This study focuses on the characteristics of the 30 60-day oscillation (MJO) associated with the interannual variability of the thermal state in the western Pacific warm pool. The composite results show that, the ampl...This study focuses on the characteristics of the 30 60-day oscillation (MJO) associated with the interannual variability of the thermal state in the western Pacific warm pool. The composite results show that, the amplitude of MJO convection over the tropical western Pacific tends to intensify (reduce) in the WARM (COLD) case. The negative correlations between MJO convection in the WARM and in the COLD cases are examined to be significant over most of the Asian-Pacific region. The evolutions of MJO convection and lower circulation, on the one hand, exhibit larger differences between the WARM and COLD cases, but on the other hand, display a unique feature in that a well-developed MJO cyclone (anticyclone) is anchored over the Asian-Western Pacific domain at the peak enhanced (suppressed) MJO convection phase over the western Pacific warm pool, either in the WARM or in the COLD case. This unique feature of MJO shows a Gill-type response of lower circulation to the convection and is inferred to be an inherent appearance of MJO. The context in the paper suggests there may exist interactions between MJO and the interannual variability of the thermal state in the western Pacific warm pool.展开更多
The eastern edge of the western Pacific warm pool (WPWP) in the upper layer (shallower than 50m) exhibits significant zonal displacements on interannual scale. Employing an intermediate ocean model, the dynamic me...The eastern edge of the western Pacific warm pool (WPWP) in the upper layer (shallower than 50m) exhibits significant zonal displacements on interannual scale. Employing an intermediate ocean model, the dynamic mechanism for the interannual zonal displacement of the WPWP eastern edge in the upper layer is investigated by diagnosing the dynamic impacts of zonal current anomalies induced by wind, waves (Kelvin and Rossby waves), and their boundary reflections. The interannual zonal displacements of the WPWP eastern edge in the upper layer and the zonal current anomaly in the equatorial Pacific west of ll0~W for more than 30 years can be well simulated. The modeling results show that zonal current anomalies in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific are the dominant dynamic mechanism for the zonal displacements of the eastern edge of the upper WPWP warm water. Composite analyses suggest that the zonal current anomalies induced by waves dominate the zonal displacement of the WPWP eastern edge, whereas the role played by zonal wind-driven current anomalies is very small. A sensitivity test proves that the zonal current anomalies associated with reflected waves on the western and eastern Pacific boundaries can act as a restoring force that results in the interannual reciprocating zonal motion of the WPWP eastern edge.展开更多
Using the 28℃ isotherm to define the Western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP), this study analyzes the seasonal variability of the WPWP thermohaline structure on the basis of the monthly-averaged sea temperature and salini...Using the 28℃ isotherm to define the Western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP), this study analyzes the seasonal variability of the WPWP thermohaline structure on the basis of the monthly-averaged sea temperature and salinity data from 1950 to 2011, and the dynamic and thermodynamic mechanisms based on the monthly-averaged wind, precipitation, net heat fluxes and current velocity data. A△T=-0.4℃ is more suitable than other temperature criterion for determining the mixed layer (ML) and barrier layer (BL) over the WPWP using monthly-averaged temperature and salinity data. The WPWP has a particular thermohaline structure and can be vertically divided into three layers, i.e., the ML, BL, and deep layer (DL). The BL thickness (BLT) is the thickest, while the ML thickness (MLT) is the thinnest. The MLT has a similar seasonal variation to the DL thickness (DLT) and BLT. They are all thicker in spring and fall but thinner in summer. The temperatures of the ML and BL are both higher in spring and autumn but lower in winter and summer with an annual amplitude of 0.15℃, while the temperature of the DL is higher in May and lower in August. The averaged salinities at these three layers are all higher in March but lower in September, with annual ranges of 0.41-0.45. Zonal currents, i.e., the South Equatorial Current (SEC) and North Equatorial Counter Current (NECC), and winds may be the main dynamic factors driving the seasonal variability in the WPWP thermohaline structure, while precipitation and net heat fluxes are both important thermodynamic factors. Higher (lower) winds cause both the MLT and BLT to thicken (thin), a stronger (weaker) NECC induces MLT, BLT, and DLT to thin (thicken), and a stronger (weaker) SEC causes both the MLT and BLT to thicken (thin) and the DLT to thin (thicken). An increase (decrease) in the net heat fluxes causes the MLT and BLT to thicken (thin) but the DLT to thin (thicken), while a stronger (weaker) precipitation favors thinner (thicker) MLT but thicker (thinner) BLT and DLT. In addition, a stronger (weaker) NECC and SEC cause the temperature of the three layers to decrease (increase), while the seasonal variability in salinity at the ML, BL, and DL might be controlled by the subtropical cell (STC).展开更多
Changes in sea surface temperature (SST), seawater oxygen isotope (δ18Osw), and local salinity proxy (δ18Osw-ss ) in the past 155 ka were studied using a sediment core (MD06-3052) from the northern edge of t...Changes in sea surface temperature (SST), seawater oxygen isotope (δ18Osw), and local salinity proxy (δ18Osw-ss ) in the past 155 ka were studied using a sediment core (MD06-3052) from the northern edge of the western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP), within the flow path of the bifurcation of the North Equatorial Current. Our records reveal a lead-lag relationship between paired Mg/Ca-SST and δ18O during Termination II and the last interglacial period. Similarity in SST between our site and the Antarctic temperature proxy and in CO2 profile showed a close connection between the WPWP and the Antarctic. Values of 818Osw exhibited very similar variations to those of mean ocean δ18Osw, owing to the past sea-level changes on glacial-interglacial timescale. Calculated values of δ18O reflect a more saline condition during high local summer insolation (SI) periods. Such correspondence between δ18O and local SI in the WPWP may reflect complex interaction between ENSO and monsoon, which was stimulated by changes in solar irradiance and their influence on the local hydrologic cycle. This then caused a striking reorganization of atmospheric circulation over the WPWP.展开更多
The difference is examined in atmospheric circulation and Sea Surface Temperatures (SSTs) in the trop-ics and subtropics between weak and strong convection over the tropical western Pacific warm pool (signified as WPW...The difference is examined in atmospheric circulation and Sea Surface Temperatures (SSTs) in the trop-ics and subtropics between weak and strong convection over the tropical western Pacific warm pool (signified as WPWP). The WPWP is chosen as the region (110–160°E, 10–20°N), where the Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR) shows a great year-to-year variance. A composite study was carried out to examine the differences in atmospheric circulation and SSTs between weak and strong convection over WPWP. First, NCEP/NCAR re-analysis data and satellite-observed OLR data are used to examine the differences. ERA data, in which the OLR data are calculated, are then used for re-examination. The composite results show that the differences are remarkably similar in these two sets of data. The difference in circulations between weak and strong convection over WPWP is significantly associated with westward extension of the North Pacific subtropical anticyclone and stronger westerlies at the northwestern edge of the subtropical anticyclone. It also corresponds with the significant easterly anomaly and the descent anomaly in situ, i.e., over the WPWP. The most prominent characteristics of the difference of SSTs between weak and strong convection over the WPWP are the significant positive SST anomalies in the Indian Ocean, the Bay of Bengal and the South China Sea. In WPWP, however, there are only weak negative SST anomalies. Thus, the anomaly of OLR over WPWP is weakly associated with the SST anomalies in situ, while closely associated with the SST anomalies west of WPWP. Key words Convection over the western Pacific warm pool - Northwest Pacific subtropical high - Sea surface temperatures This study was supported by the “ National Key Programme for Developing Basic Sciences” G1998040900 Part 1.展开更多
In this study, the impacts of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) on the western Pacific warm pool (WPWP) were investigated. Our results show that the WPWP is li...In this study, the impacts of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) on the western Pacific warm pool (WPWP) were investigated. Our results show that the WPWP is linked with the PDO and the AMO at multiple time scales. On the seasonal time scales, the WPWP and the PDO/AMO reinforce each other, while at decadal time scales the forcing roles of the PDO and the AMO dominate. Notably, a positive PDO tends to enlarge the WPWP at both seasonal and decadal time scales, while a positive AMO tends to reduce the WPWP at decadal time scales. Furthermore, the decadal variability of the WPWP can be well predicted based on the PDO and AMO.展开更多
A heat center (HC) of the western Pacific warm pool (WPWP) is defined, its variability is examined, and a possible mechanism is discussed. Analysis and calculation of a temperature dataset from 1945-2006 show that...A heat center (HC) of the western Pacific warm pool (WPWP) is defined, its variability is examined, and a possible mechanism is discussed. Analysis and calculation of a temperature dataset from 1945-2006 show that the mean position of the HC during this period was near 0.4°S/169.0°E, at 38.0 m depth. From a time series of the HC, remarkable seasonal variability was found, mainly in the meridional and vertical directions. Interannual variabilities were dominant in the zonal and vertical directions. In addition, semiannual variation in the HC depth was discovered. The longitude of the HC varies with ENSO events, and its latitude is weakly related to ENSO on time scales shorter than a decade. The variation of the HC longitude leads the Nifio-3 index by about 3-4 months, and its depth lags the index for approximately 3 months. It is concluded that the HC depth results from a combination of its longitudinal and latitudinal variations. Low-pass-filtered time series reveal that the HC has moved eastward since the mid 1980s.展开更多
By using monthly historical sea surface temperature (SST) data for the yearsfrom 1950 to 2000, the Western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP) climatology and anomalies are studied inthis paper. The analysis of WPWP centroid (WP...By using monthly historical sea surface temperature (SST) data for the yearsfrom 1950 to 2000, the Western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP) climatology and anomalies are studied inthis paper. The analysis of WPWP centroid (WPWPC) movement anomalies and the Nino-3 region SSTanomalies(SSTA) seems to reveal a close, linear relation between the zonal WPWPC and Nino-3 regionSSTA, which suggests that a 9° anomaly of the zonal displacement from the climatological positionof the WPWPC corresponds to about a 1℃ anomaly in the Nino-3 region area-mean SST. This studyconnects the WPWPC zonal displacement with the Nino-3 SSTA, and it may be helpful in betterunderstanding the fact that the WPWP eastward extension is conducive to the Nino-3 region SSTincrease during an El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) event.展开更多
Based on 48-year (1958-2006) ocean reanalysis data of Simple Ocean Data Assimilation and 23-year (1984-2006) global ocean-surface heat flux products developed by the Objectively Analyzed Air-Sea Heat Flux Project, mer...Based on 48-year (1958-2006) ocean reanalysis data of Simple Ocean Data Assimilation and 23-year (1984-2006) global ocean-surface heat flux products developed by the Objectively Analyzed Air-Sea Heat Flux Project, meridional variation of the western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP) is addressed. The results show that there is a significant expansion of the northern edge of the WPWP in the late 1990s and early 2000s. This variation is mainly within 120°E-160°E by 8°N-20°N, we define this region (120°E-160°E by 8°N-20°N) as the core region. Furthermore, analyses on upper ocean heat budget show that the short wave radiation plays a key role in the northward expansion of the northern edge of the WPWP in the core region. It is proved that the northward expansion may be caused by the change of the mixed layer which became shallower in 1994-2006 compared with 1984-1993 in the study region. The short wave radiation flux distribution within the shallower mixed layer leads to a positive anomaly in seawater temperature, promoting the northward expansion of the WPWP.展开更多
Based on oceanic and atmospheric parameters retrieved by satellite remote sensing using a neural network method, air-sea heat fluxes over the western Pacific warm pool area were calculated with the advanced the advanc...Based on oceanic and atmospheric parameters retrieved by satellite remote sensing using a neural network method, air-sea heat fluxes over the western Pacific warm pool area were calculated with the advanced the advanced Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Response Experiment 3.0 (COARE3.0) bulk algorithm method. Then, the average annual and interannual characteristics of these fluxes were analyzed. The rela- tionship between the fluxes and the South China Sea (SCS) summer monsoon onset is highlighted. The results indicate that these fluxes have clear temporal and spatial characteristics. The sensible heat flux is at its maximum in the Kuroshio area, while the latent heat flux is at its maximum in the North Equatorial Current and Kuroshio area. The distribution of average annual air-sea heat fluxes shows that both sensible and latent heat fluxes are maximized in winter and minimized in summer. The air-sea heat fluxes have obvious interannual variations. Correlation analysis indicates a close lag-correlation between air-sea heat fluxes in the western Pacific warm pool area and at the SCS summer monsoon onset. The lagcorrelation can therefore predict the SCS summer monsoon onset, providing a reference for the study of precipitation related to the monsoon.展开更多
Numerous published results have showr the importance of the Wcstern Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP)surface centroid movement in ENSO-(EI Nino/Southcrn Oscillation)rclated studies .Howcver,some rccent research conclusions...Numerous published results have showr the importance of the Wcstern Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP)surface centroid movement in ENSO-(EI Nino/Southcrn Oscillation)rclated studies .Howcver,some rccent research conclusions make it necessary to clarify the differenccs of the currently exicing two types of WPWP surface centroid:the geometric centroid and the thermal (heat)centrold.This study analyzes the physical backgrounds of the two typcs of centroid and points out their differenccs.which suggest that different types of ccntroid may scrve different study purposes.This study also shows that the ‘geometric center’of WPWP.actually a close approximation to the mass ccntroid,is more related to the Nino-3 region sca surfacc temperaturc(SST)ancmaly and can also be regarded as an important indicator of ENSO events.展开更多
This study focuses on the characteristics of 10-25-day oscillation associated with the interannual variability of the thermal state in the western Pacific warm pool. The time series of 10-25-day oscillation shows a di...This study focuses on the characteristics of 10-25-day oscillation associated with the interannual variability of the thermal state in the western Pacific warm pool. The time series of 10-25-day oscillation shows a distinct feature between warm (WARM case) and cold (COLD case) summers over the western Pacific warm pool. The significant negative relationship between the time series of 10-25-day convection anomalies in Warm and Cold cases appears over most of Asian-Pacific region manifesting the interactions between the convection on interannual and 10-25-day intraseasonal time scales. At the peak and trough stages of 10-25-day convection oscillation, a Gill-type low-level atmospheric circulation anomaly, cyclonic or anticyclonic. appears northwest of the convection anomaly. This relationship between the convection and circulation exists both in Warm case and in Cold case. However, at other stages rather than the peak and trough stages, there is no Gill-type circulation response, and the circulation anomaly shows a distinct feature between the Warm and Cold cases, although the convection oscillation exhibits a roughly similar feature.展开更多
By using the long-term observed hydro-meteorological data (1985-2002) from the Tropical Atmosphere Ocean System (TAO) during the international Tropical Ocean and Global Atmosphere (TOGA) experiment, the key parameters...By using the long-term observed hydro-meteorological data (1985-2002) from the Tropical Atmosphere Ocean System (TAO) during the international Tropical Ocean and Global Atmosphere (TOGA) experiment, the key parameters of the Sea Surface Temperature (SST), thermocline depth, surface sensible heat flux and latent heat flux, and the pseudo wind stress in the Westen Equatorial Ocean are calculated in this paper. On the basis of the calculation, the response of upper layer heat structure in the Westen Pacific Warm Pool to the mean Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) and its relation to the El Nio events are analyzed. The results show that within the MJO frequency band (42-108 d), the distributions of sea surface wind stress and upper ocean temperature have several spatial-temporal variation structures. Among these structures, the type-I surface pseudo wind stress field plays the role of inhibiting the eastward transport of ocean heat capacity, while the type-II strengthens the heat capacity spreading eastward. Therefore the type-II surface pseudo wind stress field is the characteristic wind field that provokes El Nio events. During calm periods (July-September) of the wind stress variations, the sensible and latent heat capacity fluxes change considerably, mostly in the region between 137°-140°E, while to the east of 150°E, the heat capacity flux changes less.\ In the mean MJO state, the type-I surface pseudo wind stress field structure dominates in the Western Pacific. This is why El Nio events can not occur every year. However, when the type-II and type-III surface pseudo wind stress field structures are dominant, an El Nio event is likely to occur. In this case, if the heat capacity of the Western Pacific Warm Pool is transported eastward and combined with the Equatorial Pacific heat capacity spreading eastward, El Nio events will soon occur.展开更多
Coccolith assemblages in two gravity cores(KX21-2 and KX12-1) from the central Western Pacific Warm Pool(WPWP) have been analyzed with SYRACO. The variations of nutricline and primary productivity(PP) have been recons...Coccolith assemblages in two gravity cores(KX21-2 and KX12-1) from the central Western Pacific Warm Pool(WPWP) have been analyzed with SYRACO. The variations of nutricline and primary productivity(PP) have been reconstructed based on these assemblages. The results show that the coccolith assemblages were dominated by Florisphaera profunda, Gephyrocapsa and Emiliania huxleyi over the last 380 kyr. Variations of nutricline and primary productivity can be divided into three intervals. Interval I(about 380–300 kyr): PP was high and nutricline was shallow; Interval II(about 300–160 kyr): PP decreased dramatically for a short time after the acme of G. caribbeanica in Mid-Brunhes while nutricline became deeper; Interval III(about 160 kyr–present): PP fluctuated at low levels and nutricline was deep. Variations of each coccolith taxon and PP were highly correlated in the two cores, which means that the geological environment is similar in the two cores. Spectrum analysis is performed for all coccolith taxons and PP, and the 19-kyr cycle is the most prominent. It means that the production of coccolithophores in the WPWP is mainly controlled by precession.展开更多
Using a coccolith weight analytic software(Particle Analyser), we analyze most abundant coccolith species in a sediment core from the central Western Pacific Warm Pool(WPWP) and calculate coccolith size and weight var...Using a coccolith weight analytic software(Particle Analyser), we analyze most abundant coccolith species in a sediment core from the central Western Pacific Warm Pool(WPWP) and calculate coccolith size and weight variations over the last 200 ka. These variations are compared with the trends of sea surface temperature(SST), primary productivity(PP), sea surface salinity(SSS), and insolation. Our results demonstrate that the size and weight of the coccoliths varied in response to variations of these factors, and their average total weight is primarily related to the relative abundance of the dominant species GEO(Gephyrocapsa oceanica). The variation in weight of EMI(Emiliania huxleyi) and GEE(Gephyrocapsa ericsonii) are mainly influenced by nutrients, and the variation of GEM(G. muellerae conformis) and GEO(G. oceanica) weight are mainly influenced by SST. For all of the taxa weight, PP and SST present apparent precession or semi-precession cycles, we consider that the mono-coccolith weight of the Equatorial Western Pacific is primarily affected by precession drived thermocline and nutricline variation.展开更多
Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 807A was recovered from the Ontong-Java plateau, western equatorial Pacific. Quantitative analysis of planktonic foraminifera, combined with oxygen and carbon isotope data, reveals th...Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 807A was recovered from the Ontong-Java plateau, western equatorial Pacific. Quantitative analysis of planktonic foraminifera, combined with oxygen and carbon isotope data, reveals the glacial-interglacial variations of sea-surface temperature and the upper water vertical structure in this region during the late Quaternary. Our results indicate that since 530 ka sea-surface temperature (SST) and the depth of thermocline (DOT) have changed significantly in the western Pacific warm pool (WPWP). The average glacial-interglacial annual SST difference was up to 4.2 ℃, and the DOT fluctuations could exceed more than 100 m, further suggesting the instability of the WPWP. The spectral analyses of SST and DOT reveal two dominating cyclicities—the typical 100 ka cycle and the semi-precessional cycle, which is significant in the tropical spectrum, indicating that late Quaternary paleoceanographic changes in the study area were influenced not only by a high latitude forcing but also by tropic-driving factors.展开更多
A brief introduction of a global atmospheric circulation model CCM3, which is used to simulate the precipitation in China, the height and the flow fields of the atmosphere, is made and the reliability of simulation is...A brief introduction of a global atmospheric circulation model CCM3, which is used to simulate the precipitation in China, the height and the flow fields of the atmosphere, is made and the reliability of simulation is analyzed. According to the negative correlation between rainfall in the first flood period in South China (FFSC) and sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA) in a key region in western Pacific warm pool (West Region), two sensitive experiments are designed to investigate the effects of the latter on the former and the possible physical mechanism is discussed. It is found that in cold water (warm water) years, the rainfall in South China (SC) is far more (less) than normal, while the rainfall in the middle and low reaches of the Yangtze River is relatively less (more). The best correlative area of precipitation is located in Guangdong Province. It matches the diagnostic result well. The effect of SSTA on precipitation of FFSC is realized through the abnormality of atmospheric circulation and tested by a P-σnine-layer regional climate model. Moreover, the simulated result of the P-σmodel is basically coincident with that of the CCM3.展开更多
The climatic jump of the western Pacific warm pool and its climatic effects were analyzed using the SST (COADS, NCEP) datasets. The results show that the warm pool has significant interdecadal variability with periods...The climatic jump of the western Pacific warm pool and its climatic effects were analyzed using the SST (COADS, NCEP) datasets. The results show that the warm pool has significant interdecadal variability with periods of 10 to 20 years and four major climatic jumps with periods of 40 to 50 years for a time dating back for more than 100 years, which happened in the 1910s, 1930s, 1950s and 1980抯. The warm pool jumps have important climatic effects. After the jumps,the SST increases by about 0.5C in central and eastern tropical Pacific; the Pacific subtropical high at 500 hPa strengthens and goes southwestward, the precipitation bands tend to be in southern China. The results also show that El Ni駉 event will happen more often than the La Ni馻 event when the warm pool anomalously develops, and the La Ni馻 event will happen more often than the El Ni駉 event when the warm pool anomalously declines. Over the recent 40-to-50 year period,the warm pool is still in its strengthening stage and it is possible that the drought in northern China will continue in the first decade of 21st century.展开更多
Using the 1980-2010 winter GODAS oceanic assimilations, study is conducted of the winter heat content(HC) established in the subsurface layer(5 to 366 m in depth) over the western Pacific warm pool(WP), followed by in...Using the 1980-2010 winter GODAS oceanic assimilations, study is conducted of the winter heat content(HC) established in the subsurface layer(5 to 366 m in depth) over the western Pacific warm pool(WP), followed by investigating the HC spatiotemporal characteristics, persistence and the impacts on the climate anomalies of neighboring regions. Results are as follows: 1) the pattern of integral consistency is uncovered by the leading EOF1(PC1) mode of HC interannual variability, the year-to-year fluctuation of the time coefficients being well indicative of the interannual anomaly of the WP winter subsurface-layer thermal regime. The HC variation is bound up with El Ni觡o-Southern Oscillation, keeping pronounced autocorrelation during the following two seasons and more, with the persistence being more stable in comparison to sea surface temperature anomaly in the equatorial middle eastern Pacific; 2) the winter HC anomalies produce lasting effect on the WP thermal state in the following spring and summer and corresponding changes in the warm water volume lead to the meridional transport and vertical exchange of warm water, which exerts greater impacts upon the sea surface temperature/heat flux over the warm pool per se and neighboring regions, especially in the Philippine Sea during the posterior spring and summer; 3) the increase in the winter HC corresponds to the spring outgoing longwave radiation(OLR) decrease and richer precipitation over the waters east to the Philippine Sea and the resultant convective heating anomalies are responsible for the rise of geopotential isobaric surfaces over tropical and subtropical western North Pacific, thereby producing effect on the western Pacific subtropical high(anomaly). Subsequently, the sea-surface heat flux exchange is intensified in the warm pool, a robust anomalous cyclone shows up at lower levels, air-sea interactions are enhanced and abnormal convective heating occurs, together making the winter HC anomalies even more closely associated with the variation in the summer subtropical high. As a result, the WP winter HC can be used as an effective predictor of the variation in spring/summer western Pacific subtropical high and the strength of summer monsoon over the northwestern Pacific.展开更多
Based on gridded Argo profile data from January 2004 to December 2010, together with the P-vector inverse method, the three-dimensional structure, annual and inter-annual variations in volume of the Western Pacific Wa...Based on gridded Argo profile data from January 2004 to December 2010, together with the P-vector inverse method, the three-dimensional structure, annual and inter-annual variations in volume of the Western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP) are studied. The variations of latitudinal and longitudinal warm water flowing into and out of the WPWP and the probable mecha- nism of warm water maintenance are also discussed. From the surface to the bottom, climatic WPWP tilts southward and its area decreases. The maximum depth could extend to 120 m, such that its volume could attain 1.86x10^5 m3. Annual variation of the WPWP volume shows two obvious peaks that occur in June and October, whereas its inter-annual variations are related to ENSO events. Based on a climatic perspective, the warm water flowing latitudinally into the pool is about 52 Sv, which is mainly through upper layers and via the eastern boundary. Latitudinally, warm water flowing outward is about 49 Sv, and this is mainly through lower layers and via the western boundary. In contrast, along the latitude, warm water flowing into and out of the pool is about 28 Sv and 23 Sv, respectively. Annual and inter-annual variations of the net transportation of the warm water demonstrate that the WPWP mainly loses warm water in the west-east direction, whereas it receives warm water from the north-south direction. The annual variation of the volume of WPWP is highly related to the annual variation of the net warm water transportation, however, they are not closely related on inter-annual time scale. On the inter-annual time scale, in- fluences of ENSO events on the net warm water transportation in the north-south direction are much more than that in the west-east direction. Although there are some limitations and simplifications when using the P-vector method, it could still help improve our understanding of the WPWP, especially regarding the sources of the warm water.展开更多
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.40275013the National Key Programme for Developing Basic Sciences(G1998040900-part 1)LASG,Institute of Atmospheric Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences.
文摘This study focuses on the characteristics of the 30 60-day oscillation (MJO) associated with the interannual variability of the thermal state in the western Pacific warm pool. The composite results show that, the amplitude of MJO convection over the tropical western Pacific tends to intensify (reduce) in the WARM (COLD) case. The negative correlations between MJO convection in the WARM and in the COLD cases are examined to be significant over most of the Asian-Pacific region. The evolutions of MJO convection and lower circulation, on the one hand, exhibit larger differences between the WARM and COLD cases, but on the other hand, display a unique feature in that a well-developed MJO cyclone (anticyclone) is anchored over the Asian-Western Pacific domain at the peak enhanced (suppressed) MJO convection phase over the western Pacific warm pool, either in the WARM or in the COLD case. This unique feature of MJO shows a Gill-type response of lower circulation to the convection and is inferred to be an inherent appearance of MJO. The context in the paper suggests there may exist interactions between MJO and the interannual variability of the thermal state in the western Pacific warm pool.
基金Supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (No. 2006CB403606)the National Special Project: Chinese Offshore Investigation and Assessment (Nos. 908-02-01-02, 908-ZC-I-13)+1 种基金the Open Fund of State Key Laboratory of Satellite Ocean Environment Dynamics (No. 200601)the Scientific Research Foundation of Third Institute of Oceanography, SOA (No. 2009003)
文摘The eastern edge of the western Pacific warm pool (WPWP) in the upper layer (shallower than 50m) exhibits significant zonal displacements on interannual scale. Employing an intermediate ocean model, the dynamic mechanism for the interannual zonal displacement of the WPWP eastern edge in the upper layer is investigated by diagnosing the dynamic impacts of zonal current anomalies induced by wind, waves (Kelvin and Rossby waves), and their boundary reflections. The interannual zonal displacements of the WPWP eastern edge in the upper layer and the zonal current anomaly in the equatorial Pacific west of ll0~W for more than 30 years can be well simulated. The modeling results show that zonal current anomalies in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific are the dominant dynamic mechanism for the zonal displacements of the eastern edge of the upper WPWP warm water. Composite analyses suggest that the zonal current anomalies induced by waves dominate the zonal displacement of the WPWP eastern edge, whereas the role played by zonal wind-driven current anomalies is very small. A sensitivity test proves that the zonal current anomalies associated with reflected waves on the western and eastern Pacific boundaries can act as a restoring force that results in the interannual reciprocating zonal motion of the WPWP eastern edge.
基金The National Basic Research Program(973 Program)of China under contract No.2012CB417402the CAS Strategy Pioneering Program under contract No.XDA10020104+1 种基金the Global Change and Air–Sea Interaction under contract No.GASI-03-01-01-02the National Natural Science Foundation of China under contract No.41406012
文摘Using the 28℃ isotherm to define the Western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP), this study analyzes the seasonal variability of the WPWP thermohaline structure on the basis of the monthly-averaged sea temperature and salinity data from 1950 to 2011, and the dynamic and thermodynamic mechanisms based on the monthly-averaged wind, precipitation, net heat fluxes and current velocity data. A△T=-0.4℃ is more suitable than other temperature criterion for determining the mixed layer (ML) and barrier layer (BL) over the WPWP using monthly-averaged temperature and salinity data. The WPWP has a particular thermohaline structure and can be vertically divided into three layers, i.e., the ML, BL, and deep layer (DL). The BL thickness (BLT) is the thickest, while the ML thickness (MLT) is the thinnest. The MLT has a similar seasonal variation to the DL thickness (DLT) and BLT. They are all thicker in spring and fall but thinner in summer. The temperatures of the ML and BL are both higher in spring and autumn but lower in winter and summer with an annual amplitude of 0.15℃, while the temperature of the DL is higher in May and lower in August. The averaged salinities at these three layers are all higher in March but lower in September, with annual ranges of 0.41-0.45. Zonal currents, i.e., the South Equatorial Current (SEC) and North Equatorial Counter Current (NECC), and winds may be the main dynamic factors driving the seasonal variability in the WPWP thermohaline structure, while precipitation and net heat fluxes are both important thermodynamic factors. Higher (lower) winds cause both the MLT and BLT to thicken (thin), a stronger (weaker) NECC induces MLT, BLT, and DLT to thin (thicken), and a stronger (weaker) SEC causes both the MLT and BLT to thicken (thin) and the DLT to thin (thicken). An increase (decrease) in the net heat fluxes causes the MLT and BLT to thicken (thin) but the DLT to thin (thicken), while a stronger (weaker) precipitation favors thinner (thicker) MLT but thicker (thinner) BLT and DLT. In addition, a stronger (weaker) NECC and SEC cause the temperature of the three layers to decrease (increase), while the seasonal variability in salinity at the ML, BL, and DL might be controlled by the subtropical cell (STC).
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.41230959,41076030,41106042,40906038,41206044)the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(No.XDA11030104)the Project of Global Change and Air-Sea Interaction
文摘Changes in sea surface temperature (SST), seawater oxygen isotope (δ18Osw), and local salinity proxy (δ18Osw-ss ) in the past 155 ka were studied using a sediment core (MD06-3052) from the northern edge of the western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP), within the flow path of the bifurcation of the North Equatorial Current. Our records reveal a lead-lag relationship between paired Mg/Ca-SST and δ18O during Termination II and the last interglacial period. Similarity in SST between our site and the Antarctic temperature proxy and in CO2 profile showed a close connection between the WPWP and the Antarctic. Values of 818Osw exhibited very similar variations to those of mean ocean δ18Osw, owing to the past sea-level changes on glacial-interglacial timescale. Calculated values of δ18O reflect a more saline condition during high local summer insolation (SI) periods. Such correspondence between δ18O and local SI in the WPWP may reflect complex interaction between ENSO and monsoon, which was stimulated by changes in solar irradiance and their influence on the local hydrologic cycle. This then caused a striking reorganization of atmospheric circulation over the WPWP.
基金This study was supported by the " National Key Programme for Developing Basic Sciences"G 1998040900 Part 1.
文摘The difference is examined in atmospheric circulation and Sea Surface Temperatures (SSTs) in the trop-ics and subtropics between weak and strong convection over the tropical western Pacific warm pool (signified as WPWP). The WPWP is chosen as the region (110–160°E, 10–20°N), where the Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR) shows a great year-to-year variance. A composite study was carried out to examine the differences in atmospheric circulation and SSTs between weak and strong convection over WPWP. First, NCEP/NCAR re-analysis data and satellite-observed OLR data are used to examine the differences. ERA data, in which the OLR data are calculated, are then used for re-examination. The composite results show that the differences are remarkably similar in these two sets of data. The difference in circulations between weak and strong convection over WPWP is significantly associated with westward extension of the North Pacific subtropical anticyclone and stronger westerlies at the northwestern edge of the subtropical anticyclone. It also corresponds with the significant easterly anomaly and the descent anomaly in situ, i.e., over the WPWP. The most prominent characteristics of the difference of SSTs between weak and strong convection over the WPWP are the significant positive SST anomalies in the Indian Ocean, the Bay of Bengal and the South China Sea. In WPWP, however, there are only weak negative SST anomalies. Thus, the anomaly of OLR over WPWP is weakly associated with the SST anomalies in situ, while closely associated with the SST anomalies west of WPWP. Key words Convection over the western Pacific warm pool - Northwest Pacific subtropical high - Sea surface temperatures This study was supported by the “ National Key Programme for Developing Basic Sciences” G1998040900 Part 1.
基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)major project (Grant No. 40890155)NSFC Distin-guished Young Investigator Project (Grant No. 40788002)
文摘In this study, the impacts of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) on the western Pacific warm pool (WPWP) were investigated. Our results show that the WPWP is linked with the PDO and the AMO at multiple time scales. On the seasonal time scales, the WPWP and the PDO/AMO reinforce each other, while at decadal time scales the forcing roles of the PDO and the AMO dominate. Notably, a positive PDO tends to enlarge the WPWP at both seasonal and decadal time scales, while a positive AMO tends to reduce the WPWP at decadal time scales. Furthermore, the decadal variability of the WPWP can be well predicted based on the PDO and AMO.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China Major Project (Nos. 40890150, 40890151)the National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) (No. 2007-CB411802)
文摘A heat center (HC) of the western Pacific warm pool (WPWP) is defined, its variability is examined, and a possible mechanism is discussed. Analysis and calculation of a temperature dataset from 1945-2006 show that the mean position of the HC during this period was near 0.4°S/169.0°E, at 38.0 m depth. From a time series of the HC, remarkable seasonal variability was found, mainly in the meridional and vertical directions. Interannual variabilities were dominant in the zonal and vertical directions. In addition, semiannual variation in the HC depth was discovered. The longitude of the HC varies with ENSO events, and its latitude is weakly related to ENSO on time scales shorter than a decade. The variation of the HC longitude leads the Nifio-3 index by about 3-4 months, and its depth lags the index for approximately 3 months. It is concluded that the HC depth results from a combination of its longitudinal and latitudinal variations. Low-pass-filtered time series reveal that the HC has moved eastward since the mid 1980s.
文摘By using monthly historical sea surface temperature (SST) data for the yearsfrom 1950 to 2000, the Western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP) climatology and anomalies are studied inthis paper. The analysis of WPWP centroid (WPWPC) movement anomalies and the Nino-3 region SSTanomalies(SSTA) seems to reveal a close, linear relation between the zonal WPWPC and Nino-3 regionSSTA, which suggests that a 9° anomaly of the zonal displacement from the climatological positionof the WPWPC corresponds to about a 1℃ anomaly in the Nino-3 region area-mean SST. This studyconnects the WPWPC zonal displacement with the Nino-3 SSTA, and it may be helpful in betterunderstanding the fact that the WPWP eastward extension is conducive to the Nino-3 region SSTincrease during an El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) event.
基金Supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program)(Nos.2010CB950402,2012CB417402)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.41106018)
文摘Based on 48-year (1958-2006) ocean reanalysis data of Simple Ocean Data Assimilation and 23-year (1984-2006) global ocean-surface heat flux products developed by the Objectively Analyzed Air-Sea Heat Flux Project, meridional variation of the western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP) is addressed. The results show that there is a significant expansion of the northern edge of the WPWP in the late 1990s and early 2000s. This variation is mainly within 120°E-160°E by 8°N-20°N, we define this region (120°E-160°E by 8°N-20°N) as the core region. Furthermore, analyses on upper ocean heat budget show that the short wave radiation plays a key role in the northward expansion of the northern edge of the WPWP in the core region. It is proved that the northward expansion may be caused by the change of the mixed layer which became shallower in 1994-2006 compared with 1984-1993 in the study region. The short wave radiation flux distribution within the shallower mixed layer leads to a positive anomaly in seawater temperature, promoting the northward expansion of the WPWP.
基金supported by the Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Science(KZCX2-YW-Q11-02)the National Basic Research Program of China (2012CB417402)
文摘Based on oceanic and atmospheric parameters retrieved by satellite remote sensing using a neural network method, air-sea heat fluxes over the western Pacific warm pool area were calculated with the advanced the advanced Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Response Experiment 3.0 (COARE3.0) bulk algorithm method. Then, the average annual and interannual characteristics of these fluxes were analyzed. The rela- tionship between the fluxes and the South China Sea (SCS) summer monsoon onset is highlighted. The results indicate that these fluxes have clear temporal and spatial characteristics. The sensible heat flux is at its maximum in the Kuroshio area, while the latent heat flux is at its maximum in the North Equatorial Current and Kuroshio area. The distribution of average annual air-sea heat fluxes shows that both sensible and latent heat fluxes are maximized in winter and minimized in summer. The air-sea heat fluxes have obvious interannual variations. Correlation analysis indicates a close lag-correlation between air-sea heat fluxes in the western Pacific warm pool area and at the SCS summer monsoon onset. The lagcorrelation can therefore predict the SCS summer monsoon onset, providing a reference for the study of precipitation related to the monsoon.
基金This study has been supported by the Doctoral Startup Foundation of 0cean University of China(2003)partly by the Natural Science Foundation of China(No.40506035).The author is thankful to the NCDC for the SST data.The author also thanks the reviewers for their very valuable suggestions.
文摘Numerous published results have showr the importance of the Wcstern Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP)surface centroid movement in ENSO-(EI Nino/Southcrn Oscillation)rclated studies .Howcver,some rccent research conclusions make it necessary to clarify the differenccs of the currently exicing two types of WPWP surface centroid:the geometric centroid and the thermal (heat)centrold.This study analyzes the physical backgrounds of the two typcs of centroid and points out their differenccs.which suggest that different types of ccntroid may scrve different study purposes.This study also shows that the ‘geometric center’of WPWP.actually a close approximation to the mass ccntroid,is more related to the Nino-3 region sca surfacc temperaturc(SST)ancmaly and can also be regarded as an important indicator of ENSO events.
基金National Key Programme for Developing Basic Sciences (G1998040900-Part 1).
文摘This study focuses on the characteristics of 10-25-day oscillation associated with the interannual variability of the thermal state in the western Pacific warm pool. The time series of 10-25-day oscillation shows a distinct feature between warm (WARM case) and cold (COLD case) summers over the western Pacific warm pool. The significant negative relationship between the time series of 10-25-day convection anomalies in Warm and Cold cases appears over most of Asian-Pacific region manifesting the interactions between the convection on interannual and 10-25-day intraseasonal time scales. At the peak and trough stages of 10-25-day convection oscillation, a Gill-type low-level atmospheric circulation anomaly, cyclonic or anticyclonic. appears northwest of the convection anomaly. This relationship between the convection and circulation exists both in Warm case and in Cold case. However, at other stages rather than the peak and trough stages, there is no Gill-type circulation response, and the circulation anomaly shows a distinct feature between the Warm and Cold cases, although the convection oscillation exhibits a roughly similar feature.
基金supported by the National Key Basic Research Developing Program(No.G1998040900,Part One)the Key Lab of Ocean Dynamic Processes and Satellite Oceanography(SOA).
文摘By using the long-term observed hydro-meteorological data (1985-2002) from the Tropical Atmosphere Ocean System (TAO) during the international Tropical Ocean and Global Atmosphere (TOGA) experiment, the key parameters of the Sea Surface Temperature (SST), thermocline depth, surface sensible heat flux and latent heat flux, and the pseudo wind stress in the Westen Equatorial Ocean are calculated in this paper. On the basis of the calculation, the response of upper layer heat structure in the Westen Pacific Warm Pool to the mean Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) and its relation to the El Nio events are analyzed. The results show that within the MJO frequency band (42-108 d), the distributions of sea surface wind stress and upper ocean temperature have several spatial-temporal variation structures. Among these structures, the type-I surface pseudo wind stress field plays the role of inhibiting the eastward transport of ocean heat capacity, while the type-II strengthens the heat capacity spreading eastward. Therefore the type-II surface pseudo wind stress field is the characteristic wind field that provokes El Nio events. During calm periods (July-September) of the wind stress variations, the sensible and latent heat capacity fluxes change considerably, mostly in the region between 137°-140°E, while to the east of 150°E, the heat capacity flux changes less.\ In the mean MJO state, the type-I surface pseudo wind stress field structure dominates in the Western Pacific. This is why El Nio events can not occur every year. However, when the type-II and type-III surface pseudo wind stress field structures are dominant, an El Nio event is likely to occur. In this case, if the heat capacity of the Western Pacific Warm Pool is transported eastward and combined with the Equatorial Pacific heat capacity spreading eastward, El Nio events will soon occur.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 41376047, 91428310, 91228204)
文摘Coccolith assemblages in two gravity cores(KX21-2 and KX12-1) from the central Western Pacific Warm Pool(WPWP) have been analyzed with SYRACO. The variations of nutricline and primary productivity(PP) have been reconstructed based on these assemblages. The results show that the coccolith assemblages were dominated by Florisphaera profunda, Gephyrocapsa and Emiliania huxleyi over the last 380 kyr. Variations of nutricline and primary productivity can be divided into three intervals. Interval I(about 380–300 kyr): PP was high and nutricline was shallow; Interval II(about 300–160 kyr): PP decreased dramatically for a short time after the acme of G. caribbeanica in Mid-Brunhes while nutricline became deeper; Interval III(about 160 kyr–present): PP fluctuated at low levels and nutricline was deep. Variations of each coccolith taxon and PP were highly correlated in the two cores, which means that the geological environment is similar in the two cores. Spectrum analysis is performed for all coccolith taxons and PP, and the 19-kyr cycle is the most prominent. It means that the production of coccolithophores in the WPWP is mainly controlled by precession.
基金Project ‘Ocean Carbon Cycle and Tropical Forcing of Climate Evolution’ to provide research material for this studythe National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (91228204, 41376047) for financial support
文摘Using a coccolith weight analytic software(Particle Analyser), we analyze most abundant coccolith species in a sediment core from the central Western Pacific Warm Pool(WPWP) and calculate coccolith size and weight variations over the last 200 ka. These variations are compared with the trends of sea surface temperature(SST), primary productivity(PP), sea surface salinity(SSS), and insolation. Our results demonstrate that the size and weight of the coccoliths varied in response to variations of these factors, and their average total weight is primarily related to the relative abundance of the dominant species GEO(Gephyrocapsa oceanica). The variation in weight of EMI(Emiliania huxleyi) and GEE(Gephyrocapsa ericsonii) are mainly influenced by nutrients, and the variation of GEM(G. muellerae conformis) and GEO(G. oceanica) weight are mainly influenced by SST. For all of the taxa weight, PP and SST present apparent precession or semi-precession cycles, we consider that the mono-coccolith weight of the Equatorial Western Pacific is primarily affected by precession drived thermocline and nutricline variation.
文摘Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 807A was recovered from the Ontong-Java plateau, western equatorial Pacific. Quantitative analysis of planktonic foraminifera, combined with oxygen and carbon isotope data, reveals the glacial-interglacial variations of sea-surface temperature and the upper water vertical structure in this region during the late Quaternary. Our results indicate that since 530 ka sea-surface temperature (SST) and the depth of thermocline (DOT) have changed significantly in the western Pacific warm pool (WPWP). The average glacial-interglacial annual SST difference was up to 4.2 ℃, and the DOT fluctuations could exceed more than 100 m, further suggesting the instability of the WPWP. The spectral analyses of SST and DOT reveal two dominating cyclicities—the typical 100 ka cycle and the semi-precessional cycle, which is significant in the tropical spectrum, indicating that late Quaternary paleoceanographic changes in the study area were influenced not only by a high latitude forcing but also by tropic-driving factors.
基金sponsored by the NSFC key project (40233037) and the "National Key Developing Programme for Basic Science" project (2004CB418300)
文摘A brief introduction of a global atmospheric circulation model CCM3, which is used to simulate the precipitation in China, the height and the flow fields of the atmosphere, is made and the reliability of simulation is analyzed. According to the negative correlation between rainfall in the first flood period in South China (FFSC) and sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA) in a key region in western Pacific warm pool (West Region), two sensitive experiments are designed to investigate the effects of the latter on the former and the possible physical mechanism is discussed. It is found that in cold water (warm water) years, the rainfall in South China (SC) is far more (less) than normal, while the rainfall in the middle and low reaches of the Yangtze River is relatively less (more). The best correlative area of precipitation is located in Guangdong Province. It matches the diagnostic result well. The effect of SSTA on precipitation of FFSC is realized through the abnormality of atmospheric circulation and tested by a P-σnine-layer regional climate model. Moreover, the simulated result of the P-σmodel is basically coincident with that of the CCM3.
基金Science Foundation of China (499060003) esearch on the Relationship Between the Variations of Western Pacific Warm Pool and Summer Dryness in Shandong Province-Science Foundation of Shandong
文摘The climatic jump of the western Pacific warm pool and its climatic effects were analyzed using the SST (COADS, NCEP) datasets. The results show that the warm pool has significant interdecadal variability with periods of 10 to 20 years and four major climatic jumps with periods of 40 to 50 years for a time dating back for more than 100 years, which happened in the 1910s, 1930s, 1950s and 1980抯. The warm pool jumps have important climatic effects. After the jumps,the SST increases by about 0.5C in central and eastern tropical Pacific; the Pacific subtropical high at 500 hPa strengthens and goes southwestward, the precipitation bands tend to be in southern China. The results also show that El Ni駉 event will happen more often than the La Ni馻 event when the warm pool anomalously develops, and the La Ni馻 event will happen more often than the El Ni駉 event when the warm pool anomalously declines. Over the recent 40-to-50 year period,the warm pool is still in its strengthening stage and it is possible that the drought in northern China will continue in the first decade of 21st century.
基金National Key Basic Research/Development Project(2012CB417403)Public Sector(Meteorology)Special Research Foundation(GYHY201306022,GYHY201406024)+1 种基金Foundation of National Natural Sciences(41205065)Priority Academic Program Development(PAPD)of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions
文摘Using the 1980-2010 winter GODAS oceanic assimilations, study is conducted of the winter heat content(HC) established in the subsurface layer(5 to 366 m in depth) over the western Pacific warm pool(WP), followed by investigating the HC spatiotemporal characteristics, persistence and the impacts on the climate anomalies of neighboring regions. Results are as follows: 1) the pattern of integral consistency is uncovered by the leading EOF1(PC1) mode of HC interannual variability, the year-to-year fluctuation of the time coefficients being well indicative of the interannual anomaly of the WP winter subsurface-layer thermal regime. The HC variation is bound up with El Ni觡o-Southern Oscillation, keeping pronounced autocorrelation during the following two seasons and more, with the persistence being more stable in comparison to sea surface temperature anomaly in the equatorial middle eastern Pacific; 2) the winter HC anomalies produce lasting effect on the WP thermal state in the following spring and summer and corresponding changes in the warm water volume lead to the meridional transport and vertical exchange of warm water, which exerts greater impacts upon the sea surface temperature/heat flux over the warm pool per se and neighboring regions, especially in the Philippine Sea during the posterior spring and summer; 3) the increase in the winter HC corresponds to the spring outgoing longwave radiation(OLR) decrease and richer precipitation over the waters east to the Philippine Sea and the resultant convective heating anomalies are responsible for the rise of geopotential isobaric surfaces over tropical and subtropical western North Pacific, thereby producing effect on the western Pacific subtropical high(anomaly). Subsequently, the sea-surface heat flux exchange is intensified in the warm pool, a robust anomalous cyclone shows up at lower levels, air-sea interactions are enhanced and abnormal convective heating occurs, together making the winter HC anomalies even more closely associated with the variation in the summer subtropical high. As a result, the WP winter HC can be used as an effective predictor of the variation in spring/summer western Pacific subtropical high and the strength of summer monsoon over the northwestern Pacific.
基金supported by the Special Program for the National Basic Research (Grant No. 2012FY112300)SOED HPCC of the Second Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration for support and assistance
文摘Based on gridded Argo profile data from January 2004 to December 2010, together with the P-vector inverse method, the three-dimensional structure, annual and inter-annual variations in volume of the Western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP) are studied. The variations of latitudinal and longitudinal warm water flowing into and out of the WPWP and the probable mecha- nism of warm water maintenance are also discussed. From the surface to the bottom, climatic WPWP tilts southward and its area decreases. The maximum depth could extend to 120 m, such that its volume could attain 1.86x10^5 m3. Annual variation of the WPWP volume shows two obvious peaks that occur in June and October, whereas its inter-annual variations are related to ENSO events. Based on a climatic perspective, the warm water flowing latitudinally into the pool is about 52 Sv, which is mainly through upper layers and via the eastern boundary. Latitudinally, warm water flowing outward is about 49 Sv, and this is mainly through lower layers and via the western boundary. In contrast, along the latitude, warm water flowing into and out of the pool is about 28 Sv and 23 Sv, respectively. Annual and inter-annual variations of the net transportation of the warm water demonstrate that the WPWP mainly loses warm water in the west-east direction, whereas it receives warm water from the north-south direction. The annual variation of the volume of WPWP is highly related to the annual variation of the net warm water transportation, however, they are not closely related on inter-annual time scale. On the inter-annual time scale, in- fluences of ENSO events on the net warm water transportation in the north-south direction are much more than that in the west-east direction. Although there are some limitations and simplifications when using the P-vector method, it could still help improve our understanding of the WPWP, especially regarding the sources of the warm water.