The large-scale Yangla copper deposit, located in the central part of the Sanjiang Tethys polymetallic belt, is structurally controlled by the Jinsha River Fault and Yangla Fault. This deposit consists of seven ore bl...The large-scale Yangla copper deposit, located in the central part of the Sanjiang Tethys polymetallic belt, is structurally controlled by the Jinsha River Fault and Yangla Fault. This deposit consists of seven ore blocks, including the Beiwu, Nilv, Jiangbian, Linong, Lunong, Tongjige and Jiaren. The Cu metal prospective reserves of the Yangla deposit are above 1 million tons. There are widely distributed Indosinian granodiorite and also many gabbro-diabase dikes and few quartz porphyries exposed in the Yangla ore district. The ore-hosting rocks are diopsode-garnet skarn, sericitie sandy slate and metamorphic quartz sandstone of the first member of the Devonian Linong Formation. Ore bodies occur as layered, stratoid, lenticular and veined shapes, and are strictly controlled by rocks, strata and structures.展开更多
The Yangla copper deposit, located in western Yunnan Province, China, is a typical giant, newly started mining copper deposit with an estimated Cu reserves of about 1,200,000 tons. The deposit is spatially and tempora...The Yangla copper deposit, located in western Yunnan Province, China, is a typical giant, newly started mining copper deposit with an estimated Cu reserves of about 1,200,000 tons. The deposit is spatially and temporally associated with the Linong granodiorite, which is rich in SiO2 (SIO2=58.25 wt%-69.84 wt%) and alkalis (Na20+K20=5.98 wt%-8.34 wt%), indicating an association with shoshonitic series to high-K calc-alkaline series granites, and shows low contents of TiO2 (0.35 wt%- 0.48 wt%), MgO (1.51 wt%-1.72 wt%), and A1203 (13.38 wt%-19.75 wt%). The 34S values of sulfides of the main ore stage from copper ores vary range from -4.2%o to -0.9%o, indicating a much greater contribution from the mantle to the ore-forming fluids. The 34S values of the late ore stage is -9.8%0, indicating enrichment of biogenic sulfur which may derive from the crustal hydrothermal fluid. The 208pb/204pb, 207pb/204pb and 206pb/204pb of sulfides of the main ore stage from copper ores range within 38.66-38.73, 15.71-15.74 and 18.35-19.04, respectively, implying that the Pb was derived from the mantle, with the crustal component, probably representing mixtures of mantle lead and crustal lead. Sulfide of the late ore stage in their Pb isotopic composition, 208pb/204pb= 38.69, 207pb/204pb=15.70, 206Pb/204pb=18.35, implying that the Pb was derived from the crust. The Linong granodiorite is syn- collisional, produced by partial melting of thickened lower crust, which was triggered by the westward subduction of the Jinshajiang Oceanic plate. During a transition in geodynamic setting from collision- related compression to extension, gently dipping ductile shear zones (related to subduction) were transformed to brittle shear zones, consisting of a series of thrust faults in the Jinshajiang tectonic belt. The tensional thrust faults would have been a favorable environment for ore-forming fluids. The ascending magma provided a channel for the ore-forming fluid from the mantle wedge. After the magma arrived at the base of the early-stage Linong granodiorite, the platy granodiorite at the base of the body would have shielded the late-stage magma from the fluid. The magma would have cooled slowly, and some of the ore-forming fluid in the magma would have entered the gently dipping thrust faults near the Linong granodiorite, resulting in mineralization.展开更多
The Yangla Cu deposit is the largest ore deposit in the Jinshajiang polymetallic metallogenic belt,northwest Yunnan,China.There is no consensus on the genesis of the ore deposit owing to the limited studies on the che...The Yangla Cu deposit is the largest ore deposit in the Jinshajiang polymetallic metallogenic belt,northwest Yunnan,China.There is no consensus on the genesis of the ore deposit owing to the limited studies on the chemical compositions of sulfides.This study used an electron probe micro-analyzer to constrain the chemical compositions of pyrite,chalcopyrite,molybdenite,and sphalerite in the porphyry Cu ore of the Yangla Cu deposit and compared them with the chemical compositions of sulfides in the skarn Cu ore.The trace element contents and their occurrences were used to estimate the metallogenic temperature and infer the genesis of the Yangla deposit.The results show that the sulfides in the porphyry Cu ores have variations of ore element concentrations relative to their theoretical values.Pyrite is depleted in S but elevated in Fe;chalcopyrite is depleted in Cu,Fe,and S;and molybdenite and sphalerite are enriched in S whilst depleted in Mo and Zn.The concentrations of the main metallogenic elements Cu,Fe,Mo,Zn,and S in the porphyry are generally lower than those in skarn,suggesting that the porphyry ore was formed in a moderate to moderate-high temperature metallogenic environment.The formation time may also be slightly later than that of the skarn Cu ore.Elements such as As,Co,Cu.Pb,Zn,Mo,Cd,and Ni mainly exist as isomorphic replacements and mineral inclusions in the sulfides of both porphyry and skarn Cu ores.The trace element features of sulfides in the two ore bodies show that the Yangla Cu deposit may be a composite super imposed ore deposit,and让s formation has undergone the process of exhalative-sedimentary to skarnporphyry mineralization.展开更多
The porphyry copper belt in the Geza island arc in southwestern China is the only Indosinian porphyry copper metallogenic belt that has been discovered and evaluated so far.The Pulang porphyry copper deposit(also refe...The porphyry copper belt in the Geza island arc in southwestern China is the only Indosinian porphyry copper metallogenic belt that has been discovered and evaluated so far.The Pulang porphyry copper deposit(also referred to as the Pulang deposit)in this area has proven copper reserves of 5.11×106 t.This deposit has been exploited on a large scale using advanced mining methods,exhibiting substantial economic benefit.Based on many research results of previous researchers and the authors’team,this study proposed the following key insights.(1)The Geza island arc was once regarded as an immature island arc with only andesites and quartz diorite porphyrites occurring.This understanding was overturned in this study.Acidic endmember components such as quartz monzonite porphyries and quartz monzonite porphyries have been identified in the Geza island arc,and the mineralization is mainly related to the magmatism of quartz monzonite porphyries.(2)Complete porphyry orebodies and large vein orebodies have developed in the Pulang deposit.Main orebody KT1 occurs in the transition area between the potassium silicate alteration zone of quartz monzonite porphyries and the sericite-quartz alteration zone.Most of them have developed in the potassium silicate alteration zone.The main orebody occurs as large lenses at the top of the hanging wall of rock bodies,with an engineering-controlled length of 1920 m and thickness of 32.5‒630.29 m(average:187.07 m).It has a copper grade of 0.21%-1.56%(average:0.42%)and proven copper resources of 5.11×10^(6) t,which are associated with 113 t of gold,1459 t of silver,and 170×10^(3) t of molybdenum.(3)Many studies on diagenetic and metallogenic chronology,isotopes,and fluid inclusions have been carried out for the Pulang deposit,including K-Ar/Ar-Ar dating of monominerals(e.g.,potassium feldspars,biotites,and amphiboles),zircon U-Pb dating,and molybdenite Re-Os dating.The results show that the porphyries in the Pulang deposit are composite plutons and can be classified into pre-mineralization quartz diorite porphyrites,quartz monzonite porphyries formed during the mineralization,and post-mineralization granite porphyries,which were formed at 223±3.7 Ma,218±4 Ma,and 207±3.9 Ma,respectively.The metallogenic age of the Pulang deposit is 213‒216 Ma.(4)The petrogeochemical characteristics show that the Pulang deposit has the characteristics of volcanic arc granites.The calculation results of trace element contents in zircons show that quartz monzonite porphyries and granite porphyries have higher oxygen fugacity.The isotopic tracing results show that the diagenetic and metallogenic materials were derived from mixed crust-and mantle-derived magmas.展开更多
Objective The post-ore modification and preservation of porphyry copper deposits is controlled and influenced by various geological processes, and the regional uplift and denudation is the most important factors. Thi...Objective The post-ore modification and preservation of porphyry copper deposits is controlled and influenced by various geological processes, and the regional uplift and denudation is the most important factors. This study used biotite mineral geobarometer and Apatite Fission Track (AFT) to restore the uplift evolution of the granitic porphyries in the Geza arc and to obtain quantitative data of rock erosion degree and denudation rate.展开更多
The Pulang porphyry copper deposit,located in the Gezan tectonic-magmatic arc and south of the Yidun island arc,southwest of Sanjiang metallogenic belt in Yunnan province,is a super-large porphyry copper deposit.
Four layers of cherts were found for the first time in the Yangla copper deposit, western Yunnan Province. The cherts possessed the following geochemical characteristics: 1 Low TiO2 and Al2O3 contents, but high ore-fo...Four layers of cherts were found for the first time in the Yangla copper deposit, western Yunnan Province. The cherts possessed the following geochemical characteristics: 1 Low TiO2 and Al2O3 contents, but high ore-forming element (e.g. Cu, Au, Ag) contents; 2 low total REE contents and clear negative Eu anomalies when normalized to chondrite similar to the REE contents and distribution patterns of associated massive sulfide ores; 3 silicon isotopic compositions of cherts in the Yangla deposit being the same as cherts and geyserite of hot-water sedimentary origin; 4 lead and sulfur isotopic compositions of cherts in the Yangla deposit being similar to those of the massive sulfide ores in the Yangla deposit; 5 Rb-Sr isochron age of cherts from the Yangla deposit being identical with that of host strata. Hence, we conclude that the cherts in the Yangla deposit are of hot-water sedimentary origin, which have a close relationship with the massive sulfide ores. The discovery of hydrothermal cherts from the Yangla copper deposit provides further evidence for the hydrothermal exhalative origin of the massive sulfide deposits.展开更多
The Jinman deposit is a Ag-bearing copper vein deposit located at the north marginof the Lanping-Simao back-arc basin in West Yunnan. Systematic studies of fluid inclusions andstable isotopes are presented in this pap...The Jinman deposit is a Ag-bearing copper vein deposit located at the north marginof the Lanping-Simao back-arc basin in West Yunnan. Systematic studies of fluid inclusions andstable isotopes are presented in this paper. The filling-replacement stage and the boiling-exhala-tive precipitation stage of mineralization took place at T1 = 140 - 280℃ and T2 = 94 - 204℃under pressure of (600 - 1200) ×105 Pa. The salinity of ore-forming solutions ranges from 5 wt%-20. 8 wt% (NaCl). Sulphide δ34S(CDT) values are in the rang of - 9.6‰ - + 11.03% witha range of 22. 66‰ showing an apparent "pagoda"-shaped distribution in histogram. Mean-while, the δ34S values of the various sulphides are consistent with the characters of isotope equi-librium fractionation, i. e., δ34SPy>δ34 SCp> δ34SBn. The TS/TOC ratios of the ores are widelyvariable between 0.16 and 5. 54 with no correlation of any kind can be established. Accirding to themodel of Ohmoto, the oxidation-reduction ratios of sulfur species in ore-forming solutions at the twomineralization stages were calculated to be R’1 = 2. 16×10(-17) and R’2 = 1. 55×104. δ13CCO2 (PDB)values obtained from fluid inclusions in calcite and quartz are between - 8.12‰ - - 3. 18‰, av-eraging - 5. 26‰, which are comparable with the isotopic composition of mantle-derived CO2.Inclusions in quartz yield δ13CCH4(PDB) between - 32. 11‰ and - 22. 04‰ (averaging- 26. 69‰),similar to that of methane in modern geothermal gases. For the ore-forming soutions, δ18OH2O(SMOW) values are between - 10. 57‰ and + 9. 77‰ and δDH2O(SMOW) are between - 51‰and - 135‰. Considering the effect of isotope exchange during waterrock reactions, most ofthe data are plotted along or close to the line defined by the reaction of meteoric water withclastic rocks, while a small part of the points fall near the reaction line of magmatic water withclastic rocks. In δ13C vs. δ18O diagram, the ore-forming soutions are plotted for the most partinto the mixing area between the meteoric fluid and the deep-seated fluid and partially on themixing line of P = 1.展开更多
The Tongchanghe native copper-chalcocite deposit at Ninglang occurs in low-Ti basalts of western Yunnan, and the mode of fault-filling & metasomatism metallogenesis indicates that this deposit is of late-stage hyd...The Tongchanghe native copper-chalcocite deposit at Ninglang occurs in low-Ti basalts of western Yunnan, and the mode of fault-filling & metasomatism metallogenesis indicates that this deposit is of late-stage hydrothermal origin. This makes it more complicated to define the source of ore-forming materials. This paper introduces the Pb isotope data of Himalayan alkali-rich porphyries, regional Early-Middle Proterozoic metamorphic rock basement and various types of rocks of the mining district in western Yunnan with an attempt to constrain the origin of the Tongchanghe native copper-chalcocite deposit at Ninglang. The results showed that the ores are relatively homogeneous in Pb isotopic composition, implying a simple ore-forming material source. The three sets of Pb isotopic ratios in the Himalayan alkali-rich porphyries are all higher than those of the ores; the regional basement metamorphic rocks show a wide range of variations in Pb isotopic ratio, quite different from the isotopic composition of ore lead; the Pb isotopic composition of the Triassic sedimentary rocks and mudstone and siltstone interbeds in the Late Permian Heinishao Formation (corresponding to the forth cycle of basaltic eruption) in the mining district has the characteristics of radiogenic lead and is significantly different from the isotopic composition of ore lead; like the ores, the Emeishan basalts in the mining district and those regionally distributed possess the same Pb isotopic composition, showing a complete overlap with respect to their distribution range. From the above, the possibilities can be ruled out that the ore-forming materials of the Tongchanghe deposit were derived from the basement, a variety of Himalayan magmatic activities, etc. It is thereby defined that the ore-forming materials were derived largely from the Emeishan basalts. From the data available it is deduced that the native cupper-chalcocite-type metallogenesis that occurred in the Emeishan basalt-distributed area has the same metal source as the Tongchanghe deposit.展开更多
On the basis of results of the studies of primary fluid inclusions, and the hydrogen and oxygen isotope data, the authors concluded that the early-stage ore-forming fluid from the Jinchangqing gold (copper) ore deposi...On the basis of results of the studies of primary fluid inclusions, and the hydrogen and oxygen isotope data, the authors concluded that the early-stage ore-forming fluid from the Jinchangqing gold (copper) ore deposit is a kind of sulfate type hot brine characterized by medium temperature and salinity, genetically related to the late-stage ore-forming fluid derived from an acidic and more reductive environment. However, the late-stage ore-forming fluid is a sort of low temperature and low salinity chloride-type hot brine which originated from a lower pressure, acidic and more oxidative environment. In general, the ore fluids were derived from the late-stage, or largely from the early-stage groundwater-derived meteoric water, which has a 12‰-17‰ heavier oxygen isotopic composition than the original rain water (δ{}+{18}O={-15.3‰}), and were formed during gold mineralization as a product of oxygen isotope exchange during the reaction between ore-forming fluid and wall rocks under a lower water/rock ratio condition.展开更多
Quartz samples collected from the Jinman vein copper deposit in the Lanping Basin of western Yunnan were determined by \{\}\+\{40\}Ar/\{\}\+\{39\}Ar fast neutron activation techniques, and the spectra are characterize...Quartz samples collected from the Jinman vein copper deposit in the Lanping Basin of western Yunnan were determined by \{\}\+\{40\}Ar/\{\}\+\{39\}Ar fast neutron activation techniques, and the spectra are characterized as being saddle\|shaped. The samples yielded a plateau age of \{58.05\}±\{0.54\} Ma, a minimum appearance age of \{56.76\}±\{0.81\} Ma and an isochron age of \{54.30\}±\{0.15\} Ma, the three ages being close to each other, indicating that the ages of the quartz samples so far determined are true and reliable. The plateau age represents the time of formation of Cu\|bearing quartz veins, which is corresponding to Early Himalayan. This age is also consistent with the time at which a tectonically thermal event (60 Ma) took place within the Lanping Basin, Yunnan Province. In consideration of the fact that copper ore and other ore types in the vast area of western Yunnan are concentrated mainly in the Early Himalayan strata, the authors believe that there must have existed some indispensable key factors leading to metallogenesis on a large scale during the Early Himalayan period in western Yunnan and also constraining in union the formation of ore deposits there.展开更多
The L ancangjiang tectonic zone in Western Yunnan is an important magmatic,meta- morphic and tectonic mobile zone of Southwestern China,whose geotectonic location is very unique. It is characterized by complex geologi...The L ancangjiang tectonic zone in Western Yunnan is an important magmatic,meta- morphic and tectonic mobile zone of Southwestern China,whose geotectonic location is very unique. It is characterized by complex geological structures,perfectly developed strata,fre- quent magmatic activities,various degrees of metamorphism,rich ore resources and lots of metal deposits,thus formed a centralized zone of mineralization and also constituted one of the importantmetallogenicbelts of noble and nonferrousmetal deposits.Thatiswhy the re- searching on geology for this zone is of great展开更多
The Xiaolongtan copper mining district is an important area in Dali, West Yunnan, where porphyry copper deposits occur, and copper orebodies are controlled by fault or contact zone structures between porphyry massifs ...The Xiaolongtan copper mining district is an important area in Dali, West Yunnan, where porphyry copper deposits occur, and copper orebodies are controlled by fault or contact zone structures between porphyry massifs and country rocks. Based on detailed field investigation and deep-going analysis, the authors systematically studied the tectonogeochemical features of this mining district, proposed the principle and foundation of metallogenic prognosis, and delineated the most potential mineralization target area.展开更多
The Mesoproterozoic Kunyang rift, which is located on the western margin of the Yangtze platform and the southern section of the Kangdian axis, is a rare massive Precambrian iron-copper polymetallic mineralization zon...The Mesoproterozoic Kunyang rift, which is located on the western margin of the Yangtze platform and the southern section of the Kangdian axis, is a rare massive Precambrian iron-copper polymetallic mineralization zone in China. The Mesoproterozoic Wulu (Wuding-Lufeng) basin in the middle of the rift is an elliptic basin controlled by a ring fracture system. Moreover, volcanic activities in the basin display zonation of an outer ring, a middle ring and an inner ring with carbonatitic volcanic rocks and sub-volcanic dykes discovered in the outer and middle rings. The Sm-Nd isochron ages have been determined for the outer-ring carbonatitic lavas (1685 Ma) and basaltic porphyrite of the radiating dyke swarm (1645 Ma) and the Rb-Sr isochron ages for the out-ring carbonatitic lavas (893 Ma) and the middle-ring dykes (1048 Ma). In combination of the U-Pb concordant ages of zircon (1743 Ma) in trachy-andesite of the corresponding period and stratum (1569 Ma) of the Etouchang Formation, as well as the Rb-Sr isochron age (1024 Ma) and K-Ar age (1186 Ma) of the dykes in the middle ring, the age of carbonarites in the basin is preliminarily determined. It is ensured that all of these carbonatites were formed in the Mesoprotero/oic period, whereby two stages could be identified as follows: in the first stage, carbonatitic volcanic groups, such as lavas, pyroclastic rocks and volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks, were formed in the outer ring; in the second stage, carbonatitic breccias and dykes appeared in the middle ring. The metamorphic age of the carbonatitic lavas in the outer ring was determined to be concurrent with the end of the first stage of the Neoproterozoic period, corresponding to the Jinning movement in central Yunnan.展开更多
Yangla copper deposit is the largest banded skarn hosted copper deposit found recently in the Tethys orogenic belt of Southwestern China. On the basis of the study of distribution, petrology and mineralogy as well as...Yangla copper deposit is the largest banded skarn hosted copper deposit found recently in the Tethys orogenic belt of Southwestern China. On the basis of the study of distribution, petrology and mineralogy as well as major element, REE and isotope geochemistry, the authors find that the banded skarn, which hosts the deposit, was precipitated from hydrothermal solutions in the form of exhalate sediment. Therefore, the banded skarn hosted copper deposit is a Sedex type deposit, with a series of stacked, conformable lenses underlain by at least one stringer zone. The deposit, intercalated at the contact of lower clastic rock and upper carbonate rock of Gajinxueshan Group, was formed in the Carboniferous ((296.1±7.0) Ma), contemporary to the host Gajinxueshan Group. The interpretation of the genesis of Yangla banded skarn hosted copper deposit is of fundamental exploration significance for the discovery of Sedex type copper deposit in the region.展开更多
Jinman vein copper deposit in western Yunnan occurs in a salt-bearing red clastic rock formation composed of sandstone, siltstone and shale. Wood texture is considerably developed in the ores. The metallic minerals ma...Jinman vein copper deposit in western Yunnan occurs in a salt-bearing red clastic rock formation composed of sandstone, siltstone and shale. Wood texture is considerably developed in the ores. The metallic minerals making up the wood textures mainly include pyrite, chalcopyrite and bornite. Studies on the samples and examination of their micrographs and electron micrographs have confirmed that they belong to xenoxylon, reflecting that the ore-hosting rock series is the product of sedimentation in the terrestrial environment. Organic geochemistry and sulfur and carbon isotopic composition data indicate that the formation of the deposit is substantially related with underground hot brines and biological processes.展开更多
Helium isotopic composition of inclusion fluid in pyrites from Machangqing copper deposit, China, has been measured. The measurements, with 3He/ 4He ratios ranging from 0 46-2 08 Ra, indicate that the helium in ore_fo...Helium isotopic composition of inclusion fluid in pyrites from Machangqing copper deposit, China, has been measured. The measurements, with 3He/ 4He ratios ranging from 0 46-2 08 Ra, indicate that the helium in ore_forming fluid is a mixture of crust and mantle, and are consistent with the fact that the parental magma responsible for the formation of ore_forming fluid of the deposit is of crust_mantle provenance.展开更多
The Yangla Copper Ore Field in Northwest Yunnan Province, China, is a large region of deposits dominated by copper-bearing skarns whose origin remains debatable despite numerous studies over the past two decades. We h...The Yangla Copper Ore Field in Northwest Yunnan Province, China, is a large region of deposits dominated by copper-bearing skarns whose origin remains debatable despite numerous studies over the past two decades. We have investigated the geological and geochemical characteristics of the skarns using field and microscopic observations combined with chemical analyses. The results show that the skarns fall into two categories. The first category is metamorphic skarn, which constitute the majority (〉90%) of skarns in the deposit and is characterized by stratiform occurrences conformable to Devonian host strata, anhydrous mineral assemblages such as diopside+hedenbergite+quartz, widespread banded structure, fine-grainsize (〈200 μm) and preserved tuff-like textures. Whole-rock major element compositions, REE and trace-element compositions resemble those of the country rock slates or schists. The skarn layers occur at variable distances (0-2 000 m) from Indosinian plutonic bodies. Fracture-filling veins and/or alteration halos are scarce or absent in or near the skarn layers. This category of skarn probably formed by isochemical contact metamorphism of fine calcareous clastic sediments or impure carbonate rocks during emplacement of the plutonic bodies with no significant material migration by hydrothermal fluids involved during the process, in which case metallic enrichment of the skarn layers was present in the protolith of the skarn. The second category is metasomatic skarn with relatively coarse-grained textures (200-〉1 000 μm) and volatile-reach assemblages such as diopside+tremolite+scapolite at or near the igneous contact zones, which constitutes only a minor pro-portion of ore compared with metamorphic skarn. Taking into consideration diverse existing opinions about the genetic type of the deposit, we suggest that the geological and whole-rock geochemical characteristics of the skarus are consistent with a metamorphosed and metasomatized SEDEX (sedimentary exhalative deposit) type rather than a hydrothermal metasomatic skarn type.展开更多
The new type of copper deposits concerned with in this paper are vein copperdeposits found in the Lanping-Simao Rift Basin, Yunnan, China. As is indicated by H,O, C, S, Pb and Sr isotopes, water and mineralisers in th...The new type of copper deposits concerned with in this paper are vein copperdeposits found in the Lanping-Simao Rift Basin, Yunnan, China. As is indicated by H,O, C, S, Pb and Sr isotopes, water and mineralisers in the ore-forming fluids were derivedfrom heated meteoric waer and mantle, respectively. The metallic elements (Cu, Ag, Pb,Zn, As, Sb, Fe, REE, etc.) are characterised by a mised source from the crust and themantle.展开更多
文摘The large-scale Yangla copper deposit, located in the central part of the Sanjiang Tethys polymetallic belt, is structurally controlled by the Jinsha River Fault and Yangla Fault. This deposit consists of seven ore blocks, including the Beiwu, Nilv, Jiangbian, Linong, Lunong, Tongjige and Jiaren. The Cu metal prospective reserves of the Yangla deposit are above 1 million tons. There are widely distributed Indosinian granodiorite and also many gabbro-diabase dikes and few quartz porphyries exposed in the Yangla ore district. The ore-hosting rocks are diopsode-garnet skarn, sericitie sandy slate and metamorphic quartz sandstone of the first member of the Devonian Linong Formation. Ore bodies occur as layered, stratoid, lenticular and veined shapes, and are strictly controlled by rocks, strata and structures.
基金supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (2009CB421003,2009CB421005)by the 111 Project (Grant No. B07011)
文摘The Yangla copper deposit, located in western Yunnan Province, China, is a typical giant, newly started mining copper deposit with an estimated Cu reserves of about 1,200,000 tons. The deposit is spatially and temporally associated with the Linong granodiorite, which is rich in SiO2 (SIO2=58.25 wt%-69.84 wt%) and alkalis (Na20+K20=5.98 wt%-8.34 wt%), indicating an association with shoshonitic series to high-K calc-alkaline series granites, and shows low contents of TiO2 (0.35 wt%- 0.48 wt%), MgO (1.51 wt%-1.72 wt%), and A1203 (13.38 wt%-19.75 wt%). The 34S values of sulfides of the main ore stage from copper ores vary range from -4.2%o to -0.9%o, indicating a much greater contribution from the mantle to the ore-forming fluids. The 34S values of the late ore stage is -9.8%0, indicating enrichment of biogenic sulfur which may derive from the crustal hydrothermal fluid. The 208pb/204pb, 207pb/204pb and 206pb/204pb of sulfides of the main ore stage from copper ores range within 38.66-38.73, 15.71-15.74 and 18.35-19.04, respectively, implying that the Pb was derived from the mantle, with the crustal component, probably representing mixtures of mantle lead and crustal lead. Sulfide of the late ore stage in their Pb isotopic composition, 208pb/204pb= 38.69, 207pb/204pb=15.70, 206Pb/204pb=18.35, implying that the Pb was derived from the crust. The Linong granodiorite is syn- collisional, produced by partial melting of thickened lower crust, which was triggered by the westward subduction of the Jinshajiang Oceanic plate. During a transition in geodynamic setting from collision- related compression to extension, gently dipping ductile shear zones (related to subduction) were transformed to brittle shear zones, consisting of a series of thrust faults in the Jinshajiang tectonic belt. The tensional thrust faults would have been a favorable environment for ore-forming fluids. The ascending magma provided a channel for the ore-forming fluid from the mantle wedge. After the magma arrived at the base of the early-stage Linong granodiorite, the platy granodiorite at the base of the body would have shielded the late-stage magma from the fluid. The magma would have cooled slowly, and some of the ore-forming fluid in the magma would have entered the gently dipping thrust faults near the Linong granodiorite, resulting in mineralization.
基金jointly by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(41862007 and 41402072)Yunnan Ten Thousand Talents Plan Young&Elite Talents Project(No.YNWR-QNBJ-2018-093)+2 种基金the Key Disciplines Construction of Kunming University of Science and Technology(No.14078384)the Analysis and Testing Foundation of Kunming University of Science and Technology(2017T20160006)We are grateful to Dr.Jianping Liu,Dr.Weikang Chen,and Dr.Shaoqing Liu(School of Geosciences and Info-physics,Central South University)for sulfides EPMA analyses:and Dr.Yuedong Liu,Dr.Cheng Luo.Dr.Xiaoqing Liu and Dr.Zaizao Li(Yunnan Diqin Mining Industry Group)for their field work.The authors would also like to thank anonymous reviewers for their useful comments and constructive reviews,which significantly improved the manuscript.
文摘The Yangla Cu deposit is the largest ore deposit in the Jinshajiang polymetallic metallogenic belt,northwest Yunnan,China.There is no consensus on the genesis of the ore deposit owing to the limited studies on the chemical compositions of sulfides.This study used an electron probe micro-analyzer to constrain the chemical compositions of pyrite,chalcopyrite,molybdenite,and sphalerite in the porphyry Cu ore of the Yangla Cu deposit and compared them with the chemical compositions of sulfides in the skarn Cu ore.The trace element contents and their occurrences were used to estimate the metallogenic temperature and infer the genesis of the Yangla deposit.The results show that the sulfides in the porphyry Cu ores have variations of ore element concentrations relative to their theoretical values.Pyrite is depleted in S but elevated in Fe;chalcopyrite is depleted in Cu,Fe,and S;and molybdenite and sphalerite are enriched in S whilst depleted in Mo and Zn.The concentrations of the main metallogenic elements Cu,Fe,Mo,Zn,and S in the porphyry are generally lower than those in skarn,suggesting that the porphyry ore was formed in a moderate to moderate-high temperature metallogenic environment.The formation time may also be slightly later than that of the skarn Cu ore.Elements such as As,Co,Cu.Pb,Zn,Mo,Cd,and Ni mainly exist as isomorphic replacements and mineral inclusions in the sulfides of both porphyry and skarn Cu ores.The trace element features of sulfides in the two ore bodies show that the Yangla Cu deposit may be a composite super imposed ore deposit,and让s formation has undergone the process of exhalative-sedimentary to skarnporphyry mineralization.
基金jointly funded by the national key research and development program project“Strategic Mineral Information and Metallogenic Regularity of the Tethyan Metallogenic Domain”(2021YFC2901803)a project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China entitled“Geological Structure Mapping and Regional Comparative Study of the Tethyan Tectonic Domain”(92055314),International Geoscience Programme(IGCP-741)a project initiated by the China Geological Survey(DD20221910).
文摘The porphyry copper belt in the Geza island arc in southwestern China is the only Indosinian porphyry copper metallogenic belt that has been discovered and evaluated so far.The Pulang porphyry copper deposit(also referred to as the Pulang deposit)in this area has proven copper reserves of 5.11×106 t.This deposit has been exploited on a large scale using advanced mining methods,exhibiting substantial economic benefit.Based on many research results of previous researchers and the authors’team,this study proposed the following key insights.(1)The Geza island arc was once regarded as an immature island arc with only andesites and quartz diorite porphyrites occurring.This understanding was overturned in this study.Acidic endmember components such as quartz monzonite porphyries and quartz monzonite porphyries have been identified in the Geza island arc,and the mineralization is mainly related to the magmatism of quartz monzonite porphyries.(2)Complete porphyry orebodies and large vein orebodies have developed in the Pulang deposit.Main orebody KT1 occurs in the transition area between the potassium silicate alteration zone of quartz monzonite porphyries and the sericite-quartz alteration zone.Most of them have developed in the potassium silicate alteration zone.The main orebody occurs as large lenses at the top of the hanging wall of rock bodies,with an engineering-controlled length of 1920 m and thickness of 32.5‒630.29 m(average:187.07 m).It has a copper grade of 0.21%-1.56%(average:0.42%)and proven copper resources of 5.11×10^(6) t,which are associated with 113 t of gold,1459 t of silver,and 170×10^(3) t of molybdenum.(3)Many studies on diagenetic and metallogenic chronology,isotopes,and fluid inclusions have been carried out for the Pulang deposit,including K-Ar/Ar-Ar dating of monominerals(e.g.,potassium feldspars,biotites,and amphiboles),zircon U-Pb dating,and molybdenite Re-Os dating.The results show that the porphyries in the Pulang deposit are composite plutons and can be classified into pre-mineralization quartz diorite porphyrites,quartz monzonite porphyries formed during the mineralization,and post-mineralization granite porphyries,which were formed at 223±3.7 Ma,218±4 Ma,and 207±3.9 Ma,respectively.The metallogenic age of the Pulang deposit is 213‒216 Ma.(4)The petrogeochemical characteristics show that the Pulang deposit has the characteristics of volcanic arc granites.The calculation results of trace element contents in zircons show that quartz monzonite porphyries and granite porphyries have higher oxygen fugacity.The isotopic tracing results show that the diagenetic and metallogenic materials were derived from mixed crust-and mantle-derived magmas.
基金financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.41502076)the National Basic Research Program of China(973 Program)(Grant No.2015CB4526056)
文摘Objective The post-ore modification and preservation of porphyry copper deposits is controlled and influenced by various geological processes, and the regional uplift and denudation is the most important factors. This study used biotite mineral geobarometer and Apatite Fission Track (AFT) to restore the uplift evolution of the granitic porphyries in the Geza arc and to obtain quantitative data of rock erosion degree and denudation rate.
基金granted by China State Mineral Resources Investigation Program (Grant No.12120114013701 and 1212011120608)
文摘The Pulang porphyry copper deposit,located in the Gezan tectonic-magmatic arc and south of the Yidun island arc,southwest of Sanjiang metallogenic belt in Yunnan province,is a super-large porphyry copper deposit.
基金This work was jointly supported by key project of Chinese Academy of Sciences (KZ952-S1-407) state Key Project of China (G1999043208 and 1999043210) China Postdoctoral Science Foundation.
文摘Four layers of cherts were found for the first time in the Yangla copper deposit, western Yunnan Province. The cherts possessed the following geochemical characteristics: 1 Low TiO2 and Al2O3 contents, but high ore-forming element (e.g. Cu, Au, Ag) contents; 2 low total REE contents and clear negative Eu anomalies when normalized to chondrite similar to the REE contents and distribution patterns of associated massive sulfide ores; 3 silicon isotopic compositions of cherts in the Yangla deposit being the same as cherts and geyserite of hot-water sedimentary origin; 4 lead and sulfur isotopic compositions of cherts in the Yangla deposit being similar to those of the massive sulfide ores in the Yangla deposit; 5 Rb-Sr isochron age of cherts from the Yangla deposit being identical with that of host strata. Hence, we conclude that the cherts in the Yangla deposit are of hot-water sedimentary origin, which have a close relationship with the massive sulfide ores. The discovery of hydrothermal cherts from the Yangla copper deposit provides further evidence for the hydrothermal exhalative origin of the massive sulfide deposits.
文摘The Jinman deposit is a Ag-bearing copper vein deposit located at the north marginof the Lanping-Simao back-arc basin in West Yunnan. Systematic studies of fluid inclusions andstable isotopes are presented in this paper. The filling-replacement stage and the boiling-exhala-tive precipitation stage of mineralization took place at T1 = 140 - 280℃ and T2 = 94 - 204℃under pressure of (600 - 1200) ×105 Pa. The salinity of ore-forming solutions ranges from 5 wt%-20. 8 wt% (NaCl). Sulphide δ34S(CDT) values are in the rang of - 9.6‰ - + 11.03% witha range of 22. 66‰ showing an apparent "pagoda"-shaped distribution in histogram. Mean-while, the δ34S values of the various sulphides are consistent with the characters of isotope equi-librium fractionation, i. e., δ34SPy>δ34 SCp> δ34SBn. The TS/TOC ratios of the ores are widelyvariable between 0.16 and 5. 54 with no correlation of any kind can be established. Accirding to themodel of Ohmoto, the oxidation-reduction ratios of sulfur species in ore-forming solutions at the twomineralization stages were calculated to be R’1 = 2. 16×10(-17) and R’2 = 1. 55×104. δ13CCO2 (PDB)values obtained from fluid inclusions in calcite and quartz are between - 8.12‰ - - 3. 18‰, av-eraging - 5. 26‰, which are comparable with the isotopic composition of mantle-derived CO2.Inclusions in quartz yield δ13CCH4(PDB) between - 32. 11‰ and - 22. 04‰ (averaging- 26. 69‰),similar to that of methane in modern geothermal gases. For the ore-forming soutions, δ18OH2O(SMOW) values are between - 10. 57‰ and + 9. 77‰ and δDH2O(SMOW) are between - 51‰and - 135‰. Considering the effect of isotope exchange during waterrock reactions, most ofthe data are plotted along or close to the line defined by the reaction of meteoric water withclastic rocks, while a small part of the points fall near the reaction line of magmatic water withclastic rocks. In δ13C vs. δ18O diagram, the ore-forming soutions are plotted for the most partinto the mixing area between the meteoric fluid and the deep-seated fluid and partially on themixing line of P = 1.
基金This study was financially supported by the Key Research OrientationProject of Chinese Academy of Sciences (KZCX3-SW-125).
文摘The Tongchanghe native copper-chalcocite deposit at Ninglang occurs in low-Ti basalts of western Yunnan, and the mode of fault-filling & metasomatism metallogenesis indicates that this deposit is of late-stage hydrothermal origin. This makes it more complicated to define the source of ore-forming materials. This paper introduces the Pb isotope data of Himalayan alkali-rich porphyries, regional Early-Middle Proterozoic metamorphic rock basement and various types of rocks of the mining district in western Yunnan with an attempt to constrain the origin of the Tongchanghe native copper-chalcocite deposit at Ninglang. The results showed that the ores are relatively homogeneous in Pb isotopic composition, implying a simple ore-forming material source. The three sets of Pb isotopic ratios in the Himalayan alkali-rich porphyries are all higher than those of the ores; the regional basement metamorphic rocks show a wide range of variations in Pb isotopic ratio, quite different from the isotopic composition of ore lead; the Pb isotopic composition of the Triassic sedimentary rocks and mudstone and siltstone interbeds in the Late Permian Heinishao Formation (corresponding to the forth cycle of basaltic eruption) in the mining district has the characteristics of radiogenic lead and is significantly different from the isotopic composition of ore lead; like the ores, the Emeishan basalts in the mining district and those regionally distributed possess the same Pb isotopic composition, showing a complete overlap with respect to their distribution range. From the above, the possibilities can be ruled out that the ore-forming materials of the Tongchanghe deposit were derived from the basement, a variety of Himalayan magmatic activities, etc. It is thereby defined that the ore-forming materials were derived largely from the Emeishan basalts. From the data available it is deduced that the native cupper-chalcocite-type metallogenesis that occurred in the Emeishan basalt-distributed area has the same metal source as the Tongchanghe deposit.
基金Thisresearchprojectwasgrantedjointlybythe95’StateKeyScienceandTechnologyProjects(96 914 03 04),ResearchProjectsin95’KeyRegionsandZonessponsoredbytheoriginalNon ferrousMetalIndustry GeneralCompany(96 D 42),theStateKeyBasicResearch,Develop mentandPlanningProgram(G1999043208)andtheFoundationProjects ofYunnanProvincialEducationDepartment(0142104).
文摘On the basis of results of the studies of primary fluid inclusions, and the hydrogen and oxygen isotope data, the authors concluded that the early-stage ore-forming fluid from the Jinchangqing gold (copper) ore deposit is a kind of sulfate type hot brine characterized by medium temperature and salinity, genetically related to the late-stage ore-forming fluid derived from an acidic and more reductive environment. However, the late-stage ore-forming fluid is a sort of low temperature and low salinity chloride-type hot brine which originated from a lower pressure, acidic and more oxidative environment. In general, the ore fluids were derived from the late-stage, or largely from the early-stage groundwater-derived meteoric water, which has a 12‰-17‰ heavier oxygen isotopic composition than the original rain water (δ{}+{18}O={-15.3‰}), and were formed during gold mineralization as a product of oxygen isotope exchange during the reaction between ore-forming fluid and wall rocks under a lower water/rock ratio condition.
基金ThisresearchprojectwasfinanciallysupportedjointlybythefundsforProject973undertheMajorBasicResearchProgramofthePeople’sRepublicofChina (GrantNo .G19990 4 32 0 8) the 1997"One hundredTopQualifiedPersonnelProgram"sponsoredbytheChineseAcademyofSciencesand
文摘Quartz samples collected from the Jinman vein copper deposit in the Lanping Basin of western Yunnan were determined by \{\}\+\{40\}Ar/\{\}\+\{39\}Ar fast neutron activation techniques, and the spectra are characterized as being saddle\|shaped. The samples yielded a plateau age of \{58.05\}±\{0.54\} Ma, a minimum appearance age of \{56.76\}±\{0.81\} Ma and an isochron age of \{54.30\}±\{0.15\} Ma, the three ages being close to each other, indicating that the ages of the quartz samples so far determined are true and reliable. The plateau age represents the time of formation of Cu\|bearing quartz veins, which is corresponding to Early Himalayan. This age is also consistent with the time at which a tectonically thermal event (60 Ma) took place within the Lanping Basin, Yunnan Province. In consideration of the fact that copper ore and other ore types in the vast area of western Yunnan are concentrated mainly in the Early Himalayan strata, the authors believe that there must have existed some indispensable key factors leading to metallogenesis on a large scale during the Early Himalayan period in western Yunnan and also constraining in union the formation of ore deposits there.
文摘The L ancangjiang tectonic zone in Western Yunnan is an important magmatic,meta- morphic and tectonic mobile zone of Southwestern China,whose geotectonic location is very unique. It is characterized by complex geological structures,perfectly developed strata,fre- quent magmatic activities,various degrees of metamorphism,rich ore resources and lots of metal deposits,thus formed a centralized zone of mineralization and also constituted one of the importantmetallogenicbelts of noble and nonferrousmetal deposits.Thatiswhy the re- searching on geology for this zone is of great
文摘The Xiaolongtan copper mining district is an important area in Dali, West Yunnan, where porphyry copper deposits occur, and copper orebodies are controlled by fault or contact zone structures between porphyry massifs and country rocks. Based on detailed field investigation and deep-going analysis, the authors systematically studied the tectonogeochemical features of this mining district, proposed the principle and foundation of metallogenic prognosis, and delineated the most potential mineralization target area.
基金supported by a key project of resources and environment of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(No:KZ951-B1-404)the Project 211 of the China University of Geosciences
文摘The Mesoproterozoic Kunyang rift, which is located on the western margin of the Yangtze platform and the southern section of the Kangdian axis, is a rare massive Precambrian iron-copper polymetallic mineralization zone in China. The Mesoproterozoic Wulu (Wuding-Lufeng) basin in the middle of the rift is an elliptic basin controlled by a ring fracture system. Moreover, volcanic activities in the basin display zonation of an outer ring, a middle ring and an inner ring with carbonatitic volcanic rocks and sub-volcanic dykes discovered in the outer and middle rings. The Sm-Nd isochron ages have been determined for the outer-ring carbonatitic lavas (1685 Ma) and basaltic porphyrite of the radiating dyke swarm (1645 Ma) and the Rb-Sr isochron ages for the out-ring carbonatitic lavas (893 Ma) and the middle-ring dykes (1048 Ma). In combination of the U-Pb concordant ages of zircon (1743 Ma) in trachy-andesite of the corresponding period and stratum (1569 Ma) of the Etouchang Formation, as well as the Rb-Sr isochron age (1024 Ma) and K-Ar age (1186 Ma) of the dykes in the middle ring, the age of carbonarites in the basin is preliminarily determined. It is ensured that all of these carbonatites were formed in the Mesoprotero/oic period, whereby two stages could be identified as follows: in the first stage, carbonatitic volcanic groups, such as lavas, pyroclastic rocks and volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks, were formed in the outer ring; in the second stage, carbonatitic breccias and dykes appeared in the middle ring. The metamorphic age of the carbonatitic lavas in the outer ring was determined to be concurrent with the end of the first stage of the Neoproterozoic period, corresponding to the Jinning movement in central Yunnan.
文摘Yangla copper deposit is the largest banded skarn hosted copper deposit found recently in the Tethys orogenic belt of Southwestern China. On the basis of the study of distribution, petrology and mineralogy as well as major element, REE and isotope geochemistry, the authors find that the banded skarn, which hosts the deposit, was precipitated from hydrothermal solutions in the form of exhalate sediment. Therefore, the banded skarn hosted copper deposit is a Sedex type deposit, with a series of stacked, conformable lenses underlain by at least one stringer zone. The deposit, intercalated at the contact of lower clastic rock and upper carbonate rock of Gajinxueshan Group, was formed in the Carboniferous ((296.1±7.0) Ma), contemporary to the host Gajinxueshan Group. The interpretation of the genesis of Yangla banded skarn hosted copper deposit is of fundamental exploration significance for the discovery of Sedex type copper deposit in the region.
基金the Major Basic Research Program of the People's Republic of China(Grant No. G1999043208), by the "One Hundred Personnel Program" Foundation of Chinese Academy of Sciences, by "Breakthroughs in Intellect" Foundation of Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. KZ
文摘Jinman vein copper deposit in western Yunnan occurs in a salt-bearing red clastic rock formation composed of sandstone, siltstone and shale. Wood texture is considerably developed in the ores. The metallic minerals making up the wood textures mainly include pyrite, chalcopyrite and bornite. Studies on the samples and examination of their micrographs and electron micrographs have confirmed that they belong to xenoxylon, reflecting that the ore-hosting rock series is the product of sedimentation in the terrestrial environment. Organic geochemistry and sulfur and carbon isotopic composition data indicate that the formation of the deposit is substantially related with underground hot brines and biological processes.
文摘Helium isotopic composition of inclusion fluid in pyrites from Machangqing copper deposit, China, has been measured. The measurements, with 3He/ 4He ratios ranging from 0 46-2 08 Ra, indicate that the helium in ore_forming fluid is a mixture of crust and mantle, and are consistent with the fact that the parental magma responsible for the formation of ore_forming fluid of the deposit is of crust_mantle provenance.
基金financially supported by the China Geological Survey(No.12120113079400)
文摘The Yangla Copper Ore Field in Northwest Yunnan Province, China, is a large region of deposits dominated by copper-bearing skarns whose origin remains debatable despite numerous studies over the past two decades. We have investigated the geological and geochemical characteristics of the skarns using field and microscopic observations combined with chemical analyses. The results show that the skarns fall into two categories. The first category is metamorphic skarn, which constitute the majority (〉90%) of skarns in the deposit and is characterized by stratiform occurrences conformable to Devonian host strata, anhydrous mineral assemblages such as diopside+hedenbergite+quartz, widespread banded structure, fine-grainsize (〈200 μm) and preserved tuff-like textures. Whole-rock major element compositions, REE and trace-element compositions resemble those of the country rock slates or schists. The skarn layers occur at variable distances (0-2 000 m) from Indosinian plutonic bodies. Fracture-filling veins and/or alteration halos are scarce or absent in or near the skarn layers. This category of skarn probably formed by isochemical contact metamorphism of fine calcareous clastic sediments or impure carbonate rocks during emplacement of the plutonic bodies with no significant material migration by hydrothermal fluids involved during the process, in which case metallic enrichment of the skarn layers was present in the protolith of the skarn. The second category is metasomatic skarn with relatively coarse-grained textures (200-〉1 000 μm) and volatile-reach assemblages such as diopside+tremolite+scapolite at or near the igneous contact zones, which constitutes only a minor pro-portion of ore compared with metamorphic skarn. Taking into consideration diverse existing opinions about the genetic type of the deposit, we suggest that the geological and whole-rock geochemical characteristics of the skarus are consistent with a metamorphosed and metasomatized SEDEX (sedimentary exhalative deposit) type rather than a hydrothermal metasomatic skarn type.
文摘The new type of copper deposits concerned with in this paper are vein copperdeposits found in the Lanping-Simao Rift Basin, Yunnan, China. As is indicated by H,O, C, S, Pb and Sr isotopes, water and mineralisers in the ore-forming fluids were derivedfrom heated meteoric waer and mantle, respectively. The metallic elements (Cu, Ag, Pb,Zn, As, Sb, Fe, REE, etc.) are characterised by a mised source from the crust and themantle.