A history of the purple clay that makes Chinese tea culture so renowned PEOPLE worldwide drink Chinese tea daily and may be familiar with all kinds of East asian teas. But dry leaves alone do not capture every-thing t...A history of the purple clay that makes Chinese tea culture so renowned PEOPLE worldwide drink Chinese tea daily and may be familiar with all kinds of East asian teas. But dry leaves alone do not capture every-thing there is to know about China’s tea culture. To become a qualified tea drinker, there is much展开更多
采用景德镇紫砂矿为主要原料,添加铁矿石、竹炭、膨润土、高岭土等辅助原料,通过优化配比,制备出具有优越的透气性、利茶性、保鲜性,兼具有竹炭吸附性、远红外性等功能的黑紫砂器。研究了 Fe 价态化合物的呈色机理,获得“黑紫砂”配方...采用景德镇紫砂矿为主要原料,添加铁矿石、竹炭、膨润土、高岭土等辅助原料,通过优化配比,制备出具有优越的透气性、利茶性、保鲜性,兼具有竹炭吸附性、远红外性等功能的黑紫砂器。研究了 Fe 价态化合物的呈色机理,获得“黑紫砂”配方中泥料中 Fe的最佳配比。通过X射线衍射仪、扫描电子显微镜等分析技术对试样进行了性能表征。结果表明:烧结温度为1220 ℃时,还原温度为950 ℃时,可以制得胎体由内至外呈现自然的黑色紫砂器,其黑度值>0.8,吸水率为5.2 %。展开更多
文摘A history of the purple clay that makes Chinese tea culture so renowned PEOPLE worldwide drink Chinese tea daily and may be familiar with all kinds of East asian teas. But dry leaves alone do not capture every-thing there is to know about China’s tea culture. To become a qualified tea drinker, there is much