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Yu Xiangzhi:Presenting Working People's Enthusiasm and Dedication in the New Era via Paintings
作者 Tian Xin 《China & The World Cultural Exchange》 2024年第3期36-37,共2页
In recent years,artist Yu Xiangzhi has focused on the new outlook of the working people in the new era and created a series of portraits called "Paean to Heroes",presenting working people's enthusiasm an... In recent years,artist Yu Xiangzhi has focused on the new outlook of the working people in the new era and created a series of portraits called "Paean to Heroes",presenting working people's enthusiasm and dedication in the new era with paintings.He hopes that this series of works can resonate with the public,who will pay more attention to the life and working conditions of grassroots workers.Recently,this magazine has interviewed Yu Xiangzhi and talked about the story behind the creation of his "Paean to Heroes"series of oil paintings. 展开更多
Blue Calico Printing and Dyeing Craft in Tongxiang
《China Today》 2024年第8期73-73,共1页
BLUE calico is a traditional Chinese handmade printed fabric.Dyed in indigo,it has a blue base with white patterns.Tongxiang,a city in east China’s Zhejiang Province,is well-known for printing and dyeing blue calico.... BLUE calico is a traditional Chinese handmade printed fabric.Dyed in indigo,it has a blue base with white patterns.Tongxiang,a city in east China’s Zhejiang Province,is well-known for printing and dyeing blue calico.The craft boasts a history of a millennium in the town with its heyday in the Tang(618-907)and Song(960-1279)dynasties.The technique was widely applied by the general public during the Ming and Qing dynasties(1368-1911). 展开更多
作者 周显珊 黄世会 +2 位作者 牛熙 冉雪琴 王嘉福 《畜牧兽医学报》 北大核心 2025年第1期136-146,共11页
旨在解析CUL2基因的结构变异是否影响基因表达及其与香猪皱皮严重程度之间的联系。本研究取200头6月龄皱皮香猪和普通香猪的皮肤和血样,采用PCR方法检测基因组中CUL2-I3-sv300位点的多态性分布,利用UCSC等在线软件分析该结构变异包含的... 旨在解析CUL2基因的结构变异是否影响基因表达及其与香猪皱皮严重程度之间的联系。本研究取200头6月龄皱皮香猪和普通香猪的皮肤和血样,采用PCR方法检测基因组中CUL2-I3-sv300位点的多态性分布,利用UCSC等在线软件分析该结构变异包含的功能元件,预测CUL2基因与其它基因间的互作网络,并应用RT-qPCR和Western blot技术检测CUL2以及皮肤胶原蛋白生成相关基因的表达量变化。结果表明,猪群中结构变异CUL2-I3-sv300表现出丰富的多态性,普通香猪中检测到缺失突变基因型MM、杂合型WM和野生型WW,而皱皮香猪中未检测到WW基因型;且皱皮香猪的M等位基因频率显著增加(P<0.05)。生物信息学分析提示,结构变异CUL2-I3-sv300中含有一个短散在元件(short interspersed nuclear element, SINE)、3个内含子剪切抑制子(intronic splicing silencers, ISS)和4个RNA结合蛋白位点(RNA binding protein sites, RBPs)等功能元件;预测CUL2可直接调控HIF-1α,进一步调控VEGFA、MMP-1、MMP-9,最终影响皮肤胶原蛋白的生成。经皮肤样品检测,MM型皱皮CUL2的mRNA表达量明显高于其它基因型;且MM型皱皮CUL2的蛋白表达量高于MM型普通皮肤的相应值。同时,MM型皱皮的MMP-1、MMP-9表达量高于普通皮肤,HIF-1α、VEGFA、COL1A1、COL3A1、COL6A3基因表达量却低于普通皮肤。推测缺失型结构变异因丢失了SINE等功能元件,可促进皱皮CUL2等的表达,抑制胶原蛋白生成,进而加重香猪体侧皮肤褶皱的严重程度。 展开更多
关键词 皱皮香猪 CUL2基因 胶原蛋白 皮肤褶皱 生物信息学分析
作者 张又天 于婧 +4 位作者 唐曦文 夏建军 陈朝霞 李明 焦文轩 《湖北大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2025年第1期75-83,共9页
探析粮食生产格局的变化可准确把握粮食供需情况,对科学指导粮食供需平衡、制定相关粮食补贴政策以及有效解决粮食安全问题具有重要的现实意义。基于2000—2020年湖北省“襄十随神”城市群21个县域行政区划的面板数据,采用离散系数探析... 探析粮食生产格局的变化可准确把握粮食供需情况,对科学指导粮食供需平衡、制定相关粮食补贴政策以及有效解决粮食安全问题具有重要的现实意义。基于2000—2020年湖北省“襄十随神”城市群21个县域行政区划的面板数据,采用离散系数探析其区域粮食生产稳定性,利用重心模型及标准差椭圆方法分析区域粮食生产重心的演变过程,并通过空间自相关分析区域的空间集聚分布特征。结果显示,研究区域粮食总产在研究期间内主要经历了从上升到略微下降2个阶段,而粮食生产稳定性呈现上升后陡然下降再逐渐趋于稳定;研究区域内粮食生产存在显著的空间差异,粮食生产重心整体有向东南方向移动的演变趋势,襄阳、随州已发展为全域主要粮食高产区;粮食生产空间集聚趋势加强,区域间空间溢出效应明显。为此,结合当前研究区域发展状况,提出可协调粮食生产区域与经济发展的关系,加强粮食安全在社会发展综合考核中的重视程度;因势利导、因时制宜来制定不同农业政策,优化粮食生产空间布局;推进农业生产服务体系建设,建立区域内粮食主产县域长效粮食生产利益补偿机制等,以促进“襄十随神”城市群粮食生产区域分工更加清晰合理,确保粮食生产区域协调发展。 展开更多
关键词 粮食生产 时空格局演变 “襄十随神”城市群 离散系数 标准差椭圆
作者 田富 《古代文明(中英文)》 2025年第1期117-127,M0006,M0007,共13页
以往学界多认为辽朝详稳源于突厥语“sangun”,为将军之意。本文通过考证详稳与相温、相公、将军等概念的异同,认为辽朝详稳一词源自汉语“相”,“稳”是指契丹语语法中修饰“详”字的附加成分。辽朝详稳官职来源于突厥、回鹘、吐蕃等... 以往学界多认为辽朝详稳源于突厥语“sangun”,为将军之意。本文通过考证详稳与相温、相公、将军等概念的异同,认为辽朝详稳一词源自汉语“相”,“稳”是指契丹语语法中修饰“详”字的附加成分。辽朝详稳官职来源于突厥、回鹘、吐蕃等边疆民族之“相”制,又在“会同改制”过程中脱离其原义,遂成为一种特殊的部族官职。 展开更多
关键词 辽朝 详稳 相温 国相
Two Female Characters of Tragic Fate from Different Countries—Tess and Xianglin's Wife
作者 张振虹 冉彩荣 《海外英语》 2014年第24期203-204,281,共3页
This article mainly deals with the comparison between the main character Xiang Lin’s wife in Lu Xun’s short narrative story Blessing and the main character Tess in the novel Tess of the D'Urbervilles written by ... This article mainly deals with the comparison between the main character Xiang Lin’s wife in Lu Xun’s short narrative story Blessing and the main character Tess in the novel Tess of the D'Urbervilles written by the famous critic realistic British writer Hardy in 19th century.This article discusses about the similarities and differences between the two tragic figures from three aspects,namely the background of their times;the origins of their tragedies and the personalities of the two women,so that the readers may have a better understanding of the themes of the two novels. 展开更多
关键词 xiang Lin’s WIFE TESS TRAGEDY Comparison
作者 谢天鹏 《三峡大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2025年第1期18-23,116,共7页
从屈原《离骚》化用自己《抽思》《涉江》《天问》《远游》《思美人》《惜往日》诸篇,以及宋玉、贾谊、司马迁、东方朔或化用或论及屈作分别达今存七卷中之五卷、六卷、四卷、五卷等情况看,一个共25篇的“屈原集”很可能早已存在,甚至... 从屈原《离骚》化用自己《抽思》《涉江》《天问》《远游》《思美人》《惜往日》诸篇,以及宋玉、贾谊、司马迁、东方朔或化用或论及屈作分别达今存七卷中之五卷、六卷、四卷、五卷等情况看,一个共25篇的“屈原集”很可能早已存在,甚至就是屈原自己所编。再从司马迁《屈原列传》、东方朔《七谏》看,今存《楚辞》中宋玉等人的拟屈之作也已围绕着屈原及其作品形成了一个“关系网”。因此,刘向编《楚辞》应是基于这样一个“屈原集”加“关系网”,合并、落实、调适而成的。就其“调适”而言,他主要受了司马迁影响,一是依循“时间”标准排列篇次,二是依据“悲其志”主旨进行再选拔;此外,他还引入了“代屈原设言”的写作标准。 展开更多
关键词 屈原 《楚辞》 司马迁 刘向
作者 胡紫平 苏艳芳 +3 位作者 宗文成 牛乃琪 张龙超 王源 《中国畜牧兽医》 北大核心 2025年第1期13-24,共12页
[目的]剑白香猪的毛色表型多为两头乌,但影响其毛色表型的候选基因鲜见报道。试验旨在筛选影响剑白香猪两头乌毛色的候选基因。[方法]基于剑白香猪黑、白皮肤组织的转录组数据进行差异表达基因筛选,同时结合138头剑白香猪与130头北京黑... [目的]剑白香猪的毛色表型多为两头乌,但影响其毛色表型的候选基因鲜见报道。试验旨在筛选影响剑白香猪两头乌毛色的候选基因。[方法]基于剑白香猪黑、白皮肤组织的转录组数据进行差异表达基因筛选,同时结合138头剑白香猪与130头北京黑猪50K芯片数据(Porcine SNP50 BeadChip)进行选择信号分析,通过GO功能和KEGG通路分析筛选影响剑白香猪毛色的候选基因。[结果]在转录组分析中,554个基因在黑、白毛色皮肤组织中差异表达,其中295个上调,259个下调。共筛选到6个GO条目和2条KEGG通路,获得TYR、TYRP1、DCT、PLCB4等12个与毛色形成相关的候选基因。基于基因组数据进行群体间遗传分化指数(Fst)分析共筛选到3个GO条目、4条KEGG通路中PLCB4、FZD8、WNT2等32个候选基因可能参与剑白香猪毛色形成过程。[结论]综合选择信号和转录组差异分析,两者共同筛选到的基因为PLCB4,可将其作为影响剑白香猪两头乌毛色表型的重要候选基因,为今后剑白香猪毛色形成相关分子调控机制研究提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 剑白香猪 转录组 基因组 毛色 候选基因
作者 李若晖 《东北师大学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2025年第1期91-98,共8页
汉代经学中,存在着经书传注的口传传统。通过对几则经学史文献的意义澄清,可以重现汉代经学传注口头传统。再由汉代口传传注文献的梳理,可以进而考察汉代学术两大公案:一为西汉孔安国确曾注《论语》《孝经》,但在后世只有口传,因而引起... 汉代经学中,存在着经书传注的口传传统。通过对几则经学史文献的意义澄清,可以重现汉代经学传注口头传统。再由汉代口传传注文献的梳理,可以进而考察汉代学术两大公案:一为西汉孔安国确曾注《论语》《孝经》,但在后世只有口传,因而引起误解;一为向歆父子校书仅针对书面文献,而未致力于将口传文献著于竹帛。与此同时,有必要强调,汉代经学传注的口传传统,是以书面经书为中心,并围绕书面经书而形成与发展的。 展开更多
关键词 经学 经书 书面 口传 孔安国 向歆校书
Optimal storage temperature and 1-MCP treatment combinations for different marketing times of Korla Xiang pears 被引量:14
作者 JIA Xiao-hui WANG Wen-hui +3 位作者 DU Yan-min TONG Wei WANG Zhi-hua Hera Gul 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第3期693-703,共11页
Maintenance of green color is the primary indicator of quality in the market evaluation of Korla Xiang pears at present and can generally be achieved through early harvesting and decreasing the storage temperature, bu... Maintenance of green color is the primary indicator of quality in the market evaluation of Korla Xiang pears at present and can generally be achieved through early harvesting and decreasing the storage temperature, but the fruit quality was reduced by early harvesting, and the decreasing storage temperature increased the risk of chilling injury. The objectives of this study were to determine the optimal storage parameters for different storage times and to find ways to preserve the green skin color of pears. Specifically, we analyzed the effects of the ethylene inhibitor, 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), combined with low temperature on quality and maintenance of the green color of Korla Xiang pears during storage. We found that 1-MCP and/or low temperature reduced the loss of green color at 20℃ after being removed from cold storage. In addition, 1-MCP significantly inhibited the decline of titratable acid and ascorbic acid but had no significant effect on fruit firmness and total soluble solids. Low temperature with or without 1-MCP inhibited the release of ethylene, inhibited the decline in the stalk preservation index, inhibited the increase in decay rate and weight loss rate during storage, and inhibited the increase in the core browning index after 225 days of storage. Different storage temperatures had different effects on the quality of Korla Xiang pears. Despite inhibiting ethylene release, a storage temperature of-1.5℃ increased the respiration rate. Storage at -1.5℃ caused core browning eady during storage due to chilling injury, whereas at 2℃ core browning occurred late during storage due to senescence. In late storage, 1-MCP had no significant effect on the maintenance of Korla Xiang pear quality at 2℃. Based on these results, we determined the optimal combinations of low temperature and 1-MCP treatment to maintain pear quality while avoiding chilling injury. For different marketing times, the optimal conditions for storage until New Year's Day (a storage duration of 90 days) are 2℃ or 1-MCP combined with 2℃. For storage until the Spring Festival (a storage duration of 150 days), the optimal conditions are 0℃ or 1-MCP combined with 0℃, and for storage until May (a storage duration of 225 days), the best conditions are 1-MCP combined with -1.5℃. 展开更多
关键词 low temperature 1-methylcyclopropene Korla xiang pear maintenance of green color QUALITY
Genomic and transcriptomic analyses reveal selection of genes for puberty in Bama Xiang pigs 被引量:8
作者 Yang Yang Adeniyi C.Adeola +1 位作者 Hai-Bing Xie Ya-Ping Zhang 《Zoological Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第6期424-430,共7页
The Bama Xiang pig (BMX) Chinese indigenous breed is a famous early-maturing with a two-end black coat To uncover the genetic basis of the BMX phenotype, we conducted comparative genomic analyses between BMX and Eas... The Bama Xiang pig (BMX) Chinese indigenous breed is a famous early-maturing with a two-end black coat To uncover the genetic basis of the BMX phenotype, we conducted comparative genomic analyses between BMX and East Asian wild boars and Laiwu pigs, respectively. Genes under positive selection were enriched in pathways associated with gonadal hormone and melanin synthesis, consistent with the phenotypic changes observed during development in BMX pigs. We also performed differentially expressed gene analysis based on RNA-seq data from pituitary tissues of BMX and Large White pigs. The CTTNBP2NL, FRS2, KANK4, and KATNAL1 genes were under selection and exhibited expressional changes in the pituitary tissue, which may affect BMX pig puberty. Our study demonstrated the positive selection of early maturity in the development of BMX pigs and advances our knowledge on the role of regulatory elements in puberty evolution in pigs. 展开更多
关键词 Puberty Bama xiang pig PITUITARY Differentially expressed genes
Variation of Serum Protein Level in Xiang Piglets at Different Month of Age
作者 Chi Yujie, Gao Xuejun, Yan Libo(Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin 150030, P R C) 《Journal of Northeast Agricultural University(English Edition)》 CAS 1995年第2期118-122,共5页
Usual clinieal methods were used to determine the concentrations of scrum protein, albumin and globulin in Xiang piglets from the 1st month to the 6th month of age. Thirteen piglcts(cight males and five females) born ... Usual clinieal methods were used to determine the concentrations of scrum protein, albumin and globulin in Xiang piglets from the 1st month to the 6th month of age. Thirteen piglcts(cight males and five females) born in Spring were selected from the Livestock Experimental Station of NEAU. The results showed that the scrum protein level was different at different month of age. The lowest level was found at the 1st month of age, and the highest at the 4th month of age. The difference in scrum protein concentration was significant between different months of age. There was, however, no significant difference between sexes at the same month of age. 展开更多
Xiang荷中天然色素的提取及其稳定性的研究 被引量:3
作者 麻明友 许德政 《吉首大学学报》 1993年第6期95-98,共4页
本文研究以Xiang荷为原料,用水作为溶剂提取出成本低廉,安全性高的天然紫色色素的方法。该色素水溶液的最大吸收波长为280nm。Xiang荷色素在酸性条件下稳定,呈紫色,在碱性条件下为棕褐色。该色素的热稳定性好,光照有利于显色,耐... 本文研究以Xiang荷为原料,用水作为溶剂提取出成本低廉,安全性高的天然紫色色素的方法。该色素水溶液的最大吸收波长为280nm。Xiang荷色素在酸性条件下稳定,呈紫色,在碱性条件下为棕褐色。该色素的热稳定性好,光照有利于显色,耐一定的还原性,但耐氧性较差。 展开更多
关键词 天然色素 提取 稳定性 xiang 紫色色素 酸性条件 碱性条件 水溶液 热稳定性 耐氧化性 光照 还原性
Characteristics of High Quality Rice Xiang 5 and the Supporting Cultivation Techniques
作者 Deze XU Haiya CAI +2 位作者 Feng ZHAO Jianping WU Aiqing YOU 《Asian Agricultural Research》 2016年第3期72-73,共2页
The high quality rice,Xiang 5,is a new strain bred by Institute of Food Crops of Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences which first hybridizes Chinese scented rice with 9311,and then re-crosses it with Ezhong 5 for co... The high quality rice,Xiang 5,is a new strain bred by Institute of Food Crops of Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences which first hybridizes Chinese scented rice with 9311,and then re-crosses it with Ezhong 5 for continuous generations. The strain has good quality,high yield,suitable maturity period,strong scent,strong combining ability and other features. This paper summarizes the appearance characteristics of Xiang 5 and main points of the supporting cultivation techniques,aimed at providing technical support and theoretical reference for its field production. 展开更多
Experimental Study and Clinical Observation on Therapy of Chronic Gastritis with Shen Xiang Yang Wei San.
作者 Sun Guihua 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 1990年第2期127-127,共1页
According to the basic theory of the tradi-tional Chinese medicine,we have composed aprescription called Shen Xiang Yang Wei San(SXYWS,a powder)to treat chronic gastritis.After intravenous injection,it can evidently i... According to the basic theory of the tradi-tional Chinese medicine,we have composed aprescription called Shen Xiang Yang Wei San(SXYWS,a powder)to treat chronic gastritis.After intravenous injection,it can evidently incr- 展开更多
关键词 xiang INTRAVENOUS GASTRITIS Observation absolute 乡司 blind
Study on Leaching Conditions of Miao Medicine Xiange Zuyu Powder
作者 Yuanfeng YANG Yuchuan LI +2 位作者 Renhui YANG Lida CHEN Qiqian CHEN 《Agricultural Biotechnology》 CAS 2022年第3期103-105,共3页
[Objectives]This study was conducted to optimize the soaking conditions of Miao medicine Xiange Zuyu Powder.[Methods]With the water-soluble extract as an investigation index,an L_(9)(3^(4))orthogonal test was carried ... [Objectives]This study was conducted to optimize the soaking conditions of Miao medicine Xiange Zuyu Powder.[Methods]With the water-soluble extract as an investigation index,an L_(9)(3^(4))orthogonal test was carried out to investigate the amount of water added,soaking temperature,soaking times and soaking time,and the best soaking conditions for Xiange Zuyu Powder were screened.[Results]The optimal soaking conditions were as follows:adding 1000 ml of boiling water at 100℃,soaking for 20 min each time,3 times in total.[Conclusions]The soaking scheme is reasonable and can provide a reasonable basis for clinical medication. 展开更多
关键词 xiange Zuyu Powder Soaking conditions Orthogonal test Water soluble extract
China's highest steel pipe towers of Taishan-Xiangshan transmission project in Guangdong
《Electricity》 2005年第A04期5-5,共1页
The 500-kV Tai-Xiang transmission line project has completed 80% of the total construction engineering at the beginning of November this year. Yamen waterway-crossing project, an important part of the line, has been t... The 500-kV Tai-Xiang transmission line project has completed 80% of the total construction engineering at the beginning of November this year. Yamen waterway-crossing project, an important part of the line, has been topped at present. Two steel-pipe towers crossing Xijiang River’s Yamen waterway is 215.5-m high each. The distance between the 展开更多
WTA·Xianghu Dialogue 2020 Held in China
作者 Gu Yue 《China & The World Cultural Exchange》 2020年第12期38-39,共2页
The"World Tourism Alliance(WTA)·Xianghu Dialogue 2020"was held in Hangzhou,Zhejiang Province,China from November 13 to 14,2020.Themed"Shaping the Future:Rebuilding Confidence&Embracing the New ... The"World Tourism Alliance(WTA)·Xianghu Dialogue 2020"was held in Hangzhou,Zhejiang Province,China from November 13 to 14,2020.Themed"Shaping the Future:Rebuilding Confidence&Embracing the New Normal in Travel&Tourism",the two-days event invited experts,scholars and professionals from 24 countries and regions to discuss the development of tourism under the impact of COVID-19. 展开更多
Xiangguosi Gas Storage:the First Underground Gas Storage in the Southwest
《China Oil & Gas》 CAS 2020年第5期9-11,共3页
Entering the 21st century,with the adjustment of China's energy consumption structure strategy and a more urgent demand for clean energy by the sustainable development of the national economy,the annual consumptio... Entering the 21st century,with the adjustment of China's energy consumption structure strategy and a more urgent demand for clean energy by the sustainable development of the national economy,the annual consumption of natural gas,a kind of clean energy,has increased rapidly,and China's natural gas industry has also entered a period of rapid development,which puts forward higher requirements not only for China's natural gas exploration and development,but also for natural gas storage and supply. 展开更多
WTA ‘Xianghu Dialogue' 2022 Opens in Hangzhou
《China & The World Cultural Exchange》 2023年第3期26-28,共3页
From February 24 to 25,World Tourism Alliance(WTA)"Xianghu Dialogue"2022 was held in Hangzhou,Zhejiang Province,under the theme of"Harmonious Symbiosis:A New Paradigm for a New Tourism"to build con... From February 24 to 25,World Tourism Alliance(WTA)"Xianghu Dialogue"2022 was held in Hangzhou,Zhejiang Province,under the theme of"Harmonious Symbiosis:A New Paradigm for a New Tourism"to build consensus and promote cooperation. 展开更多
关键词 ALLIANCE Hangzhou xiang
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