The paper presents experimental investigation results of crack pattern change in cement pastes caused by external sulfate attack(ESA).To visualize the formation and development of cracks in cement pastes under ESA,an ...The paper presents experimental investigation results of crack pattern change in cement pastes caused by external sulfate attack(ESA).To visualize the formation and development of cracks in cement pastes under ESA,an X-ray computed tomography(X-ray CT)was used,i e,the tomography system of Zeiss Xradia 510 versa.The results indicate that X-CT can monitor the development process and distribution characteristics of the internal cracks of cement pastes under ESA with attack time.In addition,the C3A content in the cement significantly affects the damage mode of cement paste specimens during sulfate erosion.The damage of ordinary Portland cement(OPC)pastes subjected to sulfate attack with high C3A content are severe,while the damage of sulfate resistant Portland cement(SRPC)pastes is much smaller than that of OPC pastes.Furthermore,a quadratic function describes the correlation between the crack volume fraction and development depth for two cement pastes immermed in sulfate solution.展开更多
Purpose To propose a method for simultaneous fluorescence and Compton scattering computed tomography by using linearly polarized X-rays.Methods Monte Carlo simulations were adopted to demonstrate the feasibility of th...Purpose To propose a method for simultaneous fluorescence and Compton scattering computed tomography by using linearly polarized X-rays.Methods Monte Carlo simulations were adopted to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed method.In the simulations,the phantom is a polytetrafluoroethylene cylinder inside which are cylindrical columns containing aluminum,water,and gold(Au)-loaded water solutions with Au concentrations ranging between 0.5 and 4.0 wt%,and a parallel-hole collimator imaging geometry was adopted.The light source was modeled based on a Thomson scattering X-ray source.The phantom images for both imaging modalities were reconstructed using a maximumlikelihood expectation maximization algorithm.Results Both the X-ray fluorescence computed tomography(XFCT)and Compton scattering computed tomography(CSCT)images of the phantom were accurately reconstructed.A similar attenuation contrast problem for the different cylindrical columns in the phantom can be resolved in the XFCT and CSCT images.The interplay between XFCT and CSCT was analyzed,and the contrast-to-noise ratio(CNR)of the reconstruction was improved by correcting for the mutual influence between the two imaging modalities.Compared with K-edge subtraction imaging,XFCT exhibits a CNR advantage for the phantom.Conclusion Simultaneous XFCT and CSCT can be realized by using linearly polarized X-rays.The synergy between the two imaging modalities would have an important application in cancer radiation therapy.展开更多
Different sedimentary zones in coral reefs lead to significant anisotropy in the pore structure of coral reef limestone(CRL),making it difficult to study mechanical behaviors.With X-ray computed tomography(CT),112 CRL...Different sedimentary zones in coral reefs lead to significant anisotropy in the pore structure of coral reef limestone(CRL),making it difficult to study mechanical behaviors.With X-ray computed tomography(CT),112 CRL samples were utilized for training the support vector machine(SVM)-,random forest(RF)-,and back propagation neural network(BPNN)-based models,respectively.Simultaneously,the machine learning model was embedded into genetic algorithm(GA)for parameter optimization to effectively predict uniaxial compressive strength(UCS)of CRL.Results indicate that the BPNN model with five hidden layers presents the best training effect in the data set of CRL.The SVM-based model shows a tendency to overfitting in the training set and poor generalization ability in the testing set.The RF-based model is suitable for training CRL samples with large data.Analysis of Pearson correlation coefficient matrix and the percentage increment method of performance metrics shows that the dry density,pore structure,and porosity of CRL are strongly correlated to UCS.However,the P-wave velocity is almost uncorrelated to the UCS,which is significantly distinct from the law for homogenous geomaterials.In addition,the pore tensor proposed in this paper can effectively reflect the pore structure of coral framework limestone(CFL)and coral boulder limestone(CBL),realizing the quantitative characterization of the heterogeneity and anisotropy of pore.The pore tensor provides a feasible idea to establish the relationship between pore structure and mechanical behavior of CRL.展开更多
Mineral dissemination and pore space distribution in ore particles are important features that influence heap leaching performance. To quantify the mineral dissemination and pore space distribution of an ore particle,...Mineral dissemination and pore space distribution in ore particles are important features that influence heap leaching performance. To quantify the mineral dissemination and pore space distribution of an ore particle, a cylindrical copper oxide ore sample (I center dot 4.6 mm x 5.6 mm) was scanned using high-resolution X-ray computed tomography (HRXCT), a nondestructive imaging technology, at a spatial resolution of 4.85 mu m. Combined with three-dimensional (3D) image analysis techniques, the main mineral phases and pore space were segmented and the volume fraction of each phase was calculated. In addition, the mass fraction of each mineral phase was estimated and the result was validated with that obtained using traditional techniques. Furthermore, the pore phase features, including the pore size distribution, pore surface area, pore fractal dimension, pore centerline, and the pore connectivity, were investigated quantitatively. The pore space analysis results indicate that the pore size distribution closely fits a log-normal distribution and that the pore space morphology is complicated, with a large surface area and low connectivity. This study demonstrates that the combination of HRXCT and 3D image analysis is an effective tool for acquiring 3D mineralogical and pore structural data.展开更多
As an emerging molecular imaging modality,cone-beam X-ray luminescence computed tomog-raphy(CB-XLCT)uses X-ray-excitable probes to produce near-infrared(NIR)luminescence and then reconst ructs three-dimensional(3D)dis...As an emerging molecular imaging modality,cone-beam X-ray luminescence computed tomog-raphy(CB-XLCT)uses X-ray-excitable probes to produce near-infrared(NIR)luminescence and then reconst ructs three-dimensional(3D)distribution of the probes from surface measurements.A proper photon-transportation model is critical to accuracy of XLCT.Here,we presented a systematic comparison between the common-used Monte Carlo model and simplified spherical harmonics(SPN).The performance of the two methods was evaluated over several main spec-trums using a known XLCT material.We designed both a global measurement based on the cosine similarity and a locally-averaged relative error,to quantitatively assess these methods.The results show that the SP_(3) could reach a good balance between the modeling accuracy and computational efficiency for all of the tested emission spectrums.Besides,the SP_(1)(which is equivalent to the difusion equation(DE))can be a reasonable alternative model for emission wavelength over 692nm.In vivo experiment further demonstrates the reconstruction perfor-mance of the SP:and DE.This study would provide a valuable guidance for modeling the photon-transportation in CB-XLCT.展开更多
A small problem about soil particle regularization and contacts but essential to geotechnical engineering was studied.The soils sourced from Guangzhou and Xiamen were sieved into five different particle scale ranges(d...A small problem about soil particle regularization and contacts but essential to geotechnical engineering was studied.The soils sourced from Guangzhou and Xiamen were sieved into five different particle scale ranges(d<0.075 mm,0.075 mm≤d<0.1 mm,0.1 mm≤d<0.2 mm,0.2 mm≤d<0.5 mm and 0.5 mm≤d<1.0 mm)to study the structures and particle contacts of granite residual soil.The X-ray micro computed tomography method was used to reconstruct the microstructure of granite residual soil.The particle was identified and regularized using principal component analysis(PCA).The particle contacts and geometrical characteristics in 3D space were analyzed and summarized using statistical analyses.The results demonstrate that the main types of contact among the particles are face-face,face-angle,face-edge,edge-edge,edge-angle and angle-angle contacts for particle sizes less than 0.2 mm.When the particle sizes are greater than 0.2 mm,the contacts are effectively summarized as face-face,face-angle,face-edge,edge-edge,edge-angle,angle-angle,sphere-sphere,sphere-face,sphere-edge and sphere-angle contacts.The differences in porosity among the original sample,reconstructed sample and regularized sample are closely related to the water-swelling and water-disintegrable characteristics of granite residual soil.展开更多
Due to seasonal climate alterations,the microstructure and permeability of granite residual soil are easily affected by multiple dry-wet cycles.The X-ray micro computed tomography(micro-CT)acted as a nondestructive to...Due to seasonal climate alterations,the microstructure and permeability of granite residual soil are easily affected by multiple dry-wet cycles.The X-ray micro computed tomography(micro-CT)acted as a nondestructive tool for characterizing the microstructure of soil samples exposed to a range of damage levels induced by dry-wet cycles.Subsequently,the variations of pore distribution and permeability due to drywet cycling effects were revealed based on three-dimensional(3D)pore distribution analysis and seepage simulations.According to the results,granite residual soils could be separated into four different components,namely,pores,clay,quartz,and hematite,from micro-CT images.The reconstructed 3D pore models dynamically demonstrated the expanding and connecting patterns of pore structures during drywet cycles.The values of porosity and connectivity are positively correlated with the number of dry-wet cycles,which were expressed by exponential and linear functions,respectively.The pore volume probability distribution curves of granite residual soil coincide with the χ^(2)distribution curve,which verifies the effectiveness of the assumption of χ^(2)distribution probability.The pore volume distribution curves suggest that the pores in soils were divided into four types based on their volumes,i.e.micropores,mesopores,macropores,and cracks.From a quantitative and visual perspective,considerable small pores are gradually transformed into cracks with a large volume and a high connectivity.Under the action of dry-wet cycles,the number of seepage flow streamlines which contribute to water permeation in seepage simulation increases distinctly,as well as the permeability and hydraulic conductivity.The calculated hydraulic conductivity is comparable with measured ones with an acceptable error margin in general,verifying the accuracy of seepage simulations based on micro-CT results.展开更多
The bio-sandstone, which was cemented by microbe cement, was firstly prepared, and then the microstructure evolution process was studied by X-ray computed tomography (X-CT) technique. The experimental results indica...The bio-sandstone, which was cemented by microbe cement, was firstly prepared, and then the microstructure evolution process was studied by X-ray computed tomography (X-CT) technique. The experimental results indicate that the microstructure of bio-sandstone becomes dense with the development of age. The evolution of inner structure at different positions is different due to the different contents of microbial induced precipitation calcite. Besides, the increase rate of microbial induced precipitation calcite gradually decreases because of the reduction of microbe absorption content with the decreasing pore size in bio-sandstone.展开更多
As healthcare professionals continue to combat the coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19)infection worldwide,there is an increasing interest in the role of imaging and the relevance of various modalities.Since imaging not...As healthcare professionals continue to combat the coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19)infection worldwide,there is an increasing interest in the role of imaging and the relevance of various modalities.Since imaging not only helps assess the disease at the time of diagnosis but also aids evaluation of response to management,it is critical to examine the role of different modalities currently in use,such as baseline X-rays and computed tomography scans carefully.In this article,we will draw attention to the critical findings for the radiologist.Further,we will look at point of care ultrasound,an increasingly a popular tool in diagnostic medicine,as a component of COVID-19 management.展开更多
The particle morphological properties,such as sphericity,concavity and convexity,of a granular assembly significantly affect its macroscopic and microscopic compressive behaviors under isotropic loading condition.Howe...The particle morphological properties,such as sphericity,concavity and convexity,of a granular assembly significantly affect its macroscopic and microscopic compressive behaviors under isotropic loading condition.However,limited studies on investigating the microscopic behavior of the granular assembly with real particle shapes under isotropic compression were reported.In this study,X-ray computed tomography(mCT)and discrete element modeling(DEM)were utilized to investigate isotropic compression behavior of the granular assembly with regard to the particle morphological properties,such as particle sphericity,concavity and interparticle frictions.The mCT was first used to extract the particle morphological parameters and then the DEM was utilized to numerically investigate the influences of the particle morphological properties on the isotropic compression behavior.The image reconstruction from mCT images indicated that the presented particle quantification algorithm was robust,and the presented microscopic analysis via the DEM simulation demonstrated that the particle surface concavity significantly affected the isotropic compression behavior.The observations of the particle connectivity and local void ratio distribution also provided insights into the granular assembly under isotropic compression.Results found that the particle concavity and interparticle friction influenced the most of the isotropic compression behavior of the granular assemblies.展开更多
The three dimensional (3D) geometry of soil macropores largely controls preferential flow, which is a significant infiltrating mechanism for rainfall in forest soils and affects slope stability. However, detailed st...The three dimensional (3D) geometry of soil macropores largely controls preferential flow, which is a significant infiltrating mechanism for rainfall in forest soils and affects slope stability. However, detailed studies on the 3D geometry of macropore networks in forest soils are rare. The intense rainfall-triggered potentially unstable slopes were threatening the villages at the downstream of Touzhai valley (Yunnan, China). We visualized and quantified the 3D macropore networks in undisturbed soil columns (Histosols) taken from a forest hillslope in Touzhai valley, and compared them with those in agricultural soils (corn and soybean in USA; barley, fodder beet and red fescue in Denmark) and grassland soils in USA. We took two large undisturbed soil columns (250 mm^25o mmxsoo mm), and scanned the soil columns at in-situ soil water content conditions using X-ray computed tomography at a voxel resolution of 0.945 × 0.945 × 1.500o mm^3. After reconstruction and visualization, we quantified the characteristics of macropore networks. In the studied forest soils, the main types of maeropores were root channels, inter-aggregate voids, maeropores without knowing origin, root-soil interfaee and stone-soil interface. While maeropore networks tend to be more eomplex, larger, deeper and longer. The forest soils have high maeroporosity, total maeropore wall area density, node density, and large maeropore volume, hydraulie radius, mean maeropore length, angle, and low tortuosity. The findings suggest that maeropore networks in the forest soils have high inter- connectivity, vertical continuity, linearity and less vertically oriented.展开更多
Redox flow batteries offer a potential solution to an increase in renewable energy generation on the grid by offering long-term, large-scale storage and regulation of power. However, they are currently un- derutilised...Redox flow batteries offer a potential solution to an increase in renewable energy generation on the grid by offering long-term, large-scale storage and regulation of power. However, they are currently un- derutilised due to cost and performance issues, many of which are linked to the microstructure of the porous carbon electrodes used. Here, for the first time, we offer a detailed study of the in situ effects of compression on a commercially available carbon felt electrode. Visualisation of electrode structure us- ing X-ray computed tomography shows the non-linear way that these materials compress and various metrics are used to elucidate the changes in porosity, pore size distribution and tortuosity factor under compressions from 0%-90%.展开更多
X-ray-induced acoustic computed tomography(XACT)is a hybrid imaging modality for detecting X-ray absorption distribution via ultrasound emission.It facilitates imaging from a single projection X-ray illumination,thus ...X-ray-induced acoustic computed tomography(XACT)is a hybrid imaging modality for detecting X-ray absorption distribution via ultrasound emission.It facilitates imaging from a single projection X-ray illumination,thus reducing the radiation exposure and improving imaging speed.Nonuniform detector response caused by the interference between multichannel data acquisition for ring array transducers and amplifier systems yields ring artifacts in the reconstructed XACT images,which compromises the image quality.We propose model-based algorithms for ring artifacts corrected XACT imaging and demonstrate their effcacy on numerical and experimental measurements.The corrected reconstructions indicate significantly reduced ring artifacts as compared to their conventional counterparts.展开更多
The additional sparse prior of images has been the subject of much research in problems of sparse-view computed tomography(CT) reconstruction. A method employing the image gradient sparsity is often used to reduce t...The additional sparse prior of images has been the subject of much research in problems of sparse-view computed tomography(CT) reconstruction. A method employing the image gradient sparsity is often used to reduce the sampling rate and is shown to remove the unwanted artifacts while preserve sharp edges, but may cause blocky or patchy artifacts.To eliminate this drawback, we propose a novel sparsity exploitation-based model for CT image reconstruction. In the presented model, the sparse representation and sparsity exploitation of both gradient and nonlocal gradient are investigated.The new model is shown to offer the potential for better results by introducing a similarity prior information of the image structure. Then, an effective alternating direction minimization algorithm is developed to optimize the objective function with a robust convergence result. Qualitative and quantitative evaluations have been carried out both on the simulation and real data in terms of accuracy and resolution properties. The results indicate that the proposed method can be applied for achieving better image-quality potential with the theoretically expected detailed feature preservation.展开更多
Photon-counting computed tomography(PCCT)represents a significant advancement in pediatric cardiovascular imaging.Traditional CT systems employ energy-integrating detectors that convert X-ray photons into visible ligh...Photon-counting computed tomography(PCCT)represents a significant advancement in pediatric cardiovascular imaging.Traditional CT systems employ energy-integrating detectors that convert X-ray photons into visible light,whereas PCCT utilizes photon-counting detectors that directly transform X-ray photons into electric signals.This direct conversion allows photon-counting detectors to sort photons into discrete energy levels,thereby enhancing image quality through superior noise reduction,improved spatial and contrast resolution,and reduced artifacts.In pediatric applications,PCCT offers substantial benefits,including lower radiation doses,which may help reduce the risk of malignancy in pediatric patients,with perhaps greater potential to benefit those with repeated exposure from a young age.Enhanced spatial resolution facilitates better visualization of small structures,vital for diagnosing congenital heart defects.Additionally,PCCT’s spectral capabilities improve tissue characterization and enable the creation of virtual monoenergetic images,which enhance soft-tissue contrast and potentially reduce contrast media doses.Initial clinical results indicate that PCCT provides superior image quality and diagnostic accuracy compared to conven-tional CT,particularly in challenging pediatric cardiovascular cases.As PCCT technology matures,further research and standardized protocols will be essential to fully integrate it into pediatric imaging practices,ensuring optimized diagnostic outcomes and patient safety.展开更多
Conspecific seagrass living in differing environments may develop different root system acclimation patterns.We applied X-ray computed tomography(CT)for imaging and quantifying roots systems of Zostera japonica collec...Conspecific seagrass living in differing environments may develop different root system acclimation patterns.We applied X-ray computed tomography(CT)for imaging and quantifying roots systems of Zostera japonica collected from typical oligotrophic and eutrophic sediments in two coastal sites of northern China,and determined sediment physicochemical properties that might influence root system morphology,density,and distribution.The trophic status of sediments had little influence on the Z.japonica root length,and diameters of root and rhizome.However,Z.japonica in oligotrophic sediment developed the root system with longer rhizome node,deeper rhizome distribution,and larger allocation to below-ground tissues in order to acquire more nutrients and relieve the N deficiency.And the lower root and rhizome densities of Z.japonica in eutrophic sediment were mainly caused by fewer shoots and shorter longevity,which was resulted from the more serious sulfide inhibition.Our results systematically revealed the effect of sediment trophic status on the phenotypic plasticity,quantity,and distribution of Z.japonica root system,and demonstrated the feasibly of X-ray CT in seagrass root system research.展开更多
BACKGROUND Ankle fractures are common lesions of the lower limbs.Approximately 40%of ankle fractures affect the posterior malleolus(PM).Historically,PM osteosynthesis was recommended when PM size in X-ray images was g...BACKGROUND Ankle fractures are common lesions of the lower limbs.Approximately 40%of ankle fractures affect the posterior malleolus(PM).Historically,PM osteosynthesis was recommended when PM size in X-ray images was greater than 25%of the joint.Currently,computed tomography(CT)has been gaining traction in the preoperative evaluation of ankle fractures.AIM To elucidate the similarity in dimensions and to correlate PM size in X-ray images with the articular surface of the affected tibial plafond in the axial view on CT(AXCT)of a PM fracture.METHODS Eighty-one patients(mean age:39.4±13.5 years)were evaluated(54.3%were male).Two independent examiners measured PM size in profile X-ray images(PMXR)and sagittal CT(SAGCT)slices.The correlation of the measurements between the examiners and the difference in the PM fragment sizes between the two images were compared.Next,the PM size in PMXR was compared with the surface of the tibial plafond involved in the fracture in AXCT according to the Haraguchi classification.RESULTS The correlation rates between the examiners were 0.93 and 0.94 for PMXR and SAGCT,respectively(P<0.001).Fragments were 2.12%larger in SAGCT than in PMXR(P=0.018).In PMXR,there were 56 cases<25%and 25 cases≥25%.When PMXR was<25%,AXCT corresponded to 10.13%of the tibial plafond.When PMXR was≥25%,AXCT was 24.52%(P<0.001).According to the Haraguchi classification,fracture types I and II had similar PMXR measurements that were greater than those of type III.When analyzing AXCT,a significant difference was found between the three types,with II>I>III(P<0.001).CONCLUSION PM fractures show different sizes using X-ray or CT images.CT showed a larger PM in the sagittal plane and allowed the visualization of the real dimensions of the tibial plafond surface.展开更多
This study investigated the formulation mechanism of microspheres via internal surfactant distribution. Eudragit L100 based microspheres loaded with bovine serum albumin were prepared by solid in oil in oil emulsion s...This study investigated the formulation mechanism of microspheres via internal surfactant distribution. Eudragit L100 based microspheres loaded with bovine serum albumin were prepared by solid in oil in oil emulsion solvent evaporation method using acetone and liquid paraffin system containing sucrose stearate as a surfactant. The fabricated microspheres were evaluated for encapsulation efficiency, particle size, production yield, and in vitro release characteristics. The internal structures of microspheres were characterized using synchrotron radiation X-ray microcomputed tomography(SR-μCT). The enhanced contrast made the sucrose stearate distinguished from Eudragit to have its three dimensional(3D) distribution. Results indicated that the content and concentration determined the state of sucrose stearate and had significant influences on the release kinetics of protein. The dispersity of sucrose stearate was the primary factor that controlled the structure of the microspheres and further affected the encapsulation efficiency, effective drug loading, as well as in vitro release behavior. In conclusion, the 3D internal distribution of surfactant in microspheres and its effects on protein release behaviors have been revealed for the first time. The highly resolved 3D architecture provides new evidence for the deep understanding of the microsphere formation mechanism.展开更多
BACKGROUND Mucosal healing(MH)is the major therapeutic target for Crohn's disease(CD).As the most commonly involved intestinal segment,small bowel(SB)assessment is crucial for CD patients.Yet,it poses a significan...BACKGROUND Mucosal healing(MH)is the major therapeutic target for Crohn's disease(CD).As the most commonly involved intestinal segment,small bowel(SB)assessment is crucial for CD patients.Yet,it poses a significant challenge due to its limited accessibility through conventional endoscopic methods.AIM To establish a noninvasive radiomic model based on computed tomography enterography(CTE)for MH assessment in SBCD patients.METHODS Seventy-three patients diagnosed with SBCD were included and divided into a training cohort(n=55)and a test cohort(n=18).Radiomic features were obtained from CTE images to establish a radiomic model.Patient demographics were analysed to establish a clinical model.A radiomic-clinical nomogram was constructed by combining significant clinical and radiomic features.The diagnostic efficacy and clinical benefit were evaluated via receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve analysis and decision curve analysis(DCA),respectively.RESULTS Of the 73 patients enrolled,25 patients achieved MH.The radiomic-clinical nomogram had an area under the ROC curve of 0.961(95%confidence interval:0.886-1.000)in the training cohort and 0.958(0.877-1.000)in the test cohort and provided superior clinical benefit to either the clinical or radiomic models alone,as demonstrated by DCA.CONCLUSION These results indicate that the CTE-based radiomic-clinical nomogram is a promising imaging biomarker for MH and serves as a potential noninvasive alternative to enteroscopy for MH assessment in SBCD patients.展开更多
Idiopathic pneumomediastinum is rare in children. Few cases of patients with pneumomediastinum show negative findings on X-ray examination. Chest computed tomography (CT) was very useful for the diagnosis and evaluati...Idiopathic pneumomediastinum is rare in children. Few cases of patients with pneumomediastinum show negative findings on X-ray examination. Chest computed tomography (CT) was very useful for the diagnosis and evaluation of the extent of pneumomediastinum. We report here a case of idiopathic pneumomediastinum in a 15-year-old boy who exhibited no significant chest X-ray finding. The patient was referred to our institute for the further evaluation of pre-cordial pain and breathing difficulty. Precordial pain suddenly developed, when he was carrying a portable shrine on his shoulder (day of onset). He was admitted to another institute 3 days after onset because of worsening precordial pain. On admission, he presented with 98% saturation of hemoglobin in the peripheral blood under room air. Plain chest X-ray also revealed no abnormal findings. A half-dissolved gastrographin swallow showed no leakage of gastrographin from the pharynx and esophagus to the mediastinum, and no diverticulum within the esophagus. Plain chest CT revealed extensive emphysema around the trachea from the neck to the portion inferior to the carina of trachea. The patient was diagnosed with idiopathic pneumomediastinum because the cause was unclear. We decided to admit him to our institute under fasting conditions and rest. His symptoms improved 3 days after onset. The lesion had disap-peared 8 days after onset on chest CT. When young people experience precordial pain which increases on inspiration, we must consider pneumomediastinum in a differential diagnosis, and it is important to perform chest CT.展开更多
基金Funded by Chinese National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.U2006224)。
文摘The paper presents experimental investigation results of crack pattern change in cement pastes caused by external sulfate attack(ESA).To visualize the formation and development of cracks in cement pastes under ESA,an X-ray computed tomography(X-ray CT)was used,i e,the tomography system of Zeiss Xradia 510 versa.The results indicate that X-CT can monitor the development process and distribution characteristics of the internal cracks of cement pastes under ESA with attack time.In addition,the C3A content in the cement significantly affects the damage mode of cement paste specimens during sulfate erosion.The damage of ordinary Portland cement(OPC)pastes subjected to sulfate attack with high C3A content are severe,while the damage of sulfate resistant Portland cement(SRPC)pastes is much smaller than that of OPC pastes.Furthermore,a quadratic function describes the correlation between the crack volume fraction and development depth for two cement pastes immermed in sulfate solution.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.12375157,12027902,and 11905011)。
文摘Purpose To propose a method for simultaneous fluorescence and Compton scattering computed tomography by using linearly polarized X-rays.Methods Monte Carlo simulations were adopted to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed method.In the simulations,the phantom is a polytetrafluoroethylene cylinder inside which are cylindrical columns containing aluminum,water,and gold(Au)-loaded water solutions with Au concentrations ranging between 0.5 and 4.0 wt%,and a parallel-hole collimator imaging geometry was adopted.The light source was modeled based on a Thomson scattering X-ray source.The phantom images for both imaging modalities were reconstructed using a maximumlikelihood expectation maximization algorithm.Results Both the X-ray fluorescence computed tomography(XFCT)and Compton scattering computed tomography(CSCT)images of the phantom were accurately reconstructed.A similar attenuation contrast problem for the different cylindrical columns in the phantom can be resolved in the XFCT and CSCT images.The interplay between XFCT and CSCT was analyzed,and the contrast-to-noise ratio(CNR)of the reconstruction was improved by correcting for the mutual influence between the two imaging modalities.Compared with K-edge subtraction imaging,XFCT exhibits a CNR advantage for the phantom.Conclusion Simultaneous XFCT and CSCT can be realized by using linearly polarized X-rays.The synergy between the two imaging modalities would have an important application in cancer radiation therapy.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.41877267 and 41877260)the Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(Grant No.XDA13010201).
文摘Different sedimentary zones in coral reefs lead to significant anisotropy in the pore structure of coral reef limestone(CRL),making it difficult to study mechanical behaviors.With X-ray computed tomography(CT),112 CRL samples were utilized for training the support vector machine(SVM)-,random forest(RF)-,and back propagation neural network(BPNN)-based models,respectively.Simultaneously,the machine learning model was embedded into genetic algorithm(GA)for parameter optimization to effectively predict uniaxial compressive strength(UCS)of CRL.Results indicate that the BPNN model with five hidden layers presents the best training effect in the data set of CRL.The SVM-based model shows a tendency to overfitting in the training set and poor generalization ability in the testing set.The RF-based model is suitable for training CRL samples with large data.Analysis of Pearson correlation coefficient matrix and the percentage increment method of performance metrics shows that the dry density,pore structure,and porosity of CRL are strongly correlated to UCS.However,the P-wave velocity is almost uncorrelated to the UCS,which is significantly distinct from the law for homogenous geomaterials.In addition,the pore tensor proposed in this paper can effectively reflect the pore structure of coral framework limestone(CFL)and coral boulder limestone(CBL),realizing the quantitative characterization of the heterogeneity and anisotropy of pore.The pore tensor provides a feasible idea to establish the relationship between pore structure and mechanical behavior of CRL.
基金financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.51304076)the Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province,China(No.14JJ4064)
文摘Mineral dissemination and pore space distribution in ore particles are important features that influence heap leaching performance. To quantify the mineral dissemination and pore space distribution of an ore particle, a cylindrical copper oxide ore sample (I center dot 4.6 mm x 5.6 mm) was scanned using high-resolution X-ray computed tomography (HRXCT), a nondestructive imaging technology, at a spatial resolution of 4.85 mu m. Combined with three-dimensional (3D) image analysis techniques, the main mineral phases and pore space were segmented and the volume fraction of each phase was calculated. In addition, the mass fraction of each mineral phase was estimated and the result was validated with that obtained using traditional techniques. Furthermore, the pore phase features, including the pore size distribution, pore surface area, pore fractal dimension, pore centerline, and the pore connectivity, were investigated quantitatively. The pore space analysis results indicate that the pore size distribution closely fits a log-normal distribution and that the pore space morphology is complicated, with a large surface area and low connectivity. This study demonstrates that the combination of HRXCT and 3D image analysis is an effective tool for acquiring 3D mineralogical and pore structural data.
基金the School of Life Science and Technology of Xidian University for providing experimental data acquisition system.This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant(Nos.61372046,61401264,11571012,61601363,61640418,61572400)the Science and Technology Plan Program in Shaanxi Province of China under Grant(Nos.2013K12-20-12,2015KW-002)+2 种基金the Natural Science Research Plan Program in Shaanxi Province of China under Grant(No.2015JM6322)the Scienti¯c Research Founded by Shaanxi Provincial Education Department under Grant No.16JK1772the Scienti¯c Research Foundation of Northwest University under Grant Nos.338050018 and 338020012.
文摘As an emerging molecular imaging modality,cone-beam X-ray luminescence computed tomog-raphy(CB-XLCT)uses X-ray-excitable probes to produce near-infrared(NIR)luminescence and then reconst ructs three-dimensional(3D)distribution of the probes from surface measurements.A proper photon-transportation model is critical to accuracy of XLCT.Here,we presented a systematic comparison between the common-used Monte Carlo model and simplified spherical harmonics(SPN).The performance of the two methods was evaluated over several main spec-trums using a known XLCT material.We designed both a global measurement based on the cosine similarity and a locally-averaged relative error,to quantitatively assess these methods.The results show that the SP_(3) could reach a good balance between the modeling accuracy and computational efficiency for all of the tested emission spectrums.Besides,the SP_(1)(which is equivalent to the difusion equation(DE))can be a reasonable alternative model for emission wavelength over 692nm.In vivo experiment further demonstrates the reconstruction perfor-mance of the SP:and DE.This study would provide a valuable guidance for modeling the photon-transportation in CB-XLCT.
基金Projects(41572277,41877229) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaProject(2015A030313118) supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province,ChinaProject(201607010023) supported by the Science and Technology Program of Guangzhou,China
文摘A small problem about soil particle regularization and contacts but essential to geotechnical engineering was studied.The soils sourced from Guangzhou and Xiamen were sieved into five different particle scale ranges(d<0.075 mm,0.075 mm≤d<0.1 mm,0.1 mm≤d<0.2 mm,0.2 mm≤d<0.5 mm and 0.5 mm≤d<1.0 mm)to study the structures and particle contacts of granite residual soil.The X-ray micro computed tomography method was used to reconstruct the microstructure of granite residual soil.The particle was identified and regularized using principal component analysis(PCA).The particle contacts and geometrical characteristics in 3D space were analyzed and summarized using statistical analyses.The results demonstrate that the main types of contact among the particles are face-face,face-angle,face-edge,edge-edge,edge-angle and angle-angle contacts for particle sizes less than 0.2 mm.When the particle sizes are greater than 0.2 mm,the contacts are effectively summarized as face-face,face-angle,face-edge,edge-edge,edge-angle,angle-angle,sphere-sphere,sphere-face,sphere-edge and sphere-angle contacts.The differences in porosity among the original sample,reconstructed sample and regularized sample are closely related to the water-swelling and water-disintegrable characteristics of granite residual soil.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 12102312 and 41372314)State Key Laboratory of Geohazard Prevention and Geoenvironment Protection Open Foundation, Chengdu University of Technology, China (Grant No. SKLGP2021K011)
文摘Due to seasonal climate alterations,the microstructure and permeability of granite residual soil are easily affected by multiple dry-wet cycles.The X-ray micro computed tomography(micro-CT)acted as a nondestructive tool for characterizing the microstructure of soil samples exposed to a range of damage levels induced by dry-wet cycles.Subsequently,the variations of pore distribution and permeability due to drywet cycling effects were revealed based on three-dimensional(3D)pore distribution analysis and seepage simulations.According to the results,granite residual soils could be separated into four different components,namely,pores,clay,quartz,and hematite,from micro-CT images.The reconstructed 3D pore models dynamically demonstrated the expanding and connecting patterns of pore structures during drywet cycles.The values of porosity and connectivity are positively correlated with the number of dry-wet cycles,which were expressed by exponential and linear functions,respectively.The pore volume probability distribution curves of granite residual soil coincide with the χ^(2)distribution curve,which verifies the effectiveness of the assumption of χ^(2)distribution probability.The pore volume distribution curves suggest that the pores in soils were divided into four types based on their volumes,i.e.micropores,mesopores,macropores,and cracks.From a quantitative and visual perspective,considerable small pores are gradually transformed into cracks with a large volume and a high connectivity.Under the action of dry-wet cycles,the number of seepage flow streamlines which contribute to water permeation in seepage simulation increases distinctly,as well as the permeability and hydraulic conductivity.The calculated hydraulic conductivity is comparable with measured ones with an acceptable error margin in general,verifying the accuracy of seepage simulations based on micro-CT results.
基金Funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.51072035),the Ph D Program’s Foundation of Ministry of Education of China(No.20090092110029)the Research Innovation Program for College Graduates of Jiangsu Province(No.CXZZ_0145)the Scientific Research Foundation of Graduate School of Southeast University(Nos.YBJJ1127 and YBPY1208)
文摘The bio-sandstone, which was cemented by microbe cement, was firstly prepared, and then the microstructure evolution process was studied by X-ray computed tomography (X-CT) technique. The experimental results indicate that the microstructure of bio-sandstone becomes dense with the development of age. The evolution of inner structure at different positions is different due to the different contents of microbial induced precipitation calcite. Besides, the increase rate of microbial induced precipitation calcite gradually decreases because of the reduction of microbe absorption content with the decreasing pore size in bio-sandstone.
文摘As healthcare professionals continue to combat the coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19)infection worldwide,there is an increasing interest in the role of imaging and the relevance of various modalities.Since imaging not only helps assess the disease at the time of diagnosis but also aids evaluation of response to management,it is critical to examine the role of different modalities currently in use,such as baseline X-rays and computed tomography scans carefully.In this article,we will draw attention to the critical findings for the radiologist.Further,we will look at point of care ultrasound,an increasingly a popular tool in diagnostic medicine,as a component of COVID-19 management.
基金the Universidad Nacional de San Agustín(UNSA)through the joint Center for Mining Sustainability with the Colorado School of Mines is highly acknowledged.
文摘The particle morphological properties,such as sphericity,concavity and convexity,of a granular assembly significantly affect its macroscopic and microscopic compressive behaviors under isotropic loading condition.However,limited studies on investigating the microscopic behavior of the granular assembly with real particle shapes under isotropic compression were reported.In this study,X-ray computed tomography(mCT)and discrete element modeling(DEM)were utilized to investigate isotropic compression behavior of the granular assembly with regard to the particle morphological properties,such as particle sphericity,concavity and interparticle frictions.The mCT was first used to extract the particle morphological parameters and then the DEM was utilized to numerically investigate the influences of the particle morphological properties on the isotropic compression behavior.The image reconstruction from mCT images indicated that the presented particle quantification algorithm was robust,and the presented microscopic analysis via the DEM simulation demonstrated that the particle surface concavity significantly affected the isotropic compression behavior.The observations of the particle connectivity and local void ratio distribution also provided insights into the granular assembly under isotropic compression.Results found that the particle concavity and interparticle friction influenced the most of the isotropic compression behavior of the granular assemblies.
基金financially supported by the National Science Foundation of China-Yunnan Joint Fund(U1502232)the Natural Science Foundation of Yunnan Province(2014FD007)the Natural Science Foundation of Kunming University of Science and Technology(KKSY201406009)
文摘The three dimensional (3D) geometry of soil macropores largely controls preferential flow, which is a significant infiltrating mechanism for rainfall in forest soils and affects slope stability. However, detailed studies on the 3D geometry of macropore networks in forest soils are rare. The intense rainfall-triggered potentially unstable slopes were threatening the villages at the downstream of Touzhai valley (Yunnan, China). We visualized and quantified the 3D macropore networks in undisturbed soil columns (Histosols) taken from a forest hillslope in Touzhai valley, and compared them with those in agricultural soils (corn and soybean in USA; barley, fodder beet and red fescue in Denmark) and grassland soils in USA. We took two large undisturbed soil columns (250 mm^25o mmxsoo mm), and scanned the soil columns at in-situ soil water content conditions using X-ray computed tomography at a voxel resolution of 0.945 × 0.945 × 1.500o mm^3. After reconstruction and visualization, we quantified the characteristics of macropore networks. In the studied forest soils, the main types of maeropores were root channels, inter-aggregate voids, maeropores without knowing origin, root-soil interfaee and stone-soil interface. While maeropore networks tend to be more eomplex, larger, deeper and longer. The forest soils have high maeroporosity, total maeropore wall area density, node density, and large maeropore volume, hydraulie radius, mean maeropore length, angle, and low tortuosity. The findings suggest that maeropore networks in the forest soils have high inter- connectivity, vertical continuity, linearity and less vertically oriented.
基金support from the EPSRC under grants EP/L014289/1 EP/N032888/1 and EP/M014045/1the STFC Global Challenges Network in Batteries and Electrochemical Energy Devices under the grant ST/N002385/1 for facilitation of travelfunding from the Royal Academy of Engineering
文摘Redox flow batteries offer a potential solution to an increase in renewable energy generation on the grid by offering long-term, large-scale storage and regulation of power. However, they are currently un- derutilised due to cost and performance issues, many of which are linked to the microstructure of the porous carbon electrodes used. Here, for the first time, we offer a detailed study of the in situ effects of compression on a commercially available carbon felt electrode. Visualisation of electrode structure us- ing X-ray computed tomography shows the non-linear way that these materials compress and various metrics are used to elucidate the changes in porosity, pore size distribution and tortuosity factor under compressions from 0%-90%.
基金supported by the National Cancer Institute of the National Institutes of Health under Award No.(R37CA240806).
文摘X-ray-induced acoustic computed tomography(XACT)is a hybrid imaging modality for detecting X-ray absorption distribution via ultrasound emission.It facilitates imaging from a single projection X-ray illumination,thus reducing the radiation exposure and improving imaging speed.Nonuniform detector response caused by the interference between multichannel data acquisition for ring array transducers and amplifier systems yields ring artifacts in the reconstructed XACT images,which compromises the image quality.We propose model-based algorithms for ring artifacts corrected XACT imaging and demonstrate their effcacy on numerical and experimental measurements.The corrected reconstructions indicate significantly reduced ring artifacts as compared to their conventional counterparts.
基金Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.61372172)
文摘The additional sparse prior of images has been the subject of much research in problems of sparse-view computed tomography(CT) reconstruction. A method employing the image gradient sparsity is often used to reduce the sampling rate and is shown to remove the unwanted artifacts while preserve sharp edges, but may cause blocky or patchy artifacts.To eliminate this drawback, we propose a novel sparsity exploitation-based model for CT image reconstruction. In the presented model, the sparse representation and sparsity exploitation of both gradient and nonlocal gradient are investigated.The new model is shown to offer the potential for better results by introducing a similarity prior information of the image structure. Then, an effective alternating direction minimization algorithm is developed to optimize the objective function with a robust convergence result. Qualitative and quantitative evaluations have been carried out both on the simulation and real data in terms of accuracy and resolution properties. The results indicate that the proposed method can be applied for achieving better image-quality potential with the theoretically expected detailed feature preservation.
文摘Photon-counting computed tomography(PCCT)represents a significant advancement in pediatric cardiovascular imaging.Traditional CT systems employ energy-integrating detectors that convert X-ray photons into visible light,whereas PCCT utilizes photon-counting detectors that directly transform X-ray photons into electric signals.This direct conversion allows photon-counting detectors to sort photons into discrete energy levels,thereby enhancing image quality through superior noise reduction,improved spatial and contrast resolution,and reduced artifacts.In pediatric applications,PCCT offers substantial benefits,including lower radiation doses,which may help reduce the risk of malignancy in pediatric patients,with perhaps greater potential to benefit those with repeated exposure from a young age.Enhanced spatial resolution facilitates better visualization of small structures,vital for diagnosing congenital heart defects.Additionally,PCCT’s spectral capabilities improve tissue characterization and enable the creation of virtual monoenergetic images,which enhance soft-tissue contrast and potentially reduce contrast media doses.Initial clinical results indicate that PCCT provides superior image quality and diagnostic accuracy compared to conven-tional CT,particularly in challenging pediatric cardiovascular cases.As PCCT technology matures,further research and standardized protocols will be essential to fully integrate it into pediatric imaging practices,ensuring optimized diagnostic outcomes and patient safety.
基金Supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China(Nos.2018YFD0900901,2019YFD0901300)the Scientific Research Fund of the Second Institute of Oceanography,MNR(Nos.JG1906,JG1616,JG1910)+4 种基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.41606192/41176140,41706125,41806136)the National Science&Technology Basic Work Program of China(No.2015FY110600)the Key Projects of Philosophy and Social Sciences Research,Ministry of Education,China(No.18JZD059)the Zhejiang Qingshan Lake Innovation Platform for Marine Science and Technology(No.2017E80001)the Project of Long-term Observation and Research Plan in the Changjiang Estuary and Adjacent East China Sea(No.LORCE,14282)。
文摘Conspecific seagrass living in differing environments may develop different root system acclimation patterns.We applied X-ray computed tomography(CT)for imaging and quantifying roots systems of Zostera japonica collected from typical oligotrophic and eutrophic sediments in two coastal sites of northern China,and determined sediment physicochemical properties that might influence root system morphology,density,and distribution.The trophic status of sediments had little influence on the Z.japonica root length,and diameters of root and rhizome.However,Z.japonica in oligotrophic sediment developed the root system with longer rhizome node,deeper rhizome distribution,and larger allocation to below-ground tissues in order to acquire more nutrients and relieve the N deficiency.And the lower root and rhizome densities of Z.japonica in eutrophic sediment were mainly caused by fewer shoots and shorter longevity,which was resulted from the more serious sulfide inhibition.Our results systematically revealed the effect of sediment trophic status on the phenotypic plasticity,quantity,and distribution of Z.japonica root system,and demonstrated the feasibly of X-ray CT in seagrass root system research.
文摘BACKGROUND Ankle fractures are common lesions of the lower limbs.Approximately 40%of ankle fractures affect the posterior malleolus(PM).Historically,PM osteosynthesis was recommended when PM size in X-ray images was greater than 25%of the joint.Currently,computed tomography(CT)has been gaining traction in the preoperative evaluation of ankle fractures.AIM To elucidate the similarity in dimensions and to correlate PM size in X-ray images with the articular surface of the affected tibial plafond in the axial view on CT(AXCT)of a PM fracture.METHODS Eighty-one patients(mean age:39.4±13.5 years)were evaluated(54.3%were male).Two independent examiners measured PM size in profile X-ray images(PMXR)and sagittal CT(SAGCT)slices.The correlation of the measurements between the examiners and the difference in the PM fragment sizes between the two images were compared.Next,the PM size in PMXR was compared with the surface of the tibial plafond involved in the fracture in AXCT according to the Haraguchi classification.RESULTS The correlation rates between the examiners were 0.93 and 0.94 for PMXR and SAGCT,respectively(P<0.001).Fragments were 2.12%larger in SAGCT than in PMXR(P=0.018).In PMXR,there were 56 cases<25%and 25 cases≥25%.When PMXR was<25%,AXCT corresponded to 10.13%of the tibial plafond.When PMXR was≥25%,AXCT was 24.52%(P<0.001).According to the Haraguchi classification,fracture types I and II had similar PMXR measurements that were greater than those of type III.When analyzing AXCT,a significant difference was found between the three types,with II>I>III(P<0.001).CONCLUSION PM fractures show different sizes using X-ray or CT images.CT showed a larger PM in the sagittal plane and allowed the visualization of the real dimensions of the tibial plafond surface.
基金the financial support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.81430087)the National Science and Technology Major Project(2013ZX09402103)
文摘This study investigated the formulation mechanism of microspheres via internal surfactant distribution. Eudragit L100 based microspheres loaded with bovine serum albumin were prepared by solid in oil in oil emulsion solvent evaporation method using acetone and liquid paraffin system containing sucrose stearate as a surfactant. The fabricated microspheres were evaluated for encapsulation efficiency, particle size, production yield, and in vitro release characteristics. The internal structures of microspheres were characterized using synchrotron radiation X-ray microcomputed tomography(SR-μCT). The enhanced contrast made the sucrose stearate distinguished from Eudragit to have its three dimensional(3D) distribution. Results indicated that the content and concentration determined the state of sucrose stearate and had significant influences on the release kinetics of protein. The dispersity of sucrose stearate was the primary factor that controlled the structure of the microspheres and further affected the encapsulation efficiency, effective drug loading, as well as in vitro release behavior. In conclusion, the 3D internal distribution of surfactant in microspheres and its effects on protein release behaviors have been revealed for the first time. The highly resolved 3D architecture provides new evidence for the deep understanding of the microsphere formation mechanism.
基金Supported by Natural Science Foundation of Anhui Medical University,No.2023xkj130.
文摘BACKGROUND Mucosal healing(MH)is the major therapeutic target for Crohn's disease(CD).As the most commonly involved intestinal segment,small bowel(SB)assessment is crucial for CD patients.Yet,it poses a significant challenge due to its limited accessibility through conventional endoscopic methods.AIM To establish a noninvasive radiomic model based on computed tomography enterography(CTE)for MH assessment in SBCD patients.METHODS Seventy-three patients diagnosed with SBCD were included and divided into a training cohort(n=55)and a test cohort(n=18).Radiomic features were obtained from CTE images to establish a radiomic model.Patient demographics were analysed to establish a clinical model.A radiomic-clinical nomogram was constructed by combining significant clinical and radiomic features.The diagnostic efficacy and clinical benefit were evaluated via receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve analysis and decision curve analysis(DCA),respectively.RESULTS Of the 73 patients enrolled,25 patients achieved MH.The radiomic-clinical nomogram had an area under the ROC curve of 0.961(95%confidence interval:0.886-1.000)in the training cohort and 0.958(0.877-1.000)in the test cohort and provided superior clinical benefit to either the clinical or radiomic models alone,as demonstrated by DCA.CONCLUSION These results indicate that the CTE-based radiomic-clinical nomogram is a promising imaging biomarker for MH and serves as a potential noninvasive alternative to enteroscopy for MH assessment in SBCD patients.
文摘Idiopathic pneumomediastinum is rare in children. Few cases of patients with pneumomediastinum show negative findings on X-ray examination. Chest computed tomography (CT) was very useful for the diagnosis and evaluation of the extent of pneumomediastinum. We report here a case of idiopathic pneumomediastinum in a 15-year-old boy who exhibited no significant chest X-ray finding. The patient was referred to our institute for the further evaluation of pre-cordial pain and breathing difficulty. Precordial pain suddenly developed, when he was carrying a portable shrine on his shoulder (day of onset). He was admitted to another institute 3 days after onset because of worsening precordial pain. On admission, he presented with 98% saturation of hemoglobin in the peripheral blood under room air. Plain chest X-ray also revealed no abnormal findings. A half-dissolved gastrographin swallow showed no leakage of gastrographin from the pharynx and esophagus to the mediastinum, and no diverticulum within the esophagus. Plain chest CT revealed extensive emphysema around the trachea from the neck to the portion inferior to the carina of trachea. The patient was diagnosed with idiopathic pneumomediastinum because the cause was unclear. We decided to admit him to our institute under fasting conditions and rest. His symptoms improved 3 days after onset. The lesion had disap-peared 8 days after onset on chest CT. When young people experience precordial pain which increases on inspiration, we must consider pneumomediastinum in a differential diagnosis, and it is important to perform chest CT.