The DFI-1 submarine pipeline was investigated using a dual-frequency side-scan sonar and a swath sounder system. More than a hundred scour pits under the pipeline were found, most of which have caused the span of the ...The DFI-1 submarine pipeline was investigated using a dual-frequency side-scan sonar and a swath sounder system. More than a hundred scour pits under the pipeline were found, most of which have caused the span of the pipeline to increase and threatened its safety. The maximum allowable free span length (MAFSL) of the pipeline was determined through the limitations re- garding maximum allowable stress under static or quasi-static loads and the onset of Vortex Induced Vibrations (VIV) under different hydrodynamic actions. The results show that the MAFSL under static conditions is 56m. However, the MAFSLs are 30m and 20m under ordinary weather conditions and hurricane-induced currents for the 100-year return period, respectively, to avoid VIV as cal- culated by using the highest safety class factor. It is suggested that spanning pipelines longer than 20 m should be supported. Addi- tionally, eight successive spans which may also threaten the pipeline were proposed. The most hazardous scour pits are along the pipeline section from KP42 to KP51.展开更多
In contrast to most existing works on robust unit commitment(UC),this study proposes a novel big-M-based mixed-integer linear programming(MILP)method to solve security-constrained UC problems considering the allowable...In contrast to most existing works on robust unit commitment(UC),this study proposes a novel big-M-based mixed-integer linear programming(MILP)method to solve security-constrained UC problems considering the allowable wind power output interval and its adjustable conservativeness.The wind power accommodation capability is usually limited by spinning reserve requirements and transmission line capacity in power systems with large-scale wind power integration.Therefore,by employing the big-M method and adding auxiliary 0-1 binary variables to describe the allowable wind power output interval,a bilinear programming problem meeting the security constraints of system operation is presented.Furthermore,an adjustable confidence level was introduced into the proposed robust optimization model to decrease the level of conservatism of the robust solutions.This can establish a trade-off between economy and security.To develop an MILP problem that can be solved by commercial solvers such as CPLEX,the big-M method is utilized again to represent the bilinear formulation as a series of linear inequality constraints and approximately address the nonlinear formulation caused by the adjustable conservativeness.Simulation studies on a modified IEEE 26-generator reliability test system connected to wind farms were performed to confirm the effectiveness and advantages of the proposed method.展开更多
A graph as the new engineering method for estimate the safety of bulging deformation of coke tower is proposed. Through stresses analysis of circumferential weld of coke tower and comparing the stresses produced by pr...A graph as the new engineering method for estimate the safety of bulging deformation of coke tower is proposed. Through stresses analysis of circumferential weld of coke tower and comparing the stresses produced by pressure with heat stress of steady state, residual stress, bending stress produced by both itself weight and wind loads, it showed that the stresses produced by pressure on the angle distortion are the main factor of equivalent stress of the combined stress. After comparing four kinds of stress controlling conditions, the relation to stress with depth of angular distortion, grade of curvature of angular distortion and half of region of angular distortion has been inferred. Graph of deformation allowable value of coke tower for different condition by angular distortion and half of region of angular distortion has been plotted. The five steps for its engineering use have been explained. The lighter the grade of curvature is, the larger of bulge allowance, may be, and the bigger of depth of angular distortion may pose too. For the coke tower with a popular structure of Dg 5 400 mmx28 mm, the result by graph is nearly more than the result of two formulas formed by other research, the error is less than 7.0%. But, the graph can be easily applied to different size of angular distortion.展开更多
The extending of a cantilever and transverse moving of a drilling floor enable the jack-up to operate in several well positions after the Jack-up has pitched. The cantilever allowable load nephogram is the critical re...The extending of a cantilever and transverse moving of a drilling floor enable the jack-up to operate in several well positions after the Jack-up has pitched. The cantilever allowable load nephogram is the critical reference which can evaluate the jack-up's drilling ability, design the cantilever structure and instruct a jack-up manager to make the operations safe. The intent of this paper is to explore the interrelationships between the cantilever position, drilling floor and the loads including wind force, the stand set-back weight etc., through analyzing the structure and load characteristics of the x-type cantilever and the simplified mechanics model with the restriction of the maximum moment capacity of the cantilever single side beam. Referring to several typical position designs load values, the cantilever allowable load nephogram is obtained by using the suitable interpolation method. The paper gives a method for cantilever allowable load design, which is proved reliable and effective by the calculation example.展开更多
A new method called local accurate search is put forward to calculate the allowable area for air-to-surface missiles based on the conventional methods. Comparing with traditional methods, the local accurate search met...A new method called local accurate search is put forward to calculate the allowable area for air-to-surface missiles based on the conventional methods. Comparing with traditional methods, the local accurate search method can search the area online and reduce the time of search with the required precision. Combining the traditional flight range table with a model calculation method, the new method employs the local search to fred an accurate result, which will meet the fast-calculation requirements for attacking moving targets. In this way, the missiles are adapted for the complex warfare situation.展开更多
Frost heave is an upward swelling of soil during cryogenic conditions in cold regions. It is caused by the accumulation of ice crystals in subgrade soil, which grow upwards when freezing temperatures penetrate into th...Frost heave is an upward swelling of soil during cryogenic conditions in cold regions. It is caused by the accumulation of ice crystals in subgrade soil, which grow upwards when freezing temperatures penetrate into the subgrade. This study establishes the allowable soil subgrade frost heave based on the roughness standard of asphalt pavement in China, and aims to balance the pavement design and frost heave resistance of subgrades in cold regions. We formulated a mechanical model of pavement supported by the boundary conditions of differential frost heave, based on the elastie layered system theory. The differential soil subgrade frost heave was modeled as a sinusoidal function, and the allowable frost heave and the roughness index were modeled as the displacement boundaries for the top and bottom of the pavement structure. Then the allowable frost heave was back-calculated according to the roughness standard. Numerical results show that the allowable frost heave depends on the pavement structure, material properties, the highway grade, and other factors. In order to ensure that the actual soil subgrade frost heave is lower than the allowable frost heave, pavement structures and materials need to be selected and designed carefully. The numerical method proposed here can be applied to establish the frost heave re- sistance of subgrade when the pavement structure and materials are determined.展开更多
Pyrophyllite (H2Al2,Si4 O22, ) dust (P-dust) is a mixture of silica (10-40% ), differentproportions of a luminium oxide (Al2O3 ), and various metal compounds. People with occupa-tions known to be associated with expos...Pyrophyllite (H2Al2,Si4 O22, ) dust (P-dust) is a mixture of silica (10-40% ), differentproportions of a luminium oxide (Al2O3 ), and various metal compounds. People with occupa-tions known to be associated with exposure to P-dust include miners, other industrial workersand persons engaged in artistic carving. Currently, little is known about pyrophyllite pneumo-coniosis from P-dust. This study was designed to investigate the hazardous effects of P-dustand to suggest a maximum allowable concentration (MAC) of the included four parts: (i) Occupational epidemiology surveys in 781 workersfrom 1 pyrophyllite mine (PM) and four pyrophyllite carving mills (PCM), with a registra-tion rate of 98 %. (ii) In vitro studies: Six groups of rats were expeed to different levels ofP-dust; the cytotoxicity of P-dust on rat alveolar macrophages (AM) was investigated by de-termining the potassium'content of AM and the activity levels of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)in AM culture fluid. (iii) Mineralogical analysis of P-dust: The contents of silica (SiO2 ), alu-minium (Al), ferrum (Fe), niikel (Ni), zinc (Zn) and copper (Cu) in hath PM-dust andPCMdust were determined. (iv ) Determination of P-dust MAC: Using the life-talbemethod, an investigation of the hygiene standard of P-dust was carried out in 625 workers ex-POSed to either PM-dust or PCM-dust, uPon whom routine radiographs were Performed.The results suggest that the risk of developing pneumoconiosis from pyrophyllite dust issignificantly higher for PM workers than for PCM workers. The prevalence rate of PCM-dustpneumoconiosis is significantly higher in men than in women. The content of SiO2 and AlO3in the mixture of P-dust is the most important factor in the etiology of pyrophyllitosis. De-pending on the different P-dust MAC values, we suggest that 2 rng/m3 and 4 mg/m' shouldbe considered as the MAC for PM-dust and PCM-dust, respectively, and 3 mg/m' fOr P-dust. We believe that establishing different hygiene standards is more accurate even thoughworkers are exposured to the 'same' dust展开更多
In the numerical prediction of weather or climate events,the uncertainty of the initial values and/or prediction models can bring the forecast result’s uncertainty.Due to the absence of true states,studies on this pr...In the numerical prediction of weather or climate events,the uncertainty of the initial values and/or prediction models can bring the forecast result’s uncertainty.Due to the absence of true states,studies on this problem mainly focus on the three subproblems of predictability,i.e.,the lower bound of the maximum predictable time,the upper bound of the prediction error,and the lower bound of the maximum allowable initial error.Aimed at the problem of the lower bound estimation of the maximum allowable initial error,this study first illustrates the shortcoming of the existing estimation,and then presents a new estimation based on the initial observation precision and proves it theoretically.Furthermore,the new lower bound estimations of both the two-dimensional ikeda model and lorenz96 model are obtained by using the cnop(conditional nonlinear optimal perturbation)method and a pso(particle swarm optimization)algorithm,and the estimated precisions are also analyzed.Besides,the estimations yielded by the existing and new formulas are compared;the results show that the estimations produced by the existing formula are often incorrect.展开更多
Based on a variety of case histories of site investigations, including extensive bore hole data, laboratory testing and geophysical prospecting at more than 550 construction sites, an empirical formulation is proposed...Based on a variety of case histories of site investigations, including extensive bore hole data, laboratory testing and geophysical prospecting at more than 550 construction sites, an empirical formulation is proposed for the rapid determination of allowable bearing pressure of shallow foundations in soils and rocks. The proposed expression corroborates consistently with the results of the classical theory and is proven to be rapid, and reliable. Plate load tests have been also carried out at three different sites, in order to further confirm the validity of the proposed method. It consists of only two soil parameters, namely, the in situ measured shear wave velocity and the unit weight. The unit weight may be also determined with sufficient accuracy, by means of other empirical expressions proposed, using P or S -- wave velocities. It is indicated that once the shear and P-wave velocities are measured in situ by an appropriate geophysical survey, the allowable bearing pressure as well as the coefficient of subgrade reaction and many other elasticity parameters may be determined rapidly and reliably.展开更多
This paper considers the influence of changes of the transmission lines of permissible load current depending on conductor and ambient temperatures, climate conditions. The theoretical background of the allowable cond...This paper considers the influence of changes of the transmission lines of permissible load current depending on conductor and ambient temperatures, climate conditions. The theoretical background of the allowable conductor temperature as well as load current determination principles are proposed. On one hand, the principles are based on mechanical limitations; on the other hand, they are based on thermal limitations. The simulation tasks were based on specific data information of three existing overhead lines of Latvian power system as well as the planned 330 kV overhead line. Moreover, the special thermovision device was used for precious determination of conductor temperature of the existing transmission lines. The simulation results of the obtained data are reviewed in the paper.展开更多
Climate change has a substantial impact on infrastructures in the permafrost on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP). In this study, the mean annual ground temperature (MAGT) and permafrost evolution were investigated in...Climate change has a substantial impact on infrastructures in the permafrost on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP). In this study, the mean annual ground temperature (MAGT) and permafrost evolution were investigated in both the historical (1950-2005) and projected (2006-2099) periods. Then, an allowable bearing capacity model was used to discuss the allowable bearing capacity change on the QTP. Results show that the MAGT increased by 0.36 ℃ during 1950-2005. The MAGT will increase by 0.40 (RCP2.6), 0.79 (RCP4.5), 1.07 (RCP6.0), and 1.75 (RCP8.5)℃C during 2006-2099. In addition, the permafrost area has decreased by 0.195 × 10^6 km2 in 1950-2005. The permafrost area will decrease by 0.232 × 10^6 (RCP2.6), 0.468 × 10^6 (RCP4.5), 0.564 × 10^6 (RCP6.0), and 0.803 × 10^6 (RCP8.5) km2 during 2006-2099. With the degradation of permafrost, the allowable bearing capacity in permafrost zones would decrease accordingly. The decreasing trend is 6 kPa per 10 years in 1950-2005, and will be 0.6 (RCP2.6), 5 (RCP4.5), 7 (RCP6.0), and 11 (RCP8.5) kPa per 10 years during 2006-2099. The most remarkable trend would be observed under RCP8.5. Meanwhile, some scientific advices for the design, construction, operation and maintenance of permafrost engineering in the context of climate change were provided.展开更多
P-wave and S-wave velocities were obtained from seismic refraction survey in the foundation layer of Eket, the study area. The Tezcan’s approach discussed extensively in the work was used in conjunction with the exis...P-wave and S-wave velocities were obtained from seismic refraction survey in the foundation layer of Eket, the study area. The Tezcan’s approach discussed extensively in the work was used in conjunction with the existing mathematical relations between elastic parameters and seismic refraction velocities for the study of foundation layers in the study area. Based on the results, the elastic constants, allowable bearing pressure/capacity, ultimate bearing capacity and other parameters in Table 1 were determined. The result shows that allowable bearing pressure increases with increase in shear modulus and shear wave velocity. The empirical relation between allowable bearing capacity and shear modulus shows that the allowable bearing capacity increases with depth. Comparing our findings with some ranges of safe allowable bearing capacities of similar non cohesive/granular soils in literatures, the second layer with allowable bearing capacity range of 72.56 - 206.63 kN·m-2?(average = 154.78 kN·m-2) has been considered to be the safe shallow engineering foundation in the study area. The empirical relations between allowable bearing capacities shear modulus and shear wave velocity, in conjunction with the inferred maps, which serve as our findings, will be used as guide in the location of foundations. The inferred ultimate and allowable capacities correlate maximally for the two shallow foundations penetrated by the seismic waves. This perfect correlation reflects the uniqueness of the method.展开更多
Home-based records (HBRs) are an important tool for recording and communicating within primary healthcare service delivery. Unfortunately, HBRs are currently unable to fulfil their intended purpose in many communities...Home-based records (HBRs) are an important tool for recording and communicating within primary healthcare service delivery. Unfortunately, HBRs are currently unable to fulfil their intended purpose in many communities either because the HBR is not functionally well-designed to serve its objectives, not made available, not fully adopted and/or not appropriately utilized by caregivers and/or health workers. This brief report describes the occurrence of nationally reported HBR stock-outs and HBR financing patterns during 2014 and 2015 across 195 countries reporting immunization system performance data to the World Health Organization and United Nations Children’s Fund. National level HBR stock-outs were reported by 19 and 22 countries during 2014 and 2015, respectively, with eleven countries reporting stock-outs during both 2014 and 2015. During 2015, 12 of the 22 countries reporting HBR stock-outs were from the African Region and two-thirds of the countries were Gavi-eligible. Information on HBR stock-outs was either not available or not reported by 66 countries (19 were Gavi-eligible) for 2014 and 53 (11 were Gavi-eligible) countries for 2015. Among the 22 countries reporting HBR stock-outs in 2015, 12 (54%) countries reported a single HBR financing source, and nine (41%) countries reported more than one source for HBR financing. The occurrence of HBR stock-outs remains a concern, particularly in Gavi-eligible countries introducing new vaccines where dedicated funding is received for revising and printing new recording tools, including HBRs. Additional attention is needed to understand the root causes for stock-outs and identify solutions to ensure a well-designed, durable HBR is readily available in the right quantity, in the right place at the right time in all countries.展开更多
In order to develop a method that apply sampling survey data randomly obtained at fishing ports to fish stock assessments,based on fish landing surveys conducted at fishing ports in the northern South China Sea(SCS),1...In order to develop a method that apply sampling survey data randomly obtained at fishing ports to fish stock assessments,based on fish landing surveys conducted at fishing ports in the northern South China Sea(SCS),19 Threadfin porgy(Evynnis cardinalis)catch per unit effort(CPUE)datasets were collected for fishing vessels with different gear types and engine powers and incorporated into surplus production models.Considering only the fitting performance,the Schaefer model had the best overall goodness of fit,followed by the Fox,CYP,W-H,and Schnute models.Among fishing vessels with different gears and engine powers,the data were best fitted for single-trawl vessels powered by 301-400-kW engines and for gillnet vessels powered by>200-kW engines.Eight model expressions were superior and selected for subsequent analyses based on their goodness of fit and relative residuals.The Kobe plot analysis results showed an optimistic fish stock status when using the four model expressions,required more caution when using three model expressions and output pessimistic estimations using one model expression.Considering the incomplete information acquired,a compromising decision-making method was used to derive a 2017 northern SCS E.cardinalis total allowed catch(TAC)of 44,691.21 t.The different conclusions drawn from estimations using CPUEs reflect variable exploitation and utilization fish stock statuses among fishing vessels with different gears and engine powers.Hence,the fishing operations were grouped according to their CPUE relationship,and recommendations regarding optimum fishing efforts were assigned to the groups following a fundamental principle:to improve fishery TAC management,fishing efforts should be reduced if the fish stock assessment is pessimistic and maintained if the assessment is optimistic.This study providing a feasible technical method for the TAC management of China’s offshore fisheries.展开更多
The most general duality gates were introduced by Long,Liu and Wang and named allowable generalized quantum gates (AGQGs,for short).By definition,an allowable generalized quantum gate has the form of U=YfkjsckUK,where...The most general duality gates were introduced by Long,Liu and Wang and named allowable generalized quantum gates (AGQGs,for short).By definition,an allowable generalized quantum gate has the form of U=YfkjsckUK,where Uk’s are unitary operators on a Hilbert space H and the coefficients ck’s are complex numbers with |Yfijo ck\ ∧ 1 an d 1ck| 【1 for all k=0,1,...,d-1.In this paper,we prove that an AGQG U=YfkZo ck∧k is realizable,i.e.there are two d by d unitary matrices W and V such that ck=W0kVk0 (0【k【d-1) if and only if YfkJt 1c*|【m that case,the matrices W and V are constructed.展开更多
An allowable generalized quantum gate(introduced by Long,Liu and Wang)has the form of U1 0 d kk k c U -=∑,where Uk's are unitary operators on a Hilbert space H and 1 0 1 d kkc -= |∑|≤and 1 k |c|≤(0≤k≤d-1).I...An allowable generalized quantum gate(introduced by Long,Liu and Wang)has the form of U1 0 d kk k c U -=∑,where Uk's are unitary operators on a Hilbert space H and 1 0 1 d kkc -= |∑|≤and 1 k |c|≤(0≤k≤d-1).In this work we consider a kind of AGQGs,called restricted allowable generalized quantum gates(RAGQGs),satisfying 1 0 0 1 d kk c -= <∑||≤.Some properties of the set RAGQG(H)of all RAGQGs on H are established.Especially,we prove that the extreme points of RAGQG(H)are exactly unitary operators on H and that B(H)=R+RAGQG(H).展开更多
为研究冲击波作用下的人耳动态响应特性,设计并开展基于某单兵火箭类武器发射环境的有/无佩戴护听器装置试验研究。在分析发射冲击波特性的基础上,设计制作人耳测试装置模型,形成耳内冲击波防护试验测试方法。通过在射手位置处布设人耳...为研究冲击波作用下的人耳动态响应特性,设计并开展基于某单兵火箭类武器发射环境的有/无佩戴护听器装置试验研究。在分析发射冲击波特性的基础上,设计制作人耳测试装置模型,形成耳内冲击波防护试验测试方法。通过在射手位置处布设人耳测试装置模型以获取人耳内压力-时间变化曲线,并采用超压传感器测量对比位置处的自由场冲击波压力。利用小波分析法对测到的数据进行分析,对比分析2种发射冲击波安全限值的评价方法。研究结果表明:发射时的高声强冲击波具有不稳定性,超压峰值高,持续时间短,具有多个脉冲;高声强冲击波频带宽,成分复杂,有明显的低频率高声压特性;无护听器装置时耳内压力有所增强;佩戴护听器装置后可大幅度削弱冲击波对人耳的作用,正射手右耳超压峰值削弱95.7%、声压级峰值削弱14.8%;改进后的国家军用标准GJB 2A—1996“常规兵器发射或爆炸时脉冲噪声和冲击波对人员听觉器官损伤的限值”和美军标MIL-STD-1474E“Department of defense design criteria standard noise limits”中AHAAH模型2种方法得到的单日允许射击数范围接近,对佩戴护听器装置后的冲击波测量曲线评估的方法是可行的。研究结果可为单兵火箭类武器发射冲击波测试系统优化及改进提供理论基础和实践指导。展开更多
基金supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) (Grant No.2005CB422304)the Ocean University of China Scientific Research Start-up Funds Project for Introduced Talents
文摘The DFI-1 submarine pipeline was investigated using a dual-frequency side-scan sonar and a swath sounder system. More than a hundred scour pits under the pipeline were found, most of which have caused the span of the pipeline to increase and threatened its safety. The maximum allowable free span length (MAFSL) of the pipeline was determined through the limitations re- garding maximum allowable stress under static or quasi-static loads and the onset of Vortex Induced Vibrations (VIV) under different hydrodynamic actions. The results show that the MAFSL under static conditions is 56m. However, the MAFSLs are 30m and 20m under ordinary weather conditions and hurricane-induced currents for the 100-year return period, respectively, to avoid VIV as cal- culated by using the highest safety class factor. It is suggested that spanning pipelines longer than 20 m should be supported. Addi- tionally, eight successive spans which may also threaten the pipeline were proposed. The most hazardous scour pits are along the pipeline section from KP42 to KP51.
基金State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Co.,Ltd(JF2020001)National Key Technology R&D Program of China(2017YFB0903300)State Grid Corporation of China(521OEF17001C).
文摘In contrast to most existing works on robust unit commitment(UC),this study proposes a novel big-M-based mixed-integer linear programming(MILP)method to solve security-constrained UC problems considering the allowable wind power output interval and its adjustable conservativeness.The wind power accommodation capability is usually limited by spinning reserve requirements and transmission line capacity in power systems with large-scale wind power integration.Therefore,by employing the big-M method and adding auxiliary 0-1 binary variables to describe the allowable wind power output interval,a bilinear programming problem meeting the security constraints of system operation is presented.Furthermore,an adjustable confidence level was introduced into the proposed robust optimization model to decrease the level of conservatism of the robust solutions.This can establish a trade-off between economy and security.To develop an MILP problem that can be solved by commercial solvers such as CPLEX,the big-M method is utilized again to represent the bilinear formulation as a series of linear inequality constraints and approximately address the nonlinear formulation caused by the adjustable conservativeness.Simulation studies on a modified IEEE 26-generator reliability test system connected to wind farms were performed to confirm the effectiveness and advantages of the proposed method.
文摘A graph as the new engineering method for estimate the safety of bulging deformation of coke tower is proposed. Through stresses analysis of circumferential weld of coke tower and comparing the stresses produced by pressure with heat stress of steady state, residual stress, bending stress produced by both itself weight and wind loads, it showed that the stresses produced by pressure on the angle distortion are the main factor of equivalent stress of the combined stress. After comparing four kinds of stress controlling conditions, the relation to stress with depth of angular distortion, grade of curvature of angular distortion and half of region of angular distortion has been inferred. Graph of deformation allowable value of coke tower for different condition by angular distortion and half of region of angular distortion has been plotted. The five steps for its engineering use have been explained. The lighter the grade of curvature is, the larger of bulge allowance, may be, and the bigger of depth of angular distortion may pose too. For the coke tower with a popular structure of Dg 5 400 mmx28 mm, the result by graph is nearly more than the result of two formulas formed by other research, the error is less than 7.0%. But, the graph can be easily applied to different size of angular distortion.
文摘The extending of a cantilever and transverse moving of a drilling floor enable the jack-up to operate in several well positions after the Jack-up has pitched. The cantilever allowable load nephogram is the critical reference which can evaluate the jack-up's drilling ability, design the cantilever structure and instruct a jack-up manager to make the operations safe. The intent of this paper is to explore the interrelationships between the cantilever position, drilling floor and the loads including wind force, the stand set-back weight etc., through analyzing the structure and load characteristics of the x-type cantilever and the simplified mechanics model with the restriction of the maximum moment capacity of the cantilever single side beam. Referring to several typical position designs load values, the cantilever allowable load nephogram is obtained by using the suitable interpolation method. The paper gives a method for cantilever allowable load design, which is proved reliable and effective by the calculation example.
文摘A new method called local accurate search is put forward to calculate the allowable area for air-to-surface missiles based on the conventional methods. Comparing with traditional methods, the local accurate search method can search the area online and reduce the time of search with the required precision. Combining the traditional flight range table with a model calculation method, the new method employs the local search to fred an accurate result, which will meet the fast-calculation requirements for attacking moving targets. In this way, the missiles are adapted for the complex warfare situation.
基金supported by the National Key Basic Research Development Plan(No.2012CB026104)the National Science and Technology Support Project(No.2014BAG05B07)+1 种基金the Natural Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province(No.ZD201218)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.51408163)
文摘Frost heave is an upward swelling of soil during cryogenic conditions in cold regions. It is caused by the accumulation of ice crystals in subgrade soil, which grow upwards when freezing temperatures penetrate into the subgrade. This study establishes the allowable soil subgrade frost heave based on the roughness standard of asphalt pavement in China, and aims to balance the pavement design and frost heave resistance of subgrades in cold regions. We formulated a mechanical model of pavement supported by the boundary conditions of differential frost heave, based on the elastie layered system theory. The differential soil subgrade frost heave was modeled as a sinusoidal function, and the allowable frost heave and the roughness index were modeled as the displacement boundaries for the top and bottom of the pavement structure. Then the allowable frost heave was back-calculated according to the roughness standard. Numerical results show that the allowable frost heave depends on the pavement structure, material properties, the highway grade, and other factors. In order to ensure that the actual soil subgrade frost heave is lower than the allowable frost heave, pavement structures and materials need to be selected and designed carefully. The numerical method proposed here can be applied to establish the frost heave re- sistance of subgrade when the pavement structure and materials are determined.
文摘Pyrophyllite (H2Al2,Si4 O22, ) dust (P-dust) is a mixture of silica (10-40% ), differentproportions of a luminium oxide (Al2O3 ), and various metal compounds. People with occupa-tions known to be associated with exposure to P-dust include miners, other industrial workersand persons engaged in artistic carving. Currently, little is known about pyrophyllite pneumo-coniosis from P-dust. This study was designed to investigate the hazardous effects of P-dustand to suggest a maximum allowable concentration (MAC) of the included four parts: (i) Occupational epidemiology surveys in 781 workersfrom 1 pyrophyllite mine (PM) and four pyrophyllite carving mills (PCM), with a registra-tion rate of 98 %. (ii) In vitro studies: Six groups of rats were expeed to different levels ofP-dust; the cytotoxicity of P-dust on rat alveolar macrophages (AM) was investigated by de-termining the potassium'content of AM and the activity levels of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)in AM culture fluid. (iii) Mineralogical analysis of P-dust: The contents of silica (SiO2 ), alu-minium (Al), ferrum (Fe), niikel (Ni), zinc (Zn) and copper (Cu) in hath PM-dust andPCMdust were determined. (iv ) Determination of P-dust MAC: Using the life-talbemethod, an investigation of the hygiene standard of P-dust was carried out in 625 workers ex-POSed to either PM-dust or PCM-dust, uPon whom routine radiographs were Performed.The results suggest that the risk of developing pneumoconiosis from pyrophyllite dust issignificantly higher for PM workers than for PCM workers. The prevalence rate of PCM-dustpneumoconiosis is significantly higher in men than in women. The content of SiO2 and AlO3in the mixture of P-dust is the most important factor in the etiology of pyrophyllitosis. De-pending on the different P-dust MAC values, we suggest that 2 rng/m3 and 4 mg/m' shouldbe considered as the MAC for PM-dust and PCM-dust, respectively, and 3 mg/m' fOr P-dust. We believe that establishing different hygiene standards is more accurate even thoughworkers are exposured to the 'same' dust
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.41331174)
文摘In the numerical prediction of weather or climate events,the uncertainty of the initial values and/or prediction models can bring the forecast result’s uncertainty.Due to the absence of true states,studies on this problem mainly focus on the three subproblems of predictability,i.e.,the lower bound of the maximum predictable time,the upper bound of the prediction error,and the lower bound of the maximum allowable initial error.Aimed at the problem of the lower bound estimation of the maximum allowable initial error,this study first illustrates the shortcoming of the existing estimation,and then presents a new estimation based on the initial observation precision and proves it theoretically.Furthermore,the new lower bound estimations of both the two-dimensional ikeda model and lorenz96 model are obtained by using the cnop(conditional nonlinear optimal perturbation)method and a pso(particle swarm optimization)algorithm,and the estimated precisions are also analyzed.Besides,the estimations yielded by the existing and new formulas are compared;the results show that the estimations produced by the existing formula are often incorrect.
文摘Based on a variety of case histories of site investigations, including extensive bore hole data, laboratory testing and geophysical prospecting at more than 550 construction sites, an empirical formulation is proposed for the rapid determination of allowable bearing pressure of shallow foundations in soils and rocks. The proposed expression corroborates consistently with the results of the classical theory and is proven to be rapid, and reliable. Plate load tests have been also carried out at three different sites, in order to further confirm the validity of the proposed method. It consists of only two soil parameters, namely, the in situ measured shear wave velocity and the unit weight. The unit weight may be also determined with sufficient accuracy, by means of other empirical expressions proposed, using P or S -- wave velocities. It is indicated that once the shear and P-wave velocities are measured in situ by an appropriate geophysical survey, the allowable bearing pressure as well as the coefficient of subgrade reaction and many other elasticity parameters may be determined rapidly and reliably.
文摘This paper considers the influence of changes of the transmission lines of permissible load current depending on conductor and ambient temperatures, climate conditions. The theoretical background of the allowable conductor temperature as well as load current determination principles are proposed. On one hand, the principles are based on mechanical limitations; on the other hand, they are based on thermal limitations. The simulation tasks were based on specific data information of three existing overhead lines of Latvian power system as well as the planned 330 kV overhead line. Moreover, the special thermovision device was used for precious determination of conductor temperature of the existing transmission lines. The simulation results of the obtained data are reviewed in the paper.
基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41690144)Independent Project of the State Key Laboratory of Frozen Soil Engi neering (SKLFSE-ZQ-45).
文摘Climate change has a substantial impact on infrastructures in the permafrost on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP). In this study, the mean annual ground temperature (MAGT) and permafrost evolution were investigated in both the historical (1950-2005) and projected (2006-2099) periods. Then, an allowable bearing capacity model was used to discuss the allowable bearing capacity change on the QTP. Results show that the MAGT increased by 0.36 ℃ during 1950-2005. The MAGT will increase by 0.40 (RCP2.6), 0.79 (RCP4.5), 1.07 (RCP6.0), and 1.75 (RCP8.5)℃C during 2006-2099. In addition, the permafrost area has decreased by 0.195 × 10^6 km2 in 1950-2005. The permafrost area will decrease by 0.232 × 10^6 (RCP2.6), 0.468 × 10^6 (RCP4.5), 0.564 × 10^6 (RCP6.0), and 0.803 × 10^6 (RCP8.5) km2 during 2006-2099. With the degradation of permafrost, the allowable bearing capacity in permafrost zones would decrease accordingly. The decreasing trend is 6 kPa per 10 years in 1950-2005, and will be 0.6 (RCP2.6), 5 (RCP4.5), 7 (RCP6.0), and 11 (RCP8.5) kPa per 10 years during 2006-2099. The most remarkable trend would be observed under RCP8.5. Meanwhile, some scientific advices for the design, construction, operation and maintenance of permafrost engineering in the context of climate change were provided.
文摘P-wave and S-wave velocities were obtained from seismic refraction survey in the foundation layer of Eket, the study area. The Tezcan’s approach discussed extensively in the work was used in conjunction with the existing mathematical relations between elastic parameters and seismic refraction velocities for the study of foundation layers in the study area. Based on the results, the elastic constants, allowable bearing pressure/capacity, ultimate bearing capacity and other parameters in Table 1 were determined. The result shows that allowable bearing pressure increases with increase in shear modulus and shear wave velocity. The empirical relation between allowable bearing capacity and shear modulus shows that the allowable bearing capacity increases with depth. Comparing our findings with some ranges of safe allowable bearing capacities of similar non cohesive/granular soils in literatures, the second layer with allowable bearing capacity range of 72.56 - 206.63 kN·m-2?(average = 154.78 kN·m-2) has been considered to be the safe shallow engineering foundation in the study area. The empirical relations between allowable bearing capacities shear modulus and shear wave velocity, in conjunction with the inferred maps, which serve as our findings, will be used as guide in the location of foundations. The inferred ultimate and allowable capacities correlate maximally for the two shallow foundations penetrated by the seismic waves. This perfect correlation reflects the uniqueness of the method.
文摘Home-based records (HBRs) are an important tool for recording and communicating within primary healthcare service delivery. Unfortunately, HBRs are currently unable to fulfil their intended purpose in many communities either because the HBR is not functionally well-designed to serve its objectives, not made available, not fully adopted and/or not appropriately utilized by caregivers and/or health workers. This brief report describes the occurrence of nationally reported HBR stock-outs and HBR financing patterns during 2014 and 2015 across 195 countries reporting immunization system performance data to the World Health Organization and United Nations Children’s Fund. National level HBR stock-outs were reported by 19 and 22 countries during 2014 and 2015, respectively, with eleven countries reporting stock-outs during both 2014 and 2015. During 2015, 12 of the 22 countries reporting HBR stock-outs were from the African Region and two-thirds of the countries were Gavi-eligible. Information on HBR stock-outs was either not available or not reported by 66 countries (19 were Gavi-eligible) for 2014 and 53 (11 were Gavi-eligible) countries for 2015. Among the 22 countries reporting HBR stock-outs in 2015, 12 (54%) countries reported a single HBR financing source, and nine (41%) countries reported more than one source for HBR financing. The occurrence of HBR stock-outs remains a concern, particularly in Gavi-eligible countries introducing new vaccines where dedicated funding is received for revising and printing new recording tools, including HBRs. Additional attention is needed to understand the root causes for stock-outs and identify solutions to ensure a well-designed, durable HBR is readily available in the right quantity, in the right place at the right time in all countries.
基金supported by the National Key R&D Program of China(2018YFD0900906)the Guangdong Natural Science Foundation(2016A030313752)+1 种基金the Fund of Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory(Zhanjiang)(ZJW-2019-08)the Scientific Research Foundation for Talent Introduction,Guangdong Ocean University(1212037).
文摘In order to develop a method that apply sampling survey data randomly obtained at fishing ports to fish stock assessments,based on fish landing surveys conducted at fishing ports in the northern South China Sea(SCS),19 Threadfin porgy(Evynnis cardinalis)catch per unit effort(CPUE)datasets were collected for fishing vessels with different gear types and engine powers and incorporated into surplus production models.Considering only the fitting performance,the Schaefer model had the best overall goodness of fit,followed by the Fox,CYP,W-H,and Schnute models.Among fishing vessels with different gears and engine powers,the data were best fitted for single-trawl vessels powered by 301-400-kW engines and for gillnet vessels powered by>200-kW engines.Eight model expressions were superior and selected for subsequent analyses based on their goodness of fit and relative residuals.The Kobe plot analysis results showed an optimistic fish stock status when using the four model expressions,required more caution when using three model expressions and output pessimistic estimations using one model expression.Considering the incomplete information acquired,a compromising decision-making method was used to derive a 2017 northern SCS E.cardinalis total allowed catch(TAC)of 44,691.21 t.The different conclusions drawn from estimations using CPUEs reflect variable exploitation and utilization fish stock statuses among fishing vessels with different gears and engine powers.Hence,the fishing operations were grouped according to their CPUE relationship,and recommendations regarding optimum fishing efforts were assigned to the groups following a fundamental principle:to improve fishery TAC management,fishing efforts should be reduced if the fish stock assessment is pessimistic and maintained if the assessment is optimistic.This study providing a feasible technical method for the TAC management of China’s offshore fisheries.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 10571113 and 10871224)the Natural Science Research Program of Shaanxi Province (Grant No. 2009JM1011)
文摘The most general duality gates were introduced by Long,Liu and Wang and named allowable generalized quantum gates (AGQGs,for short).By definition,an allowable generalized quantum gate has the form of U=YfkjsckUK,where Uk’s are unitary operators on a Hilbert space H and the coefficients ck’s are complex numbers with |Yfijo ck\ ∧ 1 an d 1ck| 【1 for all k=0,1,...,d-1.In this paper,we prove that an AGQG U=YfkZo ck∧k is realizable,i.e.there are two d by d unitary matrices W and V such that ck=W0kVk0 (0【k【d-1) if and only if YfkJt 1c*|【m that case,the matrices W and V are constructed.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(10571113 and 10871224)the Natural Science Research Program of Shaanxi Province (2009JM1011)
文摘An allowable generalized quantum gate(introduced by Long,Liu and Wang)has the form of U1 0 d kk k c U -=∑,where Uk's are unitary operators on a Hilbert space H and 1 0 1 d kkc -= |∑|≤and 1 k |c|≤(0≤k≤d-1).In this work we consider a kind of AGQGs,called restricted allowable generalized quantum gates(RAGQGs),satisfying 1 0 0 1 d kk c -= <∑||≤.Some properties of the set RAGQG(H)of all RAGQGs on H are established.Especially,we prove that the extreme points of RAGQG(H)are exactly unitary operators on H and that B(H)=R+RAGQG(H).
文摘为研究冲击波作用下的人耳动态响应特性,设计并开展基于某单兵火箭类武器发射环境的有/无佩戴护听器装置试验研究。在分析发射冲击波特性的基础上,设计制作人耳测试装置模型,形成耳内冲击波防护试验测试方法。通过在射手位置处布设人耳测试装置模型以获取人耳内压力-时间变化曲线,并采用超压传感器测量对比位置处的自由场冲击波压力。利用小波分析法对测到的数据进行分析,对比分析2种发射冲击波安全限值的评价方法。研究结果表明:发射时的高声强冲击波具有不稳定性,超压峰值高,持续时间短,具有多个脉冲;高声强冲击波频带宽,成分复杂,有明显的低频率高声压特性;无护听器装置时耳内压力有所增强;佩戴护听器装置后可大幅度削弱冲击波对人耳的作用,正射手右耳超压峰值削弱95.7%、声压级峰值削弱14.8%;改进后的国家军用标准GJB 2A—1996“常规兵器发射或爆炸时脉冲噪声和冲击波对人员听觉器官损伤的限值”和美军标MIL-STD-1474E“Department of defense design criteria standard noise limits”中AHAAH模型2种方法得到的单日允许射击数范围接近,对佩戴护听器装置后的冲击波测量曲线评估的方法是可行的。研究结果可为单兵火箭类武器发射冲击波测试系统优化及改进提供理论基础和实践指导。