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作者 孙文政 《赤峰学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2024年第3期14-22,共9页
铁骊族称有一个历史的演变过程。唐朝置铁利部,渤海置铁利府,辽朝置铁骊国,民国置铁骊县,新中国成立后置铁力县,后改铁力市。铁利、铁骊、铁力等不同称谓,都是铁骊(利)人以农业经济为主,从事耒耜耕、耦耕、犁耕的文化遗存。“利”是“... 铁骊族称有一个历史的演变过程。唐朝置铁利部,渤海置铁利府,辽朝置铁骊国,民国置铁骊县,新中国成立后置铁力县,后改铁力市。铁利、铁骊、铁力等不同称谓,都是铁骊(利)人以农业经济为主,从事耒耜耕、耦耕、犁耕的文化遗存。“利”是“犁”的古文,“力”与“丽”通,“力”一人一耒耕地,“丽”两人两耒耕地,“骊”是“犁耕”时代的写照。今铁力地区,各族人民自古就以农耕经济为主,兼渔猎经济。今铁力市及其周围地方,自唐代以来一直是唐代铁利部、辽代铁骊国中心位置,是铁骊族居住之地。 展开更多
关键词 铁利部 铁骊国 族称 居住地
作者 李树辉 《广东技术师范大学学报》 2024年第2期37-43,共7页
jafʁu(yabğū,yabqu,jabghu)和jabaqu(yabāğū,yabaqu)常见于古代波斯语文献和突厥语文献,是完全不同的两个词语。jafʁu即汉文史籍中的“叶护”;jabaqu为操用印欧语的炽俟(ʧigil)集团中的部落名,亦即狭义的葛逻禄,为葛逻禄集团的核心部... jafʁu(yabğū,yabqu,jabghu)和jabaqu(yabāğū,yabaqu)常见于古代波斯语文献和突厥语文献,是完全不同的两个词语。jafʁu即汉文史籍中的“叶护”;jabaqu为操用印欧语的炽俟(ʧigil)集团中的部落名,亦即狭义的葛逻禄,为葛逻禄集团的核心部落,汉文史籍中音译作“药勿葛”“婆蔔”“婆匐”。jabaqu qarluq实指狭义的葛逻禄,应译作“药勿葛葛逻禄”“婆蔔葛逻禄”或“婆匐葛逻禄”。将二者混同,译作“叶护民族”“叶护族”或“叶护葛逻禄”,并非仅是翻译之误,而是直接关涉到对葛逻禄历史和中亚古代史的认知问题。 展开更多
关键词 官名 部落名 葛逻禄 核心部落
作者 周子荷 刘三女牙 +1 位作者 李卿 郑旭东 《中国电化教育》 北大核心 2024年第1期23-30,共8页
该文使用学术部落及其领地这一学科文化的人类学隐喻作为概念框架,对当代学习研究的学术部落及其领地进行了分析,鉴别了其中存在的三种文化并对其内涵进行了阐释,提出学习科学的文化是认知的文化,学习技术的文化是认知造物的文化,学习... 该文使用学术部落及其领地这一学科文化的人类学隐喻作为概念框架,对当代学习研究的学术部落及其领地进行了分析,鉴别了其中存在的三种文化并对其内涵进行了阐释,提出学习科学的文化是认知的文化,学习技术的文化是认知造物的文化,学习工程的文化是造物的文化。以此为基础,对当代学习研究中三种文化的对立产生的历史后果及其超越进行了探讨,为此需构建科学—技术—工程的文化连续统,建立学习研究的“生态学隐喻”,改变学术部落中的学术实践,形成一种全新的、更具内在统一性的学习研究文化。 展开更多
关键词 学术部落 文化 认知 认知造物 造物
作者 朱居悦 张平 《文化创新比较研究》 2024年第6期55-60,共6页
在后亚文化视域下,“亚文化”已然成为一种身份选择。以文艺青年群体为主要分析对象,他们在基于自反性的个人叙事中进行身份选择,并在“新部落”的社交仪式之下达成身份认同。在新媒介场域中,文艺青年对主流文化的矛盾表现出从空间到技... 在后亚文化视域下,“亚文化”已然成为一种身份选择。以文艺青年群体为主要分析对象,他们在基于自反性的个人叙事中进行身份选择,并在“新部落”的社交仪式之下达成身份认同。在新媒介场域中,文艺青年对主流文化的矛盾表现出从空间到技术的仪式抵抗升级,又由于融媒体的态势与其自身的意义追求,具备与主流文化身份融合的可行性。因此,该文从认同的传播理论出发,主流文化需经过传播机制的“破壁”,文化符号的“出圈”,并联结个人叙事为集体记忆,融入“新部落”的情感机制中,来建构与深化文艺青年群体的主流文化身份认同,坚定文化自信。 展开更多
关键词 后亚文化 主流文化 身份认同 文艺青年 个人叙事 新部落
作者 沈天健 《美食研究》 北大核心 2024年第1期35-44,共10页
在媒介场景多元化与内容生产细分化的趋势下,“吃播”文化逐渐兴起并伴生网络社群新形态,对寻绎新媒介视域下的社群研究与圈层文化具有重要意义。运用网络民族志与深度访谈法,对新语境下吃播以食物媒介所更新而出的网络社群形态进行探... 在媒介场景多元化与内容生产细分化的趋势下,“吃播”文化逐渐兴起并伴生网络社群新形态,对寻绎新媒介视域下的社群研究与圈层文化具有重要意义。运用网络民族志与深度访谈法,对新语境下吃播以食物媒介所更新而出的网络社群形态进行探赜。研究发现,吃播社群具有高度松散性与液态流动性的群聚特征,以共享感官体验、共通情感空间、共创意义价值的“复调”将社群形态更新为“部落”。数字饮食部落以培植技术联结、激发生理共鸣、缓释心理孤独、构筑符号认同的方式形成,并生发如下影响:在部落内形成集体话语空间;促动部落内外的经济交流与资本生产;在部落外叛离传统饮食文化中的共食社交,建构乡土饮食的新认同。 展开更多
关键词 吃播 数字饮食部落 食物媒介 美食传播
作者 周昕薇 黄龙 吴佳桐 《测绘通报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期166-168,174,共4页
中国历史地图是最能表达我国疆域由来和版图变迁的地图,关乎国家主权、安全和利益,具有严肃的政治性、严密的科学性、严格的法定性及极强的专业性。在地图管理工作中,中国历史地图的地图审核退图率高,地图监控的“问题地图”发生率高。... 中国历史地图是最能表达我国疆域由来和版图变迁的地图,关乎国家主权、安全和利益,具有严肃的政治性、严密的科学性、严格的法定性及极强的专业性。在地图管理工作中,中国历史地图的地图审核退图率高,地图监控的“问题地图”发生率高。本文充分分析历史地理学术专著和历史教科书中的中国历史地图表示特点,深入研究相关政策和技术要求,从中国历史地图古今内容对照表达、历史疆域(范围、界线和底色)及历史地名等方面,对中国历史地图的公开表示方法和要求进行了全面系统的阐述,为公开版中国历史地图的编制、审查及使用提供了参考,一定程度上促进了我国历史地图的健康繁荣发展。 展开更多
关键词 中国历史地图 古今内容对照 疆域 政权部族界 问题地图
作者 董小慧 吕艺璇 《内蒙古艺术学院学报》 2024年第1期143-150,共8页
本文讨论社会主义现实主义的凉山彝族绘画,时间段为民主改革到改革开放前,从民改初期的凉山彝族的美术教育、社会主义现实主义的凉山彝族绘画两个方面展开,探讨这一时期新中国凉山彝族美术的发展变迁和社会主义现实主义绘画的成因及其... 本文讨论社会主义现实主义的凉山彝族绘画,时间段为民主改革到改革开放前,从民改初期的凉山彝族的美术教育、社会主义现实主义的凉山彝族绘画两个方面展开,探讨这一时期新中国凉山彝族美术的发展变迁和社会主义现实主义绘画的成因及其特点。 展开更多
关键词 社会主义现实主义 凉山彝族绘画 国家认同
作者 吉成名 《盐业史研究》 2024年第1期3-12,共10页
陶唐古国的兴起与运城盐池密切相关。唐人具有尚武精神,逐步发展起来,出现了君主和武士阶层,建立了官僚机构和军队,占领了河东地区,控制了运城盐池,长期从事池盐生产和运销,发展为强大的部落国家。运城盐池的池盐生产和运销不仅基本满... 陶唐古国的兴起与运城盐池密切相关。唐人具有尚武精神,逐步发展起来,出现了君主和武士阶层,建立了官僚机构和军队,占领了河东地区,控制了运城盐池,长期从事池盐生产和运销,发展为强大的部落国家。运城盐池的池盐生产和运销不仅基本满足了黄河中下游地区居民的食盐需求,而且给陶唐古国提供了稳定可靠的财政收入,为陶唐古国的发展奠定了经济基础。在唐部落发展过程中,运城盐池的池盐生产和运销起了至关重要的作用。 展开更多
关键词 唐部落 武士阶层 运城盐池 陶唐古国 经济基础
作者 布鲁诺·马奎斯 陈欣(整理) +2 位作者 李双丽慧(整理) 况达(校对) 张柔然(校对) 《世界建筑导报》 2024年第1期4-5,共2页
布鲁诺·马奎斯主席结合自己过去十年里与毛利社区共同合作的经历,探讨了全球化和殖民主义对土著社区产生的影响,梳理了毛利土著文化衰落的历史,并介绍了其团队为寻求毛利土著文化复兴所做的尝试,阐释了社区参与式风景园林设计方法... 布鲁诺·马奎斯主席结合自己过去十年里与毛利社区共同合作的经历,探讨了全球化和殖民主义对土著社区产生的影响,梳理了毛利土著文化衰落的历史,并介绍了其团队为寻求毛利土著文化复兴所做的尝试,阐释了社区参与式风景园林设计方法和基于地方价值观的康复景观理念,同时也为风景园林师未来的发展方向提供了新视角。 展开更多
关键词 土著文化 毛利社区 社区参与式设计 康复景观
Molecular phylogeny of tribe Atraphaxideae(Polygonaceae)evidenced from five cpDNA genes 被引量:2
作者 YanXia SUN MingLi ZHANG 《Journal of Arid Land》 SCIE 2012年第2期180-190,共11页
Traditionally, Atraphaxis, Calligonum, Pteropyrum and Parapteropyrum are included in the tribe Atraphxideae. Recently, sequence data has revealed that this tribe is not monophyletic. The structure of the tribe was exa... Traditionally, Atraphaxis, Calligonum, Pteropyrum and Parapteropyrum are included in the tribe Atraphxideae. Recently, sequence data has revealed that this tribe is not monophyletic. The structure of the tribe was examined by adding more taxa and sequences to clarify the congruence between morphology and molecular phylogeny, the systematic placements of four genera in Polygonaceae, as well as the infra-generic relationships of Atraphaxis and Calligonum within Atraphaxideae. Five chloroplast genes, atpB-rbcL, psbA-trnH, trnL-tmF, psbK-psbl, and rbcL of Atraphaxis, Calligonum, Pteropyrum, and Parapteropyrum were sequenced. The non-monophyly of Atraphaxideae was confirmed. Atraphaxis and Calligonum, respectively, formed a monophyletic group that was well supported. Calligonum is closely related to Pteropyrum; Atraphaxis is sister to Polygonum s. str. and Parapteropyrum is allied with Fagopyrum. Although the morphology suggested the four genera should form a tribe, the molecular data indicated Atraphaxideae was not one monophyletic group. The clades identified within Atraphaxis corresponded well with the current sectional classification based on morphological features. As for Cal- ligonum, Medusa was identified as a non-monophyletic section. 展开更多
关键词 tribe Atraphaxideae Atraphaxis Calligonum chloroplast genes MONOPHYLY
Dietary intakes of Karen hill triber children aged 1-6 years in northern Thailand
作者 Tienboon P Wangpakapattanawong P +1 位作者 Thomas DE Kimmins JP 《Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine》 SCIE CAS 2008年第1期1-6,共6页
Malnutrition results from insufficient intakes of food including micronutrients such as vitamin A,iron,iodine, zinc,and folic acid.This paper reported the results from a study of dietary intakes of Karen hill tribe ch... Malnutrition results from insufficient intakes of food including micronutrients such as vitamin A,iron,iodine, zinc,and folic acid.This paper reported the results from a study of dietary intakes of Karen hill tribe children aged 1-6 years in the north of Thailand.All children aged 1-6 years(n=158;83 boys,75 girls)from the three Karen villages(Mae Hae Tai,Mae Yot,Mae Raek) of Mae Chaem district in the north of Thailand were studied.All children were examined by a qualified medical doctor and were assessed for their nutrient intakes using 24 hours dietary recall.All families had income lower than the Thailand poverty line(US $1000/ year).For children aged 1-3 years,the nutrients generally consumed were much less than the Thai RDA. Compared with the Thai RDA,all children consumed much less energy(28%-40.5%RDA)than protein (55.8%-96.1%RDA).Interestingly,all boys and only girls from Mae Raek village consumed vitamin A more than the Thai RDA but girls from Mae Hae Tai village and Mae Yot village consumed vitamin A less than the Thai RDA.For children aged 4-6 years,boys from Mae Raek village consumed protein(128.4%RDA) and vitamin C(143.1%RDA)above the Thai RDA.Girls from Mae Yot village also consumed vitamin C (132.9%RDA)above the Thai RDA.Both boys and girls from Mae Raek village and also girls from Mae Yot village consumed vitamin A more than the Thai RDA.Other nutrients were consumed much less than the Thai RDA by all children.All children consumed protein more than 10%of the total energy consumption per day. Most of the energy consumed by children came from carbohydrate.Nearly all children consumed carbohydrate more than 50%of the total energy consumption per day except boys aged 1-3 years from Mae Raek village (consumed 45%).All children from Mae Hae Tai village and boys aged 4-6 years from Mae Yot village(consumed 27%)consumed fat less than 30%of the total energy consumption per day.It appeared that the priority recommendations for improving nutrition in Karen villages in Mae Chaem would be increase energy consumption such as fat and oil.More general work is needed on how children’s diets might be improved in a culturally acceptable manner,so as to bring consumption patterns closer to recommended allowance levels. 展开更多
关键词 diet protein fat CARBOHYDRATE VITAMINS minerals MALNUTRITION CHILDREN Karen HILL tribe Thailand
Forest utilization patterns and socio-economic status of the Van Gujjar tribe in sub-Himalayan tracts of Uttarakhand,India
作者 Jyotsana SHARMA Sumeet GAIROLA +1 位作者 R.D.GAUR R.M.PAINULI 《Forestry Studies in China》 CAS 2012年第1期36-46,共11页
The present study was conducted on the Van Gujjar tribe inhabiting a sub-Himalayan tract in the North Western Himalayas of Uttarakhand State, India. The Van Gujjars have been practicing transmigration over hundreds of... The present study was conducted on the Van Gujjar tribe inhabiting a sub-Himalayan tract in the North Western Himalayas of Uttarakhand State, India. The Van Gujjars have been practicing transmigration over hundreds of years. They migrate each year with their households and livestock between summer and winter pastures. A few years ago with the announcement of the establish- ment of the Rajaji National Park, the tribe has been forced out of the forest area and rehabilitated outside the park, which has affected their lifestyle. The newly established rehabilitation colony in the Gandikhata area of Haridwar District of Uttarakhand State was taken as a case study. The aims of the present study were to understand and evaluate the socio-economic status of the Van Gujjars in their newly established rehabilitation colony, the utilization pattern of forest resources by the tribe and their relative preference for selec- tive trees for various uses. A total of 176 households were interviewed (giving equal weight to all economic classes and family every size) by using pre-structured questionnaires. The education level was very low (12.9%) and the average income per household was recorded as Rs. 36000 (approximately $ 803) per year. The major source of income was dairy production (80.6%) followed by labor employment (13.9%), NTFPs (4.2%) and agricultural production (1.4%). More than 90% of fuel wood and fodder is extracted from the forest. The average fuel wood and fodder consumptions per household per day were recorded as 25.86 and 21.58 kg, respectively. A total of 35 species of cultivated plants and 89 species of wild plants were found to be utilized as food sources. Selectively 25 wild tree species are well known as being used by the Van Gujjars as fodder, fuel wood, agricultural implements, household articles, dye, medicine, fiber and other products. According to their utility value, the most preferred and useful tree species is Ougeinia oojeinensis, followed by Terminalia alata, Bombax ceiba, Shorea robusta and Dalbergia sissoo, 展开更多
关键词 ETHNOGRAPHY forest use livestock fuel wood FODDER income sources semi-nomadic tribe INDIA
Ethnomedicinal Plants Used in the Healthcare Systems of Tribes of Dantewada, Chhattisgarh India
作者 Pankaj K. Sahu Vanee Masih +2 位作者 Sharmistha Gupta Devki L. Sen Anushree Tiwari 《American Journal of Plant Sciences》 2014年第11期1632-1643,共12页
The tribal people depend on forests for their livelihood and most of the rural people still depend on traditional medicine as a primary healthcare source. The paper highlights the rich plant resources and the vast wea... The tribal people depend on forests for their livelihood and most of the rural people still depend on traditional medicine as a primary healthcare source. The paper highlights the rich plant resources and the vast wealth of ethnobotanical information available with the various tribes of the region. In this paper, some new and less known ethno medicinal uses of 104 plants of tribes of Dantewada, Dakshin Bastar C.G. in different ailments have been reported. The main objective of present work is to give the information and documentation of medicinal plant used by tribal of the study sites. The ethnomedicinal information was gathered from interviews with living elders belonging to Madiya, Muriya, Gond and Bhatra tribes of the study area. The present work on ethnomedicinal plants, used in the healthcare systems of tribes in 15 villages, was carried out from Geedam block of Dantewada, Dakshin Bastar C.G. 展开更多
关键词 Phytotheraphy tribe Ethno BOTANY DOCUMENTATION Dantewada
A New Approach for Identifying Potentially Effective Indigenous Plants Consumed by Chenchu Tribes and Their Nutritional Composition-India
作者 Sreenivasa Rao Jarapala Godha Shivudu +3 位作者 Korra Mangathya Anita Rathod Hrusikesh Panda Pendli Kalyan Reddy 《American Journal of Plant Sciences》 2021年第8期1180-1196,共17页
Traditional knowledge of plants and their properties always has been transmitted from generation to generation through the natural path of everyday life. Food habits of the indigenous population across the globe are v... Traditional knowledge of plants and their properties always has been transmitted from generation to generation through the natural path of everyday life. Food habits of the indigenous population across the globe are very abnormal when compared to that of civilized people. The forest related tribal scientific studies of edible wild plants are extremely constructive to know the nutritional values of the forest indigenous foods and help to eliminate the malnutrition problems in vulnerable group. The existing study was undertaken with an intention and documented 34 exceptional plant species belonging to 15 families with their medicinal values, taxonomical names and nutritional profile. Among the 34 indigenous plant foods, the frequently available and consumed plant foods by particularly vulnerable tribal group Chenchu tribes were selected for nutritional investigation including proximate composition, mineral and vitamin analysis. Results show that the nutritional values of the edible indigenous plant foods are prominent compared to frequently consumed foods available in market. The present study observed that the conventional and nutritional information on wild plant foods is on sharp decline. Unless efforts are made to educate the present generations about the importance of these foods, which may be lost in near future. These studies could contribute significantly to Government policies to improve food security and helps to progress health and nutritional status in marginally deprived tribal communities in India, and in the enhancement of wild vegetable status, whose potential as sources of nutrition is currently undervalued. 展开更多
关键词 Chenchu tribes Indigenous Foods MALNUTRITION Government Policies
The Mediating Effect of Quality of Life on Tourism Impact and Support Attitude in Alishan Tribes
作者 Hsiao-Ming Chang Chiu-Hui Hung Yen-Chen Huang 《Open Journal of Applied Sciences》 2019年第12期857-869,共13页
The purpose of this study was aimed to analyze the effect of indigenous people’s perceived impact of tourism development on tribal quality of life and the support attitude toward tourism development. The research sub... The purpose of this study was aimed to analyze the effect of indigenous people’s perceived impact of tourism development on tribal quality of life and the support attitude toward tourism development. The research subjects were indigenous people who were at least 20 years old and came from one of eight Alishan tribes in Taiwan. This study conducted an investigation by random sampling, a total of 850 questionnaires were distributed and obtained 827 valid questionnaires. The valid return rate was 97.29%. Statistical analysis was performed on the valid questionnaires using descriptive statistics and partial least squares (PLS). According to the analytical result, Alishan indigenous people feel the negative environmental impact brought by tourism is the highest, but in terms of quality of life, they also maintain of nature and culture. When the positive economic, environmental, and sociocultural impact of tourism is higher, tribal quality of life and indigenous people’s support attitude toward tourism development will be more significant;however, when the negative economic, environmental, and sociocultural tourism impact is higher, tribal quality of life will be lower and indigenous people will tend to resist tourism development. Quality of life was found to be a moderator between tourism impact and support attitude toward development. This study proposed suggestions for indigenous tribes and the government to develop the tourism sector and introduced specific research directions for future tribal tourism researchers. 展开更多
关键词 TOURISM Impact Quality of Life SUPPORT ATTITUDE Indigenous People Alishan tribe
The Distribution of Tribe Blaptini( Coleoptera,Tenebrionidae) in China
作者 Zhonghua WEI Mingxia GUO +3 位作者 Zhaoshan HU Juan XU Yuanying FAN Aimin SHI 《Agricultural Biotechnology》 CAS 2015年第2期59-61,共3页
In this paper,the distribution status of genera and species of the tribe Balptini discovered in China was summarized.According to related data,19 genera and 169 species of the tribe Balptini are distributed in various... In this paper,the distribution status of genera and species of the tribe Balptini discovered in China was summarized.According to related data,19 genera and 169 species of the tribe Balptini are distributed in various provinces and regions of China.Different genera and species of the tribe Balptini are distributed in different regions.This study laid the theoretical foundation for further investigation of the evolutionary process of tribe Blaptini in China. 展开更多
关键词 Coleoptera genera tribe evolutionary geographical Hebei Species Liaoning summarized Qinghai
The Fashion-Architecture's Theory: Reflecting Tribe Civilization into Contemporary Age
作者 Yuke Ardhiati 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2014年第12期1536-1541,共6页
关键词 建筑理论 文明 时尚元素 高层建筑物 时装 年龄 设计方法 外立面
作者 SASU TEI(W)(图) 《美眉》 2019年第9期111-116,共6页
他们一直乘着上升的气流。自2012年出道已经过了7年,他们的音乐更加丰富、精美,他们的合作更加有默契。再加上,每个人都有自己不同的个性,可以纯洁、可以复杂、可以大胆、可以纤细。他们拓展了自己的可能性,魅力也随之见长。他们最大的... 他们一直乘着上升的气流。自2012年出道已经过了7年,他们的音乐更加丰富、精美,他们的合作更加有默契。再加上,每个人都有自己不同的个性,可以纯洁、可以复杂、可以大胆、可以纤细。他们拓展了自己的可能性,魅力也随之见长。他们最大的武器,就是纯粹却坚韧的'少年气'—。永远活泼纯粹又快乐,GENERATIONS永远是专心音乐的傻瓜。为音乐和组合献上自己的人生的7个人,是永远的少年,在这个夏天会绽放出更耀眼的光辉。 展开更多
关键词 GENERATIONS from EXILE tribe 主打歌 演唱会 横膈膜 全英文
Walking to the Tsosisumkyi“Tribe”
作者 Guo Ali 《China's Tibet》 2008年第6期48-55,3,共9页
Why do I refer to Tsosisumkyi village as a"tribe"?The simple reason is that this rural community did not go through any democratic reform while Tibet experienced its transition from a feudal serfdom to socia... Why do I refer to Tsosisumkyi village as a"tribe"?The simple reason is that this rural community did not go through any democratic reform while Tibet experienced its transition from a feudal serfdom to socialism.How is Tsosisumkyi today?Is there any kind of chieftain in control of this"tribe"? 展开更多
关键词 tribe Walking to the Tsosisumkyi
Taboos of Tibetan Nomadic Tribes
作者 AOHONG 《China's Tibet》 1996年第4期41-41,共1页
TaboosofTibetanNomadicTribesAOHONGTibetanfolkloreincludesvariouskindsofcelebrations,sacrificialOfferings,and... TaboosofTibetanNomadicTribesAOHONGTibetanfolkloreincludesvariouskindsofcelebrations,sacrificialOfferings,andweddingandfuneral... 展开更多
关键词 Taboos of Tibetan Nomadic tribes
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