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On developing multiple-choice and the washback-Taking cloze as an example
作者 曾燕虹 《英语广场(学术研究)》 2014年第2期70-73,共4页
There are several types of cloze. The MC cloze is widely used in national examinations. MC cloze is similar to multiple choice, but not exactly the same. To develop an MC cloze, a suitable passage should be chosen fir... There are several types of cloze. The MC cloze is widely used in national examinations. MC cloze is similar to multiple choice, but not exactly the same. To develop an MC cloze, a suitable passage should be chosen first, then some of the words should be deleted, and finally the distractors for each item are set. To test whether the cloze is validable and reliable, the students are asked to take a pretest. The results are analyzed by GITEST. The data demonstrates that the difficulty level and the discrimination are not good enough. Some of the distractors are too tricky while some others are too weakly distractive. 展开更多
关键词 cloze multiple-choice DESIGN washback
Validity Considerations in CET-4 Banked Cloze Construction
作者 袁慧 《海外英语》 2013年第13期121-124,共4页
In order to assess college students'overall language proficiency,a new format,banked cloze,is included in the revised CET-4.Based on the previous studies on banked cloze in China,this paper discusses on how to con... In order to assess college students'overall language proficiency,a new format,banked cloze,is included in the revised CET-4.Based on the previous studies on banked cloze in China,this paper discusses on how to construct highly valid CET-4 banked cloze in line with the revised CET Syllabus(2006). 展开更多
关键词 CET-4 banked cloze CONTENT validity TEST CONSTRUCT
A Comparative Study on Multiple Choice Cloze Questions and Banked Cloze Questions in TEM-4
作者 甘桥 李亚琪 杨英 《海外英语》 2018年第3期54-55,共2页
In 2016, there is a reform of the TEM-4 cloze test, which changes from multiple choice cloze test toward banked cloze test. The study takes multiple choice cloze test in 2015 before reform and bank cloze test after re... In 2016, there is a reform of the TEM-4 cloze test, which changes from multiple choice cloze test toward banked cloze test. The study takes multiple choice cloze test in 2015 before reform and bank cloze test after reform in 2016 as research subjects, and research data are from true test results of 48 test-takers. The performance analysis was done by using FACETS(Version 2.7) and SPSS 19.0. This research aims at exploring the relationships between two different cloze forms and the differentiated performance of test-takers, and also testing reliability and validity of two cloze forms. Results show that multiple choice cloze test and banked cloze test have great difference on reflecting test-takers' English ability. Banked cloze test can better reflect test-takers' English ability if more items are added. 展开更多
关键词 multiple-choice cloze test(MCQ) banked cloze test(BCQ) TEM-4
An Analysis of Cloze Design in High School on the Basis of Validity
作者 邹丽娜 《海外英语》 2012年第3X期87-88,共2页
Cloze tests, introduced by W.L.Taylor in 1953, is a quick, economical method of measuring overall language proficiency. Cloze test considered to be an indispensable part of College Entrance Examination. Therefore it i... Cloze tests, introduced by W.L.Taylor in 1953, is a quick, economical method of measuring overall language proficiency. Cloze test considered to be an indispensable part of College Entrance Examination. Therefore it is necessary to do some research on how to better design and assess the validity of a cloze test by reader's readability of texts in high school. 展开更多
关键词 cloze TEST cloze DESIGN high SCHOOL validity
CLOZETEST的作用、形式和解题技巧 被引量:1
作者 王中举 《贵阳师范高等专科学校学报(社会科学版)》 2000年第3期79-82,共4页
完形填空是英语测试的一个重要题型。它对提高应试者的英语知识面 ,词汇量、语法知识 ,阅读理解能力都有积极的作用。本文探讨了完形填空的作用 。
关键词 完型填空 作用 形式 解题方法 cloze TEST 解题技巧 中学
作者 王远琦 《外国语文》 1986年第2期106-110,112-114,共8页
CLOZE TEST又称完形填充,经过几十年的争论,到目前已成为主要的语言测试形式之一。许多测试专家,尤其是Oller等,通过多次实验,已经确认,CLOZE TEST作为综合语言能力测试,具有较高的信度和效度。完形填充不仅可以用于语言能力测试,而且... CLOZE TEST又称完形填充,经过几十年的争论,到目前已成为主要的语言测试形式之一。许多测试专家,尤其是Oller等,通过多次实验,已经确认,CLOZE TEST作为综合语言能力测试,具有较高的信度和效度。完形填充不仅可以用于语言能力测试,而且还可以作为判断阅读材料难度级别的有效工具,以及用来测试语法专项等。本文并不对完形填充的利弊得失进行分析,而是想就英语冗余度与CLOZE TEST的理论关系作一些探索。 展开更多
关键词 冗余度 概率统计分析 完形填充 cloze TEST 常数 数学 随机事件 英语
作者 吕绍全 胡兰英 《佳木斯大学社会科学学报》 2001年第4期142-143,共2页
在外语阅读教学中如何通过cloze测验提高学生理解力和阅读速度 。
关键词 cloze测验 阅读教学 理解力 阅读速度 外语教学 阅读能力
Cloze Test
作者 陈新年 《语言教育》 1994年第12期52-53,共2页
We were standing at the top of a church tower. My father had me tothis spot in a small Italian town not far from our home in Rome.I wonderedwhy.“Look ,Elsa.” Father said. I all my courage and looked downI saw the sq... We were standing at the top of a church tower. My father had me tothis spot in a small Italian town not far from our home in Rome.I wonderedwhy.“Look ,Elsa.” Father said. I all my courage and looked downI saw the square in the centre of the village. I saw the crisscross oftwisting turning streets leading to the square. 展开更多
关键词 COURAGE ITALIAN VILLAGE TOWER FATHER cloze Test centre turning lieve mother
Cloze Test
作者 陆仁俊 蔡炳冲 《语言教育》 1993年第9期52-53,共2页
The church bells began to ring. It was a Sunday mor-ning1Janaury. Frau Goldeck was slowly2a cup of hotcoffee in her kitchen.3was fire in the stove, 4it hadnot been lit very5and the room was still6. FrauGoldeck was wea... The church bells began to ring. It was a Sunday mor-ning1Janaury. Frau Goldeck was slowly2a cup of hotcoffee in her kitchen.3was fire in the stove, 4it hadnot been lit very5and the room was still6. FrauGoldeck was wearing heavy woolen clothes.7seconds, shelooked at a clock8on the wall. She was 展开更多
关键词 KITCHEN WAITING SUNDAY clothes slowly cloze Test SECONDS clock HANGING frozen
Cloze Sheet简介
作者 杨自俭 《山东外语教学》 1981年第3期7-10,共4页
近两年英美文教专家来青岛任教,使我们有机会接触到他们使用的cloze sheet,skimming reading,role play,counselling learning,strip dialogue等许多新鲜的教学方法和技巧。这些方法和技巧的主要特点是实践性强,能充分调动学生学习的积... 近两年英美文教专家来青岛任教,使我们有机会接触到他们使用的cloze sheet,skimming reading,role play,counselling learning,strip dialogue等许多新鲜的教学方法和技巧。这些方法和技巧的主要特点是实践性强,能充分调动学生学习的积极性,故可供教育工作者尤其是我们外语教师参考和借鉴,也有助于我们去探索外语教学改革的方向和途径。 展开更多
关键词 外语教学改革 dialogue 教学方法 教材设计 教育工作者 cloze SHEET 年英 外语考试 格式塔心理学 GRAMMAR
Cloze Test
作者 冯大河 《语言教育》 1993年第10期53-54,共2页
先通读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从文后四个选项中选出一个可以填入文中空白处的最佳答案。 Many people try to climb Stone Mountain.It looks soeasy to climb.Later,they start to climb1.Then they2how steep(陡峭)the mountain is.B... 先通读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从文后四个选项中选出一个可以填入文中空白处的最佳答案。 Many people try to climb Stone Mountain.It looks soeasy to climb.Later,they start to climb1.Then they2how steep(陡峭)the mountain is.But it is3.Theycannot climb4.They cannot get to the5either. 展开更多
关键词 最佳答案 STEEP 文中 cloze Test mountain NELSON rubber GETTING LIVES THINGS
《Cloze Test》解题方法初探
作者 魏毅勇 《外国语言文学》 1992年第Z2期91-95,共5页
Cloze Test(完形填空)是一种灵活多变、考察范围很广的题型。它可考查应试者的阅读能力、语言知识、语法知识及一般常识,是一种综合性的考题。它作为培养和检查综合语言运用能力的题型,在专业英语、大学英语、高考的标准化英语测试及英... Cloze Test(完形填空)是一种灵活多变、考察范围很广的题型。它可考查应试者的阅读能力、语言知识、语法知识及一般常识,是一种综合性的考题。它作为培养和检查综合语言运用能力的题型,在专业英语、大学英语、高考的标准化英语测试及英语教材的练习中都占据着日益重要的地位。学生往往因 Cloze Test 的难度大而产生畏难急躁情绪。为了使学生熟悉和掌握这种测试题型,本文先简要地探讨 Cloze Test 的命题方式及其特点,然后就其解题方法进行初步探讨。这将对英语教学有一定的现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 英语测试 完形填空 测试题型 解题方法 语言知识 cloze Test 语言运用 大学英语教材 大学英语四级 外籍教师
An Evaluation of a Sample Cloze Tests
作者 陈春梅 《海外英语》 2017年第22期53-54,共2页
Cloze tests are best characterized as one of integrative tests in language testing and used widely in many kinds of English tests in China at present as they are claimed to be able to indicate overall language profici... Cloze tests are best characterized as one of integrative tests in language testing and used widely in many kinds of English tests in China at present as they are claimed to be able to indicate overall language proficiency validly. The present evaluation clearly shows that cloze testing measures test takers' integrated language competence based on their reading abilities. 展开更多
关键词 cloze tests integrative tests language proficiency EVALUATION reading comprehension
作者 高凤英 陆秀华 《山西大同大学学报(自然科学版)》 1999年第1期50-51,共2页
阅读是大学英语的重要课程,阅读材料的选择、阅读速度的提高、阅读理解能力的培养都是至关重要的问题,cloze测验可以帮助我们解决这些难题。对新入学的大学生,教师为了避免所选材料太难或太容易,应先进行一次cloze测验,这样就可以... 阅读是大学英语的重要课程,阅读材料的选择、阅读速度的提高、阅读理解能力的培养都是至关重要的问题,cloze测验可以帮助我们解决这些难题。对新入学的大学生,教师为了避免所选材料太难或太容易,应先进行一次cloze测验,这样就可以帮助我们选择恰当的材料来循序渐进地完成教学任务。大学生经过一年的删字练习之后,阅读速度会大有长进,能在不查字典的情况下以最快的速度理解文章的主要内容。在理解全文内容之后,学生就能更好地在上下文中准确地理解词句的深层含义,综合理解能力也将随之提高。 展开更多
关键词 cloze测验 阅读教学 阅读速度 阅读理解 选材
A Study of the Item Analysis in Quality Evaluation of CET-6 Multiple-Choice Cloze
作者 王佳唯 《科技信息》 2012年第14期135-136,共2页
The cloze test is constructed by deleting words from a selected passage and the examinees are required to complete broken patterns by filling in the blanks in order for the passage to make sense.It aims at testing exa... The cloze test is constructed by deleting words from a selected passage and the examinees are required to complete broken patterns by filling in the blanks in order for the passage to make sense.It aims at testing examinees'comprehensive language knowledge and skills.In this paper,the author analyzes items of a sample cloze test taken from CET6. 展开更多
关键词 大学英语 教学方法 CET-6 教学质量
作者 高晓莹 辜向东 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2008年第4期3-16,128,共15页
The present study investigates the testees' test-taking process for banked cloze, focusing on the following two aspects: the information sources and strategies. Employing simultaneous introspection and immediate r... The present study investigates the testees' test-taking process for banked cloze, focusing on the following two aspects: the information sources and strategies. Employing simultaneous introspection and immediate retrospection, the study is conducted among 18 non-English major students. After examining their test-taking processes, a framework for analyzing testees' test-taking processes for banked cloze test is put forward. And then the researcher applies this framework to analyze the testees' protocols. Results show that regarding information sources, clause-level information accounts for the largest proportion, followed by text-level information, sentence-level information and extra-textual information, and in terms of strategies, the testees show a clear preference for bottom-up processing strategies, followed by top-down processing strategies and test-wise processing strategies. The verbal protocols have further revealed that the proficient readers seem to have a context-based reading model and they prefer to grasp the gist of the text, whereas the less proficient readers often employ word-based approaches and they are apt to identify parts of the text. 展开更多
关键词 banked cloze test-taking process INTROSPECTION
作者 侯先绒 《英语通(大学英语六级考试版)》 2003年第4期4-6,共3页
关键词 cloze 命题趋势 解题策略 英语
Cloze Test在阅读测试中的信度与效度分析
作者 廖运全 《人生十六七》 2017年第10Z期116-118,共3页
在阅读理解测试中,信度与效度的适当把握是成功的阅读测试必不可少的两个方面。而信度与效度的把握需要命题人员在驾驭试题难度与区分度的基础上分析试题的构成成分、考点和所考知识范围。完形填空作为阅读理解的一种测试题型,其信度与... 在阅读理解测试中,信度与效度的适当把握是成功的阅读测试必不可少的两个方面。而信度与效度的把握需要命题人员在驾驭试题难度与区分度的基础上分析试题的构成成分、考点和所考知识范围。完形填空作为阅读理解的一种测试题型,其信度与效度的准确把握是成功运用于阅读测试的先决条件。 展开更多
关键词 完形填空 信度 效度 分析
作者 彭文忠 夏家莉 +4 位作者 万齐智 刘德喜 万本庭 曹重华 夏池玉 《计算机学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第8期1744-1768,共25页
方面情感四元组预测(ASQP)任务旨在从给定的评论语句中提取所有方面词以及相应的方面类别、观点表达和情感极性,有助于全面了解用户对产品或服务不同方面的评价情况.现有情感四元组预测方法主要存在以下局限:(1)判别式模型没有利用promp... 方面情感四元组预测(ASQP)任务旨在从给定的评论语句中提取所有方面词以及相应的方面类别、观点表达和情感极性,有助于全面了解用户对产品或服务不同方面的评价情况.现有情感四元组预测方法主要存在以下局限:(1)判别式模型没有利用prompt捕获情感元素之间的语义关系;(2)生成式模型要么简单地将情感元素类型标签组合形成prompt,缺乏理解标签类型涵义的语境;要么将离散模板作为解码器的输入,而编码器则无法捕获到模板中情感元素之间的语义关系.为了缓解这些问题,本文首先基于完形填空思想研制离散和连续2类prompt,提供理解4个情感元素类型涵义的语境,帮助模型更好地捕获情感元素之间的语义关系;然后,基于设计的prompt,提出C-ASQP框架,包含判别式模型DC-ASQP和生成式模型GC-ASQP.在DC-ASQP中,采用2阶段策略,先预测4个情感元素中2个较为容易的情感元素,再将预测结果嵌入到设计的prompt中,帮助模型理解情感元素类型的涵义,从而有效预测另外2个情感元素.在GC-ASQP中,将设计的prompt作为编码器的输入,借助预训练模型的学习模式,充分利用预训练模型蕴含的知识提升四元组的生成效果.实验结果显示,DC-ASQP模型在4个常用数据集上的F1值相比同类判别式最优模型分别提高4.70%、6.48%、6.97%和2.60%,GC-ASQP模型的F1值比最优基准模型分别提高0.86%、1.67%、0.15%和1.02%,验证了将ASQP建模为完形填空任务的有效性,所设计的2类prompt以及C-ASQP框架是有效的. 展开更多
关键词 方面情感四元组预测 完形填空 离散和连续prompt 判别式和生成式模型 C-ASQP框架
作者 李洁 李正芳 +2 位作者 邹垚 熊大卫 胡建 《西南民族大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024年第6期681-688,共8页
针对目前大语言模型多语言词对齐能力评测相对缺乏的问题,提出一种通过跨语言选词填空任务评测其多语言词对齐能力的方法:根据词汇的上下文长短、词性、干扰词数量等规则生成多维度的跨语言选词填空评测数据集,并用其对多种大语言模型... 针对目前大语言模型多语言词对齐能力评测相对缺乏的问题,提出一种通过跨语言选词填空任务评测其多语言词对齐能力的方法:根据词汇的上下文长短、词性、干扰词数量等规则生成多维度的跨语言选词填空评测数据集,并用其对多种大语言模型的多语言词对齐能力进行评测.在以中文和英文两种语言以及代表性大语言模型为例的实验结果显示,多个大语言模型在中英跨语言选词填空任务上的准确率超过80%,最高达90.4%,证明大语言模型具有较优的多语言词对齐能力.不仅可为评测大语言模型多语言词对齐能力提供方法和测试数据,也可为多语言共同性和跨语言处理任务研究者提供模型选择建议. 展开更多
关键词 大语言模型 多语言词对齐能力评测 跨语言选词填空
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