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作者 王平 景瑞华 +3 位作者 程爱平 郑先伟 李鑫鹏 骆正杰 《化工矿物与加工》 2025年第1期39-48,共10页
胶结充填体作为人工矿柱常受到邻近矿房开采的爆破扰动,严重影响其稳定性。基于KCC(Karagozian and Case Concrete)本构模型和ALE(Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian)流固耦合算法,采用LS-DYNA软件开展胶结充填体受邻近矿房爆破扰动的数值... 胶结充填体作为人工矿柱常受到邻近矿房开采的爆破扰动,严重影响其稳定性。基于KCC(Karagozian and Case Concrete)本构模型和ALE(Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian)流固耦合算法,采用LS-DYNA软件开展胶结充填体受邻近矿房爆破扰动的数值模拟研究,考虑不同边孔间距(0.6、1.2、1.8、2.4 m)及养护龄期(14、21、28 d)影响,揭示充填体中爆破波传播规律,探究爆破扰动对胶结充填体的动力响应及其失稳破坏情况。结果表明:邻近采场爆破对胶结充填体的破坏损伤主要集中在边界处,为提高矿石回收率并保证充填体安全,建议采用边孔间距1.2 m方案;矿山爆破开采中充填体至少需要养护21 d;低龄期充填体矿柱顶底部区域是整个矿柱中的薄弱部分,易发生失稳,应予以重点监测。 展开更多
关键词 胶结充填体 KCC模型 alE流固耦合算法 边孔间距 LS-DYNA 爆破波 数值模拟
作者 邢建祥 杨延朴 +3 位作者 杨集舜 徐越 杨廷海 杨刚 《材料导报》 北大核心 2025年第1期122-126,共5页
三元正极材料LiNi_(0.5)Co_(0.2)Mn_(0.3)O_(2)(NCM523)由于其适中的价格和高能量密度而广受关注,但低循环稳定性使其商业化应用受限。本研究以Al为掺杂元素,采用共沉淀结合高温固相的方法制备不同数量的Al原子取代Mn位的三元NCM523微... 三元正极材料LiNi_(0.5)Co_(0.2)Mn_(0.3)O_(2)(NCM523)由于其适中的价格和高能量密度而广受关注,但低循环稳定性使其商业化应用受限。本研究以Al为掺杂元素,采用共沉淀结合高温固相的方法制备不同数量的Al原子取代Mn位的三元NCM523微米颗粒型正极材料。结果表明,适量的Al掺杂可以增强过渡金属层的稳定性,显著改善NCM523材料循环稳定性差的问题。Al掺杂量满足Al/Li物质的量比为7%时获得了最佳的电化学性能,在2.7~4.5 V、0.1C倍率下首次放电比容量为165.7 mAh·g^(-1),经50次循环后衰减为134.3 mAh·g^(-1),容量保持率为81.05%。高温(55℃)环境下,Al/Li物质的量比为7%的样品依然保持最佳的电化学性能。 展开更多
关键词 锂离子电池 LiNi_(0.5)Co_(0.2)Mn_(0.3)O_(2) al掺杂 循环稳定性
作者 时大方 杨军 +4 位作者 刘东 王辉 张万里 俞峰 曹文全 《特殊钢》 2025年第1期54-58,共5页
分析了添加w[Al]2%~6%后Fe-1.4C-1.5Cr-Alx超高碳钢淬回火后的微观组织结构演变和硬度变化规律。研究发现,添加Al降低了冷却时先共析碳化物的析出量,有助于抑制晶界周围网状碳化物形成;添加4%~6%Al后超高碳钢在240~400℃中高温回火硬度... 分析了添加w[Al]2%~6%后Fe-1.4C-1.5Cr-Alx超高碳钢淬回火后的微观组织结构演变和硬度变化规律。研究发现,添加Al降低了冷却时先共析碳化物的析出量,有助于抑制晶界周围网状碳化物形成;添加4%~6%Al后超高碳钢在240~400℃中高温回火硬度稳定在62~65HRC,添加Al元素后,试验钢回火过程中纳米级碳化物分解温度提高,耐回火稳定性提升,并且马氏体分解温度提高,w[Al]越高,超高碳钢回火稳定性及耐温性越好。 展开更多
关键词 轻质钢 轴承钢 al 超高碳钢
作者 周莲 李发国 张佼 《现代交通与冶金材料》 2025年第1期94-108,122,共16页
Al⁃Zn⁃Mg⁃Cu系铝合金作为一种轻质高强结构材料,兼具优异的耐腐蚀能力和热加工性能,在航空工业中占据重要地位。热处理一直是Al⁃Zn⁃Mg⁃Cu系铝合金的研究重点,对提升合金强度、韧性和腐蚀性能的优化匹配发挥着巨大作用。新的制备技术能... Al⁃Zn⁃Mg⁃Cu系铝合金作为一种轻质高强结构材料,兼具优异的耐腐蚀能力和热加工性能,在航空工业中占据重要地位。热处理一直是Al⁃Zn⁃Mg⁃Cu系铝合金的研究重点,对提升合金强度、韧性和腐蚀性能的优化匹配发挥着巨大作用。新的制备技术能够突破传统合金化和热处理的局限,为提升Al⁃Zn⁃Mg⁃Cu系铝合金的综合性能提供新的路径,计算材料学的发展,进一步推动了合金的成分设计和工艺优化。本文介绍了热处理、增材制造技术及计算材料学对Al⁃Zn⁃Mg⁃Cu系铝合金组织和性能的影响,并对未来研究方向进行了展望。 展开更多
关键词 al⁃Zn⁃Mg⁃Cu 热处理 增材制造 计算材料学 性能优化
作者 黄磊 耿长建 +6 位作者 赵吉庆 岳琦 郭燕飞 苏孺 马海坤 吴大勇 康杰 《河北科技大学学报》 北大核心 2025年第1期1-7,共7页
为了解决0Cr17Ni7Al弹簧钢丝在拉拔过程中出现的残余应力问题及钢丝卷曲后的回弹现象,通过实验观测和有限元模拟相结合的方法,分析了拉拔工艺参数对残余应力及钢丝翘距的影响,并构建了残余应力与翘距之间的量化关系模型。结果表明:卷丝... 为了解决0Cr17Ni7Al弹簧钢丝在拉拔过程中出现的残余应力问题及钢丝卷曲后的回弹现象,通过实验观测和有限元模拟相结合的方法,分析了拉拔工艺参数对残余应力及钢丝翘距的影响,并构建了残余应力与翘距之间的量化关系模型。结果表明:卷丝过程中丝圈轴向的塑性变形是翘距产生的主要原因,而残余应力的分布特征对翘距有显著影响;通过调整拉拔参数可以有效控制翘距;翘距与残余应力之间的关系模型准确度高达0.97。研究结果深化了对拉拔工艺中残余应力影响的理解,为钢丝的后续加工和应用提供了技术参考。 展开更多
关键词 黑色金属及其合金 0Cr17Ni7al弹簧钢丝 残余应力 拉拔工艺 翘距 有限元模拟
作者 张晋红 薛瑞峰 +1 位作者 刘迎彬 张艺潇 《兵器材料科学与工程》 北大核心 2025年第1期1-6,共6页
为研究Ni/Al反应材料聚能粒子流在不同位置的能量释放规律,采用冷压成型技术制备了3种镍铝摩尔比分别为2∶1、1∶1和1∶2反应材料药型罩,用连续密封罐超压测试系统对Ni/Al反应材料聚能粒子流在密封罐内对间隔靶的毁伤及超压进行测试,进... 为研究Ni/Al反应材料聚能粒子流在不同位置的能量释放规律,采用冷压成型技术制备了3种镍铝摩尔比分别为2∶1、1∶1和1∶2反应材料药型罩,用连续密封罐超压测试系统对Ni/Al反应材料聚能粒子流在密封罐内对间隔靶的毁伤及超压进行测试,进而对其释能行为进行探究。结果表明:随着Al含量的增加,聚能粒子流对间隔靶板的毁伤效应先减小后增大;前密封罐中,镍铝摩尔比为1∶1时的聚能粒子流释能最多,化学反应效率最高,为57.4%;后密封罐中,镍铝摩尔比为2∶1时的释能最多,且总释能最多,为23.12 kJ。 展开更多
关键词 Ni/al 反应材料 药型罩 能量释放
作者 阳喜元 《原子与分子物理学报》 CAS 北大核心 2025年第1期81-87,共7页
镍基高温合金是制造先进航空发动机热端部件的关键材料之一,其高温力学性能直接关系到发动机运行安全和使用寿命.本文采用改进分析型嵌入原子模型(MAEAM)和分子动力学(MD)研究合金化元素钌(Ru)团簇对Ni/Ni_(3)Al纳米线形变机制的影响,... 镍基高温合金是制造先进航空发动机热端部件的关键材料之一,其高温力学性能直接关系到发动机运行安全和使用寿命.本文采用改进分析型嵌入原子模型(MAEAM)和分子动力学(MD)研究合金化元素钌(Ru)团簇对Ni/Ni_(3)Al纳米线形变机制的影响,结果表明:在单轴拉伸应变下,纳米线的弹性模量和屈服强度随温度升高而降低.温度较低时,纳米线形变由位错产生与发射而导致晶格滑移所引起.由于晶格热振动非谐效应不明显,Ru团簇阻碍效果显著,使得晶格滑移区域仅限于Ru团簇与Ni/Ni_(3)Al相界面之间且呈非对称分布.温度较高时,纳米线的形变由位错发射而引起晶格滑移所致,但因非谐效应显著,Ru团簇无法阻碍位错运动,滑移区域在Ru团簇周围对称分布于Ni_(3)Al相中.最后从Ru团簇微观结构及其稳定性的角度进一步分析其对纳米线形变影响. 展开更多
关键词 Ru团簇 形变机制 Ni/Ni_(3)al纳米线 原子模拟
From mice to humans:a need for comparable results in mammalian neuroplasticity
作者 Marco Ghibaudi Enrica Boda Luca Bonfanti 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS 2025年第2期464-466,共3页
Brain plasticity-A universal tool with many variations:The study of brain plasticity has been gaining interest since almost a century and has now reached a huge amount of information(>80,000 results in PubMed).Over... Brain plasticity-A universal tool with many variations:The study of brain plasticity has been gaining interest since almost a century and has now reached a huge amount of information(>80,000 results in PubMed).Overall,different types of plasticity,including stem cell-driven genesis of new neurons(adult neurogenesis),cells in arrested maturation(dormant neurons),neuro-glial and synaptic plasticity,can coexist and contribute to grant plastic changes in the brain,from a cellular to system level(Benedetti and Couillard-Despres,2022;Bonfanti et al.,2023). 展开更多
作者 陈维铅 喇培清 +2 位作者 许世鹏 马超 李亚明 《表面技术》 北大核心 2025年第2期148-160,共13页
目的探索热扩散处理温度对Fe-Al渗层组织结构的影响,研究其在熔融氯化盐中的腐蚀性,为310S不锈钢在光热发电氯化盐储热领域的应用提供技术方案。方法使用77%Al_(2)O_(3)+20%Al+3%AlCl_(3)(质量分数)渗铝剂在310S钢表面制备Fe-Al涂层,并... 目的探索热扩散处理温度对Fe-Al渗层组织结构的影响,研究其在熔融氯化盐中的腐蚀性,为310S不锈钢在光热发电氯化盐储热领域的应用提供技术方案。方法使用77%Al_(2)O_(3)+20%Al+3%AlCl_(3)(质量分数)渗铝剂在310S钢表面制备Fe-Al涂层,并通过750~950℃热扩散处理30 h,改善渗层的结构及物相组成;在800℃三元共晶熔融氯化盐浸泡30 h,评价不同热扩散处理温度对渗铝层耐腐蚀性的影响。采用XRD、SEM、EDS等分析腐蚀前后渗层微观结构、物相组成,以及截面形貌和元素分布。结果800℃保温15h在310S钢表面制备了140μm厚的渗铝层,通过热扩散处理发现,温度对渗层结构及物相组成具有较大的影响。800℃以下热扩散处理渗层结构及组成基本没有变化,外层主要以Fe2Al5相为主,过渡层为FeAl相,腐蚀后表面未形成连续的氧化层。850℃处理渗层截面中间层出现了大量不规则孔洞,腐蚀后表面形成厚度约为15μm的Al_(2)O_(3)层,对渗层起到了一定的保护作用,但氧化层与渗层界面结合不紧密,容易脱落。900℃热处理渗层物相均转化为FeAl相,与基体结合界面形成厚度约为30.4μm的互扩散区;腐蚀后渗层表面形成厚度约为32μm的Al_(2)O_(3)层,且无裂纹、孔洞,与渗层结合良好,耐腐蚀性能最佳。950℃处理渗层腐蚀后表面未形成氧化层,出现了54μm的沿晶腐蚀深度。结论310S钢表面渗铝层经900℃热扩散处理后,在熔融氯化盐腐蚀环境中形成了连续、致密的Al_(2)O_(3)层,展现出了良好的耐腐蚀性能。 展开更多
关键词 310S钢 Fe-al渗层 包埋渗铝 热扩散处理 氯化盐腐蚀
作者 张一诺 阎妮 《水文地质工程地质》 北大核心 2025年第1期76-84,共9页
在采用人工回灌方法建设地下水库储存地下水的过程中,回灌水中三价铝[Al(Ⅲ)]和细菌共同作用下引发的化学-生物复合堵塞问题突出且复杂,然而目前对其研究较少。本研究通过渗流试验模拟人工回灌过程,探究了细菌与0.05,0.20,0.60 mg/L Al(... 在采用人工回灌方法建设地下水库储存地下水的过程中,回灌水中三价铝[Al(Ⅲ)]和细菌共同作用下引发的化学-生物复合堵塞问题突出且复杂,然而目前对其研究较少。本研究通过渗流试验模拟人工回灌过程,探究了细菌与0.05,0.20,0.60 mg/L Al(Ⅲ)共存条件下含水层的复合堵塞机制。研究结果表明,回灌水中Al(Ⅲ)可以改变石英砂的表面形态,促使含铝化合物生成化学沉淀。Si—O—Al键的生成证明Al(Ⅲ)的加入可以引起含水层化学堵塞。回灌水中不同浓度Al(Ⅲ)对堵塞的影响机制不同。0.05,0.20 mg/L较低浓度Al(Ⅲ)对细菌活性有抑制作用,减少细菌团聚,整体上降低了对生物堵塞贡献大的菌属占比,缓解了生物堵塞。0.60 mg/L高浓度Al(Ⅲ)会刺激细菌产生胞外聚合物,将大部分分散的细菌桥联,加剧生物堵塞。石英砂表面含铝化合物片状沉积物与细菌形态明显,可见含水层发生了化学-生物复合堵塞。本研究通过深入探讨Al(Ⅲ)和细菌与堵塞效应之间的关系,可以为优化回灌过程的设计和管理提供理论基础,进而保障地下水可持续利用。 展开更多
关键词 al(Ⅲ) 细菌 化学堵塞 生物堵塞 化学-生物复合堵塞 影响机制
作者 郭维诚 吴杰 +1 位作者 郭淼现 孙启梦 《材料导报》 北大核心 2025年第4期200-207,共8页
碳化硅颗粒增强铝基复合材料(SiCp/Al)由于优异的综合性能在航空航天领域应用广泛,而超低温处理已被证明在材料成形工艺中能进一步提升材料性能,面对愈加苛刻的工业要求,研究SiCp/Al在超低温下的流变特性显得尤为重要。本工作通过电子... 碳化硅颗粒增强铝基复合材料(SiCp/Al)由于优异的综合性能在航空航天领域应用广泛,而超低温处理已被证明在材料成形工艺中能进一步提升材料性能,面对愈加苛刻的工业要求,研究SiCp/Al在超低温下的流变特性显得尤为重要。本工作通过电子拉伸试验机对20%SiCp/Al进行了-196℃下准静态拉伸试验,并利用分离式霍普金森压杆装置进行了温度范围-196~20℃、应变率范围1 000~3 000 s^(-1)的动态压缩试验。结果表明,SiCp/Al的应变率强化效应不显著,而超低温对材料的流动应力具有显著的强化效果。结合位错运动、应变硬化与动态再结晶软化分析了材料流动行为的变形机制。综合考虑应变、温度和应变率对材料流变特性影响的耦合效应对所建立的Johnson Cook本构模型进行修正,对比发现,修正Johnson Cook(MJC)模型能够较好地反映材料不同条件下的流动应力,预测误差降低了50%以上。 展开更多
关键词 SICP/al 分离式霍普金森压杆 静动态力学性能 超低温 本构模型
Intricate interplay between shear stress and extrusion temperature in Mg−Al composite rods
作者 Jian-xing ZHAO Chao-wei ZENG +4 位作者 Ting YUAN Wei PENG Zhen-wei SUN Ou ZHANG Hong-jun HU 《中国有色金属学报》 北大核心 2025年第1期105-125,共21页
The Mg−Al composite rods of aluminum core-reinforced magnesium alloy were prepared by the extrusion−shear(ES)process,and the microstructure,deformation mechanism,and mechanical properties of the Mg−Al composite rods w... The Mg−Al composite rods of aluminum core-reinforced magnesium alloy were prepared by the extrusion−shear(ES)process,and the microstructure,deformation mechanism,and mechanical properties of the Mg−Al composite rods were investigated at different extrusion temperatures and shear stresses.The experimental results show that the proportion of dynamic recrystallization(DRX)and texture for Al and Mg alloys are controlled by the combination of temperature and shear stress.The texture type of the Al alloys exhibits slight variations at different temperatures.With the increase of temperature,the DRX behavior of Mg alloy shifts from discontinuous DRX(DDRX),continuous DRX(CDRX),and twin-induced DRX(TDRX)dominant to CDRX,the dislocation density in Mg alloy grains decreases significantly,and the average value of Schmid factor(SF)of the basalslip system increases.In particular,partial grains exhibit a distinct dominant slip system at 390℃.The hardness and thickness of the bonding layer,as well as the yield strength and elongation of the Mg alloy,reach their maximum at 360℃as a result of the intricate influence of the combined temperature and shear stress. 展开更多
关键词 Mg−al composite rod texture evolution deformation mechanism intermetallic compound extrusion−shear process
In-situ Si particle-reinforced joints of hypereutectic Al−60Si alloys by ultrasonic-assisted soldering
作者 Yuan-xing LI Xiang-bo ZHENG +3 位作者 Chao-zheng ZHAO Zong-tao ZHU Yu-jie BAI Hui CHEN 《中国有色金属学报》 北大核心 2025年第1期77-90,共14页
To improve the wettability of hypereutectic Al−60Si alloy and enhance the mechanical properties of the joints,Al−60Si alloy was joined by ultrasonic soldering with Sn-9Zn solder,and a sound joint with in-situ Si parti... To improve the wettability of hypereutectic Al−60Si alloy and enhance the mechanical properties of the joints,Al−60Si alloy was joined by ultrasonic soldering with Sn-9Zn solder,and a sound joint with in-situ Si particle reinforcement was obtained.The oxide film of Al−60Si alloy at the interface was identified by transmission electron microscopy(TEM)analysis as amorphous Al_(2)O_(3).The oxide of Si particles in the base metal was also alumina.The oxide film of Al−60Si alloy was observed to be removed by ultrasonic vibration instead of holding treatment.Si particle-reinforced joints(35.7 vol.%)were obtained by increasing the ultrasonication time.The maximum shear strength peaked at 99.5 MPa for soldering at 330℃with an ultrasonic vibration time of 50 s.A model of forming of Si particles reinforced joint under the ultrasound was proposed,and ultrasonic vibration was considered to promote the dissolution of Al and migration of Si particles. 展开更多
关键词 hypereutectic al−60Si alloy ultrasonic-assisted soldering Si particle reinforcement Sn−9Zn solder
Hydration, Microstructure, and Properties of Sulphoaluminate Cement in Pure Water and Simulated Seawater
作者 MA Jie 《Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science)》 SCIE EI CAS 2025年第1期187-193,共7页
Paste and mortar specimens were prepared with sulfoaluminate cement(SAC),P⋅O 42.5 ordinary Portland cement(OPC),and standard sand,and mixed and cured with pure water and artificial seawater,respectively.The mechanical... Paste and mortar specimens were prepared with sulfoaluminate cement(SAC),P⋅O 42.5 ordinary Portland cement(OPC),and standard sand,and mixed and cured with pure water and artificial seawater,respectively.The mechanical properties of mortar specimens were tested.Hydration and microstructure of paste specimens were also investigated using X-ray diffraction(XRD),scanning electron microscope(SEM),and 27Al nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR),respectively.The results indicate that SAC mortar samples mixed and cured by seawater have faster strength growth before 28 d and higher compressive strength than OPC mortar samples.Compared to curing in deionized water,the hydration products of SAC are somewhat coarser when cured in simulated seawater.The evolution of aluminum phase hydration products during the hydration process of SAC mixed and cured in simulated seawater is quite different from that of OPC.From 3 to 28 d,the content of each aluminum phase hydration product in SAC paste cured in simulated seawater changed little,while that in OPC paste changed significantly;for example,from 7 to 28 d,the content of ettringite(AFt)in OPC paste increased significantly.This type of AFt formed loosely,harming the mortar's microstructure. 展开更多
关键词 sulfoaluminate cement seawater mixing and curing 27al NMR AFt
作者 邵泽杰 周海芳 +1 位作者 郑瑞锦 程树英 《发光学报》 北大核心 2025年第1期89-97,共9页
稀土掺杂的上转换纳米材料在光热传感、生物医学等领域有着广泛的应用前景,但其存在导热性差、测温灵敏度与上转换发光(UCL)强度低的问题,而添加单壁碳纳米管(SWCNT)、贵金属与光子晶体(PCs)是提高其UCL强度与光热性能的有效手段。本文... 稀土掺杂的上转换纳米材料在光热传感、生物医学等领域有着广泛的应用前景,但其存在导热性差、测温灵敏度与上转换发光(UCL)强度低的问题,而添加单壁碳纳米管(SWCNT)、贵金属与光子晶体(PCs)是提高其UCL强度与光热性能的有效手段。本文使用溶剂热法合成了NaGdF_(4)∶Er^(3+)/Yb^(3+)/Al^(3+)纳米晶体(UCNPs),通过对比上转换层(UC)、SWCNT/UC、Ag/SWCNT/UC与PCs/Ag/SWCNT/UC的光热性能,研究不同膜层对UCNPs的光热性能影响。结果表明,PCs/Ag/SWCNT/UC具有优异的性能,其红绿光强度分别为UC的3.48倍与4.24倍,其光热转换效率达到33.79%,是UC的1.49倍;并且光学测温绝对灵敏度SA在353 K时达到3.14×10^(-3) K^(-1),相对灵敏度SR在273 K时达到1.87×10^(-2) K^(-1)。本研究为提高光热传感器性能提供了一种有效的策略。 展开更多
关键词 复合薄膜 NaGdF4∶Er^(3+)/Yb^(3+)/al^(3+)纳米晶 光热性能 测温灵敏度
Mechanism of cryorolling and aging treatment for enhancing corrosion properties of 2195 Al−Li alloy
作者 Yue XIAO Wen-shuai WANG +3 位作者 Waqas FARID Li-hua ZHANG Charlie KONG Hai-liang YU 《中国有色金属学报》 北大核心 2025年第1期13-29,共17页
The impact of cryorolling(CR)and room temperature rolling(RTR)followed by artificial aging on the corrosion characteristics of 2195 Al−Li alloy(AA2195)was studied.Transmission electron microscope,scanning electron mic... The impact of cryorolling(CR)and room temperature rolling(RTR)followed by artificial aging on the corrosion characteristics of 2195 Al−Li alloy(AA2195)was studied.Transmission electron microscope,scanning electron microscope,optical microscope,intergranular corrosion experiment,and electrochemical experiment were used.Throughout different stages of aging treatment,the corrosion behavior of both CR and RTR samples exhibited a sequential progression of pitting corrosion,followed by intergranular corrosion,and then pitting corrosion again.The corrosion rates of both samples initially showed an increase,followed by a gradual stabilization over time.The size and density of T1 phase significantly influenced the corrosion performance of the alloy.During the peak aging and over-aging stages,the CR sample exhibited superior corrosion resistance to the RTR sample,attributed to its finer T1 phase. 展开更多
关键词 2195 al−Li alloy CRYOROLLING aging treatment corrosion performance
Spastin and alsin protein interactome analyses begin to reveal key canonical pathways and suggest novel druggable targets
作者 Benjamin R.Helmold Angela Ahrens +1 位作者 Zachary Fitzgerald P.Hande Ozdinler 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS 2025年第3期725-739,共15页
Developing effective and long-term treatment strategies for rare and complex neurodegenerative diseases is challenging. One of the major roadblocks is the extensive heterogeneity among patients. This hinders understan... Developing effective and long-term treatment strategies for rare and complex neurodegenerative diseases is challenging. One of the major roadblocks is the extensive heterogeneity among patients. This hinders understanding the underlying disease-causing mechanisms and building solutions that have implications for a broad spectrum of patients. One potential solution is to develop personalized medicine approaches based on strategies that target the most prevalent cellular events that are perturbed in patients. Especially in patients with a known genetic mutation, it may be possible to understand how these mutations contribute to problems that lead to neurodegeneration. Protein–protein interaction analyses offer great advantages for revealing how proteins interact, which cellular events are primarily involved in these interactions, and how they become affected when key genes are mutated in patients. This line of investigation also suggests novel druggable targets for patients with different mutations. Here, we focus on alsin and spastin, two proteins that are identified as “causative” for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and hereditary spastic paraplegia, respectively, when mutated. Our review analyzes the protein interactome for alsin and spastin, the canonical pathways that are primarily important for each protein domain, as well as compounds that are either Food and Drug Administration–approved or are in active clinical trials concerning the affected cellular pathways. This line of research begins to pave the way for personalized medicine approaches that are desperately needed for rare neurodegenerative diseases that are complex and heterogeneous. 展开更多
关键词 alS2 alsin amyotrophic lateral sclerosis hereditary spastic paraplegia neurodegenerative diseases personalized medicine precision medicine protein interactome protein-protein interactions SPAST SPASTIN
Atomic-scale insights into microscopic mechanisms of grain boundary segregation in Al−Cu alloys
作者 Xiong SHUAI Hong MAO +2 位作者 Sai TANG Yi KONG Yong DU 《中国有色金属学报》 北大核心 2025年第1期1-12,共12页
This study aims to clarify the mechanisms for the grain boundary(GB)segregation through investigating the absorption of excess solute atoms at GBs in Al−Cu alloys by using the hybrid molecular dynamics/Monte Carlo sim... This study aims to clarify the mechanisms for the grain boundary(GB)segregation through investigating the absorption of excess solute atoms at GBs in Al−Cu alloys by using the hybrid molecular dynamics/Monte Carlo simulations.Two segregation mechanisms,substitutional and interstitial mechanisms,are observed.The intergranular defects,including dislocations,steps and vacancies,and the intervals in structural units are conductive to the prevalence of interstitial mechanism.And substitutional mechanism is favored by the highly ordered twin GBs.Furthermore,the two mechanisms affect the GB structure differently.It is quantified that interstitial mechanism is less destructive to GB structure than substitutional one,and often leads to a segregation level being up to about 6 times higher than the latter.These findings contribute to atomic scale insights into the microscopic mechanisms about how solute atoms are absorbed by GB structures,and clarify the correlation among intergranular structures,segregation mechanisms and kinetics. 展开更多
关键词 grain boundaries segregation al−Cu alloy intergranular structure molecular dynamics simulation Monte Carlo simulation
Multifaceted superoxide dismutase 1 expression in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients:a rare occurrence?
作者 Ilaria Martinelli Jessica Mandrioli +5 位作者 Andrea Ghezzi Elisabetta Zucchi Giulia Gianferrari Cecilia Simonini Francesco Cavallieri Franco Valzania 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS 2025年第1期130-138,共9页
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis(ALS)is a neuromuscular condition resulting from the progressive degeneration of motor neurons in the cortex,brainstem,and spinal cord.While the typical clinical phenotype of ALS involves ... Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis(ALS)is a neuromuscular condition resulting from the progressive degeneration of motor neurons in the cortex,brainstem,and spinal cord.While the typical clinical phenotype of ALS involves both upper and lower motor neurons,human and animal studies over the years have highlighted the potential spread to other motor and non-motor regions,expanding the phenotype of ALS.Although superoxide dismutase 1(SOD1)mutations represent a minority of ALS cases,the SOD1 gene remains a milestone in ALS research as it represents the first genetic target for personalized therapies.Despite numerous single case reports or case series exhibiting extramotor symptoms in patients with ALS mutations in SOD1(SOD1-ALS),no studies have comprehensively explored the full spectrum of extramotor neurological manifestations in this subpopulation.In this narrative review,we analyze and discuss the available literature on extrapyramidal and non-motor features during SOD1-ALS.The multifaceted expression of SOD1 could deepen our understanding of the pathogenic mechanisms,pointing towards a multidisciplinary approach for affected patients in light of new therapeutic strategies for SOD1-ALS. 展开更多
关键词 amyotrophic lateral sclerosis(alS) AUTONOMIC extramotor GENOTYPE-PHENOTYPE multisystem involvement Parkinson’s disease sensory SOD1 superoxide dismutase 1 URINARY vocal cord palsy
作者 张洪敏 江鹏 +3 位作者 潘海军 闫恪涛 王广原 张彬 《常州大学学报(自然科学版)》 2025年第1期15-21,共7页
光学显微镜(OM)及透射电子显微镜(TEM)研究发现热挤压制备的高固溶Al-7Mg合金由均匀粗晶粒组成,平均尺寸约为16μm,基体中没有检测到第二相。通过设计不同变形参数的高温拉伸实验,探索了Al-7Mg合金高温拉伸变形行为。其中,断裂延伸率随... 光学显微镜(OM)及透射电子显微镜(TEM)研究发现热挤压制备的高固溶Al-7Mg合金由均匀粗晶粒组成,平均尺寸约为16μm,基体中没有检测到第二相。通过设计不同变形参数的高温拉伸实验,探索了Al-7Mg合金高温拉伸变形行为。其中,断裂延伸率随温度的升高而提高。较粗的晶粒导致该合金在400℃拉伸时的断裂延伸率约为200%。应变速率敏感系数(0.16~0.31)及变形激活能(124 kJ/mol)计算结果表明随拉伸温度由200℃提高至400℃,Al-7Mg合金的变形机制由位错滑移/蠕变转变为溶质拖拽蠕变,该过程由晶格扩散控制。通过峰值应变处应力值的系统分析,构建了用于预测Al-7Mg合金高温拉伸峰值应力的本构方程。 展开更多
关键词 al-MG合金 高温拉伸性能 微观组织 本构方程
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