To accurately estimate winter wheat yields and analyze the uncertainty in crop model data assimilations, winter wheat yield estimates were obtained by assimilating measured or remotely sensed leaf area index (LAI) v...To accurately estimate winter wheat yields and analyze the uncertainty in crop model data assimilations, winter wheat yield estimates were obtained by assimilating measured or remotely sensed leaf area index (LAI) values. The performances of the calibrated crop environment resource synthesis for wheat (CERES-Wheat) model for two different assimilation scenarios were compared by employing ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF)-based strategies. The uncertainty factors of the crop model data assimilation was analyzed by considering the observation errors, assimilation stages and temporal-spatial scales. Overalll the results indicated a better yield estimate performance when the EnKF-based strategy was used to comprehen- sively consider several factors in the initial conditions and observations. When using this strategy, an adjusted coefficients of determination (R2) of 0.84, a root mean square error (RMSE) of 323 kg ha-1, and a relative errors (RE) of 4.15% were obtained at the field plot scale and an R2 of 0.81, an RMSE of 362 kg ha-1, and an RE of 4.52% were obtained at the pixel scale of 30 mx30 m. With increasing observation errors, the accuracy of the yield estimates obviously decreased, but an acceptable estimate was observed when the observation errors were within 20%. Winter wheat yield estimates could be improved significantly by assimilating observations from the middle to the end of the crop growing seasons. With decreasing assimilation frequency and pixel resolution, the accuracy of the crop yield estimates decreased; however, the computation time decreased. It is important to consider reasonable temporal-spatial scales and assimilation stages to obtain tradeoffs between accuracy and computation time, especially in operational systems used for regional crop yield estimates.展开更多
Numerical diffusion or filter are used in most numerical models in order to eliminate small-scale (near two-grid intervals in wavelength) waves, However, conventional diffusion or filter schemes introduce the noise, a...Numerical diffusion or filter are used in most numerical models in order to eliminate small-scale (near two-grid intervals in wavelength) waves, However, conventional diffusion or filter schemes introduce the noise, and indeed few people realized, by filters themselves. For instance, most filters are troubled when they are put to use on meteorological fields with sharp gradient or with steep slope and consequently, the recurrence of undesirable numerical high-frequent oscillations (overshooting and undershooting) seems to be inevitable, Particularly when diffusion or filter is implemented in limited-area models, serious side effects on the limited-area boundaries often contaminate the modeling results. The merits and demerits are surveyed for commonly used diffusion or filter operations. A new type of monotonic digit filter is suggested to prevent overshooting and undershooting (due to the computational shock and Gibbs oscillation) nearby the discontinuous or nearly discontinuous locations when the filtering process was carried out, meanwhile the high selective property of damping is retained. Moreover, the new filter is designed on the implicit framework so that it can easily handle the problem of boundary diminishing in limited-area modeling.展开更多
When adaptive robust control(ARC) strategy based on backstepping design is applied in pneumatic servo control, accurate pressure tracking in motion is especially necessary for both force and position trajectories tr...When adaptive robust control(ARC) strategy based on backstepping design is applied in pneumatic servo control, accurate pressure tracking in motion is especially necessary for both force and position trajectories tracking ofrodless pneumatic cylinders, and therefore an adaptive robust pressure controller is developed in this paper to improve the tracking accuracy of pressure trajectory in the chamber when the pneumatic cylinder is moving. In the proposed adaptive robust pressure controller, off-line fitting of the orifice area and on-line parameter estimation of the flow coefficient are utilized to have improved model compensation, and meanwhile robust feedback and Kalman filter are used to have strong robustness against uncertain nonlinearities, parameter fluctuations and noise. Research results demonstrate that the adaptive robust pressure controller could not only track various pressure trajectories accurately even when the pneumatic cylinder is moving, but also obtain very smooth control input, which indicates the effectiveness of adaptive model compensation. Especially when a step pressure trajectory is tracked under the condition of the movement of a rodless pneumatic cylinder, maximum tracking error of ARC is 4.46 kPa and average tracking error is 0.99 kPa, and steady-state error of ARC could achieve 0.84 kPa, which is very close to the measurement accuracy of pressure transducer.展开更多
The NW part of Iran belongs to the Iranian plateau that is a tectonically active region within the Alpine-Himalayan orogenic belt. The intrusion of Oligocene parts in various faces caused the alteration and mineraliza...The NW part of Iran belongs to the Iranian plateau that is a tectonically active region within the Alpine-Himalayan orogenic belt. The intrusion of Oligocene parts in various faces caused the alteration and mineralization such as copper, molybdenum, gold and iron in the Siyahrood area. Granitoidic rocks with component of Granodiorite to alkali have been influenced by hydrothermal fluids. Alteration zones are important features for the exploration of deposits and the ASTER sensor is able to identify the type of alteration and its alteration zoning. This method can be a useful tool for detecting potential mineralization area in East Azarbaijan—Northwest of Iran. The purpose of this study is to evaluate ASTER data for mapping altered minerals in Siyahrood area in order to detect the potential mineralized areas. In this study, false color composite, and band ratio techniques were applied on ASTER data and argillic, phyllic, Iron oxide and propylitic alteration zones were separated. ASAR image processing has been used for lineaments and faults identified by the aid of directional filter. The structural study focused on fracture zones and their characteristics including strike, length, and relationship with alteration zones. The results of this study demonstrate the usefulness of remote sensing methods and ASTER multi-spectral data for alteration, and ASAR data are useful for lineament mapping.展开更多
Data assimilation in agricultural remote sensing research is of great significance to integrate with remote sensing observations and model simulations for parameters estimation. The present investigation not only desi...Data assimilation in agricultural remote sensing research is of great significance to integrate with remote sensing observations and model simulations for parameters estimation. The present investigation not only designed and realized the Ensemble Kalman Filtering algorithm (EnKF) assimilation by combing the crop growth model (CERES-Wheat) with remote sensing data, but also optimized and updated the key parameters (LAI) of winter wheat by using remote sensing data. Results showed that the assimilation LAI and the observation ones agreed with each other, and the R2 reached 0.8315. So assimilation remote sensing and crop model could provide reference data for the agricultural production.展开更多
It has been proven that carrier smoothing and differential global positioning system (DGPS) are effective to improve the accuracy of pseudorange by reducing the noise in it and eliminating almost all the common mode...It has been proven that carrier smoothing and differential global positioning system (DGPS) are effective to improve the accuracy of pseudorange by reducing the noise in it and eliminating almost all the common mode errors between the ground station and user. However, another issue coming with local area augmentation system (LAAS) is how to find an adaptive smoothing window width to minimize the error on account of ionosphere delay and multipath. Based on the errors analysis in carrier smoothing process, a novel algorithm is formulated to design adaptive Hatch filter whose smoothing window width flexibly varies with the characteristic of ionosphere delay and multipath in the differential carrier smoothing process. By conducting the simulation in LAAS and after compared with traditional Hatch filers, it reveals that not only the accuracy of differential correction, but also the accuracy and the robustness of positioning results are significantly improved by using the designed adaptive Hatch filter.展开更多
In order to meet the application requirements of autonomous vehicles, this paper proposes a simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) algorithm, which uses a VoxelGrid filter to down sample the point cloud data, ...In order to meet the application requirements of autonomous vehicles, this paper proposes a simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) algorithm, which uses a VoxelGrid filter to down sample the point cloud data, with the combination of iterative closest points (ICP) algorithm and Gaussian model for particles updating, the matching between the local map and the global map to quantify particles' importance weight. The crude estimation by using ICP algorithm can find the high probability area of autonomous vehicles' poses, which would decrease particle numbers, increase algorithm speed and restrain particles' impoverishment. The calculation of particles' importance weight based on matching of attribute between grid maps is simple and practicable. Experiments carried out with the autonomous vehicle platform validate the effectiveness of our approaches.展开更多
针对现有机载LiDAR(light detection and ranging)点云滤波方法在地形起伏剧烈的林区适用性不足的问题,提出一种多分辨率层次布料模拟滤波方法。首先,通过多尺度形态学开运算选择大量种子地面点;然后,基于种子地面点,使用布料模拟法由...针对现有机载LiDAR(light detection and ranging)点云滤波方法在地形起伏剧烈的林区适用性不足的问题,提出一种多分辨率层次布料模拟滤波方法。首先,通过多尺度形态学开运算选择大量种子地面点;然后,基于种子地面点,使用布料模拟法由低至高逐层构建参考地形,以快速获取高分辨率参考地形;最后,基于点至参考地形的高差区分地面点和非地面点。利用国际摄影测量和遥感学会提供的数据集和参考方法,评估该方法性能。利用在中国、美国多个代表性林区的点云数据,评估该方法的可推广性。结果表明,该方法的Kappa系数和运行时间是83.72%和34.11 s,精度和效率较经典布料模拟滤波方法提高10.49%和52.17%。相比8种参考方法,该方法能够获得更高精度,并且具有稳定的可推广性。展开更多
在蚕茧分级过程中,常以疵点面积作为评价指标。为计算存在颜色缺陷的蚕茧的表面疵点面积,文中提出了一种融合色彩增强与投影展平的蚕茧疵点面积计算方法。首先,对亮度增强后的原始图像V通道进行阈值分割及矩形拟合,获取图像ROI(region o...在蚕茧分级过程中,常以疵点面积作为评价指标。为计算存在颜色缺陷的蚕茧的表面疵点面积,文中提出了一种融合色彩增强与投影展平的蚕茧疵点面积计算方法。首先,对亮度增强后的原始图像V通道进行阈值分割及矩形拟合,获取图像ROI(region of interest)区域;然后,在带颜色恢复的多尺度Retinex(multi-scale Retinex with chromaticity preservation,MSRCP)算法中添加完美反射白平衡算法,配合多尺度快速引导滤波器,提高疵点区域的对比度;最后,通过投影展平将投影面积转化为实际曲面面积。实验结果表明,文中算法计算所得面积与人工测量面积的误差范围在3.8%~8.7%,最大误差面积为0.07 cm^(2),满足次下茧分级的精度要求。展开更多
目的探讨高脂血症型胰腺炎(hyperlipidemic pancreatitis,HLAP)患者内脏脂肪组织面积(visceral fat area,VFA)与双重滤过血浆置换(double filtered plasmapheresis,DFPP)临床疗效的相关性。方法选取2020年1月—2022年12月自贡市第一人...目的探讨高脂血症型胰腺炎(hyperlipidemic pancreatitis,HLAP)患者内脏脂肪组织面积(visceral fat area,VFA)与双重滤过血浆置换(double filtered plasmapheresis,DFPP)临床疗效的相关性。方法选取2020年1月—2022年12月自贡市第一人民医院收治的行DFPP治疗的HLAP患者,根据临床疗效不同分为有效组和无效组。比较2组的一般资料及VFA;通过多元Logistic回归分析无效结局的影响因素;分析VFA水平与疗效无效概率的剂量反应关系,基于影响因素逐步Logistic回归模型。结果共纳入225例患者,其中有效组180例,无效组45例。饮酒史(OR=3.603,95%CI:2.577~4.868,P=0.018)、高体质量指数(body mass index,BMI)(OR=2.407,95%CI:1.381~3.672,P=0.016)、高急性生理学与慢性健康状况评分系统Ⅱ(acute physiology and chronic health status scoring system II,APACHEⅡ)评分(OR=3.087,95%CI:2.061~4.352,P=0.026)、高空腹血糖(FPG)(OR=1.313,95%CI:1.007~2.578,P=0.009)、高总胆固醇(TC)(OR=2.511,95%CI:1.485~3.776,P=0.025)、高三酰甘油(TG)(OR=4.885,95%CI:3.859~6.150,P=0.035)、高低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)(OR=3.165,95%CI:2.139~4.430,P=0.010)、低高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)(OR=4.163,95%CI:3.137~5.428,P=0.011)、高白细胞介素-6(interleukin-6,IL-6)(OR=2.117,95%CI:1.091~3.382,P=0.006)、高白细胞介素-8(interleukin-8,IL-8)(OR=3.115,95%CI:2.089~4.380,P=0.023)、高C反应蛋白(CRP)(OR=1.975,95%CI:1.049~3.240,P=0.035)、高降钙素原(procalcitonin,PCT)(OR=3.665,95%CI:2.639~4.930,P=0.036)、高血淀粉酶(OR=4.547,95%CI:3.521~5.812,P=0.041)、高血脂肪酶(OR=2.229,95%CI:1.203~3.494,P=0.043)、VFA大(OR=2.827,95%CI:1.801~4.092,P=0.031)是疗效无效的影响因素。剂量反应关系分析提示:随着VFA增加,临床疗效无效的发生概率也相应增加。回归方程P=1/[1+exp(-3.265+1.282×饮酒史+0.878×BMI+1.127×APACHEⅡ评分+0.272×FPG+0.921×TC+1.586×TG+1.152×LDLC+1.426×HDL-C+0.750×IL-6+1.136×IL-8+0.681×CRP+1.299×PCT+1.514×血淀粉酶+0.802×血脂肪酶+1.039×VFA)]。结论HLAP患者VFA与DFPP临床疗效具有显著相关性。随着VFA的增加,临床疗效无效的发生概率逐渐升高。展开更多
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41401491,41371396,41301457,41471364)the Introduction of International Advanced Agricultural Science and Technology,Ministry of Agriculture,China (948 Program,2016-X38)+1 种基金the Agricultural Scientific Research Fund of Outstanding Talentsthe Open Fund for the Key Laboratory of Agri-informatics,Ministry of Agriculture,China (2013009)
文摘To accurately estimate winter wheat yields and analyze the uncertainty in crop model data assimilations, winter wheat yield estimates were obtained by assimilating measured or remotely sensed leaf area index (LAI) values. The performances of the calibrated crop environment resource synthesis for wheat (CERES-Wheat) model for two different assimilation scenarios were compared by employing ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF)-based strategies. The uncertainty factors of the crop model data assimilation was analyzed by considering the observation errors, assimilation stages and temporal-spatial scales. Overalll the results indicated a better yield estimate performance when the EnKF-based strategy was used to comprehen- sively consider several factors in the initial conditions and observations. When using this strategy, an adjusted coefficients of determination (R2) of 0.84, a root mean square error (RMSE) of 323 kg ha-1, and a relative errors (RE) of 4.15% were obtained at the field plot scale and an R2 of 0.81, an RMSE of 362 kg ha-1, and an RE of 4.52% were obtained at the pixel scale of 30 mx30 m. With increasing observation errors, the accuracy of the yield estimates obviously decreased, but an acceptable estimate was observed when the observation errors were within 20%. Winter wheat yield estimates could be improved significantly by assimilating observations from the middle to the end of the crop growing seasons. With decreasing assimilation frequency and pixel resolution, the accuracy of the crop yield estimates decreased; however, the computation time decreased. It is important to consider reasonable temporal-spatial scales and assimilation stages to obtain tradeoffs between accuracy and computation time, especially in operational systems used for regional crop yield estimates.
基金the Project of Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province, BK99020 and the "973' Project of "CHERES" Gl998040907 the Natio
文摘Numerical diffusion or filter are used in most numerical models in order to eliminate small-scale (near two-grid intervals in wavelength) waves, However, conventional diffusion or filter schemes introduce the noise, and indeed few people realized, by filters themselves. For instance, most filters are troubled when they are put to use on meteorological fields with sharp gradient or with steep slope and consequently, the recurrence of undesirable numerical high-frequent oscillations (overshooting and undershooting) seems to be inevitable, Particularly when diffusion or filter is implemented in limited-area models, serious side effects on the limited-area boundaries often contaminate the modeling results. The merits and demerits are surveyed for commonly used diffusion or filter operations. A new type of monotonic digit filter is suggested to prevent overshooting and undershooting (due to the computational shock and Gibbs oscillation) nearby the discontinuous or nearly discontinuous locations when the filtering process was carried out, meanwhile the high selective property of damping is retained. Moreover, the new filter is designed on the implicit framework so that it can easily handle the problem of boundary diminishing in limited-area modeling.
基金supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 50775200)
文摘When adaptive robust control(ARC) strategy based on backstepping design is applied in pneumatic servo control, accurate pressure tracking in motion is especially necessary for both force and position trajectories tracking ofrodless pneumatic cylinders, and therefore an adaptive robust pressure controller is developed in this paper to improve the tracking accuracy of pressure trajectory in the chamber when the pneumatic cylinder is moving. In the proposed adaptive robust pressure controller, off-line fitting of the orifice area and on-line parameter estimation of the flow coefficient are utilized to have improved model compensation, and meanwhile robust feedback and Kalman filter are used to have strong robustness against uncertain nonlinearities, parameter fluctuations and noise. Research results demonstrate that the adaptive robust pressure controller could not only track various pressure trajectories accurately even when the pneumatic cylinder is moving, but also obtain very smooth control input, which indicates the effectiveness of adaptive model compensation. Especially when a step pressure trajectory is tracked under the condition of the movement of a rodless pneumatic cylinder, maximum tracking error of ARC is 4.46 kPa and average tracking error is 0.99 kPa, and steady-state error of ARC could achieve 0.84 kPa, which is very close to the measurement accuracy of pressure transducer.
文摘The NW part of Iran belongs to the Iranian plateau that is a tectonically active region within the Alpine-Himalayan orogenic belt. The intrusion of Oligocene parts in various faces caused the alteration and mineralization such as copper, molybdenum, gold and iron in the Siyahrood area. Granitoidic rocks with component of Granodiorite to alkali have been influenced by hydrothermal fluids. Alteration zones are important features for the exploration of deposits and the ASTER sensor is able to identify the type of alteration and its alteration zoning. This method can be a useful tool for detecting potential mineralization area in East Azarbaijan—Northwest of Iran. The purpose of this study is to evaluate ASTER data for mapping altered minerals in Siyahrood area in order to detect the potential mineralized areas. In this study, false color composite, and band ratio techniques were applied on ASTER data and argillic, phyllic, Iron oxide and propylitic alteration zones were separated. ASAR image processing has been used for lineaments and faults identified by the aid of directional filter. The structural study focused on fracture zones and their characteristics including strike, length, and relationship with alteration zones. The results of this study demonstrate the usefulness of remote sensing methods and ASTER multi-spectral data for alteration, and ASAR data are useful for lineament mapping.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (40701120)the Beijing Natural Science Foundation, China (4092016)the Beijing Nova, China (2008B33)
文摘Data assimilation in agricultural remote sensing research is of great significance to integrate with remote sensing observations and model simulations for parameters estimation. The present investigation not only designed and realized the Ensemble Kalman Filtering algorithm (EnKF) assimilation by combing the crop growth model (CERES-Wheat) with remote sensing data, but also optimized and updated the key parameters (LAI) of winter wheat by using remote sensing data. Results showed that the assimilation LAI and the observation ones agreed with each other, and the R2 reached 0.8315. So assimilation remote sensing and crop model could provide reference data for the agricultural production.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundationof China (60974104)the National Defense Technical Foundation of Shipbuilding Industry (08J3.8.8)
文摘It has been proven that carrier smoothing and differential global positioning system (DGPS) are effective to improve the accuracy of pseudorange by reducing the noise in it and eliminating almost all the common mode errors between the ground station and user. However, another issue coming with local area augmentation system (LAAS) is how to find an adaptive smoothing window width to minimize the error on account of ionosphere delay and multipath. Based on the errors analysis in carrier smoothing process, a novel algorithm is formulated to design adaptive Hatch filter whose smoothing window width flexibly varies with the characteristic of ionosphere delay and multipath in the differential carrier smoothing process. By conducting the simulation in LAAS and after compared with traditional Hatch filers, it reveals that not only the accuracy of differential correction, but also the accuracy and the robustness of positioning results are significantly improved by using the designed adaptive Hatch filter.
基金Supported by the Major Research Plan of the National Natural Science Foundation of China(91120003)Surface Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China(61173076)
文摘In order to meet the application requirements of autonomous vehicles, this paper proposes a simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) algorithm, which uses a VoxelGrid filter to down sample the point cloud data, with the combination of iterative closest points (ICP) algorithm and Gaussian model for particles updating, the matching between the local map and the global map to quantify particles' importance weight. The crude estimation by using ICP algorithm can find the high probability area of autonomous vehicles' poses, which would decrease particle numbers, increase algorithm speed and restrain particles' impoverishment. The calculation of particles' importance weight based on matching of attribute between grid maps is simple and practicable. Experiments carried out with the autonomous vehicle platform validate the effectiveness of our approaches.
文摘针对现有机载LiDAR(light detection and ranging)点云滤波方法在地形起伏剧烈的林区适用性不足的问题,提出一种多分辨率层次布料模拟滤波方法。首先,通过多尺度形态学开运算选择大量种子地面点;然后,基于种子地面点,使用布料模拟法由低至高逐层构建参考地形,以快速获取高分辨率参考地形;最后,基于点至参考地形的高差区分地面点和非地面点。利用国际摄影测量和遥感学会提供的数据集和参考方法,评估该方法性能。利用在中国、美国多个代表性林区的点云数据,评估该方法的可推广性。结果表明,该方法的Kappa系数和运行时间是83.72%和34.11 s,精度和效率较经典布料模拟滤波方法提高10.49%和52.17%。相比8种参考方法,该方法能够获得更高精度,并且具有稳定的可推广性。
文摘在蚕茧分级过程中,常以疵点面积作为评价指标。为计算存在颜色缺陷的蚕茧的表面疵点面积,文中提出了一种融合色彩增强与投影展平的蚕茧疵点面积计算方法。首先,对亮度增强后的原始图像V通道进行阈值分割及矩形拟合,获取图像ROI(region of interest)区域;然后,在带颜色恢复的多尺度Retinex(multi-scale Retinex with chromaticity preservation,MSRCP)算法中添加完美反射白平衡算法,配合多尺度快速引导滤波器,提高疵点区域的对比度;最后,通过投影展平将投影面积转化为实际曲面面积。实验结果表明,文中算法计算所得面积与人工测量面积的误差范围在3.8%~8.7%,最大误差面积为0.07 cm^(2),满足次下茧分级的精度要求。
文摘目的探讨高脂血症型胰腺炎(hyperlipidemic pancreatitis,HLAP)患者内脏脂肪组织面积(visceral fat area,VFA)与双重滤过血浆置换(double filtered plasmapheresis,DFPP)临床疗效的相关性。方法选取2020年1月—2022年12月自贡市第一人民医院收治的行DFPP治疗的HLAP患者,根据临床疗效不同分为有效组和无效组。比较2组的一般资料及VFA;通过多元Logistic回归分析无效结局的影响因素;分析VFA水平与疗效无效概率的剂量反应关系,基于影响因素逐步Logistic回归模型。结果共纳入225例患者,其中有效组180例,无效组45例。饮酒史(OR=3.603,95%CI:2.577~4.868,P=0.018)、高体质量指数(body mass index,BMI)(OR=2.407,95%CI:1.381~3.672,P=0.016)、高急性生理学与慢性健康状况评分系统Ⅱ(acute physiology and chronic health status scoring system II,APACHEⅡ)评分(OR=3.087,95%CI:2.061~4.352,P=0.026)、高空腹血糖(FPG)(OR=1.313,95%CI:1.007~2.578,P=0.009)、高总胆固醇(TC)(OR=2.511,95%CI:1.485~3.776,P=0.025)、高三酰甘油(TG)(OR=4.885,95%CI:3.859~6.150,P=0.035)、高低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)(OR=3.165,95%CI:2.139~4.430,P=0.010)、低高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)(OR=4.163,95%CI:3.137~5.428,P=0.011)、高白细胞介素-6(interleukin-6,IL-6)(OR=2.117,95%CI:1.091~3.382,P=0.006)、高白细胞介素-8(interleukin-8,IL-8)(OR=3.115,95%CI:2.089~4.380,P=0.023)、高C反应蛋白(CRP)(OR=1.975,95%CI:1.049~3.240,P=0.035)、高降钙素原(procalcitonin,PCT)(OR=3.665,95%CI:2.639~4.930,P=0.036)、高血淀粉酶(OR=4.547,95%CI:3.521~5.812,P=0.041)、高血脂肪酶(OR=2.229,95%CI:1.203~3.494,P=0.043)、VFA大(OR=2.827,95%CI:1.801~4.092,P=0.031)是疗效无效的影响因素。剂量反应关系分析提示:随着VFA增加,临床疗效无效的发生概率也相应增加。回归方程P=1/[1+exp(-3.265+1.282×饮酒史+0.878×BMI+1.127×APACHEⅡ评分+0.272×FPG+0.921×TC+1.586×TG+1.152×LDLC+1.426×HDL-C+0.750×IL-6+1.136×IL-8+0.681×CRP+1.299×PCT+1.514×血淀粉酶+0.802×血脂肪酶+1.039×VFA)]。结论HLAP患者VFA与DFPP临床疗效具有显著相关性。随着VFA的增加,临床疗效无效的发生概率逐渐升高。