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A Study of English Neologisms in 2015 Based on the Prototype Category Theory 被引量:1
作者 冯露露 《海外英语》 2017年第1期209-210,共2页
With the development of science and technology, large quantities of neologisms are created. Neologisms are the result of people's conceptualization of new things based on their life experiences. Cognitive linguist... With the development of science and technology, large quantities of neologisms are created. Neologisms are the result of people's conceptualization of new things based on their life experiences. Cognitive linguistics views that categorization of organisms and concrete objects are based on the prototype category. This paper takes 167 English Neologisms from Wordspy in2015 as the data for analysis and finds that these English Neologisms are characterized by family resemblances, degree of membership in category and boundary fuzziness from the view of prototype category theory. This study also has some implications for the research of English language teaching and learning. 展开更多
关键词 cognitive linguistics English Neologisms prototype category theory CHARACTERISTICS IMPLICATIONS
Using Category Theory to Explore and Model Label Event Structures
作者 Ming Zhu Jing Li 《Journal of Computer and Communications》 2019年第1期49-60,共12页
The development of a concurrent system poses unique challenges, especially those related to correctness and consistency, as such a system usually involves several interactive processes executing simultaneously. To dea... The development of a concurrent system poses unique challenges, especially those related to correctness and consistency, as such a system usually involves several interactive processes executing simultaneously. To deal with some of these challenges, we resorted to Labeled Event Structures (LES) and category theory as the formal methods to model concurrent systems. Specifically, in this paper, we proposed an idea to define categories and corresponding constructs, such as product and sum, to model events and relationships among events represented by LES. To explain the idea, several examples are developed. Though a mathematical proof, the proposed idea helped to build a correct-by-construction approach for formalizing LES models of concurrent systems. 展开更多
关键词 CONCURRENT System LES FORMALIZATION category theory
A Study of Polysemy Translation in the Inner Canon of Huangdi-Su Wen From the Perspective of Prototype Category Theory
作者 JIA Shan JIA Xiaoqing 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2021年第11期338-342,共5页
Based on the difficulties of polysemy in translation,this paper explains the rationality of prototype category theory in polysemy translation.Taking Li Zhaoguo’s English version of Su Wen as the research object,it an... Based on the difficulties of polysemy in translation,this paper explains the rationality of prototype category theory in polysemy translation.Taking Li Zhaoguo’s English version of Su Wen as the research object,it analyzes the polysemy translation of“Jing”,“Zong”,and“Jiu”as examples,and puts forward the translation strategies of polysemy under the guidance of prototype category theory:equivalent substitution between categories,synonymous conversion between categories,transliteration and introspection outside categories,so as to provide reference for the study of polysemy in English translation of texts on traditional Chinese medicine. 展开更多
关键词 PROTOTYPE category theory Su WEN POLYSEMY TRANSLATION strategies
Basic Categories of the Chinese Socialist Human Rights Theory
作者 陈佑武 《The Journal of Human Rights》 2015年第2期133-143,共11页
The basic categories of the Chinese socialist human rights theory consist of four elements, namely, human rights history, human rights concepts, human rights attributes and human rights protection. The category of the... The basic categories of the Chinese socialist human rights theory consist of four elements, namely, human rights history, human rights concepts, human rights attributes and human rights protection. The category of the human rights history includes ancient notions of human rights, classical human rights theory, Marxist human rights theory and the sinicized Marxist human rights theory. The category of human rights concepts includes the subjects, contents, forms, classification, origin and essence of human rights. The category of human rights attributes includes universality and particularity of human rights, harmony and confrontation between human rights, politicalness and a-politicalness of human rights, indivisibility between rights and duties, and conditioning of state power by human rights. The category of human rights protection includes human rights and sovereignty, human rights and democracy, human rights and the rule of law, human rights and property, human rights duty holders, and human rights education. 展开更多
关键词 socialism with Chinese characteristics human rights human rights theory category
A Study on Senior English Vocabulary Teaching Based on Prototype Category Theory
作者 杨安妮 《海外英语》 2021年第5期262-264,共3页
The emphasis is laid on expanding students’vocabulary in the new English Curriculum Standards.Without effective approaches to vocabulary learning,students can hardly form vocabulary networks in mind.Combining with mo... The emphasis is laid on expanding students’vocabulary in the new English Curriculum Standards.Without effective approaches to vocabulary learning,students can hardly form vocabulary networks in mind.Combining with modern educational technology,the author carries out experimental teaching to explore the effectiveness of vocabulary teaching based on prototype category theory and presents some samples of vocabulary teaching.The study shows that these teaching methods can effectively enhance students’cognition abilities,stimulate association,promote vocabulary processing,form a categorized network schema,and finally improve students’lexical competence and long-term memory. 展开更多
关键词 prototype category theory vocabulary teaching prototypical meaning prototype effect basic level
“数据”可否纳入知识产权客体范畴? 被引量:7
作者 肖冬梅 《政法论丛》 北大核心 2024年第1期137-148,共12页
《民法总则》(草案)第108条将“数据信息”纳入知识产权客体范畴,虽然该规定最终未获通过,但却引发了学界和业界的热议,数据可否纳入知识产权客体范畴的讨论方兴未艾。根据“信息链”理论,事实、数据、信息、知识和情报之间是呈现一种... 《民法总则》(草案)第108条将“数据信息”纳入知识产权客体范畴,虽然该规定最终未获通过,但却引发了学界和业界的热议,数据可否纳入知识产权客体范畴的讨论方兴未艾。根据“信息链”理论,事实、数据、信息、知识和情报之间是呈现一种由下至上逐步提炼加工的链式关系,数据与信息、知识、情报之间依次包含。但数据并不符合知识产权客体的一般特征,若将“数据”整体直接纳入知识产权客体的范畴,会冲击已有的权能和体系,影响知识产权客体家族的统一性和协调性。应对数据进行分类保护,在现有知识产权保护基础之上,增设数据产权保护模式,数据主体就个人原始数据享有数据人格权和数据财产权;企业就其加工处理取得的衍生数据享有数据财产权,企业这种财产权利取得的门槛低于知识产权取得,不必要求独创性、创造性或显著性等知识产权客体的一般特征,宜采取弱保护模式。 展开更多
关键词 数据 知识产权客体 原型范畴理论 家族相似性理论
作者 高明峰 王淑悦 《廊坊师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第1期12-19,共8页
经学思维在中国古代官方意识形态中占有重要地位,在对古代文论范畴的研究中,离不开对经学思维的分析讨论。经学思维中明道致用、宗经征圣、权威崇拜、信而好古等特点直接关系到了“教化”“文质”“风骨”“古雅”等文论范畴的生成和演... 经学思维在中国古代官方意识形态中占有重要地位,在对古代文论范畴的研究中,离不开对经学思维的分析讨论。经学思维中明道致用、宗经征圣、权威崇拜、信而好古等特点直接关系到了“教化”“文质”“风骨”“古雅”等文论范畴的生成和演变。经学思维为文学创作提供了一种道德文化品格,文学与经学广泛交融,共同满足了封建专制统治的政治需求。 展开更多
关键词 经学思维 文论范畴 教化 文质 风骨 古雅
作者 马晓华 《当代教育科学》 北大核心 2024年第1期45-53,共9页
实现课堂教学变革,发展学生核心素养,要克服理性至上的教学,重视感觉的学习论意义,引导学生的感知学习。作为哲学范畴的“感觉”与思维对立统一,中西方哲学从认识论的角度探讨了感官感觉对人的认知发展、经验生成的意义,形成了对感觉和... 实现课堂教学变革,发展学生核心素养,要克服理性至上的教学,重视感觉的学习论意义,引导学生的感知学习。作为哲学范畴的“感觉”与思维对立统一,中西方哲学从认识论的角度探讨了感官感觉对人的认知发展、经验生成的意义,形成了对感觉和感觉经验的系统理解。从感觉的本质来看,感觉指向身体,感觉是身体机能的生动体现。对感觉的承认体现了对现实世界客观性的正确把握。从教育学的立场审视感觉,感觉教育、直观教学等思想揭示了感觉对个体认知发展和学习活动展开的重要价值,感觉是认知生成和学习发生的前提。感觉是人对客观世界刺激的反映,是认识的初级形式,为知觉、表象等感性认识形式奠定基础,感觉、知觉、表象与思维之间存在着逻辑转化关系。在教学中,教师要克服理性至上的弊端,以感知学习促进学生的认知进阶,引导学生的感官参与,丰富其学习中的可感体验,以实现学生感性与理性的逻辑转化。 展开更多
关键词 感觉范畴 认知发展 感性与理性 学习论
作者 王华 《北华大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第2期80-86,153,共8页
马克思的政治哲学与正义的关系问题是国内外学界探讨的热点问题之一。一种观点认为:按照马克思理论经典解释,立足法权范畴,正义是生产方式的表象,其具有依赖性与衍生性,而以此为基础对资本主义进行批判有其限度;另一种观点认为:虽然马... 马克思的政治哲学与正义的关系问题是国内外学界探讨的热点问题之一。一种观点认为:按照马克思理论经典解释,立足法权范畴,正义是生产方式的表象,其具有依赖性与衍生性,而以此为基础对资本主义进行批判有其限度;另一种观点认为:虽然马克思并未使用资本主义不正义的话语,但马克思对社会正义的探讨却是不容争辩的事实。据此,相关学者将马克思的正义思想分析为分配正义,并试图从分配领域切入回答马克思的正义问题。本文试图证明:不论是基于法权批判立场而对马克思正义思想的拒斥还是将其分析为分配正义都是片面的、狭隘的。马克思持守的是一种超越法权批判与分配正义批判的实践正义论,理解这一点能够为我们科学认识马克思的正义理论提供可能性。 展开更多
关键词 马克思主义理论 政治哲学 社会正义 法权范畴
作者 甘生统 《杭州师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第2期30-36,94,共8页
作为文学体裁的赋与作为书籍体式的类书,虽然分属于不同领域,产生于不同时代,但两者在功能、题材、体例等方面有着天然联系。中晚唐时期的私修类书与律赋,在上述联系的基础上,有着更为密切的关系:两者在科举考试这一相同的背景下出现,... 作为文学体裁的赋与作为书籍体式的类书,虽然分属于不同领域,产生于不同时代,但两者在功能、题材、体例等方面有着天然联系。中晚唐时期的私修类书与律赋,在上述联系的基础上,有着更为密切的关系:两者在科举考试这一相同的背景下出现,有着相似的生成机制和政治教化功能,也正因为如此,此期的私修类书对律赋的体制特点、理论主张均产生了深远影响。 展开更多
关键词 私修类书 律赋 中晚唐 赋论
作者 朱乐亚 《广西科技师范学院学报》 2024年第1期28-36,共9页
融入广义斯科伦项理论的组合范畴语法可对汉语并列句中NP和NP间的量词辖域关系作出解释。首先,本研究将汉语量化并列句分成典型量化并列句和非典型量化并列句,然后侧重分析典型量化并列句中NP和NP间的量词辖域关系,并给出合乎语句原义... 融入广义斯科伦项理论的组合范畴语法可对汉语并列句中NP和NP间的量词辖域关系作出解释。首先,本研究将汉语量化并列句分成典型量化并列句和非典型量化并列句,然后侧重分析典型量化并列句中NP和NP间的量词辖域关系,并给出合乎语句原义的完整推演图。在典型量化并列句中,本研究主要考察体词性量化并列句和动词性量化并列句中NP和NP间的量词辖域关系。研究结果发现,融入广义斯科伦项理论的组合范畴语法聚焦于量词属性的描述,这能对并列句和量词辖域间的关系进行合理地刻画。 展开更多
关键词 组合范畴语法 广义斯科伦项理论 量词辖域
作者 代吉林 高雯 金孙 《铜陵学院学报》 2024年第1期16-22,共7页
创新理论的多样化在拓展创新研究空间和助力社会实践的同时,也带来诸多概念性困惑,亟需厘清。有关创新理论的综述多侧重于单个理论的回顾与展望,缺乏对多种创新理论的整合性评述。通过对中国知网CSSCI(1998—2022年)期刊上有关创新理论... 创新理论的多样化在拓展创新研究空间和助力社会实践的同时,也带来诸多概念性困惑,亟需厘清。有关创新理论的综述多侧重于单个理论的回顾与展望,缺乏对多种创新理论的整合性评述。通过对中国知网CSSCI(1998—2022年)期刊上有关创新理论的文献予以整合性分析发现:现有创新理论可以从“对象、表现、方法、主体、价值”等方面予以分类;各种创新理论之间具有相互嵌入的影响关系;企业的战略和资源能力是创新理论选择应用的基础和约束性因素;本土创新理论对微观创新理论具有战略整合和统领作用;不同创新理论的使用趋势具有较大差异。比较来看,持续性创新、渐进式创新、越轨型创新、突破式创新、双元创新、破坏性创新、绿色创新以及开放式创新理论是当前及今后研究热点,值得高度关注。 展开更多
关键词 创新理论 类别 联系 展望
作者 刘翠莲 王杰 《集美大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2024年第1期32-38,共7页
为了准确且快速地评判危化品港口危险性程度,减少港口发生风险事故的几率,提出一种可对港口危险等级快速分类的评价模型。根据物理-事理-人理(WSR)方法论构建危险等级评价体系,用物元可拓理论建立模型确定各危险等级的节域和经典域,结... 为了准确且快速地评判危化品港口危险性程度,减少港口发生风险事故的几率,提出一种可对港口危险等级快速分类的评价模型。根据物理-事理-人理(WSR)方法论构建危险等级评价体系,用物元可拓理论建立模型确定各危险等级的节域和经典域,结合指标权重计算综合关联度,得出国内10个主要危化品港口2018年和2020年的危险性等级,并将其作为数据样本,随机分为训练集和测试集进行BP神经网络训练。结果表明:各危化品港口危险等级的评价结果与实际情况相符,神经网络快速评价模型的输出结果与实际危险等级基本一致。可使用该模型对危化品港口的危险等级进行快速评价,避免人为因素带来的随机误差。 展开更多
关键词 港口危险等级评价 物理-事理-人理 BP神经网络 G1法 物元可拓理论
Representation of Categorical Specification of Self-Configurations in Reactive Autonomic Systems Framework
作者 Ming Zhu Heng Kuang Jing Li 《Journal of Computer and Communications》 2018年第12期34-48,共15页
Software complexity crisis brings huge obstacle to further progress in IT industry. To alleviate this problem, researchers are asked to build systems which can benefit from automation. With autonomic behavior, the rea... Software complexity crisis brings huge obstacle to further progress in IT industry. To alleviate this problem, researchers are asked to build systems which can benefit from automation. With autonomic behavior, the real-time reactive systems can be more self-managed and adaptive to their environment. However, most of current formal approaches fail to specify such kind of system. In this paper, we proposed an approach to formally specify reactive autonomic systems. First, we used category theory to formalize reactive autonomic systems;then we focused on the categorization of self-configurations and work flows of reactive autonomic systems, and finally we used XML to specify the categorical models. In doing so, it can help to build the foundation of reactive autonomic systems with autonomic features and verify emergent behaviors. 展开更多
Towards a Categorical Framework for Verifying Design and Implementation of Concurrent Systems
作者 Ming Zhu Jing Li 《Journal of Computer and Communications》 2018年第11期227-246,共20页
Process-oriented design and implementation of concurrent systems has important benefits. However, the inherent complexity of concurrent processes’ communication imposes challenges such as verifying consistency betwee... Process-oriented design and implementation of concurrent systems has important benefits. However, the inherent complexity of concurrent processes’ communication imposes challenges such as verifying consistency between the process-oriented design and implementation of a concurrent system. To deal with such a challenge, we use Galois connections, Failures and Category Theory to construct a formal framework for designing, implementing, analyzing and verifying consistency of concurrent systems. For the purpose of illustrating the framework, a running concurrent system is designed by Communicating Sequential Processes, implemented by a process-oriented programming language Erasmus. 展开更多
关键词 CONCURRENT System Verification CSP Process-Oriented PROGRAMMING ABSTRACTION category theory
从“两个范畴”到“态射—范畴”:皮亚杰知识建构理论体系再梳理及其教育意义讨论 被引量:4
作者 满其峰 胡金艳 +1 位作者 张义兵 李艺 《电化教育研究》 北大核心 2023年第6期22-28,共7页
任何学习理论都需要清晰的知识建构机制作为底层逻辑,当前较新的成就是基于皮亚杰“两个范畴”说给出的解释,但“两个范畴”的运行过程仍需继续澄清。实际上,皮亚杰晚年提出的“态射—范畴”论解决了这一问题,但因学界未能将“态射—范... 任何学习理论都需要清晰的知识建构机制作为底层逻辑,当前较新的成就是基于皮亚杰“两个范畴”说给出的解释,但“两个范畴”的运行过程仍需继续澄清。实际上,皮亚杰晚年提出的“态射—范畴”论解决了这一问题,但因学界未能将“态射—范畴”论与“两个范畴”说之间建立联系,因此该理论仅被视为一个心理学思考而未能对教育产生更多的指导。针对此问题,文章首先对“态射—范畴”论的基本思想进行把握,疏通“态射—范畴”论与“两个范畴”说的关系并借此使其与学习者发展相联结,构建起完整的知识建构机制理论体系,继而将其映射到教育领域,给出了关于知识观、学习观和教学观的新建议。 展开更多
关键词 两个范畴 范畴论 态射 知识建构 皮亚杰
Using Fuzzy Theory in %GR&R and NDC of Measurement System Analysis
作者 Tsu-Ming Yeh Fan-Yun Pai Chi-Wen Huang 《Engineering(科研)》 2015年第4期161-176,共16页
ISO9001:2000 and TS 16949 have become the major quality system management models in present traditional and Hi-tech industries. The Measurement System Analysis (MSA) Reference Manual, on the other hand, is one of the ... ISO9001:2000 and TS 16949 have become the major quality system management models in present traditional and Hi-tech industries. The Measurement System Analysis (MSA) Reference Manual, on the other hand, is one of the core tools in ISO/TS 16949. MSA aims to evaluate Gauge Repeatability and Reproducibility (GR&R) where the control, monitoring, and maintenance of the measurement process are required in measurement systems so that the measurement capability could be ensured under statistical control. An ideal measurement system should present the statistical characteristic of zero error on any measured product. Nevertheless, such an ideal measurement system hardly exists. Managers therefore have to adopt such measurement systems with unsatisfactory statistical characteristics. Traditional MSA indexes are constructed with definite observed values. Nevertheless, measurements with observed values are not entirely error-free. For this reason, this study proposes to research three cases in a case company and apply the integration of Fuzzy Theory and GR&R to discuss the differences in the evaluation index GR&R and the Number of Distinct Categories (NDC). Substituting fuzzy numbers for definite numbers found that the data of %GR&R were increased and NDC was decreased after fuzzification. Such results verify that the fuzzified %GR&R and NDC become stricter in the determination criterion. The research outcomes could assist the case company in improving the reference data of measurement systems and promoting the measurement quality. 展开更多
关键词 FUZZY theory GR&R Measurement System Analysis (MSA) NUMBER of DISTINCT Categorie (NDC)
On Chinese-English Translation of Public Signs with the Theory of Adaptation -With the City of Leshan as an Example
作者 Wang Bi 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2017年第6期30-32,共3页
Globalization brings more and more foreigners to China, so it becomes necessary to translate the Chinese public signs intoEnglish. The public signs fall into different categories and there are similarities and differe... Globalization brings more and more foreigners to China, so it becomes necessary to translate the Chinese public signs intoEnglish. The public signs fall into different categories and there are similarities and differences between the Chinese public signs and Englishpublic signs. Taking the city of Leshan, a booming tourism resort in Sichuan, China as an example, this paper makes a preliminary study of theChinese-English translation of public signs under the Adaptation Theory. 展开更多
Research on Ellipsis and Substitution—A Prototype Theory Perspective
作者 郑伊凡 《海外英语》 2011年第9X期374-376,共3页
Though 'clearly' defined by traditional grammar,the boundary between ellipsis and substitution is actually fuzzy.The author infers that the psychological principles which govern all kinds of human behavior of ... Though 'clearly' defined by traditional grammar,the boundary between ellipsis and substitution is actually fuzzy.The author infers that the psychological principles which govern all kinds of human behavior of categorization the concrete world also applies to their linguistic behavior.Thus,this thesis attempts to acknowledge the principle of family resemblances in its interpretation while analyzing the grammatical phenomena of ellipsis and substitution from the perspective of prototype theory.Then it concludes that substitution can be considered "entity substitution" and ellipsis can be considered "zero substitution"in the category of SUBSTITUTION,and there is a gradient continuum between them. 展开更多
A Brief Analysis on Empty Categories in Chinese
作者 熊绍丽 《海外英语》 2014年第13期218-219,共2页
This paper aims to give a brief analysis on the Empty Categories in Chinese.It will first illustrate Chomsky’s classification of EC as well as the constraints the subject to briefly,then basing on this classification... This paper aims to give a brief analysis on the Empty Categories in Chinese.It will first illustrate Chomsky’s classification of EC as well as the constraints the subject to briefly,then basing on this classification the author will state some of Chinese scholars’study and research including Xu Liejiong,Huang Zhengde and Hu Jianjun.Finally,the author will compare these classic frameworks and attempt to. 展开更多
关键词 EMPTY CATEGORIES Government-Binding theory Syntact
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