Disordered ferromagnets with a domain structure that exhibit a hysteresis loop when driven by the external magnetic field are essential materials for modern technological applications.Therefore,the understanding and p...Disordered ferromagnets with a domain structure that exhibit a hysteresis loop when driven by the external magnetic field are essential materials for modern technological applications.Therefore,the understanding and potential for controlling the hysteresis phenomenon in thesematerials,especially concerning the disorder-induced critical behavior on the hysteresis loop,have attracted significant experimental,theoretical,and numerical research efforts.We review the challenges of the numerical modeling of physical phenomena behind the hysteresis loop critical behavior in disordered ferromagnetic systems related to the non-equilibriumstochastic dynamics of domain walls driven by external fields.Specifically,using the extended Random Field Ising Model,we present different simulation approaches and advanced numerical techniques that adequately describe the hysteresis loop shapes and the collective nature of the magnetization fluctuations associated with the criticality of the hysteresis loop for different sample shapes and varied parameters of disorder and rate of change of the external field,as well as the influence of thermal fluctuations and demagnetizing fields.The studied examples demonstrate how these numerical approaches reveal newphysical insights,providing quantitativemeasures of pertinent variables extracted from the systems’simulated or experimentally measured Barkhausen noise signals.The described computational techniques using inherent scale-invariance can be applied to the analysis of various complex systems,both quantum and classical,exhibiting non-equilibrium dynamical critical point or self-organized criticality.展开更多
Samples of two crop seeds (corn and sesame) grown on different contaminated soil sources were collected and prepared for neutron activation analysis. Soil contamination sources were organic waste compost applied to s...Samples of two crop seeds (corn and sesame) grown on different contaminated soil sources were collected and prepared for neutron activation analysis. Soil contamination sources were organic waste compost applied to soil amendments namely, sewage sludge(Bs) and municipal solid waste (MSW) at 4%, 6% and 8% respectively. The non destructive NAA technique was used to determine some trace elements accumulation in plant seeds. Results revealed that increasing rate of tested organic waste resulted in dramatic increase in tested heavy metals levels in seeds(i.e., Fe, Zn, Co, Cr, Sc and Hg). Sesame seeds showed higher affinity to accumulate trace elements than corn grains in most tested elements. Moreover, MSW addition enhanced the accumulation of tested metals in seeds more than Bs compost.展开更多
Excited by ocean currents, random wave and vessel motion, deepwater drilling risers exhibit significant dynamic response. In time domain, a method is proposed to calculate the nonlinear dynmnic response of deepwater d...Excited by ocean currents, random wave and vessel motion, deepwater drilling risers exhibit significant dynamic response. In time domain, a method is proposed to calculate the nonlinear dynmnic response of deepwater drilling risers subjected to random wave and dynamic large displacement vessel motion boundary condition. Structural and functional loads, external and intemal pressure, free surfaee effect of irregular wave, hydrodynamic forees induced by current and wave, as well as wave and low frequency (drift) motion of the drilling vessel are all accounted for. An example is presented which illustrates the application of the proposed method. The study shows that long term drift motion of the vessel has profound effect on the envelopes of bending stress and lateral displacement, as well as the range of lower flex joint angle of the deepwater riser. It can also be concluded that vessel motion is the principal dynamic loading of nonlinear dynamic response for the deepwater risers rather than wave force.展开更多
As COVID-19 poses a major threat to people’s health and economy,there is an urgent need for forecasting methodologies that can anticipate its trajectory efficiently.In non-stationary time series forecasting jobs,ther...As COVID-19 poses a major threat to people’s health and economy,there is an urgent need for forecasting methodologies that can anticipate its trajectory efficiently.In non-stationary time series forecasting jobs,there is frequently a hysteresis in the anticipated values relative to the real values.The multilayer deep-time convolutional network and a feature fusion network are combined in this paper’s proposal of an enhanced Multilayer Deep Time Convolutional Neural Network(MDTCNet)for COVID-19 prediction to address this problem.In particular,it is possible to record the deep features and temporal dependencies in uncertain time series,and the features may then be combined using a feature fusion network and a multilayer perceptron.Last but not least,the experimental verification is conducted on the prediction task of COVID-19 real daily confirmed cases in the world and the United States with uncertainty,realizing the short-term and long-term prediction of COVID-19 daily confirmed cases,and verifying the effectiveness and accuracy of the suggested prediction method,as well as reducing the hysteresis of the prediction results.展开更多
Chang'e-3 (CE-3) landed on the Mare Imbrium basin in the east part of Sinus Iridum (19.51°W, 44.12°N), which was China's first soft landing on the Moon and it started collecting data on the lunar surfa...Chang'e-3 (CE-3) landed on the Mare Imbrium basin in the east part of Sinus Iridum (19.51°W, 44.12°N), which was China's first soft landing on the Moon and it started collecting data on the lunar surface environment. To better understand the environment of this region, this paper utilizes the available high-resolution topography data, image data and geological data to carry out a detailed analysis and research on the area surrounding the landing site (Sinus Iridum and 45 km×70 km of the landing area) as well as on the topography, landform, geology and lunar dust of the area surrounding the landing site. A general topographic analysis of the surrounding area is based on a digital elevation model and digital elevation model data acquired by Chang'e-2 that have high resolution; the geology analysis is based on lunar geological data published by USGS; the study on topographic factors and distribution of craters and rocks in the surrounding area covering 4km^4km or even smaller is based on images from the CE-3 landing camera and images from the topographic camera; an analysis is done of the effect of the CE-3 engine plume on the lunar surface by comparing images before and after the landing using data from the landing camera. A comprehensive analysis of the results shows that the landing site and its surrounding area are identified as typical lunar mare with flat topography. They are suitable for maneuvers by the rover, and are rich in geological phenomena and scientific targets, making it an ideal site for exploration.展开更多
A new collapse model of the trapdoors,three-dimensional rectangular trapdoor(3DRT),is presented for ground surface collapse.Undrained stability of 3DRT is examined with the upper bound method of plasticity limit analy...A new collapse model of the trapdoors,three-dimensional rectangular trapdoor(3DRT),is presented for ground surface collapse.Undrained stability of 3DRT is examined with the upper bound method of plasticity limit analysis theory.The soil where the trapdoors are located is assumed to be a perfectly plastic model with a Tresca yield criterion.Block analysis technique is employed to investigate the collapse of 3DRT.The model is divided into five different block types and added up to ten rigid blocks.According to the law of conservation of energy,the critical stability ratios of 3DRT are obtained through a search proceeding.The results of upper bound solution for 3DRT are given,and three trapdoor models with depth various are discussed during the application in the stability analysis of square trapdoors.The critical stability ratios can be used in the design of underground excavation and support force.展开更多
Based on years of input from the four geodetic techniques (SLR, GPS, VLBI and DORIS), the strategies of the combination were studied in SHAO to generate a new global terrestrial reference frame as the material reali...Based on years of input from the four geodetic techniques (SLR, GPS, VLBI and DORIS), the strategies of the combination were studied in SHAO to generate a new global terrestrial reference frame as the material realization of the ITRS defined in IERS Conventions. The main input includes the time series of weekly solutions (or fortnightly for SLR 1983-1993) of observational data for satellite techniques and session-wise normal equations for VLBI. The set of estimated unknowns includes 3- dimensional Cartesian coordinates at the reference epoch 2005.0 of the stations distributed globally and their rates as well as the time series of consistent Earth Orientation Parameters (EOPs) at the same epochs as the input. Besides the final solution, namely SOL-2, generated by using all the inputs before 2015.0 obtained from short-term observation processing, another reference solution, namely SOL- 1, was also computed by using the input before 2009.0 based on the same combination of procedures for the purpose of comparison with ITRF2008 and DTRF2008 and for evaluating the effect of the latest six more years of data on the combined results. The estimated accuracy of the x-component and y-component of the SOL- 1 TRF-origin was better than 0.1 mm at epoch 2005.0 and better than 0.3 mm yr- 1 in time evolution, either compared with ITRF2008 or DTRF2008. However, the z-component of the translation parameters from SOL-1 to ITRF2008 and DTRF2008 were 3.4 mm and -1.0 ram, respectively. It seems that the z-component of the SOL-1 TRF-origin was much closer to the one in DTRF2008 than the one in ITRF2008. The translation parameters from SOL-2 to ITRF2014 were 2.2, -1.8 and 0.9 mm in the x-, y- and z-components respectively with rates smaller than 0.4 mmyr-1. Similarly, the scale factor transformed from SOL-1 to DTRF2008 was much smaller than that to ITRF2008. The scale parameter from SOL-2 to ITRF2014 was -0.31 ppb with a rate lower than 0.01 ppb yr-1. The external precision (WRMS) compared with IERS EOP 08 C04 of the combined EOP series was smaller than 0.06 mas for the polar motions, smaller than 0.01 ms for the UT1-UTC and smaller than 0.02 ms for the LODs. The precision of the EOPs in SOL-2 was slightly higher than that of SOL-1.展开更多
The scientific satellite SST (Space Solar Telescope) is an important research project strongly supported by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Every day, SST acquires 50 GB of data (after processing) but only 10GB can b...The scientific satellite SST (Space Solar Telescope) is an important research project strongly supported by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Every day, SST acquires 50 GB of data (after processing) but only 10GB can be transmitted to the ground because of limited time of satellite passage and limited channel volume. Therefore, the data must be compressed before transmission. Wavelets analysis is a new technique developed over the last 10 years, with great potential of application. We start with a brief introduction to the essential principles of wavelet analysis, and then describe the main idea of embedded zerotree wavelet coding, used for compressing the SST images. The results show that this coding is adequate for the job.展开更多
This paper presents a procedure of sing le gear tooth analysis for early detection and diagnosis of gear faults. The objec tive of this procedure is to develop a method for more sensitive detection of th e incipient ...This paper presents a procedure of sing le gear tooth analysis for early detection and diagnosis of gear faults. The objec tive of this procedure is to develop a method for more sensitive detection of th e incipient faults and locating the faults in the gear. The main idea of the sin gle gear tooth analysis is that the vibration signals collected with a high samp ling rate are divided into a number of segments with the same time interval. The number of signal segments is equal to that of the gear teeth. The analysis of i ndividual segments reveals more sensitively the changes of the vibration signals in both time and frequency domain caused by gear faults. In addition, the locat ion of a failed tooth can be indicated in terms of the position of the segment t hat deviates from the normal segments. An experimental investigation verified th e advantages of the single gear tooth analysis.展开更多
Baosteel developed a digital automatic analysis technique for maceral specification in 2002. This analysis system combines digital image processing, graphics, databases, expert systems, artificial intelligence and oth...Baosteel developed a digital automatic analysis technique for maceral specification in 2002. This analysis system combines digital image processing, graphics, databases, expert systems, artificial intelligence and other advanced technologies. After 6 years of application in coke production, the system proved itself successful in coal quality testing and coal blending guidance on maceral. However,during this long process, some inadequacies were found that impacted the precision and accuracy of the analysis. So ,in 2008 Baosteel began to work on improving the coal maceral analysis system. The improvements included the following:further upgrading and enhancing the analysis performance of microscopic images ;extending the gray levels to increase the reflectance measurement accuracy 64 times;changing the focus method and effectively eliminating the interference of halo. In addition, an improved image recognition method was adopted to make the extraction of vitrinite more accurate and a new model of coal constituent algorithm was added which can accurately determine the composition of maceral (exinite, vitrinite,inertinite). Since these improvements were completed, the system has achieved higher automation, speed and accuracy, collected more information and performed more accurate maceral analysis for coke production. Meanwhile, the improved system has provided a reliable analytical basis for the further study on the relationship between coke quality and coal blending.展开更多
Due to the low spatial resolution of images taken from the Chang'e-1 (CE-I) orbiter, the details of the lunar surface are blurred and lost. Considering the limited spatial resolution of image data obtained by a CCD...Due to the low spatial resolution of images taken from the Chang'e-1 (CE-I) orbiter, the details of the lunar surface are blurred and lost. Considering the limited spatial resolution of image data obtained by a CCD camera on CE-1, an example-based super-resolution (SR) algorithm is employed to obtain high- resolution (HR) images. SR reconstruction is important for the application of image data to increase the resolution of images. In this article, a novel example-based algorithm is proposed to implement SR reconstruction by single-image analysis, and the computational cost is reduced compared to other example-based SR methods. The results show that this method can enhance the resolution of images using SR and recover detailed information about the lunar surface. Thus it can be used for surveying HR terrain and geological features. Moreover, the algorithm is significant for the HR processing of remotely sensed images obtained by other imaging systems.展开更多
The surface plasmon resonance(SPR)biosensor technology is a novel optical analysis method for studying intermolecular interactions.Owing to in-depth research on traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)in recent years,compreh...The surface plasmon resonance(SPR)biosensor technology is a novel optical analysis method for studying intermolecular interactions.Owing to in-depth research on traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)in recent years,comprehensive and specific identification of components and target interactions has become key yet difficult tasks.SPR has gradually been used to analyze the active components of TCM owing to its high sensitivity,strong exclusivity,large flux,and real-time monitoring capabilities.This review sought to briefly introduce the active components of TCM and the principle of SPR,and provide historical and new insights into the application of SPR in the analysis of the active components of TCM.展开更多
Nonlinear solution of reinforced concrete structures, particularly complete load-deflection response, requires tracing of the equilibrium path and proper treatment of the limit and bifurcation points. In this regard, ...Nonlinear solution of reinforced concrete structures, particularly complete load-deflection response, requires tracing of the equilibrium path and proper treatment of the limit and bifurcation points. In this regard, ordinary solution techniques lead to instability near the limit points and also have problems in case of snap-through and snap-back. Thus they fail to predict the complete load-displacement response. The arc-length method serves the purpose well in principle, received wide acceptance in finite element analysis, and has been used extensively. However modifications to the basic idea are vital to meet the particular needs of the analysis. This paper reviews some of the recent developments of the method in the last two decades, with particular emphasis on nonlinear finite element analysis of reinforced concrete structures.展开更多
Absolute light utilization efficiency across leaf section of Euonymus japonicus T. was calculated based on the measurements of photoacoustic technique (PA technique) and microscopic fiber optic probe. This new method ...Absolute light utilization efficiency across leaf section of Euonymus japonicus T. was calculated based on the measurements of photoacoustic technique (PA technique) and microscopic fiber optic probe. This new method was based on the principal of depth analysis by PA technique and the differential analysis of light gradients across leaf section by micro-optical probe technique. The depth analysis was shown by a sample of PA scan light absorption spectra. Results showed that the tissue layers between palisade tissue and spongy tissue used the smallest proportion of incident light energy for photochemical reactions (about 0.026% incident light energy of 660 nm light), while in tissue layer more close to the adaxial surface of leaf or the abaxial surface of leaf, the efficiency of utilization of light energy tended to be improved, e. g. 0.092% for tissue layers close to adaxial surface; 0.036% for tissue layers close to abaxial surface. The results that different leaf tissue layers utilized different proportion of incident light energy for photochemical reaction directly prove the hypothesis put forward by Han and Vogelmann.展开更多
Unmanned vehicles are currently facing many difficulties and challenges in improving safety performance when running in complex urban road traffic environments,such as low intelligence and poor comfort perfor-mance in...Unmanned vehicles are currently facing many difficulties and challenges in improving safety performance when running in complex urban road traffic environments,such as low intelligence and poor comfort perfor-mance in the driving process.The real-time performance of vehicles and the comfort requirements of passengers in path planning and tracking control of unmanned vehicles have attracted more and more attentions.In this paper,in order to improve the real-time performance of the autonomous vehicle planning module and the comfort requirements of passengers that a local granular-based path planning method and tracking control based on multi-segment Bezier curve splicing and model predictive control theory are pro-posed.Especially,the maximum trajectory curvature satisfying ride comfort is regarded as an important constraint condition,and the corresponding curvature threshold is utilized to calculate the control points of Bezier curve.By using low-order interpolation curve splicing,the planning computation is reduced,and the real-time performance of planning is improved,com-pared with one-segment curve fitting method.Furthermore,the comfort performance of the planned path is reflected intuitively by the curvature information of the path.Finally,the effectiveness of the proposed control method is verified by the co-simulation platform built by MATLAB/Simulink and Carsim.The simulation results show that the path tracking effect of multi-segment Bezier curve fitting is better than that of high-order curve planning in terms of real-time performance and comfort.展开更多
<div style="text-align:justify;"> Fruits including berries are one of the most important sources of our daily nutrition due to their major aspect from point of view of consumers. The fruit quality incl...<div style="text-align:justify;"> Fruits including berries are one of the most important sources of our daily nutrition due to their major aspect from point of view of consumers. The fruit quality includes the internal and external properties. The internal quality mainly is determined by aroma, flavor, taste, texture, nutritional quality (soluble sugar content, starch, organic acids, soluble solids content, and carotenoids, total flavonoids, total phenolic, antioxidant activity), flesh firmness, diseases, and chemical residues, while the external quality mainly concerns the appearance, size and colour and bruises. How to measure berry fruit quality has always been one of the most attractive research hotspots in the food industry. For the present, most of the available investigative methods are still destructive, labor and time-consuming;besides, several methods require sample preparation, costly instruments and chemicals, which cannot be used for large-scale sample evaluation. With the increasing demands of real-time detection of fruit quality, non-destructive fruit evaluation methods have been greatly developed. However, problems like low detection accuracy and poor model adaptability remain in the non-destructive detection system. Thus, it is necessary to develop non-destructive, high-efficient, simple, accurate and low-labor-cost techniques for fruit quality determination. In this paper, a comparison of different and advanced analytical methods for assessing the fruit quality characteristics of berries was discussed. </div>展开更多
In this paper, an objective technique for estimating the tropical cyclone (TC) precipitation from station observations is proposed. Based on a comparison between the Original Objective Method (OOM) and the Expert ...In this paper, an objective technique for estimating the tropical cyclone (TC) precipitation from station observations is proposed. Based on a comparison between the Original Objective Method (OOM) and the Expert Subjective Method (ESM), the Objective Synoptic Analysis Technique (OSAT) for partitioning TC precipitation was developed by analyzing the western North Pacific (WNP) TC historical track and the daily precipitation datasets. Being an objective way of the ESM, OSAT overcomes the main problems in OOM, by changing two fixed parameters in OOM, the thresholds for the distance of the absolute TC precipitation (D0) and the TC size (D1), into variable parameters.Case verification for OSAT was also carried out by applying CMORPH (Climate Prediction Center MORPHing technique) daily precipitation measurements, which is NOAA's combined satellite precipitation measurement system. This indicates that OSAT is capable of distinguishing simultaneous TC precipitation rain-belts from those associated with different TCs or with middle-latitude weather systems.展开更多
Ototoxic drug-induced apoptosis of inner ear cells has been shown to be associated with calpain expression. Cisplatin has severe ototoxicity, and can induce cochlear cell apoptosis. This study assumed that cisplatin a...Ototoxic drug-induced apoptosis of inner ear cells has been shown to be associated with calpain expression. Cisplatin has severe ototoxicity, and can induce cochlear cell apoptosis. This study assumed that cisplatin activated calpain expression in apoptotic cochlear cells. A mouse model of cisplatin-induced ototoxicity was established by intraperitoneal injection with cisplatin (2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5 mg/kg). Immunofluorescence staining, image analysis and western blotting were used to detect the expression of calpain 1 and calpain 2 in the mouse cochlea. At the same time, the auditory brainstem response was measured to observe the change in hearing. Results revealed that after intraperitoneal injection with cisplatin for 5 days, the auditory brainstem response threshold shifts increased in mice. Calpain 1 and calpain 2 expression significantly increased in outer hair cells, the spiral ganglion and stria vascularis. Calpain 2 protein expression markedly increased with an increased dose of cisplatin. Results suggested that calpain 1 and calpain 2 mediated cisplatin-induced ototoxicity in BALB/c mice. During this process, calpain 2 plays a leading role.展开更多
With the development of large-scale spectral surveys, fiber positioning technology has been developing rapidly. Because of the performance advantages of a four-quadrant(4Q) detector, a fiber positioning and real-tim...With the development of large-scale spectral surveys, fiber positioning technology has been developing rapidly. Because of the performance advantages of a four-quadrant(4Q) detector, a fiber positioning and real-time monitoring system based on the 4Q detector is proposed. The detection accuracy of this system is directly determined by the precision of the center of the spot. A Gaussian fitting algorithm based on the 4Q detector is studied and applied in the fiber positioning process to improve the calculated accuracy of the spot center. The relationship between the center position of the incident spot and the detector output signal is deduced. An experimental platform is built to complete the simulated experiment. Then we use the Gaussian fitting method to process experimental data, compare the fitting value with the theoretical one and calculate the corresponding error.展开更多
基金Djordje Spasojevic and Svetislav Mijatovic acknowledge the support from the Ministry of Science,TechnologicalDevelopment and Innovation of the Republic of Serbia(Agreement No.451-03-65/2024-03/200162)S.J.ibid.(Agreement No.451-03-65/2024-03/200122)Bosiljka Tadic from the Slovenian Research Agency(program P1-0044).
文摘Disordered ferromagnets with a domain structure that exhibit a hysteresis loop when driven by the external magnetic field are essential materials for modern technological applications.Therefore,the understanding and potential for controlling the hysteresis phenomenon in thesematerials,especially concerning the disorder-induced critical behavior on the hysteresis loop,have attracted significant experimental,theoretical,and numerical research efforts.We review the challenges of the numerical modeling of physical phenomena behind the hysteresis loop critical behavior in disordered ferromagnetic systems related to the non-equilibriumstochastic dynamics of domain walls driven by external fields.Specifically,using the extended Random Field Ising Model,we present different simulation approaches and advanced numerical techniques that adequately describe the hysteresis loop shapes and the collective nature of the magnetization fluctuations associated with the criticality of the hysteresis loop for different sample shapes and varied parameters of disorder and rate of change of the external field,as well as the influence of thermal fluctuations and demagnetizing fields.The studied examples demonstrate how these numerical approaches reveal newphysical insights,providing quantitativemeasures of pertinent variables extracted from the systems’simulated or experimentally measured Barkhausen noise signals.The described computational techniques using inherent scale-invariance can be applied to the analysis of various complex systems,both quantum and classical,exhibiting non-equilibrium dynamical critical point or self-organized criticality.
文摘Samples of two crop seeds (corn and sesame) grown on different contaminated soil sources were collected and prepared for neutron activation analysis. Soil contamination sources were organic waste compost applied to soil amendments namely, sewage sludge(Bs) and municipal solid waste (MSW) at 4%, 6% and 8% respectively. The non destructive NAA technique was used to determine some trace elements accumulation in plant seeds. Results revealed that increasing rate of tested organic waste resulted in dramatic increase in tested heavy metals levels in seeds(i.e., Fe, Zn, Co, Cr, Sc and Hg). Sesame seeds showed higher affinity to accumulate trace elements than corn grains in most tested elements. Moreover, MSW addition enhanced the accumulation of tested metals in seeds more than Bs compost.
基金supported by the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China(863 Program,Grant No.2006AA09A106-4)
文摘Excited by ocean currents, random wave and vessel motion, deepwater drilling risers exhibit significant dynamic response. In time domain, a method is proposed to calculate the nonlinear dynmnic response of deepwater drilling risers subjected to random wave and dynamic large displacement vessel motion boundary condition. Structural and functional loads, external and intemal pressure, free surfaee effect of irregular wave, hydrodynamic forees induced by current and wave, as well as wave and low frequency (drift) motion of the drilling vessel are all accounted for. An example is presented which illustrates the application of the proposed method. The study shows that long term drift motion of the vessel has profound effect on the envelopes of bending stress and lateral displacement, as well as the range of lower flex joint angle of the deepwater riser. It can also be concluded that vessel motion is the principal dynamic loading of nonlinear dynamic response for the deepwater risers rather than wave force.
基金supported by the major scientific and technological research project of Chongqing Education Commission(KJZD-M202000802)The first batch of Industrial and Informatization Key Special Fund Support Projects in Chongqing in 2022(2022000537).
文摘As COVID-19 poses a major threat to people’s health and economy,there is an urgent need for forecasting methodologies that can anticipate its trajectory efficiently.In non-stationary time series forecasting jobs,there is frequently a hysteresis in the anticipated values relative to the real values.The multilayer deep-time convolutional network and a feature fusion network are combined in this paper’s proposal of an enhanced Multilayer Deep Time Convolutional Neural Network(MDTCNet)for COVID-19 prediction to address this problem.In particular,it is possible to record the deep features and temporal dependencies in uncertain time series,and the features may then be combined using a feature fusion network and a multilayer perceptron.Last but not least,the experimental verification is conducted on the prediction task of COVID-19 real daily confirmed cases in the world and the United States with uncertainty,realizing the short-term and long-term prediction of COVID-19 daily confirmed cases,and verifying the effectiveness and accuracy of the suggested prediction method,as well as reducing the hysteresis of the prediction results.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
文摘Chang'e-3 (CE-3) landed on the Mare Imbrium basin in the east part of Sinus Iridum (19.51°W, 44.12°N), which was China's first soft landing on the Moon and it started collecting data on the lunar surface environment. To better understand the environment of this region, this paper utilizes the available high-resolution topography data, image data and geological data to carry out a detailed analysis and research on the area surrounding the landing site (Sinus Iridum and 45 km×70 km of the landing area) as well as on the topography, landform, geology and lunar dust of the area surrounding the landing site. A general topographic analysis of the surrounding area is based on a digital elevation model and digital elevation model data acquired by Chang'e-2 that have high resolution; the geology analysis is based on lunar geological data published by USGS; the study on topographic factors and distribution of craters and rocks in the surrounding area covering 4km^4km or even smaller is based on images from the CE-3 landing camera and images from the topographic camera; an analysis is done of the effect of the CE-3 engine plume on the lunar surface by comparing images before and after the landing using data from the landing camera. A comprehensive analysis of the results shows that the landing site and its surrounding area are identified as typical lunar mare with flat topography. They are suitable for maneuvers by the rover, and are rich in geological phenomena and scientific targets, making it an ideal site for exploration.
基金the Fundamental Research Funds for the Provincial Universities,China(No.702/000007020303)。
文摘A new collapse model of the trapdoors,three-dimensional rectangular trapdoor(3DRT),is presented for ground surface collapse.Undrained stability of 3DRT is examined with the upper bound method of plasticity limit analysis theory.The soil where the trapdoors are located is assumed to be a perfectly plastic model with a Tresca yield criterion.Block analysis technique is employed to investigate the collapse of 3DRT.The model is divided into five different block types and added up to ten rigid blocks.According to the law of conservation of energy,the critical stability ratios of 3DRT are obtained through a search proceeding.The results of upper bound solution for 3DRT are given,and three trapdoor models with depth various are discussed during the application in the stability analysis of square trapdoors.The critical stability ratios can be used in the design of underground excavation and support force.
基金supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China(2015FY310200)the National Key Research and Development Program of China(2016YFB0501405)+1 种基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China(11173048 and 11403076)the State Key Laboratory of Aerospace Dynamics and the Crustal Movement Observation Network of China(CMONOC)
文摘Based on years of input from the four geodetic techniques (SLR, GPS, VLBI and DORIS), the strategies of the combination were studied in SHAO to generate a new global terrestrial reference frame as the material realization of the ITRS defined in IERS Conventions. The main input includes the time series of weekly solutions (or fortnightly for SLR 1983-1993) of observational data for satellite techniques and session-wise normal equations for VLBI. The set of estimated unknowns includes 3- dimensional Cartesian coordinates at the reference epoch 2005.0 of the stations distributed globally and their rates as well as the time series of consistent Earth Orientation Parameters (EOPs) at the same epochs as the input. Besides the final solution, namely SOL-2, generated by using all the inputs before 2015.0 obtained from short-term observation processing, another reference solution, namely SOL- 1, was also computed by using the input before 2009.0 based on the same combination of procedures for the purpose of comparison with ITRF2008 and DTRF2008 and for evaluating the effect of the latest six more years of data on the combined results. The estimated accuracy of the x-component and y-component of the SOL- 1 TRF-origin was better than 0.1 mm at epoch 2005.0 and better than 0.3 mm yr- 1 in time evolution, either compared with ITRF2008 or DTRF2008. However, the z-component of the translation parameters from SOL-1 to ITRF2008 and DTRF2008 were 3.4 mm and -1.0 ram, respectively. It seems that the z-component of the SOL-1 TRF-origin was much closer to the one in DTRF2008 than the one in ITRF2008. The translation parameters from SOL-2 to ITRF2014 were 2.2, -1.8 and 0.9 mm in the x-, y- and z-components respectively with rates smaller than 0.4 mmyr-1. Similarly, the scale factor transformed from SOL-1 to DTRF2008 was much smaller than that to ITRF2008. The scale parameter from SOL-2 to ITRF2014 was -0.31 ppb with a rate lower than 0.01 ppb yr-1. The external precision (WRMS) compared with IERS EOP 08 C04 of the combined EOP series was smaller than 0.06 mas for the polar motions, smaller than 0.01 ms for the UT1-UTC and smaller than 0.02 ms for the LODs. The precision of the EOPs in SOL-2 was slightly higher than that of SOL-1.
基金supported by the National 863 Foundation under grant 863-
文摘The scientific satellite SST (Space Solar Telescope) is an important research project strongly supported by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Every day, SST acquires 50 GB of data (after processing) but only 10GB can be transmitted to the ground because of limited time of satellite passage and limited channel volume. Therefore, the data must be compressed before transmission. Wavelets analysis is a new technique developed over the last 10 years, with great potential of application. We start with a brief introduction to the essential principles of wavelet analysis, and then describe the main idea of embedded zerotree wavelet coding, used for compressing the SST images. The results show that this coding is adequate for the job.
文摘This paper presents a procedure of sing le gear tooth analysis for early detection and diagnosis of gear faults. The objec tive of this procedure is to develop a method for more sensitive detection of th e incipient faults and locating the faults in the gear. The main idea of the sin gle gear tooth analysis is that the vibration signals collected with a high samp ling rate are divided into a number of segments with the same time interval. The number of signal segments is equal to that of the gear teeth. The analysis of i ndividual segments reveals more sensitively the changes of the vibration signals in both time and frequency domain caused by gear faults. In addition, the locat ion of a failed tooth can be indicated in terms of the position of the segment t hat deviates from the normal segments. An experimental investigation verified th e advantages of the single gear tooth analysis.
文摘Baosteel developed a digital automatic analysis technique for maceral specification in 2002. This analysis system combines digital image processing, graphics, databases, expert systems, artificial intelligence and other advanced technologies. After 6 years of application in coke production, the system proved itself successful in coal quality testing and coal blending guidance on maceral. However,during this long process, some inadequacies were found that impacted the precision and accuracy of the analysis. So ,in 2008 Baosteel began to work on improving the coal maceral analysis system. The improvements included the following:further upgrading and enhancing the analysis performance of microscopic images ;extending the gray levels to increase the reflectance measurement accuracy 64 times;changing the focus method and effectively eliminating the interference of halo. In addition, an improved image recognition method was adopted to make the extraction of vitrinite more accurate and a new model of coal constituent algorithm was added which can accurately determine the composition of maceral (exinite, vitrinite,inertinite). Since these improvements were completed, the system has achieved higher automation, speed and accuracy, collected more information and performed more accurate maceral analysis for coke production. Meanwhile, the improved system has provided a reliable analytical basis for the further study on the relationship between coke quality and coal blending.
基金funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51575388)
文摘Due to the low spatial resolution of images taken from the Chang'e-1 (CE-I) orbiter, the details of the lunar surface are blurred and lost. Considering the limited spatial resolution of image data obtained by a CCD camera on CE-1, an example-based super-resolution (SR) algorithm is employed to obtain high- resolution (HR) images. SR reconstruction is important for the application of image data to increase the resolution of images. In this article, a novel example-based algorithm is proposed to implement SR reconstruction by single-image analysis, and the computational cost is reduced compared to other example-based SR methods. The results show that this method can enhance the resolution of images using SR and recover detailed information about the lunar surface. Thus it can be used for surveying HR terrain and geological features. Moreover, the algorithm is significant for the HR processing of remotely sensed images obtained by other imaging systems.
基金This work was supported by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.:82072142)the National Key R&D Program of China(Grant No.:2020YFC2005502)the Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality(Grant No.:19401900500).
文摘The surface plasmon resonance(SPR)biosensor technology is a novel optical analysis method for studying intermolecular interactions.Owing to in-depth research on traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)in recent years,comprehensive and specific identification of components and target interactions has become key yet difficult tasks.SPR has gradually been used to analyze the active components of TCM owing to its high sensitivity,strong exclusivity,large flux,and real-time monitoring capabilities.This review sought to briefly introduce the active components of TCM and the principle of SPR,and provide historical and new insights into the application of SPR in the analysis of the active components of TCM.
文摘Nonlinear solution of reinforced concrete structures, particularly complete load-deflection response, requires tracing of the equilibrium path and proper treatment of the limit and bifurcation points. In this regard, ordinary solution techniques lead to instability near the limit points and also have problems in case of snap-through and snap-back. Thus they fail to predict the complete load-displacement response. The arc-length method serves the purpose well in principle, received wide acceptance in finite element analysis, and has been used extensively. However modifications to the basic idea are vital to meet the particular needs of the analysis. This paper reviews some of the recent developments of the method in the last two decades, with particular emphasis on nonlinear finite element analysis of reinforced concrete structures.
文摘Absolute light utilization efficiency across leaf section of Euonymus japonicus T. was calculated based on the measurements of photoacoustic technique (PA technique) and microscopic fiber optic probe. This new method was based on the principal of depth analysis by PA technique and the differential analysis of light gradients across leaf section by micro-optical probe technique. The depth analysis was shown by a sample of PA scan light absorption spectra. Results showed that the tissue layers between palisade tissue and spongy tissue used the smallest proportion of incident light energy for photochemical reactions (about 0.026% incident light energy of 660 nm light), while in tissue layer more close to the adaxial surface of leaf or the abaxial surface of leaf, the efficiency of utilization of light energy tended to be improved, e. g. 0.092% for tissue layers close to adaxial surface; 0.036% for tissue layers close to abaxial surface. The results that different leaf tissue layers utilized different proportion of incident light energy for photochemical reaction directly prove the hypothesis put forward by Han and Vogelmann.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(62003062)Chongqing Natural Science Foundation Project(Grant No.cstc2020jcyj-msxmX0803,cstc2020jcyj-msxmX0077)+1 种基金Chongqing Municipal Education Commission Scientific Research Project(Grant No.KJQN202100824)Chongqing Technology and Business University Postgraduate Innovative Scientific Research Project(Grant No.yjscxx2021-122-44).
文摘Unmanned vehicles are currently facing many difficulties and challenges in improving safety performance when running in complex urban road traffic environments,such as low intelligence and poor comfort perfor-mance in the driving process.The real-time performance of vehicles and the comfort requirements of passengers in path planning and tracking control of unmanned vehicles have attracted more and more attentions.In this paper,in order to improve the real-time performance of the autonomous vehicle planning module and the comfort requirements of passengers that a local granular-based path planning method and tracking control based on multi-segment Bezier curve splicing and model predictive control theory are pro-posed.Especially,the maximum trajectory curvature satisfying ride comfort is regarded as an important constraint condition,and the corresponding curvature threshold is utilized to calculate the control points of Bezier curve.By using low-order interpolation curve splicing,the planning computation is reduced,and the real-time performance of planning is improved,com-pared with one-segment curve fitting method.Furthermore,the comfort performance of the planned path is reflected intuitively by the curvature information of the path.Finally,the effectiveness of the proposed control method is verified by the co-simulation platform built by MATLAB/Simulink and Carsim.The simulation results show that the path tracking effect of multi-segment Bezier curve fitting is better than that of high-order curve planning in terms of real-time performance and comfort.
文摘<div style="text-align:justify;"> Fruits including berries are one of the most important sources of our daily nutrition due to their major aspect from point of view of consumers. The fruit quality includes the internal and external properties. The internal quality mainly is determined by aroma, flavor, taste, texture, nutritional quality (soluble sugar content, starch, organic acids, soluble solids content, and carotenoids, total flavonoids, total phenolic, antioxidant activity), flesh firmness, diseases, and chemical residues, while the external quality mainly concerns the appearance, size and colour and bruises. How to measure berry fruit quality has always been one of the most attractive research hotspots in the food industry. For the present, most of the available investigative methods are still destructive, labor and time-consuming;besides, several methods require sample preparation, costly instruments and chemicals, which cannot be used for large-scale sample evaluation. With the increasing demands of real-time detection of fruit quality, non-destructive fruit evaluation methods have been greatly developed. However, problems like low detection accuracy and poor model adaptability remain in the non-destructive detection system. Thus, it is necessary to develop non-destructive, high-efficient, simple, accurate and low-labor-cost techniques for fruit quality determination. In this paper, a comparison of different and advanced analytical methods for assessing the fruit quality characteristics of berries was discussed. </div>
文摘In this paper, an objective technique for estimating the tropical cyclone (TC) precipitation from station observations is proposed. Based on a comparison between the Original Objective Method (OOM) and the Expert Subjective Method (ESM), the Objective Synoptic Analysis Technique (OSAT) for partitioning TC precipitation was developed by analyzing the western North Pacific (WNP) TC historical track and the daily precipitation datasets. Being an objective way of the ESM, OSAT overcomes the main problems in OOM, by changing two fixed parameters in OOM, the thresholds for the distance of the absolute TC precipitation (D0) and the TC size (D1), into variable parameters.Case verification for OSAT was also carried out by applying CMORPH (Climate Prediction Center MORPHing technique) daily precipitation measurements, which is NOAA's combined satellite precipitation measurement system. This indicates that OSAT is capable of distinguishing simultaneous TC precipitation rain-belts from those associated with different TCs or with middle-latitude weather systems.
基金funded by the Scientific Technology Project of Technology Department of Liaoning Province,No.2011225015
文摘Ototoxic drug-induced apoptosis of inner ear cells has been shown to be associated with calpain expression. Cisplatin has severe ototoxicity, and can induce cochlear cell apoptosis. This study assumed that cisplatin activated calpain expression in apoptotic cochlear cells. A mouse model of cisplatin-induced ototoxicity was established by intraperitoneal injection with cisplatin (2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5 mg/kg). Immunofluorescence staining, image analysis and western blotting were used to detect the expression of calpain 1 and calpain 2 in the mouse cochlea. At the same time, the auditory brainstem response was measured to observe the change in hearing. Results revealed that after intraperitoneal injection with cisplatin for 5 days, the auditory brainstem response threshold shifts increased in mice. Calpain 1 and calpain 2 expression significantly increased in outer hair cells, the spiral ganglion and stria vascularis. Calpain 2 protein expression markedly increased with an increased dose of cisplatin. Results suggested that calpain 1 and calpain 2 mediated cisplatin-induced ototoxicity in BALB/c mice. During this process, calpain 2 plays a leading role.
基金support by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China (2013/B15020271)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (1014/515029111)the National Undergraduate Training Program for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (201610294069)
文摘With the development of large-scale spectral surveys, fiber positioning technology has been developing rapidly. Because of the performance advantages of a four-quadrant(4Q) detector, a fiber positioning and real-time monitoring system based on the 4Q detector is proposed. The detection accuracy of this system is directly determined by the precision of the center of the spot. A Gaussian fitting algorithm based on the 4Q detector is studied and applied in the fiber positioning process to improve the calculated accuracy of the spot center. The relationship between the center position of the incident spot and the detector output signal is deduced. An experimental platform is built to complete the simulated experiment. Then we use the Gaussian fitting method to process experimental data, compare the fitting value with the theoretical one and calculate the corresponding error.