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组织试合剂Fit Checker在口腔修复调改中的应用
作者 秦猛 杨倩 +1 位作者 徐超 谭万德 《广东牙病防治》 2012年第10期550-551,共2页
目的评价组织试合剂Fit Checker在口腔修复调改中的临床应用效果。方法选择金属烤瓷冠修复患者368例、金属支架可摘义齿试戴患者161例、塑料基托可摘义齿组织面疼痛患者37例、全口义齿修复患者62例,共628例患者,用Fit Checker进行修复... 目的评价组织试合剂Fit Checker在口腔修复调改中的临床应用效果。方法选择金属烤瓷冠修复患者368例、金属支架可摘义齿试戴患者161例、塑料基托可摘义齿组织面疼痛患者37例、全口义齿修复患者62例,共628例患者,用Fit Checker进行修复体调改。结果对628例患者的修复体使用Fit Checker进行调改,均达到了满意的效果。368例患者的金属烤瓷冠咬合接触点均匀、广泛,烤瓷冠边缘密合无间隙,探诊光滑无阻挡;161例患者的金属支架可摘义齿金属支架与基牙贴合紧密,固位良好,取戴方便;37例可摘义齿组织面疼痛患者中有36例疼痛完全消失,1例在用义齿咀嚼时仍有痛感,经自行咀嚼锻炼2周后逐渐恢复正常;62例全口义齿修复患者在大张口、发音、咀嚼时义齿均能保持较好的稳定性,咀嚼功能恢复良好。结论使用Fit Checker对金属烤瓷冠、金属支架可摘义齿、塑料基托可摘义齿、全口义齿进行调改可取得良好效果。 展开更多
关键词 FIT checker 试合剂 修复体 可摘局部义齿 全口义齿
基于4D Checker的数字高程模型的质量检验方法 被引量:4
作者 周华鸣 李小贤 《测绘标准化》 2011年第1期40-41,共2页
"4D"产品作为新型测绘产品,其质量检验是一项非常重要而又艰巨的任务。"4D Checker"是用于数字测绘产品质量检验的专业软件,适用于DEM、DOM、DLG和DRG等数字测绘产品的质量检验。主要介绍利用该软件进行数字高程模... "4D"产品作为新型测绘产品,其质量检验是一项非常重要而又艰巨的任务。"4D Checker"是用于数字测绘产品质量检验的专业软件,适用于DEM、DOM、DLG和DRG等数字测绘产品的质量检验。主要介绍利用该软件进行数字高程模型质量检验的步骤、内容和方法。 展开更多
关键词 4D checker DEM 质量检验
Advantages of Using a Spell Checker in Text Mining Pre-Processes 被引量:1
作者 Jhonathan Quillo-Espino Rosa María Romero-González Alberto Lara-Guevara 《Journal of Computer and Communications》 2018年第11期43-54,共12页
The aim of this work was the behavior analysis when a spell checker was integrated as an extra pre-process during the first stage of the test mining. Different models were analyzed, choosing the most complete one cons... The aim of this work was the behavior analysis when a spell checker was integrated as an extra pre-process during the first stage of the test mining. Different models were analyzed, choosing the most complete one considering the pre-processes as the initial part of the text mining process. Algorithms for the Spanish language were developed and adapted, as well as for the methodology testing through the analysis of 2363 words. A capable notation for removing special and unwanted characters was created. Execution times of each algorithm were analyzed to test the efficiency of the text mining pre-process with and without orthographic revision. The total time was shorter with the spell-checker than without it. The key difference of this work among the existing related studies is the first time that the spell checker is used in the text mining preprocesses. 展开更多
基于GeowayDLG-Checker的1∶1000 DLG自动化质量检查探讨 被引量:3
作者 赖光华 《测绘与空间地理信息》 2016年第6期111-113,共3页
介绍了基于GeowayDLG-Checker软件制作1∶1 000 DLG自动化质量检查方案流程和方法。该质量检查方案保证了1∶1 000 DLG成果的正确性与一致性,同时又可提高质量检查的工作效率,确保1∶1 000 DLG成果符合数字城市现行相关规范的要求,为数... 介绍了基于GeowayDLG-Checker软件制作1∶1 000 DLG自动化质量检查方案流程和方法。该质量检查方案保证了1∶1 000 DLG成果的正确性与一致性,同时又可提高质量检查的工作效率,确保1∶1 000 DLG成果符合数字城市现行相关规范的要求,为数字城市建设提供了强有力的质量保障。 展开更多
关键词 1∶1 000 DLG GEOWAY DLG-checker 自动化质量检查方案
基于GEOWAY Checker for 3D的省级基础地理信息数据更新(DLG)成果质量检查探讨 被引量:1
作者 刘巍 《矿山测量》 2018年第4期101-105,共5页
为了提高省级基础地理信息数据更新(DLG)成果的质量,文中结合白银1:10 000 DLG更新生产项目,介绍并探讨了GEOWAY Checker for 3D软件检查的方法和流程,在总结检查经验的基础上,客观地阐述了软件的优点与缺点。该软件在一定程度上实现了... 为了提高省级基础地理信息数据更新(DLG)成果的质量,文中结合白银1:10 000 DLG更新生产项目,介绍并探讨了GEOWAY Checker for 3D软件检查的方法和流程,在总结检查经验的基础上,客观地阐述了软件的优点与缺点。该软件在一定程度上实现了自动化质检,具有合理的性价比,适合作为基础测绘首轮更新与常规化更新之间的过度检查使用。 展开更多
关键词 GEOWAY checker for 3D 基础地理信息 数据更新 DLG 质量检查
基于Checker的打包带视觉检漏监控 被引量:1
作者 姜安军 《智慧工厂》 2015年第12期73-74,共2页
关键词 机器视觉 边缘检查 康耐视checker
Damage Mechanism and Structure Analysis of Used Clay Checker Bricks for Regenerators of Coke Ovens
作者 XU Guotao YANG Fan +4 位作者 FENG Qiang WANG Dachun ZHANG Yanwen ZHANG Honglei LIU Li 《China's Refractories》 CAS 2019年第4期7-11,共5页
During long-term use,the clay checker bricks for regenerators of coke ovens on gas side react with the impurities containing Fe and K20,causing foaming,softening and deformation,which is not only related with the impu... During long-term use,the clay checker bricks for regenerators of coke ovens on gas side react with the impurities containing Fe and K20,causing foaming,softening and deformation,which is not only related with the impurity content and properties of the clay checker bricks,but also related with the type and the composition of the dust in the gas.After long term use,the clay checker bricks of coke ovens on air side have relative lower impurities containing Fe and K20.The inferior clay checker bricks,with high impurity content and high porosity,are easy to pulverize and deteriorate due to the oxidationreduction reaction with the iron oxide and the gas.The gas quality shall be concerned for long service life of the coke oven regenerators. 展开更多
关键词 coke oven REGENERATOR checker brick REFRACTORIES
利用Geoway-Checker软件设计1:5千缩编1:1万DLG数据检查程序 被引量:1
作者 王宗权 《数字技术与应用》 2012年第9期56-56,58,共2页
关键词 Geoway—checker缩编检查 程序检查
DLG Checker在“天地图·宁夏”建设中的应用
作者 周淑虹 《科技资讯》 2012年第22期26-26,共1页
国家地理信息公共服务平台公众版——"天地图",是数字中国的重要组成部分,是中国区域内基础地理信息数据资源最全的互联网地图服务网站。本文简要的介绍如何利用Geoway DLG Checker软件在入库前对数据的图形关系、拓扑关系、... 国家地理信息公共服务平台公众版——"天地图",是数字中国的重要组成部分,是中国区域内基础地理信息数据资源最全的互联网地图服务网站。本文简要的介绍如何利用Geoway DLG Checker软件在入库前对数据的图形关系、拓扑关系、逻辑一致性、属性信息进行检查修改。 展开更多
关键词 天地图 DLG checker 图形数据 数据检查
FIT CHECKER在全冠试戴中的应用
作者 方欣 刘春玉 王谊 《口腔颌面修复学杂志》 2005年第2期134-134,共1页
关键词 硅橡胶 全冠 修复体密合度 FIT checker 修复体
《可编程控制器与工厂自动化(PLC FA)》 2015年第9期40-40,共1页
正新橡胶(中国)有限公司(以下简称正新橡胶)是由台湾正新橡胶工业股份有限公司与日本东洋橡胶工业株式会社共同合资经营的外商投资企业。公司主要生产各式子午线轿车轮胎、卡车轮胎及各类型轮胎,产品行销国内外市场。工厂第一期预... 正新橡胶(中国)有限公司(以下简称正新橡胶)是由台湾正新橡胶工业股份有限公司与日本东洋橡胶工业株式会社共同合资经营的外商投资企业。公司主要生产各式子午线轿车轮胎、卡车轮胎及各类型轮胎,产品行销国内外市场。工厂第一期预估产量能达到每年250万条,总产值为8亿人民币,成为国内最大橡胶轮胎生产企业之一。 展开更多
关键词 胎面胶 checker 视觉传感器 轮胎生产企业 实时监控 轿车轮胎 产品行销 日本东洋 合资经营 面接触
好用又免费的邮箱侦测器 Mail Checker
作者 邵玉祥 《互联网世界》 1999年第10期78-78,共1页
关键词 邮箱侦测器 MAIL checker E-MAIL 软件
W-checker在高性能混凝土质量控制中的应用研究 被引量:1
作者 柴瑞 曾俊杰 +1 位作者 刘行 熊建波 《施工技术》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第3期41-44,共4页
水胶比、抗压强度和氯离子扩散系数是高性能混凝土质量控制中的关键因素。采用新拌混凝土单位水量测定仪(W-checker)对不同水胶比新拌高性能混凝土成分进行了测试,通过室内试验建立了混凝土水胶比与抗压强度和氯离子扩散系数之间的关系... 水胶比、抗压强度和氯离子扩散系数是高性能混凝土质量控制中的关键因素。采用新拌混凝土单位水量测定仪(W-checker)对不同水胶比新拌高性能混凝土成分进行了测试,通过室内试验建立了混凝土水胶比与抗压强度和氯离子扩散系数之间的关系,并将研究结果应用于实际工程中。结果表明,采用W-checker可准确测试新拌高性能混凝土水胶比,有效预测混凝土28,56d抗压强度和氯离子扩散系数,预测值与实际值相对误差小。Wchecker用于高性能混凝土水胶比、抗压强度和氯离子扩散系数等质量控制时具有良好的可行性。 展开更多
关键词 混凝土 单位水量测定仪 水胶比 氯离子扩散系数 抗压强度 质量控制
作者 李小贤 《测绘技术装备》 2012年第2期36-37,共2页
随着"4D"产品广泛应用和深入,"4D"产品的质量越来越多的引起人们的重视,"4D"产品作为新型测绘产品,其质量检验显得尤为重要。"4DChecker"是用于数字测绘产品质量检验的专业软件,适用于DOM、DEM... 随着"4D"产品广泛应用和深入,"4D"产品的质量越来越多的引起人们的重视,"4D"产品作为新型测绘产品,其质量检验显得尤为重要。"4DChecker"是用于数字测绘产品质量检验的专业软件,适用于DOM、DEM、DLG、DRG等数字测绘产品的质量检验。主要介绍利用"4DChecker"进行数字正射影像图(DOM)质量检验的步骤、内容和方法。 展开更多
关键词 4D checker DOM检验方法
《自动化博览》 2009年第10期7-7,共1页
关键词 视觉传感器 高分辨率 checker 康耐视公司
New Binary Modular Adder Tree Structure for Error Checker of Arithmetic
作者 Mingda Zhang Shugang Wei 《通讯和计算机(中英文版)》 2013年第3期295-300,共6页
关键词 SD加法器 算术运算 二进制 结构模块化 检查 运算电路 数转换器 数字运算
Hybritus:a password strength checker by ensemble learning from the query feedbacks of websites 被引量:1
作者 Yongzhong HE Endalew Elsabeth ALEM Wei WANG 《Frontiers of Computer Science》 SCIE EI CSCD 2020年第3期189-202,共14页
Password authentication is vulnerable to dictionary attacks.Password strength measurement helps users to choose hard-to-guess passwords and enhance the security of systems based on password authentication.Although the... Password authentication is vulnerable to dictionary attacks.Password strength measurement helps users to choose hard-to-guess passwords and enhance the security of systems based on password authentication.Although there are many password strength metrics and tools,none of them produces an objective measurement with inconsistent policies and different dictionaries.In this work,we analyzed the password policies and checkers of top 100 popular websites that are selected from Alexa rankings.The checkers are inconsistent and thus they may label the same password as different strength labels,because each checker is sensitive to its configuration,e.g.,the algorithm used and the training data.Attackers are empowered to exploit the above vulnerabilities to crack the protected systems more easily.As such,single metrics or local training data are not enough to build a robust and secure password checker.Based on these observations,we proposed Hybritus that integrates different websites'strategies and views into a global and robust model of the attackers with multiple layer perceptron(MLP)neural networks.Our data set is comprised of more than 3.3 million passwords taken from the leaked,transformed and randomly generated dictionaries.The data set were sent to 10 website checkers to get the feedbacks on the strength of passwords labeled as strong,medium and weak.Then we used the features of passwords generated by term frequency-inverse document frequency to train and test Hybritus.The experimental results show that the accuracy of passwords strength checking can be as high as 97.7%and over 94%even if it was trained with only ten thousand passwords.User study shows that Hybritus is usable as well as secure. 展开更多
关键词 PASSWORD password strength password checker neural networks
Effect of Look-Ahead Depth in Evolutionary Checkers
作者 Belal Al-Khateeb Graham Kendall 《Journal of Computer Science & Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2012年第5期996-1006,共11页
It is intuitive that allowing a deeper search into a game tree will result in a superior player to one that is restricted in the depth of the search that it is allowed to make. Of course, searching deeper into the tre... It is intuitive that allowing a deeper search into a game tree will result in a superior player to one that is restricted in the depth of the search that it is allowed to make. Of course, searching deeper into the tree comes at increased computational cost and this is one of the trade-offs that has to be considered in developing a tree-based search algorithm. There has been some discussion as to whether the evaluation function, or the depth of the search, is the main contributory factor in the performance of an evolved checkers player. Some previous research has investigated this question (on Chess and Othello), with differing conclusions. This suggests that different games have different emphases, with respect to these two factors. This paper provides the evidence for evolutionary checkers, and shows that the look-ahead depth (like Chess, perhaps unsurprisingly) is important. This is the first time that such an intensive study has been carried out for evolutionary checkers and given the evidence provided for Chess and Othello this is an important study that provides the evidence for another game. We arrived at our conclusion by evolving various checkers players at different ply depths and by playing them against one another, again at different ply depths. This was combined with the two-move ballot (enabling more games against the evolved players to take place) which provides strong evidence that depth of the look-ahead is important for evolved checkers players. 展开更多
关键词 evolutionary checkers look-ahead depth neural network
Quantum-dot cellular automata based reversible low power parity generator and parity checker design for nanocommunication
作者 Jadav Chandra DAS Debashis DE 《Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第3期224-236,共13页
Quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA) is an emerging area of research in reversible computing. It can be used to design nanoscale circuits. In nanocommunication, the detection and correction of errors in a received me... Quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA) is an emerging area of research in reversible computing. It can be used to design nanoscale circuits. In nanocommunication, the detection and correction of errors in a received message is a major factor. Besides, device density and power dissipation are the key issues in the nanocommunication architecture. For the first time, QCA-based designs of the reversible low-power odd parity generator and odd parity checker using the Feynman gate have been achieved in this study. Using the proposed parity generator and parity checker circuit, a nanocommunication architecture is pro- posed. The detection of errors in the received message during transmission is also explored. The proposed QCA Feynman gate outshines the existing ones in terms of area, cell count, and delay. The quantum costs of the proposed conventional reversible circuits and their QCA layouts are calculated and compared, which establishes that the proposed QCA circuits have very low quantum cost compared to conventional designs. The energy dissipation by the layouts is estimated, which ensures the possibility ofQCA nano-device serving as an alternative platform for the implementation of reversible circuits. The stability of the proposed circuits under thermal randomness is analyzed, showing the operational efficiency of the circuits. The simulation results of the proposed design are tested with theoretical values, showing the accuracy of the circuits. The proposed circuits can be used to design more complex low-power nanoscale lossless cation architecture such as nano-transmitters and nano-receivers 展开更多
关键词 Quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA) Parity generator Parity checker Feynman gate Nanocommunication Powerdissipation
RUSAS: Roman Urdu Sentiment Analysis System
作者 Kazim Jawad Muhammad Ahmad +1 位作者 Majdah Alvi Muhammad Bux Alvi 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2024年第4期1463-1480,共18页
Sentiment analysis, the meta field of Natural Language Processing (NLP), attempts to analyze and identify thesentiments in the opinionated text data. People share their judgments, reactions, and feedback on the intern... Sentiment analysis, the meta field of Natural Language Processing (NLP), attempts to analyze and identify thesentiments in the opinionated text data. People share their judgments, reactions, and feedback on the internetusing various languages. Urdu is one of them, and it is frequently used worldwide. Urdu-speaking people prefer tocommunicate on social media in Roman Urdu (RU), an English scripting style with the Urdu language dialect.Researchers have developed versatile lexical resources for features-rich comprehensive languages, but limitedlinguistic resources are available to facilitate the sentiment classification of Roman Urdu. This effort encompassesextracting subjective expressions in Roman Urdu and determining the implied opinionated text polarity. Theprimary sources of the dataset are Daraz (an e-commerce platform), Google Maps, and the manual effort. Thecontributions of this study include a Bilingual Roman Urdu Language Detector (BRULD) and a Roman UrduSpelling Checker (RUSC). These integrated modules accept the user input, detect the text language, correct thespellings, categorize the sentiments, and return the input sentence’s orientation with a sentiment intensity score.The developed system gains strength with each input experience gradually. The results show that the languagedetector gives an accuracy of 97.1% on a close domain dataset, with an overall sentiment classification accuracy of94.3%. 展开更多
关键词 Roman Urdu sentiment analysis Roman Urdu language detector Roman Urdu spelling checker FLASK
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