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柠檬酸凝胶燃烧法制备Nd,Yb∶YGG激光陶瓷粉体及表征 被引量:1
作者 潘柳 孙晶 +2 位作者 宋欢欢 姜黎黎 许志勇 《硅酸盐通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第12期3192-3195,3199,共5页
以Nd2O3、Yb2O3、Y2O3、Ga2O3和柠檬酸为原料,采用凝胶燃烧法,制备出Nd,Yb∶YGG激光陶瓷粉体。对粉体进行XRD测试,结果表明在本实验条件下,粉体的较佳煅烧温度为800℃。扫描电镜观察发现,粉体晶粒为类球形,平均晶粒径约为50 nm,晶粒间... 以Nd2O3、Yb2O3、Y2O3、Ga2O3和柠檬酸为原料,采用凝胶燃烧法,制备出Nd,Yb∶YGG激光陶瓷粉体。对粉体进行XRD测试,结果表明在本实验条件下,粉体的较佳煅烧温度为800℃。扫描电镜观察发现,粉体晶粒为类球形,平均晶粒径约为50 nm,晶粒间存在一定烧结现象。荧光光谱测试结果表明Nd,Yb∶YGG激光陶瓷粉体最强发射峰位于1028 nm,归属于Yb3+的2F5/2→2F7/2能级跃迁,并且当Nd3+和Yb3+的摩尔比为1∶1时Yb3+的荧光发射强度最强。 展开更多
关键词 凝胶燃烧法 Nd ybygg 陶瓷粉体
作者 吕亮 张永东 +3 位作者 王军利 张治国 魏志义 张怀金 《红外与激光工程》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期596-600,共5页
Yb:Y3Ga5O12(Yb:YGG)晶体是具有优异光谱特性和热力学性能的一种新型激光增益介质。利用准三能级系统速率方程,对激光二极管纵向泵浦的全固态连续波Yb:YGG激光的输出特性进行了理论分析和数值计算。在此基础上设计并进行了该激光的实验... Yb:Y3Ga5O12(Yb:YGG)晶体是具有优异光谱特性和热力学性能的一种新型激光增益介质。利用准三能级系统速率方程,对激光二极管纵向泵浦的全固态连续波Yb:YGG激光的输出特性进行了理论分析和数值计算。在此基础上设计并进行了该激光的实验研究,采用最佳透过率6%的输出镜,在6.8 W泵浦下得到了2.3 W的最大功率,实验结果与理论分析结果吻合,对应中心波长为1037 nm,最大斜效率达71.8%。 展开更多
关键词 激光二极管泵浦 yb:ygg激光器 准三能级系统
作者 孙贵花 †张庆礼 +2 位作者 罗建乔 王小飞 谷长江 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期369-374,共6页
2.7-3.0μm波段激光在很多领域具有重要应用,为探索和发展该波段新型晶体材料,本文采用提拉法生长出Pr,Yb,Ho:GdScO_(3)晶体,通过共掺入Pr3+离子以达到衰减Ho^(3+):^(5)I_(7)能级寿命的目的.采用X射线衍射测试得到了晶体的粉末衍射数据... 2.7-3.0μm波段激光在很多领域具有重要应用,为探索和发展该波段新型晶体材料,本文采用提拉法生长出Pr,Yb,Ho:GdScO_(3)晶体,通过共掺入Pr3+离子以达到衰减Ho^(3+):^(5)I_(7)能级寿命的目的.采用X射线衍射测试得到了晶体的粉末衍射数据,测量了拉曼光谱,并对晶体的拉曼振动峰进行指认,对Pr,Yb,Ho:GdScO_(3)晶体的透过光谱、发射光谱和荧光寿命进行表征.Yb^(3+)的最强吸收峰在966 nm,吸收峰半峰宽为90 nm;2.7-3.0μm波段最强发射峰在2850 nm,半峰宽为70 nm;Ho^(3+):^(5)I_(6)和^(5)I_(7)能级寿命分别为1094μs和56μs.与Yb,Ho:GdScO_(3)晶体相比,Yb^(3+)的吸收峰和2.7-3.0μm的发射峰半峰宽明显展宽,同时下能级寿命显著减小,计算表明Ho^(3+):^(5)I_(7)与Pr^(3+):^(3)F_(2)+^(3)H_(6)能级之间能实现高效的能量传递.以上结果表明Pr,Yb,Ho:GdScO_(3)晶体是性能更优异的2.7-3.0μm波段激光材料. 展开更多
关键词 2.7—3.0μm激光 Pr yb Ho:GdScO_(3)晶体 晶体生长 光谱性能
作者 丁雨憧 张灵 +4 位作者 李海林 张月 唐杨 强铭 林辉 《人工晶体学报》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第10期1688-1698,共11页
本文采用水平定向结晶(HDC)法成功生长出180 mm×81 mm×16 mm的浓度渐变Yb∶YAG激光晶体,从放肩部位和尾部分别获取了尺寸为40 mm×40 mm×7 mm、70 mm×70 mm×7 mm的Yb∶YAG激光晶体板条各两件。采用632 nm... 本文采用水平定向结晶(HDC)法成功生长出180 mm×81 mm×16 mm的浓度渐变Yb∶YAG激光晶体,从放肩部位和尾部分别获取了尺寸为40 mm×40 mm×7 mm、70 mm×70 mm×7 mm的Yb∶YAG激光晶体板条各两件。采用632 nm激光、偏光应力仪对晶体板条的光学性质进行检测,实验结果发现靠近晶坯自由表面的板条内部通透,无散射光路,应力较小且分布均匀,表明该晶体板条具有优异的光学质量。进一步测试分析了晶体板条不同位置处的吸收光谱,根据935 nm波长处的吸收系数计算出Yb^(3+)的掺杂浓度,发现40 mm×40 mm×7 mm的激光晶体板条中Yb^(3+)掺杂浓度沿晶体生长方向逐步增加,浓度梯度约为0.42%/cm;而70 mm×70 mm×7 mm的激光晶体板条中Yb^(3+)掺杂浓度几乎保持不变,约为4.50%。 展开更多
关键词 浓度渐变 光谱性能 yb∶YAG 水平定向结晶法 激光晶体
作者 刘强 李想 +6 位作者 郭礼豪 TOCI Guido PIRRI Angela PATRIZI Barbara VANNINI Matteo 吴俊林 李江 《人工晶体学报》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第11期1918-1926,共9页
本文采用化学共沉淀法合成了5%(原子数分数,下同)Yb∶CaF_(2)纳米粉体。经过冷冻干燥后,粉体的团聚程度有所减轻,粉体呈立方片层状,平均颗粒尺寸约为40 nm。以冷冻干燥后的粉体为原料,通过热压烧结结合热等静压(HIP)烧结后处理制备了高... 本文采用化学共沉淀法合成了5%(原子数分数,下同)Yb∶CaF_(2)纳米粉体。经过冷冻干燥后,粉体的团聚程度有所减轻,粉体呈立方片层状,平均颗粒尺寸约为40 nm。以冷冻干燥后的粉体为原料,通过热压烧结结合热等静压(HIP)烧结后处理制备了高光学质量的5%Yb∶CaF_(2)透明陶瓷。分析了热压烧结过程中样品的致密化行为,并对陶瓷的显微结构、直线透过率、吸收光谱及激光性能进行测试与表征。结果表明,陶瓷坯体在热压烧结时的保温阶段存在致密化驱动力的激活阈值,同时HIP后处理能够进一步压缩和排除热压陶瓷内残留气孔,有效提高陶瓷的光学质量。通过热压烧结(625℃×2 h,50 MPa)结合HIP后处理(600℃×3 h,100 MPa Ar)制备的5%Yb∶CaF_(2)透明陶瓷在400和1200 nm处的直线透过率分别为72.6%和92.2%(厚度2 mm),其在976 nm处的吸收截面为0.52×10^(-20)cm^(2)。使用波长为930 nm的光纤耦合二极管激光器(LD)端面泵浦Yb∶CaF_(2)透明陶瓷,获得了最大输出功率为0.81 W、斜率效率为9.7%的准连续激光输出。 展开更多
关键词 yb∶CaF_(2)透明陶瓷 热压烧结 热等静压烧结 显微结构 激光性能
作者 董彦珉 孙晶 +2 位作者 曾繁明 李伟行 腾飞 《硅酸盐通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期401-404,共4页
本文以Y2O3,Ga2O3,Er2O3,Yb2O3,柠檬酸为原料,利用溶胶-凝胶法制备出Er3+,Yb3+∶YGG激光陶瓷前驱粉体。对粉体进行XRD测试,结果表明在本实验条件下,粉体的最佳煅烧温度为800℃。红外光谱表明800℃时NO3-,OH-等离子已被分解。扫描电镜观... 本文以Y2O3,Ga2O3,Er2O3,Yb2O3,柠檬酸为原料,利用溶胶-凝胶法制备出Er3+,Yb3+∶YGG激光陶瓷前驱粉体。对粉体进行XRD测试,结果表明在本实验条件下,粉体的最佳煅烧温度为800℃。红外光谱表明800℃时NO3-,OH-等离子已被分解。扫描电镜观察发现,粉体颗粒为似球形,粒径约为35 nm,结合XRD数据计算,发现一个颗粒由2~3个晶粒组成,可见溶胶-凝胶法制备的粉体团聚程度相对较低。对粉体进行荧光光谱测试,结果表明由于Er3+的4I13/2-4I15/2的能级跃迁引起的荧光发射,其最强峰位于1530 nm处。 展开更多
关键词 溶胶-凝胶法 Er3+ yb3+∶ygg 激光陶瓷 荧光
Noise-like rectangular pulses in a mode-locked double-clad Er:Yb laser with a record pulse energy 被引量:1
作者 Tianyi Wu Zhiyuan Dou +1 位作者 Bin Zhang Jing Hou 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第1期260-264,共5页
Generation of noise-like rectangular pulse was investigated systematically in an Er–Yb co-doped fiber laser based on an intra-cavity coupler with different coupling ratios.When the coupling ratio was 5/95,stable mode... Generation of noise-like rectangular pulse was investigated systematically in an Er–Yb co-doped fiber laser based on an intra-cavity coupler with different coupling ratios.When the coupling ratio was 5/95,stable mode-locked pulses could be obtained with the pulse packet duration tunable from 4.86 ns to 80 ns.The repetition frequency was 1.186 MHz with the output spectrum centered at 1.6μm.The average output power and single pulse energy reached a record 1.43 W and1.21μJ,respectively.Pulse characteristics under different coupling ratios(5/95,10/90,20/80,30/70,40/60)were also presented and discussed. 展开更多
关键词 rectangular noise-like pulse mode-locked laser Er–yb co-doped fiber laser
Passive Q-Switching of a Yb:LuVO_4 Laser with Cr^(4+):YAG:Approaching the Intrinsic Upper Limit of Repetition Rate 被引量:3
作者 Xiao-Dan Dou Jing-Nan Yang +3 位作者 Yan-Jun Ma Wen-Juan Han Hong-nao Xu Jun-Hai Liu 《Chinese Physics Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第6期28-32,共5页
We demonstrate a diode pumped Yb:LuVO4 laser that can be passively Q-switched by a Cr^(4+):YAG saturable absorber having an initial transmission as high as 99.3%.A maximum pulsed output power of 2.35 W is generat... We demonstrate a diode pumped Yb:LuVO4 laser that can be passively Q-switched by a Cr^(4+):YAG saturable absorber having an initial transmission as high as 99.3%.A maximum pulsed output power of 2.35 W is generated at a repetition rate of 285.7 kHz,approaching or very near the intrinsic upper limit imposed by the recovery time of the Cr^(4+):YAG saturable absorber,and the resulting pulse energy,duration and peak power are,respectively,8.2μJ,39.2ns and 0.209kW. 展开更多
关键词 YAG:Approaching the Intrinsic Upper Limit of Repetition Rate yb Passive Q-Switching of a yb:LuVO4 laser with Cr
Acousto-Optically Q-Switched Operation of Yb:CNGG Disordered Crystal Laser 被引量:2
作者 司维 马衍骏 +3 位作者 王丽莎 苑华磊 孔伟金 刘均海 《Chinese Physics Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第12期28-31,共4页
We report the repetitively Q-switched laser operation of the Yb-doped calcium niobium gallium garnet disordered garnet crystal, achieved with an acousto-optic modulator in a compact plano-concave resonator that is end... We report the repetitively Q-switched laser operation of the Yb-doped calcium niobium gallium garnet disordered garnet crystal, achieved with an acousto-optic modulator in a compact plano-concave resonator that is endpumped by a 935-nm diode laser. An average output power of 1.96 W is produced at pulse repetition rate of50 k Hz at emission wavelengths around 1035 nm, with a slope efficiency of 16%. The highest pulse energy of 269 μJ is generated at pulse repetition rate of 1 k Hz, with pulse width 12.1 ns and peak power 20.53 kW. 展开更多
关键词 yb Acousto-Optically Q-Switched Operation of yb:CNGG Disordered Crystal laser
Tunable femtosecond near-infrared source based on a Yb:LYSO-laser-pumped optical parametric oscillator 被引量:2
作者 田文龙 王兆华 +1 位作者 朱江峰 魏志义 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第1期616-619,共4页
We demonstrate a widely tunable near-infrared source from 767 nm to 874 nm generated by the intracavity second harmonic generation (SHG) in an optical parametric oscillator pumped by a Yb:LYSO solid-state laser. Th... We demonstrate a widely tunable near-infrared source from 767 nm to 874 nm generated by the intracavity second harmonic generation (SHG) in an optical parametric oscillator pumped by a Yb:LYSO solid-state laser. The home-made Yb:LYSO oscillator centered at 1035 nm delivers an average power of 2 W and a pulse duration as short as 351 fs. TWo MgO doped periodically poled lithium niobates (MgO:PPLN) with grating periods of 28.5-31.5 μm in steps of 0.5 μm and 19.5-21.3μm in steps of 0.2 μm are used for the OPO and intracavity SHG, respectively. The maximum average output power of 180 mW at 798 nm was obtained and the output pulses have pulse duration of 313 fs at 792 nm if a sech2-pulse shape was assumed. In addition, tunable signal femtosecond pulses from 1428 nm to 1763 nm are also realized with the maximum average power of 355 mW at 1628 nm. 展开更多
关键词 femtosecond optical parametric oscillator intracavity second harmonic generation periodically-poled lithium niobate yb:LYSO solid-state laser
Generation of 54 Fs Laser Pulses from a Diode Pumped Kerr-Lens Mode-Locked Yb:LSO Laser 被引量:1
作者 田文龙 王兆华 +4 位作者 朱江峰 魏志义 郑丽和 徐晓东 徐军 《Chinese Physics Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第2期74-76,共3页
A diode pumped Kerr-lens mode-locked femtosecond Yb:LSO laser is experimentally demonstrated for the first time. The 54fs laser pulses at central wavelength of 1052nm with a bandwidth of 22.5nm are obtained at the re... A diode pumped Kerr-lens mode-locked femtosecond Yb:LSO laser is experimentally demonstrated for the first time. The 54fs laser pulses at central wavelength of 1052nm with a bandwidth of 22.5nm are obtained at the repetition rate of 113 MHz. To the best of our knowledge, this is the shortest pulse duration ever produced from the Yb-doped orthosilicates lasers family. 展开更多
关键词 yb LSO Generation of 54 Fs laser Pulses from a Diode Pumped Kerr-Lens Mode-Locked yb:LSO laser
Simulation of High Power Er/Yb Codoped Fiber Linear Cavity Lasers 被引量:1
作者 WANGJian LUFu-yun ZHANGShu-min XIEChun-xia DUANYun-feng 《Semiconductor Photonics and Technology》 CAS 2005年第1期1-4,共4页
The performances of high power Er/Yb codoped fiber linear cavity lasers are investigated numerically. The numerical analysis is based on the iterative solution of rate equations for population density of the Er/Yb ion... The performances of high power Er/Yb codoped fiber linear cavity lasers are investigated numerically. The numerical analysis is based on the iterative solution of rate equations for population density of the Er/Yb ions. The behaviors of co-pump and counter-pump methods are contrasted. Dependence of output power on input pump power, output reflectivity, operating wavelength and active fiber length is simulated, respectively. High conversion efficiency Er/Yb laser output is obtained in simulations and experiments. 展开更多
关键词 Er/yb codoping SIMULATION high power laser linear cavity laser
Tunable and Switchable Narrow Bandwidth Semiconductor-Saturable Absorber Mirror Mode-Locked Yb-Doped Fiber Laser Delivering Different Pulse Widths 被引量:1
作者 王兆坤 邹峰 +2 位作者 王子薇 杜松涛 周军 《Chinese Physics Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第3期36-39,共4页
The wavelength-tunable and switchable narrow bandwidth mode-locking operation is demonstrated in an all fiber laser based on semiconductor-saturable absorber mirror (SESAM). Two narrow-band fiber Bragg gratings cent... The wavelength-tunable and switchable narrow bandwidth mode-locking operation is demonstrated in an all fiber laser based on semiconductor-saturable absorber mirror (SESAM). Two narrow-band fiber Bragg gratings centered at 1029.9nm and 1032nm respectively with a polarization controller inserted between them are used to realize the wavelength switchable between 1029.9nm and 1032nm. The laser delivers different pulse widths of 7.5ps for 1030nm and 20ps for 1032nm. The maximum output power for both could reach -6.5mW at single pulse operation. The output wavelength couM be tuned to about 0.gnm intervals ranging from 1030.2nm to 1031.1 nm and from 1032.15nm to 1033.7nm with the temperature change of the fiber Bragg grating, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 mode in yb of Tunable and Switchable Narrow Bandwidth Semiconductor-Saturable Absorber Mirror Mode-Locked yb-Doped Fiber laser Delivering Different Pulse Widths nm
基于零声子线泵浦的高效率Yb∶YAG薄片激光器 被引量:1
作者 高瑜博 徐思志 +9 位作者 陈业旺 刘敏秋 欧阳德钦 吴旭 陈俊展 赵俊清 郭春雨 刘星 吕启涛 阮双琛 《光子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期171-179,共9页
高功率激光器在工业应用领域的需求不断增长,提高光-光转化效率是降低其生产制造成本的关键途径。针对提高激光器光-光转化效率所面临的增益介质的热负荷问题,利用锁定波长的969 nm“零声子线”泵浦、自主研制的高性能Yb∶YAG薄片晶体... 高功率激光器在工业应用领域的需求不断增长,提高光-光转化效率是降低其生产制造成本的关键途径。针对提高激光器光-光转化效率所面临的增益介质的热负荷问题,利用锁定波长的969 nm“零声子线”泵浦、自主研制的高性能Yb∶YAG薄片晶体和48冲程泵浦系统等,搭建了高效的连续Yb∶YAG薄片激光器系统,实现了最高输出功率373 W,光-光转化效率可达73.37%。其优异性能为后续开展千瓦级超快Yb∶YAG薄片激光器研究奠定了基础。 展开更多
关键词 薄片激光器 多冲程泵浦 yb∶YAG 高效率
Spectral and laser properties of Yb and Ho co-doped(YLa)_2O_3 transparent ceramic 被引量:2
作者 黄栋栋 杨秋红 +4 位作者 王永刚 张浩佳 陆神洲 邹育婉 魏志义 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第3期505-507,共3页
Highly transparent Yb,Ho doped(YLa)2O3 ceramic was fabricated by conventional ceramic processing with nanopowders.The absorption and emission spectra of the ceramic was investigated.The energy transfer mechanism bet... Highly transparent Yb,Ho doped(YLa)2O3 ceramic was fabricated by conventional ceramic processing with nanopowders.The absorption and emission spectra of the ceramic was investigated.The energy transfer mechanism between Yb3+ and Ho3+ was also discussed.The strong emission band around 2 μm indicated that the Yb-Ho:(Y 0.90 La 0.10)2O3 transparent ceramic is a promising gain medium for the generation of 2 μm laser emissions.The laser operation of Yb-Ho co-doped(YLa)2O3 ceramic at 2.1 μm is first reported. 展开更多
关键词 yb-Ho doped(YLa)2O3 transparent ceramic spectral properties 2 μm laser
A theoretical and experimental study on all-normal-dispersion Yb-doped mode-locked fiber lasers 被引量:2
作者 池俊杰 李平雪 +6 位作者 杨春 赵自强 李尧 王雄飞 钟国舜 赵鸿 姜东升 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第4期268-273,共6页
We report on a theoretical and experimental study of an all-normal-dispersion (ANDi) Yb-doped mode-locked fiber laser, in which nonlinear polarization rotation (NPR) is used to realize mode-locking without any dis... We report on a theoretical and experimental study of an all-normal-dispersion (ANDi) Yb-doped mode-locked fiber laser, in which nonlinear polarization rotation (NPR) is used to realize mode-locking without any dispersion compensation. Based on the coupled nonlinear Schr6dinger (CNLS) equation, a model simulating the mode-locked process of an all-normal-dispersion ring fiber laser is developed, which shows that the achievement of stable mode-locking depends on the alignment of the polarization controller (PC) along the fast-polarization axis of the fiber, the birefringence intensity, and the net cavity dispersion. According to the theoretical analysis, stable mode-locked pulses with pulse duration 300 ps and average output power 33.9 mW at repetition rate 36 MHz are obtained. 展开更多
关键词 all-normal-dispersion nonlinear polarization rotation MODE-LOCKED yb-doped fiber laser
Investigation on Structures and Properties of Yb^(3+)-Doped Laser Glasses 被引量:1
作者 刘树江 卢安贤 +1 位作者 唐晓东 贺少勃 《Journal of Rare Earths》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2006年第2期163-167,共5页
The Yb3^+ -doped silicate, phosphate and borophosphate laser glasses were prepared by means of conventional melt quenching technology. The physical and spectral properties of the glasses were investigated. The result... The Yb3^+ -doped silicate, phosphate and borophosphate laser glasses were prepared by means of conventional melt quenching technology. The physical and spectral properties of the glasses were investigated. The results show that, due to the existence of OH^-, the fluorescence lifetime of phosphate glass is shorter than that of silicate glass, so silicate glass has better spectral properties than phosphate glass. Silicate glass has better mechanical and thermal properties than phosphate glass, but with the addition of B2O3, mechanical and thermal properties of phosphate glass are improved greatly without fluorescence quenching effect. This kind of borophosphate glass can be used in high average power solid state lasers. 展开更多
关键词 yb^3+ ion laser glass structure spectral property rare earths
作者 朱铎 宋艳洁 +3 位作者 陈中正 许元斋 薄勇 彭钦军 《激光与红外》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期503-507,共5页
本文对不同冷却温度下的Yb:YAG晶体板条激光模块高功率运转时的温度场、应力场及对应的热畸变进行了仿真分析研究。结果显示,随着冷却温度从300 K降低至77K,板条的温度梯度热应力与应变都明显降低。当冷却温度为77 K时,最大主应力为4.14... 本文对不同冷却温度下的Yb:YAG晶体板条激光模块高功率运转时的温度场、应力场及对应的热畸变进行了仿真分析研究。结果显示,随着冷却温度从300 K降低至77K,板条的温度梯度热应力与应变都明显降低。当冷却温度为77 K时,最大主应力为4.14 MPa,仅为常温时的15.6%,最大主应变为3.82×10^(-5),仅为常温时的6%。为了分析Yb:YAG晶体板条激光模块不同冷却温度下输出激光的光束质量,以确定其最佳运转温度,我们采用光线追迹的方法,对单程通过板条的1030 nm探测光进行仿真。可以看到,当冷却温度为77 K时,远场光斑能量更为集中,且探测光光程差的PV值为0.7941μm,仅为300 K时的59.6%。模拟结果表明低温运转有利于Yb:YAG晶体板条激光模块产生高功率高光束质量激光输出,这为高功率高光束质量Yb:YAG晶体板条激光的设计工作奠定了基础。 展开更多
关键词 板条激光器 yb∶YAG 热效应 仿真模拟
High-energy pulse generation using Yb-doped Q-switched fiber laser based on single-walled carbon nanotubes 被引量:1
作者 王军利 汪雪玲 +3 位作者 贺博荣 朱江峰 魏志义 王勇刚 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第9期532-535,共4页
An all-fiber laser using a single-walled carbon nanotube(SWCNT) as the saturable absorber(SA) for Q-switched operation in the 1031 nm region is demonstrated in this work. A lasing threshold as low as 17 mW was rea... An all-fiber laser using a single-walled carbon nanotube(SWCNT) as the saturable absorber(SA) for Q-switched operation in the 1031 nm region is demonstrated in this work. A lasing threshold as low as 17 mW was realized for continuous wave operation. By further increasing the pump power, stable Q-switched pulse trains are obtained when the pump power ranges from 38 mW to 125 mW, corresponding to repetition rate varying from 40.84 kHz to 66.24 kHz, the pulse width from 2.0 μs to 1.0 μs,and the highest single pulse energy of 40.6 nJ respectively. 展开更多
关键词 yb-doped Q-switching all-fiber lasers single-walled carbon nanotubes
作者 李晴 姜珍兴 +8 位作者 王莹 马杰 王俊 刘鹏 章健 范金太 于浩海 张怀金 唐定远 《人工晶体学报》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第11期1884-1891,共8页
稀土离子掺杂的倍半氧化物陶瓷材料具有高热导率、低声子能量、高激光损伤阈值等优势,在固体激光领域具有巨大的应用潜力。本文采用化学共沉淀法合成了高纯度、低团聚Yb∶Lu_(2)O_(3)陶瓷粉体,在氧气气氛下预烧后,结合热等静压(HIP)烧... 稀土离子掺杂的倍半氧化物陶瓷材料具有高热导率、低声子能量、高激光损伤阈值等优势,在固体激光领域具有巨大的应用潜力。本文采用化学共沉淀法合成了高纯度、低团聚Yb∶Lu_(2)O_(3)陶瓷粉体,在氧气气氛下预烧后,结合热等静压(HIP)烧结制备了具有高致密度、高透过率的5%(原子数分数)Yb∶Lu_(2)O_(3)透明陶瓷。陶瓷的平均晶粒尺寸小于1μm,在1100 nm波长处的透过率超过81%。在974 nm波长处吸收截面为~0.97×10^(-20)cm^(2),在1.08μm波长处的发射截面为~0.39×10^(-20)cm^(2)。采用976 nm半导体激光器泵浦Yb∶Lu_(2)O_(3)陶瓷,室温条件下实现了11.67 W的连续激光输出,对应的斜效率为55.3%,激光中心波长为1080.1 nm。 展开更多
关键词 yb∶Lu_(2)O_(3) 倍半氧化物 透明陶瓷 光谱分析 激光性能
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