Background: Although balloon angioplasty (BA) has been performed for more than 20 years, its use as a treatment for native coarctation of the aorta (CoA) during childhood, especially in young infants, remains con...Background: Although balloon angioplasty (BA) has been performed for more than 20 years, its use as a treatment for native coarctation of the aorta (CoA) during childhood, especially in young infants, remains controversial. This study aimed to assess the effects and potential role ofpercutaneous transcatheter BA for native CoA as an alternative therapy to surgical repair in young infants. Methods: The 37 patients aged from 6 days to 6 months with severe CoA in congestive heart failure or circulatory shock were admitted for BA. Patient's weight ranged from 2.4 to 6.1 kg. All 37 patients were experiencing cardiac dysfunction, and eight patients were in cardiac shock with severe metabolic acidosis. Eleven patients had an isolated CoA, whereas the others had a CoA associated with other cardiac malformations. Cardiac catheterization and aortic angiography were performed under general anesthesia with intubation. Transfemoral arterial approaches were used for the BA. The size of the balloon ranged from 3 mm × 20 mm to 8 mm × 20 mm, and a coronary artery balloon catheter was preferred over a regular peripheral vascular balloon catheter. Results: The femoral artery was successfully punctured in all but one patient, with that patient undergoing a carotid artery puncture. The systolic peak pressure gradient (PG) across the coarctation was 41.0 ± 16.0 mmHg (range 13-76 mmHg). The mean diameter of the narrowest coarctation site was 1.7 ± 0.6 mm (range 0.5-2.8 mm). All patients had successful dilation; the PG significantly decreased to 13.0 ± 11.0 mmHg (range 0-40 mmHg), and the diameter ofcoarctation significantly improved to 3.8 ± 0.9 mm (range 2.5-5.3 mm). No intraoperative complications occurred for any patients. However, in one case that underwent a carotid artery puncture, a giant aneurysm formed at the puncture site and required surgical repair. The following observations were made during the follow-up period from 6-month to 7-year: (1) The PG across the coarctation measured by echocardiography further decreased or remained stable in 31 cases. The remaining six patients, whose PGs gradually increased, required a second dilation. No patient required further surgery because of a CoA; (2) in two cases, an aortic aneurysm was found with an angiogram performed immediately postdilatation and disappeared at 18 and 12 months of age, respectively; (3) tricuspid regurgitation and pulmonary hypertension improved in all patients; (4) all patients were doing well and were asymptomatic. Conclusions: Percutaneous BA is a relatively safe and effective treatment for severe native CoA in young infants, and should be considered a valid alternative to surgery because of its good outcome and less trauma and fewer complications than surgery.展开更多
Objective To assess the effectiveness of complementary food supplements with protein and multi-micronutrients on hemoglobin and anemia in infants and young children. Methods In 5 poor counties of Gansu, 984 children a...Objective To assess the effectiveness of complementary food supplements with protein and multi-micronutrients on hemoglobin and anemia in infants and young children. Methods In 5 poor counties of Gansu, 984 children aged 6-12 months were enrolled and divided into two groups. In addition to the usual home-made complementary food, all the children were fed one sachet of either Formula Ⅰ or Formula Ⅱ supplements each day. Protein and micronutrients were provided in Formula Ⅰ, while the same energy intake was secured in Formula Ⅱ as in Formula Ⅰ. A massive dose of vitamin A was supplemented to all the children every 6 months. Hemoglobin test was done at the same time. Results Prevalence of anemia was about 35% in both Formula Ⅰ and Formula Ⅱ group at baseline, and there were no differences in hemoglobin concentration between the two groups, During the 6-month and 12-month supplementation, hemoglobin of children in Formula Ⅰ group was higher than that in Formula Ⅱ group (P〈0.05), and hemoglobin increase in Formula Ⅰ group was significantly higher than that in Formula Ⅱ group (P〈0.001). After 6- and 12-mouth supplementation, the prevalence of anemia in Formula Ⅰ group dropped to 19.1% and 8.2% respectively, and it was 28.0% and 12.4% in Formula 2 group. The prevalence of anemia in Formula Ⅰ group was significantly lower than that in Formula Ⅱ group (P〈0.05). After adjusting age and hemoglobin level at baseline, the hemoglobin increase at age of 24 months in formula 1 group was higher (10.7 g/L vs 7.9 g/L, P〈0.0001). Conclusion Micronutrient fortified complementary food supplements, with large-dose vitamin A, is effective for children aged 6-12 months in terms of iron deficiency prevention.展开更多
Since infant and young child feeding practices play an important role in ameliorating childhood nutrition, an exploratory and descriptive study has thus been conducted employing a previously developed questionnaire at...Since infant and young child feeding practices play an important role in ameliorating childhood nutrition, an exploratory and descriptive study has thus been conducted employing a previously developed questionnaire at Ad-din shisu Hospital, Jashore, Bangladesh to obtain better insights about the breastfeeding and complementary feeding practices among infant and young child feeding caregivers. Out of 260 babies, 54% were female and 46% were male. Nearly all caregivers were found having the idea that breast milk is the best food for newborn babies. Around 81.9% of caregivers think that breast milk contains all the nutrients the baby needs to flourish, but in case of protection from disease, only 18.1% of caregivers think that it protects the baby from certain diseases. Around 46.9% mothers practiced early initiation of breastfeeding and they offered breast milk to their newborn right away (within one hour) after delivery, 53.5% lactating mothers had proper knowledge about breastfeeding methods, 39.6% mothers never practiced burping after breastfeeding, 66.4% mothers had normal delivery, 33.6% mothers had caesarian section, 99% mothers offered colostrums to their babies and only 1% of them didn’t give the colostrums. Besides, 88.8% continued breastfeeding up to 24 months or more along with 83.8% caregivers starting complementary feeding from six months, 55.4% caregivers said baby’s immune system is less developed, so they get attacked by infection easily and 44.6% caregivers said “their tummies are vulnerable to infection”, and 48.8% of the caregivers followed the type of hygiene required. Our findings revealed information on the knowledge, attitude, and practices of the caregiver’s towards breastfeeding and complementary feeding.展开更多
Only about 25% of babies are exclusively breast fed until six months of age in developing countries though they are at a greater risk of infection and infant mortality. The Global Strategy for Maternal, Infant and You...Only about 25% of babies are exclusively breast fed until six months of age in developing countries though they are at a greater risk of infection and infant mortality. The Global Strategy for Maternal, Infant and Young Child Feeding (MI- YCF) Strategy developed by WHO/UNICEF in 2002 was to revitalize world attention to the impact of feeding practices on the nutritional status, growth, development, health and survival of infants and children. The data for this case study was collected through key informant interviews, observations and review of Save the Children nutrition programme reports and surveys. This information was then organized to produce a detailed description of the maternal, infant and young child nutrition programme in Habaswein and Wajir South districts or sub-counties. The maternal and infant young child nutrition (MIYCN) programme was launched in Habaswein and Wajir South districts in January 2012. The MIYCN programme followed recommendations of a Knowledge, Practice and Coverage (KPC) survey report in July 2012. To date, the programme has formed 48 Mother-to-mother Support Groups (MTMSGs), which are actively promoting the uptake of the recommended MIYCN practices in the community. MIYCN indicators have been markedly improved between July 2011 and February 2013 when surveys were conducted. The uptake of kitchen gardening has picked up significantly at Meri site and some mothers now have a changed attitude towards unskilled home deliveries and are conducting referrals for skilled births. The marked improvements in the performance of MIYCN indicators between July 2011 and February 2013 inWajir South and Habaswein districts can be partly attributed to the MIYCN programme established in January 2012. However, a randomized community trial is still required to provide conclusive results on the impact of care support groups on maternal, infant and young child feeding in this region.展开更多
目的探讨婴幼儿轻度脑外伤后基底节梗死(basal ganglia infarction after minor head trauma,BGIMHT)的临床特点及预后。方法回顾性分析2011年1月—2022年1月在苏州大学附属儿童医院住院的28 d至3岁BGIMHT患儿的临床资料和随访结果。结...目的探讨婴幼儿轻度脑外伤后基底节梗死(basal ganglia infarction after minor head trauma,BGIMHT)的临床特点及预后。方法回顾性分析2011年1月—2022年1月在苏州大学附属儿童医院住院的28 d至3岁BGIMHT患儿的临床资料和随访结果。结果纳入的45例BGIMHT患儿中,最常见症状为肢体活动障碍(96%,43/45),其次为面瘫(56%,25/45),头颅影像学见梗死伴基底节钙化占72%(31/43)。经保守治疗后,42例(93%)患儿症状改善,3例(7%)出现卒中反复。中位随访时间82(范围:17~141)个月,截至末次随访,97%(29/30)残留基底节软化灶;29例参与问卷随访,复发和康复问卷评估示66%(19/29)患儿恢复正常,17%(5/29)症状明显改善,17%(5/29)改善欠佳;全球疾病负担重点控制项目分级量表评估示仅1例(3%)残存严重后遗症。无神经系统后遗症患儿及有神经系统后遗症患儿的起病年龄、性别及有无合并BGC比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论BGIMHT最常见首发症状为肢体活动障碍,影像学结果见大部分患儿同时存在颅内钙化灶,多数梗死灶后期转化为软化灶,总体预后良好。展开更多
生长减缓是帮助早期识别营养问题的重要临床表现,尽早识别和干预婴幼儿生长减缓对改善其近远期健康结局意义重大。之前发表的相关指南和专家共识对生长减缓缺乏统一的定义,影响临床识别、评估与规范管理。2023年3月,Journal of Pediatri...生长减缓是帮助早期识别营养问题的重要临床表现,尽早识别和干预婴幼儿生长减缓对改善其近远期健康结局意义重大。之前发表的相关指南和专家共识对生长减缓缺乏统一的定义,影响临床识别、评估与规范管理。2023年3月,Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition杂志发表了《生长减缓婴幼儿的追赶生长:指导临床医师的专家建议》,不仅阐述了追赶生长的重要性,还针对如何适当地定义、评估和管理生长减缓制定了切实可行的共识建议,对临床医生具有现实的指导价值。本文结合我国临床现状,对该“建议”进行解读,以期为我国临床医师管理生长减缓婴幼儿提供指导和参考。展开更多
文摘Background: Although balloon angioplasty (BA) has been performed for more than 20 years, its use as a treatment for native coarctation of the aorta (CoA) during childhood, especially in young infants, remains controversial. This study aimed to assess the effects and potential role ofpercutaneous transcatheter BA for native CoA as an alternative therapy to surgical repair in young infants. Methods: The 37 patients aged from 6 days to 6 months with severe CoA in congestive heart failure or circulatory shock were admitted for BA. Patient's weight ranged from 2.4 to 6.1 kg. All 37 patients were experiencing cardiac dysfunction, and eight patients were in cardiac shock with severe metabolic acidosis. Eleven patients had an isolated CoA, whereas the others had a CoA associated with other cardiac malformations. Cardiac catheterization and aortic angiography were performed under general anesthesia with intubation. Transfemoral arterial approaches were used for the BA. The size of the balloon ranged from 3 mm × 20 mm to 8 mm × 20 mm, and a coronary artery balloon catheter was preferred over a regular peripheral vascular balloon catheter. Results: The femoral artery was successfully punctured in all but one patient, with that patient undergoing a carotid artery puncture. The systolic peak pressure gradient (PG) across the coarctation was 41.0 ± 16.0 mmHg (range 13-76 mmHg). The mean diameter of the narrowest coarctation site was 1.7 ± 0.6 mm (range 0.5-2.8 mm). All patients had successful dilation; the PG significantly decreased to 13.0 ± 11.0 mmHg (range 0-40 mmHg), and the diameter ofcoarctation significantly improved to 3.8 ± 0.9 mm (range 2.5-5.3 mm). No intraoperative complications occurred for any patients. However, in one case that underwent a carotid artery puncture, a giant aneurysm formed at the puncture site and required surgical repair. The following observations were made during the follow-up period from 6-month to 7-year: (1) The PG across the coarctation measured by echocardiography further decreased or remained stable in 31 cases. The remaining six patients, whose PGs gradually increased, required a second dilation. No patient required further surgery because of a CoA; (2) in two cases, an aortic aneurysm was found with an angiogram performed immediately postdilatation and disappeared at 18 and 12 months of age, respectively; (3) tricuspid regurgitation and pulmonary hypertension improved in all patients; (4) all patients were doing well and were asymptomatic. Conclusions: Percutaneous BA is a relatively safe and effective treatment for severe native CoA in young infants, and should be considered a valid alternative to surgery because of its good outcome and less trauma and fewer complications than surgery.
文摘Objective To assess the effectiveness of complementary food supplements with protein and multi-micronutrients on hemoglobin and anemia in infants and young children. Methods In 5 poor counties of Gansu, 984 children aged 6-12 months were enrolled and divided into two groups. In addition to the usual home-made complementary food, all the children were fed one sachet of either Formula Ⅰ or Formula Ⅱ supplements each day. Protein and micronutrients were provided in Formula Ⅰ, while the same energy intake was secured in Formula Ⅱ as in Formula Ⅰ. A massive dose of vitamin A was supplemented to all the children every 6 months. Hemoglobin test was done at the same time. Results Prevalence of anemia was about 35% in both Formula Ⅰ and Formula Ⅱ group at baseline, and there were no differences in hemoglobin concentration between the two groups, During the 6-month and 12-month supplementation, hemoglobin of children in Formula Ⅰ group was higher than that in Formula Ⅱ group (P〈0.05), and hemoglobin increase in Formula Ⅰ group was significantly higher than that in Formula Ⅱ group (P〈0.001). After 6- and 12-mouth supplementation, the prevalence of anemia in Formula Ⅰ group dropped to 19.1% and 8.2% respectively, and it was 28.0% and 12.4% in Formula 2 group. The prevalence of anemia in Formula Ⅰ group was significantly lower than that in Formula Ⅱ group (P〈0.05). After adjusting age and hemoglobin level at baseline, the hemoglobin increase at age of 24 months in formula 1 group was higher (10.7 g/L vs 7.9 g/L, P〈0.0001). Conclusion Micronutrient fortified complementary food supplements, with large-dose vitamin A, is effective for children aged 6-12 months in terms of iron deficiency prevention.
文摘Since infant and young child feeding practices play an important role in ameliorating childhood nutrition, an exploratory and descriptive study has thus been conducted employing a previously developed questionnaire at Ad-din shisu Hospital, Jashore, Bangladesh to obtain better insights about the breastfeeding and complementary feeding practices among infant and young child feeding caregivers. Out of 260 babies, 54% were female and 46% were male. Nearly all caregivers were found having the idea that breast milk is the best food for newborn babies. Around 81.9% of caregivers think that breast milk contains all the nutrients the baby needs to flourish, but in case of protection from disease, only 18.1% of caregivers think that it protects the baby from certain diseases. Around 46.9% mothers practiced early initiation of breastfeeding and they offered breast milk to their newborn right away (within one hour) after delivery, 53.5% lactating mothers had proper knowledge about breastfeeding methods, 39.6% mothers never practiced burping after breastfeeding, 66.4% mothers had normal delivery, 33.6% mothers had caesarian section, 99% mothers offered colostrums to their babies and only 1% of them didn’t give the colostrums. Besides, 88.8% continued breastfeeding up to 24 months or more along with 83.8% caregivers starting complementary feeding from six months, 55.4% caregivers said baby’s immune system is less developed, so they get attacked by infection easily and 44.6% caregivers said “their tummies are vulnerable to infection”, and 48.8% of the caregivers followed the type of hygiene required. Our findings revealed information on the knowledge, attitude, and practices of the caregiver’s towards breastfeeding and complementary feeding.
文摘Only about 25% of babies are exclusively breast fed until six months of age in developing countries though they are at a greater risk of infection and infant mortality. The Global Strategy for Maternal, Infant and Young Child Feeding (MI- YCF) Strategy developed by WHO/UNICEF in 2002 was to revitalize world attention to the impact of feeding practices on the nutritional status, growth, development, health and survival of infants and children. The data for this case study was collected through key informant interviews, observations and review of Save the Children nutrition programme reports and surveys. This information was then organized to produce a detailed description of the maternal, infant and young child nutrition programme in Habaswein and Wajir South districts or sub-counties. The maternal and infant young child nutrition (MIYCN) programme was launched in Habaswein and Wajir South districts in January 2012. The MIYCN programme followed recommendations of a Knowledge, Practice and Coverage (KPC) survey report in July 2012. To date, the programme has formed 48 Mother-to-mother Support Groups (MTMSGs), which are actively promoting the uptake of the recommended MIYCN practices in the community. MIYCN indicators have been markedly improved between July 2011 and February 2013 when surveys were conducted. The uptake of kitchen gardening has picked up significantly at Meri site and some mothers now have a changed attitude towards unskilled home deliveries and are conducting referrals for skilled births. The marked improvements in the performance of MIYCN indicators between July 2011 and February 2013 inWajir South and Habaswein districts can be partly attributed to the MIYCN programme established in January 2012. However, a randomized community trial is still required to provide conclusive results on the impact of care support groups on maternal, infant and young child feeding in this region.
文摘目的探讨婴幼儿轻度脑外伤后基底节梗死(basal ganglia infarction after minor head trauma,BGIMHT)的临床特点及预后。方法回顾性分析2011年1月—2022年1月在苏州大学附属儿童医院住院的28 d至3岁BGIMHT患儿的临床资料和随访结果。结果纳入的45例BGIMHT患儿中,最常见症状为肢体活动障碍(96%,43/45),其次为面瘫(56%,25/45),头颅影像学见梗死伴基底节钙化占72%(31/43)。经保守治疗后,42例(93%)患儿症状改善,3例(7%)出现卒中反复。中位随访时间82(范围:17~141)个月,截至末次随访,97%(29/30)残留基底节软化灶;29例参与问卷随访,复发和康复问卷评估示66%(19/29)患儿恢复正常,17%(5/29)症状明显改善,17%(5/29)改善欠佳;全球疾病负担重点控制项目分级量表评估示仅1例(3%)残存严重后遗症。无神经系统后遗症患儿及有神经系统后遗症患儿的起病年龄、性别及有无合并BGC比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论BGIMHT最常见首发症状为肢体活动障碍,影像学结果见大部分患儿同时存在颅内钙化灶,多数梗死灶后期转化为软化灶,总体预后良好。
文摘生长减缓是帮助早期识别营养问题的重要临床表现,尽早识别和干预婴幼儿生长减缓对改善其近远期健康结局意义重大。之前发表的相关指南和专家共识对生长减缓缺乏统一的定义,影响临床识别、评估与规范管理。2023年3月,Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition杂志发表了《生长减缓婴幼儿的追赶生长:指导临床医师的专家建议》,不仅阐述了追赶生长的重要性,还针对如何适当地定义、评估和管理生长减缓制定了切实可行的共识建议,对临床医生具有现实的指导价值。本文结合我国临床现状,对该“建议”进行解读,以期为我国临床医师管理生长减缓婴幼儿提供指导和参考。