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Y9420 Gear Chamfering Machine
作者 China Association of Machine ToolsIndustry 《China's Foreign Trade》 1996年第10期40-40,共1页
Y9420 Gear Chamfering Machine is ahigh efficiency machine tool designedby the Chongqing Machine ToolsWorks to meet market demand. The machineemploys the principle of cool extrusion anduses a special chamfering tool wh... Y9420 Gear Chamfering Machine is ahigh efficiency machine tool designedby the Chongqing Machine ToolsWorks to meet market demand. The machineemploys the principle of cool extrusion anduses a special chamfering tool which drivesthe work piece to rotate and achievechamfering. It features no tool tracks and noburr on the ends. Multiple cutters can beused to process cluster gears, and thechamfering can be realized on either oneside of the tooth or on both. It is an idealpiece of equipment for automobiles, machinetools and gears manufacture to chamfer anddeburr disk type gears, spur and helical shaftgears and cluster gears. 展开更多
关键词 Y9420 Gear chamfering Machine
结合距离变换和隐层图词包的手绘图像检索方法 被引量:6
作者 刘玉杰 庞芸萍 +2 位作者 路子奇 李宗民 李华 《计算机辅助设计与图形学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2016年第12期2168-2174,共7页
随着触屏设备的广泛普及,基于手绘的图像检索技术受到了越来越多的关注.针对HOG,SIFT,RST-HELO等传统图像描述子在基于手绘图像检索领域的局限性,提出一种基于卷积神经网络构建隐层图词包特征描述子的手绘图像检索方法.首先对数据库图... 随着触屏设备的广泛普及,基于手绘的图像检索技术受到了越来越多的关注.针对HOG,SIFT,RST-HELO等传统图像描述子在基于手绘图像检索领域的局限性,提出一种基于卷积神经网络构建隐层图词包特征描述子的手绘图像检索方法.首先对数据库图像提取边缘概率图;其次在边缘概率图上计算Chamfer距离变换图像,通过对距离变换图像提取隐层图词包特征构建预分类检索.在Flickr15K数据集上对文中方法进行了实验,证明基于隐层图词包特征描述子的检索效果比RST-HELO等传统方法有了显著提高;从图像预处理和特征描述子两方面对SBIR进行了改进,实验结果表明,文中方法具有更高的准确率. 展开更多
关键词 手绘检索 卷积神经网络 边缘概率检测 Chamfer距离变换 隐层图词包
基于CAD模型的单目六自由度位姿测量 被引量:7
作者 宋薇 周扬 《光学精密工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期882-891,共10页
为实现单目摄像头对一般工业零件的六自由度位姿测量,研究了离线模板库自动建立,图像处理以及优化匹配3个方面的问题。首先,由STL文件格式的CAD文件建立不同观察方位下的匹配模板,定义了一种方便模板库调用并有图像意义的位姿描述参数... 为实现单目摄像头对一般工业零件的六自由度位姿测量,研究了离线模板库自动建立,图像处理以及优化匹配3个方面的问题。首先,由STL文件格式的CAD文件建立不同观察方位下的匹配模板,定义了一种方便模板库调用并有图像意义的位姿描述参数。然后,对Chamfer Match方法进行改进,将距离映射图按边缘倾角分层,结合模板探索点的倾角进行匹配,在不增加运算量的情况下提升匹配度函数的灵敏性。最后,使用加入了退火算法的遗传算法进行最优搜索,从而提高匹配效率。实验结果表明:基于文中的方法完成一次位姿测量耗时在500ms以内,搜索可以获到正确的结果。在330mm观察距离上,平移误差和深度方向误差分别控制在1mm、2mm以内,转角误差为1°左右。得到的结果基本满足单目视觉六自由度位姿快速匹配自动测量的要求。 展开更多
关键词 单目视觉 位姿测量 CAD模型 Chamfer距离 优化匹配
一种基于几何约束的轨道提取方法研究 被引量:6
作者 王忠立 蔡伯根 《交通运输系统工程与信息》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2017年第6期56-62,84,共8页
针对基于Hough变换或螺旋曲线模型的视觉轨道检测方法存在的不足,本文提出了一种基于几何约束的轨道提取方法.该方法利用摄像机和轨道平面之间的成像关系近似满足单因矩阵的特点,利用逆透视映射(IPM)将输入图像转换为Bird-view图像,并... 针对基于Hough变换或螺旋曲线模型的视觉轨道检测方法存在的不足,本文提出了一种基于几何约束的轨道提取方法.该方法利用摄像机和轨道平面之间的成像关系近似满足单因矩阵的特点,利用逆透视映射(IPM)将输入图像转换为Bird-view图像,并采用一种改进的边缘检测方法进行边缘检测.然后将二值化的边缘图像在垂直方向上分割为多个区段,在每个区段上,利用先验知识生成的系列模板图像,对分段IPM图像进行去噪处理和Chamfer距离变换后进行距离匹配检测,将轨道检测转换为一个二维匹配搜索过程.在分段检测结果的基础上,进一步利用曲线拟合得到边缘图像中完整的轨道曲线方程.该曲线方程通过已知的单因矩阵转换为原始图像中的曲线描述,实现在原始图像中的检测和定位.实验验证了所提方法的可行性和可靠性. 展开更多
关键词 铁路运输 视觉检测 逆透视映射 轨道提取 单应矩阵 Chamfer距离变换
基于GPU加速的快速图像相似区域查找 被引量:3
作者 汤颖 肖廷哲 范菁 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期290-296,共7页
图像相似区域查找是很多图形图像应用中的关键问题,也是计算瓶颈。传统加速方法如ANN(Approximate Nearest Neighbor)处理较大图像区域时速度较慢,而且在非度量空间下不支持精确查找。提出基于GPU加速的图像相似区域并行查找的通用计算... 图像相似区域查找是很多图形图像应用中的关键问题,也是计算瓶颈。传统加速方法如ANN(Approximate Nearest Neighbor)处理较大图像区域时速度较慢,而且在非度量空间下不支持精确查找。提出基于GPU加速的图像相似区域并行查找的通用计算框架,该框架可以扩展,以支持任意距离函数。特别针对在图像处理中应用广泛的欧氏距离(度量空间)和Chamfer距离(非度量空间)分别提出了基于CUDA的高效相似区域查找算法,比较完备地给出了相似性计算在不同度量空间下的实现。进一步,在设计具体的CUDA加速算法中,结合不同距离计算的特点对并行计算过程进行优化。该方法采用穷举的查找策略,在欧氏距离和Chamfer距离下都能实现精确查找,且大大提高了计算效率。实验结果表明,加速算法在准确查找的基础上执行速度比传统加速方法提升了一至二个数量级,且应用于纹理合成的实例表明,算法可以快速合成高质量的纹理。 展开更多
关键词 度量空间 图像相似区域 GPU Chamfer距离 纹理合成
基于模板和GVF蛇形步态轮廓提取 被引量:1
作者 徐俊红 丛望 +2 位作者 李金 王妍玮 梁洪 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期1116-1118,1126,共4页
提出了一种基于模板和改进的gradient vector flow(GVF)分割方法。该方法先手工建立初始化模板,利用初始化模板和分割对象的周期性线性匹配,并基于Chamfer距离寻找最佳匹配模板;把该最优模板轮廓作为改进GVF的初始轮廓,再使用改进的GVF... 提出了一种基于模板和改进的gradient vector flow(GVF)分割方法。该方法先手工建立初始化模板,利用初始化模板和分割对象的周期性线性匹配,并基于Chamfer距离寻找最佳匹配模板;把该最优模板轮廓作为改进GVF的初始轮廓,再使用改进的GVF算法分割出对象。该算法仅需建立一次初始化模板,以后具有通用性,而且对于阴影和背景影响有较好的分割效果。对加利福尼亚大学步态数据库研究显示了该方法的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 改进的梯度矢量流 模板匹配 步态 轮廓分割 Chamfer距离
基于GPU加速的保结构纹理合成 被引量:2
作者 汤颖 林琦峰 +1 位作者 肖廷哲 范菁 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期299-302,312,共5页
提出一种基于Chamfer距离的保结构纹理合成方法。使用Chamfer距离度量纹理结构特征的相似度,在查找匹配块的同时计算纹理在颜色空间和结构特征空间的匹配度,从而解决以往纹理合成中有显著结构特征的纹理容易出现不连续的问题。但是Cham... 提出一种基于Chamfer距离的保结构纹理合成方法。使用Chamfer距离度量纹理结构特征的相似度,在查找匹配块的同时计算纹理在颜色空间和结构特征空间的匹配度,从而解决以往纹理合成中有显著结构特征的纹理容易出现不连续的问题。但是Chamfer距离的计算量很大,而且随着纹理合成图分辨率的提高,计算成本会变得相当高昂以至于难以负担。因此,提出了基于GPU加速的保结构纹理合成方法,通过并行查找匹配块提高合成效率。实验证明本方法既提高了结构纹理的合成质量,又使得保结构纹理方法的合成速度大大提高,且与纹理合成图的分辨率无关。 展开更多
关键词 纹理合成 Chamfer距离 结构特征 GPU
作者 刘晨光 刘家锋 +1 位作者 黄剑华 唐降龙 《哈尔滨工业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第3期460-465,共6页
为了实现单目视频中人体头部和肩部位置的自动跟踪,并估算出人体头肩部的三维姿态.提出了一种新的基于头-肩三维模型的栅格粒子滤波方法,使用Chamfer距离进行边缘相似性度量.算法使用一个预先生成的离散化的栅格状态空间,在每一个时间... 为了实现单目视频中人体头部和肩部位置的自动跟踪,并估算出人体头肩部的三维姿态.提出了一种新的基于头-肩三维模型的栅格粒子滤波方法,使用Chamfer距离进行边缘相似性度量.算法使用一个预先生成的离散化的栅格状态空间,在每一个时间步将该状态空间的一个较小的子空间作为粒子的搜索空间,有效地限制了所用粒子数量,提高了粒子滤波过程的执行效率.由于三维信息的缺失,单目视频中人体三维姿态估计一直是一个难点问题.而实验结果表明,本方法能够有效并准确地估计出人体头肩部的三维姿态,为人体姿态分析和行为理解的研究提供了一个新的基础. 展开更多
关键词 三维姿态估计 三维模型 粒子滤波 Chamfer距离
基于轮廓模板匹配的物体检测算法 被引量:2
作者 陈雷 《科技传播》 2010年第21期158-158,137,共2页
作者 宋薇 王武 +1 位作者 章亚男 沈林勇 《计量与测试技术》 2017年第4期57-60,共4页
本文提出一种软、硬件相结合的图像动态优化系统用来提高图像处理和目标检测速度。利用FPGA硬件加速实现边缘分层距离图算法;在上位机中利用模板匹配和遗传算法(GA)进行优化搜索。实验结果表明:在图像分辨率为640*480的情况下,完成一次... 本文提出一种软、硬件相结合的图像动态优化系统用来提高图像处理和目标检测速度。利用FPGA硬件加速实现边缘分层距离图算法;在上位机中利用模板匹配和遗传算法(GA)进行优化搜索。实验结果表明:在图像分辨率为640*480的情况下,完成一次图像处理和识别(定位目标位置、姿态3自由度)的总时间小于35ms,基本满足高效实时的跟踪要求。 展开更多
关键词 实时跟踪 FPGA Chamfer距离 遗传算法 模板匹配
Chamfer Matching在CT和MRI图像匹配融合中的应用 被引量:2
作者 段锋 童隆正 吕振中 《空军工程大学学报(自然科学版)》 CSCD 2001年第6期74-77,共4页
医学影像中的CT和MRI图像的精确匹配融合能为临床提供全面、丰富的诊断信息。文中首先对CT图像正常脑组织边缘做距离变换 ,形成距离图像 ,然后利用MRI图像正常脑组织边缘作为模板 ,实现了CT和MRI图像的精确匹配。在此基础上完成了CT和MR... 医学影像中的CT和MRI图像的精确匹配融合能为临床提供全面、丰富的诊断信息。文中首先对CT图像正常脑组织边缘做距离变换 ,形成距离图像 ,然后利用MRI图像正常脑组织边缘作为模板 ,实现了CT和MRI图像的精确匹配。在此基础上完成了CT和MRI的信息融合。文中算法适用于CT和MRI的匹配 ,并对SPECT ,PET 。 展开更多
关键词 CHAMFER MATCHING 距离变换 匹配 融合 医学影像 CT图像 MRI图像
结合形状约束的Graph Cut行人分割 被引量:1
作者 胡江华 王文中 +1 位作者 罗斌 汤进 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期837-840,共4页
传统的Graph Cut算法没有对目标的形状予以限制,很难得到语义化的分割结果,即无法保证分割出来的是"行人"。针对该问题提出一种结合形状和底层特征的Graph Cut算法。对于行人分割,用大量真实行人轮廓来表达"行人"... 传统的Graph Cut算法没有对目标的形状予以限制,很难得到语义化的分割结果,即无法保证分割出来的是"行人"。针对该问题提出一种结合形状和底层特征的Graph Cut算法。对于行人分割,用大量真实行人轮廓来表达"行人"的先验形状,对Graph Cut分割算法予以约束,同时构建一个行人模板的层次树以减少匹配时间;并且提出一种区分性的外观模型来替换原来的外观模型。实验结果证明,该算法的分割结果明显优于传统Graph Cut算法的分割结果,所得到的轮廓与真实的行人轮廓比较吻合。 展开更多
关键词 行人分割 GRAPH Cut算法 层次聚类 Chamfer距离 形状约束
Experimental Study on Wear Characteristics of PCBN Tool with Variable Chamfered Edge 被引量:3
作者 Tao Chen Lixing Song +1 位作者 Suyan Li Xianli Liu 《Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第3期89-97,共9页
Owing to heavy dynamic and thermal loads, PCBN tools are seriously worn during hard cutting, which largely constrains the improvement of their machining performance. Therein, the chamfered structure of a cutting edge ... Owing to heavy dynamic and thermal loads, PCBN tools are seriously worn during hard cutting, which largely constrains the improvement of their machining performance. Therein, the chamfered structure of a cutting edge has a notable influence on the tool wear. Thus, a comparative study was carried out on the wear morphology and wear mechanism of PCBN tools with either a variable chamfered edge or an invariable chamfered edge. The results indicate that, for a PCBN tool with a variable chamfered edge, the rake wear area is far from the cutting edge and slowly extends toward it. A shallow large-area crater wear occurs on the rake face, and the flank wear area has a long triangular shape with a smaller wear area and width, and the cutting edge remains in a good state during the cutting process. In contrast, for a PCBN tool with an invariable chamfered edge, a deep small-area crater appears on the rake face, and the wear area is close to the cutting edge and quickly extends toward it. Thus, it is easy for chips to accumulate in the crater, resulting in large-area and high-speed wear on the flank face. In addition, the tool shows a weak wear resistance. In the initial wear stage, the rake wear mechanism of the two cutting tools is a mixture of abrasive, oxidation, and other types of wear, whereas their flank wear mechanism is dominated by abrasive wear. With an aggravation of the tool wear, the oxidation and diffusion wear mechanism are both increasingly strengthened. The rake wear of the cutter with a variable chamfered edge showed an obvious increase in the oxidation and diffusion wear, as did the flank wear of the cutter with an invariable chamfered edge. This study revealed the wear mechanism of the PCBN tool with a variable chamfered edge and provided theoretical and technological support for its popularization and application in the machining of high-hardness materials. 展开更多
关键词 HARD CUTTING VARIABLE chamfered EDGE PCBN tool WEAR morphology WEAR mechanism
Influence of the Hole Chamfer on the Characteristics of a Multi-hole Orifice Flowmeter 被引量:4
作者 Caizhe Hao Xiaoming Song Zhining Jia 《Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing》 EI 2019年第4期391-401,共11页
In order to analyze the influence of the hole chamfer on the metering performances of a Multi-hole Orifice Flowmeter and optimize the related orifice structure,a multi-hole orifice flowmeter with DN80 and throttle rat... In order to analyze the influence of the hole chamfer on the metering performances of a Multi-hole Orifice Flowmeter and optimize the related orifice structure,a multi-hole orifice flowmeter with DN80 and throttle ratio of 0.45 was considered in the present study.The flow field characteristics were determined in the framework of a CFD technique.The results show that the multi-hole orifice flowmeter with filleting transition around the throttle orifice has higher accuracy in a wide range of the space of parameters,and is more suitable for accurate measurement of fluid in process control. 展开更多
关键词 Multi-hole orifice differential pressure CHAMFER CFD simulation
Slenderness Ratio Effect on the Eccentric Compression Performance of Chamfered Laminated Bamboo Lumber Columns 被引量:2
作者 Ke Zhou Haitao Li +6 位作者 Assima Dauletbek Dong Yang Zhenhua Xiong Rodolfo Lorenzo Kun Zhou Ileana Corbi Ottavia Corbi 《Journal of Renewable Materials》 SCIE EI 2022年第1期165-182,共18页
Eccentric compression tests on 15 chamfered laminated bamboo lumber(LBL)columns with a height ranging from 600 to 3000 mm were conducted in order to study the eccentric mechanical performance.The failure of all specim... Eccentric compression tests on 15 chamfered laminated bamboo lumber(LBL)columns with a height ranging from 600 to 3000 mm were conducted in order to study the eccentric mechanical performance.The failure of all specimens was caused by the crack of bamboo fiber in the tensile region.When the ultimate strength was reached,except specimens with a height of 600 mm,all other specimens could bear large deformation,showing good ductility.The lateral displacements of the specimens under eccentric compression were approximately para-bolic in the direction of column height.The ultimate bending moment of LBL columns with different slenderness ratios under compression with the same initial eccentricity was a fixed value.The relationship between ultimate capacity,axial displacement,lateral displacement,and slenderness ratio was analyzed based on test results.It was found that the plane section assumption could be used to express the stress and strain distribution of chamfered LBL columns under eccentric compression.A method for calculating the ultimate bearing capacity was proposed using a constitutive model based on the Ramberg-Osgood relation and the empirical formula for calculating the ultimate capacity was given on the basis of the former research as well as the test results in this paper. 展开更多
关键词 Laminated bamboo lumber COLUMN CHAMFER eccentric compression tangential
Design and field measurement of a dipole magnet for a newly developed superconducting proton cyclotron beamline 被引量:1
作者 Jun-Sheng Zhang Jin-Xing Zheng +3 位作者 Yun-Tao Song Wu-Quan Zhang Ming Li Xian-Hu Zeng 《Nuclear Science and Techniques》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第9期214-221,共8页
The design, field quality optimization, multipole field analysis, and field measurement of a dipole for a newly developed superconducting proton cyclotron(SC200) beamline are presented in this paper. The maximum magne... The design, field quality optimization, multipole field analysis, and field measurement of a dipole for a newly developed superconducting proton cyclotron(SC200) beamline are presented in this paper. The maximum magnetic field of the dipole is 1.35 T; the bending radius is 1.6 m with a proton beam energy in the range of70–200 Me V. The magnetic field was calculated with 2 D and 3 D simulations, and measured with a Hall mapping system. The pole shim and end chamfer were optimized to improve the field quality. Based on the simulated results,the multipole field components in the good-field region were studied to evaluate the field quality. The results showed that the field quality is better than ± 5 × 10^(-4) at1.35 T with shimming and chamfering. For the transverse field homogeneity, the third-order(B3) and fifth-order(B5)components should be controlled with symmetrical shims.The second-order(B2) component was the main disturbance for the integral field homogeneity; it could be improved with an end chamfer. The magnet manufacturing and field measurement were performed in this project. The measurement results demonstrated that the magnetic design and field quality optimization of the 45° dipole magnet can achieve the desired high field quality and satisfy the physical requirements. 展开更多
关键词 Magnet FIELD quality Pole shim End CHAMFER MULTIPOLE FIELD component
Experimental and numerical investigation of a Hall thruster with a chamfered channel wall 被引量:1
作者 Hong Li Guo-Jun Xia +4 位作者 Wei Mao Jin-Wen Liu Yong-Jie Ding Da-Ren Yu Xiao-Gang Wang 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第10期484-494,共11页
A discharge channel with a chamfered wall not only has application in the design of modern Hall thrusters, but also exists where the channel wall is eroded, and so is a common status for these units. In this paper, th... A discharge channel with a chamfered wall not only has application in the design of modern Hall thrusters, but also exists where the channel wall is eroded, and so is a common status for these units. In this paper, the laws and mechanisms that govern the effect of the chamfered wall on the performance of a Hall thruster are investigated. By applying both experimental measurement and particle-in-cell simulation, it is determined that there is a moderate chamfer angle that can further improve the optimal performance obtained with a straight channel. This is because the chamfering of the wall near the channel exit can enhance ion acceleration and effectively reduce ion recombination on the wall, which is favorable to the promotion of the thrust and efficiency. However, the chamfer angle should not be too large; otherwise, both the density of the propellant gas and the distribution of the plasma potential in the channel are influenced, which is undesirable for efficient propellant utilization and beam concentration. Therefore, it is suggested that the chamfer shape of the channel wall is an important factor that must be carefully considered in the design of Hall thrusters. 展开更多
关键词 Hall thruster chamfered wall discharge performance physical mechanism
Design of a device for precision shaping of grinding wheel macro-and micro-geometry 被引量:1
作者 Krzysztof NADOLNY Wojciech KAPLONEK 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第1期135-143,共9页
The selected modifications to the construction of grinding wheels were described which facilitate an increase in the material removal rate (grinding wheels with conic chamfer and grinding wheels with microdiscontinui... The selected modifications to the construction of grinding wheels were described which facilitate an increase in the material removal rate (grinding wheels with conic chamfer and grinding wheels with microdiscontinuities on the active surface). Using these background details, a suggested thesis was put forward regarding the need to develop a device which will allow for the shaping of the macrogeometry of the grinding wheel (cylindrical and conical surfaces) and the microdiscontinuities within the dressing operation simultaneously. The device was presented and prepared in two functional variants (horizontal and vertical mounting of the motor), then a prototype was described. An example of the grinding wheel active surface, shaped by using this device, was also presented. The theoretical analysis and experimental verification performed determine that the error of shaping the conic chamfer angle within the range of 0-1.5°, using the developed device, is approximately ±3%. 展开更多
关键词 single-pass grinding DRESSING grinding wheels with conic chamfer microdiscontinuities of grinding wheel
Matching characteristics of magnetic field configuration and chamfered channel wall in a magnetically shielded Hall thruster 被引量:1
作者 Zhaoyu Wang Hong Li +4 位作者 Chao Zhong Yanlin Hu Yongjie Ding Liqiu Wei Daren Yu 《Plasma Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第10期72-80,共9页
To date, the selection of the magnetic field line used to match the chamfered inner and outer channel walls in a magnetically shielded Hall thruster has not been quantitatively studied. Hence, an experimental study wa... To date, the selection of the magnetic field line used to match the chamfered inner and outer channel walls in a magnetically shielded Hall thruster has not been quantitatively studied. Hence, an experimental study was conducted on a 1.35 k W magnetically shielded Hall thruster with a xenon propellant. Different magnetic field lines were chosen, and corresponding tangentially matched channel walls were manufactured and utilized. The results demonstrate that high performance and a qualified anti-sputtering effect cannot be achieved simultaneously. When the magnetic field lines that match the chamfered wall have a strength at the channel centerline of less than 12% of the maximum field strength, the channel wall can be adequately protected from ion sputtering. When the magnetic field lines have a strength ratio of 12%–20%, the thruster performance is high. These findings provide the first significant quantitative design reference for the match between the magnetic field line and chamfered channel wall in magnetically shielded Hall thrusters. 展开更多
关键词 magnetically shielded Hall thruster magnetic field line chamfered channel wall tangent matching
Experimental Evaluation on Grinding Texture on Flank Face in Chamfer Milling of Stainless Steel
作者 Xian-Li Liu Jin-Kui Shi +1 位作者 Wei Ji Li-Hui Wang 《Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第4期117-123,共7页
The surface quality of chamfer milling of stainless steel is closed related to the products of 3 C(Computer, Communication and Consumer electronics), where a cutter is a major part to achieve that. Targeting a high-qu... The surface quality of chamfer milling of stainless steel is closed related to the products of 3 C(Computer, Communication and Consumer electronics), where a cutter is a major part to achieve that. Targeting a high-quality cutter,an experimental evaluation is carried out on the influence of grinding texture of cutter flank face on surface quality.The mathematic models of chamfer cutter are established, and they are validated by a numerical simulation. Also the grinding data are generated by the models and tested by a grinding simulation for safety reasons. Then, a set of chamfer cutting tools are machined in a five-axis CNC grinding machine, and consist of five angles between the cutting edge and the grinding texture on the 1 st flank faces, i.e., 0°, 15°, 30°, 45° and 60°. Furthermore, the machined cutting tools are tested in a series of milling experiments of chamfer hole of stainless steel, where cutting forces and surface morphologies are measured and observed. The results show that the best state of both surface quality and cutting force is archived by the tool with 45° grinding texture, which can provide a support for manufacturing of cutting tool used in chamfer milling. 展开更多
关键词 Grinding texture Chamfer cutter Cutting force Surface quality
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