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基于D-S证据理论的岩爆预测方法研究 被引量:1
作者 高永涛 朱强 +1 位作者 吴顺川 王勇兵 《东北大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期244-251,共8页
为了有效预测岩爆,提出基于D-S证据理论的岩爆预测方法.首先,选取与岩爆发生相关的6个指标因素作为证据体,并通过模糊物元框架和正态型隶属度函数构建证据体的基本概率分配.然后,利用K均值将证据体分类,并提出簇内证据用传统方式融合而... 为了有效预测岩爆,提出基于D-S证据理论的岩爆预测方法.首先,选取与岩爆发生相关的6个指标因素作为证据体,并通过模糊物元框架和正态型隶属度函数构建证据体的基本概率分配.然后,利用K均值将证据体分类,并提出簇内证据用传统方式融合而簇间证据用权重方式融合的组合融合规则,以减轻高冲突证据融合的不利影响.最后,将模型应用在秦岭终南山公路隧道2号竖井工程,且与经验方法对比.为了分析预测过程的不确定性和估计岩爆发生概率,采用蒙特卡洛模拟进行抽样仿真,并通过Spearman秩相关系数衡量输入指标的全局敏感性.研究结果表明:输入指标在不同的岩爆案例的影响程度差异较大且方向不同;5个岩爆案例的发生概率在40.8%~70.1%之间.该模型表现出优异的预测分类性能,可为深埋地下工程岩爆预测提供参考. 展开更多
关键词 岩石力学 岩爆预测 d-s证据理论 模糊物元 K均值
作者 余付平 黄益恒 +2 位作者 沈堤 李靖宇 房瑞跃 《电光与控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期75-86,共12页
D-S证据理论作为一种多源信息融合工具,在空中目标识别领域中得到了广泛应用。对D-S证据理论进行了概述;简要梳理了D-S证据理论在空中目标识别领域中的发展脉络,并提出应用中需要解决的三类关键问题;围绕上述问题,重点对该领域中的BPA... D-S证据理论作为一种多源信息融合工具,在空中目标识别领域中得到了广泛应用。对D-S证据理论进行了概述;简要梳理了D-S证据理论在空中目标识别领域中的发展脉络,并提出应用中需要解决的三类关键问题;围绕上述问题,重点对该领域中的BPA获取、证据冲突度量、证据融合的应用现状进行综述;最后,基于空域控制视角,对D-S证据理论在该领域中的应用进行了展望。研究可为空中目标识别领域的理论发展和工程应用提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 空中目标识别 d-s证据理论 BPA 证据冲突 证据融合
作者 鲁玲 高诚 +3 位作者 熊威 龚康 马辉 张鑫 《水电能源科学》 北大核心 2024年第5期192-196,共5页
针对变压器油中溶解气体数据集不均衡特性对故障诊断结果的影响,提出一种基于清除临界点改进的边界合成少数类过采样算法均衡数据集和Pearson冲突距离改进D-S证据融合的变压器故障诊断模型。首先,对少数类样本进行均衡化处理,根据K-mean... 针对变压器油中溶解气体数据集不均衡特性对故障诊断结果的影响,提出一种基于清除临界点改进的边界合成少数类过采样算法均衡数据集和Pearson冲突距离改进D-S证据融合的变压器故障诊断模型。首先,对少数类样本进行均衡化处理,根据K-means聚类结果清除处于临界位置的样本;其次,搭建梯度提升树、随机森林、BP神经网络的故障诊断模型,实现变压器故障初步诊断;接着引入Pearson冲突距离改进D-S证据融合模型,实现诊断结果的融合决策;最后,经实际算例分析,诊断精确率达到92.65%。结果表明,所建模型能有效解决数据不平衡对诊断结果的影响,提高故障诊断精度。 展开更多
关键词 故障诊断 油中溶解气体分析 边界合成少数类过采样 Pearson冲突距离 d-s证据融合
基于1DCNN和D-S多信息融合的光伏系统直流母线串联电弧故障检测 被引量:1
作者 李岩 刘鑫月 +2 位作者 乔俊杰 王毛桃 王鹏 《电工电能新技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期58-67,共10页
直流母线是光伏系统输出能源的主干道,由于长期曝晒、风化等作用,电缆、连接器等组件劣化,光伏系统直流母线中发生电弧的可能性急剧上升,极易引发火灾、触电等事故。在光伏系统中,串联电弧故障将使回路电流下降,传统的过流保护无法识别... 直流母线是光伏系统输出能源的主干道,由于长期曝晒、风化等作用,电缆、连接器等组件劣化,光伏系统直流母线中发生电弧的可能性急剧上升,极易引发火灾、触电等事故。在光伏系统中,串联电弧故障将使回路电流下降,传统的过流保护无法识别。因此,本文提出基于深度学习和证据理论(D-S)的方法来识别串联电弧故障,该方法基于并联电容器电流和电压信号,采用一维卷积神经网络(1DCNN)对检测数据进行电弧识别;在此基础上将基于单个传感数据的识别结果作为证据,运用D-S多信息合成法则计算得到信度分配,最后利用决策规则判断是否发生串联电弧故障。搭建多参数可调模型获取数据进行测试,结果表明:使用1DCNN识别方法,基于并联电容器电流和电压信号的串联电弧识别准确率分别为97.19%和94.98%,而基于1DCNN和D-S多信息融合的光伏系统直流串联电弧故障检测的识别准确率可提升至99%以上。 展开更多
关键词 光伏系统 1DCNN 串联电弧故障 d-s多元信息融合 故障检测
作者 杨国俊 田里 +2 位作者 唐光武 毛建博 杜永峰 《应用数学和力学》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期416-428,共13页
为准确预测桥梁性能退化,考虑到数据随机性和微小扰动发生状态跳跃,提出了一种D-S(Dempster-Shafer)证据理论和Markov链组合的桥梁性能退化组合预测模型和性能退化率的概念.该模型基于指数平滑(exponential smoothing,ES)方法获得新的... 为准确预测桥梁性能退化,考虑到数据随机性和微小扰动发生状态跳跃,提出了一种D-S(Dempster-Shafer)证据理论和Markov链组合的桥梁性能退化组合预测模型和性能退化率的概念.该模型基于指数平滑(exponential smoothing,ES)方法获得新的预测数据序列,并利用Markov链和D-S理论不断进行优化,从而实现桥梁性能退化的组合预测.实际工程的应用结果表明:性能退化率可以直观地表征在梁性能退化的速度.其次,该模型的平均相对误差为1.54%,较于回归、灰色和模糊加权Markov链模型,精度分别提高了1.11%,0.88%和2.8%,而后验差比值为0.242,小于0.35;模型的标准差为9.021,相比其他模型分别减小了3.978,3.405和7.500,而变异系数为0.109,均小于其他模型,验证了组合预测模型在精度和稳定性方面的优越性,可为在役桥梁结构性能退化预测与维护提供理论基础. 展开更多
关键词 桥梁工程 性能退化预测 d-s证据理论 MARKOV链 组合预测模型 桥梁性能退化率
作者 高亚东 张传壮 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI CSCD 2024年第1期66-75,共10页
旋翼作为直升机的升力面和操作面,其健康状态对直升机的安全至关重要。旋翼故障诊断技术仍是直升机健康与使用监测系统(Health and usage monitoring system, HUMS)领域的薄弱环节,开发旋翼故障诊断技术具有重要价值。基于信息融合技术... 旋翼作为直升机的升力面和操作面,其健康状态对直升机的安全至关重要。旋翼故障诊断技术仍是直升机健康与使用监测系统(Health and usage monitoring system, HUMS)领域的薄弱环节,开发旋翼故障诊断技术具有重要价值。基于信息融合技术,首先分析了旋翼故障的诊断机理,建立了旋翼故障模型,通过流固耦合仿真获取了不同故障下桨叶、轮毂和机身的故障特征信息,生成数据集进行网络训练和验证。然后,利用遗传算法反向传播(Genetic algorithm-backpropagation, GA-BP)优化神经网络诊断3种类型的直升机旋翼故障,即后缘调整片误调、变距拉杆误调和桨叶质量不平衡。3个逐级神经网络分别对旋翼故障类型、故障位置和故障程度进行了诊断识别。最后采用加权的Dempster-Shafer(D-S)证据理论对旋翼故障进行诊断和分析。结果证明基于改进D-S证据理论的旋翼故障诊断方法能够成功应用到旋翼故障诊断中,并具有良好的识别效果。 展开更多
关键词 旋翼系统 故障诊断 GA-BP神经网络 信息融合技术 d-s证据理论
作者 苑希民 高瑞梅 +1 位作者 田福昌 侯玮 《水资源与水工程学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期9-16,共8页
考虑致灾因子危险性、孕灾环境敏感性以及承灾体易损性,选取指标构建小清河流域洪涝灾害风险评估指标体系,提出一种基于D-S证据理论的改进AHP-熵权法计算指标权重,求取洪涝灾害风险指数,运用自然断点分级法确定洪涝灾害风险等级,分析小... 考虑致灾因子危险性、孕灾环境敏感性以及承灾体易损性,选取指标构建小清河流域洪涝灾害风险评估指标体系,提出一种基于D-S证据理论的改进AHP-熵权法计算指标权重,求取洪涝灾害风险指数,运用自然断点分级法确定洪涝灾害风险等级,分析小清河流域洪涝灾害风险空间分布情况。结果表明:小清河流域洪涝灾害风险总体上表现出南低北高的趋势,其中高风险区和较高风险区分别占流域面积的8.7%和14.3%,主要分布在小清河干流以及主要支流两岸。所得评估结果同“利奇马”台风发生期间实际洪灾风险分布情况一致,对比证明基于D-S证据理论的改进AHP-熵权法优于AHP和熵权法,可为小清河流域防洪减灾决策提供依据。 展开更多
关键词 d-s证据理论 AHP 熵权法 洪涝灾害评估 小清河流域
作者 付世军 李梦 +6 位作者 杨晓兵 何震 袁佳阳 刘书慧 徐越 卢德全 张利平 《贵州农业科学》 CAS 2024年第5期122-132,共11页
【目的】基于多源气象数据构建果实品质(糖含量等级)预测模型,为科学评价果实气候品质及深入挖掘农产品气候资源提供科学依据。【方法】以晚熟柑橘春见果实为研究对象,利用多源数据融合技术、人工神经网络(BP神经网络、RBF神经网络和El... 【目的】基于多源气象数据构建果实品质(糖含量等级)预测模型,为科学评价果实气候品质及深入挖掘农产品气候资源提供科学依据。【方法】以晚熟柑橘春见果实为研究对象,利用多源数据融合技术、人工神经网络(BP神经网络、RBF神经网络和Elman神经网络)和D-S证据理论,包括气象数据质量控制、特征选取、特征级融合、决策级融合4个步骤,构建基于多源气象数据的果实品质(糖含量等级)预测模型。【结果】春见果实品质预测模型采用BP神经网络预测结果总体准确率为87.50%,平均绝对误差(MAE)为0.150,均方根误差(RMSE)为0.447;RBF神经网络预测结果总体准确率为85.00%,MAE为0.175,RMSE为0.474;Elman神经网络预测结果总体准确率为87.50%,MAE为0.150,RMSE为0.447;D-S证据理论决策融合总体预测准确率达95.20%,分别较BP神经网络、RBF神经网络和Elman神经网络提升7.7百分点、10.2百分点和7.7百分点,MAE和RMSE分别为0.040和0.214,均明显降低。【结论】D-S证据理论决策融合后的果实品质预测准确率相比单一神经网络预测更高、误差更小。 展开更多
关键词 晚熟柑橘 春见 气候品质 多源数据融合 BP神经网络 RBF神经网络 ELMAN神经网络 d-s证据理论
作者 胡云鹏 都成刚 +4 位作者 齐军 郑日红 阿敏夫 张浩 梁永亮 《中国电力》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第10期133-142,共10页
单相接地故障(single-phase-to-ground fault,SPGF)是配电网中最常见的故障,严重影响配电系统的可靠性和安全性,准确辨识SPGF可以提高配电网接地故障处理的精细化水平。首先,从故障波形中提取能有效反映不同接地故障原因的多域特征组成... 单相接地故障(single-phase-to-ground fault,SPGF)是配电网中最常见的故障,严重影响配电系统的可靠性和安全性,准确辨识SPGF可以提高配电网接地故障处理的精细化水平。首先,从故障波形中提取能有效反映不同接地故障原因的多域特征组成候选波形特征集,通过多元方差法分析波形特征与接地故障原因的相关性,筛选识别接地故障原因的有效特征;然后,分别设计基于极限学习机和支持向量机的故障原因辨识模型,利用Dempster-Shafer(D-S)证据融合理论对模型的识别结果进行融合,建立了接地故障原因综合辨识模型;最后,基于现场数据对所建立的综合辨识模型的有效性进行了验证,结果表明综合辨识模型优于任何单一辨识模型,验证了该模型的优势和可行性。 展开更多
关键词 接地故障原因 单相接地故障 极限学习机 支持向量机 d-s证据理论
作者 杨永亮 曹敏 +4 位作者 徐凌桦 王霄 杨靖 王涛 冯平平 《现代电子技术》 北大核心 2024年第19期153-160,共8页
针对目前实验室场景缺少对人员行为检测的方法,且主流算法精度低、误检率高的问题,文中提出一种改进YOLOv7-tiny的人员行为检测算法,并通过多源信息融合,提高人员行为在实际实验室场景中的识别准确率。首先,在检测算法主干网络引入Ghost... 针对目前实验室场景缺少对人员行为检测的方法,且主流算法精度低、误检率高的问题,文中提出一种改进YOLOv7-tiny的人员行为检测算法,并通过多源信息融合,提高人员行为在实际实验室场景中的识别准确率。首先,在检测算法主干网络引入GhostNetV2轻量化网络,进一步降低模型计算量和复杂度;其次,在颈部网络嵌入改进后的CBAM_E注意力模块,加强目标重要特征的提取;再次,在预测端使用SIoU替换原有的损失函数,减少角度因素和边界框回归精度的影响。检测结果表明,相较于YOLOv7-tiny,文中算法精度提升10.08%,模型参数量和复杂度分别下降36.45%和46.76%。最后通过将检测数据与传感器采集数据运用D-S证据理论进行信息融合后发现,人员不规范行为检测的误检率得到有效降低。结果表明,该方法可实现对实验室人员不规范行为的有效检测。 展开更多
关键词 实验室场景 人员行为 YOLOv7-tiny 轻量化网络 注意力模块 损失函数 d-s证据理论 信息融合
作者 李山 权文 +2 位作者 李昉 苏力德 黄呈祥 《电光与控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期48-52,共5页
针对单时刻空中目标威胁评估存在的抗干扰能力弱、可靠性不足等问题,建立一种基于改进D-S证据理论的多时刻空中目标威胁评估模型。首先,根据空战时间线,定义多时刻空中目标威胁评估时段范围;然后,在单时刻空中目标威胁等级概率分配基础... 针对单时刻空中目标威胁评估存在的抗干扰能力弱、可靠性不足等问题,建立一种基于改进D-S证据理论的多时刻空中目标威胁评估模型。首先,根据空战时间线,定义多时刻空中目标威胁评估时段范围;然后,在单时刻空中目标威胁等级概率分配基础上,利用D-S证据理论融合各时刻证据信息;同时,针对D-S证据理论不能处理高冲突证据的弊端及其现有改进方法计算量较大的不足,引入偏移度的概念,确定各时刻证据源权重,对加权证据进行D-S融合。数值算例表明,该模型算法复杂度低;能有效处理波动数据、稳定性强,并且可减弱高冲突证据融合对威胁评估带来的不利影响,为最终决策提供了更准确的判别依据。 展开更多
关键词 威胁评估 空中目标 d-s证据理论 偏移度
作者 张化进 吴顺川 李兵磊 《金属矿山》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第9期229-236,共8页
针对边坡稳定性预测算法选择困难和单个模型误判风险大的问题,建立了基于改进D-S证据理论选择性集成的边坡稳定性评价方法,为边坡稳定性初步评价提供方法依据。基于边坡稳定性主要影响因素,通过极限平衡法构建了大型边坡稳定性评价数据... 针对边坡稳定性预测算法选择困难和单个模型误判风险大的问题,建立了基于改进D-S证据理论选择性集成的边坡稳定性评价方法,为边坡稳定性初步评价提供方法依据。基于边坡稳定性主要影响因素,通过极限平衡法构建了大型边坡稳定性评价数据集。引入基于边界距离最小化的基学习器选择技术,提升选择性集成模型的泛化能力。提出了改进D-S证据理论融合基学习器信息,降低了选择性集成模型决策过程中的不确定性和模糊性,解决了现有边坡稳定性评价模型易误判和结果非一致性问题。仿真试验结果表明:改进D-S证据理论选择性集成方法无需复杂的数值建模与计算迭代过程,可直接客观地评判边坡稳定性状态,并从信息论角度给出边坡失稳概率。对比传统机器学习方法,该方法有效提高了边坡稳定性的预测准确率,同时降低了预测结果的不确定性,实现了速度快、精度高、稳健性好的广域尺度边坡稳定性评价。 展开更多
关键词 边坡稳定性 d-s证据理论 集成学习 选择性集成 失稳概率
Mental Health Consequences among Sudanese Due to the Armed Conflicts and Civil Unrest of 2023: One Year Later
作者 Sahar Moawia Balla Elnour Nahla Yousif Osman Mohammed Saeed +7 位作者 Awadia Babiker Mohammed Osman Abeer Alawad Hassan Eman Mohamed Nour Hamad Alneel Mustafa Rowa Abdelmonem Sidig Hamato Malaz Mohamed Khair Alsafi Mohamed Amna Alnaim Mohamed Ahmed Osman Awab Abdelbagi Mustafa Ahmed Jalal Abdelrasool Hassan Eltaib 《Journal of Biosciences and Medicines》 2024年第4期21-37,共17页
Aim: To investigate depression, anxiety, PTSD, and insomnia levels among Sudanese citizens after a year has passed since the start of Armed Forces conflict in Sudan. Methods: An online survey was distributed. It is co... Aim: To investigate depression, anxiety, PTSD, and insomnia levels among Sudanese citizens after a year has passed since the start of Armed Forces conflict in Sudan. Methods: An online survey was distributed. It is composed of five parts, covering the following areas: 1) sociodemographic data;2) depression assessment;3) generalized anxiety disorder assessment;4) post-traumatic stress disorder assessment;and 5) insomnia assessment. Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 27 was used for data analysis;frequency and percentage were used to describe the qualitative variables. Spearman’s correlation analysis and Chi-square test were used for correlation and association analysis;a P-value equal to or less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: The study included 283 participants, primarily female (76.0%), with a mean age of 35.26 ± 6.96 years. The majority of participants were married (50.5%) and had a university level of education (50.2%). At the start of the war, 70.3% of participants were inside the war zones, and at the time of data collection, 73.5% were outside Sudan. The length of stay in the war zone ranged from 1 to 300 days, with a mean of 48.59 ± 70.284 days. Additionally, 63.3% of participants stated that they did not receive any form of mental health intervention, and the remaining did not provide an answer. There was a high prevalence of moderate-severe depression (50.5%), moderate anxiety (35.3%), PTSD (56.5%), and sub-threshold insomnia (53.4%) among the participants. Correlation analyses revealed associations between demographic factors such as sex, age, marital status, and education and mental health issues. Notably, female participants showed a higher prevalence of PTSD (53.0%) compared to male participants (67.6%). Conclusions: There is a substantial impact of war-related trauma on mental health, revealing a high prevalence of moderate-severe depression, moderate anxiety, PTSD, and sub-threshold insomnia among the participants. This emphasizes the importance of tailored interventions and support systems to address the unique needs of individuals affected by war trauma. 展开更多
关键词 SUDAN WAR conflict MENTAL Health
作者 陈博 杨亭榆 +1 位作者 刘艾萌 赖冬寅 《科技和产业》 2024年第9期164-169,共6页
黄水是浓香型白酒发酵特有的副产物,黄水参数一定程度反映了发酵质量。基于黄水的酸度、还原糖、酒精度等关键参数,采用云模型与改进的D-S(Dempster-Shafer)证据理论,实现对白酒发酵质量的定量评估。基于黄水关键参数建立隶属度云模型,... 黄水是浓香型白酒发酵特有的副产物,黄水参数一定程度反映了发酵质量。基于黄水的酸度、还原糖、酒精度等关键参数,采用云模型与改进的D-S(Dempster-Shafer)证据理论,实现对白酒发酵质量的定量评估。基于黄水关键参数建立隶属度云模型,使用云模型判定样本在各发酵质量判定区间的隶属度情况。同时对D-S证据理论的冲突系数计算方式进行改进,使得信息融合结果更具代表性。提出一种浓香型白酒发酵质量的综合评估方法,降低了人工判别的主观性。 展开更多
关键词 浓香型白酒 黄水 云模型 d-s(Dempster-Shafer)证据理论 合成算法
Ethical Decision-Making Framework Based on Incremental ILP Considering Conflicts
作者 Xuemin Wang Qiaochen Li Xuguang Bao 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2024年第3期3619-3643,共25页
Humans are experiencing the inclusion of artificial agents in their lives,such as unmanned vehicles,service robots,voice assistants,and intelligent medical care.If the artificial agents cannot align with social values... Humans are experiencing the inclusion of artificial agents in their lives,such as unmanned vehicles,service robots,voice assistants,and intelligent medical care.If the artificial agents cannot align with social values or make ethical decisions,they may not meet the expectations of humans.Traditionally,an ethical decision-making framework is constructed by rule-based or statistical approaches.In this paper,we propose an ethical decision-making framework based on incremental ILP(Inductive Logic Programming),which can overcome the brittleness of rule-based approaches and little interpretability of statistical approaches.As the current incremental ILP makes it difficult to solve conflicts,we propose a novel ethical decision-making framework considering conflicts in this paper,which adopts our proposed incremental ILP system.The framework consists of two processes:the learning process and the deduction process.The first process records bottom clauses with their score functions and learns rules guided by the entailment and the score function.The second process obtains an ethical decision based on the rules.In an ethical scenario about chatbots for teenagers’mental health,we verify that our framework can learn ethical rules and make ethical decisions.Besides,we extract incremental ILP from the framework and compare it with the state-of-the-art ILP systems based on ASP(Answer Set Programming)focusing on conflict resolution.The results of comparisons show that our proposed system can generate better-quality rules than most other systems. 展开更多
关键词 Ethical decision-making inductive logic programming incremental learning conflicts
Characterisation of Human-Wildlife Conflicts around the Kahuzi-Biega National Park, Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo
作者 Basubi Muke Matthieu Vwima Stany +3 位作者 Ayagirwe Basengere Rodrigue Mushagalusa Freddy Benjamin-Fink Nicole Bobo Kadiri Serge 《Journal of Environmental Protection》 2024年第3期343-356,共14页
The history of mankind contains so many illustrations of well-classified and violent struggles against various animals over crop production in agricultural fields, attacks on human life or competition in order to have... The history of mankind contains so many illustrations of well-classified and violent struggles against various animals over crop production in agricultural fields, attacks on human life or competition in order to have access to certain natural resources. The aim of this study is to characterise the human-wildlife conflicts that occur around the KBNP, especially with regard to primates. Surveys were carried out in 260 households selected using the snowball method. The results showed that human-wildlife conflicts around the KBNP are characterised by the destruction of crops in riparian fields by monkeys, chimpanzees and gorillas, the destruction of houses, physical attacks and zoonoses. Despite the conservation and protection measures for wildlife and local populations put in place by the Park’s managers, conflicts between local populations and the Park’s wild animals are still visible. These conflicts lead to the detention of wild animals by local people roaming in the villages and to poaching on the Park’s boundaries. The weakness of the community management policy on the part of the park managers and the resentment of the indigenous peoples towards the restriction of their access to natural resources are the major constraints on the sustainable management of conflicts between the local populations and the wild animals in the KBNP. The strategies for the sustainable resolution of human-wildlife conflicts around the KBNP must be geared towards and integrated into a community conservation approach. 展开更多
关键词 Community Conservation Human-Wildlife conflict Kahuzi-Biega National Park
What are the underlying causes and dynamics of land use conflicts in metropolitan junction areas?A case study of the central Chengdu–Chongqing region in China
作者 TIAN Junfeng WANG Binyan +1 位作者 QIU Cheng WANG Shijun 《Regional Sustainability》 2024年第3期81-98,共18页
Land use conflicts(LUCs),as a spatial manifestation of the conflicts in the human-land relationships,have a profound impact on regional sustainable development.For China’s metropolitan junction areas(MJAs),the existe... Land use conflicts(LUCs),as a spatial manifestation of the conflicts in the human-land relationships,have a profound impact on regional sustainable development.For China’s metropolitan junction areas(MJAs),the existence of“administrative district economies”has made the issue of LUCs more prominent.Based on a case study of the central Chengdu–Chongqing region,we conducted an exploratory spatial data analysis of the evolutionary process of regional LUCs.Furthermore,structural equation modeling was utilized to analyze the dynamic mechanism of LUCs in MJAs,with a particular emphasis on exploring the influences of administrative boundary.The results showed that from 2010 to 2020,LUCs in the central Chengdu–Chongqing region continued to worsen,and the spatial process conflict and spatial structure conflict indices increased by more than 30.0%.The intensification of LUCs in the central Chengdu–Chongqing region from 2010 to 2020 was mainly the result of the deterioration of conflicts in evaluation units with low conflict levels.LUCs in China’s metropolitan areas generally presented a circular gradient distribution,weakening from the core to the periphery,but there were some strong isolated conflict zones in the outer regions.LUCs in China’s MJAs were the result of interactions among multiple factors,e.g.,natural environment,socio-economic development,policy and institutional processes,and administrative boundary effects.Administrative boundary affected the flow of socio-economic elements,changing the supply-and-demand competition of stakeholders for land resources,consequently exerting an indirect influence on LUCs.This study advances the theory of the dynamic mechanism of LUCs,and provides theoretical support for the governance of these conflicts in transboundary areas. 展开更多
关键词 Land use conflicts Urban agglomerations Administrative boundary Land resources Structural equation modeling(SEM) Central Chengdu-Chongqing region
Post-COVID-19 Challenges for Full-Time Employees in China: Job Insecurity, Workplace Anxiety and Work-Life Conflict
作者 Tianfei Yang Xianyi Long 《International Journal of Mental Health Promotion》 2024年第9期719-730,共12页
Background:Though the COVID-19 pandemic recedes,and our society gradually returns to normal,Chinese people’s work and lifestyles are still influenced by the“pandemic aftermath”.In the post-pandemic era,employees ma... Background:Though the COVID-19 pandemic recedes,and our society gradually returns to normal,Chinese people’s work and lifestyles are still influenced by the“pandemic aftermath”.In the post-pandemic era,employees may feel uncertainty at work due to the changed organizational operations and management and perceive the external environment to be more dynamic.Both these perceptions may increase employees’negative emotions and contribute to conflicts between work and life.Drawing from the ego depletion theory,this study aimed to examine the impact of job insecurity during the post-pandemic era on employees’work-life conflicts,and the mediating effect of workplace anxiety in this relationship.Besides,this study also considered the uncertainty of the external macro environment as a boundary condition on the direct and indirect relationship between job insecurity and work-life conflicts.Methods:A two-wave questionnaire survey was conducted from October to December 2023 to collect data.MBA students and graduates from business school with full-time jobs are invited to report their perception of job insecurity,work anxiety,perceived environment uncertainty,and work-life conflict.This resulted in 253 valid responses.Data analysis was performed using the SPSS,Amos,and PROCESS.Results:The results showed that:(1)Employees’job insecurity would directly intensify the work-life conflict(B=0.275,p<0.001,95%CI[0.182,0.367]).(2)Employees’workplace anxiety mediates the relationship between job insecurity and work-life conflict(B=0.083,p<0.001,95%CI[0.047,0.130]).(3)The mediating effect of workplace anxiety between job insecurity and work-life conflict exists when perceived environmental uncertainty is high(B=0.049,95%CI[0.011,0.114]),while vanishes when perceived environmental uncertainty is low(B=0.024,95%CI[−0.005,0.068]).Conclusion:Job insecurity combined with perceived environmental uncertainty in the postpandemic era fuels employees’workplace anxiety and work-life conflicts.Post-pandemic trauma lingers,necessitating urgent attention and response. 展开更多
关键词 Job insecurity workplace anxiety work-life conflict perceived environmental uncertainty post-COVId-19 ego depletion theory
African Short Story Writers and Intrapersonal Conflicts: A Critical Perspective on a Selected Short Story
作者 Clement Chukwuma Idegwu 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2024年第6期270-279,共10页
The article examines the concept of intrapersonal conflict,the ravaging wars within oneself,that which is truly deeper than indecisiveness,what is responsible for inner conflict,its origin,the consequences,and how to ... The article examines the concept of intrapersonal conflict,the ravaging wars within oneself,that which is truly deeper than indecisiveness,what is responsible for inner conflict,its origin,the consequences,and how to avoid it.It employs Dul Johnsons’“In the Jaws of Love”in his Why Women Won’t Make It to Heaven.The theory for the investigation is sociological theory which articulates the inevitable relationship between literature and society.The inquiry unearths that an individuals’attempt to satisfy the needs of one’s environment at the expense of sound reasoning,the individual’s inability to find a balance between the individual’s head and heart,and being religious are detrimental to one’s wellbeing.It creates intrapersonal conflict which is indeed destructive.The paper resolves that people should be able to tell themselves the truth,recognise and accept same,even if it comes from one with whom they disagree.It also explicates that people should not depend on religious and secular leader or people to take decisions for them,and that living in fear is devastating among other things. 展开更多
关键词 intrapersonal conflict ravaging wars within inevitable relationship unearths decisions
Joint Management of Shared Resources, Issues and Conflicts of the Nso and Oku Tribes in the Ngongbaa Montane Forest Area, NWR of Cameroon
作者 Jean-Louis Tatah Elvis Kah 《Natural Resources》 2024年第6期149-172,共24页
Wherever people live together in or near homelands that harbour joint natural resources such as forest, water, minerals, oil etc., they must collaborate, co-exist and share these resources irrespective of their geneti... Wherever people live together in or near homelands that harbour joint natural resources such as forest, water, minerals, oil etc., they must collaborate, co-exist and share these resources irrespective of their genetic, social, cultural, and political peculiarities. This is not always the case when self-interest, ethnic divisions, elitist politics, economic interest and power tussle set in. The Nso and Oku people who reside in the Ngongbaa Forest area constitute an example of joint management of resources where at one period, their relationship over the management of the Oku Mountain Forest was cordial and at another, the relationship became conflictive. This study was designed to study the influence of the KIFP forest management policies on the Nso indigenous forest Management system in Ngongbaa Forest, and its implications. The data collected for the study was secured through the administration of a questionnaire to residents of 10 villages adjacent to the Ngongbaa Forest, and forest users who carried out livelihood activities there between 1963 and 2015. These forest user groups include beekeepers, rat trappers, grazers, mushroom gatherers, ground honey/tree honey harvesters, carvers, etc. The investigation also extended to the traditional leaders of Nso and Oku who are in charge of the land tenure systems. The findings show that the Oku Mountain Forest is jointly owned by the Nso and Oku people. The Nso own the eastern half of the forest known as Ngongbaa Forest while the Oku own the western half, known as the Kilum Forest. The cordial relationship that existed between these people ensured the conservation of the forest. But the conflicts that later set in, especially due to the creation of the Kilum Mountain Forest Project in 1987 later changed to the Kilum Ijim Forest Project (KIFP) in 1992 sidelined the local communities which was contrary to the dispositions of the new Cameroon forest law enacted in 1994. Thus, the indigenous conservation practices became ignored which the local population never digested well. This seriously jeopardized the wellbeing of the forest in general. 展开更多
关键词 conflict Joint Management Shared Resources Ngongbaa Kilum CONSERVATION
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