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Employment Satisfaction and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Expansion Theory by the Pastoral Care Department 被引量:1
作者 Mariola Stawasz 《Journal of Health Science》 2019年第6期375-380,共6页
The author decided to explore Maslow’s theory of needs within a Catholic hospital in which 80%of the medical and service staff are non-Christians.The requirements to be focused on include a vision of medical care and... The author decided to explore Maslow’s theory of needs within a Catholic hospital in which 80%of the medical and service staff are non-Christians.The requirements to be focused on include a vision of medical care and service in accordance with the values and mission of Catholicism,and in the context of the highest level of attachment of employees to Cardinal Tien Hospital.The author also wondered whether there was evidence of a shift in employee needs for a sense of meaning in the workplace.If so,how should,or could,the organization and its leaders respond to it? 展开更多
关键词 Catholic hospitals pastoral care job satisfaction Maslow theory COMMITMENT self-transcendent
Araby and the use of religious images
作者 李一萱 《海外英语》 2012年第13期183-184,共2页
Araby is one of the short stories in James Joyce's collection,Dubliners.In the novel Araby,James Joyce used several religious images,such as the priest's books,the chalice,the wild garden and the name of bazaa... Araby is one of the short stories in James Joyce's collection,Dubliners.In the novel Araby,James Joyce used several religious images,such as the priest's books,the chalice,the wild garden and the name of bazaar,Araby.This paper is an attempt to analyze these religious images within the context,finding the idea that the Catholic belief's decline and people's confusion of the traditional faith which the writer intended to convey. 展开更多
A Review of Clay
作者 谢玉婷 《海外英语》 2016年第2期165-166,共2页
Clay tells the story the protagonist Maria.She was a Catholic.However,the Catholic has slaved Maria’s spirit to a great extent.This paper analyzes on one hand,Maria’s personalities and psychological characteristics ... Clay tells the story the protagonist Maria.She was a Catholic.However,the Catholic has slaved Maria’s spirit to a great extent.This paper analyzes on one hand,Maria’s personalities and psychological characteristics from a series of details in Maria’s all life-time;on the other hand,what the clay really symbolizes. 展开更多
Uptake of in-vitro fertilization among couples attending fertility clinic in a tertiary health institution
作者 Mabel Olubunmi Omobude Olaolorunpo Olorunfemi Fidelis Uchendu Okafor 《Asian pacific Journal of Reproduction》 2022年第1期12-19,共8页
Objective:To identify factors that determine the uptake of in-vitro fertilization(IVF),and to determine the predicting effect of the identified factors on the uptake of IVF among couples attending fertility clinic at ... Objective:To identify factors that determine the uptake of in-vitro fertilization(IVF),and to determine the predicting effect of the identified factors on the uptake of IVF among couples attending fertility clinic at a tertiary health institution in Benin City,Nigeria.Methods:This study adopted a cross-sectional descriptive design.A self-structured questionnaire tested was validated and administered to 250 couples who attended fertility clinic.Data were collected from March 2021 to June 2021 and were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Science(SPSS)version 21.Data were presented and interpreted using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics such as Chi-square,univariate statistics and multivariate logistic regression analysis.Results:Among 250 couples,154(61.6%)were willing to adopt IVF.The multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that catholic religion[odds ratio(OR)0.21,95%confident interval(CI)0.54-0.73],family income(OR 1.50,95%CI 1.10-2.00)and age(OR 1.04,95%CI 1.01-1.10)were the major factors that determined the uptake of IVF,with P-value of<0.001,0.018 and 0.031,respectively.Conclusions:The uptake of IVF could be sustained or improved on,if the government should improve on the cost of living for families,and religious leaders need to be encouraged to pass on the information about IVF to their members to be well guided about the possibilities of IVF. 展开更多
关键词 Uptake of IVF Couples’age Family income Catholic religion Cost of living Nigeria
Rawls and Catholicism: Towards Reconciliation?
作者 Antonella Piccinin 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2019年第1期50-56,共7页
This paper takes up an ambivalence in Rawls’thought concerning the propriety of religious reason in public discourse.After a general introduction,the second paragraph gives a basic description of the two sides of thi... This paper takes up an ambivalence in Rawls’thought concerning the propriety of religious reason in public discourse.After a general introduction,the second paragraph gives a basic description of the two sides of this ambivalence.In the third paragraph,Joseph Ratzinger is introduced as a potential dialogue partner with Rawls,in as much as one side of Rawls’thought can be interpreted to be congenial to religious reasons that occur with his requirement for public reason.The aim of this paper is,eventually,to open the path towards a possible reconciliation between Rawls’positions and those of the Catholic tradition,as suggested by Joseph Ratzinger.Although some dialectical tensions remain,engaging the Ratzingerian idea of a“mutual correction”might result into a fruitful encounter of different views. 展开更多
关键词 PUBLIC reason religious reasons RELIGION in the PUBLIC sphere CATHOLIC social thought
The Catholic Church in Beijing
《China Today》 1998年第11期47-49,共3页
THEBeijingSouthernCathedralissituatedinthedowntownareaofXuanwumenandisaquietoasisinthebusybusinesdistrict.Th... THEBeijingSouthernCathedralissituatedinthedowntownareaofXuanwumenandisaquietoasisinthebusybusinesdistrict.Thecomplexhasthecat... 展开更多
清代前中期东吴文人与西学(下) 被引量:2
作者 刘耘华 《基督教文化学刊》 CSSCI 2013年第2期94-115,共22页
关键词 Early and Mid QING the LITERATI in Dongwu CATHOLIC Calendric system Western ARTIFACTS
清代前中期东吴文人与西学(上) 被引量:1
作者 刘耘华 《基督教文化学刊》 CSSCI 2013年第1期127-159,共33页
东吴的历史空间蕴涵,其大可指江浙皖三省疆域,其小则可单指苏州。本文所云"东吴",特指明清时期吴文化的中心地带,即苏州、松江、常州三府所辖之地,具体而言,即吴县、长洲、常熟、吴江、昆山、嘉定及太仓州(清雍正二年起,曾兼... 东吴的历史空间蕴涵,其大可指江浙皖三省疆域,其小则可单指苏州。本文所云"东吴",特指明清时期吴文化的中心地带,即苏州、松江、常州三府所辖之地,具体而言,即吴县、长洲、常熟、吴江、昆山、嘉定及太仓州(清雍正二年起,曾兼辖崇明、嘉定、宝山、镇洋四县);华亭(松江府治所在)、上海、青浦、奉贤、金山、南汇、川沙;武进、无锡、宜兴、江阴、阳湖、溧阳等州县。 展开更多
关键词 Early and Mid QING Dongwu LITERATI CATHOLIC Calendric system Western ARTIFACTS
1724—1949年山西天主教徒信仰的本土化 被引量:1
作者 刘安荣 《基督教文化学刊》 CSSCI 2010年第1期258-279,共22页
关键词 SHANXI CATHOLICS INDIGENIZATION FAITH concepts festive ceremonies rites of PASSAGE ceremonies
作者 雷立柏 《基督教文化学刊》 CSSCI 2011年第1期173-192,共20页
作者 李丙权 《基督教文化学刊》 CSSCI 2017年第1期1-,3-27,共26页
尽管《圣经》传统和早期教会思想中一直对社会正义问题,尤其是经济和社会秩序颇为关注,①教会兴办学校、医院、慈善机构也早已有之,但教会对社会问题公开发表自己的分析和看法,则是19世纪末以来的事.1891年教宗列奥十三世发表的《新事... 尽管《圣经》传统和早期教会思想中一直对社会正义问题,尤其是经济和社会秩序颇为关注,①教会兴办学校、医院、慈善机构也早已有之,但教会对社会问题公开发表自己的分析和看法,则是19世纪末以来的事.1891年教宗列奥十三世发表的《新事》通谕(Rerum Novarum)标志着天主教社会训导(Catholic Social Teaching)的开端.天主教社会训导可有广义和狭义之分.严格意义上,它是指自《新事》通谕以来教会发布的一系列训导文件,共有十三份.从广义上讲,社会训导还包括教宗或教会当局发布的其它训导文件,包括演讲、讲道、牧函等,亦可包括区域性主教会议或主教团根据当地的实际情况发表的牧函.②当然,最宽泛意义的天主教社会训导还可以包括《圣经》和教会传统中关于社会事务的观点.本文所论,仅限于严格意义上的天主教社会训导. 展开更多
关键词 Catholic Social Teaching Vatican II Trinitarian Theology Theological anthropology ECCLESIOLOGY
基督教、身份认同与文化:个案研究 被引量:1
作者 杰拉尔德·A.阿巴克尔 柳博赟 《基督教文化学刊》 CSSCI 2012年第2期3-24,共22页
基督教的"大使命"(Great Commission)——"所以你们要去使万民成为门徒"(《玛窦福音》28:19)——乍眼一看并不复杂。正如圣父差遣圣子来到世间,圣子也差遣他的门徒继续他的工作。"使命"(mission)一词包... 基督教的"大使命"(Great Commission)——"所以你们要去使万民成为门徒"(《玛窦福音》28:19)——乍眼一看并不复杂。正如圣父差遣圣子来到世间,圣子也差遣他的门徒继续他的工作。"使命"(mission)一词包含的意思是:派遣人出去,赋予他权力,去传讲基督的救恩,正如经文所说:"若没有奉派遣。 展开更多
地缘政治之外:从教宗方济各2016年的言行看难民中的天主教 被引量:1
作者 谭立铸 《基督教文化学刊》 CSSCI 2017年第1期43-59,共17页
2016年难民问题已成为世界政治的一个不可回避的重大问题,尤其在大部分的欧洲国家,这个问题已经成为影响其社会文化生态、推动他们重新进行政治思考的紧迫内容.作为拥有关怀难民传统的世界宗教,天主教当今教宗方济各(Pope Francis)亦对... 2016年难民问题已成为世界政治的一个不可回避的重大问题,尤其在大部分的欧洲国家,这个问题已经成为影响其社会文化生态、推动他们重新进行政治思考的紧迫内容.作为拥有关怀难民传统的世界宗教,天主教当今教宗方济各(Pope Francis)亦对此问题表示了积极关注. 展开更多
关键词 REFUGEE Pope Francis the Catholic Church GEOPOLITICS Giorgio Agamben
“世界不要害怕中国的崛起”——教宗圣方济各访谈录 被引量:1
作者 郗士 陶倍玲 《基督教文化学刊》 CSSCI 2017年第1期81-90,共10页
前言 教宗一进来就感到了我的拘束——至少我有如此感觉——并设法让我放松.他是对的.事实上,我确实很紧张.我花了好几个小时反复推敲我打算提出的每一个问题之细节,而他也想有些时间来思考并斟酌如何答复.中国天主教徒只占中国人口的1... 前言 教宗一进来就感到了我的拘束——至少我有如此感觉——并设法让我放松.他是对的.事实上,我确实很紧张.我花了好几个小时反复推敲我打算提出的每一个问题之细节,而他也想有些时间来思考并斟酌如何答复.中国天主教徒只占中国人口的1%左右,因此,我请求采访的面非常广泛,涉及所有中国人民所关心的文化与哲学主题.我并不想触及宗教与政治问题,有关这方面的内容,其他教宗在其他时候已经谈及. 展开更多
关键词 Pope Francis INTERVIEW China Catholic Church
Archer Hou Yi According to Julius Zeyer (1841-1901) and Lu Xun (1881-1936): Changing Perceptions of Ancient Myths in Modern Literature 被引量:1
作者 Marian GALIK 《Frontiers of Literary Studies in China-Selected Publications from Chinese Universities》 2014年第3期359-373,共15页
This article analyzes two literary works by the Czech writer, Julius Zeyer (1841-1901), and Lu Xun (1881-1936) by elaborating upon two different myths concerning the Archer Hou Yi. These myths were presented by th... This article analyzes two literary works by the Czech writer, Julius Zeyer (1841-1901), and Lu Xun (1881-1936) by elaborating upon two different myths concerning the Archer Hou Yi. These myths were presented by the missionary and Sinologist William Frederick Mayers in The Chinese Reader's Manual: A Handbook of Biographical, Historical, Mythological and General Literary References (1874), and other Chinese sources. Zeyer highlighted the first myth, which was connected with the Emperor Yao and showed Hou Yi shooting arrows at the nine suns appearing together in the heavens, and Lu Xun preferred the second myth, where the Archer Yi rebelled against the Emperor Tai Kang, whom he drove from the Capital, and later was killed by Han Zhuo. The myth of Chang E who flew to the moon is described only by Lu Xun. 展开更多
关键词 Julius Zeyer Lu Xun William Frederick Meyers Archer Hou Yi Chang E changing perceptions by Catholic views of Zeyer and Marxist attitudes of Lu Xun
Covert and Overt Activism: Christianity in 1950s Coastal China
作者 Christie Chui-Shan Chow Joseph Tse-Hei Lee 《Frontiers of History in China》 2016年第4期579-599,共21页
The phenomenal growth of Catholic and Protestant churches--both officially-registered Three-Self patriotic churches and unofficial house churches--in China has drawn attention to the underlying dynamics of Chinese Chr... The phenomenal growth of Catholic and Protestant churches--both officially-registered Three-Self patriotic churches and unofficial house churches--in China has drawn attention to the underlying dynamics of Chinese Christianity. This article draws on archival research and ethnographic findings to investigate the interactions between the officials and Christians in the coastal regions of Shantou (Guangdong province) and Wenzhou (Zhejiang province) during the 1950s and 1960s. The Chaozhou-speaking Catholics, Baptists and Presbyterians in Shantou succeeded in transcending sectarian boundaries and helped each other to cope with political pressure. The Seventh-day Adventists in Wenzhou did likewise by organizing clandestine house gatherings with other Protestants. They held onto their faith, continued their worship activities on Saturday, and maintained a distinct, though not independent, identity under the broad spectrum of Protestantism. These local stories show that as a collective force, Chinese Christians not only employed a variety of tactics to help each other but also reinvented congregational, kinship and cross-regional networks as conduits for pursuing religious goals. Their covert and overt activism highlight the need to combine archival research and fieldwork to assess the revival of Christianity in present-day China. 展开更多
关键词 Baptists CATHOLICS Presbyterians Seventh-day Adventists Three-Self Patriotic Movement Shantou WENZHOU Korean War
Beijing Catholics Get New Bishop
《Beijing Review》 2007年第40期3-3,共1页
The Beijing Catholic diocese ordained young and energetic Joseph Li Shan as its new bishop on
关键词 CA Beijing Catholics Get New Bishop LI
The Great Irish Rebellion of 1798:History and Memory
作者 Harry T.Dickinson 《World History Studies》 2020年第1期1-27,共27页
The Irish rebellion of 1798 resulted in many casualties and much damage to property.All historians have agreed that Irish society in the eighteenth century was bitterly divided between a governing minority of English ... The Irish rebellion of 1798 resulted in many casualties and much damage to property.All historians have agreed that Irish society in the eighteenth century was bitterly divided between a governing minority of English Protestant settlers,a similar number of Scottish Presbyterian immigrants,who dominated the province of Ulster,and an oppressed majority of poor Catholics who were the original Celtic settlers of the country,but who had lost their lands and their political influence to these later immigrants.Some historians,however,believe that the principal cause of the rebellion was the economic distress of the Catholic majority.More recently,many scholars have claimed that the leaders of the rebellion were educated Protestant English and Scottish settlers,who resented Britain’s political control of Ireland were greatly influenced by the political principles of the French Revolution of 1789.Some of these historians have also studied how the memory of the 1798 rebellion among Catholic Irishmen across the world eventually enabled the Catholic majority to create an Irish republic in the 1920s that was able to govern two-thirds of the country. 展开更多
关键词 CATHOLICS Protestants United Irishmen Defenders French Revolution
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