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作者 熊勇先 邱书沁 《地方治理研究》 2025年第1期2-13,M0002,共13页
法定机构作为一种新型社会治理模式,被引入我国并在各地开发区等特殊功能区试点。通过对实践检视发现,我国法定机构的设立并不规范,其性质定位不明导致设立的逻辑混乱。应将法定机构定性为特殊的授权组织,以承担政府部门或现有其他机构... 法定机构作为一种新型社会治理模式,被引入我国并在各地开发区等特殊功能区试点。通过对实践检视发现,我国法定机构的设立并不规范,其性质定位不明导致设立的逻辑混乱。应将法定机构定性为特殊的授权组织,以承担政府部门或现有其他机构无法有效履行的政、事、企一体化职能为其基本定位。设立法定机构首先应明确我国法定机构的功能定位、适法的设立依据以及设立所遵循的原则,并在此基础上,从立法、组建、授权等具体环节建构完善我国法定机构的设立制度,从而规范其设立。 展开更多
关键词 国家机构 机构改革 法定机构 授权组织 分权 设立
Scalable Ir‑Doped NiFe_(2)O_(4)/TiO_(2) Heterojunction Anode for Decentralized Saline Wastewater Treatment and H_(2) Production
作者 Sukhwa Hong Jiseon Kim +3 位作者 Jaebeom Park Sunmi Im Michael R.Hoffmann Kangwoo Cho 《Nano-Micro Letters》 SCIE EI CAS 2025年第3期1-18,共18页
Wastewater electrolysis cells(WECs)for decentralized wastewater treatment/reuse coupled with H_(2) production can reduce the carbon footprint associated with transportation of water,waste,and energy carrier.This study... Wastewater electrolysis cells(WECs)for decentralized wastewater treatment/reuse coupled with H_(2) production can reduce the carbon footprint associated with transportation of water,waste,and energy carrier.This study reports Ir-doped NiFe_(2)O_(4)(NFI,~5 at%Ir)spinel layer with TiO_(2) overlayer(NFI/TiO_(2)),as a scalable heterojunction anode for direct electrolysis of wastewater with circumneutral pH in a single-compartment cell.In dilute(0.1 M)NaCl solutions,the NFI/TiO_(2) marks superior activity and selectivity for chlorine evolution reaction,outperforming the benchmark IrO_(2).Robust operation in near-neutral pH was confirmed.Electroanalyses including operando X-ray absorption spectroscopy unveiled crucial roles of TiO_(2) which serves both as the primary site for Cl−chemisorption and a protective layer for NFI as an ohmic contact.Galvanostatic electrolysis of NH4+-laden synthetic wastewater demonstrated that NFI/TiO_(2)not only achieves quasi-stoichiometric NH_(4)^(+)-to-N_(2)conversion,but also enhances H_(2)generation efficiency with minimal competing reactions such as reduction of dissolved oxygen and reactive chlorine.The scaled-up WEC with NFI/TiO_(2)was demonstrated for electrolysis of toilet wastewater. 展开更多
关键词 Wastewater electrolysis cell Ir-doped NiFe_(2)O_(4) Reactive chlorine species Decentralized H_(2)production On-site wastewater treatment
作者 左旭 黄樱硕 +3 位作者 李悦 邢荔函 杨春秀 崔焱 《中国医学伦理学》 北大核心 2025年第1期40-45,共6页
目的 探索去中心化药物临床试验伦理审查的流程与指南,推动临床试验进展,保证药物研发进程。方法 通过学习去中心化药物临床试验相关法律法规,分析去中心化药物临床试验的优势与挑战,结合所在机构伦理委员会审查去中心化药物临床试验的... 目的 探索去中心化药物临床试验伦理审查的流程与指南,推动临床试验进展,保证药物研发进程。方法 通过学习去中心化药物临床试验相关法律法规,分析去中心化药物临床试验的优势与挑战,结合所在机构伦理委员会审查去中心化药物临床试验的经验,总结伦理审查的要点。结果 相关法律法规是伦理审查遵循的基础,伦理委员会应根据法规和医院伦理标准操作规程采用适宜的审查方式,关注点应为去中心化药物临床试验开展的可行性、适用性、合理性,知情同意的充分性,受试者权益及隐私保护以及电子平台资质与标准操作规程。结论 去中心化药物临床试验处于起步阶段,亟须相关法律法规指南的指导,伦理审查也在摸索中不断规范,需监督各方责任落实情况,关注受试者权益,逐步推进去中心化药物临床试验开展。 展开更多
关键词 去中心化 药物临床试验 伦理审查 受试者权益
作者 杨纪旺 郑慧芳 《南阳师范学院学报》 CAS 2025年第1期72-77,共6页
为准确了解我国学生体质健康状况,探讨区块链技术在学生体质与健康测试中的应用。运用文献资料法、归纳与演绎法、逻辑分析法等方法,得出目前学生体质健康测试中存在应用技术不力、数据失真、共享不足和反馈滞后等问题。阐述了区块链技... 为准确了解我国学生体质健康状况,探讨区块链技术在学生体质与健康测试中的应用。运用文献资料法、归纳与演绎法、逻辑分析法等方法,得出目前学生体质健康测试中存在应用技术不力、数据失真、共享不足和反馈滞后等问题。阐述了区块链技术在学生体质健康测试中的创新应用,认为应用区块链技术(去中心化、防篡改、可追溯、可信任、低成本等特征)于学生体质健康测试中,可解决现有数据存在的安全性和真实性等问题。 展开更多
关键词 学生体质与健康 区块链 去中心化 创新应用
作者 陈大鹏 肖满生 《湖南工业大学学报》 2025年第2期34-41,共8页
现存的基于区块链的去中心化域名方案多存在去中心化不彻底、时间复杂度高、区块链存储膨胀等问题,为此提出了一个兼顾时空复杂度和去中心化程度的域名方案。首先,借助区块链实现去中心化,使用对等节点充当域名服务器,不另设特殊节点,... 现存的基于区块链的去中心化域名方案多存在去中心化不彻底、时间复杂度高、区块链存储膨胀等问题,为此提出了一个兼顾时空复杂度和去中心化程度的域名方案。首先,借助区块链实现去中心化,使用对等节点充当域名服务器,不另设特殊节点,实现彻底的去中心化;其次,设计了一种基于压缩前缀树的数据结构(DNT)以改善区块链的存储膨胀问题和降低系统的时间复杂度,并针对DNT提出了一种高效检索算法;最后,提出了一种基于非对称密钥的零集中管理机制用于系统在去中心环境下运营。实验结果表明:DNT在改善存储膨胀问题上有着良好的效果,总体空间占用约为每千万条0.87 GB,仅为同类方案的10%;DNT对节点总数和深度都有出色的抑制效果,节点总数比前缀树(Trie)少了2个数量级;吞吐率几乎不会随着区块高度的增加而衰减。 展开更多
关键词 域名系统 区块链 去中心 时空复杂度 零集中管理
作者 王晗 阚萧 《生态经济》 北大核心 2025年第1期201-209,229,共10页
在理论机制分析的基础上,基于2005—2020年我国30个省份的面板数据,采用Super-SBM模型测度了区域工业绿色发展水平,进而采用空间计量模型等方法检验了环境分权对区域工业绿色发展的影响。研究发现:(1)在考虑空间溢出效应的前提下,环境... 在理论机制分析的基础上,基于2005—2020年我国30个省份的面板数据,采用Super-SBM模型测度了区域工业绿色发展水平,进而采用空间计量模型等方法检验了环境分权对区域工业绿色发展的影响。研究发现:(1)在考虑空间溢出效应的前提下,环境分权对区域工业绿色发展具有显著的抑制作用,但空间影响程度较为有限。使用工具变量处理内生性问题后,上述核心结论依然成立。(2)环境行政分权、环境监察分权及环境监测分权对工业绿色发展在影响方向或强度上存在显著差异。(3)进一步分析表明,财政分权、地方政府竞争程度的提升,强化了环境分权对工业绿色发展的抑制作用。(4)相比于东部地区,环境分权及其细分指标在中部和西部地区的边际效应更强;相比于2005—2012年,2013—2020年环境分权及细分指标的边际效应有所减弱。因此,建议建立跨级环境治理协作机制,强化数据透明度和公信力,明确权责匹配原则以及在环保垂管体制下细化环境分权政策。 展开更多
关键词 环境分权 工业绿色发展 空间溢出效应 区域异质性
作者 SHENBing 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2004年第2期97-103,共7页
While China's economic growth has been impressive since 1978, regional disparity in terms of provincial per capita GDP has been increasing. On the other hand, this rapid but uneven growth was accompanied by China&... While China's economic growth has been impressive since 1978, regional disparity in terms of provincial per capita GDP has been increasing. On the other hand, this rapid but uneven growth was accompanied by China's deepening openness and structural reforms including the development of non-state-owned enterprises (non-SOEs) and fiscal decentralization. Based on quantitative analyses, this paper tries to explore the features of regional disparity in China and the relationships between regional growth and China's openness and economic structure reforms in the period from 1981 to 2000. The paper finds that the catching-up of the coastal region to the initially rich provinces, which are mainly located in inland areas, brought about a convergence of the growth pattern across provinces in the 1980s.The subsequent divergence in the provincial growth rates between the coast and the interior generated an enlarging regional disparity in China in the 1990s. The ever-faster growth in the coastal region was benefited by China's openness and the development of non-state-owned enterprises. The development of non-state-owned enterprises underlies the higher operational efficiency in the coastal region. Additionally, with the insignificant regression results, fiscal decentralization was observed to facilitate faster growth in the coast region. The findings justify the initiative of the 'West Region Development Strategy' and offer some policy implications for China. 展开更多
关键词 regional disparity CONVERGENCE DIVERGENCE stiuctural reforms non-state-owned enterprises fiscal decentralization
作者 ZHU Xi-gang,ZHANG Jing-xiang,CHEN Hu (Department of Urban and Resources Sciences,Nanjing University,Nanjin g 210093,P.R.China,) 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2002年第3期212-217,共6页
In rapid socio-economic developme nt,the process of concentration and dispersal of various elements tends to be more dramatic,tremendously in fluencing the shaping and transform ation of the space in metropolitan area... In rapid socio-economic developme nt,the process of concentration and dispersal of various elements tends to be more dramatic,tremendously in fluencing the shaping and transform ation of the space in metropolitan area.Survey of spatial concentration and decent ralization has thus become a basic me thod in examining metropolitan spatial evolution.In this research,three elements were selected as the essential indicato rs of the process:demographic density distribu-tion,employment density distribut ion and business office location.Performance of these elements in Nanji ng City was exam-ined historically.As Nanjing City c ould be regarded as a representative of metropolitan areas in China,its s ituation large-ly suggestes the general characteristics in similar areas of China.Hence based on the investigation of Nanji ng City,four general implications were highligh ted.First,metropolitan areas inChina are in a violentprocess and shift of spatialconcentra-tion and decentralization.Second,from now to at least the near future,c oncentration will continue to be the central fea-ture.Third,the landscape of metrop olitan areas basically exhibits a dual structure character.The gap in en vironmental and ecological qualities among different districts will continue for a l ong time.Fourth,Central Business District(CBD)is playing an important role in helpi ng to convert the traditionally single-centered city structure into a polycentric one. 展开更多
关键词 CONCENTRATION decentralization dynamic mechanism nanjing metropolis
Land Use and Land Cover Changes in Awash National Park, Ethiopia: Impact of Decentralization on the Use and Management of Resources 被引量:2
作者 Solomon Belay Aklilu Amsalu Eyualem Abebe 《Open Journal of Ecology》 2014年第15期950-960,共11页
We analyzed the magnitude of land use land cover changes and identified drivers of those changes at Awash National Park, Ethiopia, using aerial photographs, satellite images and field observation. Scattered bushland—... We analyzed the magnitude of land use land cover changes and identified drivers of those changes at Awash National Park, Ethiopia, using aerial photographs, satellite images and field observation. Scattered bushland—the most important habitat for the wild animals, declined drastically. Areas under grassland, farmland or open land increased over the study period. Policy and park border demarcation issues were identified as drivers of change before 1995 (before decentralization), whereas livestock grazing was indicated to be the leading driver of change after 1995. Major events and causes that largely explained these changes include immigration of the Ittu community, land tenure system, drought, poaching, use policy issues and regional economic and infrastructural development. Our study reveals that the sustainability of the park calls for an immediate action to reduce the ever increasing human and livestock pressure on park resources. 展开更多
关键词 LAND Use LAND COVER decentralization GEOGRAPHIC Information System (GIS) Awash National PARK Ethiopia
Decentralization,spatial disequilibrium,and restructuring of coastal tourist destination-Empirical research from Sanya,China 被引量:1
作者 Hu Yu Tian Chen +2 位作者 Kaiyong Wang Xiyue Zhang Fubiao Zhu 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2014年第1期68-79,共12页
The objective of this article is to speculate on resort restructuring in the market-oriented reform process in China.Previous studies show that spatial disequilibrium was aggravated by decentralization,which leads to ... The objective of this article is to speculate on resort restructuring in the market-oriented reform process in China.Previous studies show that spatial disequilibrium was aggravated by decentralization,which leads to the difference in tourism policy and investment,public goods,and service;a profound analytical framework is much needed for further empirical studies.This article has reviewed the relevant studies on links between decentralization and restructuring,spatial influences of decentralization on tourism,based on which we put forward the theoretical framework of resort spatial restructuring from the view of political economy analysis,then we elaborate on and discuss it based on the example of Sanya,China.In short,the article suggests that decentralization of fiscal responsibilities and institutional power contributes to the spatial disequilibrium of tourism industrial structure,land use,public infrastructure and service facilities,and to community inequality.Interests of government,investors,and community should be comprehensively coordinated in the resort spatial restructuring process from three aspects:restructuring government,optimizing space structure,and tourism industry.Furthermore,we argue that resort restructuring in the context of Sanya requires coordination of various interest groups through four ways:restructure the government power under administrative division adjustment,optimizing spatial structure,expanding industrial space to diversified tourism products,and building resort management services organization.Finally,we discussed some policy requirements for resort sustainable development. 展开更多
关键词 coastal resort spatial disequilibrium decentralization spatial restructuring Sanya
Revisiting the nexus between fiscal decentralization and CO_(2)emissions in South Africa:fresh policy insights 被引量:1
作者 Maxwell Chukwudi Udeagha Marthinus Christoffel Breitenbach 《Financial Innovation》 2023年第1期1384-1429,共46页
The argument over fiscal decentralization and carbon dioxide emission(CO_(2))reduction has received much attention.However,evidence to back this claim is limited.Economic theory predicts that fiscal decentralization a... The argument over fiscal decentralization and carbon dioxide emission(CO_(2))reduction has received much attention.However,evidence to back this claim is limited.Economic theory predicts that fiscal decentralization affects environmental quality,but the specifics of this relationship are still up for debate.Some scholars noted that fiscal decentralization might lead to a race to the top,whereas others contended that it would result in a race to the bottom.In light of the current debates in environmental and development economics,this study aims to provide insight into how this relationship may function in South Africa from 1960 to 2020.In contrast to the existing research,the present study uses a novel dynamic autoregressive distributed lag simulation approach to assess the positive and negative changes in fiscal decentralization,scale effect,technique effect,technological innovation,foreign direct investment,energy consumption,industrial growth,and trade openness on CO_(2)emissions.The following are the main findings:(i)Fiscal decentralization had a CO_(2)emission reduction impact in the short and long run,highlighting the presence of the race to the top approach.(ii)Economic growth(as represented by the scale effect)eroded ecological integrity.However,its square(as expressed by technique effect)aided in strengthening ecological protection,validating the environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis.(iii)CO_(2)emissions were driven by energy utilization,trade openness,industrial value-added,and foreign direct investment,whereas technological innovation boosted ecological integrity.Findings suggest that further fiscal decentralization should be undertaken through further devolution of power to local entities,particularly regarding environmental policy issues,to maintain South Africa’s ecological sustainability.South Africa should also establish policies to improve environmental sustainability by strengthening a lower layer of government and clarifying responsibilities at the national and local levels to fulfill the energy-saving functions of fiscal expenditures. 展开更多
关键词 Fiscal decentralization Trade openness CO_(2)emissions Dynamic ARDL simulations Energy consumption EKC COINTEGRATION Economic growth Industrial value-added South Africa
China's Development Modeli:the Costs and Benefits of the Decentralization Approach to Transition 被引量:1
作者 张晏 王永钦 +2 位作者 章元 陈钊 陆铭 《China Economist》 2007年第4期22-33,共12页
This article provides a coherent framework within which to understand China’s development model,as well as the successes and the failures of China’s decentralization approach to reform.The combination of political c... This article provides a coherent framework within which to understand China’s development model,as well as the successes and the failures of China’s decentralization approach to reform.The combination of political centralization and economic decentralization provide local government with enough incentives to develop local economies,in particular incentives to promote market privatisation locally.However,the relative evaluation-based incentive schemes lead to inter- regional market segmentation,increasing inter-regional development gaps and the unequal provision of certain public goods.The success of early-stage reform can be attributed to the benefits of the decentralization approach.The next stage reform should however focus on minimizing the associated costs.China’s gradualist reform can be seen as a mechanism design issue under the control of central government.Therefore,it is essential to take both the costs and benefits of the decentralization approach into account in the design of the next-stage reform package. 展开更多
关键词 decentralization APPROACH BENEFITS COSTS Mechanism design
Foreign direct investment and environmental pollution:A fiscal decentralization perspective
作者 Xia Chen Xiangdong Liang 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2021年第1期34-40,共7页
Based on the panel data of 272 prefecture-level cities in China from 2003 to 2017,this study used the comprehensive index of environmental pollution to measure local environmental pollution,and employed the panel simu... Based on the panel data of 272 prefecture-level cities in China from 2003 to 2017,this study used the comprehensive index of environmental pollution to measure local environmental pollution,and employed the panel simultaneous equation to analyze the relationship between fiscal decentralization,foreign direct investment,and environmental pollution.The results showed that environmental pollution has the characteristics of time inertia and positive spatial spillover;fiscal decentralization and local government competition have a significant“race to bottom”effect on environmental pollution;and with the increase of fiscal decentralization,environmental quality will deteriorate.In the interaction between foreign direct investment and environmental pollution under the system of fiscal decentralization,foreign direct investment aggravates environmental pollution.Meanwhile,if the environmental pollution in a given region is serious,the willingness of foreign investors to invest therein is lessened to a certain extent.Based on the conditions in China,certain policy suggestions are put forward to increase environmental quality,such as building a comprehensive performance assessment mechanism that includes environmental quality,optimizing the decentralization system,and raising the threshold of foreign investment access. 展开更多
关键词 Fiscal decentralization Foreign direct investment Environmental pollution Panel simultaneous equation
County-Level Tax Sharing:A Statistical Basis for Measuring China's Fiscal Decentralization
作者 Mao Jie Lv Bingyang Chen Peixia 《China Economist》 2019年第2期66-80,共15页
Controversies exist in literature regarding what indicators should be employed to measure China's fiscal decentralization. This paper measures China's fiscal decentralization by the sharing ratios of county-le... Controversies exist in literature regarding what indicators should be employed to measure China's fiscal decentralization. This paper measures China's fiscal decentralization by the sharing ratios of county-level VAT and corporate income tax(CIT). This approach avoids such problems as homogeneous denominator, and reflects the intricate interactions between governments at different levels. Based on extensive sources including the National Fiscal Statistical Information at Prefecture and County Levels and China County(City) Socio-Economic Statistical Yearbook over the 1998-2007 period, our estimation and analysis led to the following findings:(1) Since 2002, counties have retained a falling share of revenues;(2) a multidimensional horizontal comparison reveals a pattern in the county-level tax sharing ratio, i.e. counties in central and eastern regions retain a higher share of tax revenues compared with those in western and northwestern regions.These findings explain the fiscal difficulties at the grassroots level, and can be used to conduct a quantitative analysis of the determinants and economic effects of China's fiscal decentralization." 展开更多
关键词 FISCAL decentralization TAX SHARING VAT corporate income tax(CIT)
Optimizing Decentralization of Management andExploitation of Irrigation Works in Quan Lo-Phung HiepRegion, Mekong River Delta
作者 Nguyen Due Viet Nguyen Van Tinh +1 位作者 Nguyen Tung Phong Dang Ngoc Hanh 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2016年第5期314-323,共10页
In Vietnam as well as many countries which apply the irrigated agriculture over the world, the process of promoting thesocialization trend in irrigation for the basic irrigation organizations, of which the main factor... In Vietnam as well as many countries which apply the irrigated agriculture over the world, the process of promoting thesocialization trend in irrigation for the basic irrigation organizations, of which the main factor is water users, is very important. Thispaper aimed to optimize the decentralization of management and exploitation of irrigation works for water users, organizations inQuan Lo-Phung Hiep irrigation system of Mekong River Delta. The research has implemented a survey on 384 water users alongfour canals of level 2 of Quan Lo-Phung Hiep irrigation system under two sets of index: (1) water users' perception assessment of theirrigation works (14 indicators) and (2) assessment of the management efficiency in the irrigation works (six indicators). Theresearch proposes the decentralization process from building, After determining the correlation coefficients, the multi-objective linearregression equation will be shown on six single objective functions. With the aim at achieving the highest efficiency in themanagement and exploitation of the irrigation works, there should be a shift in terms of the water users' perception of the irrigationworks. These study results also demonstrate that about 65%-68% of the change in the indicators of the exploitation efficiency in theirrigation works is explained by some water users' perception indexes of irrigation works, including the quality of irrigation service andthe output efficiency in agricultural production. By using the algorithm for multi-objective optimization problem, the optimal results inperception are determined. The input data is generated for the matrix supporting the decision making, and the decentralization ofmanagement and exploitation of irrigation works meets the three criteria, i.e., effectiveness, sustainability and flexibility. 展开更多
关键词 decentralization IRRIGATION MANAGEMENT and exploitation water user IRRIGATION services Quan Lo-Phung Hiep MekongRiver Delta.
Interprovincial Effects of Fiscal Decentralization on Financial Decentralization in China
作者 He Dexu Miao Wenlong 《China Economist》 2017年第3期18-30,共13页
By motivating local governments to fght for financial resources, China's tax sharing reform has affected the structure of financial decentralization and inflated local financial systems, thus spawning regional financ... By motivating local governments to fght for financial resources, China's tax sharing reform has affected the structure of financial decentralization and inflated local financial systems, thus spawning regional financial risks. Based on theoretical analysis and empirical evidence, this paper has arrived at the following findings: due to different policy objectives, central and local governments exhibit different fiscal and financial behaviors; public finance and financial sector have become financing instruments with certain convertibility under local economic growth framework," fiscal decentralization inevitably affects financial decentralization and lays the foundation for provincial fiscal disparities, resulting in a certain spatial effect of interprovincial fiscal variable; fnancial explicit centralization/implicit decentralization and fiscal centralization have fueled local competition for financial resources and resulted in correlation between the spatial effects of provincial financial and fiscal variables, and moreover, their mismatch has also spawned fiscal and financial risks on various fronts. Hence, setting clear boundaries of financial centralization and decentralization and ensuring local government fiscal accountability is the key to the prevention and mitigation of fiscal and financial risks in China. 展开更多
关键词 fiscal decentralization financial decentralization financial risks spatial effect
Diversity and Decentralization in the Democratization Process in Spain
作者 Pablo Porez Lopez Jorge Lafuente del Cano 《International Relations and Diplomacy》 2014年第2期111-119,共9页
This paper will deal with the history of an important political change in Spain during the transition to democracy between 1976 and 1982: the transformation of a unitary and centralized state to one composed of sever... This paper will deal with the history of an important political change in Spain during the transition to democracy between 1976 and 1982: the transformation of a unitary and centralized state to one composed of several political units capable of self-government. The starting point of that process was the confirmation of regional diversity and of the existence of clearly differentiated political sensibilities in some of its territories. The researchers shall rely especially on the legacy of some of the principal actors, and explore the connection between such diversity and the political change that took place. 展开更多
关键词 Spain Europeanism European Union DEMOCRATIZATION decentralization
The Challenge of Implementing Decentralization in Kenya: An Analysis of the Teething Problems Rocking the Implementation
作者 Christopher M. Kimaru 《International Relations and Diplomacy》 2014年第7期417-424,共8页
Kenya promulgated her new constitution in 2010 and since then, there have been various political wrangles about its implementation. These wrangles started when the government drafted laws that sought to retain the Pro... Kenya promulgated her new constitution in 2010 and since then, there have been various political wrangles about its implementation. These wrangles started when the government drafted laws that sought to retain the Provincial Administration, which was meant to operate parallel to the structures under county governments. The opposition accused the government of undermining devolution and even of attempting to kill it. At the county level, there have been boycotts of sessions by County Assembly Members over salaries, and Governors continue to complain about inadequate financial resources to fulfill their mandates. This paper examines these wrangles to determine whether they are just teething problems or serious implementation problems needing redress. The analysis involves comparing Kenya's implementation to that of other African and Latin American countries that implemented their devolution earlier. 展开更多
关键词 decentralization devolution national government county governments
Local Government Behavior behind China's Excessive Investment under Decentralization——Theoretical and Empirical Analysis Based on Manufacturing Sector
作者 段国蕊 臧旭恒 《China Economist》 2014年第4期86-98,共13页
This paper investigates the effect of local government intervention on capital deepening of manufacturing sector by using interprovincial panel data sets of 28 Chinese provinces,municipalities and autonomous regions b... This paper investigates the effect of local government intervention on capital deepening of manufacturing sector by using interprovincial panel data sets of 28 Chinese provinces,municipalities and autonomous regions between 1994 and 2011.Theoretical research indicates that as a transitional economy,China's local government intervention in corporate investment behaviors will cause excessive investment,thus bringing about a long-term and sustained tendency of capital deepening in manufacturing sector.Empirical test further discovers that in a certain range,the phenomenon of capital deepening in manufacturing sector is not an inevitable result endogenous to economic development and technology progress,and that investment behaviors of manufacturing sector are largely subject to the external institutional environment.Fiscal decentralization has indeed promoted capital deepening of manufacturing sector.Financial credit expansion and interventions in SOEs are major instruments for local governments to intervene in the capital deepening of manufacturing sector and such an influence is particularly significant for China's central,western and northeast regions.Therefore,clarifying government functions and improving local government performance review mechanism are of great significance to the healthy development of China's manufacturing sector. 展开更多
关键词 fiscal decentralization local government behavior excessive investment capital deepening
Fiscal Decentralization,Financial Decentralization and Macroeconomic Governance
作者 He Dexu Miao Wenlong 《China Economist》 2022年第1期84-105,共22页
Improvement of the macroeconomic governance system as an important part of the national governance system is a key initiative to address major economic problems in the new era.The coordination and economic regulatory ... Improvement of the macroeconomic governance system as an important part of the national governance system is a key initiative to address major economic problems in the new era.The coordination and economic regulatory effects of fiscal and monetary policies are subject to the arrangements of fiscal and financial decentralization systems.Analysis revealed a mismatch between China’s fiscal income decentralization and fiscal spending decentralization,as manifested in the clear decentralization of fiscal revenue and vague decentralization of fiscal spending;in pursuing local economic stability,local governments seek other sources of revenue and compete for financial resources,as manifested in apparent financial centralization and implicit financial decentralization,causing financial decentralization to be inconsistent between various levels of government and between government and the market.The above-mentioned problems are reflected in mutual conversion between public finance and financial intermediation as two financial allocation methods and mutual transmission between fiscal and financial risks,making the case for enhancing coordination between fiscal and monetary policies.In creating a scientific macroeconomic governance system,therefore,we must establish clear local government responsibilities,reduce the proportion of local fiscal spending,clarify the orientations and relief boundary of fiscal and monetary policies,moderately decentralize financial powers,and give better play to the role of local governments in improving the quality of economic development and controlling major risks. 展开更多
关键词 fiscal decentralization financial decentralization macroeconomic governance
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