This study examined adaptation of root crop farming system to climate change in Ikwerre Local Government Area of Rivers state, Nigeria. Seven towns were selected based on a population of five thousand and above from w...This study examined adaptation of root crop farming system to climate change in Ikwerre Local Government Area of Rivers state, Nigeria. Seven towns were selected based on a population of five thousand and above from which one hundred and ninety-one respondents were randomly chosen. Sixty-six years’ data on climatic variables of rainfall, temperature and relative humidity were obtained from Nigeria Meteorological Agency between 1950-2015. Analyses were carried out using simple proportion for qualitative variables while mean and standard deviation were used in analyzing the qualitative variable. Similarly, the triangulation method involving qualitative and quantitative components in data generation was used. Results showed that, there had been a steady but gradual increase in the mean annual minimum and maximum temperatures over the study period of thirty years. The overall mean rainfall computed was 191.1 mm. In general, there was a shift increase in both rainfall and temperature during the period under study. The respondents attributed crop failure (100%), reduced crop yield (100%), increase incidence of pest and diseases (100%) and delay in planting period (100%) as direct effects of climate change. A steady trend in relative humidity of (84.3%) was recorded and the mean annual wind speed computed was 67.9 knots. The adapted strategies include delay planting period, crop diversification 100%, cultivation of early maturing crops such as maize, vegetables, intercropped with the root crops and changes in the time of farm operations (99.4%) as well as a change in the planting period and changing farm location (98.9%). The latter will in addition to other benefits reduce the incidences of pest and diseases that may be attracted to the same field if continuously cultivated with the same crops. An implementable policy of accessibility of finance to the real farmers is seriously advocated.展开更多
The results of the three-year researches which had the purpose to establish an optimum depth of seeding at sowing and rational norm of seeding of red beetroot seeds at under-winter sowing in conditions of mid-loamy ty...The results of the three-year researches which had the purpose to establish an optimum depth of seeding at sowing and rational norm of seeding of red beetroot seeds at under-winter sowing in conditions of mid-loamy typical grey soils of the central climatic zone of Uzbekistan are stated in article. The researches were spent at statement of field experiences in quadruple frequency with the area of a registration allotment 10 M^-1. Crops were carried out in the first decade of December against mulching surfaces of ridges by humus and without mulching. Crops were carried out on ridges in width of 70 sm tape-two-lined with distance between tapes of 50 sm, between lines-20 sm and distance between plants in a line of 12-13 sm, at density of standing of 228-230 thousand plants/hectares. Experiences were spent with zoned in Uzbekistan multi-seedling grade of a red beetroot "Bordo 237". Experiences were accompanied by phenological supervision, biometric accounts, the account of field germination of seeds, density of standing of plants and definition of size and quality of a crop. Results of researches were exposed to the statistical analysis by a dispersive method. It has been revealed that at under-winter sowing of a red beetroot the effective way providing acceleration of shoots occurrence, formations of high-grade density of standing and increase of productivity of root crops is mulching the surfaces of ridges by humus. It is defined that optimum depth of seeding at sowing both at application of mulching and without it is the depth of seeding 4 sm. It is established that the most rational norm of seeding of the seeds, providing high-grade density of standing, is at cultivation with application of mulching 8 kg/ha, and at cultivation without mulching 8-10 kg/ha. Application of mulching the surfaces of ridges by humus, depths of seeding of 4 sm and norms of seeding of seeds of 8-10 kg/ha in conditions of under-winter sowing in comparison with cultivation without mulching and depth of seeding 2 sm and norms of seeding of 6 kg/ha provides an acceleration of receipt of fresh production of a red beetroot for 12-14 days and considerably raises root crops productivity. Application of agro receptions improved by us is the important reserve of acceleration of receipt of red beetroot early production and increase of its manufacture.展开更多
为探明不同种植方式与施氮量对杂交籼稻养分吸收特性、产量及根系活力的影响,以杂交籼稻F优498为试验材料,采用二因素裂区设计,主区为3种种植方式(毯苗机插、湿润精量穴直播和人工移栽),副区为4个施氮量(0 kg hm^(-2)、90 kg hm^(-2)、1...为探明不同种植方式与施氮量对杂交籼稻养分吸收特性、产量及根系活力的影响,以杂交籼稻F优498为试验材料,采用二因素裂区设计,主区为3种种植方式(毯苗机插、湿润精量穴直播和人工移栽),副区为4个施氮量(0 kg hm^(-2)、90 kg hm^(-2)、135 kg hm^(–2)和180 kg hm^(–2)),探究F优498在不同处理下对养分积累、根系活力、产量及其构成因子的影响。结果表明,水稻抽穗期及成熟期的氮积累量均为人工移栽>机插>直播,拔节期磷积累总量和抽穗期钾积累总量均为人工移栽最大,拔节前直播稻的氮、磷和钾积累速率最高,分别比机插和人工移栽高40.68%~63.64%和19.42%~71.43%,不同种植方式下均在拔节至抽穗期养分积累速率达到最大;人工移栽和机插方式下水稻产量差异不显著,直播与人工移栽相比,减产8.09%~15.00%,人工移栽的水稻千粒重、穗粒数和结实率均高于机插和直播,但有效穗数显著降低,分别比机插和直播低15.99%~41.77%和23.19%~29.60%,施氮后产量的显著提高是由于提高了单位面积有效穗数和每穗粒数;各种植方式的地上部和根系干物重分别在成熟期和抽穗期达到最大,就不同施氮量而言,施氮处理的群体根系干物重显著高于不施氮处理;水稻抽穗后单茎和群体伤流强度降低,机插的单茎及群体根系活力显著高于人工移栽和直播。机插稻施氮量在中低氮水平(90~135 kg hm^(-2))较适宜,直播稻和人工移栽稻施氮量在中高氮水平(135~180 kg hm^(-2))较适宜。展开更多
文摘This study examined adaptation of root crop farming system to climate change in Ikwerre Local Government Area of Rivers state, Nigeria. Seven towns were selected based on a population of five thousand and above from which one hundred and ninety-one respondents were randomly chosen. Sixty-six years’ data on climatic variables of rainfall, temperature and relative humidity were obtained from Nigeria Meteorological Agency between 1950-2015. Analyses were carried out using simple proportion for qualitative variables while mean and standard deviation were used in analyzing the qualitative variable. Similarly, the triangulation method involving qualitative and quantitative components in data generation was used. Results showed that, there had been a steady but gradual increase in the mean annual minimum and maximum temperatures over the study period of thirty years. The overall mean rainfall computed was 191.1 mm. In general, there was a shift increase in both rainfall and temperature during the period under study. The respondents attributed crop failure (100%), reduced crop yield (100%), increase incidence of pest and diseases (100%) and delay in planting period (100%) as direct effects of climate change. A steady trend in relative humidity of (84.3%) was recorded and the mean annual wind speed computed was 67.9 knots. The adapted strategies include delay planting period, crop diversification 100%, cultivation of early maturing crops such as maize, vegetables, intercropped with the root crops and changes in the time of farm operations (99.4%) as well as a change in the planting period and changing farm location (98.9%). The latter will in addition to other benefits reduce the incidences of pest and diseases that may be attracted to the same field if continuously cultivated with the same crops. An implementable policy of accessibility of finance to the real farmers is seriously advocated.
文摘The results of the three-year researches which had the purpose to establish an optimum depth of seeding at sowing and rational norm of seeding of red beetroot seeds at under-winter sowing in conditions of mid-loamy typical grey soils of the central climatic zone of Uzbekistan are stated in article. The researches were spent at statement of field experiences in quadruple frequency with the area of a registration allotment 10 M^-1. Crops were carried out in the first decade of December against mulching surfaces of ridges by humus and without mulching. Crops were carried out on ridges in width of 70 sm tape-two-lined with distance between tapes of 50 sm, between lines-20 sm and distance between plants in a line of 12-13 sm, at density of standing of 228-230 thousand plants/hectares. Experiences were spent with zoned in Uzbekistan multi-seedling grade of a red beetroot "Bordo 237". Experiences were accompanied by phenological supervision, biometric accounts, the account of field germination of seeds, density of standing of plants and definition of size and quality of a crop. Results of researches were exposed to the statistical analysis by a dispersive method. It has been revealed that at under-winter sowing of a red beetroot the effective way providing acceleration of shoots occurrence, formations of high-grade density of standing and increase of productivity of root crops is mulching the surfaces of ridges by humus. It is defined that optimum depth of seeding at sowing both at application of mulching and without it is the depth of seeding 4 sm. It is established that the most rational norm of seeding of the seeds, providing high-grade density of standing, is at cultivation with application of mulching 8 kg/ha, and at cultivation without mulching 8-10 kg/ha. Application of mulching the surfaces of ridges by humus, depths of seeding of 4 sm and norms of seeding of seeds of 8-10 kg/ha in conditions of under-winter sowing in comparison with cultivation without mulching and depth of seeding 2 sm and norms of seeding of 6 kg/ha provides an acceleration of receipt of fresh production of a red beetroot for 12-14 days and considerably raises root crops productivity. Application of agro receptions improved by us is the important reserve of acceleration of receipt of red beetroot early production and increase of its manufacture.
文摘为探明不同种植方式与施氮量对杂交籼稻养分吸收特性、产量及根系活力的影响,以杂交籼稻F优498为试验材料,采用二因素裂区设计,主区为3种种植方式(毯苗机插、湿润精量穴直播和人工移栽),副区为4个施氮量(0 kg hm^(-2)、90 kg hm^(-2)、135 kg hm^(–2)和180 kg hm^(–2)),探究F优498在不同处理下对养分积累、根系活力、产量及其构成因子的影响。结果表明,水稻抽穗期及成熟期的氮积累量均为人工移栽>机插>直播,拔节期磷积累总量和抽穗期钾积累总量均为人工移栽最大,拔节前直播稻的氮、磷和钾积累速率最高,分别比机插和人工移栽高40.68%~63.64%和19.42%~71.43%,不同种植方式下均在拔节至抽穗期养分积累速率达到最大;人工移栽和机插方式下水稻产量差异不显著,直播与人工移栽相比,减产8.09%~15.00%,人工移栽的水稻千粒重、穗粒数和结实率均高于机插和直播,但有效穗数显著降低,分别比机插和直播低15.99%~41.77%和23.19%~29.60%,施氮后产量的显著提高是由于提高了单位面积有效穗数和每穗粒数;各种植方式的地上部和根系干物重分别在成熟期和抽穗期达到最大,就不同施氮量而言,施氮处理的群体根系干物重显著高于不施氮处理;水稻抽穗后单茎和群体伤流强度降低,机插的单茎及群体根系活力显著高于人工移栽和直播。机插稻施氮量在中低氮水平(90~135 kg hm^(-2))较适宜,直播稻和人工移栽稻施氮量在中高氮水平(135~180 kg hm^(-2))较适宜。