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Assessment Methods Used during Clinical Years of Undergraduate Medical Education at Moi University School of Medicine, Kenya 被引量:1
作者 Japheth Kipkulei Simon Kangethe +3 位作者 Frankline Boibanda Hellen Jepngetich Teresa Lotodo Joel Kirinyet 《Health》 CAS 2022年第3期296-305,共10页
Background: Assessment is the systematic collection, review, and use of information about educational programs undertaken to improve teaching and learning. It ensures quality in training programmes, motivates, and dir... Background: Assessment is the systematic collection, review, and use of information about educational programs undertaken to improve teaching and learning. It ensures quality in training programmes, motivates, and directs students’ learning. Assessment is also used for verification of achievement of objectives of training, feedback to students, licencing, certification, and screening of students for advanced training. It is guided by several principles, including the aims of the assessment (why assess), who to assess, timing (when to assess), what to assess, methods (how to assess), and the criteria for determining the usefulness of the assessment. Objective: To describe the assessment methods used during clinical years of the undergraduate programme at Moi University School of Medicine (MUSOM) and determine the student’s perspectives concerning the comprehensiveness, relevance, objectivity of various assessment methods and challenges faced. Methodology: The study was carried out at MUSOM and a cross-sectional study design was employed. Ten study participants were studied using convenience sampling. Data were collected using an interview guide and was analyzed using content analysis. An informed consent was obtained from the study participants. Results: The methods used during clinical years at MUSOM for assessing knowledge and its applications include multiple-choice questions (MCQ), short answer questions (SAQ), modified essay questions (MEQ), long essay questions (LEQ), and oral exam. Whereas the methods for assessing clinical competence include long case, short cases, objective structured clinical examinations (OSCE), and logbook. Students felt that MCQs were comprehensive, objective, and relevant to the curriculum content. They reported that feedback was not provided after assessments. Conclusion: The assessment methods used at MUSOM during clinical years include MCQ, SAQ, MEQ, LEQ, Short cases, long cases, and OSCE. Students reported varied perceptions of the different assessment methods but favored MCQ and OSCE over other formats for assessing knowledge and clinical skills respectively. 展开更多
关键词 medical education Assessment Methods clinical Years undergraduate
Defensive medicine:It is time to finally slow down an epidemic 被引量:1
作者 Sandro Vento Francesca Cainelli Alfredo Vallone 《World Journal of Clinical Cases》 SCIE 2018年第11期406-409,共4页
Defensive medicine is widespread and practiced the world over, with serious consequences for patients, doctors, and healthcare costs. Even students and resi-dents are exposed to defensive medicine practices and taught... Defensive medicine is widespread and practiced the world over, with serious consequences for patients, doctors, and healthcare costs. Even students and resi-dents are exposed to defensive medicine practices and taught to take malpractice liability into consideration when making clinical decisions. Defensive medicine is generally thought to stem from physicians' perception that they can easily be sued by patients or their relatives who seek compensation for presumed medical errors. However, in our view the growth of defensive medicine should be seen in the context of larger changes in the conception of medicine that have taken place in the last few decades, undermining the patient–physician trust, which has traditionally been the main source of professional satisfaction for physicians. These changes include the following: time directly spent with patients has been overtaken by time devoted to electronic health records and desk work; family doctors have played a progressively less central role; clinical reasoning is being replaced by guidelines and algorithms; the public at large and a number of young physicians tend to believe that medicine is a perfect science rather than an imperfect art, as it continues to be; and modern societies do not tolerate the inevitable morbidity and mortality. To finally reduce the increasing defensive behavior of doctors around the world, the decriminalization of medical errors and the assurance that they can be dealt with in civil courts or by medical organizations in all countries could help but it would not suffice. Physicians and surgeons should be allowed to spend the time they need with their patients and should give clinical reasoning the importance it deserves. The institutions should support the doctors who have experienced adverse patient events, and the media should stop reporting with excessive evidence presumed medical errors and subject physicians to "public trials" before they are eventually judged in court. 展开更多
关键词 ADVERSE event clinical reasoning DEFENSIVE medicine DOCTOR-PATIENT relationship Healthcare cost medical education medical error
Training medical undergraduates in the core disciplines of community medicine through community postings-an experience from India 被引量:5
作者 Hemant Deepak Shewade Chinnakali Palanivel Kathiresan Jeyashree 《Family Medicine and Community Health》 2016年第3期45-50,共6页
Objective:Family medicine,epidemiology,health management and health promotion are the core disciplines of community medicine.In this paper,we discuss the development of a commu-nity posting program within the framewor... Objective:Family medicine,epidemiology,health management and health promotion are the core disciplines of community medicine.In this paper,we discuss the development of a commu-nity posting program within the framework of community medicine core disciplines at a primary health centre attached to a teaching hospital in Puducherry,India.Methods:This is a process documentation of our experience.Results:There were some shortcomings which revolved around the central theme that post-ings were conducted with department in the teaching hospital as the focal point,not the primary health centre(PHC).To address the shortcomings,we made some changes in the existing com-munity posting program in 2013.Student feedback aimed at Kirkpatrick level 1(satisfaction)evaluation revealed that they appreciated the benefits of having the posting with PHC as the focal point.Feedback recommended some further changes in the community posting which could be addressed through complete administrative control of the primary health centre as urban health and training center of the teaching hospital;and also through practice of core disciplines of com-munity medicine by faculty of community medicine.Conclusion:It is important to introduce the medical undergraduates to the core disciplines of community medicine early through community postings.Community postings should be con-ducted with primary health centre or urban health and training centre as the focal point. 展开更多
关键词 Family medicine community posting clinical posting community-based medical education undergraduate medical education EPIDEMIOLOGY health management health promotion
The role of the teaching practice in undergraduate medical education: A perspective from the United States of America 被引量:1
作者 Michael D.Fetters Joanna Rew Joel J.Heidelbaugh 《Family Medicine and Community Health》 2018年第3期142-153,共12页
This article describes and reflects on the role of teaching practices in undergraduate medical education on the basis of teaching experience in the United States of America.China in particular,but also other family me... This article describes and reflects on the role of teaching practices in undergraduate medical education on the basis of teaching experience in the United States of America.China in particular,but also other family medicine-emerging countries,continues to embark on a path of creating and embracing a family medicine-centric system.The purpose of this article is to provide a US perspective on teaching priorities and strategies for medical students,and how these fit into a larger structure of the family medicine clinical clerkship.We emphasize knowledge,clinical skills,clinical behaviors,and strategies for succeeding as a preceptor.We introduce key aspects of the University of Michigan family medicine clerkship and the highly effective structure provided by the leadership of the course directors.This organizational structure provides a framework for implementing the family medicine clerkship for teaching medical students.As China and other family medicine-emerging countries increasingly embrace the discipline,we hope these ideas will provide a meaningful reference. 展开更多
关键词 Primary care general practice medical education clinical clerkship family medicine practice TEACHING consulting skills
Problems and Measures of Majors of Chinese Independent Medical University 被引量:1
作者 Qiutong Kuang Guanghui Wei 《Journal of Health Science》 2020年第1期27-31,共5页
Objective:By studying the status and problems of the undergraduate major setting of independent medical universities,explore the suitable mode for independent medical universities under the new medicine in China.Resul... Objective:By studying the status and problems of the undergraduate major setting of independent medical universities,explore the suitable mode for independent medical universities under the new medicine in China.Results:This paper finds that these majors are set freely,update speed is slow,the subject coverage is too large,and the school features are weakened.Conclusion:Independent medical schools should improve school-running strength from their own side,seize the opportunity of new medical construction,and achieve coordinated development according to their own ability. 展开更多
关键词 medical education undergraduate major new medicine
作者 刘颖 杜名 辛军 《中国继续医学教育》 2025年第1期76-80,共5页
聚焦于通过创新教学方法提升核医学专业学生的自主学习意识与创新实践素养,文章对以问题为基础的教学法(problem-based learning,PBL)和文献导读法各自的基本含义和优势、劣势进行系统分析。在此基础上,为充分发挥二者优势,提出PBL联合... 聚焦于通过创新教学方法提升核医学专业学生的自主学习意识与创新实践素养,文章对以问题为基础的教学法(problem-based learning,PBL)和文献导读法各自的基本含义和优势、劣势进行系统分析。在此基础上,为充分发挥二者优势,提出PBL联合文献导读教学模式,并在核医学科的教学场景中明确了相关实施步骤和注意事项。虽然PBL教学法具备有利于学生全面系统掌握知识、提升学生学习效率等优势,但由于其强调学生的主体地位,存在部分学生可能会产生抵触情绪、教学效果的实现受到学生能力基础的限制等缺陷。将其与文献导读法相结合,可以通过细化教学步骤,为构建和逐步提升学生的科研能力提供充分的空间,以降低学生在教学过程中出现抵触情绪的概率,同时也继续保持了文献导读法有利于强化学生自主学习意识、保持教学内容的学术性与前沿性等优势。 展开更多
关键词 以问题为基础的教学法 文献导读法 核医学 联合教学 临床实践 医学教育
作者 商静 刘波 +3 位作者 李婷 王珍芳 高燕华 朱媛 《中国继续医学教育》 2025年第1期61-65,共5页
住院医师规范化培训(住培)是我国医药卫生体制改革和深化医学教育改革的重大举措,是医学生毕业后继续教育的核心部分,在医学生向临床医师转变进程中扮演着承前启后的重要角色。超声医学专业住培医师不仅要掌握超声理论知识与操作技能,... 住院医师规范化培训(住培)是我国医药卫生体制改革和深化医学教育改革的重大举措,是医学生毕业后继续教育的核心部分,在医学生向临床医师转变进程中扮演着承前启后的重要角色。超声医学专业住培医师不仅要掌握超声理论知识与操作技能,更应具备良好的临床思维,而临床思维的培养是超声科住培工作的重点与难点。传统教学模式在培养临床思维方面存在耗时久、效率低下的弊端。鉴于此,笔者尝试将混合教学法与阶梯式培养策略融合,引入到超声科住院医师规范化培训(住培)中,旨在对传统的临床思维培养教学方式进行优化与改进。通过混合教学法联合阶梯式培养策略:住培早期阶段,住培医师可以在导师的悉心指导下,循序渐进地学习超声专业知识,初步构建起临床思维的基本认知架构;住培中晚期阶段,住培医师通过临床实践持续反复地进行逻辑推理与假设验证的练习,在此过程中察觉到自身知识与思维的漏洞并及时弥补,有力地突破固有思维模式的桎梏,从而实现临床思维能力的稳步提升与持续优化,为其日后的临床工作奠定坚实基础,也为超声科住培教学改革提供了有益的实践探索范例。 展开更多
关键词 住院医师规范化培训 超声医学 临床思维 混合教学法 阶梯式培养策略 医学教育
作者 石博雅 武珂卉 +5 位作者 魏佳 王瑶琪 逄仁柱 李勇 杨帅 孟宪瑛 《国际老年医学杂志》 2025年第1期118-121,共4页
在“四证合一”培养模式下,临床医学专业学位硕士研究生(简称专硕研究生)的培养逐渐暴露出临床和科研之间失衡的问题,对学生的科研能力培养明显不足。目前尚缺乏较为完善的针对专硕研究生科研能力培养的教育体系。本文以普外科专硕研究... 在“四证合一”培养模式下,临床医学专业学位硕士研究生(简称专硕研究生)的培养逐渐暴露出临床和科研之间失衡的问题,对学生的科研能力培养明显不足。目前尚缺乏较为完善的针对专硕研究生科研能力培养的教育体系。本文以普外科专硕研究生为主要观察对象,通过分析现阶段专硕研究生的科研教育现状,结合近年来本院开展的教学改革实践情况,探讨以临床问题为导向培养专硕研究生科研能力的具体措施,并进一步思考专硕研究生科研教育的未来发展,以期实现高质量全面型医学人才培养的教育目标。 展开更多
关键词 临床医学 专业学位硕士 科研能力 医学教育
作者 杨鸿 周霞 《数理医药学杂志》 2025年第1期60-66,共7页
以ChatGPT(chat generative pre-trained transformer)为代表的生成式人工智能(artificial intelligence,AI)能够根据指令生成文本、图像、音频等多种格式的内容,已成为AI研究中最热门的领域之一。生成式AI基于文本、图像、音频等多模... 以ChatGPT(chat generative pre-trained transformer)为代表的生成式人工智能(artificial intelligence,AI)能够根据指令生成文本、图像、音频等多种格式的内容,已成为AI研究中最热门的领域之一。生成式AI基于文本、图像、音频等多模态数据进行训练,能够理解和生成自然语言、回答专业问题以及高精度完成其他与语言相关的任务,其在语言翻译、文本撰写、代码编程、医学影像解读等领域均有出色表现。近年来,生成式AI开始应用于呼吸内科领域,并逐渐成为研究热点。本文对生成式AI,尤其是ChatGPT在医学教育、辅助诊断、临床决策支持、影像分析、医学研究及医患沟通方面的应用现状及其局限性进行综述。 展开更多
关键词 生成式人工智能 ChatGPT 呼吸内科 医学教育 临床决策 医患沟通
Eight-Year Medical Education Program:Retrospect and Prospect of the High-Level Medical Talent Training in China 被引量:2
作者 Hongbin Wu Ana Xie Weimin Wang 《ECNU Review of Education》 2021年第1期190-209,共20页
Purpose:The 8-year medical education program(EYMEP)is China's path to training high-level medical talents.In retrospect,this study systematically reviewed the developmental process of China's EYMEP.The status ... Purpose:The 8-year medical education program(EYMEP)is China's path to training high-level medical talents.In retrospect,this study systematically reviewed the developmental process of China's EYMEP.The status quo and characteristics,and threats and challenges,were analyzed,along with the program’s prospects.Design/Approach/Methods:This study analyzed relevant textual materials and policy documents dating back to the time of hosting of China's EYMEP,as well as conducted various specific interviews and field trips.Findings:The exploration of China's high-level medical talent training has been conducted over a century.EYMEP can be divided into five periods:the Only Host Period,the Duplication Pilot Host Period,the Expansion Period,the Joint Exploration Period,and the In-Depth Promotion Period.Currently,there are 14 universities and institutes hosting the EYMEP approved by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China.However,they differ greatly in training ideas and goals,enrollment processes,and training phases.China's EYMEP is faced with some external threats and internal challenges.In the future,China's EYMEP should consider five aspects.Originality/Value:In the new era of the reform and development of China's medical education,a systematic review of the development of EYMEP in China is of great significance to the promotion of high-level medical talent training in China.Meanwhile,the exploration course of China's highlevel medical talent training represented by the EYMEP may be an enlightenment for other countries,especially developing countries like China,in their training of high-level medical talents. 展开更多
关键词 8-Year medical education program(EYMEP) clinical medicine high-level medical talents medical education retrospect and prospect
China Medical Education College Survey, 2013-2018
作者 由由 贾娜丽 +1 位作者 谢阿娜 王维民 《ECNU Review of Education》 2023年第2期294-317,共24页
Purpose:China recently proposed a series of important policies intended to reform and improve the quality of medical education on the national level.This paper presents the findings of a national survey of China's... Purpose:China recently proposed a series of important policies intended to reform and improve the quality of medical education on the national level.This paper presents the findings of a national survey of China's medical schools conducted to review the development of undergraduate medical education over a five-year period(2013-2018).Design/Approach/Methods:The National Center for Health Professions Education Development implemented the China Medical Education College Survey.Approximately 64%of the targeted medical schools participated in the survey,constituting a representative sample of higher education institutions offering educational programs in clinical medicine in China.Findings:Following new policy orientations,medical schools showed positive developments in terms of the types of medical education programs offered,teaching and assessment methods,medical education resources,participation in accreditation,and quality of incoming students.However,the survey also revealed several worrying trends,including the coexistence of various types of education programs,significant regional differences in educational resources,dominance of traditional teaching and assessment methods,inconsistencies in quality,and an increase in graduates seeking employment in professions outside healthcare.Originality/Value:Findings of the first national survey of China's medical schools show that there is still a long way to go to ensure high quality and efficient medical education on a national level. 展开更多
关键词 China college survey development trends higher education undergraduate clinical medicine
“新医科”背景下“临床技能学”混合式教学改革探索 被引量:2
作者 曹宏泰 曾静梅 +2 位作者 吴嫚 毛杰 焦作义 《医学教育研究与实践》 2024年第3期359-362,共4页
为适应新时代创新型、综合化的“新医科”建设要求,“临床技能学”作为医学本科生理论知识学习与临床实践相结合的重要桥梁课程,其教育理念及教学方法迫切需要进行新的探索和改革。本研究以临床技能教学为例,结合“临床技能学”外科基... 为适应新时代创新型、综合化的“新医科”建设要求,“临床技能学”作为医学本科生理论知识学习与临床实践相结合的重要桥梁课程,其教育理念及教学方法迫切需要进行新的探索和改革。本研究以临床技能教学为例,结合“临床技能学”外科基础操作知识点,探索在“新医科”建设背景下,引入临床技能训练“六步法”(讲授法、演示法、练习指导法、启发法、温习法、临床实践法)培训模式,将课程思政教育适时融入临床教学工作,采用线上线下、模拟训练与临床见习相结合的混合式教学新模式,进一步提高医学生临床技能水平,培养新时代卓越的实用型临床医生。 展开更多
关键词 “新医科” 临床技能学 混合式教学 本科教育
Mini-CEX联合标准化病人在神经内科教学中的应用 被引量:1
作者 秦文玲 牛纪杰 +5 位作者 牟磊 安莉莉 成玉 徐星华 高志远 魏会丽 《中国继续医学教育》 2024年第18期134-138,共5页
目的探讨Mini-CEX联合标准化病人(standardized patient,SP)在神经内科临床教学中的应用效果。方法选取2020年4月—2022年10月在日照市中医医院神经内科实习的本科医学生60名为研究对象,采用随机数字表生成随机数字,奇数分配到SP教学组... 目的探讨Mini-CEX联合标准化病人(standardized patient,SP)在神经内科临床教学中的应用效果。方法选取2020年4月—2022年10月在日照市中医医院神经内科实习的本科医学生60名为研究对象,采用随机数字表生成随机数字,奇数分配到SP教学组(标准化病人教学组),偶数分配到对照组(传统教学组),每组30人。分别对2组采用标准化病人教学及传统教学法进行临床实习教学。应用Mini-CEX评价2组实习生的出科成绩,实习结束时进行实习满意度调查表测评。结果与对照组相比,SP教学组实习生的Mini-CEX各项成绩均较高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);与对照组相比,SP教学组实习生对临床教学的满意程度较高(100%vs.80%),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。2组实习生临床技能自评比较,SP教学组总提高率优于对照组(96.67%vs.70.00%),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论Mini-CEX联合标准化病人可以更好地提升实习生的神经内科临床实践能力,更直观地评价实习生各项临床教学实践效果,提高教学满意度。 展开更多
关键词 MINI-CEX 标准化病人 神经内科 临床教学 医学教育 实践教学
新医科背景下中西医临床医学专业学情现状的问卷调查与分析 被引量:1
作者 胡琦 聂慧芳 +2 位作者 杨岚清 王珊珊 邓奕辉 《中国高等医学教育》 2024年第8期52-53,共2页
关键词 中西医临床医学 新医科 学情调查
基于针灸推拿专升本专业教学特点探讨PBL联合SP教学法在针灸临床学的应用 被引量:2
作者 罗磊 《中国中医药现代远程教育》 2024年第1期50-52,共3页
随着我国中医学的迅速发展,对高等医学的教育要求越来越高,各大高校也逐步认识到教学方法改革创新的必要性,我国的医学教育已经逐步将重点放到对学生职业素质和职业能力的培养之上。针灸推拿专升本专业学生学情分析有别于其他全日制本科... 随着我国中医学的迅速发展,对高等医学的教育要求越来越高,各大高校也逐步认识到教学方法改革创新的必要性,我国的医学教育已经逐步将重点放到对学生职业素质和职业能力的培养之上。针灸推拿专升本专业学生学情分析有别于其他全日制本科生,生源的特殊性决定了其教学过程应有别于其他专业学生。针对针灸推拿专升本专业学生开设针灸临床学这门综合性和临床实践性较强的专业课程,用问题式学习(PBL)教学法提出问题,培养学生自主学习能力,并结合相关的学情分析,提高学生的学习主观能动性、培养学生的临床综合应用能力,以期培养真正的实用型人才;同时联合标准化病人(SP)教学法模拟问题,培养学生实际临证思辨能力,进而加强学生理论与临床的衔接能力,增强学生的针灸综合临证思辨能力及医患沟通能力等。 展开更多
关键词 专升本 针灸临床学 PBL教学法 SP教学法 教学改革
产学合作协同育人背景下地方性本科院校临床医学专业人才培养的探索与实践 被引量:1
作者 卢舜飞 董海娜 +2 位作者 朱舜 周赞华 陈红燕 《卫生职业教育》 2024年第6期17-20,共4页
分析地方性本科院校临床医学专业人才培养中存在的问题,并以丽水学院五年制本科临床医学专业为例,探讨将产学合作、产教融合的理念贯彻到人才培养中,构建以岗位胜任力为导向的临床医学专业人才培养模式,为地方性本科院校提升本地区、基... 分析地方性本科院校临床医学专业人才培养中存在的问题,并以丽水学院五年制本科临床医学专业为例,探讨将产学合作、产教融合的理念贯彻到人才培养中,构建以岗位胜任力为导向的临床医学专业人才培养模式,为地方性本科院校提升本地区、基层医疗机构人才培养质量提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 产学合作 协同育人 地方性本科院校 临床医学 人才培养
临床医学实习教学课程思政教育现状调查及对策研究 被引量:1
作者 苏海 熊启江 廖兴甫 《中国继续医学教育》 2024年第23期147-152,共6页
目的调查临床医学专业实习教学过程中课程思政的现状,发现教学中存在问题,最终推动实习教学课程思政教育的建设。方法选取2023年8月—2024年4月重庆市某三级甲等综合医院70名临床实习生和56名临床实习带教老师进行问卷调查,调查内容包... 目的调查临床医学专业实习教学过程中课程思政的现状,发现教学中存在问题,最终推动实习教学课程思政教育的建设。方法选取2023年8月—2024年4月重庆市某三级甲等综合医院70名临床实习生和56名临床实习带教老师进行问卷调查,调查内容包括临床实习生和临床实习带教老师的一般资料、课程思政现状,进而分析课程思政的现状和存在问题。结果共回收临床实习生有效问卷68份,有效回收率为97%,回收实习带教老师有效问卷51份,有效回收率为91%。在有效问卷中,76.47%的实习生(52/68)和76.47%带教老师(39/51)认同课程思政的重要性,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),但在思政内容的自然渗透上,80.39%的教师认为思政内容与临床教学融合自然,而仅有45.59%的实习生持相同看法,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。此外,学生更重视科研创新,而教师则侧重无私奉献和团队合作,反映出双方在价值取向上的差异。结论实习生和带教老师均深刻意识到实习期间课程思政教育的必要性和其重要性,但对于思政内容的渗透时机、实习教学过程中最被忽视的思政教育等认识存在较大分歧。可以深化课程思政的内涵;强化临床实习带教老师培训;建立反馈机制,定期收集实习生与实习带教老师的反馈;加大资源投入,提升科研创新等措施不断提升实习期间课程思政的质量和成效,为培养德才兼备的专业人才奠定坚实基础。 展开更多
关键词 实习教学 课程思政 医学教育 科研创新 思政教育 临床医学
作者 杨裕佳 张静漪 +2 位作者 王冬梅 张玥 邱逦 《中国继续医学教育》 2024年第13期6-10,共5页
四川大学医学影像技术超声专业已创办6年,现已建立专业、规范的课程体系与实践技能培训模式。为了让学生能够更好地融合理论知识与实践技能,帮助其建立有效的临床思维体系,文章基于创新临床思维训练的理念对该专业的实习教学改革提出意... 四川大学医学影像技术超声专业已创办6年,现已建立专业、规范的课程体系与实践技能培训模式。为了让学生能够更好地融合理论知识与实践技能,帮助其建立有效的临床思维体系,文章基于创新临床思维训练的理念对该专业的实习教学改革提出意见与建议,包括加强师资培训,塑造人才型教学团块;临床带教实行“一对一”导师制,构建“建构主义”教学模式;综合并用多种教学方式、教学方法及学习途径;重视并践行病史采集、临床资料获取,坚持定期随访与病案讨论;创新考核模式,定期举行教学效果测评等措施,助力学生在理论基础知识与临床操作技能间架起一座活学活用的临床思维桥梁,旨在为社会培养一批更优质的、更符合社会需要的高层次应用型超声技术人才。 展开更多
关键词 医学影像技术 超声 医学教育 本科教育 临床思维 超声技师
作者 沈存 张琳 +3 位作者 崔瑾 孙雪艳 刘梦超 赵文景 《继续医学教育》 2024年第6期13-16,共4页
在高等中医药院校中医专业的学习中,西医内科学亦为重要的临床专业课程之一,但西医内科学教学面临与中医课程交叉、课时压缩、学生基础薄弱等相应问题,增加了该课程的学习难度。随着现代社会对医学人才的要求不断提高,中医药院校的临床... 在高等中医药院校中医专业的学习中,西医内科学亦为重要的临床专业课程之一,但西医内科学教学面临与中医课程交叉、课时压缩、学生基础薄弱等相应问题,增加了该课程的学习难度。随着现代社会对医学人才的要求不断提高,中医药院校的临床专业学生也必须掌握西医的理论基础和临床疾病。为了贯彻国家“新医科”建设,提高中医专业西医内科学教学水平,提升本科生分析及解决临床问题的能力,笔者所在教研室总结出内科专业主讲教师+教学秘书责任制、现代化教学手段+问题/病例切入式教学、充分利用现代网络和床旁教学等不同教学模式,在实际运用中取得了很好的教学效果,得到授课教师和学生的广泛认可。文章就相关教学经验进行总结,以期为中医药院校本科生的西医内科学教学提供一定的有益建议,提高本科生的西医内科学教学水平。 展开更多
关键词 高等中医药院校 本科生 西医内科学 教学创新 “新医科”建设 医学教育
作者 杨信 潘萱达 +4 位作者 徐浩枫 晏平 余丽娜 叶慧玲 胡丙杰 《中国全科医学》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第31期3933-3940,共8页
背景全科住院医师规范化培训(以下简称住培)师资开展规范的教学门诊是培养合格全科医生的关键环节,2021年7月中国医师协会组织专家修订了《全科专业住院医师规范化培训全科教学门诊规范(试行)》,全国各全科住培基地均参照此规范开展教... 背景全科住院医师规范化培训(以下简称住培)师资开展规范的教学门诊是培养合格全科医生的关键环节,2021年7月中国医师协会组织专家修订了《全科专业住院医师规范化培训全科教学门诊规范(试行)》,全国各全科住培基地均参照此规范开展教学门诊。然而现阶段各住培基地教学门诊的实施仍处于探索阶段,且重视程度不足,教学门诊质量不高、开展形式不规范现象普遍存在。目的了解全科住培师资开展教学门诊的意愿和影响因素,并分析开展教学门诊的难点与困惑,提出思考与建议。方法于2021年10月—2023年11月,以参加广东省省级全科住培普通师资培训班、骨干师资培训班的全科住培师资为调查对象(n=1003)。采用自行设计的问卷对纳入师资进行调查,内容涉及师资的基本情况、工作情况及全科教学门诊带教情况。通过“问卷星”平台制作电子问卷,并实现问卷的线上发放和回收。结果全科师资的平均年龄为(40.7±14.1)岁,724名(72.18%)师资所在机构开设了全科教学门诊,792名(78.96%)有带教意愿,710名(70.79%)无带教经验,904名(90.13%)自评带教能力为60~89分,583名(58.13%)未接受过全科教学门诊师资培训,462名(46.06%)期望以多种类型培训相结合的形式开展师资培训,分别有417名(41.58%)和309名(30.81%)认为全科教学门诊的教学难点是指导全科住院医师在全科门诊独立接诊患者和分层教学,377名(37.59%)认为最难实现的教学目的是指导全科住院医师掌握全科临床思维、提高其临床决策能力,216名(21.54%)认为全科住院医师最需要的培训内容是问诊技巧,456名(45.46%)认为所在机构未开展/不愿意开展教学门诊的原因为缺乏时间。多因素Logistic回归分析结果显示,所在机构开设全科教学门诊情况、带教经验、自评带教能力、接受全科教学门诊师资培训情况是全科师资教学门诊带教意愿的影响因素(P<0.05)。结论大部分全科住培师资愿意开展全科教学门诊,但存在带教经验、带教培训、带教能力不足等困难。建议优化和规范全科教学门诊、加强全科教学门诊师资的全科理念培训、强化带教激励措施、完善住培师资监督和反馈机制,以提升全科教学门诊质量。 展开更多
关键词 全科医学 教育 医学 住院医师规范化培训 师资 教学门诊
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