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Solidworks Animator模块在产品开发中的应用 被引量:5
作者 朱伟敏 唐良雨 《机械设计与制造》 北大核心 2008年第12期81-82,共2页
随着计算机辅助设计的应用越来越广泛,计算机辅助动画设计逐渐受到大家的青睐。从动画设计在产品开发中的意义出发,简单介绍了Solidworks自带的动画设计软件Animator,并以实例论证了Animator动画制作的效果,得出动画设计有利于产品的协... 随着计算机辅助设计的应用越来越广泛,计算机辅助动画设计逐渐受到大家的青睐。从动画设计在产品开发中的意义出发,简单介绍了Solidworks自带的动画设计软件Animator,并以实例论证了Animator动画制作的效果,得出动画设计有利于产品的协同设计、缩短产品的开发周期、产品的宣传和销售。 展开更多
关键词 计算机辅助设计 动画设计 animator
使用Solid Works Animator制作动画 被引量:9
作者 李英平 宋玉梅 李慧 《长春大学学报》 2005年第4期4-7,共4页
以M1432A型机床尾架模型为例介绍了使用SolidWorks插件软件Animator制作动画的方法和步骤。使用SolidWorks Animator制作动画的步骤是先制作产品的三维模型,然后制作动画。使用SolidWorks Animator制作动画有三种方法:使用Animator的动... 以M1432A型机床尾架模型为例介绍了使用SolidWorks插件软件Animator制作动画的方法和步骤。使用SolidWorks Animator制作动画的步骤是先制作产品的三维模型,然后制作动画。使用SolidWorks Animator制作动画有三种方法:使用Animator的动画向导制作动画、使用Animator的屏幕捕获功能制作动画及使用Animator的生成路径功能制作动画。三种方法制作的动画均可生成*.avi文件,该文件可在任何基于Windows的电脑上播放。 展开更多
关键词 SOLIDWORKS animator 动画
《利用Ulead GIF Animator制作动画》教学设计
作者 刘巍 《郧阳师范高等专科学校学报》 2008年第6期54-56,共3页
Ulead GIF Animator是一款非常简单的动画制作软件,结合教育信息技术系学生在中小学信息技术的课堂教学具体实践,对教学过程的详细介绍凸现了信息技术在培养学生合作能力,创新精神中的优势作用,同时说明通过教师的教学设计,可以在信息... Ulead GIF Animator是一款非常简单的动画制作软件,结合教育信息技术系学生在中小学信息技术的课堂教学具体实践,对教学过程的详细介绍凸现了信息技术在培养学生合作能力,创新精神中的优势作用,同时说明通过教师的教学设计,可以在信息技术课堂教学上实现学生综合素质的全面培养,这也是素质教育实现的有效途径之一. 展开更多
关键词 ULEAD GIF animator 电子填图 信息技术
GIF Animator简介
作者 蒋正炎 《内江科技》 2006年第5期109-109,共1页
Gif Animator是一种专门的动画制作程序,利用它可以很轻松方便地制作出自己需要的动画。本文以实例的形式介绍Cif Animator动画软件的制作过程。
关键词 GIF animator 动画向导 标志动画 组合动画
作者 徐崇安 《软件世界》 1997年第10期25-25,31,共2页
关键词 动画 WWW animator
利用面部实时动态捕捉技术进行动画制作--Character Animator应用实例
作者 马金秀 《现代电影技术》 2020年第10期42-47,共6页
随着计算机技术的不断进步,动画制作软件也在发展当中.利用面部实时动态捕捉技术进行动画制作,为动画短片提供了一种新的制作方式。本文从实际完成的视频短片入手,讲述在短片的制作过程中,如何利用面部实时动态捕捉技术制作人偶动画,介... 随着计算机技术的不断进步,动画制作软件也在发展当中.利用面部实时动态捕捉技术进行动画制作,为动画短片提供了一种新的制作方式。本文从实际完成的视频短片入手,讲述在短片的制作过程中,如何利用面部实时动态捕捉技术制作人偶动画,介绍了在Character Animator中,动画人偶的导入、骨骼绑定、实时动画的录制和导出,探讨了这种动画制作方式在短视频制作中的应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 面部实时动态捕捉 骨骼绑定 Character animator 动画制作
基于SolidWorks Animator的掘进机升降油缸阀块运动干涉分析 被引量:6
作者 朱殿烨 《煤矿机械》 北大核心 2012年第5期228-230,共3页
利用SolidWorks Animator动画制作模块,对掘进机截割机构运动过程进行动画制作,通过分析动画,确认掘进机升降油缸阀块与叉形架肋板不产生干涉,为其他机械结构进行运动干涉检查提供了快速可靠的方法。
关键词 SOLIDWORKS animator 动画制作 干涉 阀块
作者 董惠君 王倩 《天津师大学报(自然科学版)》 1998年第4期21-23,共3页
关键词 接口 CAI 编译 链接 C语言 animator
Animator's Roles in Enriching the Content of Tourist Stay
作者 Zlatko Jakovlev Cane Koteski +3 位作者 Snezana Bardarova Aleksandra Zezova Kristijan Dzambazoski Gorancho Koteski 《Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management》 2014年第3期133-139,共7页
For successful animation of visitors, animators must perform very complex, demanding, and dynamic tasks. Professional performance of tasks implies the need for an animator to be a complete person. This means that he/s... For successful animation of visitors, animators must perform very complex, demanding, and dynamic tasks. Professional performance of tasks implies the need for an animator to be a complete person. This means that he/she not only must have a sound education, but also have to be specialized for certain activities. There are different types of animators so that their diversity mirrors the success of the hotel. Animators must have certain basic physical and psychological characteristics. So, despite the knowledge and experience, animators must have inherent characteristics such as talent, humour, to be friendliness, and so on. Sense of humour and ability to work with people are two important characteristics of a successful animator. Many hotels need animators who can entertain tourists and make their stay memorable resort experience, which will be a reason for return of tourists. One of the key factors for tourism success is animator. Today, the whole tourism sector is based on animation of the tourists. The purpose of this paper is to show the role of the animator in enriching the content of tourist stay. To successfully execute the animation to the tourists, animators must meet certain characteristics which will be analysed in this paper. In this research will be used methods of analysis of scientific literature on the impact of animation on enrichment of tourist stay. The research stems from the fact that animation is one of the most important animation-motivational factors for the development of tourism. 展开更多
关键词 animator tourism RECREATION characteristics TOURISTS HOTELS
用Animagic GIF Animator制作GIF动画
《少年电世界》 2000年第9期43-44,共2页
关键词 GIF动画 制作 图片显示 Animagic GIF animator
动画制作轻松搞定 Easy GIF Animator
《电脑知识与技术(经验技巧)》 2008年第5期16-16,共1页
Easy GIF Animator是一款体积小巧、功能强大动画制作工具,有多样化的选项供您设定,提供了高压缩高画质的GIF动画。主要功能有:简单快速建立GIF动画、内建预览器、可将动画转成灰阶、可设定每个图片的透明色、可设定动画回转数、影... Easy GIF Animator是一款体积小巧、功能强大动画制作工具,有多样化的选项供您设定,提供了高压缩高画质的GIF动画。主要功能有:简单快速建立GIF动画、内建预览器、可将动画转成灰阶、可设定每个图片的透明色、可设定动画回转数、影格持续时间、显示位置。在制作动画之前,我们先要准备一些制作素材,既可以是BMP、JPG格式, 展开更多
关键词 动画制作工具 GIF动画 JPG格式 持续时间 体积小 EASY GIF animator
作者 sky 《软件世界(PC任我行)》 2000年第12期32-33,共2页
关键词 GIF动画制作工具 WWW GIF animator 图像文件 网页
Animator Studio:Windows下的卡通制作
作者 Luisa Simone 黄国胜 《个人电脑》 1995年第10期20-21,共2页
随着Animator Studio的发行,Autodesk更加巩固了它在PC卡通和动画市场的领导地位。Animator Studio是基于光栅(raster-based)的二维动画程序,它将DOS下的Animator Pro最好的性能与Windows下所有的多媒体功能结合起来,其价格为795美元。... 随着Animator Studio的发行,Autodesk更加巩固了它在PC卡通和动画市场的领导地位。Animator Studio是基于光栅(raster-based)的二维动画程序,它将DOS下的Animator Pro最好的性能与Windows下所有的多媒体功能结合起来,其价格为795美元。 这两个程序最显著的差别是Animator Studio具有集成的Windows界面。字幕(titling)、运动路径(motion path)、插入(tweening) 展开更多
关键词 animator WINDOWS Studio 运动路径 动画程序 关键帧 二维动画 实用程序 动画市场 创作工具
重温儿时的经典——3D Flash Animator制作《铁臂阿童木》经典场景
作者 猫咪老爸 《电脑知识与技术(过刊)》 2004年第10期61-63,共3页
曾几何时,一部《铁臂阿童木》的动画片风靡世界,让儿时的我们陶醉不已。我想现在的铁臂阿童木也该人到中年了吧,它那流畅的画面、悠扬的歌曲至今还不时的浮现在我们的脑际里。今天,我就和大家一起使用3D Flash Animator自己DIY一下... 曾几何时,一部《铁臂阿童木》的动画片风靡世界,让儿时的我们陶醉不已。我想现在的铁臂阿童木也该人到中年了吧,它那流畅的画面、悠扬的歌曲至今还不时的浮现在我们的脑际里。今天,我就和大家一起使用3D Flash Animator自己DIY一下《铁臂阿童木》的经典场景,重温这儿时的经典吧! 展开更多
关键词 3D FLASH animator 场景制作 《铁臂阿童木》 图片处理 MP3格式 云层遮罩
用GIF ANIMATOR 来一步一步学做动画
作者 周勇生 《电脑》 2000年第8期42-43,共2页
关键词 动画制作 图形文件 GIF格式 animator
Animator Studio基于Windows平台的优秀二维动画制作软件
作者 黄心渊 《声屏世界》 1997年第3期37-39,共3页
1.引言Animator Studio 是美国 Au-todesk 公司1995年推出的一种集图像处理、动画设计、音乐编辑、音乐合成、脚本编辑和动画播出于一体的二维动画设计软件。在此之前,Autodesk 公司还推出了三个与动画相关的软件,其中两个二维动画软件... 1.引言Animator Studio 是美国 Au-todesk 公司1995年推出的一种集图像处理、动画设计、音乐编辑、音乐合成、脚本编辑和动画播出于一体的二维动画设计软件。在此之前,Autodesk 公司还推出了三个与动画相关的软件,其中两个二维动画软件(它们是 Animator 和 Anima-tor Pro),一个三维动画软件(3DStudio)。3D Studio 在影视制作。 展开更多
关键词 软件 二维动画 动画制作 编辑功能 图像处理 颜色数 声音卡 真彩色 脚本 动画设计 文件格式 外部程序 animator Studio 视频捕获设备 显示卡 显卡 显示分辨率 内存
作者 常建纲 陈世红 《电子出版》 1996年第10期108-108,共1页
一个恐龙形象的塑造──用AnimatorPro制作动画北方工业大学常建纲,陈世红1.引言我们在电影《侏罗纪公园》中,都看到过各种各样的恐龙,而且其中的部分镜头是利用计算机三维动画技术制作的。使用三维动画技术制作与电影... 一个恐龙形象的塑造──用AnimatorPro制作动画北方工业大学常建纲,陈世红1.引言我们在电影《侏罗纪公园》中,都看到过各种各样的恐龙,而且其中的部分镜头是利用计算机三维动画技术制作的。使用三维动画技术制作与电影中一样效果的恐龙是非常困难的,使用... 展开更多
关键词 animator PRO 三维动画技术 制作
Schematic interface of sound creation for computer animators
作者 TONG Kam-pang Maya WONG Kam-wah 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2006年第7期1141-1151,共11页
As an audiovisual medium, computer animations require superior image quality and professional soundtrack to lead audiences into their fascinating virtual world. Without sound, the impact of storytelling is reduced or ... As an audiovisual medium, computer animations require superior image quality and professional soundtrack to lead audiences into their fascinating virtual world. Without sound, the impact of storytelling is reduced or the story is even not under- standable. Despite the importance of sound, most animators are unfamiliar with sound editing software. Limited budget projects such as independent or student works have difficulty hiring sound professionals to create tailor-made soundtrack. Therefore, we need a suitable sound tool to express their individual ideas. In this paper, we propose an approach using schematic for both computer animation and sound. Our approach provides (1) physical simulation on sound through animation parameters and (2) a new channel for animators to add aesthetic values in sound through their experience of using schematics in existing animation software. We demonstrate our idea through several examples, such as Doppler shift, obstacle effect, importance, energetic, and sputtering effect. 展开更多
关键词 Computer animation MULTIMEDIA Digital media Schematics Physical simulation AESTHETIC Sound effects Soundtrack
Effects of mesenchymal stem cell on dopaminergic neurons,motor and memory functions in animal models of Parkinson's disease:a systematic review and meta-analysis 被引量:4
作者 Jong Mi Park Masoud Rahmati +2 位作者 Sang Chul Lee Jae Il Shin Yong Wook Kim 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第7期1584-1592,共9页
Parkinson’s disease is chara cterized by the loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars com pacta,and although restoring striatal dopamine levels may improve symptoms,no treatment can cure or reve rse ... Parkinson’s disease is chara cterized by the loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars com pacta,and although restoring striatal dopamine levels may improve symptoms,no treatment can cure or reve rse the disease itself.Stem cell therapy has a regenerative effect and is being actively studied as a candidate for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease.Mesenchymal stem cells are considered a promising option due to fewer ethical concerns,a lower risk of immune rejection,and a lower risk of teratogenicity.We performed a meta-analysis to evaluate the therapeutic effects of mesenchymal stem cells and their derivatives on motor function,memory,and preservation of dopamine rgic neurons in a Parkinson’s disease animal model.We searched bibliographic databases(PubMed/MEDLINE,Embase,CENTRAL,Scopus,and Web of Science)to identify articles and included only pee r-reviewed in vivo interve ntional animal studies published in any language through J une 28,2023.The study utilized the random-effect model to estimate the 95%confidence intervals(CI)of the standard mean differences(SMD)between the treatment and control groups.We use the systematic review center for laboratory animal expe rimentation’s risk of bias tool and the collaborative approach to meta-analysis and review of animal studies checklist for study quality assessment.A total of 33studies with data from 840 Parkinson’s disease model animals were included in the meta-analysis.Treatment with mesenchymal stem cells significantly improved motor function as assessed by the amphetamine-induced rotational test.Among the stem cell types,the bone marrow MSCs with neurotrophic factor group showed la rgest effect size(SMD[95%CI]=-6.21[-9.50 to-2.93],P=0.0001,I^(2)=0.0%).The stem cell treatment group had significantly more tyrosine hydroxylase positive dopamine rgic neurons in the striatum([95%CI]=1.04[0.59 to 1.49],P=0.0001,I^(2)=65.1%)and substantia nigra(SMD[95%CI]=1.38[0.89 to 1.87],P=0.0001,I^(2)=75.3%),indicating a protective effect on dopaminergic neurons.Subgroup analysis of the amphetamine-induced rotation test showed a significant reduction only in the intracranial-striatum route(SMD[95%CI]=-2.59[-3.25 to-1.94],P=0.0001,I^(2)=74.4%).The memory test showed significant improvement only in the intravenous route(SMD[95%CI]=4.80[1.84 to 7.76],P=0.027,I^(2)=79.6%).Mesenchymal stem cells have been shown to positively impact motor function and memory function and protect dopaminergic neurons in preclinical models of Parkinson’s disease.Further research is required to determine the optimal stem cell types,modifications,transplanted cell numbe rs,and delivery methods for these protocols. 展开更多
关键词 ANIMAL animal experimentation mesenchymal stem cells models Parkinson’s disease stem cell transplantation
Cell reprogramming therapy for Parkinson’s disease 被引量:5
作者 Wenjing Dong Shuyi Liu +1 位作者 Shangang Li Zhengbo Wang 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第11期2444-2455,共12页
Parkinson’s disease is typically characterized by the progressive loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta.Many studies have been performed based on the supplementation of lost dopaminergic ... Parkinson’s disease is typically characterized by the progressive loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta.Many studies have been performed based on the supplementation of lost dopaminergic neurons to treat Parkinson’s disease.The initial strategy for cell replacement therapy used human fetal ventral midbrain and human embryonic stem cells to treat Parkinson’s disease,which could substantially alleviate the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease in clinical practice.However,ethical issues and tumor formation were limitations of its clinical application.Induced pluripotent stem cells can be acquired without sacrificing human embryos,which eliminates the huge ethical barriers of human stem cell therapy.Another widely considered neuronal regeneration strategy is to directly reprogram fibroblasts and astrocytes into neurons,without the need for intermediate proliferation states,thus avoiding issues of immune rejection and tumor formation.Both induced pluripotent stem cells and direct reprogramming of lineage cells have shown promising results in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease.However,there are also ethical concerns and the risk of tumor formation that need to be addressed.This review highlights the current application status of cell reprogramming in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease,focusing on the use of induced pluripotent stem cells in cell replacement therapy,including preclinical animal models and progress in clinical research.The review also discusses the advancements in direct reprogramming of lineage cells in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease,as well as the controversy surrounding in vivo reprogramming.These findings suggest that cell reprogramming may hold great promise as a potential strategy for treating Parkinson’s disease. 展开更多
关键词 animal models ASTROCYTES AUTOLOGOUS cell reprogramming cell therapy direct lineage reprogramming dopaminergic neurons induced pluripotent stem cells non-human primates Parkinson’s disease
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