems, cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis, congenital anomalies of the cardiopulmonary vasculature and suction trauma must be considered as well. Presented is a report of a case of acute, massive endotracheal hemorrhage with multiple methods of management including balloon tamponade, highly selective embolization, and mainstem occlusion. This case is an addition to our previously reported case series of nine pediatric patients with massive pulmonary hemorrhage. Various diagnostic and management techniques of hemoptyis in pediatric patients are discussed with an extensive review of the literature.
基金Thailand’s Educations Hub for the Southern Region of ASEAN Countries (TEH-AC) Scholarship through Prince of Songkla University, Thailand, for a scholarship award to support this study
文摘Objective:To compare the effects of a pain management program and routine suctioning methods on the level of pain presence and agitation in Chinese adults admitted to the intensive care unit.To disseminate the results from the implementation of the evidence-informed pain management interventions for reducing pain presence and agitation during endotracheal tube suctioning(ETS)and translate the key finding to clinical nursing practice.Methods:A quasi-experimental study of a two-group post-test design was conducted in adults admitted after surgery to a surgical intensive care unit(SICU)of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University,Yunnan,China in 2018.Fifty-two adults who met the study eligibility were included after consent,26 in each group.Patients in the control group received usual care while patients in the intervention group received interventions to reduce agitation and pain-related ETS.The impacts of the intervention on the level of pain presence and agitation were measured at 5 measuring time points using the Chinese versions of Critical-Care Pain Observation Tool(CPOT)and Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale(RASS).Results:The level of pain presence in the intervention group statistically significantly decreased during,immediately after,and 5 min after suctioning.The level of agitation in the intervention group significantly decreased during and immediately after suctioning.Conclusions:The findings provide support for the positive pain-relieving effects of the evidence-informed pain-related ETS management interventions when compared with the usual ETS practice.The study interventions were sufficiently effective and safe to maintain patent airway clean and patent as standardized suctioning and helps pain relief.So,evidence-based pain-related ETS management intervention is worthy of recommending to utilize in SICU patients as well as other patients who required suctioning.It is worth noting that integrating pre-emptive analgesia prescription and administration with non-pharmacological intervention plays a critical role in achieving pain relief.
文摘The nasogastric tube(NGT) has become a frequently used device to alleviate gastrointestinal symptoms. Nasogastric tube syndrome(NTS) is an uncommon but potentially life-threatening complication of an indwelling NGT. NTS is characterized by acute upper airway obstruction due to bilateral vocal cord paralysis. We report a case of a 76-year-old man with NTS, induced by an indwelling long intestinal tube. He was admitted to our hospital for treatment of sigmoid colon cancer. He underwent sigmoidectomy to release a bowel obstruction, and had a long intestinal tube inserted to decompress the intestinal tract. He presented acute dyspnea following prolonged intestinal intubation, and bronchoscopy showed bilateral vocal cord paralysis. The NGT was removed immediately, and tracheotomy was performed. The patient was finally discharged in a fully recovered state. NTS be considered in patients complaining of acute upper airway obstruction, not only with a NGT inserted but also with a long intestinal tube.
文摘We agree with the editorial published by Feng et al concerning the insufficient routine monitoring of tracheal tube cuff pressure(TTCP) by anesthesiologists, and propose an improvised technique that can facilitate and promote such routine monitoring by intensive care staff who attend to patients receiving mechanical ventilation. Insufficient monitoring of tracheal cuff pressure has also been documented for intensive care unit nurses. Measurements of cuff pressure are beneficial when used in management of air leakage around an endotracheal tube, and can be easily obtained with the aid of a personalized and simple technique performed using materials that are readily available in all hospitals. Other investigators have previously demonstrated the usefulness of employing an improvised technique. We considered that possible disadvantages are similar to those encountered when using standardized equipment. With our improvised technique, we seek to promote among the nursing staff the determination of the TTCP in intubated patients to reduce the risk of related medical complications.
文摘Introduction: Endotracheal suction plays a crucial role in the management of mechanically ventilated patients. This study aims to evaluate the clinical effectiveness and safety of suction tubes with markings in mechanically ventilated pediatric patients. Materials and Methods: A randomized assignment was carried out on a cohort of 52 pediatric patients who underwent mechanical ventilation in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at the Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, covering the period from January 2022 to December 2022. These patients were divided into two groups: an improved group (n = 26) utilizing marked suction tubes, and a regular group (n = 26) employing conventional suction tubes. The objective of our study was to evaluate the clinical effectiveness of marked suction tubes. Results: The effects of the improved group on the vital signs of children undergoing mechanical ventilation were small and statistically significant compared with the regular group (p < 0.05). Additionally, the improved group exhibited a reduced frequency of sputum suction, shorter mechanical ventilation duration, and fewer days of hospitalization in the PICU compared to the regular group during the ventilation period. Notably, the difference in the duration of PICU hospitalization was statistically significant (p < 0.05). Moreover, the incidence of adverse reactions in the improved group was notably lower, with statistically significant differences observed in airway mucous membrane damage and irritating cough when compared to the regular group (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The utilization of marked suction tubes provides clinical nurses with clear guidance for performing suctioning with ease, efficiency and safety. Consequently, advocating for the widespread implementation of marked suction tubes in clinical practice is a commendable pursuit.