Combined heat and power (CHP) plants (co-generation plants) using biomass as fuel, can be an interesting alternative to the predominant electrical heating in Canada. The biomass-fueled boiler provides heat for the ste...Combined heat and power (CHP) plants (co-generation plants) using biomass as fuel, can be an interesting alternative to the predominant electrical heating in Canada. The biomass-fueled boiler provides heat for the steam cycle which in turn generates electricity from the generator connected to the steam turbine. In addition, heat from the process is supplied to a district heating system. The heat can be extracted from the system in a number of ways, by using a back-pressure steam turbine, an extraction steam turbine or by extracting heat directly from the boiler. The objective of the paper is the design, modeling and simulation of such CHP plant. The plant should be sized for providing electric-ity and heat for the Anticosti Island community in Quebec.展开更多
This paper considers comparative assessment of combined-heat-and-power (CHP) performance of three small-scale aero-derivative industrial gas turbine cycles in the petrochemical industry. The bulk of supposedly waste e...This paper considers comparative assessment of combined-heat-and-power (CHP) performance of three small-scale aero-derivative industrial gas turbine cycles in the petrochemical industry. The bulk of supposedly waste exhaust heat associated with gas turbine operation has necessitated the need for CHP application for greater fuel efficiency. This would render gas turbine cycles environ-mentally-friendly, and more economical. However, choosing a particular engine cycle option for small-scale CHP requires information about performances of CHP engine cycle options. The investigation encompasses comparative assessment of simple cycle (SC), recuperated (RC), and intercooled-recuperated (ICR) small-scale aero-derivative industrial gas turbines combined-heat-and-power (SS-ADIGT-CHP). Small-scale ADIGT engines of 1.567 MW derived from helicopter gas turbines are herein analysed in combined-heat-and-power (CHP) application. It was found that in this category of ADIGT engines, better CHP efficiency is exhibited by RC and ICR cycles than SC engine. The CHP efficiencies of RC, ICR, and SC small-scale ADIGT-CHP cycles were found to be 71%, 60%, and 56% respectively. Also, RC engine produces the highest heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) duty. The HRSG duties were found to be 3171.3 kW for RC, 2621.6 kW for ICR, and 3063.1 kW for SC. These outcomes would actually meet the objective of aiding informed preliminary choice of small-scale ADIGT engine cycle options for CHP application.展开更多
为考核微型燃料电池热-电联供系统的热量利用程度,采集了一年中日本某家庭使用的1 k W质子交换膜燃料电池(PEMFC)的微型热-电联产系统各单元的数据,进行统计与分析,从热量利用的角度,计算各单元热量输入输出效率。结果表明,储热水箱散...为考核微型燃料电池热-电联供系统的热量利用程度,采集了一年中日本某家庭使用的1 k W质子交换膜燃料电池(PEMFC)的微型热-电联产系统各单元的数据,进行统计与分析,从热量利用的角度,计算各单元热量输入输出效率。结果表明,储热水箱散热与输运管道散热是系统热损失较多的薄弱环节。相关统计与分析,对改进类似热-电联产系统,进一步提高能源综合利用效率具有参考意义。展开更多
针对电动汽车入网造成系统峰谷差增大的问题,以包含电动汽车负荷的热电联产(combined heat and power,CHP)微网为研究对象,提出一种计及需求响应和电动汽车有序调度的优化模型。首先,以分时电价为决策变量,建立基于峰、平、谷分时电价...针对电动汽车入网造成系统峰谷差增大的问题,以包含电动汽车负荷的热电联产(combined heat and power,CHP)微网为研究对象,提出一种计及需求响应和电动汽车有序调度的优化模型。首先,以分时电价为决策变量,建立基于峰、平、谷分时电价的用户常规负荷需求响应模型。其次,结合分时电价和需求响应后的负荷曲线,引导电动汽车有序充放电参与微网调度。以微网运行成本最小为目标建立日前优化调度模型,采用粒子群优化算法对模型进行求解。最后,以某地区并网型CHP微网为算例,验证了所提模型的有效性和经济性。展开更多
燃气轮机热电联产(combined heat and power,CHP)是一种高效的能源利用方式。应用有限时间热力学理论建立了回热燃气轮机CHP循环物理模型,详细描述了工质在各个部件中的热力过程。以可用能率、火用输出率、利润率为研究目标,优化了压气...燃气轮机热电联产(combined heat and power,CHP)是一种高效的能源利用方式。应用有限时间热力学理论建立了回热燃气轮机CHP循环物理模型,详细描述了工质在各个部件中的热力过程。以可用能率、火用输出率、利润率为研究目标,优化了压气机进气压降(等同于工质质量流率)和压比,得到了循环最优性能及相应参数,分析了回热度和供热温度对循环性能的影响,研究结果可对实际燃气轮机CHP装置优化设计提供一定的指导。展开更多
Regarding the state's policy that gives a higher on-grid electricity price to natural gas CHP (combined heat and power) projects, this paper studies the effect of it on the operation of those projects by theoretic...Regarding the state's policy that gives a higher on-grid electricity price to natural gas CHP (combined heat and power) projects, this paper studies the effect of it on the operation of those projects by theoretical analysis and a case study. It concludes that on-grid electricity price on the high side, compared to heat price, will lead power plants to produce more electricity but less heat, thus causing decrease of the plants' thermal eff iciency and harm to energy saving of the whole society.展开更多
斜温层蓄热罐可以提高热电联产(combined heat and power,CHP)机组在供热期间的调峰能力,因此逐渐向大型化发展,但设计参数对蓄热罐的性能影响较大,且采用目前的性能评估方法效率较低。为此,建立大型蓄热罐的物理模型及数学模型,研究蓄...斜温层蓄热罐可以提高热电联产(combined heat and power,CHP)机组在供热期间的调峰能力,因此逐渐向大型化发展,但设计参数对蓄热罐的性能影响较大,且采用目前的性能评估方法效率较低。为此,建立大型蓄热罐的物理模型及数学模型,研究蓄热过程中斜温层的形成及变化过程,提出斜温层等效容积的概念,同时分析结构参数及运行参数对斜温层等效容积的影响。结果表明:形成稳定斜温层后,随着蓄热量的增加,斜温层厚度变化不大,采用斜温层等效容积可以更高效的评估蓄热罐的性能。比较不同工况下蓄热罐等效容积的相对变化量可知,不同影响因素对斜温层等效容积的影响从高到低排序依次为布水器布置、蓄热流量、高径比和冷热水温差。研究成果为大型蓄热罐的性能评估提供了一种新参考。展开更多
热电联产(combined heat and power,CHP)机组与虚拟电厂(virtual power plant,VPP)结合,可以有效提高能源利用效率,增强电力系统运行的可靠性及稳定性。为保证CHP-VPP灵活、低碳、经济运行,文中提出一种聚合风电、光伏、CHP机组、锅炉...热电联产(combined heat and power,CHP)机组与虚拟电厂(virtual power plant,VPP)结合,可以有效提高能源利用效率,增强电力系统运行的可靠性及稳定性。为保证CHP-VPP灵活、低碳、经济运行,文中提出一种聚合风电、光伏、CHP机组、锅炉、碳捕集设备、燃气轮机、燃料电池、储能及电、热负荷的综合能源VPP,并在参与电-热-旋转备用-碳等多市场下,研究其低碳经济协同调度问题。首先,以各时刻VPP在多市场下整体净收益最大为目标,建立其CHP-VPP两阶段鲁棒优化调度模型;然后,考虑新能源出力、市场价格及负荷的不确定性,利用蒙特卡洛法进行场景削减,从而降低系统风险,增强其鲁棒性;最后,采用列与约束生成算法对模型进行求解,得到最恶劣场景下系统运行的经济性最优调度方案。仿真结果表明:所提综合能源VPP结构合理,可通过动态调整碳捕集设备及储能电池,达到平抑新能源出力波动的效果,从而实现碳排放的大幅降低;所提调度策略可有效保证源-荷-储多侧电、热资源的协同优化运行,提高VPP的灵活性、经济性和低碳性。展开更多
Cogeneration units, which produce both heat and electric power, are found in many process industries. These industries also consume heat directly in addition to electricity. The cogeneration units operate only within ...Cogeneration units, which produce both heat and electric power, are found in many process industries. These industries also consume heat directly in addition to electricity. The cogeneration units operate only within a feasible zone. Each point within the feasible zone consists of a specific value of heat and electric power. These units are used along with other units, which produce either heat or power exclusively. Hence, the economic dispatch problem for these plants to optimize the fuel cost is quite complex and several classical and meta-heuristic algo- rithms have been proposed earlier. This paper applies the firefly algorithm, which is inspired by the behavior of fireflies which attract each other based on their luminosity. The results obtained have been compared with those obtained by other methods earlier and showed a marked improvement over the earlier methods.展开更多
From the perspective of transactive energy, the energy trading among interconnected microgrids(MGs) is promising to improve the economy and reliability of system operations. In this paper, a distributed energy managem...From the perspective of transactive energy, the energy trading among interconnected microgrids(MGs) is promising to improve the economy and reliability of system operations. In this paper, a distributed energy management method for interconnected operations of combined heat and power(CHP)-based MGs with demand response(DR) is proposed. First, the system model of operational cost including CHP, DR, renewable distributed sources, and diesel generation is introduced, where the DR is modeled as a virtual generation unit. Second, the optimal scheduling model is decentralized as several distributed scheduling models in accordance with the number of associated MGs. Moreover, a distributed iterative algorithm based on subgradient with dynamic search direction is proposed. During the iterative process, the information exchange between neighboring MGs is limited to Lagrange multipliers and expected purchasing energy. Finally,numerical results are given for an interconnected MGs system consisting of three MGs, and the effectiveness of the proposed method is verified.展开更多
Cogeneration units which produce both heat and electric power are found in many process industries. These industries also consume heat directly in addition to electricity. The cogeneration units operate only within a ...Cogeneration units which produce both heat and electric power are found in many process industries. These industries also consume heat directly in addition to electricity. The cogeneration units operate only within a feasible zone. Each point within the feasible zone consists of a specific value of heat and electric power. These units are used along with other units which produce either heat or power exclusively. Hence the economic dispatch problem for these plants optimizing the fuel cost is quite complex and several classical and meta-heuristic algo- rithms have been proposed earlier. This paper applies the invasive weed optimization algorithm which is inspired by the ecological process of weed colonization and distribu- tion. The results obtained have been compared with those obtained by other methods earlier and showed a marked improvement over earlier ones.展开更多
A virtual power plant (VPP) can realize the aggregation of distributed generation in a certain region, and represent distributed generation to participate in the power market of the main grid. With the expansion of ...A virtual power plant (VPP) can realize the aggregation of distributed generation in a certain region, and represent distributed generation to participate in the power market of the main grid. With the expansion of VPPs and ever-growing heat demand of consumers, managing the effect of fluctuations in the amount of available renewable resources on the operation of VPPs and maintaining an economical supply of electric power and heat energy to users have been important issues. This paper proposes the allocation of an electric boiler to realize wind power directly converted for supplying heat, which can not only overcome the limitation of beat output from a combined heat and power (CHP) unit, but also reduce carbon emissions from a VPP. After the electric boiler is considered in the VPP operation model of the combined heat and power system, a multi-objective model is built, which includes the costs of carbon emissions, total operation of the VPP and the electricity traded between the VPP and the main grid. The model is solved by the CPLEX package using the fuzzy membership function in Matlab, and a case study is presented. The power output of each unit in the case study is analyzed under four scenarios. The results show that after carbon emission is taken into account, the output of low carbon units is significantly increased, and the allocation of an electric boiler can facilitate the maximum absorption of renewable energy, which also reduces carbon emissions from the VPP.展开更多
This paper proposes a distributed real-time state estimation(RTSE)method for the combined heat and power systems(CHPSs).First,a difference-based model for the heat system is established considering the dynamics of hea...This paper proposes a distributed real-time state estimation(RTSE)method for the combined heat and power systems(CHPSs).First,a difference-based model for the heat system is established considering the dynamics of heat systems.This heat system model is further used along with the power system steady-state model for holistic CHPS state estimation.A cubature Kalman filter(CKF)-based RTSE is developed to deal with the system nonlinearity while integrating both the historical and present measurement information.Finally,a multi-timescale asynchronous distributed computation scheme is designed to enhance the scalability of the proposed method for largescale systems.This distributed implementation requires only a small amount of information exchange and thus protects the privacy of different energy systems.Simulations carried out on two CHPSs show that the proposed method can significantly improve the estimation efficiency of CHPS without loss of accuracy compared with other existing models and methods.展开更多
Combined heat and power(CHP)generation is a valuable scheme for concurrent generation of electrical and thermal energies.The interdependency of power and heat productions in CHP units introduces complications and non-...Combined heat and power(CHP)generation is a valuable scheme for concurrent generation of electrical and thermal energies.The interdependency of power and heat productions in CHP units introduces complications and non-convexities in their modeling and optimization.This paper uses the stochastic fractal search(SFS)optimization technique to treat the highly non-linear CHP economic dispatch(CHPED)problem,where the objective is to minimize the total operation cost of both power and heat from generation units while fulfilling several operation interdependent limits and constraints.The CHPED problem has bounded feasible operation regions and many local minima.The SFS,which is a recent metaheuristic global optimization solver,outranks many current reputable solvers.Handling constraints of the CHPED is achieved by employing external penalty parameters,which penalize infeasible solution during the iterative process.To confirm the strength of this algorithm,it has been tested on two different test systems that are regularly used.The obtained outcomes are compared with former outcomes achieved by many different methods reported in literature of CHPED.The results of this work affirm that the SFS algorithm can achieve improved near-global solution and compare favorably with other commonly used global optimization techniques in terms of the quality of solution,handling of constraints and computation time.展开更多
Conventional approaches towards energy-system modelling and operation are based upon the system design and performance optimization.In system-design optimization,the thermal or mechanical characteristics of the system...Conventional approaches towards energy-system modelling and operation are based upon the system design and performance optimization.In system-design optimization,the thermal or mechanical characteristics of the systems providing for the heat or electricity demands were derived separately without integration with the energy source and without interaction with demand,which results in low-efficiency energy performance.This paper presents a key review on the integration of biomass-powered combined heat and power(BCHP)systems in district-heating systems as well as coupling with thermal-energy storage.In BCHP design,the appropriate sizing of the associated components as part of the district-heating system is very important to provide the optimal dispatch strategy as well as minimized cost and environmental impact while it co-operates with thermal-energy storage.Future strategies for the feasibility,evaluation and integration of biomass-powered energy systems in the context of district systems are also studied.展开更多
文摘Combined heat and power (CHP) plants (co-generation plants) using biomass as fuel, can be an interesting alternative to the predominant electrical heating in Canada. The biomass-fueled boiler provides heat for the steam cycle which in turn generates electricity from the generator connected to the steam turbine. In addition, heat from the process is supplied to a district heating system. The heat can be extracted from the system in a number of ways, by using a back-pressure steam turbine, an extraction steam turbine or by extracting heat directly from the boiler. The objective of the paper is the design, modeling and simulation of such CHP plant. The plant should be sized for providing electric-ity and heat for the Anticosti Island community in Quebec.
文摘This paper considers comparative assessment of combined-heat-and-power (CHP) performance of three small-scale aero-derivative industrial gas turbine cycles in the petrochemical industry. The bulk of supposedly waste exhaust heat associated with gas turbine operation has necessitated the need for CHP application for greater fuel efficiency. This would render gas turbine cycles environ-mentally-friendly, and more economical. However, choosing a particular engine cycle option for small-scale CHP requires information about performances of CHP engine cycle options. The investigation encompasses comparative assessment of simple cycle (SC), recuperated (RC), and intercooled-recuperated (ICR) small-scale aero-derivative industrial gas turbines combined-heat-and-power (SS-ADIGT-CHP). Small-scale ADIGT engines of 1.567 MW derived from helicopter gas turbines are herein analysed in combined-heat-and-power (CHP) application. It was found that in this category of ADIGT engines, better CHP efficiency is exhibited by RC and ICR cycles than SC engine. The CHP efficiencies of RC, ICR, and SC small-scale ADIGT-CHP cycles were found to be 71%, 60%, and 56% respectively. Also, RC engine produces the highest heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) duty. The HRSG duties were found to be 3171.3 kW for RC, 2621.6 kW for ICR, and 3063.1 kW for SC. These outcomes would actually meet the objective of aiding informed preliminary choice of small-scale ADIGT engine cycle options for CHP application.
文摘为考核微型燃料电池热-电联供系统的热量利用程度,采集了一年中日本某家庭使用的1 k W质子交换膜燃料电池(PEMFC)的微型热-电联产系统各单元的数据,进行统计与分析,从热量利用的角度,计算各单元热量输入输出效率。结果表明,储热水箱散热与输运管道散热是系统热损失较多的薄弱环节。相关统计与分析,对改进类似热-电联产系统,进一步提高能源综合利用效率具有参考意义。
文摘针对电动汽车入网造成系统峰谷差增大的问题,以包含电动汽车负荷的热电联产(combined heat and power,CHP)微网为研究对象,提出一种计及需求响应和电动汽车有序调度的优化模型。首先,以分时电价为决策变量,建立基于峰、平、谷分时电价的用户常规负荷需求响应模型。其次,结合分时电价和需求响应后的负荷曲线,引导电动汽车有序充放电参与微网调度。以微网运行成本最小为目标建立日前优化调度模型,采用粒子群优化算法对模型进行求解。最后,以某地区并网型CHP微网为算例,验证了所提模型的有效性和经济性。
文摘燃气轮机热电联产(combined heat and power,CHP)是一种高效的能源利用方式。应用有限时间热力学理论建立了回热燃气轮机CHP循环物理模型,详细描述了工质在各个部件中的热力过程。以可用能率、火用输出率、利润率为研究目标,优化了压气机进气压降(等同于工质质量流率)和压比,得到了循环最优性能及相应参数,分析了回热度和供热温度对循环性能的影响,研究结果可对实际燃气轮机CHP装置优化设计提供一定的指导。
文摘Regarding the state's policy that gives a higher on-grid electricity price to natural gas CHP (combined heat and power) projects, this paper studies the effect of it on the operation of those projects by theoretical analysis and a case study. It concludes that on-grid electricity price on the high side, compared to heat price, will lead power plants to produce more electricity but less heat, thus causing decrease of the plants' thermal eff iciency and harm to energy saving of the whole society.
文摘斜温层蓄热罐可以提高热电联产(combined heat and power,CHP)机组在供热期间的调峰能力,因此逐渐向大型化发展,但设计参数对蓄热罐的性能影响较大,且采用目前的性能评估方法效率较低。为此,建立大型蓄热罐的物理模型及数学模型,研究蓄热过程中斜温层的形成及变化过程,提出斜温层等效容积的概念,同时分析结构参数及运行参数对斜温层等效容积的影响。结果表明:形成稳定斜温层后,随着蓄热量的增加,斜温层厚度变化不大,采用斜温层等效容积可以更高效的评估蓄热罐的性能。比较不同工况下蓄热罐等效容积的相对变化量可知,不同影响因素对斜温层等效容积的影响从高到低排序依次为布水器布置、蓄热流量、高径比和冷热水温差。研究成果为大型蓄热罐的性能评估提供了一种新参考。
文摘热电联产(combined heat and power,CHP)机组与虚拟电厂(virtual power plant,VPP)结合,可以有效提高能源利用效率,增强电力系统运行的可靠性及稳定性。为保证CHP-VPP灵活、低碳、经济运行,文中提出一种聚合风电、光伏、CHP机组、锅炉、碳捕集设备、燃气轮机、燃料电池、储能及电、热负荷的综合能源VPP,并在参与电-热-旋转备用-碳等多市场下,研究其低碳经济协同调度问题。首先,以各时刻VPP在多市场下整体净收益最大为目标,建立其CHP-VPP两阶段鲁棒优化调度模型;然后,考虑新能源出力、市场价格及负荷的不确定性,利用蒙特卡洛法进行场景削减,从而降低系统风险,增强其鲁棒性;最后,采用列与约束生成算法对模型进行求解,得到最恶劣场景下系统运行的经济性最优调度方案。仿真结果表明:所提综合能源VPP结构合理,可通过动态调整碳捕集设备及储能电池,达到平抑新能源出力波动的效果,从而实现碳排放的大幅降低;所提调度策略可有效保证源-荷-储多侧电、热资源的协同优化运行,提高VPP的灵活性、经济性和低碳性。
文摘Cogeneration units, which produce both heat and electric power, are found in many process industries. These industries also consume heat directly in addition to electricity. The cogeneration units operate only within a feasible zone. Each point within the feasible zone consists of a specific value of heat and electric power. These units are used along with other units, which produce either heat or power exclusively. Hence, the economic dispatch problem for these plants to optimize the fuel cost is quite complex and several classical and meta-heuristic algo- rithms have been proposed earlier. This paper applies the firefly algorithm, which is inspired by the behavior of fireflies which attract each other based on their luminosity. The results obtained have been compared with those obtained by other methods earlier and showed a marked improvement over the earlier methods.
基金supported by the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China(863 Program)(No.2014AA052001)the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(No.2015ZD02)
文摘From the perspective of transactive energy, the energy trading among interconnected microgrids(MGs) is promising to improve the economy and reliability of system operations. In this paper, a distributed energy management method for interconnected operations of combined heat and power(CHP)-based MGs with demand response(DR) is proposed. First, the system model of operational cost including CHP, DR, renewable distributed sources, and diesel generation is introduced, where the DR is modeled as a virtual generation unit. Second, the optimal scheduling model is decentralized as several distributed scheduling models in accordance with the number of associated MGs. Moreover, a distributed iterative algorithm based on subgradient with dynamic search direction is proposed. During the iterative process, the information exchange between neighboring MGs is limited to Lagrange multipliers and expected purchasing energy. Finally,numerical results are given for an interconnected MGs system consisting of three MGs, and the effectiveness of the proposed method is verified.
文摘Cogeneration units which produce both heat and electric power are found in many process industries. These industries also consume heat directly in addition to electricity. The cogeneration units operate only within a feasible zone. Each point within the feasible zone consists of a specific value of heat and electric power. These units are used along with other units which produce either heat or power exclusively. Hence the economic dispatch problem for these plants optimizing the fuel cost is quite complex and several classical and meta-heuristic algo- rithms have been proposed earlier. This paper applies the invasive weed optimization algorithm which is inspired by the ecological process of weed colonization and distribu- tion. The results obtained have been compared with those obtained by other methods earlier and showed a marked improvement over earlier ones.
文摘A virtual power plant (VPP) can realize the aggregation of distributed generation in a certain region, and represent distributed generation to participate in the power market of the main grid. With the expansion of VPPs and ever-growing heat demand of consumers, managing the effect of fluctuations in the amount of available renewable resources on the operation of VPPs and maintaining an economical supply of electric power and heat energy to users have been important issues. This paper proposes the allocation of an electric boiler to realize wind power directly converted for supplying heat, which can not only overcome the limitation of beat output from a combined heat and power (CHP) unit, but also reduce carbon emissions from a VPP. After the electric boiler is considered in the VPP operation model of the combined heat and power system, a multi-objective model is built, which includes the costs of carbon emissions, total operation of the VPP and the electricity traded between the VPP and the main grid. The model is solved by the CPLEX package using the fuzzy membership function in Matlab, and a case study is presented. The power output of each unit in the case study is analyzed under four scenarios. The results show that after carbon emission is taken into account, the output of low carbon units is significantly increased, and the allocation of an electric boiler can facilitate the maximum absorption of renewable energy, which also reduces carbon emissions from the VPP.
基金supported by the Science and Technology Project of State Grid Corporation of China(No.52060019001H)。
文摘This paper proposes a distributed real-time state estimation(RTSE)method for the combined heat and power systems(CHPSs).First,a difference-based model for the heat system is established considering the dynamics of heat systems.This heat system model is further used along with the power system steady-state model for holistic CHPS state estimation.A cubature Kalman filter(CKF)-based RTSE is developed to deal with the system nonlinearity while integrating both the historical and present measurement information.Finally,a multi-timescale asynchronous distributed computation scheme is designed to enhance the scalability of the proposed method for largescale systems.This distributed implementation requires only a small amount of information exchange and thus protects the privacy of different energy systems.Simulations carried out on two CHPSs show that the proposed method can significantly improve the estimation efficiency of CHPS without loss of accuracy compared with other existing models and methods.
文摘Combined heat and power(CHP)generation is a valuable scheme for concurrent generation of electrical and thermal energies.The interdependency of power and heat productions in CHP units introduces complications and non-convexities in their modeling and optimization.This paper uses the stochastic fractal search(SFS)optimization technique to treat the highly non-linear CHP economic dispatch(CHPED)problem,where the objective is to minimize the total operation cost of both power and heat from generation units while fulfilling several operation interdependent limits and constraints.The CHPED problem has bounded feasible operation regions and many local minima.The SFS,which is a recent metaheuristic global optimization solver,outranks many current reputable solvers.Handling constraints of the CHPED is achieved by employing external penalty parameters,which penalize infeasible solution during the iterative process.To confirm the strength of this algorithm,it has been tested on two different test systems that are regularly used.The obtained outcomes are compared with former outcomes achieved by many different methods reported in literature of CHPED.The results of this work affirm that the SFS algorithm can achieve improved near-global solution and compare favorably with other commonly used global optimization techniques in terms of the quality of solution,handling of constraints and computation time.
文摘Conventional approaches towards energy-system modelling and operation are based upon the system design and performance optimization.In system-design optimization,the thermal or mechanical characteristics of the systems providing for the heat or electricity demands were derived separately without integration with the energy source and without interaction with demand,which results in low-efficiency energy performance.This paper presents a key review on the integration of biomass-powered combined heat and power(BCHP)systems in district-heating systems as well as coupling with thermal-energy storage.In BCHP design,the appropriate sizing of the associated components as part of the district-heating system is very important to provide the optimal dispatch strategy as well as minimized cost and environmental impact while it co-operates with thermal-energy storage.Future strategies for the feasibility,evaluation and integration of biomass-powered energy systems in the context of district systems are also studied.