A systematic study of waves, nearshore currents and sediment transport related to the coastal evolution of sand beach under the action of wave, has been carried out. On the basis of the re sults, a numerical model of ...A systematic study of waves, nearshore currents and sediment transport related to the coastal evolution of sand beach under the action of wave, has been carried out. On the basis of the re sults, a numerical model of sand beach evolution around coastal structures has been established. To pre dict the bed topography, the sediment transport rates of bedload and suspended load under the action of wave and nearshore current as well as the effects of wave on the sediment are considered. The sand beach evolutions caused by a breakwater and a settled ship near the shore are simulated.展开更多
A sedimentological, petrographic, and geochemical study of beach, dune, and river sands was carried out along the northwestern Gulf of Mexico. The main goal of this work is to show how beach and dune sands are control...A sedimentological, petrographic, and geochemical study of beach, dune, and river sands was carried out along the northwestern Gulf of Mexico. The main goal of this work is to show how beach and dune sands are controlled texturally, compositionally, and chemically by the nearby rivers for each beach location using a particle size analyser, a polarized microscope, a X-ray fluorescence and ICP mass spectrometer to obtain the following: grain-size values from one river (Carrizal River) are similar in range to their counterpart beach sands but not similar to the dune sands (Barra del Tordo). Rivers (Panuco and Carrizal) are compositionally controlling the quartz and feldspar contents of their counterpart beach and dune sands (i.e., Playa Miramar and Barra del Tordo). Rivers (Soto La Marina River) are directly influencing the composition of the beach sands (La Pesca) based upon the total quartz content, beach and dune sands. The concentration of magnetite grain fractions (Barra del Tordo beach and dune sands) is not under the influence of the nearby river (Carrizal River). In this case the compositional influence of beach and dune sands is related to sediment discharges by other fluvial systems, redistribution of the beach and dune sands along the coast and deflation/winnowing of light minerals. The Eu positive anomaly in the beach and dune sands from the three sites (i.e. Playa Miramar, Barra del Tordo, La Pesca) is linked to an increase in the P(plagioclase)/K(potash feldspar) ratio. The (La/Lu)cn highest ratio for river sands (Carrizal River) suggests quartz enrichment compared to their beach and dune sands counterparts. The (Gd/Yb)cn ratio for one river (i.e., Carrizal River) indicates that it is low in heavy rare earth elements. HREE compared to their beach and dune sands counterparts indicates less concentration of heavy minerals as potential carriers of HREE seawards.展开更多
A numerical model of shoreline change of sand beaches based on long-term field wave data is proposed, the explicit and implicit finite difference forms of the model are described, and an application of the model is pr...A numerical model of shoreline change of sand beaches based on long-term field wave data is proposed, the explicit and implicit finite difference forms of the model are described, and an application of the model is presented. Results of the application indicate that the model is sensitive to the order of the input wave data, and that the effects of long-term wave series and the effects of the mean annual wave conditions on the model are different. Instead of a single wave condition, the wave series will make the calibration and the verification of the model more practical and the results of the model more reasonable.展开更多
This paper deals with the recovery of zircon minerals from beach sand and red sediments of bad land topography and flow sheets with material balance are suggested. The experimental data reveal that the total heavy min...This paper deals with the recovery of zircon minerals from beach sand and red sediments of bad land topography and flow sheets with material balance are suggested. The experimental data reveal that the total heavy mineral content of red sediment sample is 43.9% in which zircon mineral concentrate is 2.75% by weight, where as for beach-dune sand sample the THM content is 16.7% in which zircon mineral concentrate is 0.16% by weight. It is found that U and Th and REE elements contents are much higher in red sediment zircon sample than beach sand zircon. Zircon concentrates recovered from beach-dune sand and red sediments contain 98 to 98.1% zircon with 79.6 to 80% recovery respectively. These zircon minerals from both the sources are suitable for industrial applications.展开更多
Using gamma-ray spectrometry, the activity concentration of naturally occurring radionuclides 226Ra, 212Pb, 214Pb, 232Th, and 40K was determined in sand beaches samples from different areas in Guarapari, Espírito...Using gamma-ray spectrometry, the activity concentration of naturally occurring radionuclides 226Ra, 212Pb, 214Pb, 232Th, and 40K was determined in sand beaches samples from different areas in Guarapari, Espírito Santo state, from Brazil. The absorbed dose rates and annual effective dose were calculated and the results were compared with the internationally accepted values as well as others high background radiation areas (HBRAs). The activity concentration of the 232Th in Areia Preta as well as the absorbed dose rates and annual effective dose were higher than the others regions compared. The results show that Areia Preta in Guarapari has higher background found in beaches in world. This work is part of a research project for the natural background determination of the Brazilian coast.展开更多
Magnetite (Fe<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub>) crystals have been synthesized from the natural iron sands of Tegal Lenga Beach with HCl (37%) as a solvent. Tegal Lenga Beach is a stretch of beach loca...Magnetite (Fe<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub>) crystals have been synthesized from the natural iron sands of Tegal Lenga Beach with HCl (37%) as a solvent. Tegal Lenga Beach is a stretch of beach located in Kalisada Village, Seririt District, Buleleng Regency, Bali Province, Indonesia. Iron sand samples were obtained by extracting local natural sand from Tegal Lenga Beach by magnetic separation method. The iron sand sample was ground with agate mortar for 15 hours, then washed and rinsed with deionized water (DI water). Furthermore, the fine powder sample of iron sand was dried on a hotplate at a temperature of 80˚C until all the water had evaporated. Eighty grams of fine iron sand powder dissolved in 200 mL HCl (37%) while stirring with a hot plate magnetic stirrer at a temperature of 100˚C with a rotating speed of 600 rpm for 30 minutes. This solution was filtered through Wattman filter paper No. 42;then the filtrate was dried using a hot plate at a temperature of 100˚C to form a crust. This crust is then ground in an agate mortar until it becomes a fine powder of iron sand. Furthermore, the iron sand fine powder filtrate sample was divided into four equal parts which were then calcined at temperatures of 300˚C, 400˚C, 450˚C, and 500˚C for 30 minutes, respectively. It was found that the fine powder of iron sand from the natural sand of the Tegal Lenga Beach consisted mostly of 84.26% metal oxide magnetite. The synthesized magnetite crystal has a tetrahedral structure with lattice parameters of a = b = (5.927 ± 0.0180) Åand c = (16.774 ± 0.0145) Å. Magnetite crystals have granular and lumpy grains with an average grain size of (94,560 ± 10,1397) μm. In relation to the values obtained from the hysteresis curve, namely the remanent magnetization of 9.6672 emu/gr, saturation magnetization of 45.3491 emu/gr, coercive magnetic field strength of 0.0242 T, and saturation magnetic field strength of 0, 2938 T, then this magnetite crystal is classified as a weak ferromagnetic material.展开更多
The fungal community associated with beach sand and plants located along marine coasts are an under-studied area of research despite its potential relevance to human health. In this study, we isolated and identified t...The fungal community associated with beach sand and plants located along marine coasts are an under-studied area of research despite its potential relevance to human health. In this study, we isolated and identified the cultivable mycobiota associated with sand and plants collected along the coast of Gran Canaria (Spain) using culture-dependent and -independent methods. Clinically relevant species belonging to Cryptococcus spp. and related genera such as Naganishia and Papilotrema were isolated and identified from shoreline plants. Moreover, Candida tropicalis was isolated from beach sand, and Aspergillus fumigatus and Aspergillus terreus strains were associated with both types of samples (i.e., plants and beach sand). We conclude that beach sand and shoreline plants are potential reservoirs of fungi of high clinical interest. We recommend including beach sand and plants from the environment when assessing the quality of marine coastal systems. Our results open a framework for studying the natural marine environment and its role in the epidemiology of infectious diseases in order to more accurately manage public health.展开更多
Environmental magnetic research on beaches and shoreline processes is limited.Therefore,we carried out environmental magnetic studies on the heavy mineral-enriched,dark-reddish sands on Cedar Beach of western Lake Eri...Environmental magnetic research on beaches and shoreline processes is limited.Therefore,we carried out environmental magnetic studies on the heavy mineral-enriched,dark-reddish sands on Cedar Beach of western Lake Erie(41.68°N,82.40°W).Magnetite has been identified as the dominant magnetic mineral of these sands.This study reveals a spatial variation in concentration of magnetite particles,distribution of展开更多
The beach studied in this paper spans a length of 51 km and is one of several long sandy beaches in the southern Bohai Strait. Due to the obstruction of islands in the northeast and the influence of the underwater top...The beach studied in this paper spans a length of 51 km and is one of several long sandy beaches in the southern Bohai Strait. Due to the obstruction of islands in the northeast and the influence of the underwater topography, the wave environment in the offshore area is complex; beach types and sediment transport characteristics vary along different coasts. The coastlines extracted from six aerial photographs in different years were compared to demonstrate the evolving features. Seven typical beach profiles were selected to study the lateral beach variation characteristics. Continuous wind and wave observation data from Beihuangcheng ocean station during 2009 were employed for the hindcast of the local wave environment using a regional spectral wave model. Then the results of the wave hindcast were incorporated into the LITDRIFT model to compute the sediment transport rates and directions along the coasts and analyze the longshore sand movement. The results show that the coastline evolution of sand beaches in the southern Bohai Strait has spatial and temporal variations and the coast can be divided into four typical regions. Region (1), the north coast of Qimudao, is a slightly eroded and dissipative beach with a large sediment transport rate; Region (II), the southwest coast of Gangluan Port, is a slightly deposited and dissipative beach with moderate sediment transport rate; Region (III), in the central area, is a beach that is gradually transformed from a slightly eroded dissipative beach to a moderately or slightly strong eroded bar-trough beach from west to east with a relatively moderate sediment transport rate. Region (IV), on the east coast, is a strongly eroded and reflective beach with a weak sediment transport rate. The wave conditions exhibit an increasing trend from west to east in the off- shore area. The distribution of the wave-induced current inside the wave breaking region and the littoral sediment transport in the nearshore region exhibit a gradual weakening tendency from west to east, which is opposite to the trend of the wave conditions out- side the breaking region. The presence of submerged shoal (Dengzhou Shoal), deep trough (Dengzhou Channel), islands and irregu- lar topography influnces the wave climate, beach types, wave-induced current features, littoral sediment transport trends and coast- line evolution patterns in the southern Bohai Strait. Human activities, such as the sand exploitation of Dengzhou Shoal and other coastal engineering projects, also influence the beach morphology and coastline evolution.展开更多
Though poorly studied, sand is an environment with an extended degree of interaction with man. Enterococcal strains can be found in sand but we do not know to what extent these ubiquitous opportunistic nosocomial path...Though poorly studied, sand is an environment with an extended degree of interaction with man. Enterococcal strains can be found in sand but we do not know to what extent these ubiquitous opportunistic nosocomial pathogens isolated from sand carry antimicrobial resistances and virulence traits. In an attempt to fill in this knowledge gap, two distinct types of sand (beach and children playground) were examined concerning composition in enterococcal species, genetic diversity of isolates and abundance of resistance to antimicrobials and virulence traits. Five different species were found, namely Enterococcus faecium, Enterococcus faecalis, Enterococcus hirae, Enterococcus flavescens and Enterococcus casseliflavus. Although genetic diversity was evident, two different E. faecium clones, common to the two types of sand, were detected, suggesting the existence of clones well adapted to this specific environment or from a common source. E. faecium was associated with multiple antibiotic resistances, including to fluoroquinolones and tetracycline that are commonly used by veterinarians and clinicians. Among the multiresistant E. faecium strains from beach sand, two were from sequence type (ST) 442, which belongs to the wide-spread Hospital-adapted clade CC17. They both carried the esp gene and the genomic island associated with CC17. The other virulence factors screened were disseminated among E. faecalis strains, but seldom detected in the other species, evidencing the existence, in these environments, of E. faecalis strains carrying the same virulence factors as the clinical ones. The present work thus stresses the need to follow-up the presence and characterization of enterococcal strains from both beach and children playground sands and of including these environments in the epidemiological global analysis of enterococcal isolates.展开更多
Predicting the beach response to an extreme storm is important in planning and management of beach environment and helps in hazard control. Coastal dunes and sand beaches provide protection against sea waves and risin...Predicting the beach response to an extreme storm is important in planning and management of beach environment and helps in hazard control. Coastal dunes and sand beaches provide protection against sea waves and rising water levels to many coastal communities especially during a storm event. Barrier islands along the West of Florida constantly face wave action and when a severe storm is added to the forcing, the islands face severe erosion. In this study, the numerical model CSHORE was applied to predict the short-term cross-shore profile evolution on Sand Key Beach located on the barrier islands west of Florida. The initial beach profile used in the study was measured after a beach nourishment project on the barrier islands. In a few years, the coast experienced severe storms including Hurricane Ian. Beach profiles were measured post the hurricane period and therefore this study investigated how the cross-shore beach profile was affected due to sediment transportation dynamics caused by the climate. Coastal Hazard Systems storm data sets were used as forcings on the beaches to assess the response of the beaches to the conditions. The results were compared to the field measurements taken across transects on the beach cross sections.展开更多
The nesting behaviour of sea turtles remains a subject to study, due to their enigmatic pattern of seasonal breeding activities. Over a period of time, several reports have been made in this context associated with th...The nesting behaviour of sea turtles remains a subject to study, due to their enigmatic pattern of seasonal breeding activities. Over a period of time, several reports have been made in this context associated with the nesting behaviour of the Olive Ridley turtles. In the present study, characteristics of the breeding beach and nesting pattern of Olive Ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea) at Ramnagar along N-E coast of Andaman Islands were investigated, during the nesting periods 2016-2017. The study area hosts Olive Ridley, the dominant sea turtles with more than 300 individuals nesting each year. For this study, the number of sea turtles visited, nested, the sediment characters, salinity, and temperature were taken. The exposed sandy nesting beach characteristics are prone to varying degrees of morphological changes every day. The results depict that even though similar grain size (Coarse Sand to Fine Sand and Very well sorted to Poorly Sorted), with an ambient incubating temperature, pH and salinity with wide nesting area, the selective nesting in the particular location of the beach identified because of comfortable energy conditions in the waters (1.5 m/s) favours the female turtles to reach the beach at the preferable site of Ramnagar and nest.展开更多
基金National Natural Science Foundation of China! 19772031project of the Ministry of Communications of China ! 03 - 98
文摘A systematic study of waves, nearshore currents and sediment transport related to the coastal evolution of sand beach under the action of wave, has been carried out. On the basis of the re sults, a numerical model of sand beach evolution around coastal structures has been established. To pre dict the bed topography, the sediment transport rates of bedload and suspended load under the action of wave and nearshore current as well as the effects of wave on the sediment are considered. The sand beach evolutions caused by a breakwater and a settled ship near the shore are simulated.
文摘A sedimentological, petrographic, and geochemical study of beach, dune, and river sands was carried out along the northwestern Gulf of Mexico. The main goal of this work is to show how beach and dune sands are controlled texturally, compositionally, and chemically by the nearby rivers for each beach location using a particle size analyser, a polarized microscope, a X-ray fluorescence and ICP mass spectrometer to obtain the following: grain-size values from one river (Carrizal River) are similar in range to their counterpart beach sands but not similar to the dune sands (Barra del Tordo). Rivers (Panuco and Carrizal) are compositionally controlling the quartz and feldspar contents of their counterpart beach and dune sands (i.e., Playa Miramar and Barra del Tordo). Rivers (Soto La Marina River) are directly influencing the composition of the beach sands (La Pesca) based upon the total quartz content, beach and dune sands. The concentration of magnetite grain fractions (Barra del Tordo beach and dune sands) is not under the influence of the nearby river (Carrizal River). In this case the compositional influence of beach and dune sands is related to sediment discharges by other fluvial systems, redistribution of the beach and dune sands along the coast and deflation/winnowing of light minerals. The Eu positive anomaly in the beach and dune sands from the three sites (i.e. Playa Miramar, Barra del Tordo, La Pesca) is linked to an increase in the P(plagioclase)/K(potash feldspar) ratio. The (La/Lu)cn highest ratio for river sands (Carrizal River) suggests quartz enrichment compared to their beach and dune sands counterparts. The (Gd/Yb)cn ratio for one river (i.e., Carrizal River) indicates that it is low in heavy rare earth elements. HREE compared to their beach and dune sands counterparts indicates less concentration of heavy minerals as potential carriers of HREE seawards.
基金This work is financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
文摘A numerical model of shoreline change of sand beaches based on long-term field wave data is proposed, the explicit and implicit finite difference forms of the model are described, and an application of the model is presented. Results of the application indicate that the model is sensitive to the order of the input wave data, and that the effects of long-term wave series and the effects of the mean annual wave conditions on the model are different. Instead of a single wave condition, the wave series will make the calibration and the verification of the model more practical and the results of the model more reasonable.
文摘This paper deals with the recovery of zircon minerals from beach sand and red sediments of bad land topography and flow sheets with material balance are suggested. The experimental data reveal that the total heavy mineral content of red sediment sample is 43.9% in which zircon mineral concentrate is 2.75% by weight, where as for beach-dune sand sample the THM content is 16.7% in which zircon mineral concentrate is 0.16% by weight. It is found that U and Th and REE elements contents are much higher in red sediment zircon sample than beach sand zircon. Zircon concentrates recovered from beach-dune sand and red sediments contain 98 to 98.1% zircon with 79.6 to 80% recovery respectively. These zircon minerals from both the sources are suitable for industrial applications.
基金grateful to FAPEMIG,CNPq and CAPES for financial assistance.
文摘Using gamma-ray spectrometry, the activity concentration of naturally occurring radionuclides 226Ra, 212Pb, 214Pb, 232Th, and 40K was determined in sand beaches samples from different areas in Guarapari, Espírito Santo state, from Brazil. The absorbed dose rates and annual effective dose were calculated and the results were compared with the internationally accepted values as well as others high background radiation areas (HBRAs). The activity concentration of the 232Th in Areia Preta as well as the absorbed dose rates and annual effective dose were higher than the others regions compared. The results show that Areia Preta in Guarapari has higher background found in beaches in world. This work is part of a research project for the natural background determination of the Brazilian coast.
文摘Magnetite (Fe<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub>) crystals have been synthesized from the natural iron sands of Tegal Lenga Beach with HCl (37%) as a solvent. Tegal Lenga Beach is a stretch of beach located in Kalisada Village, Seririt District, Buleleng Regency, Bali Province, Indonesia. Iron sand samples were obtained by extracting local natural sand from Tegal Lenga Beach by magnetic separation method. The iron sand sample was ground with agate mortar for 15 hours, then washed and rinsed with deionized water (DI water). Furthermore, the fine powder sample of iron sand was dried on a hotplate at a temperature of 80˚C until all the water had evaporated. Eighty grams of fine iron sand powder dissolved in 200 mL HCl (37%) while stirring with a hot plate magnetic stirrer at a temperature of 100˚C with a rotating speed of 600 rpm for 30 minutes. This solution was filtered through Wattman filter paper No. 42;then the filtrate was dried using a hot plate at a temperature of 100˚C to form a crust. This crust is then ground in an agate mortar until it becomes a fine powder of iron sand. Furthermore, the iron sand fine powder filtrate sample was divided into four equal parts which were then calcined at temperatures of 300˚C, 400˚C, 450˚C, and 500˚C for 30 minutes, respectively. It was found that the fine powder of iron sand from the natural sand of the Tegal Lenga Beach consisted mostly of 84.26% metal oxide magnetite. The synthesized magnetite crystal has a tetrahedral structure with lattice parameters of a = b = (5.927 ± 0.0180) Åand c = (16.774 ± 0.0145) Å. Magnetite crystals have granular and lumpy grains with an average grain size of (94,560 ± 10,1397) μm. In relation to the values obtained from the hysteresis curve, namely the remanent magnetization of 9.6672 emu/gr, saturation magnetization of 45.3491 emu/gr, coercive magnetic field strength of 0.0242 T, and saturation magnetic field strength of 0, 2938 T, then this magnetite crystal is classified as a weak ferromagnetic material.
文摘The fungal community associated with beach sand and plants located along marine coasts are an under-studied area of research despite its potential relevance to human health. In this study, we isolated and identified the cultivable mycobiota associated with sand and plants collected along the coast of Gran Canaria (Spain) using culture-dependent and -independent methods. Clinically relevant species belonging to Cryptococcus spp. and related genera such as Naganishia and Papilotrema were isolated and identified from shoreline plants. Moreover, Candida tropicalis was isolated from beach sand, and Aspergillus fumigatus and Aspergillus terreus strains were associated with both types of samples (i.e., plants and beach sand). We conclude that beach sand and shoreline plants are potential reservoirs of fungi of high clinical interest. We recommend including beach sand and plants from the environment when assessing the quality of marine coastal systems. Our results open a framework for studying the natural marine environment and its role in the epidemiology of infectious diseases in order to more accurately manage public health.
文摘Environmental magnetic research on beaches and shoreline processes is limited.Therefore,we carried out environmental magnetic studies on the heavy mineral-enriched,dark-reddish sands on Cedar Beach of western Lake Erie(41.68°N,82.40°W).Magnetite has been identified as the dominant magnetic mineral of these sands.This study reveals a spatial variation in concentration of magnetite particles,distribution of
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation for the Youth(No.41106039)
文摘The beach studied in this paper spans a length of 51 km and is one of several long sandy beaches in the southern Bohai Strait. Due to the obstruction of islands in the northeast and the influence of the underwater topography, the wave environment in the offshore area is complex; beach types and sediment transport characteristics vary along different coasts. The coastlines extracted from six aerial photographs in different years were compared to demonstrate the evolving features. Seven typical beach profiles were selected to study the lateral beach variation characteristics. Continuous wind and wave observation data from Beihuangcheng ocean station during 2009 were employed for the hindcast of the local wave environment using a regional spectral wave model. Then the results of the wave hindcast were incorporated into the LITDRIFT model to compute the sediment transport rates and directions along the coasts and analyze the longshore sand movement. The results show that the coastline evolution of sand beaches in the southern Bohai Strait has spatial and temporal variations and the coast can be divided into four typical regions. Region (1), the north coast of Qimudao, is a slightly eroded and dissipative beach with a large sediment transport rate; Region (II), the southwest coast of Gangluan Port, is a slightly deposited and dissipative beach with moderate sediment transport rate; Region (III), in the central area, is a beach that is gradually transformed from a slightly eroded dissipative beach to a moderately or slightly strong eroded bar-trough beach from west to east with a relatively moderate sediment transport rate. Region (IV), on the east coast, is a strongly eroded and reflective beach with a weak sediment transport rate. The wave conditions exhibit an increasing trend from west to east in the off- shore area. The distribution of the wave-induced current inside the wave breaking region and the littoral sediment transport in the nearshore region exhibit a gradual weakening tendency from west to east, which is opposite to the trend of the wave conditions out- side the breaking region. The presence of submerged shoal (Dengzhou Shoal), deep trough (Dengzhou Channel), islands and irregu- lar topography influnces the wave climate, beach types, wave-induced current features, littoral sediment transport trends and coast- line evolution patterns in the southern Bohai Strait. Human activities, such as the sand exploitation of Dengzhou Shoal and other coastal engineering projects, also influence the beach morphology and coastline evolution.
文摘Though poorly studied, sand is an environment with an extended degree of interaction with man. Enterococcal strains can be found in sand but we do not know to what extent these ubiquitous opportunistic nosocomial pathogens isolated from sand carry antimicrobial resistances and virulence traits. In an attempt to fill in this knowledge gap, two distinct types of sand (beach and children playground) were examined concerning composition in enterococcal species, genetic diversity of isolates and abundance of resistance to antimicrobials and virulence traits. Five different species were found, namely Enterococcus faecium, Enterococcus faecalis, Enterococcus hirae, Enterococcus flavescens and Enterococcus casseliflavus. Although genetic diversity was evident, two different E. faecium clones, common to the two types of sand, were detected, suggesting the existence of clones well adapted to this specific environment or from a common source. E. faecium was associated with multiple antibiotic resistances, including to fluoroquinolones and tetracycline that are commonly used by veterinarians and clinicians. Among the multiresistant E. faecium strains from beach sand, two were from sequence type (ST) 442, which belongs to the wide-spread Hospital-adapted clade CC17. They both carried the esp gene and the genomic island associated with CC17. The other virulence factors screened were disseminated among E. faecalis strains, but seldom detected in the other species, evidencing the existence, in these environments, of E. faecalis strains carrying the same virulence factors as the clinical ones. The present work thus stresses the need to follow-up the presence and characterization of enterococcal strains from both beach and children playground sands and of including these environments in the epidemiological global analysis of enterococcal isolates.
文摘Predicting the beach response to an extreme storm is important in planning and management of beach environment and helps in hazard control. Coastal dunes and sand beaches provide protection against sea waves and rising water levels to many coastal communities especially during a storm event. Barrier islands along the West of Florida constantly face wave action and when a severe storm is added to the forcing, the islands face severe erosion. In this study, the numerical model CSHORE was applied to predict the short-term cross-shore profile evolution on Sand Key Beach located on the barrier islands west of Florida. The initial beach profile used in the study was measured after a beach nourishment project on the barrier islands. In a few years, the coast experienced severe storms including Hurricane Ian. Beach profiles were measured post the hurricane period and therefore this study investigated how the cross-shore beach profile was affected due to sediment transportation dynamics caused by the climate. Coastal Hazard Systems storm data sets were used as forcings on the beaches to assess the response of the beaches to the conditions. The results were compared to the field measurements taken across transects on the beach cross sections.
文摘The nesting behaviour of sea turtles remains a subject to study, due to their enigmatic pattern of seasonal breeding activities. Over a period of time, several reports have been made in this context associated with the nesting behaviour of the Olive Ridley turtles. In the present study, characteristics of the breeding beach and nesting pattern of Olive Ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea) at Ramnagar along N-E coast of Andaman Islands were investigated, during the nesting periods 2016-2017. The study area hosts Olive Ridley, the dominant sea turtles with more than 300 individuals nesting each year. For this study, the number of sea turtles visited, nested, the sediment characters, salinity, and temperature were taken. The exposed sandy nesting beach characteristics are prone to varying degrees of morphological changes every day. The results depict that even though similar grain size (Coarse Sand to Fine Sand and Very well sorted to Poorly Sorted), with an ambient incubating temperature, pH and salinity with wide nesting area, the selective nesting in the particular location of the beach identified because of comfortable energy conditions in the waters (1.5 m/s) favours the female turtles to reach the beach at the preferable site of Ramnagar and nest.