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An Analysis of Teacher Talk in College English Classroom 被引量:1
作者 张晓莉 《海外英语》 2012年第23期97-98,100,共3页
As an indispensable part of college English class,teacher talk has a great influence on the effect of the language teaching.By analyzing teacher talk from four aspects of dominance of teacher talk,teacher's questi... As an indispensable part of college English class,teacher talk has a great influence on the effect of the language teaching.By analyzing teacher talk from four aspects of dominance of teacher talk,teacher's questions,teacher's directives and code-switching,a conclusion is drawn:teachers should employ teacher talk appropriately in college English class in order to improve the quality of language teaching. 展开更多
关键词 teacher talk COLLEGE English classroom LANGUAGE te
Teacher Talk Code-switching in College English Teaching Classroom
作者 张智 《海外英语》 2017年第14期184-185,190,共3页
Code-switching is considered as a strategy of cognition, interaction and teaching. Foreign language teachers often use code-switching as a skill of pedagogy to teach students to learn foreign language and promote thei... Code-switching is considered as a strategy of cognition, interaction and teaching. Foreign language teachers often use code-switching as a skill of pedagogy to teach students to learn foreign language and promote their own teaching practice. Evidence shows that the proper sue of code-switching will promote English teaching practice, however, it is arguable that how to use native language to improve English teaching. This paper will discuss code-switching in Chinese English teaching with the SLA theories and put forward some guidance to teacher talk code-switching. 展开更多
关键词 College English classroom teaching teacher talk code-switching second language acquisition
Study on the Teacher Talk in EFL Classroom
作者 诸东娟 《科技信息》 2011年第8期150-150,153,共2页
As a distinctive professional language,teacher's language deserves a linguistic analysis.By class observation and interview,the article aims to analyze the feature of teacher talk in EFL class from the perspective... As a distinctive professional language,teacher's language deserves a linguistic analysis.By class observation and interview,the article aims to analyze the feature of teacher talk in EFL class from the perspectives of discourse,the way of offering questions,feedback and so on.Finally,the author concludes the study with some suggestions to make teacher talk more effective. 展开更多
关键词 英语 教师 课堂观察 教学方法
A Comparative Study on Teacher Talk of Australian and Chinese English Teachers in English as Foreign Language Classrooms
作者 王菊兰 《海外英语》 2015年第8期250-253,共4页
Research on teacher talk has shown that many different teaching behaviors between native speaking teachers and nonnative speaking teachers may result from their different English proficiency.This paper aims to examine... Research on teacher talk has shown that many different teaching behaviors between native speaking teachers and nonnative speaking teachers may result from their different English proficiency.This paper aims to examine the differences between Australian English teachers(AETs)and Chinese English teachers(CETs)in language classrooms in terms of language use,linguistic complexity,linguistic variety.Two college teachers(one AET and one CET)were observed.Data were collected via classroom observation and analyzed by a qualitative research method.The findings revealed that there were certain differences in the above aspects.The results,therefore,have implications for language teaching. 展开更多
关键词 teacher talk AETs CETS EFL classroomS
On Teacher Talk in ELT Classroom Teaching
作者 李燕 《海外英语》 2012年第2X期37-38,共2页
Teacher talk (TT for short) in China's ELT (English as Foreign Language Teaching) classroom teaching refers to the speech that the teacher uses to speak to students when the teacher undertakes teaching tasks and s... Teacher talk (TT for short) in China's ELT (English as Foreign Language Teaching) classroom teaching refers to the speech that the teacher uses to speak to students when the teacher undertakes teaching tasks and spread knowledge. This article will firstly introduce teacher talk briefly and then analyze some strategies with regard to TT with the ultimate purposes of illustrating how effective teacher talk contributes to the good relationship between teacher and students in ELT classroom. 展开更多
关键词 teacher talk FOREIGN LANGUAGE teaching methodology
Teacher Talk and EFL Classroom Interaction
作者 程东岳 《海外英语》 2014年第23期138-139,共2页
Teacher talk and teacher-student classroom interaction have always been the central issue among the various classroom researches. Teacher talk is undoubtedly important in EFL(English as a foreign language) classroom i... Teacher talk and teacher-student classroom interaction have always been the central issue among the various classroom researches. Teacher talk is undoubtedly important in EFL(English as a foreign language) classroom in China. This paper attempts to discuss the features of teacher talk in EFL classroom, mainly of NNS(non-native speaker) teachers and the implications and suggestions of how to make teacher talk more appropriate and stimulative. 展开更多
关键词 teacher talk classroom INTERACTION FOREIGN languag
Teacher Talk in College English Classroom
作者 邹灿 王劲 《海外英语》 2014年第23期22-22,24,共2页
English teachers mainly pass on knowledge through teacher talk in China. This paper focuses on the analysis of characteristics of teacher talk and discusses some ways to make teacher talk more comprehensible for learn... English teachers mainly pass on knowledge through teacher talk in China. This paper focuses on the analysis of characteristics of teacher talk and discusses some ways to make teacher talk more comprehensible for learners' input. It has been concluded that with conscious improvement or exploration on teacher talk in practice, teachers can greatly enhance their teacher talk and make an effective combination between teacher talk and comprehensible input. 展开更多
关键词 teacher talk comprehensible INPUT COLLEGE ENGLISH
Applying Politeness Strategies in Teacher Talk to Increase Students Participation
作者 张芳 《海外英语》 2011年第10X期163-165,共3页
Based on Brown and Levinson's face theory, this paper points out that Chinese students keep silent in the English class for the sake of their face wants. As facilitators of language learning, teachers need to lear... Based on Brown and Levinson's face theory, this paper points out that Chinese students keep silent in the English class for the sake of their face wants. As facilitators of language learning, teachers need to learn some politeness strategies and employ various politeness strategies to maintain and enhance students' face to spark their motivation to participate in the interactive activities so as to develop their language control. 展开更多
关键词 face theory POLITENESS strategies teacher talk STUDENT PARTICIPATION English classroom communication
An Analysis of Teacher Talk in Senior Middle School
作者 段京利 《神州》 2013年第6期170-170,共1页
教师话语是教师在课堂中使用的一种特殊语言。然而,很多年来,教师话语没有得到足够的重视,甚至已经被忽略很长时间了。尤其是在英语作为第二语言的环境下,教师话语并没有起到很好的作用。教师可以通过使用教师话语来使学生获得知识和使... 教师话语是教师在课堂中使用的一种特殊语言。然而,很多年来,教师话语没有得到足够的重视,甚至已经被忽略很长时间了。尤其是在英语作为第二语言的环境下,教师话语并没有起到很好的作用。教师可以通过使用教师话语来使学生获得知识和使用目标语言。 展开更多
关键词 教师话语 教师 英语课堂
A Study on Effect of Teachers' Questions on Classroom Interaction in EFL Classes
作者 孔燕 《海外英语》 2016年第24期241-242,248,共3页
This paper aims to observe and analyze the effect of teachers' questions on the classroom interaction by means of IRF pattern.
关键词 teacher talk teachers’ questions classroom interaction
An Analysis of Classroom Discourse in Primary English Classroom
作者 黄小锐 《海外英语》 2012年第5X期27-27,29,共2页
An English classroom is an important site that teachers set teaching tasks to let students accept the integrated ability of using lan guage.Teacher talk plays an important role in the organization of discourse and L2 ... An English classroom is an important site that teachers set teaching tasks to let students accept the integrated ability of using lan guage.Teacher talk plays an important role in the organization of discourse and L2 acquisition.It mainly talks about the teachers how to transfer information to the students in English classes. 展开更多
关键词 classroom DISCOURSE teacher talk
作者 Li Shunying Chong Qing Medical University 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 1999年第4期11-16,共6页
Teacher talk is of crucial significance to the ELT classroom.However,little research hasbeen carried out on teacher talk.This paper discusses the types of teacher talk,analyzes the vari-ous factors affecting teacher t... Teacher talk is of crucial significance to the ELT classroom.However,little research hasbeen carried out on teacher talk.This paper discusses the types of teacher talk,analyzes the vari-ous factors affecting teacher talk,and puts forward some suggestions to make teacher talk moreeffective and efficient.Teacher talk (TT) is of crucial significance for all classrooms,particularly the ELT class-room,because in the ELT classroom,language is not only the objective of the course,but also themedia to achieve the objective.Both the organization of the classroom and the process of acquisi-tion are achieved through TT.Whether an ELT class is successful or not depends to a large degreeon the effectiveness of TT.However,not many professionals in China have realized the impor-tance of TT.Little research has been carried out on TT.(Wang Yinquan,1999:54) The papercasts away a brick to attract jade. 展开更多
教师话语与第二语言习得 被引量:121
作者 周军平 《外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第3期69-73,共5页
教师话语在组织课堂教学和语言习得过程中起着至关重要的作用。它是外语课堂中学习者获得可理解性目标语输入的主要来源。国外在此领域的相关研究主要集中在教师话语的数量和类型、教师话语对语言理解的影响、教师提问、反馈和纠错等方... 教师话语在组织课堂教学和语言习得过程中起着至关重要的作用。它是外语课堂中学习者获得可理解性目标语输入的主要来源。国外在此领域的相关研究主要集中在教师话语的数量和类型、教师话语对语言理解的影响、教师提问、反馈和纠错等方面。国内近几年的研究涉及教师话语数量方面的文章较多,但从其质量方面分析的文章寥寥无几。本文采用会话分析法,通过对选自大学英语课堂的两个真实录音片段的分析,旨在指出教师既可以通过语言的选择和使用增加学习者语言学习和参与课堂活动的机会,也可能妨碍或减少这种机会。文章还指出,教师可以通过监控和反思自己的教学语言,注重话语输入的质量,在有限的课堂教学时间内给学生创造更多的学习和参与课堂活动的机会,从而促进他们的第二语言习得。 展开更多
关键词 教师话语 课堂参与 学习机会 第二语言习得
教师话语中的面子威胁行为及策略探析 被引量:6
作者 胡慧玲 戴运财 《浙江工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第2期172-178,共7页
本研究基于Brown和Levinson的面子理论框架,对大学英语教师课堂话语进行调查,结果发现教师话语中存在面子威胁行为,且行为的强弱取决于师生对社会距离、相对权力和特定文化对具体言语行为强加程度认定的感知。大多数教师都努力采取面子... 本研究基于Brown和Levinson的面子理论框架,对大学英语教师课堂话语进行调查,结果发现教师话语中存在面子威胁行为,且行为的强弱取决于师生对社会距离、相对权力和特定文化对具体言语行为强加程度认定的感知。大多数教师都努力采取面子礼貌策略降低面子威胁行为,这些策略与我国大学英语教学语境,如教学目标、师生人际关系、学生个性密切相关。 展开更多
关键词 面子理论 面子礼貌策略 大学英语课堂 教师话语
英语教师课堂话语中模糊限制语的语用功能分析 被引量:1
作者 崔羽杭 李世荣 曲秀艳 《渭南师范学院学报》 2014年第8期22-25,33,共5页
模糊限制语在言语交际中起着非常重要的作用。以英语课堂教师话语为切入点,运用合作原则、礼貌原则和面子威胁理论分析了教师模糊限制语的现象,进而探讨了其语用功能,希望教师能够合理利用模糊限制语营造和谐的课堂氛围,能够使用更得体... 模糊限制语在言语交际中起着非常重要的作用。以英语课堂教师话语为切入点,运用合作原则、礼貌原则和面子威胁理论分析了教师模糊限制语的现象,进而探讨了其语用功能,希望教师能够合理利用模糊限制语营造和谐的课堂氛围,能够使用更得体、礼貌、准确的课堂语言组织教学。 展开更多
关键词 英语课堂 教师话语 模糊限制语 语用功能
高校英语教师课堂话语所面临的问题及应对策略 被引量:4
作者 张香宇 《河南城建学院学报》 CAS 2009年第4期83-86,共4页
教学语言是教师执行教学的工具和学生语言输入的一个重要来源。我国高校英语课堂内,教师话语存在的主要问题是:占据时间过多;限制了师生交流;教师本身话语水平有限。基于此,教师应首先提高英语运用能力,在语速、停顿、发音、词汇、句法... 教学语言是教师执行教学的工具和学生语言输入的一个重要来源。我国高校英语课堂内,教师话语存在的主要问题是:占据时间过多;限制了师生交流;教师本身话语水平有限。基于此,教师应首先提高英语运用能力,在语速、停顿、发音、词汇、句法等方面进行适当调整和改善;其次,提高教学语言艺术,确保话语艺术方式的实现,以从整体上提高英语教学语言的话语水平,促进学生二语习得能力的提高,满足我国高校英语教学的需要。 展开更多
关键词 高校英语 英语课堂 教师话语 应对策略
教师话语在构建大学英语生态课堂中的功能探究 被引量:6
作者 宋金花 施洋 《齐齐哈尔大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2014年第2期179-181,共3页
在大学英语课堂生态系统中,教师话语作为学生这一生态因子语言输入的重要来源和教师这一生态因子实现其教学计划的工具和媒介,在课堂教学和学习者的语言习得过程中起着至关重要的作用。本文从教育生态学的视角出发,运用教育生态学的相... 在大学英语课堂生态系统中,教师话语作为学生这一生态因子语言输入的重要来源和教师这一生态因子实现其教学计划的工具和媒介,在课堂教学和学习者的语言习得过程中起着至关重要的作用。本文从教育生态学的视角出发,运用教育生态学的相关原理,对教师话语在构建大学英语生态课堂中的功能进行了探讨,并提出相应的建议以更好地实现教师话语的功能和更好更快地构建大学英语生态课堂。 展开更多
关键词 大学英语生态课堂 教师话语 功能
英语口译课教师角色及其话语功能研究 被引量:1
作者 闫涛 张丽云 郭丙武 《齐齐哈尔大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2010年第5期141-143,共3页
口译教学的技能培训特征决定了教师角色的组织、促进、示范功能需进一步加强,而教师角色的实施主要通过教师话语为手段。教师话语研究对加强语言输出的交际性特征十分重要,同时将促进课堂教学质量的提高。本文采用实证和对比的研究方法... 口译教学的技能培训特征决定了教师角色的组织、促进、示范功能需进一步加强,而教师角色的实施主要通过教师话语为手段。教师话语研究对加强语言输出的交际性特征十分重要,同时将促进课堂教学质量的提高。本文采用实证和对比的研究方法,旨在优化教师话语,促进课堂教学中教师角色的实现。 展开更多
关键词 教师角色 教师话语 课堂教学 话语功能
试论改进中学英语课堂教学中的教师话语 被引量:11
作者 乔明文 《渭南师范学院学报》 2002年第6期86-89,共4页
教师话语占用的课堂时间越多 ,学生参与练习的机会就越少。教师话语的数量和质量在某种程度上会影响甚至决定课堂教学的成败。在分析了影响教师话语的因素以及目前教师话语在中学英语课堂教学中的使用状况这后 ,本文提出了改进教师话语... 教师话语占用的课堂时间越多 ,学生参与练习的机会就越少。教师话语的数量和质量在某种程度上会影响甚至决定课堂教学的成败。在分析了影响教师话语的因素以及目前教师话语在中学英语课堂教学中的使用状况这后 ,本文提出了改进教师话语的有效方法 :改变教师在课堂上的角色 ,合理规划教师话语 ,改变单一的提问模式 ,对回答积极反馈。 展开更多
关键词 中学 课堂教学 交际能力 英语教学 教学语言
大学英语课堂教师话语分析 被引量:3
作者 白玲 《中南林业科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第6期214-216,共3页
教师话语具有双重作用,一方面它是教师传授知识的媒介,另外一方面它作为目的语起着示范作用。因而,国内外今年来有越来越多的学者开始关注教师的话语,分析其数量和质量与课堂教学效果的关系。针对大学英语课堂这一特殊而又关键的场所,... 教师话语具有双重作用,一方面它是教师传授知识的媒介,另外一方面它作为目的语起着示范作用。因而,国内外今年来有越来越多的学者开始关注教师的话语,分析其数量和质量与课堂教学效果的关系。针对大学英语课堂这一特殊而又关键的场所,对教师的话语从语言的调整、教师提问、学生的反馈作了介绍。除此以外,针对教师话语存在的问题,提出应当从课堂,语言能力的角度提升话语质量从而有效利用好课堂的宝贵时间。 展开更多
关键词 大学英语 课堂教学 教师话语
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