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China's Criminal Law Reform from the Perspective of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
作者 焦阳 ZHAO Hongfang 《The Journal of Human Rights》 2017年第2期181-192,共12页
The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights reflects the world’s perception of human rights, and is of vital importance in the field of international human rights. The Covenant has been signed by Chinese... The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights reflects the world’s perception of human rights, and is of vital importance in the field of international human rights. The Covenant has been signed by Chinese government. Although not ratified yet, it will definitely have an impact on the reform of China’s Criminal Law. Therefore, it is necessary to further change our notion of the criminal law system by defining the boundary between public power and civil rights and developing the view of human rights protection. In terms of the specific system, it is necessary to further reduce the number of crimes punishable by the death penalty and limit the application of the death sentence, improve China’s Criminal Procedural Law to protect the fundamental rights of suspects and defendants in terms of compulsory measures, investigation means and judicial form, and add some charges like enslavement and illegal human experimentation, which are criminalized around the world, so as to be in line with the requirements of international human rights protection. 展开更多
关键词 International Covenant on civil and political rights death penalty reform criminal procedure international crime
The Modernization of State Governance Will Promote Protection of Civil and Political Rights
作者 常健 《The Journal of Human Rights》 2015年第1期35-39,共5页
The modernization of state governance and innovation in governing measures will strengthen the protection of human rights in China, including civil and political rights. Firstly, legal control over public power will r... The modernization of state governance and innovation in governing measures will strengthen the protection of human rights in China, including civil and political rights. Firstly, legal control over public power will reduce arbitrary restrictions on civil rights. Secondly, public participation in policy-making will provide more opportunities for citizens to exercise their political rights. Thirdly, governing by law will better guarantee equal protection of law for all people. Fourthly, an effective accountability mechanism will reinforce people's right of supervision. Lastly, innovation in governing measures will help identify and satisfy citizens' demands. 展开更多
关键词 human rights protection in China modernization of state governance civil and political rights
Universality and Relativism of Human Rights from Perspective of International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
作者 SUN SHIYAN 《The Journal of Human Rights》 2009年第4期13-15,共3页
There has been much discussion in the recent decade on the universality or particularity or relativism or on the relations between the universal values and standard systems and cultural diversity or pluralism. But mos... There has been much discussion in the recent decade on the universality or particularity or relativism or on the relations between the universal values and standard systems and cultural diversity or pluralism. But most of the discussions are concentrated on the abstract or conceptual terms, with few touching upon international human fights standards. This is strange, because the disputes will never end and it is impossible to arrive at any conclusions of value if discussions only focus on the different concepts and systems of different countries or civilizations instead of on what has been universally accepted or at least on the international human rights treaties and the customary international human rights laws that are binding to the great number of state parties. 展开更多
关键词 Universality and Relativism of Human rights from Perspective of International Covenant on civil and political rights
The Contributing Factors of Black Women's Devotion to Self-empowerment in the Later Civil Rights Movement
作者 曾倩 《海外英语》 2010年第5X期215-218,共4页
From the beginning the civil rights movement,black women had thrown themselves into the fighting for racial liberation.However,since the mid-1960s black women began to pay more attention to their own empowerment for m... From the beginning the civil rights movement,black women had thrown themselves into the fighting for racial liberation.However,since the mid-1960s black women began to pay more attention to their own empowerment for many intricate and complex reasons.This paper focuses on what resulted in gradual shifting of black women to self-empowerment. 展开更多
关键词 BLACK women SELF-EMPOWERMENT LATER civil rights movement
Realization of the Right to Economic Assistance of Women with Disabilities in Divorce from the Perspective of the Civil Code
作者 夏吟兰 夏江皓 CHEN Feng(译) 《The Journal of Human Rights》 2020年第5期620-637,共18页
Protecting the equal human rights of persons with disabilities is an important part of human rights protection in China.The Marriage law Amendment in 2001 focused on the economic assistance system for divorce relief f... Protecting the equal human rights of persons with disabilities is an important part of human rights protection in China.The Marriage law Amendment in 2001 focused on the economic assistance system for divorce relief for a party unable maintain the local basic standard of living.The Civil Code has adjusted and expanded the system,stipulating that one party can ask for financial help from the other party if the party can’t maintain a reasonable living after divorce.To a certain extent,this economic assistance should include the assistance to the party whose living standard has decreased significantly after divorce and the party who has made more sacrifices and contribution to the marriage during the marriage.Although the economic assistance system for divorce stipulated in the Civil Code does not specifically address unequal treatment or discrimination against women with disabilities,since women with disabilities are more vulnerable after divorce,they are more likely to put forward economic assistance claims after a divorce,be more dependent on others physically and psychologically,and find it more difficult to obtain employment.Social security for women with disabilities is still insufficient and compared with other subjects,women with disabilities are likely to be in an unequal position in the realization of their right to economic assistance in divorce.Therefore,it is necessary to put forward reasonable legal interpretations and application suggestions for the relevant provisions in the Civil Code,so as to fully realize the economic assistance rights of women with disabilities in divorce,and reflect the care and protection of the human rights of women with disabilities in the Civil Code. 展开更多
关键词 women with disabilities economic assistance for divorce civil Code substantive equality human rights protection
The Sumame of Turkish Women: A Question of Identity?
作者 Seldag Gunes Peschke 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2015年第12期658-665,共8页
After the foundation of Turkish Republic in1923, Turkish Civil Code which was codificated from Switzerland in 1926 was a new code for modem Turkey that aimed gender equality. Even if, there were some articles, contrar... After the foundation of Turkish Republic in1923, Turkish Civil Code which was codificated from Switzerland in 1926 was a new code for modem Turkey that aimed gender equality. Even if, there were some articles, contrary to the equality of men and women, they were ignored when they were compared with the reforms performed in favor of women. The surname of woman was one of the issues where there was gender discrimination. In the Civil Code of 1926, it was stated that the married woman must have taken her husband's surname after the official marriage and she had to use it through her marriage life. In 1997, there was an amendment in TCC Article 153 that the married woman had the right to register her maiden name in front of her husband's surname which was also accepted in the new TCC in Article 187 in 2002. As the equality of the spouses is neglected under Article 187, many women are trying to change the current situation, by lawsuits. In this article, the regulations about the surname, will be discussed under personality rights and identity, within the current legislation with some court decisions from the last years in favor of women. 展开更多
关键词 SURNAME women Turkish civil Code women rights personality rights IDENTITY gender equality
Reflecting on European Migration and Refugees: From a Feminist Perspective
作者 Kathrin Winkler 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2017年第2期90-96,共7页
Women come to Europe from the Middle East, from Africa and other threatened regions. In many cases, they bring their religion with them--as Muslim women, Yezidi women or as Christian women, alone or with their childre... Women come to Europe from the Middle East, from Africa and other threatened regions. In many cases, they bring their religion with them--as Muslim women, Yezidi women or as Christian women, alone or with their children and their families. Seeking refuge is a process of change for themselves as well as for the European societies. What kind of experiences do women gain during and after their flight? Are there experiences that are specific to women? The insights into the reality of fleeing women lead to existential philosophical reflections. Hannah Arendt's definition of humanity and the right to have rights is relevant to current migrants' experiences. Intersectionality examines the multiple discriminations and social inequality of women seeking asylum in Europe. On the basis of political theory Seyla Benhabib clarifies that the right to have rights is inexorably dependent on whether social acceptance has been granted or not. To analyze these questions, the requirements of and advantages to European societies must be defined. And how can this line of inquiry be used to develop a politically motivated theology? 展开更多
关键词 women and migration EUROPE intersectionality human rights social philosophical concepts feminiStperspectives political theology
On Liang Qicha's Thought on Feminist Rights in the Late Qing Dynasty
《五邑大学学报(社会科学版)》 2011年第3期93-95,共3页
关键词 英文摘要 内容介绍 编辑工作 期刊
规制仇恨言论的国际法规则与实践 被引量:1
作者 孙世彦 姜居正 《人权研究》 2024年第2期1-26,共26页
许多国家都存在仇恨言论这一丑恶现象。尽管对于仇恨言论的概念并不存在普遍接受的定义,但国际社会一直高度重视对仇恨言论的规制,提供了若干规则,形成了相应实践。规制仇恨言论的国际法依据可分为四类,即限制表达自由的规则、禁止滥用... 许多国家都存在仇恨言论这一丑恶现象。尽管对于仇恨言论的概念并不存在普遍接受的定义,但国际社会一直高度重视对仇恨言论的规制,提供了若干规则,形成了相应实践。规制仇恨言论的国际法依据可分为四类,即限制表达自由的规则、禁止滥用权利的规则、禁止仇恨言论的规则和规定仇恨言论为国际罪行的规则。普遍性和区域性人权机构以及国际刑事司法机构适用这些规则,在规制仇恨言论方面形成了丰富的案例,且规则适用的重点均落脚于如何平衡对表达自由的保障和对仇恨言论的规制。规制仇恨言论的国内法律规则和实践与国际法律规则和实践相互影响,研究国际相关法律规则和实践对于理解各国相关法律规则和实践、形成规制仇恨言论的国际共识和标准具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 仇恨言论 表达自由 公民及政治权利国际公约 消除种族歧视公约 欧洲人权公约
从婚姻到社会:迈向全面发展的妇女权益保障之路 被引量:2
作者 郑依彤 《东方法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第2期52-62,共11页
近年来,我国妇女权益保障法治建设成果丰富,既有妇女权益保障法的全面修订,又有民法典婚姻家庭编相关司法解释的相继出台,在持续赋权的同时,逐步强化平权观念,但其中理念革新与价值张力并存。循赋权进路,规范性理解妇女的弱势所在,找准... 近年来,我国妇女权益保障法治建设成果丰富,既有妇女权益保障法的全面修订,又有民法典婚姻家庭编相关司法解释的相继出台,在持续赋权的同时,逐步强化平权观念,但其中理念革新与价值张力并存。循赋权进路,规范性理解妇女的弱势所在,找准妇女在社会规范与权力结构中的现实落差是赋权的前提。基于此,应重点围绕婚姻家庭、人格财产等私权领域,完成权利拓展与强化;沿平权进路,厘清与赋权相并列的、支撑性别平等的立法的另一种权利义务及责任分配方式是构建平权机制的前提。民法典婚姻家庭编司法解释(二)的制定亦展现性别平等的最新制度思考,但平权机制的完善仍有诸多未尽之处。 展开更多
关键词 妇女权益保障 赋权 平权 性别平等 民法典 婚姻家庭编
国家赔偿制度发展的宪法支撑研究 被引量:11
作者 文正邦 邓华平 伍操 《现代法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第4期42-50,共9页
国家赔偿取得权、人权保障和政治文明分别是宪法支撑国家赔偿制度发展的“一体”和“两翼”。国家赔偿取得权是公民的基本权利,国家赔偿制度的发展应当以保障国家赔偿取得权为重点。第四次修宪特别突出的“人权保障”和“政治文明”分... 国家赔偿取得权、人权保障和政治文明分别是宪法支撑国家赔偿制度发展的“一体”和“两翼”。国家赔偿取得权是公民的基本权利,国家赔偿制度的发展应当以保障国家赔偿取得权为重点。第四次修宪特别突出的“人权保障”和“政治文明”分别对国家赔偿实体和程序制度的发展提供了宪法支撑,国家赔偿制度的修改必须体现这些宪法精神。 展开更多
关键词 宪法 国家赔偿取得权 人权保障 政治文明 国家赔偿制度 《国家赔偿法》 中国
论宪法与政治文明 被引量:13
作者 李龙 豆星星 《现代法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第1期3-6,共4页
在政治文明史上 ,宪法的产生具有里程碑的意义。宪法是权利的保障书 ,人权是政治文明的终极关怀 ;宪法是民主政治的法律化 ,民主政治是政治文明的保障 ;宪法是治国之法 ,法治是政治文明的基本运作方式 ;宪法是宪政的前提 ,宪政是政治文... 在政治文明史上 ,宪法的产生具有里程碑的意义。宪法是权利的保障书 ,人权是政治文明的终极关怀 ;宪法是民主政治的法律化 ,民主政治是政治文明的保障 ;宪法是治国之法 ,法治是政治文明的基本运作方式 ;宪法是宪政的前提 ,宪政是政治文明的核心。宪法与政治文明相辅相成。 展开更多
关键词 宪法 政治文明 民主政治 人权 公民权利
论民法的社会功能 被引量:10
作者 屈茂辉 粟瑜 《湖南师范大学社会科学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第5期68-72,共5页
作为民法功能之下位概念,民法的社会功能是指民法通过其自身运行而对整个社会所产生的影响与效能。它和同位阶的民法的规范功能相比,具有目的性与根本性、独立性与变迁性;而与其他部门法的社会功能相比,则更具基础性。民法社会功能的核... 作为民法功能之下位概念,民法的社会功能是指民法通过其自身运行而对整个社会所产生的影响与效能。它和同位阶的民法的规范功能相比,具有目的性与根本性、独立性与变迁性;而与其他部门法的社会功能相比,则更具基础性。民法社会功能的核心内容可概括为:平等地确认和保障私权,从而构建并维护社会的基础秩序,以促进人的自我解放。而它又具体表现为:民法孕育了政治文明的基本要素,推动民主政治与法治的发展;民法维护市场经济的繁荣与发展,促进财富的增长与有效利用;民法鼓励和保护精神文化产品的创新与利用,推动精神文明建设;民法建立和维护健康的婚姻家庭秩序。 展开更多
关键词 民法 私权 政治文明 市场经济 精神文明 社会秩序
论现行宪法与政治文明的亲和性 被引量:4
作者 李龙 刘连泰 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第4期114-120,共7页
政治文明与宪法具有天然的亲和性。人权问题是政治文明的终极关怀,宪法是这种关怀的最佳表达;民主政治是政治文明的基本保障,民主制度是宪法的重要内容;法治是政治文明的基本运作方式,宪法至上是法治之本。1982年宪法满足了立宪主义的... 政治文明与宪法具有天然的亲和性。人权问题是政治文明的终极关怀,宪法是这种关怀的最佳表达;民主政治是政治文明的基本保障,民主制度是宪法的重要内容;法治是政治文明的基本运作方式,宪法至上是法治之本。1982年宪法满足了立宪主义的普适性价值要求,又具有自己的特色,是中国政治文明史上的里程碑。 展开更多
关键词 政治文明 宪法 里程碑 人权 民主 宪法至上
对我国党权、民权和政权关系的认识 被引量:4
作者 张雷 娄成武 《郑州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第3期30-32,共3页
相对于立法、行政和司法这三权而言,党权、民权和政权可以称之为"大三权",党权是政权的核心,政权是实现党权和保障民权的制度形式,民权是党权和政权的基础和目的;民权监督党权、党权指导政权、政权促进民权。在我国,中国共产... 相对于立法、行政和司法这三权而言,党权、民权和政权可以称之为"大三权",党权是政权的核心,政权是实现党权和保障民权的制度形式,民权是党权和政权的基础和目的;民权监督党权、党权指导政权、政权促进民权。在我国,中国共产党作为执政党,科学认识和正确处理"大三权"的关系是加强党的执政能力建设的重要内容。 展开更多
关键词 党权 民权 政权
马克思政治解放思想的内在逻辑 被引量:4
作者 孙代尧 张端 《理论学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第7期4-10,共7页
马克思的政治解放思想首先是为了批判青年黑格尔派代表人物鲍威尔关于犹太人解放的观点而提出的。与鲍威尔的思路不同,马克思认为,宗教解放与政治国家的完成并不矛盾,政治解放的前提是先将宗教问题化为世俗问题。政治解放就是指国家从... 马克思的政治解放思想首先是为了批判青年黑格尔派代表人物鲍威尔关于犹太人解放的观点而提出的。与鲍威尔的思路不同,马克思认为,宗教解放与政治国家的完成并不矛盾,政治解放的前提是先将宗教问题化为世俗问题。政治解放就是指国家从宗教的束缚中解放出来,市民社会从政治国家中解放出来。马克思用批判的眼光审视已经实现了政治解放的国家、市民社会和人权的本质,不仅从理论上指出要超越政治解放、实现人的解放,而且找到了实现这一变革的头脑和心脏即哲学和无产阶级。 展开更多
关键词 马克思 政治解放 政治国家 市民社会 人权 人的解放
19世纪英国的政治民主化与女权运动 被引量:11
作者 潘迎华 《史学月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2000年第4期85-92,共8页
工业化与政治民主化是19世纪英国历史的主旋律。在工业化的浪潮中,许多妇女走向社会,走进劳动力市场,成为独立的雇佣劳动者,从而扩大了眼界,增强了独立意识。在社会政治民主化运动中,她们接受自由主义思想,参与党派活动、宪章... 工业化与政治民主化是19世纪英国历史的主旋律。在工业化的浪潮中,许多妇女走向社会,走进劳动力市场,成为独立的雇佣劳动者,从而扩大了眼界,增强了独立意识。在社会政治民主化运动中,她们接受自由主义思想,参与党派活动、宪章运动和反谷物法斗争,甚至独立开展争取妇女选举权、与男性平等的经济权和社会立法权运动,向社会显示自身的实力,不仅改变了轻视妇女的传统社会立法,提高了女性的经济地位和社会地位,而且有力地推进了国家的民主化进程。 展开更多
关键词 19世纪 英国 政治民主化 女权运动 独立意识 社会地位 自由主义
妇女参政行为与政治行为文明 被引量:13
作者 王瑞芹 《妇女研究论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第4期5-9,共5页
政治行为文明是政治文明的外化,政治文明最终通过政治行为文明来体现。迄今为止,人类的政治行为文明主要体现着男性的政治权力,近代妇女参政行为的崛起对政治行为文明起到新的规范作用,即革新政治行为的内容,调节政治行为中男性与女性... 政治行为文明是政治文明的外化,政治文明最终通过政治行为文明来体现。迄今为止,人类的政治行为文明主要体现着男性的政治权力,近代妇女参政行为的崛起对政治行为文明起到新的规范作用,即革新政治行为的内容,调节政治行为中男性与女性的力量对比,建立和谐的政治行为环境和氛围,影响和改变政治行为的发展方向。 展开更多
关键词 妇女参政行为 政治行为文明 规范
清代妇女民事诉讼权利考析——以档案与判牍资料为研究对象 被引量:9
作者 吴欣 《社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第9期152-162,共11页
在“三从”伦理规范的约束之下,作为没有完全责任和行为能力的个体,清代妇女的诉讼权利受到了种种制约。但在实际的诉讼案件以及判牍、档案资料中,妇女的诉讼权利在一定程度上是存在的,且在某些时候表现出了比男子还要优越的主动性。对... 在“三从”伦理规范的约束之下,作为没有完全责任和行为能力的个体,清代妇女的诉讼权利受到了种种制约。但在实际的诉讼案件以及判牍、档案资料中,妇女的诉讼权利在一定程度上是存在的,且在某些时候表现出了比男子还要优越的主动性。对这种存在与主动性的深入探讨,不但可以揭示清代社会妇女诉讼权利的实际状况,而且也可以帮助我们了解礼法制度及其司法实践在妇女问题上的契合与分离,以及礼法观念与人们实际生活的结合程度。 展开更多
关键词 妇女 诉讼权利 民事诉讼 清代
试论第四次修宪对民族法制建设的积极影响 被引量:1
作者 杨临宏 刘宁 《广西民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第2期15-18,共4页
第四次修宪顺应时代发展的需要确立了一些新的理念和制度,对于我国的宪政建设具有重要的意义。《民族区域自治法》作为宪法关于民族区域自治制度具体化的规定以及援引宪法条文最多的基本法,宪法的这些修改必将对其产生影响。本文从“三... 第四次修宪顺应时代发展的需要确立了一些新的理念和制度,对于我国的宪政建设具有重要的意义。《民族区域自治法》作为宪法关于民族区域自治制度具体化的规定以及援引宪法条文最多的基本法,宪法的这些修改必将对其产生影响。本文从“三个代表”思想、“三个文明”协调发展和保障人权入宪对民族区域自治理念和制度上影响的角度阐述了第四次修宪对《民族区域自治法》的指导性意义。 展开更多
关键词 第四次修宪 民族法制建设 积极影响 《民族区域自治法》 民族区域自治制度 “三个代表” “三个文明” 时代发展 宪政建设 自治理念 保障人权 协调发展 基本法 宪法 具体化 指导性 意义 作为 修改 阐述
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