Various factors controlling the accumulation of natural gas hydrates(NGHs)form various enrichment and accumulation modes through organic combination.This study mainly analyzes the geological and geophysical characteri...Various factors controlling the accumulation of natural gas hydrates(NGHs)form various enrichment and accumulation modes through organic combination.This study mainly analyzes the geological and geophysical characteristics of the NGHs occurrence in the uplifts and their slope zones within the deep-water area in the Qiongdongnan(QDN)Basin(also referred to as the study area).Furthermore,it investigates the dominant governing factors and models of NGHs migration and accumulation in the study area.The results are as follows.(1)The uplifts and their slope zones in the study area lie in the dominant pressure-relief direction of fluids in central hydrocarbon-rich sags in the area,which provide sufficient gas sources for the NGHs accumulation and enrichment through pathways such as gas chimneys and faults.(2)The top and flanks of gas chimneys below the bottom simulating reflectors(BSRs)show high-amplitude seismic reflections and pronounced transverse charging of free gas,indicating the occurrence of a large amount of gas accumulation at the heights of the uplifts.(3)Chimneys,faults,and high-porosity and high-permeability strata,which connect the gas hydrate temperature-pressure stability zones(GHSZs)with thermogenic gas and biogenic gas,form the main hydrate migration system.(4)The reservoir system in the study area comprises sedimentary interlayers consisting of mass transport deposits(MTDs)and turbidites.In addition,the reservoir system has developed fissure-and pore-filling types of hydrates in the pathways.The above well-matched controlling factors of hydrate accumulation enable the uplifts and their slope zones in the study area to become the favorable targets of NGHs exploration.展开更多
"Continuous" tight gas reservoirs are those reservoirs which develop in widespread tight sandstones with a continuous distribution of natural gas. In this paper, we summarize the geological features of the source ro..."Continuous" tight gas reservoirs are those reservoirs which develop in widespread tight sandstones with a continuous distribution of natural gas. In this paper, we summarize the geological features of the source rocks and "'continuous" tight gas reservoirs in the Xujiahe Formation of the middle- south transition region, Sichuan Basin. The source rocks of the Xul Member and reservoir rocks of the Xu2 Member are thick (Xul Member: 40 m, Xu2 Member: 120 m) and are distributed continuously in this study area. The results of drilled wells show that the widespread sandstone reservoirs of the Xu2 Member are charged with natural gas. Therefore, the natural gas reservoirs of the Xu2 Member in the middle-south transition region are "continuous" tight gas reservoirs. The accumulation of "continuous" tight gas reservoirs is controlled by an adequate driving force of the pressure differences between source rocks and reservoirs, which is demonstrated by a "one-dimensional" physical simulation experiment. In this simulation, the natural gas of"continuous" tight gas reservoirs moves tbrward with no preferential petroleum migration pathways (PPMP), and the natural gas saturation of"continuous" tight gas reservoirs is higher than that of conventional reservoirs.展开更多
Coal-formed gas generated from the Permo-Carboniferous coal measures has become one of the most important targets for deep hydrocarbon exploration in the Bohai Bay Basin,offshore eastern China.However,the proven gas r...Coal-formed gas generated from the Permo-Carboniferous coal measures has become one of the most important targets for deep hydrocarbon exploration in the Bohai Bay Basin,offshore eastern China.However,the proven gas reserves from this source rock remain low to date,and the distribution characteristics and accumulation model for the coal-formed gas are not clear.Here we review the coal-formed gas deposits formed from the Permo-Carboniferous coal measures in the Bohai Bay Basin.The accumulations are scattered,and dominated by middle-small sized gas fields,of which the proven reserves ranging from 0.002 to 149.4×108 m3 with an average of 44.30×108 m3 and a mid-point of 8.16×108 m3.The commercially valuable gas fields are mainly found in the central and southern parts of the basin.Vertically,the coal-formed gas is accumulated at multiple stratigraphic levels from Paleogene to Archaeozoic,among which the Paleogene and PermoCarboniferous are the main reservoir strata.According to the transporting pathway,filling mechanism and the relationship between source rocks and reservoir,the coal-formed gas accumulation model can be defined into three types:"Upward migrated,fault transported gas"accumulation model,"Laterally migrated,sandbody transported gas"accumulation model,and"Downward migrated,sub-source,fracture transported gas"accumulation model.Source rock distribution,thermal evolution and hydrocarbon generation capacity are the fundamental controlling factors for the macro distribution and enrichment of the coal-formed gas.The fault activity and the configuration of fault and caprock control the vertical enrichment pattern.展开更多
The natural gases in the Upper Paleozoic strata of the Ordos basin are characterized by relatively heavy C isotope of gaseous alkanes with δ^13C1 and δ^13C2 values ranging mainly from -35‰ to -30‰ and -27‰ to -22...The natural gases in the Upper Paleozoic strata of the Ordos basin are characterized by relatively heavy C isotope of gaseous alkanes with δ^13C1 and δ^13C2 values ranging mainly from -35‰ to -30‰ and -27‰ to -22‰, respectively, high δ^13C excursions (round 10) between ethane and methane and predominant methane in hydrocarbon gases with most C1/(C1-C5) ratios in excess of 0.95, suggesting an origin of coal-derived gas. The gases exhibit different carbon isotopic profiles for C1-C4 alkanes with those of the natural gases found in the Lower Paleozoic of this basin, and believed to be originated from Carboniferous-Permian coal measures. The occurrence of regionally pervasive gas accumulation is distinct in the gently southward-dipping Shanbei slope of the central basin. It is noted that molecular and isotopic composition changes of the gases in various gas reservoirs are associated with the thermal maturities of gas source rocks. The abundances and j13C values of methane generally decline northwards and from the basin center to its margins, and the effects of hydrocarbon migration on compositional modification seem insignificant. However, C isotopes of autogenetic calcites in the vertical and lateral section of reservoirs show a regular variation, and are as a whole depleted upwards and towards basin margins. Combination with gas maturity gradient, the analysis could be considered to be a useful tool for gas migration.展开更多
In order to investigate the migration and accumulation efficiency of hydrocarbon natural gas in the Xujiaweizi fault depression, and to provide new evidence for the classification of its genesis, a source rock pyrolys...In order to investigate the migration and accumulation efficiency of hydrocarbon natural gas in the Xujiaweizi fault depression, and to provide new evidence for the classification of its genesis, a source rock pyrolysis experiment in a closed system was designed and carried out. Based on this, kinetic models for describing gas generation from organic matter and carbon isotope fractionation during this process were established, calibrated and then extrapolated to geologic conditions by combining the thermal history data of the Xushen-1 Well. The results indicate that the coal measures in the Xujiaweizi fault depression are typical "high-efficiency gas sources", the natural gas generated from them has a high migration and accumulation efficiency, and consequently a large-scale natural gas accumulation occurred in the area. The highly/over matured coal measures in the Xujiaweizi fault depression generate coaliferous gas with a high δ^13C1 value (〉 -20‰) at the late stage, making the carbon isotope composition of organic alkane gases abnormally heavy. In addition, the mixing and dissipation through the caprock of natural gas can result in the negative carbon isotope sequence (δ^13C1 〉δ^13C2 〉δ^13C3 〉δ^13C4) of organic alkane gases, and the dissipation can also lead to the abnormally heavy carbon isotope composition of organic alkane gases. As for the discovery of inorganic nonhydrocarbon gas reservoirs, it can only serve as an accessorial evidence rather than a direct evidence that the hydrocarbon gas is inorganic. As a result, it needs stronger evidence to classify the hydrocarbon natural gas in the Xujiaweizi fault depression as inorganic gas.展开更多
Based on the study of natural gas resource, low buried hill trap formation mechanism, high quality reservoir control factors and natural gas preservation conditions, the formation conditions and reservoir accumulation...Based on the study of natural gas resource, low buried hill trap formation mechanism, high quality reservoir control factors and natural gas preservation conditions, the formation conditions and reservoir accumulation characteristics of Bozhong 19-6 large condensate gas field were summarized. Large gas generation potential of multiple sets of thick humic-sapropelic source rocks in high maturity stage in Bozhong depression was the basis of large gas field formation. The multi-stage tectonic evolution since Indosinian period formed large-scale buried hill traps. The Tanlu fault activity formed multi-type reservoirs, and buried hill metamorphic rock of Archean and sand-conglomerate of Kongdian Formation were high-quality reservoirs. Thick overpressure lacustrine mudstone and weak neotectonic movement provided good preservation conditions. Bozhong 19-6 gas reservoir was a condensate gas reservoir with very high condensate oil content, and the gas origin was humic-sapropelic and kerogen-cracking gas, and the gas field had large gas thickness, high gas column characteristics and the accumulation process was first oil and then gas. The buried hill reservoir was a massive reservoir and the Kongdian reservoir was a stratified reservoir. The gas field had multi-channel hydrocarbon intense charge from overpressure source rocks, atmospheric-weak overpressure reservoir favorable for accumulation, thick overpressure mudstone caprock favorable for preservation, and natural gas ultra-late rapid accumulation model.展开更多
Based on field outcrop investigation,interpretation and analysis of drilling and seismic data,and consulting on a large number of previous research results,the characteristics of ancient marine hydrocarbon source rock...Based on field outcrop investigation,interpretation and analysis of drilling and seismic data,and consulting on a large number of previous research results,the characteristics of ancient marine hydrocarbon source rocks,favorable reservoir facies belts,hydrocarbon migration direction and reservoir-forming law in the Ordos Basin have been studied from the viewpoints of North China Craton breakup and Qilian-Qinling oceanic basin opening and closing.Four main results are obtained:(1)Controlled by deep-water shelf-rift,there are three suites of source rocks in the Ordos Basin and its periphery:Mesoproterozoic,Lower Cambrian and Middle-Upper Ordovician.(2)Controlled by littoral environment,paleo-uplift and platform margin,four types of reservoirs are developed in the area:Mesoproterozoic-Lower Cambrian littoral shallow sea quartz sandstone,Middle-Upper Cambrian–Ordovician weathering crust and dolomitized reservoir,and Ordovician L-shape platform margin reef and beach bodies.(3)Reservoir-forming assemblages vary greatly in the study area,with"upper generation and lower storage"as the main pattern in the platform,followed by"self-generation and self-storage".There are both"upper generation and lower storage"and"self-generation and self-storage"in the platform margin zone.In addition,in the case of communication between deep-large faults and the Changchengian system paleo-rift trough,there may also exist a"lower generation and upper reservoir"combination between the platform and the margin.(4)There are four new exploration fields including Qingyang paleo-uplift pre-Carboniferous weathering crust,L-shape platform margin zone in southwestern margin of the basin,Ordovician subsalt assemblage in central and eastern parts of the basin,and Mesoproterozoic–Cambrian.Among them,pre-Carboniferous weathering crust and L-shape platform margin facies zone are more realistic replacement areas,and Ordovician subsalt assemblage and the Proterozoic-Cambrian have certain potential and are worth exploring.展开更多
The Yadu-Ziyun-Luodian aulacogen(YZLA) developed into being NW-trending in the Late Paleozoic,and was considered as an important passive continental margin aulacogen in Guizhou Province, South China. This tectonic zon...The Yadu-Ziyun-Luodian aulacogen(YZLA) developed into being NW-trending in the Late Paleozoic,and was considered as an important passive continental margin aulacogen in Guizhou Province, South China. This tectonic zone is considered a large intracontinental thrust-slip tectonic unit, which has undergone a long period of development. It was ultimately determined in the Yanshanian, where the typical Upper Paleozoic marine shales were deposited. In 2021, Well QSD-1 was deployed in the Liupanshui area at the northwest margin of the aulacogen, and obtained a daily shale gas flow of 11011 m3in the Carboniferous Dawuba Formation. It thus achieved a breakthrough in the invesgation of shale gas in the Lower Carboniferous in South China, revealing relatively good gas-bearing properties and broad exploration prospects of the aulacogen. Being different from the Lower Paleozoic strata in the Sichuan Basin and the Yichang area of the Middle Yangtze, the development of the Carboniferous Dawuba Formation in the aulacogen exhibits the following characteristics:(1) The Lower Carboniferous shale is thick and widely distributed, with interbedded shale and marlstone of virous thickness;(2) The total organic carbon(TOC) content of the shale in the Dawuba Formation ranges from 1% to 5%, with an average of 2%, and the thermal maturity of organic matter(Ro) varies from 1% to 4%, with an average of2.5%, indicating good hydrocarbon generation capacity;(3) The main shale in the aulacogen was formed during the fault subsidence stage from the Middle Devonian to the Early Permian. Although the strong compression and deformation during the late Indosinian-Himalayan played a certain role in destroying the formed shale gas reservoirs, comparative analysis suggests that the area covered by the current Triassic strata has a low degree of destruction. It therefore provides good conditions for shale gas preservation,which can be regarded as a favorable area for the next exploration.展开更多
Based on drilling cores, well logging and seismic data, source rocks and reservoirs are evaluated;and the natural gas genesis is identified through the analysis of natural gas isotopes, components and fluid inclusions...Based on drilling cores, well logging and seismic data, source rocks and reservoirs are evaluated;and the natural gas genesis is identified through the analysis of natural gas isotopes, components and fluid inclusions, to study the gas accumulation conditions of the gypsum salt rock related strata of the Ordovician lower assemblage in Ordos Basin.(1) The natural gas from Ordovician lower assemblage is high thermal evolution dry gas from marine source rock, characterized by relatively light δ^(13)C value of methane and heavy δ^(13)C value of ethane. The natural gas is identified as gas cracking from crude oil according to component analysis. Thermochemical sulfate reduction(TSR) reaction has happened between the hydrocarbon fluid and sulfate as sulfur crystals are found in the cores, hydrogen sulfide is found in the natural gas, and hydrocarbon and hydrogen sulfide fluid inclusions are widespread in secondary minerals.(2) Around the gypsum-salt lows, argillaceous rocks are extensive in the Ordovician lower assemblage, reaching a cumulative thickness of 20–80 m. The effective source rocks include argillaceous rock rich in organic laminae, algal clump and algal dolomite. Analysis shows that the source rocks have a dominant TOC of 0.1%–0.5%, 0.31% on average and 3.24% at maximum. The source rocks have an average TOC of 0.58% after recovered through organic acid salt method, indicating the source rocks have high hydrocarbon supply potential.(3) In the sedimentary period, the palaeo-uplift controlled the distribution of reservoirs. The inherited secondary palaeo-uplift in Wushenqi–Jingbian east of the central palaeo-uplift and the low uplift formed by thick salt rocks near Shenmu–Zizhou area controlled the distribution of penecontemporaneous grain shoal dolomite reservoirs. The salinization sedimentary environment of gypsum salt rock can promote the development of reservoir. There are three types of dolomite reservoirs, the one with intercrystalline pore, with dissolution pore, and with fracture;intercrystalline and dissolution pores are main reservoir spaces.(4) There are two types of cap rocks, namely tight carbonate rock and gypsum-salt rock, constituting two types of source-reservoir-cap assemblages respectively. The general accumulation model is characterized by marine source rock supplying hydrocarbon, beach facies limy dolomite reservoir, small fractures acting as migration pathways, and structural-lithologic traps as accumulation zones.(5) The third and fourth members of Majiagou Formation are major target layers in the lower assemblage. The Wushengqi–Jingbian secondary paleo-uplift area and Shenmu–Zizhou low uplift are dolomite and limestone transition zone, there develops tight limestone to the east of the uplift zone, which is conducive to the formation of gas reservoir sealed by lithology in the updip. Two risk exploration wells drilled recently have encouraging results, indicating that the two uplift zones are important prospects.展开更多
Overpressure developed throughout most of the Yinggehai basin. The burial depth to top overpressure varied from about 1 600 m to 4 500 m, with the shallowest top overpressure occurring in the depocenter. The main caus...Overpressure developed throughout most of the Yinggehai basin. The burial depth to top overpressure varied from about 1 600 m to 4 500 m, with the shallowest top overpressure occurring in the depocenter. The main cause of the overpressure was disequilibrium compaction resulting from rapid sedimentation of fine grained sediments. The overpressure was strengthened by the retention of fluids including gases due to lack of faults before diapir development. The diapirism in the Yinggehai basin was a combined result of the strong overpressure and the tensile stress field caused by the right lateral slip of the boundary fault. The diapirism, a product of the movement of overpressured fluids and plastic shales, shaped the vertical conduits from source to traps that would be absent without overpressured fluid release. Natural gas accumulation in traps in the diapir structure zones was also intermittent, which can be inferred from the inter reservoir compositional heterogeneity, transient thermal effect of fluid flow and migration fractionation.展开更多
Based on reserve abundance,large gas fields in China can be divided into two types:type one of high abundance large gas fields,dominated by structural gas reservoirs; type two of low abundance large gas fields,domina...Based on reserve abundance,large gas fields in China can be divided into two types:type one of high abundance large gas fields,dominated by structural gas reservoirs; type two of low abundance large gas fields,dominated by stratigraphic and lithologic gas reservoirs.The formation of these two types of large gas fields is related to the highly efficient accumulation of natural gas.The accumulation of high abundance gas fields is dependent on the rapid maturation of the source kitchen and huge residual pressure difference between the gas source kitchen and reservoir,which is the strong driving force for natural gas migration to traps.Whereas the accumulation of low abundance gas fields is more complicated,involving both volume flow charge during the burial stage and diffusion flow charge during the uplift stage,which results in large area accumulation and preservation of natural gas in low porosity and low permeability reservoirs.This conclusion should assist gas exploration in different geological settings.展开更多
The Xixiangchi Group in eastern Sichuan Basin has great potential for natural gas exploration.However,there is a lack of in-depth studies of the hydrocarbon sources and the formation and evolution of gas reservoirs in...The Xixiangchi Group in eastern Sichuan Basin has great potential for natural gas exploration.However,there is a lack of in-depth studies of the hydrocarbon sources and the formation and evolution of gas reservoirs in this Group.Systematic investigation about the gas reservoir in Pingqiao anticline was consequently carried out in terms of characteristics of reservoir bitumen,the geochemical characteristics of natural gas,diagenetic minerals,and fluid inclusions.Based on this,combined with the reconstruction of the burial history,thermal evolution history and uplifting history of strata,and analysis of the regional tectonic settings,the hydrocarbon sources were identified and the formation and evolutionary processes of the gas reservoirs in Xixiangchi Group was revealed in this study.It was shown that the gas reservoirs have mixed gas sources from the shale source rocks in the Lower Cambrian Qiongzhusi Formation and in the Upper Ordovician Wufeng Formation-Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation,and experienced several evolutionary stages,including the paleo-oil reservoir stage from the Late Siliurian to the Middle Permian,the paleo-gas reservoir stage from the Late Permian to the Early Cretaceous,and the superimposed accumulation and mixed-source gas reservoir stage since the Late Cretaceous.The mixed-source gas reservoir is formed by the adjustment of the Xixiangchi Group paleo-gas reservoirs and depressurization of the overpressure Wufeng-Longmaxi shale gas reservoirs and the charging of gas into the Xixiangchi Group reservoir of the Pingqiao anticline since the Late Cretaceous,which show obvious superimposed accumulation characteristics.There are different accumulation patterns in different geological periods.The accumulation pattern of the“old source-young reservoir”(i.e.hydrocarbons generated from older source rocks accumulating in younger reservoirs)dominates before the Late Cretaceous,and that of“juxtaposed young source-old reservoir”(i.e.hydrocarbons generated from younger source rocks accumulating in juxtaposed older reservoirs)dominates after the Early Cretaceous.Moreover,faults acted as critical vertical pathways for hydrocarbon migration during the evolution of the Xixiangchi Group gas reservoirs.This model provides new insights and theoretical basis for evaluation and mapping of the Xixiangchi Group play fairway in eastern Sichuan Basin.展开更多
Large-scale gas accumulation areas in large oil-gas basins in central and Western China have multiple special accumulation mechanisms and different accumulation effects.Based on the geological theory and method of nat...Large-scale gas accumulation areas in large oil-gas basins in central and Western China have multiple special accumulation mechanisms and different accumulation effects.Based on the geological theory and method of natural gas reservoir formation,this study examined the regional geological and structural background,formation burial evolution,basic characteristics of gas reservoirs,and fluid geology and geochemistry of typical petroliferous basins.The results show that the geological processes such as structural pumping,mudstone water absorption,water-soluble gas degasification and fluid sequestration caused by uplift and denudation since Himalayan stage all can form large-scale gas accumulation and different geological effects of gas accumulation.For example,the large-scale structural pumping effect and fluid sequestration effect are conducive to the occurrence of regional ultra-high pressure fluid and the formation of large-scale ultra-high pressure gas field;mudstone water absorption effect in the formation with low thickness ratio of sandstone to formation is conducive to the development of regional low-pressure and water free gas reservoir;the water-soluble gas degasification effect in large-scale thick sandstone can not only form large-scale natural gas accumulation;moreover,the degasification of water-soluble gas produced by the lateral migration of formation water will produce regional and regular isotopic fractionation effect of natural gas,that is,the farther the migration distance of water-soluble gas is,the heavier the carbon isotopic composition of methane formed by the accumulation.展开更多
Natural gas hydrate(NGH)is generally produced and accumulated together with the underlying conventional gas.Therefore,optimizing the production technology of these two gases should be seen as a relevant way to effecti...Natural gas hydrate(NGH)is generally produced and accumulated together with the underlying conventional gas.Therefore,optimizing the production technology of these two gases should be seen as a relevant way to effectively reduce the exploitation cost of the gas hydrate.In this study,three types of models accounting for the coexistence of these gases are considered.Type A considers the upper hydrate-bearing layer(HBL)adjacent to the lower conventional gas layer(CGL);with the Type B a permeable interlayer exists between the upper HBL and the lower CGL;with the type C there is an impermeable interlayer between the upper HBL and the lower CGL.The production performances associated with the above three models are calculated under different conditions,including only a depressurized HBL(only HBL DP);only a depressurized CGL(only CGL DP);and both the HBL and the CGL being depressurized(HBL+CGL DP).The results show that for Type A and Type B coexistence accumulation models,when only HBL or CGL is depressurized,the gas from the other layer will flow into the production layer due to the pressure difference between the two layers.In the coexistence accumulation model of type C,the cumulative gas production is much lower than that of Type A and Type B,regardless of whether only HBL DP,only CGL DP,or HBL+CGL DP are considered.This indicates that the impermeable interlayer restricts the cross-flow of gas between HBL and CGL.For three different coexistence accumulation models,CGL DP has the largest gas-to-water ratio.展开更多
The discovery of unconventional hydrocarbon resources since the late 20th century changed geologists’understanding of hydrocarbon migration and accumulations and provides a solution to energy shortage.In 2016,unconve...The discovery of unconventional hydrocarbon resources since the late 20th century changed geologists’understanding of hydrocarbon migration and accumulations and provides a solution to energy shortage.In 2016,unconventional oil production in the USA accounted for 41%of the total oil production;and unconventional natural gas production in China accounted for 35%of total gas production,showing strong growth momentum of unconventional hydrocarbons explorations.Unconventional hydrocarbons generally coexist with conventional petroleum resources;they sometimes distribute in a separate system,not coexisting with a conventional system.Identification and prediction of unconventional resources and their potentials are prominent challenges for geologists.This study analyzed the results of 12,237 drilling wells in six representative petroliferous basins in China and studied the correlations and differences between conventional and unconventional hydrocarbons by comparing their geological features.Migration and accumulation of conventional hydrocarbon are caused dominantly by buoyance.Wepropose a concept of buoyance-driven hydrocarbon accumulation depth to describe the deepest hydrocarbon accumulation depth driven dominantly by buoyance;beyond this depth the buoyance becomes unimportant for hydrocarbon accumulation.We found that the buoyance-driven hydrocarbon accumulation depth in petroliferous basins controls the different oil/gas reservoirs distribution and resource potentials.Hydrocarbon migration and accumulations above this depth is dominated by buoyancy,forming conventional reservoirs in traps with high porosity and permeability,while hydrocarbon migration and accumulation below this depth is dominated by non-buoyancy forces(mainly refers to capillary force,hydrocarbon volumeexpansion force,etc.),forming unconventional reservoirs in tight layers.The buoyance-driven hydrocarbon accumulation depths in six basins in China range from 1200mto 4200 m,which become shallowerwith increasing geothermal gradient,decreasing particle size of sandstone reservoir layers,or an uplift in the whole petroliferous basin.The predicted unconventional resource potential belowthe buoyance-driven hydrocarbon accumulation depth in six basins in China is more than 15.71×10^(9) t oil equivalent,among them 4.71×10^(9) t reserves have been proved.Worldwide,94%of 52,926 oil and gas reservoirs in 1186 basins are conventional reservoirs and only 6%of them are unconventional reservoirs.These 94%conventional reservoirs show promising exploration prospects in the deep area below buoyance-driven hydrocarbon accumulation depth.展开更多
The Kuqa foreland basin is an important petroliferous basin where gas predominates. The Kela-2 large natural gas reservoir and the Yinan-2, Dabei-1, Tuzi and Dina-11 gas reservoirs have been discovered in the basin up...The Kuqa foreland basin is an important petroliferous basin where gas predominates. The Kela-2 large natural gas reservoir and the Yinan-2, Dabei-1, Tuzi and Dina-11 gas reservoirs have been discovered in the basin up to the present. Natural gases in the Kelasu district and the Yinan district are generated from different source rocks indicated by methane and ethane carbon isotopes. The former is derived from both Jurassic and Triassic source rocks, while the latter is mainly from the Jurassic. Based on its multistage evolution and superposition and the intense tectonic transformation in the basin, the hydrocarbon charging history can be divided into the early and middle Himalayan hydrocarbon accumulation and the late Himalayan redistribution and re-enrichment. The heavier carbon isotope composition and the high natural gas ratio of C1/C1-4 indicate that the accumulated natural gas in the early Himalayan stage is destroyed and the present trapped natural gas was charged mainly in the middle and late Himalayan stages. Comparison and contrast of the oils produced in the Kelasu and Yinan regions indicate the hydrocarbon charging histories in the above two regions are complex and should be characterized by multistage hydrocarbon migration and accumulation.展开更多
The Tarim Basin is the largest petroliferous basin in the northwest of China, and is composed of a Paleozoic marine craton basin and a Meso-Cenozoic continental foreland basin. It is of great significance in explorati...The Tarim Basin is the largest petroliferous basin in the northwest of China, and is composed of a Paleozoic marine craton basin and a Meso-Cenozoic continental foreland basin. It is of great significance in exploration of Ordovician. In over 50 years of exploration, oil and gas totaling over 1.6 billion tonnes oil-equivalent has been discovered in the Ordovician carbonate formation. The accumulation mechanisms and distribution rules are quite complicated because of the burial depth more than 3,500 m, multi-source, and multi-stage accumulation, adjustment, reconstruction and re-enrichment in Ordovician. In this paper, we summarized four major advances in the hydrocarbon accumulation mechanisms of Ordovician carbonate reservoirs. First, oil came from Cambrian and Ordovician source rocks separately and as a mixture, while natural gas was mainly cracked gas generated from the Cambrian-Lower Ordovician crude oil. Second, most hydrocarbon migrated along unconformities and faults, with different directions in different regions. Third, hydrocarbon migration and accumulation had four periods: Caledonian, early Hercynian, late Hercynian and Himalayan, and the latter two were the most important for oil and gas exploration. Fourth, hydrocarbon accumulation and evolution can be generally divided into four stages: Caledonian (the period of hydrocarbon accumulation), early Hercynian (the period of destruction), late Hercynian (the period of hydrocarbon reconstruction and re-accumulation), and Himalayan (the period of hydrocarbon adjustment and re-accumulation). Source rocks (S), combinations of reservoir-seal (C), paleo-uplifts (M), structure balance belt (B) matched in the same time (T) control the hydrocarbon accumulation and distribution in the Ordovician formations. Reservoir adjustment and reconstruction can be classified into two modes of physical adjustment and variation of chemical compositions and five mechanisms. These mechanisms are occurrence displacement, biodegradation, multi-source mixing, high-temperature cracking and late gas invasion. Late hydrocarbon accumulation effects controlled the distribution of current hydrocarbon. The T-BCMS model is a basic geological model to help understanding the control of reservoirs. At present, the main problems of hydrocarbon accumulation focus on two aspects, dynamic mechanisms of hydrocarbon accumulation and the quantitative models of oil-bearing in traps, which need further systemic research.展开更多
Hetianhe gasfield in Bachu region of the Tarim Basin is mainly composed of three reservoir-caprock assembly,namely regional caprock of upper mudstone,middle mudstone and lower mudstone of the Carboniferous and reservo...Hetianhe gasfield in Bachu region of the Tarim Basin is mainly composed of three reservoir-caprock assembly,namely regional caprock of upper mudstone,middle mudstone and lower mudstone of the Carboniferous and reservoir of Bachu bioclastic limestone,glutenite and the Ordovician carbonate buried hill.Natural gas in Hetianhe gasfield sourced from the Cambrian source rock.It is thought that gases in Ma4 well block in the east of Hetianhe gasfield are mainly crude-oil cracked gases,while those in Ma3 and Ma8 well blocks in the west are the mixture gases of kerogen cracked gases and crude-oil cracked gases.Natural gas is rich in H2S and accumulated in multiply stages as the result of TSR.The accumulation history is divided into three stages,namely accumulation and breakage in the late Caledonian-early Hercynian,migration and dissipation in the late Hercynian and accumulation in Himalayan. The main accumulation of reformed gas reservoir is in Himalayan.展开更多
Through core observation,thin section identification,X-ray diffraction analysis,scanning electron microscopy,and low-temperature nitrogen adsorption and isothermal adsorption experiments,the lithology and pore charact...Through core observation,thin section identification,X-ray diffraction analysis,scanning electron microscopy,and low-temperature nitrogen adsorption and isothermal adsorption experiments,the lithology and pore characteristics of the Upper Carboniferous bauxite series in eastern Ordos Basin were analyzed to reveal the formation and evolution process of the bauxite reservoirs.A petrological nomenclature and classification scheme for bauxitic rocks based on three units(aluminum hydroxides,iron minerals and clay minerals)is proposed.It is found that bauxitic mudstone is in the form of dense massive and clastic structures,while the(clayey)bauxite is of dense massive,pisolite,oolite,porous soil and clastic structures.Both bauxitic mudstone and bauxite reservoirs develop dissolution pores,intercrystalline pores,and microfractures as the dominant gas storage space,with the porosity less than 10% and mesopores in dominance.The bauxite series in the North China Craton can be divided into five sections,i.e.,ferrilite(Shanxi-style iron ore,section A),bauxitic mudstone(section B),bauxite(section C),bauxite mudstone(debris-containing,section D)and dark mudstone-coal section(section E).The burrow/funnel filling,lenticular,layered/massive bauxite deposits occur separately in the karst platforms,gentle slopes and low-lying areas.The karst platforms and gentle slopes are conducive to surface water leaching,with strong karstification,well-developed pores,large reservoir thickness and good physical properties,but poor strata continuity.The low-lying areas have poor physical properties but relatively continuous and stable reservoirs.The gas enrichment in bauxites is jointly controlled by source rock,reservoir rock and fractures.This recognition provides geological basis for the exploration and development of natural gas in the Upper Carboniferous in the study area and similar bauxite systems.展开更多
Based on the analysis of Upper Paleozoic source rocks, source-reservoir-caprock assemblage, and gas accumulation characteristics in the Ordos Basin, the gas accumulation geological model of total petroleum system is d...Based on the analysis of Upper Paleozoic source rocks, source-reservoir-caprock assemblage, and gas accumulation characteristics in the Ordos Basin, the gas accumulation geological model of total petroleum system is determined. Then, taking the Carboniferous Benxi Formation and the Permian Taiyuan Formation and Shanxi Formation as examples, the main controlling factors of gas accumulation and enrichment are discussed, and the gas enrichment models of total petroleum system are established. The results show that the source rocks, faults and tight reservoirs and their mutual coupling relations control the distribution and enrichment of gas. Specifically, the distribution and hydrocarbon generation capacity of source rocks control the enrichment degree and distribution range of retained shale gas and tight gas in the source. The coupling between the hydrocarbon generation capacity of source rocks and the physical properties of tight reservoirs controls the distribution and sweet spot development of near-source tight gas in the basin center. The far-source tight gas in the basin margin is mainly controlled by the distribution of faults, and the distribution of inner-source, near-source and far-source gas is adjusted and reformed by faults. Generally, the Upper Paleozoic gas in the Ordos Basin is recognized in four enrichment models: inner-source coalbed gas and shale gas, inner-source tight sandstone gas, near-source tight gas, and far-source fault-transported gas. In the Ordos Basin, inner-source tight gas and near-source tight gas are the current focuses of exploration, and inner-source coalbed gas and shale gas and far-source gas will be important potential targets in the future.展开更多
基金funded by the projects initiated by the China Geological Survey(DD20190217 and DD20190230)the key special project for introduced talent team of Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory(Guangzhou)(GML2019ZD0102)Guangdong Major project of Basic and Applied Basic Research(2020B0301030003).
文摘Various factors controlling the accumulation of natural gas hydrates(NGHs)form various enrichment and accumulation modes through organic combination.This study mainly analyzes the geological and geophysical characteristics of the NGHs occurrence in the uplifts and their slope zones within the deep-water area in the Qiongdongnan(QDN)Basin(also referred to as the study area).Furthermore,it investigates the dominant governing factors and models of NGHs migration and accumulation in the study area.The results are as follows.(1)The uplifts and their slope zones in the study area lie in the dominant pressure-relief direction of fluids in central hydrocarbon-rich sags in the area,which provide sufficient gas sources for the NGHs accumulation and enrichment through pathways such as gas chimneys and faults.(2)The top and flanks of gas chimneys below the bottom simulating reflectors(BSRs)show high-amplitude seismic reflections and pronounced transverse charging of free gas,indicating the occurrence of a large amount of gas accumulation at the heights of the uplifts.(3)Chimneys,faults,and high-porosity and high-permeability strata,which connect the gas hydrate temperature-pressure stability zones(GHSZs)with thermogenic gas and biogenic gas,form the main hydrate migration system.(4)The reservoir system in the study area comprises sedimentary interlayers consisting of mass transport deposits(MTDs)and turbidites.In addition,the reservoir system has developed fissure-and pore-filling types of hydrates in the pathways.The above well-matched controlling factors of hydrate accumulation enable the uplifts and their slope zones in the study area to become the favorable targets of NGHs exploration.
基金supported by the National Major Grant of"Accumulation Law,Key Technologies and Evaluations of the Stratigraphic Reservoirs"(No.2008ZX05000-001) from the Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development,PetroChina
文摘"Continuous" tight gas reservoirs are those reservoirs which develop in widespread tight sandstones with a continuous distribution of natural gas. In this paper, we summarize the geological features of the source rocks and "'continuous" tight gas reservoirs in the Xujiahe Formation of the middle- south transition region, Sichuan Basin. The source rocks of the Xul Member and reservoir rocks of the Xu2 Member are thick (Xul Member: 40 m, Xu2 Member: 120 m) and are distributed continuously in this study area. The results of drilled wells show that the widespread sandstone reservoirs of the Xu2 Member are charged with natural gas. Therefore, the natural gas reservoirs of the Xu2 Member in the middle-south transition region are "continuous" tight gas reservoirs. The accumulation of "continuous" tight gas reservoirs is controlled by an adequate driving force of the pressure differences between source rocks and reservoirs, which is demonstrated by a "one-dimensional" physical simulation experiment. In this simulation, the natural gas of"continuous" tight gas reservoirs moves tbrward with no preferential petroleum migration pathways (PPMP), and the natural gas saturation of"continuous" tight gas reservoirs is higher than that of conventional reservoirs.
基金financial support from the National major projects (Item No.2016ZX05006-003)
文摘Coal-formed gas generated from the Permo-Carboniferous coal measures has become one of the most important targets for deep hydrocarbon exploration in the Bohai Bay Basin,offshore eastern China.However,the proven gas reserves from this source rock remain low to date,and the distribution characteristics and accumulation model for the coal-formed gas are not clear.Here we review the coal-formed gas deposits formed from the Permo-Carboniferous coal measures in the Bohai Bay Basin.The accumulations are scattered,and dominated by middle-small sized gas fields,of which the proven reserves ranging from 0.002 to 149.4×108 m3 with an average of 44.30×108 m3 and a mid-point of 8.16×108 m3.The commercially valuable gas fields are mainly found in the central and southern parts of the basin.Vertically,the coal-formed gas is accumulated at multiple stratigraphic levels from Paleogene to Archaeozoic,among which the Paleogene and PermoCarboniferous are the main reservoir strata.According to the transporting pathway,filling mechanism and the relationship between source rocks and reservoir,the coal-formed gas accumulation model can be defined into three types:"Upward migrated,fault transported gas"accumulation model,"Laterally migrated,sandbody transported gas"accumulation model,and"Downward migrated,sub-source,fracture transported gas"accumulation model.Source rock distribution,thermal evolution and hydrocarbon generation capacity are the fundamental controlling factors for the macro distribution and enrichment of the coal-formed gas.The fault activity and the configuration of fault and caprock control the vertical enrichment pattern.
基金supported by the Research Foundation for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China (No.20050335095).
文摘The natural gases in the Upper Paleozoic strata of the Ordos basin are characterized by relatively heavy C isotope of gaseous alkanes with δ^13C1 and δ^13C2 values ranging mainly from -35‰ to -30‰ and -27‰ to -22‰, respectively, high δ^13C excursions (round 10) between ethane and methane and predominant methane in hydrocarbon gases with most C1/(C1-C5) ratios in excess of 0.95, suggesting an origin of coal-derived gas. The gases exhibit different carbon isotopic profiles for C1-C4 alkanes with those of the natural gases found in the Lower Paleozoic of this basin, and believed to be originated from Carboniferous-Permian coal measures. The occurrence of regionally pervasive gas accumulation is distinct in the gently southward-dipping Shanbei slope of the central basin. It is noted that molecular and isotopic composition changes of the gases in various gas reservoirs are associated with the thermal maturities of gas source rocks. The abundances and j13C values of methane generally decline northwards and from the basin center to its margins, and the effects of hydrocarbon migration on compositional modification seem insignificant. However, C isotopes of autogenetic calcites in the vertical and lateral section of reservoirs show a regular variation, and are as a whole depleted upwards and towards basin margins. Combination with gas maturity gradient, the analysis could be considered to be a useful tool for gas migration.
基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 40572079); the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University (No. NCET-04-0345); the Venture Capital Foundation of PetroChina (No. 2005-01-02).
文摘In order to investigate the migration and accumulation efficiency of hydrocarbon natural gas in the Xujiaweizi fault depression, and to provide new evidence for the classification of its genesis, a source rock pyrolysis experiment in a closed system was designed and carried out. Based on this, kinetic models for describing gas generation from organic matter and carbon isotope fractionation during this process were established, calibrated and then extrapolated to geologic conditions by combining the thermal history data of the Xushen-1 Well. The results indicate that the coal measures in the Xujiaweizi fault depression are typical "high-efficiency gas sources", the natural gas generated from them has a high migration and accumulation efficiency, and consequently a large-scale natural gas accumulation occurred in the area. The highly/over matured coal measures in the Xujiaweizi fault depression generate coaliferous gas with a high δ^13C1 value (〉 -20‰) at the late stage, making the carbon isotope composition of organic alkane gases abnormally heavy. In addition, the mixing and dissipation through the caprock of natural gas can result in the negative carbon isotope sequence (δ^13C1 〉δ^13C2 〉δ^13C3 〉δ^13C4) of organic alkane gases, and the dissipation can also lead to the abnormally heavy carbon isotope composition of organic alkane gases. As for the discovery of inorganic nonhydrocarbon gas reservoirs, it can only serve as an accessorial evidence rather than a direct evidence that the hydrocarbon gas is inorganic. As a result, it needs stronger evidence to classify the hydrocarbon natural gas in the Xujiaweizi fault depression as inorganic gas.
基金Supported by the China National Science and Technology Major Project(2016ZX05024-003-001)
文摘Based on the study of natural gas resource, low buried hill trap formation mechanism, high quality reservoir control factors and natural gas preservation conditions, the formation conditions and reservoir accumulation characteristics of Bozhong 19-6 large condensate gas field were summarized. Large gas generation potential of multiple sets of thick humic-sapropelic source rocks in high maturity stage in Bozhong depression was the basis of large gas field formation. The multi-stage tectonic evolution since Indosinian period formed large-scale buried hill traps. The Tanlu fault activity formed multi-type reservoirs, and buried hill metamorphic rock of Archean and sand-conglomerate of Kongdian Formation were high-quality reservoirs. Thick overpressure lacustrine mudstone and weak neotectonic movement provided good preservation conditions. Bozhong 19-6 gas reservoir was a condensate gas reservoir with very high condensate oil content, and the gas origin was humic-sapropelic and kerogen-cracking gas, and the gas field had large gas thickness, high gas column characteristics and the accumulation process was first oil and then gas. The buried hill reservoir was a massive reservoir and the Kongdian reservoir was a stratified reservoir. The gas field had multi-channel hydrocarbon intense charge from overpressure source rocks, atmospheric-weak overpressure reservoir favorable for accumulation, thick overpressure mudstone caprock favorable for preservation, and natural gas ultra-late rapid accumulation model.
基金Supported by the PetroChina Special S&T Project(2016E-0502)National Natural Science Foundation of China(41772099,41872116).
文摘Based on field outcrop investigation,interpretation and analysis of drilling and seismic data,and consulting on a large number of previous research results,the characteristics of ancient marine hydrocarbon source rocks,favorable reservoir facies belts,hydrocarbon migration direction and reservoir-forming law in the Ordos Basin have been studied from the viewpoints of North China Craton breakup and Qilian-Qinling oceanic basin opening and closing.Four main results are obtained:(1)Controlled by deep-water shelf-rift,there are three suites of source rocks in the Ordos Basin and its periphery:Mesoproterozoic,Lower Cambrian and Middle-Upper Ordovician.(2)Controlled by littoral environment,paleo-uplift and platform margin,four types of reservoirs are developed in the area:Mesoproterozoic-Lower Cambrian littoral shallow sea quartz sandstone,Middle-Upper Cambrian–Ordovician weathering crust and dolomitized reservoir,and Ordovician L-shape platform margin reef and beach bodies.(3)Reservoir-forming assemblages vary greatly in the study area,with"upper generation and lower storage"as the main pattern in the platform,followed by"self-generation and self-storage".There are both"upper generation and lower storage"and"self-generation and self-storage"in the platform margin zone.In addition,in the case of communication between deep-large faults and the Changchengian system paleo-rift trough,there may also exist a"lower generation and upper reservoir"combination between the platform and the margin.(4)There are four new exploration fields including Qingyang paleo-uplift pre-Carboniferous weathering crust,L-shape platform margin zone in southwestern margin of the basin,Ordovician subsalt assemblage in central and eastern parts of the basin,and Mesoproterozoic–Cambrian.Among them,pre-Carboniferous weathering crust and L-shape platform margin facies zone are more realistic replacement areas,and Ordovician subsalt assemblage and the Proterozoic-Cambrian have certain potential and are worth exploring.
基金supported by the China Geological Survey Projects of Shale Gas Survey in the GuizhongNanpanjiang Area (DD20190088)Investigation and evaluation of Paleozoic shale gas in Yunnan-Guizhou-Guangxi region (DD20230264)+1 种基金Investigation and Evaluation of Carboniferous Shale Gas in Southern Guizhou-Central Guangxi (ZDDYR2023018)Reservoir Characteristics and Gas Accumulation of Trough-platform Shale: A Case Study of Early Carboniferous Shale in Yaziluo Rift Trough (YKC2023-YC08)。
文摘The Yadu-Ziyun-Luodian aulacogen(YZLA) developed into being NW-trending in the Late Paleozoic,and was considered as an important passive continental margin aulacogen in Guizhou Province, South China. This tectonic zone is considered a large intracontinental thrust-slip tectonic unit, which has undergone a long period of development. It was ultimately determined in the Yanshanian, where the typical Upper Paleozoic marine shales were deposited. In 2021, Well QSD-1 was deployed in the Liupanshui area at the northwest margin of the aulacogen, and obtained a daily shale gas flow of 11011 m3in the Carboniferous Dawuba Formation. It thus achieved a breakthrough in the invesgation of shale gas in the Lower Carboniferous in South China, revealing relatively good gas-bearing properties and broad exploration prospects of the aulacogen. Being different from the Lower Paleozoic strata in the Sichuan Basin and the Yichang area of the Middle Yangtze, the development of the Carboniferous Dawuba Formation in the aulacogen exhibits the following characteristics:(1) The Lower Carboniferous shale is thick and widely distributed, with interbedded shale and marlstone of virous thickness;(2) The total organic carbon(TOC) content of the shale in the Dawuba Formation ranges from 1% to 5%, with an average of 2%, and the thermal maturity of organic matter(Ro) varies from 1% to 4%, with an average of2.5%, indicating good hydrocarbon generation capacity;(3) The main shale in the aulacogen was formed during the fault subsidence stage from the Middle Devonian to the Early Permian. Although the strong compression and deformation during the late Indosinian-Himalayan played a certain role in destroying the formed shale gas reservoirs, comparative analysis suggests that the area covered by the current Triassic strata has a low degree of destruction. It therefore provides good conditions for shale gas preservation,which can be regarded as a favorable area for the next exploration.
基金Supported by the National Key R&D Program of China(2017YFC0603106)National Petroleum Science and Technology Major Project(2016ZX05004-006)Science and Technology Project of PetroChina Exploration and Production Company(kt20180401)。
文摘Based on drilling cores, well logging and seismic data, source rocks and reservoirs are evaluated;and the natural gas genesis is identified through the analysis of natural gas isotopes, components and fluid inclusions, to study the gas accumulation conditions of the gypsum salt rock related strata of the Ordovician lower assemblage in Ordos Basin.(1) The natural gas from Ordovician lower assemblage is high thermal evolution dry gas from marine source rock, characterized by relatively light δ^(13)C value of methane and heavy δ^(13)C value of ethane. The natural gas is identified as gas cracking from crude oil according to component analysis. Thermochemical sulfate reduction(TSR) reaction has happened between the hydrocarbon fluid and sulfate as sulfur crystals are found in the cores, hydrogen sulfide is found in the natural gas, and hydrocarbon and hydrogen sulfide fluid inclusions are widespread in secondary minerals.(2) Around the gypsum-salt lows, argillaceous rocks are extensive in the Ordovician lower assemblage, reaching a cumulative thickness of 20–80 m. The effective source rocks include argillaceous rock rich in organic laminae, algal clump and algal dolomite. Analysis shows that the source rocks have a dominant TOC of 0.1%–0.5%, 0.31% on average and 3.24% at maximum. The source rocks have an average TOC of 0.58% after recovered through organic acid salt method, indicating the source rocks have high hydrocarbon supply potential.(3) In the sedimentary period, the palaeo-uplift controlled the distribution of reservoirs. The inherited secondary palaeo-uplift in Wushenqi–Jingbian east of the central palaeo-uplift and the low uplift formed by thick salt rocks near Shenmu–Zizhou area controlled the distribution of penecontemporaneous grain shoal dolomite reservoirs. The salinization sedimentary environment of gypsum salt rock can promote the development of reservoir. There are three types of dolomite reservoirs, the one with intercrystalline pore, with dissolution pore, and with fracture;intercrystalline and dissolution pores are main reservoir spaces.(4) There are two types of cap rocks, namely tight carbonate rock and gypsum-salt rock, constituting two types of source-reservoir-cap assemblages respectively. The general accumulation model is characterized by marine source rock supplying hydrocarbon, beach facies limy dolomite reservoir, small fractures acting as migration pathways, and structural-lithologic traps as accumulation zones.(5) The third and fourth members of Majiagou Formation are major target layers in the lower assemblage. The Wushengqi–Jingbian secondary paleo-uplift area and Shenmu–Zizhou low uplift are dolomite and limestone transition zone, there develops tight limestone to the east of the uplift zone, which is conducive to the formation of gas reservoir sealed by lithology in the updip. Two risk exploration wells drilled recently have encouraging results, indicating that the two uplift zones are important prospects.
文摘Overpressure developed throughout most of the Yinggehai basin. The burial depth to top overpressure varied from about 1 600 m to 4 500 m, with the shallowest top overpressure occurring in the depocenter. The main cause of the overpressure was disequilibrium compaction resulting from rapid sedimentation of fine grained sediments. The overpressure was strengthened by the retention of fluids including gases due to lack of faults before diapir development. The diapirism in the Yinggehai basin was a combined result of the strong overpressure and the tensile stress field caused by the right lateral slip of the boundary fault. The diapirism, a product of the movement of overpressured fluids and plastic shales, shaped the vertical conduits from source to traps that would be absent without overpressured fluid release. Natural gas accumulation in traps in the diapir structure zones was also intermittent, which can be inferred from the inter reservoir compositional heterogeneity, transient thermal effect of fluid flow and migration fractionation.
基金sponsored by the National Key Basic Research Program of China(2007CB2095)
文摘Based on reserve abundance,large gas fields in China can be divided into two types:type one of high abundance large gas fields,dominated by structural gas reservoirs; type two of low abundance large gas fields,dominated by stratigraphic and lithologic gas reservoirs.The formation of these two types of large gas fields is related to the highly efficient accumulation of natural gas.The accumulation of high abundance gas fields is dependent on the rapid maturation of the source kitchen and huge residual pressure difference between the gas source kitchen and reservoir,which is the strong driving force for natural gas migration to traps.Whereas the accumulation of low abundance gas fields is more complicated,involving both volume flow charge during the burial stage and diffusion flow charge during the uplift stage,which results in large area accumulation and preservation of natural gas in low porosity and low permeability reservoirs.This conclusion should assist gas exploration in different geological settings.
基金supported by the National Key R&D Program of China grant(2017YFC0603105).
文摘The Xixiangchi Group in eastern Sichuan Basin has great potential for natural gas exploration.However,there is a lack of in-depth studies of the hydrocarbon sources and the formation and evolution of gas reservoirs in this Group.Systematic investigation about the gas reservoir in Pingqiao anticline was consequently carried out in terms of characteristics of reservoir bitumen,the geochemical characteristics of natural gas,diagenetic minerals,and fluid inclusions.Based on this,combined with the reconstruction of the burial history,thermal evolution history and uplifting history of strata,and analysis of the regional tectonic settings,the hydrocarbon sources were identified and the formation and evolutionary processes of the gas reservoirs in Xixiangchi Group was revealed in this study.It was shown that the gas reservoirs have mixed gas sources from the shale source rocks in the Lower Cambrian Qiongzhusi Formation and in the Upper Ordovician Wufeng Formation-Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation,and experienced several evolutionary stages,including the paleo-oil reservoir stage from the Late Siliurian to the Middle Permian,the paleo-gas reservoir stage from the Late Permian to the Early Cretaceous,and the superimposed accumulation and mixed-source gas reservoir stage since the Late Cretaceous.The mixed-source gas reservoir is formed by the adjustment of the Xixiangchi Group paleo-gas reservoirs and depressurization of the overpressure Wufeng-Longmaxi shale gas reservoirs and the charging of gas into the Xixiangchi Group reservoir of the Pingqiao anticline since the Late Cretaceous,which show obvious superimposed accumulation characteristics.There are different accumulation patterns in different geological periods.The accumulation pattern of the“old source-young reservoir”(i.e.hydrocarbons generated from older source rocks accumulating in younger reservoirs)dominates before the Late Cretaceous,and that of“juxtaposed young source-old reservoir”(i.e.hydrocarbons generated from younger source rocks accumulating in juxtaposed older reservoirs)dominates after the Early Cretaceous.Moreover,faults acted as critical vertical pathways for hydrocarbon migration during the evolution of the Xixiangchi Group gas reservoirs.This model provides new insights and theoretical basis for evaluation and mapping of the Xixiangchi Group play fairway in eastern Sichuan Basin.
基金Supported by the National Science and Technology Major Project(2016ZX05003-002)Scientific Research Project of Petro China Company Limited(2016E-0601)
文摘Large-scale gas accumulation areas in large oil-gas basins in central and Western China have multiple special accumulation mechanisms and different accumulation effects.Based on the geological theory and method of natural gas reservoir formation,this study examined the regional geological and structural background,formation burial evolution,basic characteristics of gas reservoirs,and fluid geology and geochemistry of typical petroliferous basins.The results show that the geological processes such as structural pumping,mudstone water absorption,water-soluble gas degasification and fluid sequestration caused by uplift and denudation since Himalayan stage all can form large-scale gas accumulation and different geological effects of gas accumulation.For example,the large-scale structural pumping effect and fluid sequestration effect are conducive to the occurrence of regional ultra-high pressure fluid and the formation of large-scale ultra-high pressure gas field;mudstone water absorption effect in the formation with low thickness ratio of sandstone to formation is conducive to the development of regional low-pressure and water free gas reservoir;the water-soluble gas degasification effect in large-scale thick sandstone can not only form large-scale natural gas accumulation;moreover,the degasification of water-soluble gas produced by the lateral migration of formation water will produce regional and regular isotopic fractionation effect of natural gas,that is,the farther the migration distance of water-soluble gas is,the heavier the carbon isotopic composition of methane formed by the accumulation.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos.52074334,51991365)the National Key R&D Program of China (2021YFC2800903),which are gratefully acknowledged.
文摘Natural gas hydrate(NGH)is generally produced and accumulated together with the underlying conventional gas.Therefore,optimizing the production technology of these two gases should be seen as a relevant way to effectively reduce the exploitation cost of the gas hydrate.In this study,three types of models accounting for the coexistence of these gases are considered.Type A considers the upper hydrate-bearing layer(HBL)adjacent to the lower conventional gas layer(CGL);with the Type B a permeable interlayer exists between the upper HBL and the lower CGL;with the type C there is an impermeable interlayer between the upper HBL and the lower CGL.The production performances associated with the above three models are calculated under different conditions,including only a depressurized HBL(only HBL DP);only a depressurized CGL(only CGL DP);and both the HBL and the CGL being depressurized(HBL+CGL DP).The results show that for Type A and Type B coexistence accumulation models,when only HBL or CGL is depressurized,the gas from the other layer will flow into the production layer due to the pressure difference between the two layers.In the coexistence accumulation model of type C,the cumulative gas production is much lower than that of Type A and Type B,regardless of whether only HBL DP,only CGL DP,or HBL+CGL DP are considered.This indicates that the impermeable interlayer restricts the cross-flow of gas between HBL and CGL.For three different coexistence accumulation models,CGL DP has the largest gas-to-water ratio.
基金by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.U19B6003-02)the National Basic Research Program(973)of China(No.2011CB201100).
文摘The discovery of unconventional hydrocarbon resources since the late 20th century changed geologists’understanding of hydrocarbon migration and accumulations and provides a solution to energy shortage.In 2016,unconventional oil production in the USA accounted for 41%of the total oil production;and unconventional natural gas production in China accounted for 35%of total gas production,showing strong growth momentum of unconventional hydrocarbons explorations.Unconventional hydrocarbons generally coexist with conventional petroleum resources;they sometimes distribute in a separate system,not coexisting with a conventional system.Identification and prediction of unconventional resources and their potentials are prominent challenges for geologists.This study analyzed the results of 12,237 drilling wells in six representative petroliferous basins in China and studied the correlations and differences between conventional and unconventional hydrocarbons by comparing their geological features.Migration and accumulation of conventional hydrocarbon are caused dominantly by buoyance.Wepropose a concept of buoyance-driven hydrocarbon accumulation depth to describe the deepest hydrocarbon accumulation depth driven dominantly by buoyance;beyond this depth the buoyance becomes unimportant for hydrocarbon accumulation.We found that the buoyance-driven hydrocarbon accumulation depth in petroliferous basins controls the different oil/gas reservoirs distribution and resource potentials.Hydrocarbon migration and accumulations above this depth is dominated by buoyancy,forming conventional reservoirs in traps with high porosity and permeability,while hydrocarbon migration and accumulation below this depth is dominated by non-buoyancy forces(mainly refers to capillary force,hydrocarbon volumeexpansion force,etc.),forming unconventional reservoirs in tight layers.The buoyance-driven hydrocarbon accumulation depths in six basins in China range from 1200mto 4200 m,which become shallowerwith increasing geothermal gradient,decreasing particle size of sandstone reservoir layers,or an uplift in the whole petroliferous basin.The predicted unconventional resource potential belowthe buoyance-driven hydrocarbon accumulation depth in six basins in China is more than 15.71×10^(9) t oil equivalent,among them 4.71×10^(9) t reserves have been proved.Worldwide,94%of 52,926 oil and gas reservoirs in 1186 basins are conventional reservoirs and only 6%of them are unconventional reservoirs.These 94%conventional reservoirs show promising exploration prospects in the deep area below buoyance-driven hydrocarbon accumulation depth.
基金supported by the National 973 Basic Research Program(Grant No.2006CB202308)the Major National Science and Technology Program (2008ZX05008-004-012)
文摘The Kuqa foreland basin is an important petroliferous basin where gas predominates. The Kela-2 large natural gas reservoir and the Yinan-2, Dabei-1, Tuzi and Dina-11 gas reservoirs have been discovered in the basin up to the present. Natural gases in the Kelasu district and the Yinan district are generated from different source rocks indicated by methane and ethane carbon isotopes. The former is derived from both Jurassic and Triassic source rocks, while the latter is mainly from the Jurassic. Based on its multistage evolution and superposition and the intense tectonic transformation in the basin, the hydrocarbon charging history can be divided into the early and middle Himalayan hydrocarbon accumulation and the late Himalayan redistribution and re-enrichment. The heavier carbon isotope composition and the high natural gas ratio of C1/C1-4 indicate that the accumulated natural gas in the early Himalayan stage is destroyed and the present trapped natural gas was charged mainly in the middle and late Himalayan stages. Comparison and contrast of the oils produced in the Kelasu and Yinan regions indicate the hydrocarbon charging histories in the above two regions are complex and should be characterized by multistage hydrocarbon migration and accumulation.
基金supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program, Grant No.2006CB202308)
文摘The Tarim Basin is the largest petroliferous basin in the northwest of China, and is composed of a Paleozoic marine craton basin and a Meso-Cenozoic continental foreland basin. It is of great significance in exploration of Ordovician. In over 50 years of exploration, oil and gas totaling over 1.6 billion tonnes oil-equivalent has been discovered in the Ordovician carbonate formation. The accumulation mechanisms and distribution rules are quite complicated because of the burial depth more than 3,500 m, multi-source, and multi-stage accumulation, adjustment, reconstruction and re-enrichment in Ordovician. In this paper, we summarized four major advances in the hydrocarbon accumulation mechanisms of Ordovician carbonate reservoirs. First, oil came from Cambrian and Ordovician source rocks separately and as a mixture, while natural gas was mainly cracked gas generated from the Cambrian-Lower Ordovician crude oil. Second, most hydrocarbon migrated along unconformities and faults, with different directions in different regions. Third, hydrocarbon migration and accumulation had four periods: Caledonian, early Hercynian, late Hercynian and Himalayan, and the latter two were the most important for oil and gas exploration. Fourth, hydrocarbon accumulation and evolution can be generally divided into four stages: Caledonian (the period of hydrocarbon accumulation), early Hercynian (the period of destruction), late Hercynian (the period of hydrocarbon reconstruction and re-accumulation), and Himalayan (the period of hydrocarbon adjustment and re-accumulation). Source rocks (S), combinations of reservoir-seal (C), paleo-uplifts (M), structure balance belt (B) matched in the same time (T) control the hydrocarbon accumulation and distribution in the Ordovician formations. Reservoir adjustment and reconstruction can be classified into two modes of physical adjustment and variation of chemical compositions and five mechanisms. These mechanisms are occurrence displacement, biodegradation, multi-source mixing, high-temperature cracking and late gas invasion. Late hydrocarbon accumulation effects controlled the distribution of current hydrocarbon. The T-BCMS model is a basic geological model to help understanding the control of reservoirs. At present, the main problems of hydrocarbon accumulation focus on two aspects, dynamic mechanisms of hydrocarbon accumulation and the quantitative models of oil-bearing in traps, which need further systemic research.
基金the National Science&Technology Project for the 10th Five-Year Plan(Grant No.2004BA616A-02)
文摘Hetianhe gasfield in Bachu region of the Tarim Basin is mainly composed of three reservoir-caprock assembly,namely regional caprock of upper mudstone,middle mudstone and lower mudstone of the Carboniferous and reservoir of Bachu bioclastic limestone,glutenite and the Ordovician carbonate buried hill.Natural gas in Hetianhe gasfield sourced from the Cambrian source rock.It is thought that gases in Ma4 well block in the east of Hetianhe gasfield are mainly crude-oil cracked gases,while those in Ma3 and Ma8 well blocks in the west are the mixture gases of kerogen cracked gases and crude-oil cracked gases.Natural gas is rich in H2S and accumulated in multiply stages as the result of TSR.The accumulation history is divided into three stages,namely accumulation and breakage in the late Caledonian-early Hercynian,migration and dissipation in the late Hercynian and accumulation in Himalayan. The main accumulation of reformed gas reservoir is in Himalayan.
基金Supported by the PetroChina Science and Technology Innovation Fund Project(2021DQ02-1003)Basic Research Project for Central Universities(2022JCCXDC02).
文摘Through core observation,thin section identification,X-ray diffraction analysis,scanning electron microscopy,and low-temperature nitrogen adsorption and isothermal adsorption experiments,the lithology and pore characteristics of the Upper Carboniferous bauxite series in eastern Ordos Basin were analyzed to reveal the formation and evolution process of the bauxite reservoirs.A petrological nomenclature and classification scheme for bauxitic rocks based on three units(aluminum hydroxides,iron minerals and clay minerals)is proposed.It is found that bauxitic mudstone is in the form of dense massive and clastic structures,while the(clayey)bauxite is of dense massive,pisolite,oolite,porous soil and clastic structures.Both bauxitic mudstone and bauxite reservoirs develop dissolution pores,intercrystalline pores,and microfractures as the dominant gas storage space,with the porosity less than 10% and mesopores in dominance.The bauxite series in the North China Craton can be divided into five sections,i.e.,ferrilite(Shanxi-style iron ore,section A),bauxitic mudstone(section B),bauxite(section C),bauxite mudstone(debris-containing,section D)and dark mudstone-coal section(section E).The burrow/funnel filling,lenticular,layered/massive bauxite deposits occur separately in the karst platforms,gentle slopes and low-lying areas.The karst platforms and gentle slopes are conducive to surface water leaching,with strong karstification,well-developed pores,large reservoir thickness and good physical properties,but poor strata continuity.The low-lying areas have poor physical properties but relatively continuous and stable reservoirs.The gas enrichment in bauxites is jointly controlled by source rock,reservoir rock and fractures.This recognition provides geological basis for the exploration and development of natural gas in the Upper Carboniferous in the study area and similar bauxite systems.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41872128)the CNPC Major Science and Technology Project (2021DJ0101)。
文摘Based on the analysis of Upper Paleozoic source rocks, source-reservoir-caprock assemblage, and gas accumulation characteristics in the Ordos Basin, the gas accumulation geological model of total petroleum system is determined. Then, taking the Carboniferous Benxi Formation and the Permian Taiyuan Formation and Shanxi Formation as examples, the main controlling factors of gas accumulation and enrichment are discussed, and the gas enrichment models of total petroleum system are established. The results show that the source rocks, faults and tight reservoirs and their mutual coupling relations control the distribution and enrichment of gas. Specifically, the distribution and hydrocarbon generation capacity of source rocks control the enrichment degree and distribution range of retained shale gas and tight gas in the source. The coupling between the hydrocarbon generation capacity of source rocks and the physical properties of tight reservoirs controls the distribution and sweet spot development of near-source tight gas in the basin center. The far-source tight gas in the basin margin is mainly controlled by the distribution of faults, and the distribution of inner-source, near-source and far-source gas is adjusted and reformed by faults. Generally, the Upper Paleozoic gas in the Ordos Basin is recognized in four enrichment models: inner-source coalbed gas and shale gas, inner-source tight sandstone gas, near-source tight gas, and far-source fault-transported gas. In the Ordos Basin, inner-source tight gas and near-source tight gas are the current focuses of exploration, and inner-source coalbed gas and shale gas and far-source gas will be important potential targets in the future.